> chemistry > organiques-simples > dimethyl-oxalate-doug-s-lab

Dimethyl Oxalate

Doug's Lab - 2018-02-05

In this video, I make dimethyl oxalate from oxalic acid and methanol.

Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/DougsLab
Twitter: @YTDougsLab
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/103236004133559189742

NurdRage - 2018-02-08

If you're going to make trichlorophenol please be careful and thoroughly research the formation of side products like TCDD. I wanted to make TCP awhile back but i decided against it due to TCDD formation.

Doctor Nobody - 2020-09-26

@AlChemicalLife how do you know this and where did you find this out?

AlChemicalLife - 2020-09-26

@Gerry Murphy I know because he is still active on sciencemadness forums ...

ATLHooligan - 2020-10-13

Shut up douche

Yellow Chemist - 2020-12-06

@ATLHooligan no

Giovanni Pelissero - 2021-01-03

In Italy we had in 1976 the *Seveso Disaster*, from Wikipedia:

The Seveso disaster was an industrial accident that occurred in 1976 in a small chemical manufacturing plant approximately 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of Milan. It resulted in the highest known exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in residential populations, which gave rise to numerous scientific studies and standardized industrial safety regulations. The EU industrial safety regulations are known as the Seveso II Directive. This accident was ranked eighth of the worst man-made environmental disasters by Time magazine in 2010.

lastplace199 - 2018-02-20

Is doug dead or taking another year long hiatus? Find out next year on Dragon Ball Z.

Atlas WalkedAway - 2019-09-22

And then the f*%&ing series just restarts.

Tatsu - 2020-01-24

as i saw this comment i was playing dbz2

Clyde Ward - 2018-02-27

You OK? Haven't seen a video. The feds didn't get you, did they?

E2qNX8btraQ3zRD6J7fc - 2018-04-10

I know the family and other commitments take precedence over playing in the lab and doing Youtube videos. I wish you the best. You are/were the best educational producer in the field of Youtube chemistry; you can run with the best of them.

Duya Taksis - 2018-02-20

Aaaaaaaaaaaand he's gone. Bye, Doug! See you again next year!

TheTil EnglishTaste - 2019-08-12

*in 2 years

LordShaXX UwU - 2020-04-20

@D. R. yeah YT rules are awful
If this keep going like this , every cool chem channel will be banned and only will stand the shitty ones(make slime/playDoh as the "coolest" science projects) :c

JD Willemsen - 2020-10-08

It’s now 2 years later.

: CrewCake : - 2020-10-11

Spoke too soon.

Qwerty's Chem Lab - 2020-11-03

I’ve heard he moved to the countryside, and his internet is too bad to upload anymore
He still occasionally posts on the sciencemadness forums though

College Chemistry - 2018-02-05

Doug the videos just keep rolling out from you, and I'm loving it.

Rsaramallac - 2019-07-24

This comment aged poorly rip

Devin Cloud - 2020-05-20

@Rsaramallac very poorly...

Mia Bobeea - 2020-06-26


RedwoodRhiadra - 2018-02-20

Doug, I really hope you're all right.

Rakin Kazi - 2018-08-27

I hope he's not dead

mrjcaudy - 2018-03-13

Doug where are you?

pyromen321 - 2018-02-05

Hey Doug, mind if I ask what you do for a living? I'm unsure if you work in a chemistry-related field or if chemistry is simply one of your hobbies

Sean M - 2018-02-05

I'm also curious about this

Doug's Lab - 2018-02-05

I work in the automobile airbag industry, which has a lot to do with mechanical engineering but also the chemistry of explosives and propellants, which is my major field of study.

Oliver Rapp - 2018-02-05

Doug's Lab heyyyy make some azides

thenewbgamer64 - 2019-11-04

He answered this. He is alive... [Things intensify]

陈逸民 - 2018-02-27

where are you?

thenewbgamer64 - 2019-11-04

Im glad to see a 或那个 caring for Doug.

Karan Mannan - 2018-02-05

10:21, Doug, you're an artist. ( you'll probably catch the reference...)

subliminalvibes - 2018-02-05

Haha.. you're a cool dude, AND a great orator of chemistry.
Thank you, Doug. I'm really looking forward to what you've got planned.

Michael Domansky - 2018-09-24

Where were all these great "teachers" when I was in school! Doug, come back!

Vojtěch Pešl - 2018-11-21

Doug, please come back !

Elizabeth Greene - 2018-02-07

Someone should make a beaker that is slightly tapered outward so it's easier to remove products like the big cake at 7:35

Leonardo Aristokrat - 2018-03-16

Are you ok?

Alex - 2018-02-26

And he's gone

Christopher Marshall - 2018-08-03

Doug, in another video not too long before this one you said you were going to produce videos more frequently but you haven't followed through. When can we expect to see more of your chemistry?

ScienceWithJames - 2018-02-21

He's gone again.

Elyjah Vasquez - 2018-05-08

ScienceWithJames who said that?

Elyjah Vasquez - 2018-05-13

the rougemillenial that's me in the forum lol

William Ackerson - 2018-07-31

Please tell me you didn't die using thionyl chloride to make oxalyl chloride or something...

Redphoenix27 - 2018-02-05

"Gayest person on patreon" Also great video Doug keep up the great work

Psychx - 2018-05-10

Doug please come back!

Alex Fish - 2019-07-27

"We'll talk about that in the next video".......

thenewbgamer64 - 2019-11-04

Is he alive? [Hopes intensify]

Felixkeeg - 2020-04-03

I just want to know whether he's still alive at this point

ScienceWithJames - 2020-04-08

He's fine, just busy. Apparently he has a kid now among other things.

Liam Cg - 2020-07-05

really miss this channel posting, one of the best.

cvabds - 2018-02-05

I love your vídeos, i need them, NileRed does pretty good explanation and video editing, hope you get your patreons UP, you should do some promotion of your channel somewhere.

Mister Theguy - 2018-02-05


Grant's Tech - 2018-02-05

I’ve been waiting so patiently all day. So relieved that you actually uploaded. As always love the video!

ScienceWithJames - 2018-02-05

Great video, as always, Doug.

Mister Theguy - 2018-02-05

Hey, I love chemistry too!

XC2long4u - 2018-02-05

Could you do a video on hardware? Cheap glass vs expensive glass, different brand mantles etc.

Fantom Zap - 2018-11-19

I'm sad, where'd Doug go again?

Karan Mannan - 2018-02-05

Please don't stop uploading. Your Channel is bound to grow. Collab with codys lab maybe?

andrea pozzi - 2018-02-05

Can you make a video about wurtz-fittig reaction?

Itsik Yosef - 2019-06-19

What with all that upcoming videos, I watched all of tour videos already and I want more

Felipe - 2020-06-17

Not again Doug. I have a heart, you know?

Zock4 - 2018-02-05

I think your videos are great and it's pretty awesome to be able to expect the release date of the new videos!

Hope for Escape - 2021-02-12

I miss you its been 3 years... 😢

Bearcat Ben - 2019-08-25

I can't believe its been more than a year now

TheGinginator14 - 2018-02-05

Really cool video! I thought the liquid would be way more viscous than it was

Hong Bitter - 2018-09-29

More videos Doug! We need more

Ze Laboratorium - 2018-03-30

where are the promissed videos doug ? we miss you :,(

Dan Nickerson - 2018-02-05

Love that opening for your patreon supporters.

Guido1255 - 2018-10-23

Hope you're doing ok! I miss your videos.

arjunyg - 2019-08-19

we miss you Doug!

Eric Torkelson - 2018-02-16

Definitely too much H2SO4. I copied your prep this week also running it on the 1 m scale but reducing the sulfuric acid to 25ml. No issues drying it on the pump and it proceeded at essentially the same speed. Followed up with a re-xtal in hot MeOH to clean off lingering sulfuric.

Kris Phillips - 2020-12-29

@Doug's lab, When work slows down and family life allows, hope to see some new videos from you. And I think your channel is every bit as good as Nile Red and Nerd Rage.

Mia Bobeea - 2020-06-26

"as I'll be showing in some upcoming videos" gdi Doug

Mia Bobeea - 2020-06-26

I hope he's okay...

Andrew Androo - 2020-08-04

@Mia Bobeea I hope that too