> recherche-refl > interview-with-the-pope-s-astronomer-science-and-religion-seeking-the-truth-how-people-may-get-science-or-religion-wrong-sixty-symbols

The Pope's Astronomer - Sixty Symbols

Sixty Symbols - 2020-02-26

Speaking with Brother Guy Consolmagno - director of The Vatican Observatory. See two other videos in this "trinity" - space rocks at https://youtu.be/5OI4wb2XIZc and The Pope's Telescopes at https://youtu.be/ccoGKAL6Qas 

More links and info in full description ↓↓↓ 

The Vatican Observatory. Observatory website: http://www.vaticanobservatory.va 

Brother Guy on Twitter:https://twitter.com/specolations 

Brother Guy shows us items from the Vatican collection on Objectivity at https://youtu.be/5OI4wb2XIZc

And we tour Vatican Telescopes at https://youtu.be/ccoGKAL6Qas

Brady's Bibledex videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/bibledex

More links and info below  ↓ ↓ ↓

Visit our website at http://www.sixtysymbols.com/
We're on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/sixtysymbols
And Twitter at http://twitter.com/sixtysymbols
This project features scientists from The University of Nottingham

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sixtysymbols

Videos by Brady Haran
 and James Hennessy

Email list: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9

Sixty Symbols - 2020-02-25

See also the Papal Space Rocks: https://youtu.be/5OI4wb2XIZc
And tour the Vatican Telescopes: https://youtu.be/ccoGKAL6Qas

signorellil - 2020-02-29

@Manna Tech This is a science channel. Go elsewhere

Lemon Lady - 2020-03-09

No, tks. What do these accomplish? And the usual tongue in cheek humor is absent.

Life - 2021-11-10

To much sarcasm and jealousy.

Life - 2021-11-10

Jealous priest

SeaJay Oceans - 2022-08-31

Thank you all for spreading the Truth of Christ, and the Truth of the Universe... To the Stars, and beyond ! :-)

Mathew George - 2020-02-26

Brady is a great interviewer. Asking all the questions that are relevant.

Ričardas Marozas - 2020-02-27

If only the answers were the same, right?

Jeff T - 2020-02-27

@NGCAnderopolis no it was a joke

bird up - 2020-03-03

Hallmark of a great interviewer: he asks questions we didn't even know we wanted to ask

Beelzeboot: The Canadian Devil - 2021-04-03

Matthew George is a great commenter. Making all the statements that are relevant.

arson338 - 2021-08-17

Not a single question about their tradition of observing little boys when they shouldn't be

Solea - 2020-03-02

I'm an atheist and I really enjoyed this video. Fascinating to explore the areas where we differ as well as the points of commonality. Great interviewing from Brady - he has a gift for asking tough questions without coming off as hostile.

Art Donovan - 2022-05-21

Well said.

dexter9313 - 2020-02-27

As many people already said, great interview. We don't often have the chance to hear this point of view, and I think it's quite intellectually stimulating.

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2020-02-28

I think we should hear the points of views of all prisoners, all so-called "convicted criminals", & their opinions on ALL matters, anything. THEIR points of view are rarely heard & would be original & different.

No Way - 2020-10-08

@The Ultimate Reductionist you can find that on the internet thier views are more prominent than most peoples

Leo Wattenberg - 2020-02-26

Man, this is a fantastic video. Excellent questions, excellent answers!

NG - 2020-02-26

Possibly one of may favorite pieces published by you, Brady.

Stephen - 2020-02-26

Really? You have an odd taste.

K U - 2020-02-27

Really? You have an odd taste.

No Way - 2020-10-08

The last two comments confuse me

Dave Hill - 2020-02-26

Only Brady could interview the Pope's astronomer and still play Devil's advocate.

Whargoul1942 - 2020-02-28

I always got the Impression Brady was religious, but not getting that vibe from this video.

RFC3514 - 2020-02-29

He's being quite angelic, letting so much BS pass unchallenged.

Gareth Dean - 2020-03-01

Mind, he had a few sharp points directed his way in return.

StaK_1980 - 2020-11-02

As well as he should be but also I think he let the answers be answers and didn't bog down on every bit of detail

xinthral - 2020-02-26

"There is no description, other than poetry, that can be timeless" 31:00 This sentence sent chills into my soul, and will carry these words with me. Thank you for this video.

gladman mundingi - 2020-02-27

@RFC3514 can you dig out creation out of the ground?

Paulo Constantino - 2020-02-27

@RFC3514 LOL

Imrooniel - 2020-02-27

@RFC3514 Therefore it stands to reason that surpassing it all that is poetry written on pottery.

zapfanzapfan - 2020-03-04

Vague on details and can therefore remain timeless :-)

Ivan Alje - 2021-09-28

@RFC3514 What if, pottery is just a poetry of the past?

Daniel C - 2020-02-26

This is one of the greatest videos that you've made. It very enlightening

Abstract3030 - 2020-02-26

This is brilliant. As s scientist, I was looking for something like this.

B G - 2020-02-27

I like that Brady took on the challenge of a philosophical question with a Jesuit brother, very ambitious ! ;-)

Olli Wilkman - 2020-02-26

I had the pleasure of being "interviewed" by Brother Guy. I was the token local astronomer on panel at Worldcon 75, sitting next to astronaut Kjell Lindgren, and very much paralyzed by impostor syndrome.

John Ridley - 2020-02-27

Anyone who doesn't have impostor syndrome is probably in the worst part of the Dunning-Kruger curve. I am honored to know a bunch of people who are SO much smarter than I am, and I think every one of them is waiting for "them" to find out that they don't really know what they're doing.

Olli Wilkman - 2020-02-27

@John Ridley It wasn't so much about the smarts, though of course I was very junior compared to the others, barely a year after my PhD. It was just that I was a nobody sitting on a panel with these big names that everyone obviously were there to listen to. But I did manage to relax eventually, and even got some laughs from the audience and my fellow panelists. It was by far the most fun public appearance I've ever made.

Aris Pertesis - 2020-02-26

I just want this interview keep going!!!!!!!!

Marko Kraguljac - 2020-02-26

Its in his last name, great consoler.

Joe Smallberries - 2020-02-26

What a treasure Brother Guy is. Amazing man.

Luis Vela - 2020-02-26

Guy: "That description would've seemed fantastical to anyone up to fifty years ago, and that description would seem primitive in a thousand years. (pause for impact). There is no description other than poetry that could possibly be timeless."
Brady "That's quite a good answer, Ill give you that..."

zapfanzapfan - 2020-03-04

How were there "days" before the sun was created? Or did they just not think about that when they wrote it?

Johannes Richter - 2020-03-04

@zapfanzapfan As I said, it has a schematic structure that supersedes the chronological one. The separation of light and darkness on Day 1 becomes the blueprint for Day 4, just as Day 2 lays the foundation for Day 5 and Day 3 lays the foundation for Day 6. Compare them and you'll see what I mean.

PWBERRETT - 2020-03-13

Art, poetry and philosophy are solutions to essentially human problems.

Jan96106 - 2021-04-18

The crew of Apollo 8 on Christmas Eve the first to travel to the Moon, recited verses 1 through 10 of the Genesis creation narrative from the King James Bible.

ApplesPapples - 2021-05-30

That in all honesty is an excellent argument for the value of explicit poetic metaphor and allegory. It can just keep on going on being reinterpreted, redefined, and debated for generations and adapt to new information and science to create new more scientific and more accurate narratives and metaphors for explaining reality.

You just gotta make sure you don't mistake the words for the thing when it comes to poems.

Imran Sheikh - 2020-03-03

Loved, loved, loved this video/interview. As a person of faith and science, I often find my faith tested by my own utter belief in science. Watching this was refreshing, informative, ...and a joy. Thanks, Brady, Brother Guy, et al!

luciano piscopo - 2020-02-26

This is a very good production, the interviewer's voice is very clear you great backdrop too. The rest of the production also very good, graphics and historical matter was well presented. Very well done and can I add also the sound level was high enough so no need for captions.

ThePotatoKing - 2020-02-26

Really interesting and professional video, Brady. Had no idea this position existed until now!

This guy is really well-spoken and you always seem to ask the questions I want to hear asked. You've given me a lot to think about! :)

Bob Cunningham - 2020-03-08

I was coming to the end of this video when I had to pause it due to the noise from a large military aircraft from a nearby base. Normally, such pauses give me a moment to proudly reflect on my own military service, and the service of others.

Just now my thoughts during the pause had a tinge of shame to them, that the world we inhabit contains so many soldiers and so few people of deep faith and science.

This interview with Father Guy has popped me out of my normal set of relatively fixed perspectives. Something for which I'm very thankful and frankly overdue.

User - 2020-05-09

I'm also a soldier and I know what you feel.

Jenn B - 2020-02-27

Fantastic interview. Love to see people who have a passion for their work.

James Wylde - 2021-08-20

This is one of the best videos I have seen for a long time. The view that Bro. Consolmagno holds is refreshing and his openness to discussion & reconciliation (I don't like that term but it's the best I can think of) of traditionally divergent views is thought provoking (I think he intends it to be so?) and rationally articulated. I hope to meet this man someday.

Captain Maay - 2020-02-28

That is definitely one of my favorite interviews, Brady. He is a really interesting person. Thank you for introducing him to us

MetroYeti - 2020-02-28

Thank you so much for this interview, Brady. I've been a huge fan of your channels for ten years now. To me, learning about physics and astronomy and chemistry has deepened my love of theology. I love that you share perspectives from people ranging from Dr. Moriarty to "the Pope's astronomer." He's voiced so many things I've struggled to put into words my whole life!

dmk - 2020-02-26

really liked this series, very sympathic guy!

RFC3514 - 2020-02-26

@Ilia Korvigo - "Sympathetic", in English, generally means someone expressing sympathy (empahty, affinity, understanding, etc.). The word used in romance languages (ex., sympathique, in French) means "likeable" or "pleasant". They share a common root, but mean different things.

Ilia Korvigo - 2020-02-26

@RFC3514 I am very well aware of that meaning, just as I am aware of another one: "(of a person) attracting the liking of others" – this is taken from the Oxford Dictionary of British English.

Ilia Korvigo - 2020-02-26

​@RFC3514 The same word exists in other Germanic languages (e.g., "sympathisch" in German) and Slavic languages (e.g. "симпатичный" ~ "simpatichnyj" in Russian). I suppose it exists in other Indo-European branches, but my knowledge on the matter is limited. All these examples, including the English "sympathetic" and French "sympathique", share the same Greek root and differ only in language-specific rules of morphological derivation. Out of the languages mentioned above, English is indeed special in that the word is more commonly used to say that someone is expressing sympathy rather than being an object of sympathy, though the latter is an absolutely valid way to use it.

RFC3514 - 2020-02-26

> I am very well aware of that meaning, just as I am aware
> of another one: "(of a person) attracting the liking of others"

Virtually never used in that sense, in English. If you say someone was "sympathetic" in English, people assume you mean they were understanding or shared your point of view, not that they were cheerful and pleasant.

The fact that the OP used the word "sympathic" (not sympathetic), plus the context of his sentence, make it clear that he meant "pleasant".

So "sympathetic" is certainly an English word, but not the English word to use in that sentence, just as "library" would not be the right word to use in place of "librairie" or "librería" (despite being derived from the same original meaning).

ronik24 - 2020-02-27

@Ilia Korvigo The origin of German and other languages use is from French, as French culture was dominant in Europe before English came along.
The true origin of the word came via Latin from Ancient Greek sympátheia = sun- (“with”) +‎ páthos (“suffering”).

Tau Ceti - 2020-03-01

Guy is a phenomenal communicator both scientifically and spiritually. This one really hit home for me and made me feel accepted for once rather than shunned. It's always good to have an open mind and to remember we're all human, and we're all stardust. These were excellent videos with Guy, I really needed this rn.

Blutsaugher - 2020-02-27

I wasn't expecting to find the comment section so civil, feels unreal.

Blutsaugher - 2020-02-27

@Bear Mro I'm more concerned at the amount of people saying they've never heard this point of view, I think it is quite common and had been called out in debates numerous times.

Bear Mro - 2020-02-27

You're making very hard to come up with uncivil replies if you keep being so civil. Sigh.

Anonymous Bosch - 2020-03-18

I’m reading through the comments before I decide on how dark to get and I think I’ll leave the low hanging fruit alone

TheSunExpress - 2020-03-23

Always remember that the world is full of assholes; everyone has one. But that doesn't guarantee they'll all show up en-masse in the YouTube comments section, for the totally predictable cliché effluence.

edgeeffect - 2020-08-24

@TheSunExpress but they usually do!

Christopher Hinkle - 2020-02-27

Brady, I’m so thrilled with this set of videos. Thank you for introducing us to Br Guy! I am moved by his insight into the intersection between science and religion.

Thomas Gamsjäger - 2021-03-06

Excellent questions, excellent interview. And it is a joy to listen to a person who really knows what he is talking about.

Northern Tempest - 2020-03-16

This is probably my favorite all time video. Brady is not an academic, but he is a genius. The questions were pointed and clever in a way that I could never accomplish. Guy is an equal genius, but very much the academic and theologian. Having the two talk to and argue with and commend each other is an incredible experience. I'm surprised this video doesn't have a billion views.

Jim Kennedy - 2020-02-26

This is a fantastic interview

nosuchthing8 - 2022-04-24

I can see why the pope chose this guy

The Observer - 2020-03-16

As a Catholic, thank you Brady for doing the interview. I enjoy understanding science through your videos but it is also great that there is someone who is in the sciences but is also a person of faith. 👍

Andrew Hunter - 2020-03-09

The opposite of faith isn't doubt
The oppositite of faith is certainty (right around 15:45)
Beautifully said

Fernando Schuindt - 2020-02-26

"The real thing I think is to remind people that astronomy is the kind of thing you can't make a living at unless you have a patron" ouch

John Wendeborn - 2020-02-26

Tis entirely too true

Marcin Szyniszewski - 2020-03-01

@Evil Otto Me too.

Lemon Lady - 2020-03-09

A massive religious figure is hardly who you want as a patron!

King Plunger - 2020-09-10

well, thats true for basically all research...

for loop - 2021-08-29

@King Plunger R&D?

Janice Hemi - 2020-02-27

This is a great piece of work Brady, thank you! The director is clearly a very skilled and capable astronomer and public relations expert :)

Cullen Cowap - 2021-11-10

I keep coming back to this interview time after time. Listening to Brother Guy speak brings me so much joy and enlightenment.

Batman_Fan_F - 2020-03-16

Great video. I especially liked his views on the Genesis Creation story. A lot of fundamentalists forget about the time period the Bible was written in when interpreting the Bible. Remembering the time period the Bible was written in is extremely important when interpreting the Bible. Though, 'poetry' is not the right word for the writing style of the first 11 chapters of Genesis. The first 11 chapters of Genesis are more properly described as allegory. The Bible is not just a collection of poetry, it has real history and poetry mixed together. This is why biblical archaeology exists as a science, because there is reliable history in the Bible. A lot of what he was preaching is similar to what RTB preaches with their ministry. Science and faith are not enemies and they can coexist. They should coexist, because God is the author of both nature and scripture. So they will agree, but only if you are interpreting both revelations correctly. So that's a good thing. I liked this video. Keep up the good work.

I'll be praying.
Great video, keep up the good work. God bless.
Have a nice day/night.
-------------------------------------------------------- sincerely a nerdy Christian.

pltechs - 2021-09-22

Now that’s my kind of YouTube! Very interesting, even to a layman in both fields. Thank you!

Francesco Vultaggio - 2020-04-21

This video is amazing, it really touched me in a way difficult to explain. Your questions are really inquisitive and his responses thought provoking. Amazing, i am going to try and find his books!

Sander Bouma - 2020-02-26

Really interesting video and Brady, you're indeed (like other people are saying as well) a great interviewer!

Patrick Bailey - 2020-03-02

Thank you Brady for this wonderful video. As a devout Catholic and all-around curious science-enthusiast, I really enjoyed it.

Helcio Felippe Jr - 2020-02-27

Wow, I've just finished the trilogy—or the trinity ;-), as it says on the video description—and I'm amazed at the entertainment, knowledge and profundity of these videos. Thank you so much, Brother Guy, Brady and James.

Pedro Scoponi - 2020-02-27

It's always a wonder to see philosophy sneak into these videos, for me
And good on Brady for directly asking questions that could so easily come off as aggressive and antagonistic :)

Steve Socrates - 2020-02-26

This may be your best interview yet.
Brother Guy is fantastic, and should be the next Sagan.
Thank you, yet again.
Subscribed, belled, and patroned!

Thomas Malenfant - 2020-02-27

That's great to see this kind of interview can be out there ! Good job Brady !

Alan Dyer - 2020-02-27

Excellent interview. Well asked and beautifully answered. Thank you!

stagga89 - 2020-02-27

This was an intensely interesting interview! Great job Brady

Daniel Shurina - 2020-02-28

Amazing interview, thank you Brady for sharing your platform with this amazing intellect.

Nitro - 2020-02-27

This is a really great interview!

Rory Brooks - 2020-03-31

This is a wonderful video, and a powerful illustration of how following both scientific and religious practises is not mutually exclusive. I used to be one of those overconfident kids who wholeheartedly rejected the idea of religion and claimed that I “believed in science”, without ever really knowing what that meant. If I had seen this back then, it might’ve done something to change my perspective.

It is inspiring to see how modern religious leaders are acknowledging the part science has to play in our understanding, and welcoming the progress that science has produced.

akuyume7 - 2020-03-01

Would love to hear Tim's take on this interview. I don't consider myself super religious, but this guy is very charismatic. Would love to see more videos with him.