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The Battle Raging In Nigeria Over Control Of Oil | VICE on HBO

VICE News - 2018-03-22

Nigeria may sit atop one of the largest oil reserves in the world, but the majority of the Nigerian people have seen little benefit from the multibillion-dollar industry. The government and global energy companies have been exploiting the resource for years, bringing poverty, pollution, and violence to the Niger Delta. And now the local militias fighting for oil control have made conditions even worse.

Caught in the conflict are Nigerian citizens involved in the illegal oil market simply for survival. Oil theft is rampant, and the booming black market has transnational oil and gas consultants concerned about the effects on global oil markets. The government isn't too happy about it either.

“All the oil that is sold around here, the government calls illegally refined products,” local oil businessman Don Wizaro told VICE News. And when the Nigerian military raids illegal oil operations, they slash containers, releasing oil into waterways, contaminating what the main source of fishing, agriculture, and drinking water.

As the government continues its assault on illegal refineries and barges carrying stolen oil, local militias are retaliating. And one of the most notorious militias is the Niger Delta Avengers. They attack pipelines and infrastructure, significantly affecting both the environment and the economy.

VICE correspondent Gianna Toboni heads to the heart of Nigeria's oil production to witness firsthand the fight over the control of oil in the Niger Delta.

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VICE News - 2018-07-31

VICE correspondent Gianna Toboni heads to the heart of Nigeria's oil production to witness firsthand the fight over the control of oil in the Niger Delta.
WATCH more VICE on HBO - http://bit.ly/2HSx4pm

TOP Shatta AI Garbutt - 2019-11-10

Yes that should be sanctioned heavily I'm going to clean up all that environmental Global waste mest

Desert Horticulture - 2020-01-04

This is the tip of iceberg...They all are poor people trying to catch-up the elites of Nigeria...Can show u the iceberg..Contact me...

Fuiche - 2020-01-31

Gianna Toboni is a no go.

Tarter Lunderbunk - 2020-02-16

Bro the govt needs to take responsibility for its own actions, i am a citizen of the world too

Tarter Lunderbunk - 2020-02-16

If america looses its mind from raising gas prices to like minumum wage or w.e equates to proper living for these people then so be it

S - 2018-08-14

"not good for the environment"
pours diesel into river

Global warning Film & ent - 2019-11-08

Pollution to the hole wide world 🌎😢🤦🏿‍♂️

Miah J. - 2019-12-24

Right I’m like wtf

வெற்றி - 2019-12-30

ha ha clap

Ibirounke Odufale - 2020-01-07

@Microphunktv For your information Mr. IQ Detective majority of the toddlers from Nigeria (the giant of Africa) fold papers into envelopes, boats, jets, planes etc for fun. You clearly do not know what you're talking about. Besides what's your business with our IQ? Focus on fixing up your grammar and constructing proper sentences before bothering yourself with the average IQ of Africa.

Jimmy Simon - 2020-01-20

Sap Sap because we got ugly white peoples like u taking our oil and natural resources all the time cuz u guys were the only race that never had ur own land or anything lool

Jalen - 2019-12-20

"I feed you, you get fat, you make money, you live large and you keep me in the poverty stage" I felt that

Amit Sritosh - 2019-06-13

These guys are talented... producing diesel without any proper machinery

Bryan Hernandez - 2020-02-20

they might be former oil workers

黃自傑 - 2020-02-26

Chinese refined crude oil 2000 years ago. It is much better to boil the crude oil in a tank by using crude oil stove under this tank than to boil the whole crude oil pond by burning this crude oil pond.

James Horton - 2020-03-02

黃自傑 thats s complete lie. Plus you h d no idea how refining works.

黃自傑 - 2020-03-02

James Horton the simplest way to refine the crude oil is the batch distillation that is what they did shown in this video. I think it is more simple than distilling wine that is done in China more than 2000 years ago. And they didn’t do hydrocarbon cracking and hydrogenation so that their product, I think, just diesel.

Rollyone - 2020-03-21

No they are not.. its not rocket science. Look at the surrounding area.. coveredd in crude with a giant bonfire right next to it.. no talented, illegal and stupid

Wet Borgers - 2019-02-20

The United States Of America want to know your location

Mr. Cringe - 2020-01-05

woooosh to people who didn't got the joke.

thor of hope - 2020-01-17

It is not just the us people is also china that needs oil way more then the us dose the chinees just boughy at lest 2.8 billion dollars worth of oil from venezuela only same thing with russia and of course venezuela is in dept with the Chinese and the russiangovernment that yhey are paying them in gas amd oils of course reas about some times

Gt Northrop - 2020-02-10

Wet Borgers lol 😂

musa - 2020-02-21


Karl Marxsteingoldberg-Kikenschmitt - 2020-03-11

Nigeria's not close enough to Israel for the US to care.

Looking Owl - 2019-04-02

so the military comes to "destroy" the oil by poisoning the water supply? damn.

Kelvin Nguh - 2019-12-31

I wish one person just light fire to those military cus they are the ones eating the money shell pays to the communities

Dragon Slayer - 2019-12-31

@Kelvin Nguh You seem to be grossly unaware of the fact that there are strategical threats to the rest of the world. And an enemy that will not quit!

che - 2020-01-11

@George Alexandru You should see what they do in New York city, you calling Americans stupid? :)

Canichawa 22 - 2020-02-03

@Kelvin Nguh I was thinking the same thing one spark and soldiers go up in flames I know I would if I was one of those villagers

James Horton - 2020-03-02

What a shot hole.

muffinman1 - 2018-03-22

I cant believe the military drained the illegal fuel right into the river. These people are goddamn insane.

Pasquale Gelardi - 2019-12-29

The need white men there to control them .

Aaliyah - 2019-12-31

Markus it can be saved.Also don’t say that they ENTIRE continent of Africa is doomed because Nigeria did something

Jake Johnson - 2020-02-06

@able Man who?

jacob f - 2020-02-06

Brown people don't care about the environment

Sum Won - 2020-03-12

That's Black "people" for ya

J K - 2019-03-07

It sounds to me like all of this would be solved if these oil companies would just hire local labor..

Noah Big boy - 2020-02-12

jacob f yeah Nigerians are smart every city I visit in Africa there are Nigerian students and doctors their government is fucked if they fixed their government they would be he african super power in 30 years. The problem is Nigeria has over 250 tribes and the country is divided into the north and the south the north is majority Muslim and the south is majority Christian the Muslims in the north are 1 tribe called the Hausa-Fulani while the south has 2 Christian tribes called the Yoruba and Igbo. The Hausa have a huge population so they elect the leaders and the Yoruba allies with the Hausa against the igbos who are the most educated group in Nigeria. The north of Nigeria has no economy is just a desert and shanty towns they practice sharia law in the north and it slows the Christian South down a lot. The south had all the city’s like Lagos and Abuja the capital the north only has 1 big city called Kano. Eventually all the leaders in Nigeria come from the north and the north is not educated so they always vote for their tribal leaders who are very corrupt and keep putting Nigeria down. The bristh fucked up when they united the Christian South and the Muslim North into the same country of the south Nigeria secedes the south can beat majority of Asia and Europe in less than 20 years the Muslims in the north have held the country back that’s why it is where it is today

Aaron Harris - 2020-02-22

@Burton L Then why are they able to produce?

Aaron Harris - 2020-02-22

They supposedly cant find "competent" labor yet rural locals engineered an entire process and are successful with it.
They're definitely more competent than the european process engineers I work with.

iateaplumandifeelweird - 2020-03-03

@Eternal President Kim il Sung Oh shit! I should've called that Nigerian Prince Alheem Bin AkMun. I could've been a millionaire...

Nick Nieto - 2020-03-04

the problem will only be solved when we stop using NON RENEWABLE PETROLEUM BYPRODUCTS!

Jojo Lelek - 2019-04-04

How can someone be as dumb as the soldiers pouring oil in the river.....

ArgoNaga - 2019-07-05

I like to think its not the soldier's fault but the governemnt telling them to do it but then again...its in Nigeria

The Evaluator - 2019-07-05

So dumb

Mr. Cringe - 2020-01-05

Not Soldiers.

Vijay Raghavan - 2019-12-24

"This entire town is black". Welcome to Nigeria

Ordian Syah - 2019-12-26


jake fiscus - 2019-12-27

Lol right!

William a - 2019-12-31

Nuke site

Mega Manny - 2020-03-05

No shit you're in Africa.....oh wait you're talking about the land

Buntaichō Saber - 2019-03-31

So basically the authorities are poisoning the locals.

upsweep - 2019-04-09

The locals are poisoning themselves. They know what they are doing is illegal, and they know how the government will respond. Yet they still do it. It's still difficult to fully blame them though, since they little to no alternatives.

Frank Z - 2019-04-07

Lowly citizens: Poor
Foot soldiers: Poor
Elites: let's have them fight/kill each other. profit/wealth

Inbal Feuchtwanger - 2019-07-05

Did you even watch the video? The violence is disruptive and costs billions. They would much rather nobody fought or killed each other.

pointlesseternity - 2019-07-09

I can take out a loan today, use that money to hire low income people, sign NDA with them, buy them health/life insurance, sent them to the most dangerous works in the world. They will go, get themselves killed. I collect insurance and the rest will go to their families. I will even fake a tear and claim how amazing and brave these men/women are, and how my agency is doing charities, and I am literally broke from making everyone happy. But that loan just turned profit, in the expense of some poor lives.

Nathan M - 2019-07-16

Perfect description of every society.

Masterr Laster - 2019-10-02

True but you are missing the point they are not equally poor. It's more like
Lowly citizens: Very Poor
Foot soldiers: Poor but much off.
Supervisors/generals: Middle class

Elites: let's have them fight/kill each other to protect our profit/wealth

rf4life - 2019-10-25

@Arne Kukkonen One thing you should keep in mind is that whenever there's a group of people living in a community/country, the existence of the said country implies a hierarchy structure of power, and therefore someone is necessarily at the top.

naeem mussa - 2019-06-21

"This entire town is black" literally

new name - 2020-01-13


Dark Shield - 2020-01-30

"This entire town is black."
In this context, that has two meanings.

oh Diego - 2020-02-01

I've finally found you comment! Hahah

lebronjamesfan - 2020-02-01


bziganti - 2019-03-08

Imagine being the Nigerian government and dumping the illegal oil instead of just taking it

Sander169 - 2019-05-01

oil and gas being so cheap, it probably would cost more taking it.

Jude Syle - 2019-11-04

@Sander169 funny, oil and gas is not cheap in nigeria, in fact nigeria constantly plagued with fuel scarcity...

joel beaulieu - 2020-01-15

They way it's refined it worthless to the global market

bryan chavez - 2020-01-17

It must have some better use than dumping into the arteries of earth's life

wantafanta01 - 2020-03-03

@bryan chavez local market.. but the government i guess has some issue with selling it themselves to pay for operations?

urmaker - 2018-08-28

"Here, let's just dump this fuel all over here and let it leak into our food and water.". SMH.

Ilyas Bouzouina - 2019-02-11

@Maclain Hunter only in some corrupted places

Yogurt Faxss - 2019-02-26

Where else would they put it. They do t have the money to export it anywhere

Mr Doctor Schultz - 2019-03-05

@John Wayne I mean, what are they supposed to do with the oil? I suppose they could ship it to processing plants to be dealt with safely, but I feel like they really don't have the budget to do that. Like the one police chief said, it's better that the oil is dumped there than be put on the market.

Officialasim - 2019-06-04

Those are the simple stubborn angry minded Nigerians trust me it gets much worse

Faith Oni - 2019-12-29

Oil comes from river sometimes so they know which to drink from

Zachary Watson - 2019-04-06

One cigarette and that entire river will be in a blaze

Kodi Summerville - 2019-12-15

@DF3KT I've done it when I was a kid... I tried to say to say a shaft line and throw a cigarette on some gas like they do in movies... I was disappointed for life

Mr. Cringe - 2020-01-05

@Kodi Summerville same I was really angry and sad.


@DF3KT It has worked for me once tho. I cut coke bottle vertically in half sideways, filled it with water and poured 6 7 bottlecaps of turpentine over it and put match in it. The fire was large but instantaneous. Didnt try after that.

lebronjamesfan - 2020-02-01


xXxGnuVirusxXx - 2020-02-29

The gas is what causes an explosion

Pearls Caribbean - 2019-06-18

The so called government and their soldiers are the criminals as you can see here.

Chal Goode - 2019-03-22

Wow. I wonder how the Nigerian military found out about the village's refinery industry, "their only means to eat".

*Looks at White Woman Reporter and her team*

Michael Leke Ajidagba - 2019-04-17

@Bubble That's what they say, but we don't know if there's any truth to that

Mouth Eater - 2019-05-03

@Michael Leke Ajidagba who knows if the army is in on it (getting bribes from the real criminals, and not regulating Shell)

Luis Feliciano - 2019-05-13

Sooooooooo they dont do this at day but in night they make a huge fire.

epoh333 - 2019-06-06

Chal Goode They can see the refineries from the air anyway

Me AndMeToo - 2019-07-04

@Michael Leke Ajidagba neither do you.

iateaplumandifeelweird - 2020-03-03

"not good for the environment"
Them: You are geh

DankCream36 - 2019-03-28

A real army is one that equips their soldiers with sandals

Austin Robbins - 2019-06-09

DankCream36 lmao, “where are your army issued sandals?!? Maggot!!!”

lebronjamesfan - 2020-02-01

@Austin Robbins 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

iateaplumandifeelweird - 2020-03-03

Yes. Like the Romans for example. They wore hills to be exact.

Big Francis - 2019-05-10

The Nigerian Navy need to be sued in the Law courts for contaminating the environment by pouring crude oil into the rivers and on bare soil

Shqipe Shala - 2019-04-08

100% you called the cops on them to get that interesting video material.

travel squadd. - 2019-04-23


Sander169 - 2019-05-01

@Michael Leke Ajidagba That would be f*ing terrible. But is there any proof of that?

Michael Leke Ajidagba - 2019-05-01

@Sander169 Sometimes you just need to add 2+2, not every single thing requires proof or evidence

Sameer M - 2019-05-04

exactly, why would VICE be there exactly two days later when the raid was happening? How does this perfect synchronicity occur?

kenshi_cv - 2019-10-02

@Michael Leke Ajidagba I don't think so, but do you have any proof to prove your point? Didn't think so, so stop making yourself sound factual when you have no information either.

Yodapaw - 2019-03-31

“This entire town is black” Yeah lady I think you phrased that the wrong way...

Serg Gla - 2019-04-15

Yodapaw she’s not wrong tho

L,man - 2019-04-19

IKR lmao

Matthew Cragg - 2018-12-13

Jeez...if you're going to strike the illegal oil producers at least send trucks and cart the product away instead of dumping it into the rivers. This is nuts.

The Evaluator - 2019-07-05

I was so pissed off when I saw how they were destroying the environment in the name of destroying illegal refineries

Travis Bourg - 2019-08-01

Mat P anywhere. Dispose of it somewhere besides the river lol

Dogs Sing - 2019-08-10

Those people are stupid dude

christopher starr - 2019-08-16

What's also nuts is that your people along with the Chinese are destroying africa while stripping it of its resources and then telling africans they have no rights on their own land

Chidera Okolo - 2019-09-12

@C9rdelia Nigerian here as well. It's Africans at this point responsible for all that crap that takes place in the continent. People place value on education yet happen to be crazy fools smh. Nigeria needs a restructuring of the govt.

Shrivaas Vijayan - 2019-05-23

"This is a residential area" so we must pour it into their water

Tim Ewert - 2019-04-19

"This entire town is black" lmao, first time in rural africa

Vol100000 - 2019-03-12

Stands on oil


Krishna Dharma - 2019-03-22

BLOOD OIL <— next hollywood blockbuster starring LEONARDO DI CAPRIO

TwoGunnerOptic - 2019-12-15

No, better yet it should be called "Black" just like that.

Forgotten Soul - 2020-02-14

@TwoGunnerOptic copyright it before it's too late man! 😂😂😂

TwoGunnerOptic - 2020-02-14

@Forgotten Soul seriously, everything's black

Balfour Wheatley - 2019-02-10

"2 days later the military raids this same spot"

ViCE Snitched...

o flores - 2019-12-01

Best thing that could have happened!!

Tevo77777 - 2020-01-25

Or they just saw the huge ass smoke trail...

John Reilley - 2020-01-29

2 days later the military raid this same spot.... wearing flip flops lmao

Tom Trottier - 2020-02-07

If you give them the benefit of the doubt, it is possible the military/police knew they were there and filming or they otherwise attracted attention and may have accidentally given away the location.

Gap - 2020-02-26

Vice didnt have to snitch, a white woman in Nigeria isn't hard to miss

Typical RockHound - 2019-04-09

Problem solving " pour fuel into water supply " ...... ?
Wtf. O,o

Oh Yeah Yeah but its 2020 Yeah - 2019-03-26

“This is how we live”

pours oil into river instead of using it for water.

Diego Cameratti - 2019-03-02

"We can't light the barrels on fire because it's a residencial area" The hypocrisy and ignorance of that officer is impressive.

kasonde Ngosa - 2019-05-29

How would you expect people to survive on an environment like this because even agricultural activities are destroyed,fish is also killed in the process? 🙈😢

Eagle1 - 2019-05-05

13:16 is the most truth you will ever hear.

Prophecy Rat 2 - 2020-01-25

Eagle1 yes

Lalrawngbawla Zote - 2019-11-20

VICE : Oil dumped into rivers in Niger Delta.

USA : Niger delta needs freedom and democracy.

The next day US invades Niger delta.

valikmikze - 2019-03-17

and i'm worried about which type of external ssd should i get

phrog 2 - 2019-04-27

Well on Amazon Kingston ssds are hella cheap

Sander169 - 2019-05-01

Crucial MX500

Tim Comet - 2019-04-03

9:28 he flexin'

BMW Royal - 2019-11-06

“This whole area is black” it’s afrika lol

SALT PROOF - 2019-05-16

"Why are your hurting these people!?"
"It's the oil, stupid!"

Jack Barbey - 2019-03-04

Them: entire region coated in spilled oil.
Me: spill 1 drop of gas at the gas station and speed away like the whole thing is gonna blow.

James Horton - 2020-03-02

Jack Barbey too be fair, gasoline is much more flammable than crude oil

Ewijo - 2019-03-24

Nigeria: Has illegal oil refineries
America: Did I hear oil?

Joel Ashworth - 2019-03-26

The U.S is the world's biggest oil producer

Diamond 7 - 2019-03-28

Joel Ashworth not true


@Joel Ashworth world biggest oil theif USA

FOURTH RIGHT - 2019-04-05

@MOHAMMAD USMAN KHAN its tesla time

DieHardjagged - 2019-04-10

America wants to know your location

Kaci Adam - 2018-07-09

They call it stealing but I'm sure the oil belongs to the Nigerian people more then it does western corporations

Bullsh*t Buster - 2019-03-10

@Fast Addicts
They weren't robbed though. Its no ones fault but theirs if they wanna keep selling their resources for pennies on the dollar. Time and again. So now because they're obviously to passive and illiterate to properly do business, they wanna cry foul when they realise they've under sold??? GTFOHWTBS!!!

M P - 2019-03-12

The people defending corporations here are sheep lmao. The nigerian government sells the land these reserves sit on and gives nothing back to their communities, corporations are just as bad for willingly participating in this situation. But what do we care? We eat mcdonalds and pay $2 per gallon to fill up our SUV's, I'm guilt as charged. The world will be a better place off of oil, and even better when we banish profit seeking gluttons from running industries. You can't starve people forever, eventually they will crack.

Many people would change their tone if these were the conditions they had to deal with.

Jason Huang - 2020-01-12

Kaci Adam neo imperialism. Plain and simple

James Horton - 2020-03-02


James Horton - 2020-03-02

Low iq comment

Dr. Evil - 2020-01-10

"I noticed that it's black all around us ... " ... Ikr ... 😂😉😝

Alexander Lansangan - 2019-04-01

I love how some of the militants are wearing open toed shoes..

Seb G - 2019-04-24


Rishab Rathi - 2020-01-03

Like wtf is happening.we humans are killing everything.

Aldrine Jay Macario - 2020-01-05

that's humanity for you

Rishab Rathi - 2020-01-05

@Aldrine Jay Macario we dont deserve this planet bro.

Logan Wright - 2019-05-20

"Its not good for society."

proceeds to dump the diesel into the river

Yeah sounds about right

manomantv - 2018-03-28

"it is not good for society"

pours thousands of gallons of gas into river

Dhaval Raja - 2018-09-27

ThePuffamanChannel  Why not just take it to the refineries and process them furthur, free oil, less to process and environment and rivers are saved. And then hire those people to process this more oil. Also legalize the oil refinery startups and then enforce better purification process step by step.

maxwell sope - 2018-11-01

@ThePuffamanChannel By ''not good for society'' The chief probably meant that it is low quality gas and can potentially blow up a vehicle.

TWEAKLET - 2019-01-07

i mean if they brought it together filtered it then refined it refining is done by boiling it the lightest fuels come up first and tend to be what we want most the end by products they these people are throwing away or burning is a large component of what we use to make roads and can be nearly endlessly recycled if the road needs to be removed or repaired so this shit wouldn't end up in a river not to mention all the lubricants and solvents they are wasting

mayowa emmanuel - 2019-03-19


Flex Bert - 2019-04-19

maxwell sope low quality fuel doesnt carry the risk of blowing a vechiles engine but it does make more polution and it will wear the engine out but it will not blow up. But i understand where you tryna get at

George Alexandru - 2019-05-30

7:40 light a cigarette:)))

CHEDSA - 2019-05-19

“Environment: has left the chat”