> human-societies > china-s-oil-gas-problem-solutions-reallifelore

China's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem

RealLifeLore - 2022-07-30

Watch the full companion video covering the Xinjiang/Uyghur Genocide here: https://nebula.tv/videos/reallifelore-modern-conflicts-xinjiang-the-uyghur-genocide 

Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP5tjEmvPItGyLhmjdwP7Ww

Select video clips courtesy of Getty Images

Select video clips courtesy of the AP Archive

Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3


@PhilHug1 - 2022-07-30

Good to see people talking about China's weaknesses instead of seeing them as a unstoppable force

@donnmckee4973 - 2022-07-30

Except it's not much of a weakness. Especially now with Russia providing them discounted oil and gas. They were already building up the infrastructure so in a couple years this will no longer be a "weakness".
Edit: the original comment was made less than 10 minutes after the release of the video and @Phillip wouldn't of had a clue the video included war scenarios so I'm responding to their comment as such.
Edit:Edit: Disregard everything above. I made the comment quickly and without fully thinking it though. My apologies to everyone. Sorry @Phillip

@lazyboy8886 - 2022-07-30

have you watched fox videos?

@u2beuser714 - 2022-07-30

Literally nobody considers them as "unstoppable force"
Military ? "They have no experience , copy paste army"

Economics? "Ponzi scheme"

Innovation? "They only copy"

Population? "Huge demographic crisis on the way"

@PhilHug1 - 2022-07-30

@@donnmckee4973 hundreds of miles of pipeline? In the event of war, sounds extremely vulnerable to outright attack or sabotage

@r.casagrande8689 - 2022-07-30

U see chinese products quality and you know their overall quality. They are far behind us.

@markadams4593 - 2022-08-19

I might note that the "northern passage" route you describe goes right by Alaska. Yes the gap is a lot wider than 1.5 miles but radar sees a long ways and giant tankers and container ships aren't at all stealthy. If the US was blockading Malacca it wouldn't give ships trying to avoid the blockade by way of Alaska a free pass.

@lomiification - 2022-08-21

Russian waters are also right there. Is the us going to risk nuclear war over trade in the Arctic?

@markadams4593 - 2022-08-21

@@lomiification When we are already risking nuclear war by blockading Malacca? Why not? By definition if we are blockading Malacca we either at or willing to be at war with China and it's friends. Hostilities are already happening.

@ryanblanch2764 - 2022-08-25

@@lomiification Is Russia going to risk that? You have to keep in mind that Mutually Assured Destruction is still a thing. There is no Nuclear war, only global destruction. It would be ridiculous to suggest one side is risking something that the other isn’t.

@peaceraybob - 2022-08-28

He also completely ignores that ice isn't the only problem, shallow waters and a lack of decent harbours are also driving forces here. Having to use mini-tankers to load from shore pipelines and then rendezvous with proper mega-tankers AT SEA to cross-load, generates problems that this kind of wishful thinking simply leap-frog. Especially, as you've noted, trying to do so almost literally in sight of a US coastline. Sigh.

@Knight3434 - 2022-09-01

Was going to say the same thing. US won’t allow that passage, obviously.

@felixgutierrez993 - 2022-08-22

Bro this channel was calling shit before it even hit on news for me. The fact this channel is free on YT is absolutely insane! This quality beats out TV and is incredibly informative without dragging on, good stuff man! Hope any sponsor deals you get pull through and YouTube treats you and your team well!

@icmull - 2022-09-25

Mate the news is always rubbish. It's a waste of time as it's constantly changing better to understand the why.

@erwinz5926 - 2022-10-16

you can even watch european tv. that was very normal standard until the war started, at least. there is still plenty of knowledge online. just. hurry.

@basharstats4482 - 2022-11-02

@@erwinz5926 sounds like someone discovered YouTube for the first time? Felix is new to internet? wait till he discovers PornHub 😂

@mattdasys2391 - 2022-11-11

But did you donate?

@corbeau-_- - 2022-11-25

I learned much of this in school, some 20 years ago. Back then it was mostly about driving a wedge between communist regimes - the latest gas reserves were unknown (like in Ukraine...), but the importance of Taiwan and the region was already abundantly clear. Same for the support for dictators and Israel in the Middle East, or the invasion of Vietnam for that matter. The latter aimed to thwart China above all else - done more successfully in South Korea: creating an ally next door to China (the invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan have a similar origin, right next to Iran).

The fact you compare this (and books, dedicated journalists - real information) to TV and the news (mostly entertainment) is just baffling. The latter want ratings and are nearly always shallow, short tempered and near sighted... The former often has little money, doesn't get (nor wants) much attention, but loves his/her work. You'd expect them in places like this, or in some obscure magazine/website. People like woodward and attenborough stand out, but it took them a long time to get noticed (since it wasn't about being noticed - not about them, but about their love).

But better late then never I suppose. Quality takes time. It's easier to just keep peddling fear, temptation and sensational but pointless events. Makes money a lot easier and people who invest money just love that. This is the main problem with MSM (and to some extent politics) these days; their audience became too big and the MSM are offering the lowest common denominator in an effort to maximise profit - the achilles' heel of capitalism.
Ideals are a lot more difficult to sell, they take effort... The dude here still believes in informing people and objectivity.
That's rare in big corporations, especially when they are present on wall street, when they have stocks and a lot of people who just want money.

In the end, all of this is about money. And the power it holds over people and their greed. Finding out the motivation behind a narrative is very important, each and every day - most 'impportant' people tend to be very manipulative. The number one reason why we don't like lawyers and politicians - and these days, oh so many journalists and tv hosts. The majority make a living by selling lies. And now there are conspiracies everywhere as a result...

@PLPCPLAPD - 2022-12-04

Well, my head hurts a bit from all this information, but damn this was an illuminating video on the intricacies of Chinese energy strategies.

@EllissDee4you4me - 2022-12-18

In time, you not only get used to that headache but you also crave more head splitting reality. Learn as much as you can, and expand your understanding of what is actually going on in the world. It’s the greatest pastime.

@PLPCPLAPD - 2022-12-19

@@EllissDee4you4me Indeed it is, I'm autistic and I have ADHD so learning about reality is not an option but a prerequisite for my well-being. The headaches I get from not understanding are far worse than the headaches from learning complex phenomenon :)

@douwesteen - 2022-12-30

Expanding the military until the country get bankrupt. Doomsday is coming

@oldmandoinghighkicksonlyin1368 - 2023-01-01

Not really a 'strategy' to say "ALL DIS BELONG ME NOW"

@HuyV - 2023-01-08

My head hurts from the unprecedented usage of superlatives in all his videos 😆

@TheHowardian - 2022-09-17

Just discovered this channel. Just became my favourite. Thank you for thorough investigation, clear and concise narration and great visuals!

@xiacoquoa4057 - 2022-10-18

This channel could be one of those paid by USA to misinform...

@williamgarcia1909 - 2023-05-23


@SerialChronicles - 2023-03-25

Just found your channel and can’t stop watching, great coverage ❤

@brunobernardicoutinho1741 - 2022-08-01

My dude, this was simply amazing. Honestly. What unbelievable effort. The fact that this is free to watch is a blessing. The details, the narration, the illustrations, the sheer documentary-level quality of your content. That was astonishing. Congratulations and please, oh please, keep them coming.

@jonb3150 - 2022-08-02

The video was ok, a bit over dramatic to be honest. But man, the way the guy speaks is unbearable. Why does he feel like he needs to narrate the video in a way that would make sense if retarded people or kids were watching.

@0v3r666 - 2022-08-02

I mean they get paid, if they weren’t getting ad revenue you wouldn’t see this on YouTube.

@bigbrainb-ryan - 2022-08-02

Hell of a way to try get 👍. Anyone need tips on how to brown nose, ask Bruno.

@rogerbritus9378 - 2022-08-02

@@bigbrainb-ryan How much are you being paid by the Chinese to denigrate this effort? Or are you simply jealous of the view count this video has gotten (almost 2 million in a couple of days)?

@angryalientv4964 - 2022-08-02

@@bigbrainb-ryan 😂

@outspokenasshat - 2022-08-26

Excellent content!!

Wow, this is truly the most interesting and informative content I’ve seen in a long time!

@kylewood2715 - 2022-09-06

Between this video and your "How Geography made the US ridiculously OP" video, which I watched just before this one, I think I have officially discovered my favorite Youtube channel!

@user-wq4fb7zt8y - 2023-07-06


@SonicSega0964 - 2023-09-16

@@user-wq4fb7zt8yhe really might be one

@bextex5529 - 2023-01-15

I genuinely hope you’ll keep uploading informative videos like this. This is my international affairs class basically

@rheinhardtgrafvonthiesenha8185 - 2024-01-30

This guy makes a French horn sound straight

@yaazzyy8410 - 2022-10-01

Came crossed your channel and I am so glad I did. The information and delivery of the subject is immaculate. Thank you for providing facts!

@asullivan4047 - 2023-09-19

Interesting and informative. Excellent photography/map job enabling viewers to better understand what /whom the orator is describing.

@ck4797 - 2022-07-30

If this form and presentation was available during my high school days, learning new things would have been easier.

@necroflounder - 2022-07-30

Learning regime propaganda? What "Holocaust" increases the population of said target? Neocons instigated 1 war, now they want a second, if you want to learn something, understand Project Mocking Bird is more effective in the YouTube era than it ever was in the past.

@MbisonBalrog - 2022-07-30

The vid is bogus. An extra few days around Oz or NZ should not matter

@hipotalamus - 2022-07-30

@@MbisonBalrog considering they are at least neutral

@omniyambot9876 - 2022-07-30

I like his videos. But reading books is absolute more efficient. The information is so dense.

@renaldiroekanto789 - 2022-07-30

imagine the teacher just reading the book, while we all just want to go home and read it(potentially) there!

@vice.nor.virtue - 2022-08-20

It's amazing how your breakout video was a breakdown of how A Game of Thrones' main plotpoints were actually based on notable events in Royalty and Politics of Great Britain hundreds of years ago. And now, today in 2022 you're creating videos about the way way more mind boggling and complex economic geopolitcal relationships of friendly and rival nations of the 21st century. Cracking stuff! What a glow-up!

@siriansight - 2022-08-22

This was absolutely phenomenal journalism.
Thank you

@maxwellmuehleip4919 - 2022-12-01

Always impressed with the quality of the visual aids, this is the most amazing channel on Youtube.

@chrismalcolm5518 - 2022-08-14

Wow! Excellent video. You so well put together the complicated interaction that so many nations have with and against each other. Interesting that in the 1980's, China began massively growing economically and greatly importing fossil fuels and using their own coal reserves about the same time that global warming really took off, but maybe that's another story. You covered this one well, especially when it came to the Wiegers situation in Xinjiang province. It all tied together at that point. Too bad our American news agencies can't explain that on the nightly news.

@lzh4950 - 2022-08-30

A conversation that I heard (when China claimed that news about Xinjiang were biased): China/the PRC: Have you ever been to Xinjiang? Western reporter: You won't let me in China/the PRC: I would if you were more impartial🤔

@paulhaynes8045 - 2022-11-11

The US is responsible for 20% of the historic CO2 production that's led up to the Climate Crisis - more than twice any other country. China, for all its recent industrial expansion is 'only' responsible for about 10%. Clearly, China needs to get its CO2 release under control, but the US (and the rest of the 'West' created this problem (and still do most to feed it), and it is their responsibility to own it and reverse it. The state of New York alone uses more energy than the whole of sub-Saharan Africa - when you have an insane situation like that, it's clear where responsibilty lies for resolving this crisis.

@latinhero1818 - 2023-02-20

It grew so much because so many greedy wall street executives and hedge fund managers forced hostile takeovers of many small to large sized manufacturing companies, gutted the employees pensions and other financial systems of support, and then sent the jobs and factories over to China while they made a profit. And turn a blind eye to the monstrous economic system that they created.

@haiwang2857 - 2023-07-28

The United States is China's biggest threat. The United States supports the separatist forces in China's Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The United States has built a large number of military bases in the first and second island chains of the Pacific Ocean near the coast of China, threatening China's security. The United States controls the Strait of Malacca, threatening China's energy security. The United States has been provoking various conflicts in the South China Sea and has established a large number of military bases in the Philippines, threatening the safety of navigation in the South China Sea. The United States controls the world's media and public opinion, portraying China as a country that threatens world security and an evil country that violates human rights. In fact, the real evil country is the United States. China is extremely peace-loving and has not waged a war for decades.

@anastasiabutton - 2022-11-28

Great video!
Side note, when you were talking about Nebula at the end one of my professors from Colorado Mesa University (at the time he was there at least) is in your clip - how crazy! I need to look him up now. 😆

@Tarkov. - 2022-07-30

When you first said "12 mile zones" and then showed the economic zones, hoo boy I got really confused thinking the south china sea was much smaller than I ever imagined.

@mineking2302 - 2022-07-30

@Mela (AMAZING CONTENT) not true shut up bot

@mineking2302 - 2022-07-30


@BRad-cq9px - 2022-07-30

@Mela (AMAZING CONTENT) If you really were better, you wouldn’t be begging for subs in his comment section

@therealmistermemer - 2022-07-30

@@BRad-cq9px It's a bot, ignore it.

@ericmcguire9573 - 2022-07-30

The economic exclusion zone is 200 nautical miles.


Excellent content here... Thank you so much for your efforts creating this! I wish schools in America would use this. I wish more people would take the time to exercise independent learning and thinking

@donbadaczewski8499 - 2022-08-10

Great video. One quibble, doesn't the Arctic Ocean route have a similar choke point problem with the Bering Strait???

@cheri238 - 2023-01-10

I listened to this a ways back, but at that time, I did not know how to save on my cellphone or leave a comment. regretfully, I am not tech savey. I am learning as I go. I have asked many people to view your videos as they are very informative . Thank you for your in-depth research, as I can only assume how much time and effort these are to make

@vtownboxingfan - 2022-08-17

This was such a concise and informative video, well done and thank you. Now Subscribed to your channel.

@sunilshrestha657 - 2023-03-27

I appreciate your video and insights. I was hooked and watched one video and another. Thank you!

@SAA91DK - 2022-07-30

your videos become more like a documentary episode of around 40 min each rather than a YouTube video. Good work

@raifikarj6698 - 2022-07-30

Because currently youtube algorithm reward Watch time than view count so expect a longer video format than usual 10 minutes de facto format that persist since 2014. So youtuber either make 1 minute interesting video for gain subscriber but shit pay or longer video.

@Homer-OJ-Simpson - 2022-07-30

@@raifikarj6698 I would think 2 parts would be better for the algorithm. It's also harder to get people to watch 40min YT videos but I'm guessing they are sacrificing some potential financial earrings in order to produce more quality content which can be considered better in the long run.
Most of these similar youtube channels seem to stick to 15-25min. I believe even RLL use to do that until recently.

@soundscape26 - 2022-07-30

@@raifikarj6698 40 minutes is way too long for a video on this topic... most people see the total duration and click away. With a better script this could've been a 20-minute one.

@ducko-chan6285 - 2022-07-31

@Mela (AMAZING CONTENT) no you're not

@shivpatel5413 - 2022-07-31

@@Homer-OJ-Simpson so what bro, you can always speed up the video itself, PLUS it’s always been like that ever since a couple of years ago; also I’m not sure what your fussing & hates all about bro! F u bro !

@sammylee4778 - 2022-08-10

My father was the ambassador of the Philippines to China before his passing. He kept all at peace I sure miss him he was my mentor.

@kuyab9122 - 2022-08-23

What's your father's name?

@sammylee4778 - 2022-08-23

@@kuyab9122 sotero Lee

@t5ruxlee210 - 2022-08-25

This energy situation also explains why the PRC is especially interested in being one of the leading countries involved in making electric power generation from nuclear fusion a practical reality as soon as possible.

@juliandittrich6336 - 2022-10-20

Thank you for tying all those aspects together

@krisdockers2047 - 2022-08-13

Great docco/info and insight, a rarity on that which is mostly becoming obscured from us, well done!

@laxthor09 - 2023-10-08

Amazing video. I hope you do another video exactly like this one year after this video came out kind of as an update.

@luxuryhub1323 - 2022-07-30

This production deserves to be longer . Everything was super detailed, educative and informative Thanks for this

@iwantgoals1566 - 2022-07-30

Always so nice I end up watching it twice.

@LavaCreeperPeople - 2022-07-30

good, now the CCP will die faster than it already is

@soundscape26 - 2022-07-30

Longer? It's almost 40 minutes.

@sanriosonderweg - 2022-07-30

Why, look at what is going on, these channels are just banging the drums of war the regime is instigating.

@carterskindle7086 - 2022-07-30

I disagree. 40 minutes is perfect.

@rafael_np - 2022-08-28

Thanks for the analysis, there is a lot of information to digest and think about. 👍

@DefaultTheseus - 2022-08-19

I can assert without a glimpse of doubt, it is indeed one of the most comprehensive videos on YouTube.

@Horizon3165 - 2022-10-15

Thank you. Information well presented and very informative.

@alokshukla6888 - 2022-08-14

A well researched video covering the vulnerabilities of China's energy needs and steps being taken to overcome them. Just one addition, the importance of the Indian islands of Andaman and Nicobar which are very close to Malacca Strait.

@aclearlight - 2023-02-27

Great work! (...and I just joined Nebula so as to view your other stuff)

@ojas8578 - 2022-07-30

That strait is the reason why India has so much potential and is looking to upgrade the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

@u2beuser714 - 2022-07-30

India will be isolated by the west for its stance on russia ukraine war.India , in essence, isnt a western friendly by any stretch of the imagination

@atharvasubhedar7 - 2022-07-30


@bharatigawde8112 - 2022-07-30

Surrender modi 🤡

@SherlockHolmes-rl1lg - 2022-07-30

What about indigenous people of Nicobar Andaman and rare plants and animals

@PutXi_Whipped - 2022-07-30

India is a failed state. There is not once city in India that is as clean or as magnificent as a Tier 4 city in China. Not one.

@JJPO1COS - 2022-08-15

Brilliant! Well done and pure information. Thanks 👍

@Chinthakauoc - 2022-08-15

Superb content. Learned a lot from this video. Keep doing this type of contents. Wish you good luck..

@UncleBensChannel - 2022-10-15

Great deep dive on this. VERY well done.

@dimbose9229 - 2022-08-11

Ok, this channel make me think a Nebula subscription is really worth it.

@monaoconnell5650 - 2023-04-24

Very informative. I hope to hear more from you.

@wafiqal4818 - 2022-08-05

As a Malaysian, it is common to know that the Strait of Malacca has been one of the most strategic route since the Malacca Sultanate, but knowing China heavily rely on this route to import LNG really blows my mind, I just found out this today

@D3SUPREMACY - 2022-08-05

It always been. Portuguese control it for a long time. Demak Empire (Java) under Adipati Unus try to take it twice but sadly they got defeated by the Portugese.

@danielcobbins9050 - 2022-08-06

I don't see why China and Japan can't get their oil from Indonesia. Japan invaded Indonesia in 1942, for that very reason.

@wafiqal4818 - 2022-08-06

@@danielcobbins9050 the bigger question is, why they dont get it from Russia? They are allies right but still wanna import from Middle East

@_helmi - 2022-08-06

@@wafiqal4818 partly because Malaysia/Singapore are also part of the supply chain - crude oil from Middle East, refine in SE Asia then export to China/Japan. of course, many other factors are at play here.

@Mk-jr8rg - 2022-08-06

they don't rely and definitely don't heavily rely on it you bozo, it's american propaganda, it's important yes, but they definitely don't rely on it

@MeSaCdc - 2022-08-13

Great vid. thanks for your work!

@howardtreesong4860 - 2022-08-09

I love the quality and content of the video. The speaker has a way of modulating his voice that takes a bit of effort to getting used to. The content itself is excellent and has taught me an enormous amount about the drivers and issues pertaining to China’s economic expansion. I don’t really mind that China wants to be an economic power in the world, I do greatly mind how they treat their own population with the Uyghur persecution.

The Chinese now have a few more pressing problems with their real estate sector collapsing completely. The loss of money will be of far greater concern than China’s geopolitical ambitions. When the money stops flowing the circus tends to come to a rather drastic halt.

@c4standard - 2022-08-11

Lucky you, I can't stand his ridiculous narration and quit after a minute, although the vid seems to be good. I can imagine the speaker using this same irritating voice in real life like Starbucks. They'd die of laughing instead of giving him a latte machiato.

@justinming4103 - 2022-09-06

Have you ever lived in Xinjiang? Have you ever lived in China? Have you ever suffered a loss in investing and buying a house in China? the wind you listen to may not be the wind, the rain you listen to may not be the rain.

@howardtreesong4860 - 2022-09-06

@@justinming4103 I don’t fear for the lives of the Chinese. Xi will put the country back on the rails and make sure everybody’s treated fairly.

@howardtreesong4860 - 2023-02-11


@BastienLejeune - 2023-06-22


@HxTurtle - 2023-02-06

honestly, I don't know when I've learnt that much in such a short/compressed time. I usually follow the news, but they never give away why background information. all of a sudden, the entire world makes more sense now. I wish this video would be considered for screening in schools! (also, his somewhat unusual way to speak DRAMATICALLY helps with memorizing 😅)

@DavidRLentz - 2022-08-15

Astounding! Absolutely astonishing, deeply troubling, yet offering paths to resolution. So much here to address.

@alexiiklexxi2191 - 2022-10-08

An admirable documentary! Could you share the list of references for the numbers and maps you used in it?

@mikezappulla4092 - 2023-12-20

Look them up. This is common info.

@PaulGuy - 2022-07-30

Someone finally thought of the smaller US carriers. Most of the time, people only mention the supercarriers, but forget about the "helicopter" carriers, all of which either currently can or could easily be modified to carry Harriers and/or the F-35.

@Poctyk - 2022-07-30

US doesn't need to modify anything.

@RJT80 - 2022-07-30

The USMC specifically has been well ahead of the curve. They've been moving back to their roots for several years now and have been toying around with some next level stuff. A lot of the drone use we're seeing in Ukraine has already been tested by Marines going back several years. They are increasing the size of the fireteam to make use of these small surveillance drones that can also pack a top down punch using remote grenades. They want close air support on multiple scales. Keep in mind it was the USMC that first experimented with close air support in WW1. So now an assistant squad leader will help with mission critical and future cyber warfare capabilities on the squad leaders right shoulder, and a dedicated drone operator with 40mm remote grenades and likely other portable suicide drones on the squad leaders left shoulder. Every single squad will have the new Carl Gustaf. That's a lot of punch. Bye bye light machine gun. Every Marine sans the Gustaf gunner has the ability to lay down suppressing fire with the M27. They not only ditched their tanks but are also in the process of ditching most tubed artillery in favor of HIMARS which they proved can be fired from moving ships. Also eyeing the ballistic missiles in a shipping container concept. They are restructuring for island fights in a major way and with some serious ingenuity.

@danthemansmail - 2022-07-30

Harriers are no more. F35s suck. Try again.

@alanlight7740 - 2022-07-30

@@RJT80 - speaking of island fights, the U.S. has the only military in the world with a history of serious island hopping capability. While the Japanese occupied many islands it was seldom in the face of more than token resistance - and besides, those who got island experience were almost entirely annihilated by the U.S. in the course of the war.

When I was a kid I read a bunch of books about that campaign that had been written by veterans with young readers in mind, and the ingenuity of American soldiers was amazing. In many cases they simply built the equipment they needed for a particular landing when the need arose, in theatre.

@spacecraftcarrier4135 - 2022-07-31

Technically if one thinks of aircraft carriers as being able to host fighter jets instead of just helicopters, then yea, the smaller LHA & LHDs of the US Navy counts.

And recently the US Navy managed to bolster their arsenal further by successfully testing out the conversion of their 2 America-class LHAs, USS America & USS Tripoli, into being able to host 20 F-35Bs. So now the number of US carriers that can send F-35 jets into combat have increased from 11 to 13, without even building any new carrier.

And the number of those LHAs will gradually increase overtime.

Another thing this video didn't mention is Japan's Navy ("Self-Defense Force"). The Japanese are now even converting their 2 largest helicopter carriers into aircraft carriers to also being able to host and operate F-35Bs, and additionally the Japanese Navy has about as many destroyers, frigates and submarines as the Royal Navy & French Navy combined. All of Japan's naval assets will definitely be in full support of the US Navy in the event of war with China and their misguided fantasies of invading Taiwan.

@devilmaycry1980 - 2022-08-21

Oh my god thank you for actually providing a link to the nebula video. I was beginning to think you folks had a contractual obligation not to share nebula links since you always talk about the cool videos there but never actually have a link to them anywhere.