> temp > à-trier > why-are-there-as-many-males-as-females-it-s-okay-to-be-smart

Why Are There As Many Males As Females?

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2018-02-22

Evolution doesn’t pick a side! 
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↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓

In almost every animal species on Earth, equal numbers of males and females are conceived. Why is that? Especially in populations like lions or elephant seals, where most males don’t get to mate? That’s survival of the laziest, not survival of the fittest. It turns out that in most cases, an equal balance of the sexes is the evolutionary stable strategy. From Charles Darwin to Ronald Fisher to W.D. Hamilton to Richard Dawkins, the question of why there’s as many males as females has fascinated biologists. Today, we’ll explain why that is the way it is.


Fisher, R. A. “The genetical theory of natural selection”

Dawkins, Richard “The Selfish Gene”  http://amzn.to/2omkuFr 

Hamilton, W. D. (1967). Extraordinary sex ratios. Science, 156(3774), 477-488.


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It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Director: Joe Nicolosi
Writer: Stephanie Keep
Creative Director: David Schulte
Editor/animator: Karl Boettcher and Derek Borsheim
Producer: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox

Produced by PBS Digital Studios
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com 

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2018-02-22

It’s about a lot more than X and Y… evolution insists on a balance.

If you want to learn more about this bit of evolutionary theory, there’s some suggestions in the description. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought of this week’s video!

Evie Hankins - 2019-10-29

@3iii's there is actually a lot of explanations and theories on this but it would take a while to explain. Check out PBS eons on the evolution of humans for a little bit. Essentially Babies didn't start out anything like they are today. Different human species over time developed these adaptations so we could have bigger brains. It's a pretty fascinating question though! I'd also love to see an overview from this channel :). I'm sure they will also include about why babies have soft spots in their skulls too (which is pretty cool too)

ehud kotegaro - 2019-12-16

Actually, there are slightly more males than females. There is a reason for thay too.

Wubba Wubba - 2019-12-22

It's Okay To Be Smart wouldn’t their genes suffer from all the inbreeding? They’re definitely not going to evolve anytime soon.

John Doe - 2019-12-22

Works until you throw gay people into the equation at which point the theory collapses under the absurd weight of its own ponderosity.

ehud kotegaro - 2019-12-23

@John Doe why?

ElDariAT - 2018-09-27

*Thanos intensifies*

delta -bird-thing-donkey siri jk - 2019-02-01

@Oumshka as all things should be

Amanda Zou - 2019-04-27

Delete 25% females 25% males

Советская Россия - 2019-08-03

Perfectly balanced like all things should be.

Alli M. - 2019-11-26

Too soon, lol.

Guilherme - 2020-01-08

@Amanda Zou 50% of all males and 50% of all females, which is 25% of all humans each

Andrew - 2020-02-13

no no no
You are wrong

25% male
50%FBI agents

Virat Kohli - 2020-03-05

You mean transgender? 😂

Ninjasky 100 tahun yang lalu - 2020-03-17

@Virat Kohli 😂😂😂

BlizzardArt - 2020-03-22

What if FBI Agents had FBI Agents?

Crilyte - 2018-09-04

perfectly balanced, as all things should be

Wubba Wubba - 2019-12-22

Crilyte But what about inbreeding?

Lianne Nicole Cortes Nieves - 2019-12-27

Like food rigth? 89.99 food,10%human beings, 00.1% of homophobes

Lianne Nicole Cortes Nieves - 2019-12-27

@DANG JOS thats very truth many males are born but many die too

Jakob Peter Raahauge - 2020-02-10

Hmm - it's not my impression biology always works like that. I mean - like the great dying, mankind and stuff like that 🤔

Link Age - 2020-03-10

Balance is three not two.

Wally Alhomaidi - 2018-10-03

49.999% male
49.999% female
00.002% Attack Helicopters

Cynical Error - 2020-01-08


Commander Cody - 2020-01-11

its true I'm one of them....

kpoptato :3 - 2020-02-11

That's meeeee

WhovianFan - 2020-02-18

Wolf Tapia please never use the internet again you brain dead potato

White People - 2020-03-19

The year is 2176. Society has collapsed. We survive underground and trade toilet paper as currency. People are still making helicopter jokes.

eyewars - 2018-06-06

50% Male
50% Female

0% Anything else.

Elora Iqbal - 2019-12-31

Incorrect I'm an attack helicopter

Much Equinox - 2020-01-03

VidarW completely correct

Megan Allen - 2020-02-24

@TheTravisW so basically they're reinforcing gender stereotypes? Not liking the colour pink doesn't make you a new gender. These people are just male but aren't masculine and female but not feminine so they create a whole new gender so they can feel special

Imconfused i - 2020-03-07

Like 0.9 percent of the world isn’t straight lol

Sami Star - 2020-03-20

eyewars YASSSSSS!

T K - 2020-02-21

7.5 billion people in the world and you’re still single.

T K - 2020-03-09

Harish Singh Me neither boo😞

Jason Grace - 2020-03-13

Except the people who you come in contact with are much much less

oh yeah yeah - 2020-03-15

@Jason Grace yeah and half of those are the opposite sex. unless you are bi of course

asmartist enthusiast - 2020-03-18

7.5 billion people in the world and I still haven't found one I like.

Polyglot Kid - 2020-03-19

That’s what’s pissing me off

CyanCyborg - 2019-11-25

"Like everything in biology, there are lots of weird exceptions to this." Everyone went selectively deaf at that part.

CyanCyborg - 2020-01-06

@lolazal1 It's a 5 minute video.

Guilherme - 2020-01-07

Yeah, I want to hear about the exceptions. If this theory of "it's perfectly balanced because it needs to be" is true, why doesn't it apply to these exceptions?

TopDotTop - 2020-01-12

One of the most known 'exception' there is almost everywere are ants...

Masha Grey - 2020-01-12

@TopDotTop and bees

raikupwns243 - 2020-02-09

Both of which (bees and ants) are an exception because workers (i.e the bulk of the hives) are infertile females. Bees, ants, and wasps run a haplodiploid sex determination system. Meaning fertilized eggs become females, unfertilized become males. And in addition, only some females are fertile, future queens. It’s all super odd but it means male ants can’t have sons but can have grandsons, and the hive is mite related to each other than normal parents and offspring.

Some other good examples: clownfish and other reef fish who change sex depending on the school hierarchy ( in clownfish, a few males and one dominant female. If the female dies, the next in the pecking order changes sex)

Aaand a mammal! Marsupial mice, who are mostly female because the males don’t last more than a year. Same rate at birth, but the sperm competition is so intense the little guys die miserable deaths after their first and only mating season

A Buzzed Whaler - 2018-06-30

Elephant incels.

Rose zk - 2018-12-26


Amari Boxill - 2019-01-05

Elephant inSeals

Jo Kah - 2019-12-10

Then some elephant sealess making fun of those incel males acting all sassy

Wubba Wubba - 2019-12-22

A Buzzed Whaler You meant elephant inseals 😄

Wubba Wubba - 2019-12-22

Amari Boxill I like how a bunch of us independently came up with this same joke. It was easy, but still...

Danny - 2018-12-22

more like inseals.

KC Garcia - 2018-09-19

Evolution: no.

ThisISclickBAIT - 2019-08-18

My grandma had 3 girls, my mom had 2 girls ( one of those is me ), my aunt had 2 girl my other aunt had 2 girls, let’s just say there are no young boys in my family

Maa'Quchii - 2019-12-26

countered by a family with no girls.. simple..

Marja Nikolic - 2020-01-15

Same 😂

Regenbogensatan - 2020-01-19

Well but the sperm decides if it is going to be female or male. The ovum has always a X chromosome.

Smiley Feet - 2020-02-18

My brother is 10th boy in a row in our family

Banderas - 2020-02-24

Well idk i have 4 girl cousins and 1 boy
I'm a boy tho

kurwitz - 2019-05-31

Insert “ Perfectly Balanced as all things should be “ joke

Bojack Horseman - 2018-12-24

Thanos has joined the Chat

X DragonxMaster X - 2018-12-08

Can you explain why some animals have temperature sex determination

rajeev kumar - 2020-03-20

Like crocodile

MindDrift - 2019-07-23

You're like the love child of Mr. Rogers and Bill Nye.

XenomorphsWrath - 2019-02-18

Hello Vsauce, you went through quite the transformation. Looking good.

Chetna Patel - 2020-02-27

What happened to the Khan Academy guy

ToneyCrimson - 2018-03-08

We need sex robots for those seals..poor guys :( They dont even have hands!

Chocolatier - 2019-02-01

I rarely laugh out loud at comments but this one got me.

Hokibukisa - 2019-07-30

@Patrick Nope, unfortunately the strong genes of the best men get sowed into women with weak genes still.
If only the best genetic women reproduced with the best genetic men, then the weak genes would die off.

Captain Yasir - 2019-08-12

suddently i feel a lot better for myself :p seals have it rough dude

Isabella Nellis - 2019-09-10

Hokibukisa Still weak genes die off because the female has to survive long enough to mate. If she is riddled with disease or can’t run fast (let’s say a gazelle) she is eaten and her genes die off.

Hokibukisa - 2019-09-30

@Isabella Nellis We're talking about humans

Rithica Devireddy - 2019-06-06

"it's not the survival of the moochiest , it's the survival of the fittest" goddamn this is savage! 😂🤣 love it

Sinamyte ! - 2019-10-22

Not only is it savage, i think it is also a diss to the whole planet.

CafeBarman - 2019-07-22

0:43 what i wanna know is, why did you change the color of your shirt for that shot lol

ディアスジェレミー - 2018-09-16

0:24 The entirely of the scene is filled with...
Pimps, Emos and Incels
Who else agrees?

Sinamyte ! - 2019-10-22

Mostly yeah...

Greyn [Грейн] - 2018-10-09

"just the right balance"
- thanos

charlie h - 2019-02-17

I relate with the virgin unfit male seals :’)

A Potato. - 2020-02-15

laughs in class of 25 with only 8 girls
Yeah I’m not so sure about that-

ghsjshagusb shshshhhs - 2020-03-14

"One eyes one horned flying purple people eaters" lmao I rember that from year 3

Kofi Reeves-Miller - 2018-12-27

Perfectly balanced.
As all things should be.

System who? - 2019-12-10

"As above as below" huh... u evil bastard 🤣 jokes^^

Rocio Dos Santos - 2018-02-25

Being human is just too damn difficult. I quit.

Nora * - 2019-01-08

Samit Gurung don’t forget about pet cats

DANG JOS - 2019-09-07

@Rocio Dos Santos Please don't

Jose Jimenez - 2019-09-24

@Unknown We make our own lives and the lives of those around us harder.

MonkeyJedi99 - 2019-10-18

And lanes just opening up on the freeway!

Sinamyte ! - 2019-10-22

Me too. I am going to bevome a cliffhanger.

qrxcie - 2020-03-21

i love how the first thing i said was

"What? thats not right."

Pom Pom - 2020-02-22

0:21 basically me

Keynsie - 2019-02-21

Perfectly balanced like all things should be

magtovi - 2020-03-18

I felt personally attacked by the first part of this video.

Sea - 2019-07-30

Females need those extra males for Hypergamy.

La Lune - 2018-12-19

How have managed to go by 2 world wars and have a pretty equal ratio.

Sinamyte ! - 2019-10-22

@Ryan Helmet Wait... if more testoreno means more men, but more eostrogen means more women... then that would mean either way the population will continue or not?

Ryan Helmet - 2019-10-22

@Sinamyte ! I'm unsure, it's never been documented so we will have to discover by sending women to war.
All we can say at this point is when men go to war more babies are born male after the war.

Question is, what is the effect on women? Or even what happens when a male and female survive a war then have babies together what happens?

flmngo clouds - 2019-10-24

@Ryan Helmet "from what I've heard returning soldiers have extremely high testosterone ( or something like that) and that produces males rather than females." are you joking...lmfao that's not how drafting works.

Ryan Helmet - 2019-10-24

@flmngo clouds you havent read what I said correctly.

Jeremy Mac Donald - 2020-03-01

I am skeptical of a returning soldier effect - but it does sound interesting. Nonetheless it is not required. The next generation would have roughly the same number of males and females and the ratio would equal out. In fact in human terms males killing each other in order to have less males and more females is probably part of the system to begin with. While modern Wars are heavily influenced by social and ideological underpinnings war and violence among males in order to get more mating opportunities with more females is pretty much assumed. It is not however extreme. This is why males humans are about 20% bigger then female humans. In our evolutionary past there was selective pressure for males to be bigger - females don't have that selective pressure and being bigger means needing more calories and resources so we see larger males then females. In species where that kind of competition does not exist males and females are usually the same size. In species (like the Elephant Seal above) where it is pretty much the be all and end all of mating prospects the males are massive compared to the females.

Valentin S. - 2019-07-07

"Always two there are. Not more. Not less" -Yoda

Ebola Jenkins - 2020-02-07

So basically a woman and man is a rule of two era sith?

carbon1479 - 2019-07-20

Ah yes, softening the blows of nature with lovely dad jokes. Gotta love it. :)

Remmy - 2018-04-03

Is purple people eater:
Eats purple people
Is purple and eats people

Spital Helles - 2019-06-26

does unlockable mean
A: unable to lock, or
B: able to unlock

The Unicorns - 2019-07-27

Adrianne T4 O O F

Bee Ninja - 2019-10-08

Remmy or maybe just a purple person that eats normal food

Not My Fault - 2019-10-17

Annnd new species!
Purple people eater eater.

Double... Trouble...!

Jo Kah - 2019-12-10

Thats what i always thought about death eaters. Are they eating death or are they eating on behalf of death

Ballwiz 23 - 2018-12-26

Simple answer: To avoid incest.

Human who definatly exists pls im not a robot - 2018-12-26

1:52 hey, look it's me.

taliesin halliday - 2020-01-14

the transgenders disagree. its all a social construct.

Randall Young - 2019-04-19

they sure did avoid the obvious human conclusion

Haley Vazquez - 2018-09-06

1:52 that's my face when I have to go to school

Jj. - 2020-03-22

I'm missing a very important part of the story.

Outside the matingseason the redundant males form an army to defend against other groups.

Jakob Peter Raahauge - 2020-02-10

😘 I'm straight up a sucker for poetry - particularly when served in such a handsome fashion! Stay curious!

SpukiBoi - 2018-12-06

0:58 Joe being careful as to not offend anyone

Celso Miguel - 2019-05-21

"If love is a battlefield, at least each side is evenly matched"
1.8K homosexuals dislike this...

Rithica Devireddy - 2019-06-06

1:50 sheesh ouch! 😅

Évariste Galois - 2018-10-10

0:12 lol, I can relate to those elephant seals on a spiritual level ... I'll probably never get a chance to reproduce 😢

Joe Shmoe - 2019-01-18

It’s because you have an anime profile

Joe Shmoe - 2019-01-18

123 456 that’s a myth that takes 2 minutes of researching to debunk

jerry - 2019-02-27

you do have an anime profile pic so that may be a reason

Mc Nguyen - 2020-01-05

1 question: do they eat purple people, are purple and eat people, or are purple people and eat?

ahnatanha - 2019-01-07

I heard: I’ve been working in “poaching” . I almost unsubscribed, then gave benefit of doubt and heard the poetry.

HappyFriday! - 2019-02-18

This was so informative. Thanks for the great video