> temp > à-trier > why-iron-forms-chains-near-a-magnet-cody-s-lab

Why Iron Forms Chains Near A Magnet

Cody'sLab - 2018-10-04

I attempt to explain a phenomenon with magnets. 

Bonus video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSzIQg30H3Y

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Closed captioning provided by Natasha Glenboski

jordan lewis - 2018-10-04

Neodiddlyum? Thats a pretty good choocher of a magnet eh!

Raymond Mucklow - 2018-10-05

@Fabian Mueller I'm gonna be honest I had a hard time following him as well, I had to watch each video two times to catch all his jokes and innuendos, if ya ever need a translation hit me up. When he goes of to his French I have no idea. Its early here in kan-s-ass. So I cant remeber if I said this but there is an Ave dictionary. Just jazz hands the googlar. If ya don't find it I have a copy somewhere.

Raymond Mucklow - 2018-10-05

@Fabian Mueller I've got a question what do Russians say, when your leaving, America have a good one or UK is cheers what's Russians saying.

Raymond Mucklow - 2018-10-06

@Andrew Delashaw copy kat

Fabian Mueller - 2018-10-13

@Raymond Mucklow i personaly kcannt speak Russian but i have asked a friend of mine he has say same thing like "bisvidanye" and the A is spoken like the A in ahhhm (u know that let me thing a moment thingy)

Raymond Mucklow - 2018-10-13

@Fabian Mueller thanks bud I appreciate that. I misunderstood ya I thought you spoke the Russian language. My apologies. Thanks for the info.

ElectroBOOM - 2018-10-05

This is actually great! When you used that ferrite to memorize the field, it clicked how those old-school magnetic computer memories worked. Thanks!

tesseract - 2018-10-14


Masud Al Mahdi - 2019-01-08

Magnetic memory is still used today, IN HARDDRIVES!

Killian Orannis - 2020-04-26

He means magnetic core memory I think, a type of random access memory.
But yeah hard disks are magnetic based storage as well.

Tom Terry - 2020-04-28

I had no idea about any of this, thanks.

Just a weird guy - 2020-05-11

ElectroBOOM hi

Jay Jay Smith - 2018-10-05

Neodiddlyum? CodysLab is AvE confirmed

Varen Grey - 2018-10-06

AvE is just Cody's uncle

Nightingale - 2018-10-06

Or Ned Flanders

Ms.Fixit - 2018-10-21

I caught that too XD <3 <3 <3

Drakoriyan - 2018-11-20

Neodiddlyum, neighbor!

Benjamin Haase - 2019-04-08

@Drakoriyan Neighborino!

Revamped Outdoors - 2018-10-05

"The overexposure is not the camera's fault" this man is a legend.

Josua Robson - 2018-10-08

Revamped Outdoors true, it's the users fault.

USWaterRockets - 2018-10-06

I want to know the story behind your right sleeve.

Joseph Sekavec - 2018-10-04

"Ok this is gonna be kind of dangerous but I'm going to do it anyway"

That's half of your videos

Disciple of Shaun - 2018-10-04

SecretSalami48 Technically that can be considered...”messing around with dangerous chemicals..”.
However, despite my apparent need to reply in a smartass way, I concur.
I did forget to mention that as further proof of Cody being a strange fellow.

CRT - 2018-10-04

@MadMoo after which they bounce around

Jacob Mark - 2018-10-04

i had a small heart attack right before he said that

NitroJon Science - 2018-10-04

All of them.

Zreknarf - 2018-10-04

welcome back to cody's laboratory where science! is the number one priority
alternatively: welcome back to cody's laboratory where safety is.. well.. "a" priority

See Jian Shin - 2018-10-12

Let's learn about magnets here
Oh cool I can show my young cousin
I have an oxy acetylene torch here
excuse me what

Tim H. - 2018-10-05

Thunderstorms, cats, and giant magnets! What's not to enjoy?

av 26 - 2018-10-16


truthsmiles - 2018-10-05

As someone with a STEM degree from an engineering school, I can't believe how much I learned from this video. For example, I had no idea ferrite magnets could be re-oriented like that. I also never realized horizontally aligned pieces of iron would repel each other in the presence of a magnetic field. Thanks so much Cody for making this old man smarter!

truthsmiles - 2018-10-07

@Felix Merz - I agree YouTube is great for learning. However, it doesn’t completely solve the whole “you don’t know what you don’t know” problem. Most of the best education I received was learning answers to questions I’d never have thought to ask in the first place (and therefore never look up on YouTube).

Matt Collins - 2018-10-11

truthsmiles That's an excellent way to put it

Chuckiele - 2018-10-25

yeah, I was really surprised by the bearing balls repelling each other, I didnt expect that at all.

Kenneth Phamdao - 2019-04-05

I learn a lot of stuff from Cody’s videos but I guess I’m kinda proud to say that I learned almost all of this video in cal based physics 2

Chris Hill - 2019-11-17

@truthsmiles I've often told people that the reason I can figure things out so quickly, is because I actually do know what I don't know, in most cases. If you can figure out the size and shape of your ignorance, you can figure out what might fit there.

It takes learning a whole lot of different kinds of things before you can get to that point though.

Benjamin Lovelady - 2018-10-05

Dipoles actually fall off as an inverse cube. So a magnetic field 3x as far away is 1/27 as strong.

Muonium - 2018-10-05

this needs to be higher ppl. the opposite pole has a shielding effect.

Tritemius Labs - 2018-10-05

Nope. It is worse. We have 2 dipoles. The interaction between ideal dipoles falls as an inverse 6th degree.

apathyboy - 2019-03-12

Took me till 3rd year university to have someone explain why magnets had way less range than the inverse square would dictate.

SecretLars - 2018-10-04

When Cody says he was filming with a potato and you're not exactly sure if he actually did or not.

Alexis Ross - 2018-10-11

@Dhruv Kumar wsh

Dhruv Kumar - 2018-10-11

Alexis Ross I swear to god lol

Alexis Ross - 2018-10-11

My work here is done xD

Jesse D. Shellum/U.S. Army - 2018-10-12

@Hypnotoad all hail the hypnotoad

Joe M. - 2018-10-12

Dhruv kumar Wouche.

The Commander - 2018-10-05

4:42 - 4:43 when he flips the magnet around is when the lighting flashes, you can see the black frame for a split second. Seconds later you hear the thunder.

James Renold - 2018-10-05

Cat came to the rescue to meet that golden 10 minute quota

6Twisted - 2018-10-05

I learn more from this channel in 10 minutes than I learnt in a year at school.

Double Dare Fan - 2018-10-05

You need to make a video that's all about the cat. Right meow!

S James - 2018-10-06

What a lovely big tiger

Rastislav Zima - 2018-10-06

Yeah, every channel has to have its own cat. :-)

Vincent - 2018-10-07

< I have a Cat or its a really fluffy pillow

LHKDCrImSoN GhOsT - 2018-10-09

LoL whats the into going to sound like welcom to CodysLab and the scientific mistry of cats

AaronTheBlackDragon - 2018-10-04

Learning about magnetism with Cody and getting attacked by a giant cat. It´s a great video.

465maltbie - 2018-10-04

No put a magazine in front of you, that attracts cats faster.

Simon Tay - 2018-10-05

Yes, cats like to sit on paper.

reggiep75 - 2018-10-05

I'll tell you what would be an even better vid.

A cat with a magnetic ballistic weapon utilising the north south opposing forces of magnets and we see the vicious forces of magnets utilised for shooting targets!

pepper669 - 2018-10-11

All while being in a thunderstorm, which is a great addition.

Timothy Hays - 2018-10-16

ElGato Grande. Oh no there goes Mexico go go ElGato.

joseph jackson - 2018-10-09

That's a nice neodiddlyum magnet you got there

av 26 - 2018-10-16

Just dont try to touch it while doing experiments with other magnets

pws3rd 1 - 2018-10-20

Quit flirting with Cody

ZomB1986 - 2018-10-22

Imma call them Neodeadlyum from now on

DIONNAND000 - 2018-11-11

Hes been watching too much AvE

Gavin Lam - 2018-10-05

I noticed that you added some diddly to your magnet

Rostislav Kondratenko - 2018-10-05

Magnetic force decreases with roughly inverse cube of the distance not squares . Because all magnets are dipoles. Near the magnet the field depends on it’s shape but overall at larger distance it’s inverse cube that dominates.

DarkQwerzar - 2018-10-07

It depends if you are seeing it vectorially or with a versor, is just the same but in two different ways of seeing it. For instance Electric Field can be wrote as E0= Q/4pie0r^3 scalar multiplied with r vector, or you can wrote it like E0 Q/4pie0r^2 multiplied with r versor, cause r versor is r vectorial/ r norm, so yeah, basically is correct

Guru - 2019-12-12

I wish I understood what either of you were saying. :V

DataStorm - 2018-10-05

Hey man, introduce your cat. Looks like a lovely cat.

Domino52o - 2018-10-04

Radom kitty is always welcome on YouTube, the original home of kitty videos.

Joseph Cox - 2018-10-04

The purring is so calming.

tuseroni - 2018-10-04

now i want some purring ASMR

crownofall - 2018-10-05

seems the cats magnetized to Cody

Fr. Jason Stone - 2018-10-09

Hold the cat up close to you till its poles reverse, then you will repel it.

Lolonoa Zoro - 2018-10-05

"It can't do it with just a couple of nuts"

Corvus corone - 2018-10-05

" I've got here my oxy-acetylene torch..." He said while sitting in the living room xD

It was very well explained with very few things. Nice!

TheRealTeal - 2018-10-05

“Neodiddlyum” AvE crossover episode when??

Tyler Leutner - 2018-10-05

Hey man, if you hang a bed sheet in front of your light a bit it will soften the light and really help with the over exposure. Love your videos either way tho :)

TheUltimate PotatoLord - 2019-02-02

Just be careful that the light doesn't produce enough heat to set the sheet on fire

Maggie Mothe - 2018-10-05

"This is gonna be dangerous, still gonna do it anyway." CAN WE GET THIS ON A TSHIRT PLEASE?

Leafy - 2018-10-05

I believe that the strength of the magnetic field is an inverse cube law, rather than inverse square - as it is a dipole field to first approximation.

Dovahkiin-Warrior - 2018-10-05

You should do a video letting your cat play with your camera :P

adrian5b - 2018-10-05

"This is kinda dangerous but I'm gonna do it anyway"
Cody's videos in a sentence

Keiran Roles - 2019-04-24

Could you use a strong magnetic field to turn a length of chain into a sword

MrNderman SanityGaming - 2018-10-06

Damn, I gotta say, that was one of the most human, and greatest outros a YouTube can leave in!

Thy Magus Nikola - 2018-10-06

2:49 ...You are a Hairy, Wizard! This is spectacular! I love hearing you explain about Science... the real magic.

pr0xZen - 2018-10-04

Neodiddlyum, iron nuts. Yes Sir, how may I help you? 😃

Joe Potts - 2018-10-10

@don trump I thought the Romans killed christ? Ya know, they nailed him to some wood and let him hang there.

Accept the truth it will set you free. - 2018-10-10


Colii - 2018-10-11

@Liam Dunnett Yep, happens to the best of us

SquishySquid - 2018-10-14

apparently he watches ave.

petlahk - 2018-11-02

He's been watching too much AvE.

poiisondn - 2018-12-20

Most interesting video I've seen lately! Thanks for explaining this and creating this video!
I had no idea there were magnets like ferrite magnets that could change orientation like that.

kirkula - 2018-10-07

0:19 "unfortunately back when I was filming with a potato" thing is, when it comes to Cody...that can actually be taken literally.

Dais Made - 2018-11-02

0:39 Neo-Didlium Magnet? :p GG Cody but I heard that!

Robin Steel - 2018-10-06

5:05 "opposite poles repel"

Lol. Cmon cody. Bit of a slip up there

blainereese - 2018-10-04

"Neodiddlyum" AvE's rubbing off on you

Mick Ellis - 2018-10-04

Let the SHMOOO out

GR8B8M8 Jared - 2018-10-05


Simon Tay - 2018-10-05

I watched one of AVEs videos but i dont get the humour and he's too sweary. Unnecessarily swearing for the sake of it.

jay90374 - 2018-10-05

Simon - Ave's videos are not for soy boys and cucks

Andrew Delashaw - 2018-10-05

@Simon Tay what he said ^ If you haven't worked in industry or the trades, or you are born in the past 25 years, it will probably offend your delicate PC eardrums. In fact, these are the types of comments that have ruined his channel. (Too many people spreading the word.) It filled up with those soy fellas my friend above me speaks about. People who feel like they have to watch AvE, like AvE, and emulate the way AvE talks every opportunity they get, to be part of the cool kids club. The "makers" who throw some random shit together and think they fit-in inside a shop of machinists, millwrights, contractors, oil field workers. To be fair, and used to shout out channels that he liked, and all the aforementioned people swarmed to those channels too. Fucking everything up. That's why there's been an explosion in channels like AvE's and also machining channels. That's why he stopped doing those channel shoutouts.

Maggie Mothe - 2018-10-05

I KEPT THINKING THAT WAS ONE OF MY CATS MEOWING! OMG I was like "where are you? If you wanna come in my room thats fine, but none of you are outside my door!"

Celanis - 2018-10-05

Cute cat <3

Also very interesting!

Donovan Cedars - 2018-10-06

"This is going to be rather dangerous but I'm going to see if I can do it anyway." A mantra for the ages!

Google Google - 2018-10-07

Nice and interesting like always! Love your cat! Ahah
Who knows if it was "attracted and magnetized" by your big magnet too! 😅😜

Evi1M4chine - 2018-10-14

As if the rain outside wasn’t enough, that cat really knew how to set the mood! :D

Doctorthee - 2018-10-05

I always rub a magnet on my screwdrivers when I need to use it in tight spaces without losing the screws. the poles stay changed and magnetized long enough to do the job :)

Tokin - 2018-10-05

I need more of Cody's real laugh in my life. I really enjoy how purely he cares for animals.

Bricklee - 2018-10-07

Just had a flashback to my childhood, playing with magnetic Thomas trains. I would constantly reorient the magnetic fields and wonder what was happening and how I "broke" it lmao.

Aspect Science - 2018-10-05

This is fascinating! Loved it so much Cody! Great way to start the day!

dragoondexter - 2018-10-07

Thank you for leaving the cat in at the end😄 it was a good laugh and solicited a few “what a good boy’s” form me 👍 keep it up Cody you’re awesome

Jozzarozzer - 2018-10-26

4:46 I've never seen a magnet go around someone's hand like that before, that was neat