> temp > à-trier > going-to-the-tumbleweed-research-lab-in-colorado-cgp-grey

Going to the Weed Research Lab in Colorado

CGP Grey - 2020-04-20

‣ Thank you to my patrons for supporting these videos: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey

‣ The Weed Lab: https://weedscience.agsci.colostate.edu

Tumbleweed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsWr_JWTZss

The Evolution of Bacteria on a “Mega-Plate” Petri Dish by:
Kishony lab, Harvard Medical School and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
M. Baym, T. D. Lieberman, E. D. Kelsic, R. Chait, R. Gross, I. Yelin, R. Kishony, Science (2016).

Kyotosomo - 2020-04-22

The title game for this video is seriously top tier

Cyber Kirby - 2020-08-16

He planned this.

Hyd4a - 2020-11-09

And the date the video was uploaded

Vinicius de Moraes - 2021-03-22

almost a year later, and despite having watched it last year, I fell for it again this week 🤡

Byte _ - 2021-04-23

I realized it at 3 minutes in :/

Sloth - 2021-06-25


Jon - 2020-07-30

You spent almost 24 hours in total on a plane to make a one day trip from England to Colorado for information/research to make a less than 7 minute video. Your dedication to knowledge and making videos is incredible. Thank you.

Kyle King - 2021-02-01

@Mckenzie Welsh about 2 minutes of it is spent travelling tho

Mckenzie Welsh - 2021-02-01

@Kyle King travelling is still vid

Kyle King - 2021-05-02

@Mckenzie Welsh I think he means like 7 minutes of information

Mckenzie Welsh - 2021-05-02

@Kyle King oh

Guercinator - 2021-08-24

It's a thing of beauty.

Gilbert McGlurk - 2020-04-23

>posted on 420
>”Weed lab”
>It’s about tumble weed

”We’ve been tricked, backstabbed, and possibly bambozled.”

Will VanSant - 2021-02-22

You ever wonder why we're here?

Georgecamehome - 2021-02-28

where is the 69?

Thunderous9000 - 2021-04-26

No 21 4 2020

Yearofthefox - 2021-05-25


Davision - 2021-08-07

Almost 69k likes! Let’s get it there boys!

Lara di Mello - 2020-05-31

"I run out of people who would talk to me about tumble weed in real life"
Greys's friends must be so over him lol

Alex - 2020-06-04

He probably gets really obsessed with each thing that he does a topic about and doesn’t stop talking to them about it

Mux Potatoes - 2020-07-02

I feel bad and I do that too

Al W - 2020-10-10

I want to know him personally we would be great friends when I get that urge 😄

hamter - 2021-02-23

@Al W it'd be interesting cos one time you'd be with him like "Oh hey Grey, haven't seen you in a while. Still into pirates?" then Grey would be "Oh I'm over that phase, let me tell you a little something about tumbleweeds. " it'd be so fun to see lmao.

LARAUJO - 2020-04-26

"Baggage left unattended will be removed and destroyed"
That's a bit extreme

Connor Kaufman - 2021-04-01

they might think its a bomb

Sakalius Papalangius - 2021-04-02

The voice of the announcer reminded me of portal fsr

JenIsDaUncle - 2021-04-16

@Rishabh Dubey well obviously they wouldnt just shoot the bomb with a gun mutliple times. they know how to destroy a bomb without being stupid

J. Chiari - 2021-04-22

Could potentially be a bomb or someone passing on illegal goods.

Conny Stenberg - 2021-04-23

Yep, they should just destroy it. No removal

PeacefulPagoda - 2020-04-21

I can just see Grey recording this 7-10 months ago, giggling to himself as he imagines posting this on 4/20.

Bad Gammers - 2020-04-21

I didn't even realize lol

PeacefulPagoda - 2020-04-21

Maniae Official Given Grey’s research-to-posting schedule, probably. He’s often working on things simultaneously, sometimes over a period of years even.

Noah Bartlett - 2020-04-27

ha, 7-10

algol29 - 2020-04-27

oh, i didn't notice the 4/20 post. Is this what pseudo-intellectuals find humorous?

theParceville - 2021-03-01

Its 4/21 here

aviza12 - 2020-04-24

Man, "for current me it's still a work in progress"
The Grey Universe' timeline is getting more complicated.

Matheus Augusto - 2020-10-02

Wait until we get to the Grey Cinematic Universe

Frog Jones - 2021-07-22

I like this, but i can’t like it though
At the moment it has 420 likes

Your Friendly Yandere - 2020-04-23

This is like, unintentionally the most elaborated April's Fools I saw in years.

Kyle Squid - 2020-04-22

“They’re extremely adaptive” well yeah, they’re from RUSSIA!

Dragontamer9021 - 2021-01-29

If anything wants to survive in Russia it basically needs to be an adaptive creature (the equivalent of an apex predictor)

Pebbeld - 2021-02-06

Dam tumble WEED!

924videos - 2021-02-07

@Dragontamer9021 so that’s why the lada’s just rusted away

sleepful - 2021-03-28

true if they could survive in russia, they can survive anywhere

0Clewi0 - 2021-08-19

In soviet russia you don't adapt plants, plant adapt you

Karl H - 2020-04-23

I think it's crazy that these tumbleweeds have evolved to make more mistakes during cell division. They turned something that's supposedly just there to introduce some randomness into a a biological advantage and went full speed ahead with it.

NetheriteMiner - 2020-11-22

boo I came to the comment section to find jokes about the title not a real legitimate comment

Parthib Hayat - 2021-02-05

@NetheriteMiner lol

key_v - 2021-08-17

It's like a cancer on the land

Ender Wiggins - 2020-04-20

I like how this huge facility is just a bunch of people being frustrated that plants won’t die

John Smith - 2020-04-23

Reminds me of the guys in the dome in Phase IV.

KittyWitch6 - 2020-04-23

I can relate to weeds. I mean, all they do is steal from other things and be annoying! That’s basically me!

Zach Hoffman - 2020-04-24

@Zhenyu Zhao people take pictures in front of that building all the time thinking it's got something to do with pot

Sara G. - 2020-10-19

I used to work there... You learn quickly how stubborn plants are.

D L - 2020-10-30

Just let it be a house plant in mines for a week. Job done.

J Swensy - 2020-05-22

Grey: Flies from London to New York to Denver to spend one day at the weed lab and then flies all the way back the next day.
The tumbleweed obsession is getting out of hand.

AhMotherland - 2020-05-16

1:35 Stopping for a quick karate class to further prepare himself to fight the tumbleweed horde.

Cali Boy - 2020-12-02

He probably stopped for Starbucks.

Mousam Mallick - 2021-01-22

@Cali Boy You must be fun at parties...

mydogbullwinkle - 2021-05-24

@Cali Boy There's another Starbucks inside a grocery store that's right next to that Starbucks. What's odd is that he filmed that Karate studio while it was closed, because it's usually operating 24/7.

Stein Gauslaa Strindhaug - 2020-05-27

8:05 Yes! tumble-soy, tumble-corn and tumble-cotton. That would be awesome! Imagine waking up one day finding your garden covered in beans, corn cobs and fluffy little cotton balls!

EnrichedPlutonium - 2020-08-17

Could I then ask for tumble-cattle? Finding my backyard covered in beef steaks would be more profitable. Maybe.

Catcrumbs - 2021-01-22

@EnrichedPlutonium Spherical cows are the physics department's responsibility.

EnrichedPlutonium - 2021-01-24

@Catcrumbs 😂 So true! (I never take bureaucracy seriously, so I forget I cannot ask a field elm to grow edible fruit 😉)

Robert Bernard - 2021-04-01

RIP world hunger

first last - 2021-07-19

@Catcrumbs But how would a tumbleweed tumble if the ground is a frictionless plane and the tumbleweed has no wind resistance?

YouTube Is A Website - 2020-07-10

dude i'm constantly inspired and impressed by the thirst for knowledge you exude. I think I'm in a critical point in growing confident in the life I'm planning out for myself, and this sort of thing is just infinitely pleasing to watch play out.

Piet Van Vliet - 2020-04-21

Me: I sometimes wonder why Grey's video's are spaced so far apart.
Grey: Let me show you.

Ballistic Ball - 2020-04-21


Tema Vero - 2020-04-21

He would need it:


Brian Hope - 2020-04-22

They should change their sign to "The Colorado Weed Research Facility. (It's not what you think.)". 😂

scepticus verisimillime non maximus - 2020-04-22

"This video may be inappropriate for some users." Why???

bluered9999 - 2020-04-25

Grey said, "what a pain in the ass," at 6:46. That'd be my guess, but who really knows. lol

XandraMorganfaire - 2020-08-25

Or YouTube didn't get the weed joke...

[Dallas] - 2020-08-30

all of your icons are pink

Tim Stellmach - 2020-10-24

Some users are tumbleweeds.

Drew Melvin - 2020-05-01

4:23....this is how long it took me to realise this video wasn’t about cannabis.

Rafa Silva - 2020-05-03

Three seconds too long

Mindtrait0r Ω - 2020-04-22

Yeeeaaaahhh.... I think YouTube just saw "weed" and "Colorado" and demonitized it xD

TFE - 2020-04-21

everyone: yooooooooo cannabis!

grey: uh no, tumbleweed

Robstafarian - 2020-07-13

@Juan Carlos Martinez You seem to be studying to support the enforcement of cannabis prohibition. "Marihuana" is an archaic spelling, a relic of the racist propaganda which led to cannabis prohibition in the United States (written and distributed back when most Americans did not know how to pronounce the "j" in "marijuana"). Cannabis is the correct term, and I hope you will also learn the tremendous medicinal benefits which have been denied to the millions who have suffered needlessly.

Juan Carlos Martinez - 2020-07-13

@Robstafarian Dude, I'm Spanish. And here we say "marihuana" when talking about the herb. And I've looked it out and the term comes from náhuatl, so I can't see the racism.

Stefan Dobrev - 2020-10-12

I was actually happier it's tumbleweed!

Anders Sicker - 2020-10-12

any see how it was posted on April 20, for America thats 420

WOW THAT - 2020-10-17

I was the exact opposite. No interest in drugs or videos pretending they arent serious brain destroyers

Nivesh Proag - 2020-05-05

"GOING TO the weed research lab"
Me the first 2 minutes of the video: holy shit the video is actually cuts showing him about GOING there. That'd be one hell of a bait title lol

Edit: now watching the video, he still baited us by making us think it's about marijuana huh.

Tessa T - 2021-01-28

Tagging along vicariously with you on your travels, while I cannot travel due to the pandemic, is great fun and gives me hope that I may travel again soon in the future!

Northfall _ - 2021-03-03

His dedication to research is amazing!

francisco L - 2021-05-27

I like this relaxed Grey, you can feel how exploring and learning is what he really likes to do

Kory Mulcahey - 2020-04-21

Grey: "I'm going to post a video about types of weed, filmed in Denver, on 4/20; surely there will be no misunderstanding."

Raymond Niemerg - 2020-04-22

This is the first time I have been disappointed in cpg. Click bait... really. I am now unsubscribing and will never watch a video. Only because you violated my trust. I am do disappointed.

Gabriel - 2020-04-22


Jack Chambers - 2020-04-22

This is some next level clickbait

apalsnerg - 2020-07-18

@Raymond Niemerg Not clickbait. It's a video about weeds in a weed lab; exactly what was promised.

Cash And Dash - 2020-08-26

I'm 3 minutes in and I'm just now like wtf this about tumbleweeds?!?! lol

Daniel Hale - 2020-05-05

I loved this video. I'm really impressed with the idea "let's view these ultra-adaptive weeds as an opportunity rather than purely negative". Very smart attitude!

srd xxx - 2020-05-06

It really surprised me when he said billions and billions and billions of dollars instead of feed poor nations.

N - 2020-04-23

Thank you for finally revealing what the Weed Lab is. I've been on that campus for 4 years and never knew haha.

Carlos Moretti - 2020-04-22

This troll made me angry, then giggily, then angry again, then content with your achievement. Well played sir

Shreyas Pamaraju - 2020-08-12

I never knew that I would love footage of a man traveling for hours

Kevin Bryer - 2020-04-21

Colorado: So, what are you going to call your horticultural research facility?
Researcher: The Weed Research Lab.
Colorado: ...of course you are.

Nephelimdream - 2020-04-21

Coochiecreusader69 happy 420!

Quinnado - 2020-04-21

As a man who lives In Colorado I would riot if it was called anything else

Ilsunny Lo - 2020-04-21

Make tumbleweed smokable. 1 year later...

All that free tumbleweed is gone! Now we need to grow more tumbleweed to get stone!

ExtremeTea - 2020-04-21

And in Colorado, no less.

joe joeington - 2020-04-22

It’s some guy who’s last name was weed

Muhammad Arif Prasetyawan - 2020-04-22

For security reasons, kids left unattended would be destroyed & Removed!

Daniel Linden - 2020-11-21

I just love the fact that you don’t show any faces in your videos, neither yours or the people you talk to. I think it results in one paying more attention to what is said than it would be otherwise! And people will probably feel more comfortable to appear on record in your videos. 👍

Jacob Coppers - 2020-04-24

The sheer time and effort that's gone into this topic is... just... fantastic. You're a national treasure.

BramblesGOW - 2020-04-22

If someone had told me that I would enjoy a video about tumbleweeds, I would of laughed at them. Loving your content man.

erinnn dalton - 2020-04-20

Everyone: omg Grey is making a video about weed on 4/20
Grey: Well yes, but actually no

hi - 2020-04-25

It was made on 21 April 2020 human

Crab of Chaos - 2020-05-01

@Lucas H Well, it doesn't really matter, there is no date that turns into 4/20 every year in European format, so celebrating American April 20th is completely alright.

TNT9182 - 2020-05-03

April 2020 so sort of 4/20

Sidney Moch - 2020-06-04

It makes me sad that because Im not American it was posted on on the 21st😞

Metadragon - 2020-06-05

And in Colorado

Raafay Ali - 2020-04-28

I love how GCP will travel a lot just to learn more about the video he is making which doesn’t even end up 45 minutes

fjooyou - 2020-05-14

Sometime in the future there's going to be a man watering his tomatoes with a bucket of seawater in the desert.
Thank you blessed tumbleweed!

DerParadonym - 2020-04-22

I like that intro very much. It's short and shows what effort Grey put into the videos, just needs to be a few seconds of each step, but that's great.

MegaSocky - 2021-04-16

Im going to study agriculture and horticulture and this video is so valuable to see what sort of things the agsci community is working on. You always see things like ecologies dying and climate change but progress like these make me happy

Zangeh - 2020-05-14

With some work I can almost imagine an entire planet of Tumbleweed for the sake of terraforming Mars. Imagine...the power of tumbleweeds.

weakmindedidiot - 2021-06-01

Sadly the atmosphere on Mars isn't thick enough to blow a tumbleweed around. There isn't even enough water in the ice caps to create the functional atmosphere we need. The pressure would still be so low that the water on your body would evaporate at body temperature and you'd die a horrible death.

key_v - 2021-08-17

@weakmindedidiot :(

Jadin tenax - 2020-04-25

Out Standing work...Well done...I look forward to learning more about this weed and how we might be able to take some good from it in the long term.

TMM1003 - 2020-04-22

ik its only a transition flight but hey WELCOME TO NEW JERSEY!

Moxie Lofton - 2020-04-23

super glad I watched 2 solid minutes of travel to get to the main event: tumbleweed, as expected

FondestAlloy - 2020-04-21

As a Canadian, I consider this clickbait of the highest level

Julie Brunelle - 2020-04-21

yup. not the weed i was expecting, especially today

Gilmar Tejada - 2020-04-21

+1 from Alaska, which might as well be Canadian, Russian, or some other shit

Geckopower - 2020-04-21

@Shelley read the rest of the thread

JATH BR - 2020-04-21

As a Coloradan myself I was also surprised

Nick Hartman - 2020-04-21

@unc0nnected You know you could have just stopped typing halfway through you first sentence, now you just sound like a total asshole. Also, "culturally legal" is not a real thing.

Haiiry Cake - 2020-04-23

First I was wondering why CGP was making a video about weed all of a sudden.
Then I was slightly disappointed in learning it was not that kind of weed.
Then I actually found that this style of video was really cool and I'd like to see more of them.

Skyeee - 2020-04-22

8:29 Flashbacks to Kurzgesagt's billions and billions and billions

Red Hiding Hood - 2020-06-02

I thought u were from the US. I was so confused in the beggining by the modern and clean subway. Realized i was wrong when u showed the airplane screen

NoriMori - 2020-07-09

He's from the US, but doesn't live there anymore. He's lived in the UK for years.

2x4 - 2020-04-22

Grey, you are the only person I know who would fly from london to denver to learn about tumbleweeds.

Michael Smith - 2020-04-21

I'm really liking these "Grey films his research trips" style of videos.

katize86 - 2020-04-21


Brett Goldsmith - 2020-04-21

Too bad it'll be a while before he can do more

DerParadonym - 2020-04-21

Airline point card fillup trips...

Rice Cake - 2020-04-21

Only if complimented with animation.

Jordan - 2020-04-21

@Brett Goldsmith Just what I was thinking