> temp > à-trier > spinning-an-levitating-apple-until-it-explodes-slow-mo-guys

Spinning an Apple until it Explodes at 28,500fps - The Slow Mo Guys

The Slow Mo Guys - 2020-11-29

Compressed air can be used to levitate rounded objects. Sometimes said rounded objects start spinning so fast that they give up on being round objects. Gav films all the action over 1000x times slower than real time. Check out http://KiwiCo.com/SlowMoGuys and get your first month free! 
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Spinning an Apple until it Explodes at 28,500fps - The Slow Mo Guys

The Slow Mo Guys - 2020-11-29

Dan is still unable to enter the US by air due to Covid. Don't worry, though. I've heard reports that he went underground and started tunneling this way in April. - Gav

geometric art - 2022-04-13

you look like a Ph.D candidate with the beard and lab coat. haha

IamtheBudz - 2022-04-18

Just have him come up through Mexico, problem solved.

Joe Brandon - 2022-04-23

What is that music you play during the slow motion portions? I'd love to get a copy of that just to listen to.

A Really Bad Gamer - 2022-05-14

That's why the hair qnd the beard being so dense? To compensate?

No Name - 2022-05-16

Just make him build a rocket and go into space and land back when he’s over US! 😜

SmarterEveryDay - 2020-11-29

Dude! I like how when the apple breaks apart, each individual piece rotates in the same direction as the original piece. Conservation of angular momentum I reckon. Brilliant video.

xionix4 - 2022-04-18

@Halaniwa Lombardi Disclaimer: I'm not an atheist. Even with a given starting angular momentum, it's possible for subsets of matter in a system to have relatively negative angular momenta without violating conservation, allowing other matter subsets to have greater relatively positive angular momenta.

Godwarrior - 2022-04-20

And yet people think the big bang is real. Despite planets that spin clockwise and others that spin counter clockwise. All that momentum came from the same initial bang right?

Michael Qiu - 2022-04-24

That's a misleading example of conservation of angular momentum. A better example would be a situation where one piece after explosion starts spinning in the opposite direction, while other pieces spin in the same direction but faster.

SirRebrl - 2022-05-07

@Pete Any subsection is going to have the same angular direction as the whole, regardless of proximity to original center, since the apple was a (roughly) solid, singular mass.

But some pieces weren't cleanly separated - the most obvious piece spinning opposite the original mass was clinging to two larger pieces on opposite sides, and those pieces dragged it into counter-rotation before fully separating. Somewhat like a chain of three gears in principle, where they can't all three rotate the same direction.

SirRebrl - 2022-05-07

@Some One There's nothing to drive that continued curvature in the path of the pieces. The conservation of the angular momentum is observed in the angular momentum of the separated pieces rotating about their own centers. Their path straight away from the original center of mass is linear momentum, and in the absence of any confounding complications (like gravity since the parts are no longer suspended) the linear momentum of the pieces of an exploding apple will add up to the linear momentum of the original apple - in this case about 0 m/s, since the apple was roughly still in terms of linear motion.

Jaleel Bentley - 2021-06-26

I love slow motion mostly for the human reaction time. See how long it actually took him to register that something even took place.

geometric art - 2022-04-13

A simple google search would have answered that question...LMAO.

Jaleel Bentley - 2022-04-13

@geometric art What question?

MeduMadward - 2022-04-20

"In the fraction of a second it takes to blink your eyes, thousands of stars will be born, hundreds will explode and die, millions of planets will form, and our universe will expand by half a million kilometers in diameter." it's from the internet so must be true o.O

My Lord and Saviour - 2022-04-21

However the blink is crazy fast. Some real high speed instinctual reaction there.

sk - 2022-04-23

@Lamberto Vitali i take 1.5ms to react

Vishal Tiwari - 2022-05-15

Being an engineer I’ve studied physics for a very long time. Physics in books is all about equations of forces & their causes, what your camera shows is a live projection of imagination. It’s beautiful & you are the only channel I’ve subscribed in years of watching YouTube.

yi zhang - 2021-05-05

“Dad, can I have some apple slices?”

“Sure son, bring me my goggles!”

Wilbur Jaywright - 2021-09-01

They should do that together when Dan’s back.

Greg Ritferd Jr - 2021-11-06

So wholesome

LazyRyan - 2022-04-01

You're doing the wrong thing, this is how you get applesauce

H Lewis - 2022-04-24

“And wait 6:55 minutes plz.”

Paul B - 2021-07-30

"That is bacon!"

No, Gavin, that's an apple.

Kevin O'Toole - 2022-03-26

I thought he said baking 🤣

Ryan C - 2022-03-28

I think he got confused by the Applewood smoked bit on the bacon package

Chris1094 - 2022-04-06

@Kevin O'Toole he did

Phil Corris - 2022-05-08

Bacon is better than Gold.. so he wasn't wrong!

Going Blargh - 2022-05-18

“No! This is Patrick!”

Cthulhu - 2021-04-16

Kind of fun seeing how "slow" his reaction time is

vereor66 - 2022-04-22

@sjow copepods are pretty good contenders, they can react in under 2.5 milliseconds

reinhard reynecke - 2022-04-23

@Dark Kingvon Yeah, YouTuber called Thunderf00t has a slowmo video dedicated to the slow reaction times of humans, it's hilarious.

Bakr Ali - 2022-05-16

@reinhard reynecke what’s the title of the video please?

reinhard reynecke - 2022-05-17

@Bakr Ali "Shooting Self in face... high speed science experiment!" lol

Mike's 16mm films. - 2022-05-17

It's so freaky that there are times when it looks like the apple is just hovering as I can't see it turning.

Ryan C - 2022-03-28

I just love that you can "hear" an apple revving up as it ponders whether or not it wants to continue being an apple or explode into apple bits

seededsoul - 2021-09-09

4:01 Why, after the inital split, does one half split again?

My theory is, once the two halves separate, they are still spinning with massive angular momentum, but now they are spinning about their own center of gravity. The centrifugal force has gone from radially outward (where the apple is strong) to sideways (where the apple is weak, you can break it with your hands this way, too.).

Andrew Sauer - 2021-09-24

Another possibility is that the inside was already broken in two places before the skin split, and once part of the skin split that was enough to break the rest of the skin

Matthew Kelly - 2022-04-02

@Andrew Sauer Another possibility is that because the apple is comprised of about 85% water, and the internal design of the apple being not perfectly balanced the water is pushed into three parts of the apple and then the skin tears.

Bob BWC - 2022-05-16

His "delayed" reaction shows nicely how our chemical sensory system works and the amount of time it takes to send the information of the exploded apple to the brain, to be processed by the brain and to send actuating information to the muscles for a physical reaction.

The Slow Mo Guys - 2020-11-29

A lot of people seem to be confused about me borrowing a high speed camera for this video after our Phantom Flex 4K wasn’t fast enough for this subject. The cameras we have are the Phantom Flex and the Phantom Flex 4K. These are high speed cameras made for Hollywood movies that we started the channel with. They do reasonably high speeds at 2K and 4K resolutions. 2500fps and 1000fps respectively. 90% of videos on this channel are done with these cameras. When we need to go even faster than that it makes sense to use one of the scientific high speed cameras which do even faster speeds but at a lower resolution. For this we usually rent. We’ve rented the V2511 from Destin many times on this channel across multiple years. We may in future get our own scientific high speed camera but so far it has been more cost effective to rent for the specific times we need it. Owning all the cameras we have ever used would have cost literally millions of dollars. 😭

TiagoTiago - 2021-03-05

Can you synchronise multiple cameras to increase the frame-rate by intercalating the frames of multiple cameras into a single video? (maybe using something like a beamsplitter/two-way mirror to align the points of view)

KECOG - 2021-08-27

I think it is very cool for Destin to rent out that camera so you can make a video; I love the idea of channels/brands/people coming together on a project. :) Thank you, Destin! (Also a fan of your channel)

therealpbristow - 2021-09-08

@Dani Studwell ...Wheres when I heard "I need to call Alabama", I immediately thought "Don't take the left turn at Alberquerque!!!" =:o?

therealpbristow - 2021-09-08

@The Slow Mo Guys "Even if I set the resolution to 640x480, I am actually recording at 4096x480"
Why did they do it like *that*?!? =:oo
(Answers welcome from any technical buffs or industry insiders.)

therealpbristow - 2021-09-08

@HumanBeing Part of the problem would be choosing which camera to buy: Specialised bits of kit tend not to be great all-rounders. SOmetimes you need the speed that only this model offers; sometimes you need the high sensitivity ta low light levels from this other model, etc.

And imagine the pain if they finally shelled out a fortune on the camera that best suited their needs at the time, and a week later some company came out with a significantly better (e.g. faster or more versatile) camera at half the price!

Also, consider the cost of replacement or repair if they damage it. (Ouch!) I would imagine that when renting these cameras, there's insurance that the owning company takes out that covers the cost of cameras being damaged by renters, and they would just charge the renter a smaller "you broke it!" fee to discourage careless usage. (Probably as a deposit that's only returned if the camera comes back fully functional.)

Der Skalde - 2021-12-30

Fascinating! Especially that the original "cut" seemed to be almost as clean as if it was cut in two with a knife.

BexDoesStuff - 2021-06-02

Watching the apples spin in air honestly kinda looks like someone did a really good job of photoshopping it in. I know it's not but it's so bizarre to see.

Daneel Olivaw - 2021-06-23

I agree, I know that in an airflow strong enough anything can levitate, but that airflow needs to be contained in a tube, and so the object will not get out of the flow, or the flow must be wide enough. Or the airflow must be oriented very precise and controlled to stay in the center of the object. Obviously the Condă Effect is doing that, but is really mesmerizing.

vrevanv - 2022-04-27

Fascinating! how the apple quite perfectly splits in two parts.
That would be a good guessing game where the apple splits.
Also, would there be a spinning medium which don't split or is it just a matter of spinning speed?

Matt Jasa - 2021-12-01

It's interesting how the apple splits once and then again a second time right after. It didn't just separate along the weakest spot but lowered the apples overall internal integrity.

Tys B - 2020-11-30

This in slow motion makes us look stupid with how “slow” our reflexes are

Shantanu - 2020-12-01

Even apple can do flips, shame on you ...

Tys B - 2021-01-22

Shantanu 😂💀

Shamrock Gaming - 2022-04-01

Beat saber number one players move normally in that speed

Communist Russia - 2022-04-23

Yeah ik

Michael Qiu - 2022-04-24

What's stupid about it? Everything is bounded at a certain scale in size, a certain scale in time.

Efil4myg - 2022-04-19

I find it more impressive that it stays spinning mid air

novy gaming - 2022-04-15

3:44 seeing the apple look perfectly still here is mindblowing. Its spinning at maybe double the framerate to took like that.

Mithren Duan - 2022-04-14

I'd love to see this done with other round fruits to see how they differ in their NOPE effects. Tomatoes, grapes, pears, oranges ... I'd say watermelon but you'd likely need some special rig to do that one safely.

P Sells - 2022-04-23

Yikes! watermelon would probably destroy the room. Seed shrapnel at 100 mph, never mind the hard exterior...

HKToecollector9 - 2021-08-05

It's always cool to see how delayed the human reaction is compared to when the action happens

Car Pal - 2020-12-01

"can you cut the apple for me?"
pulls out air compressor

Joe - 2021-05-09

I asked for slices, not applesauce

Ez Life - 2021-05-20

@Noah Paulette I did this in elementary I used to put my thumb in the center by the stem then press down with my other hand it would split everytime

Noah Paulette - 2021-05-22

@Ez Life yeah that will do it too. The look on people's faces when you can split an apple without a knife lol.

Bradley D'Cruze - 2021-05-31

Imagine an air compressor, in beamng drive

Crimson - 2021-12-04

It would hurt a lot tho

Rennis Tora - 2022-03-19

I love the idea of calling the speed at which something mechanically fails "nope" speed 😂

Az-Zubur Theologian - 2021-06-29

Apple: explodes
Doctors: evil Laugh

WinterNox - 2021-07-26

@Laurent Oh I get it now lmao

bruthur gustav - 2021-08-20

wut was sound?
the sound of progress, my freind

Technology Enthusiasm - 2021-09-21


IITian Ankit - 2021-09-24

An apple a day....

THEGOLDENGOOD - 2021-10-18

@IITian Ankit can hurt anyone if you throw it hard enough

Ganfalf - 2022-04-11

the fact that it perfectly snaps in half along its diameter... wow, just wow

Dis_are - 2022-04-10

This also works due to the odd number rule, for example when it starts spinning it spins once per second, and the second-second it will spin three times a second, and than the third second it will spin five times per second, and so on, else it wouldn’t speed up and stay the same speed in the air.

BYToady - 2020-11-29

This is why you need safety glasses anywhere in a shop, his eyes weren't even closed until the chunks were already across the room.

Torian Flack - 2020-11-29

@Kenton Nigrelli Less about what an eyelid can protect and more about how the fully automatic physical response was so slow in comparison; there’s no “just don’t get hit” at those speeds.

YourMJK - 2020-11-29

@RdL It probably wouldn't.

John Russ - 2020-11-29

@RdL his faceshield would be fine, it's probably ansi z87+ rated and is designed to withstand large chunks of metal flying at it without killing the wearer, he might hurt his nose a bit due to the face shield deflecting but it's not going to go ripping through it

blivvy - 2020-11-29

@RdL Given that it hits a smaller and more rigid metal object at high speed in the first clip without breaking that, I'm pretty sure a curved and appropriately protective faceplate is suitable protection.

Mungo - 2020-11-30

@RdL The Faceshield was made to stop littles bits of metal from hitting you're fat. Obviously an apple would not break it.

Jez - 2021-11-14

"How do you cut your apples then?"
"Well, with my pocket knife... why? How do you cut yours?"
"I spin them at over 6500 RPM until they explode into pieces."

Bobbylegs37 - 2022-04-01

A partial rotation before the apple explodes, you can see a wave traveling tangential to the eventual split. Interesting.

Tymzr Achangin - 2022-04-02

I love watching slow-motions of people's facial reactions!

Cheetah Man - 2022-03-29

I like how slow we react compared to when the event happened, always very funny, and very cool

Edge2125 - 2020-11-29

the "Nope" speed should be an official unit of measurement

Viigan - 2020-11-29

@Captain Ahab Vertical axis human nope speed (VAHNS) was demonstrated in Brian De Palma's Mission to Mars. Unfortunately, he didn't borrow Destin's 2511 when filming it.

Craftgames - 2020-11-29

@Warren the η is unfortunately already in use

WoodstaS - 2020-11-29

Haha, I would love to see the aviation world adopt “Vnope” instead of “Vne”.

Delta B - 2020-11-30

I bet that somewhere, there is a paper saying something like "the maximum rate at which a flywheel or other rotating body can turn before suffering mechanical failure." And it could totally be replaced by the Nope Speed, wN. As in, "a golf ball has a higher nope speed than an apple."

Benjamin Sneyd-Utting - 2021-04-20

what’s the human nope speed

Ron Tarrant - 2022-04-19

If I had an air compressor, I'd give this a go. I can't eat apples, so this looks like a good use for them. (Y)

Frosty the Snowman - 2022-04-11

I could watch the slow motion reel with his reaction to the apple all day long.

Mr. Sandman - 2022-03-31

2:10 it's interesting to see how his reaction time works the first thing he does is close his eyes and then his head tries to pull away a little bit later and it takes a while for him to realise

Cyanic Core - 2021-05-25

The apple tearing was impressive, but I may have been far more focused on the fact a can kept it airborne!

Paul John Pope - 2022-01-06

Honestly im impressed by his reaction speed

George Seals - 2021-11-05

That was very impressive I could watch that one over and over I thought it was so cool to watch.

reinhard reynecke - 2022-04-23

This is also a beautiful demonstration of how slow human reaction speeds are, lol

Eyuel Zero - 2021-06-03

"Make a commercial about apples but you can't use CGI."
"Say no more" 4:07

Xenuos - 2020-11-29

it's interesting to see how delayed your blink reactions are compared to the apple exploding

EricSSmith - 2020-11-29

It is a great advertisement for eye protection. The apple is entirely done exploding by the time Gav flinches, and bits are falling back off of the ceiling by the time he properly registers that it's gone from in front of his face.

Generation Galaxy 7 - 2020-11-29

I basically ended up commenting the same thing...

but you got 100 more likes than I did 😑

TeenTraveler 17 - 2021-11-28

This smart guy is creative to the core.

It's enjoyable.

Chris1094 - 2022-04-06

I feel more things should come with a defined "Nope speed" 😂

Just Some Guy without a Mustache - 2021-10-01

4:10 the stem of the apple literally cut in exact half! Rare for natural things to be that symmetric.

Terry On Tuesday - 2022-04-06

Always wondered how fast you could play a vinyl record and still get some music out of it.....or would the needle just wreck the grooves at high speed?

Mayday - 2021-09-05

Glad I know not to spin my apples above 6500 rpm or they’ll explode! I’ll try to stay under that limit from now on. Thanks for the info!

Patrick Poe - 2022-03-13

How else are you supposed to slice your apples?

TheJJZeeman - 2022-04-30

In the slow motion it looks like a space satellite explosion simulation. Amazing.

Slick Willie - 2022-04-01

I love these slow motion videos.

Whyte Noyse - 2022-04-01

The apple splits in a very similar way to how it does when you rip one in half with your hands. (Check Bob Mortimer apple in half on here if you haven't heard of this)

NightHawkInLight - 2020-11-29

Very cool idea. I've done this with screwdrivers but never thought about destructive levitation...

John C. - 2020-11-30

Love your vids >=3

moonlite x - 2020-11-30

we need to determine the NOPE speed of a screwdriver!

SpaceMissile - 2020-12-03

@Dovi Feldman just adding to this comment to say that that's a great channel, and the slow-mo audience would probably also enjoy it if anybody hasn't found them yet.

Dovi Feldman - 2020-12-03

@SpaceMissile thanks G , yeah