> temp > à-trier > extract-diethyl-ether-and-heptane-from-starter-fluid-nurdrage

Extract Diethyl Ether and Heptane from Starter Fluid

NurdRage - 2017-04-22

In this video we obtain the useful solvents diethyl ether and heptane from car starter fluid. Sign up for a free trial at audible: http://audible.com/nurdrage

First, spray the car starter fluid into a flask. Setup a fractional distillation apparatus around the flask but cool the condenser with ice water. Diethyl ether boils at 34.6 degrees Celsius so a room temperature condenser wouldn't be as efficient as an ice temperature condenser. Now start with very light heating and gradually ramp up until diethyl ether starts to distill at 34 celsius or so. Go slowly at first as diethyl ether boils very easily. You'll need to gradually increase the temperature to keep the flow constant. Eventually there will be a spike in distillate temperature as the ether finishes distilling so stop the heating if it passes 70 celsius.  The collected product diethyl ether while the residue should be other aliphatic solvents. Most starter fluids contain heptane in addition to ether.

Diethyl ether is useful for grignard reactions and heptane is useful as a general purpose non-reactive non-polar solvent. 

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Tristan Ritchie - 2017-09-13

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.”

BWstiller - 2017-05-29

Protip: John Deere branded starter fluid is very high in diethyl ether--80%, and fairly cheap.

Grak70 - 2018-08-31

BWstiller And it’s actually 100% ether because the remainder is LPG and CO2 which completely degasses when you distill! ^_^

NurdRage - 2017-04-22

Next video: how to make sodium metal

Antro Daze - 2017-04-23

@The Guardian of Truth so he's joking?

Žan Pekošak - 2017-04-23

gDisasters Not for me. Im from Slovenia and its easier to say Cl2. We say klor which is way easier that chlorine. So I just got used to writing mulecular formulas than names.

Antro Daze - 2017-04-23

@The Guardian of Truth maybe I'm not thinking clearly.. but is he talking about decomposing a molecule to extract sodium?

Antro Daze - 2017-04-23

@The Guardian of Truth figures lol. Sorry.. I've only taken one year of high school chem...Just trying to expand my knowledge the best I can.

aatman supkar - 2017-06-28

I predict that Citric acid and Calcium Sulphate would react to form Sulphuric acid and Calcium Citrate. Sounds weird, but could you try it out?

Dan Bodine - 2017-04-22

Love the smell of Diethyl Ether and Acetone.

Bobby Giroux - 2019-03-18

Just a recommendation: The nozzle on the starting fluid can disperses the liquid in a way that encourages vaporization. You should remove the nozzle and stick the remaining nub into a thin, short, vinyl tube running into your flask and press the tube and nub sideways. this will cause nearly all of the liquid to run through the tube into the flask without being lost as vapor. This will also reduce the amount of volatile fumes exposed to you and your environment but obviously this should still be done in a well ventilated area.

Greg Gallacci - 2018-11-09

If'n y'all like your heptane organically derived, harvest some Jackson Pine sap, and distill that.
Some samples of sap are up to 70% heptane by weight.
Folks hunting Ponderosa Pine sap for turpentine distillation were unfortunate enough to find the nearly identical Jackson Pine; the exploding stills were a clue something was amiss.
Heptane from this tree is still used today in 'standard engines' that are used to determine fuel performance and octane levels.
It is pretty trick getting pure heptane out of petroleum, while the sap-sourced heptane has no other hydrocarbons to remove.
There is also a shrub in the Philippines that also sports heptane laden berries.

Haiden Morgan - 2019-06-30

Nice info!

Tyler Ray Davidson - 2017-04-25

Ah, devil ether. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel. Total loss of all basic motor function. Blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue. The mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column. Which is interesting because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can’t control it.

Breloom - 2017-06-21

The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.

digging trash 4 facts - 2018-08-18

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

digging trash 4 facts - 2018-08-18

Tyler Ray Davidson.

Johnny Roberts - 2019-05-25

Used to ether based coke intervenously n that rush was like a minituare acid trip for 50 mins..people sounded like electric robots, high sounds would zing around my head, couldnt understand people at all. Course it was Peruvian Flake coke back in the late 70s, but still screamin..miss those days. Kids nowadays dont have a clue as to what Really Good drugs are anymore. Case in point..Ritalin?? Aderal?? We used to do "bennies" and "pink hearts", methamphetamine and dexadrine..now people do 75% ephidrine n cant tell the difference..sad huh?!? If I were still dealing, half my state would OD cuz itd kill them 😒

Haiden Morgan - 2019-06-30

@Johnny Roberts raw

User THC - 2017-04-22

NurdRage and NileRed started to be supported by audible the same day. Coincidence ? I dont think so...

NurdRage - 2017-04-23

not a coincidence at all. We both have been contracted by the same company to post an ad for audible on this day. Not a coincidence, it's the same company.

FullMetal - 2017-04-23

User THC They were also supported by another company at the same time a few weeks ago. These are not coincidences naturally. Also, they are the two best chemistry channels I know of. It only makes sense to advertise at both. Although, the audiences certainly overlap.

User THC - 2017-04-23

Ofc I know it, but it is said that you and NileRed are the same person ;)

FullMetal - 2017-04-25

User THC Who ever said that? Loool xD Conteos are off the chart again, eh? Nile has a very distinct way of speaking, and also revealed his face. Aaaand his hands look very different.

twocvbloke - 2017-04-22

Starter fluid makes for a great wasp killer, they just drop out of the air when blasted with the stuff... :P

Astral Chemistry - 2017-04-22

Nice! Looking forward to the Grignard reactions.

Ned's Head - 2017-04-22

The last time I was this early Bush did 9-11

legbert123 - 2017-04-22

Here is a rocketship sir take it to the moon to get away from all of Obamas gay frogs.

Ned's Head - 2017-04-22

your rocketship looks suspiciously like a penis but I'm willing to take a chance

legbert123 - 2017-04-24

Well hold on sir this rocket is a hard fast ride.

Marshy Marshington - 2017-04-29

Yup, definitely an everyday thing. You definitely sound like you always have a cold lol

Mexi Chemia - 2017-06-16

666K subs what a demon in chemistry!

Krisztián Szirtes - 2017-04-22

Smells like solvents and doug's lab in here :P

deathguitarist12 - 2017-04-23

So how safe would this solution be for the extraction and crystallization of capsaicin, presuming one would want to use the capsaicin crystals in food?

Cleetus - 2017-04-22

I guess you read my comment :) thanks a lot

Taeke van der Kooi - 2017-04-24

Heptane is also a very good solvent for purification through column chromatography in stead of using hexane.

Higor Guedes - 2017-04-22

Today is my birthday NurdRage!!! Thank you for the video :)

~shader - 2017-09-10

“Ah, devil ether.

It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel.
Total loss of all basic motor function. Blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue. The mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column.
Which is interesting because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can’t control it.”

VivaMessico - 2019-06-15


SigEpBlue - 2017-04-23

I was actually more interested in getting the heptane out of the starting fluid, but hey, a free anesthetic buzz is a nice side effect! I use heptane for cleaning flux from circuit boards after soldering; I would use water-soluble flux, but I have yet to find one that doesn't require some scrubbing to prevent a 'ghost' film from being left on everything (yes, I used distilled water).

Haiden Morgan - 2019-06-30

If you need pure n-heptane (better and not the same as the heptaneS in this ) just source rubber cement thinner and take a look at the sds. It should have a listing for n-heptane content. Bestine is 100%

bob along - 2019-03-25

a question for you about the brand choice of starting fluid you use ... does the
can have on its label " with upper cylinder lubricant " ?

a $3. can of Supertech starting-fluid from W-M does. yet the 'contains'
list includes only ether, heptane and CO2. no mention of any lube. so , the question is :
' are they passing off the heptane as a lubricant ? "

this question arises as i want to follow your guide and distill off some ether
from a can of start-fluid ... and worry there is something oily in the mix that is
this 'lubricant' stuff. and thus the ether may need further processing to clean it up.

or that the heptane may be contaminated as well. thus unusable for an
eluent w/ column chromatography.

Funky - 2017-04-22

Isn't Diethyl Ether also a very powerful anaesthetic and intoxicant?

Argenteus - 2017-05-05

"rehabilitation workers and centers, as well as former addicts"
Well obviously if you get your information from people who had problems with drugs, and people who specialize in helping those people, you're going to get a disproportionately negative view of drugs. But the information you get from people like that doesn't tell you about the overwhelming number of drug users who do not suffer problems as a result.

"as one does when a close friend dies from a drug overdose"
Well, this is definitely a waste of time. Your own personal experience makes you biased, and nothing I say is going to change that. No matter how many examples I give over the way drugs can improve people's lives, you'll just insist on throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Which is understandable, given your experiences with it, but unfortunate. But it's ironic you're against drug legalization, considering your friend would still be alive if drugs like meth were legal and regulated, so that botched synthesis would never have happened.

Maliciously Delicious - 2017-05-05

//TLDR: My issue isn't with the legalization of drugs, my issue is with the fact that people think just making something legal is going to make the problem go away. And don't consider the massive regulatory framework that would need to be put into place. A framework which we still don't have since we still have problems with these drugs now, especially in the states, where someone with a drug addiction is generally sent to prison. Or in Canada, where legally you can't make someone go into rehab if they haven't committed a crime while high.:END TLDR//

Like I said, I have no issues with pot, but claiming its harmless, or that a hard drug using addict isn't harming anyone but themselves is just fallacious. Many narcotics, cannot and should not be legalized. For every, mostly, harmless narcotic, there's a half dozen others that do horrific things to people. Legalizing methamphetamines wouldn't do anything, since people would probably still prefer the illegal criminally produced versions, as legalized medical marijuana showed up here, most people preferred the illegal weed due to being cheaper and higher quality than what was being produced by licensed companies. And no, legalizing drugs wouldn't have prevented the death of my friend, since by that point their liver and kidneys were going anyways due to drug abuse, it would have probably prolonged their life a year at most. Since drug addicts aren't placed on organ lists because, well, they kinda destroyed their own organs (Same with alcoholics.)

Legalization, again isn't the be all end all. Regulations help, but the issue with regulations is they take time and funding, which translates to taxes, either on the drugs being regulated and legalized (Like cigarettes and alcohol) or translating into higher taxes on citizens. Guess what people don't like doing. Paying taxes. So you now have your legal, government meth, or cocaine or what have you, it cost four times more than the illegal stuff, and gives half the high (Again, basing this on medical marijuana issue we had up here, I would also like to point out illegal cigarettes weirdly have less carcinogens since they use actual tobacco leaves instead of processed nicotine. Its unrelated I just find it odd what cigarette companies are allowed to do.)
It also comes with the same problem with alcohol in that there's really no framework to prevent abuse, and it still doesn't address the underlying issues that cause substance abuse. Like i said, I have problems with addictive drugs and the whole shitload of issues they cause. I don't give a flying fuck about legalized marijuana as long as the laws around it are enforced (No minors, no pregnant women, like cigarettes.)

In a perfect world, sure, legalization of hard drugs could work if you had the time, money, resources, and infrastructure to deal with it. IE Enough law enforcement, regulatory committees, companies producing and distributing product, addiction prevention and treatment, ect. However we can't do most of that crap now. Hell, we can't even deal with the homeless problem. Which amusingly, it would actually be cheaper to feed and house the homeless than it is to leave them homeless and operate as we are now. Granted I state that based on limited studies (Cost of average emergency room treatment over a period of time for the homeless, plus money spend on shelters and food banks, compared to what it cost to house the population and feed them. So take that with a grain of salt.)

Again, my point as been legalizing something isn't going to magically make it not a problem. And the time and effort it takes to make it a workable solution isn't going to happen any time soon, because if it was, it wouldn't have taken nearly a century to re-legalize pot.

Oh and if you read all of this, my favourite colour is purple. And I hate auto correct for trying to make me spell everything in american English. Also America is the name of the super continent formed by north and south america, not the name of the United States. Its completely unrelated to anything but I kinda want to pad this monster of a post out. I also like how this hasn't devolved into us calling each other obscenities. Also stoked I got to use fallacious in a sentence that isn't "Fallacious is a real word dammit."

Argenteus - 2017-05-05

>Cocaine and other stimulating drugs are able to give a constant dopamine rush which is highly addictive. Do you think this is healthy?
To take repeatedly, no. To take occasionally, not really, but not extremely unhealthy either. I'm not saying stimulants are the safest thing in the world, but they can definitely be used responsibly, with some self-control.

>On the other hand sedatives like THC block transmissions reducing anxiety et cetera, do you think this is healthy?
It seems to me that you think that anything that changes anything in the brain is inherently unhealthy. This is simply not the case. THC is extremely safe, even used habitually and long-term. Also, you can't generalize the safety of individual drugs based on general classifications like "sedative" or "stimulant". Some stimulants are relatively safe, like caffeine, some require care but can be used safely with careful self-discipline, like meth, and some will almost inevitably have severe side effects, like nikethamide. The same is true for sedatives, psychedelics, empathogens, and essentially every broad category, but it's especially true for categories that aren't really specific in their mechanism of action, like stimulants and sedatives.

Besides, anxiety is very bad for the brain, and isn't the normal state of the brain anyway. If weed reduces your anxiety, it's doing a lot more good than it is harm.

>It's like breaking the balance don't you think?
Temporarily, yes, but the body is quite capable of returning to that balance afterwards.

>I mean it's harmless if you use it occasionally but still it still doesn't take the dickhead personality from the user.
That's a bit of a generalization, don't you think? People who use drugs, including but not limited to weed, come in a large range of different personalities. Unless you think drug use inherently makes someone a dick, it seems unreasonable to believe that all drug users were dickheads to begin with. THC doesn't "take the dickhead personality from the user", but it doesn't have to if they weren't a dick to begin with.

Sup3rman1c - 2017-09-18

Who talked anything about inhaling starter fluid? Are you fucking retarded or what? Fuck off kid.

VivaMessico - 2019-06-15

Maliciously Delicious liberal soyboy detected

Youngconvict YngC - 2018-12-21

We’re did u get thoes glasses from I need one with the pipe

NurdRage - 2018-12-23


Youngconvict YngC - 2018-12-23

NurdRage wat do I look up to find it

Chris Heavrin - 2018-03-11

Hey @NurdRage, how would one go about separating diethy ether from n-pentane? Fractional distillation isn't viable because n-pentane has a boiling point of 36.1°C. Ether is slightly soluble in water, so would an extraction and subsequent distillation be the best option? Best regards!

AllChemystery - 2017-04-22

Dang. I was planning to do a video on this! Probably Still will do it though.

AllChemystery - 2017-04-22

Can you flush the storage bottle with CO2 to prolong storage?

Barskor1 - 2020-02-16

@AllChemystery Yes and painting the bottle to block light would also help.

Harves1115 - 2017-05-02

Have you tried making meth lol?

exotictoad - 2017-04-22

i really enjoy your videos. i think you are one of the very few people on youtube that make videos on chemistry of this quality. im planning on subbing to your patron the second i get a job this summer, because you deserve it.

mountaingoat1003 - 2020-01-29

I found out that the peroxides can be monitored with potassium iodine/starch paper and removed from the ether by pouring it through a column of activated alumina

Rocky River Mushrooms - 2017-04-22

Ive always been bad at chemistry but I enjoy your videos.

flippynl - 2017-04-22

would it be a nice idea to make a video about fire saftey and what to avoid so you dont use the wrong type with the wrong chemicals and possibly making it worse.

Joel Brown - 2017-06-27

protip: turn the can upside down and spray it gets all the gas out then open the can with a punch or bottle opener. Pour out fluid.

Ian Lance - 2017-11-12

anyone else see the ground glass connections and think of bongs?

beneric73 - 2017-04-22

thanks for the video !

Jon - 2017-04-22

I feel so knowledged right now

yung rosei - 2019-06-27

Need this for acid

Dan Calvano - 2017-05-07

Hell Mr or Mrs. NurdRage, I'm a huge fan of your content. I recently decided to take the big financial plunge and finally buy a distillation set. In the set I got a bunch of round bottom flasks, but I really like the looks of an Erlenmeyer flask and will probably be buying at least one as a boiling vessel or....receiving? flask. I was wondering, are there any benefits or drawbacks to using Erlenmeyers over round bottoms, or does it all come down to personal ascetic presences?

Anyway thanks for all you do.

Austin Andricks - 2018-12-16

This is for lsd right lol

NurdRage - 2018-12-16

No, it's for grignard reactions. just watch my other videos on it

Niclas - 2018-01-30

All starter fluid I can get where I live have pentane in it. Pentane has almost the same boiling point as ether (36,1C vs 34,6 C. Is there any way to separate the two?

Chris Heavrin - 2018-03-11

Niclas I have the same problem. Since ether is slightly soluble in water (~7g/100mL) and pentane isn't, you could extract the ether in water and then purify by distillation. I haven't tried this but that seems to be the best method...

TRAS̸H DØVE - 2019-02-20

then there is Germany, where ether is cheaper and easier to get than starter fluid BUT you can't get any nitric acid above 3%.

Northern Sailor - 2018-02-04

Isn't this a precursor to be used with Ergotamine Tartrate for the production of LSD-25?

Maggie P - 2018-12-05

It's just a solvent bro.

Mark Beeunas - 2017-04-27

Would an air tight glass ampule solve the long term storage problem with regard to peroxides?


Oneofdazzz - 2017-05-07

could you use n2 to purge the canister of oxygen for saver storage? Not that I would ever have a need or desire to recreate this vid...

mechadrake - 2017-04-22

commercial at the end is significant portion of the video, that is not a good tone :)

YEAR OF THE ROOSTER - 2017-04-24

I can't believe you finally made it to diethyl ether

fla playa - 2017-04-25

That molecule looked like 1-Ethoxyethylhydroperoxide @ 3:42.
Oh and don't use N-Heptane as gasoline as it is the model for Zero Octane.

NurdRage - 2017-04-25

Did i get it wrong?

Random Experiments Int. - Experiments and syntheses - 2017-04-22

Below 300 club :D

momi - 2017-04-22

plz how can i make Antimony pentachloride SbCl5 ??? i try but dosn't work :-(
plz plz plz help me and thank you :-)

Michael Williams - 2017-04-22

You need to melt antimony trichloride in a pure atmosphere of chlorine gas with strong stirring or directly bubble the chlorine through the melt.

Note: I am not responsible for any injury that you may sustain in making this substance.

momi - 2017-04-22

liquid trichloride antimony ??
is trichloride antimony liquid or solid ???

Michael Williams - 2017-04-22

It is solid in its pure form at STP. It melts at 73.4C

Michael Williams - 2017-04-22

You do know you can just buy this stuff, right?

momi - 2017-04-22

i am frome brazil. dosn't exist antimony trichloride here to buy hhhh
thank you thank you thank you :-)

Muzik Bike - 2017-04-22

I'd like to see where I can make all the striaght chain alkanes. Methane is usually in normal cooking gas, propane and butane are sold for camping stoves, but I'd like to see what I can extract everything else from.

Muzik Bike - 2017-04-30

what about candle wax? or Vaseline? Those have pretty long chains, what if I could separate them somehow

Anthonypython - 2017-04-30

Spooky Wizard
cool, I have a Uncle that does that,he's in the same field. never asked if he has done Distillation towers though but he is in the same sort of stuff he works in the oil industry or was , not sure what he does these days. but of course when it gets that large it's more to it, with technical stuff, but my simplified explanation should be suffice for people who isn't in that field, Guess right?

Anthonypython - 2017-05-01

Spooky Wizard
I'd Imagine so since you know way more than me, since it isn't my field of study. Though of course I couldn't know your field of study. It's just funny to say distilling wood, never thought of that, but I guess you could call it that huh? Time to experiment, "next time" "we are distilling plastic!"

Random Experiments Int. - Experiments and syntheses - 2017-05-01

No, but you can buy it, like all the other sources you mentioned :D

Random Experiments Int. - Experiments and syntheses - 2017-05-01

You can turn it into smaller chains by heating it up with shards from clay pots. Then you can distill off smaller chains and even collect gases. This is called cracking.

Gadget λumic - 2017-04-26

In your opinion a 50 cm long Vigreaux column it's enough versatile for the fractional distillation of diethyl ether and ethanol? Can I use a shorter column? I can't use a bigger one because I can't fit the whole apparatus in my little lab xD
I'm making diethyl ether from zero,for my essential oils production,because I got no access to those spray cans.
I suggest you to add in the description a method for detect the presence of dangerous peroxides,usually I test the ether with a solution of acetic acid and potassium iodide,or a starch paper strip that has been threated with a potassium iodide solution and then dried up,if there are traces of peroxide,both the methods will warn you by forming a brown precipitate or a blue stain on the paper.

Ich Selber - 2017-04-23

any idea how well the formalhdehyde for koi carp care is?