> philo > metric-paper-cgp-grey

Metric Paper

CGP Grey - 2021-03-26

‣ Thank you, Bonnie Bees, for making this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey

‣ Discuss this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/cgpgrey

## Related Videos

Powers of Ten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fKBhvDjuy0

The Secret City of London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrObZ_HZZUc

Which Planet is Closest? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SumDHcnCRuU

Re: Which Planet is Closest? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIS0IFmbZaI

## Special Thanks

## Crowdfunders
Steven Snow, Ben Delo, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, BN-12, Bobby, Chris Chapin, David F Watson, Richard Jenkins, Steven Grimm, سليمان العقل, Phil Gardner, Martin, Ben Schwab, Colin Millions, Saki Comandao, Jason Lewandowski, Marco Arment, emptymachine, Andrew Bereza, Rebecca Wortham, George Lin, rictic, Henry Ng, Awoo, Fuesu, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Tyler Bryant, Oliver Steele, David Tyler, iulus, Jordan Earls, Kermit Norlund, Bryan McLemore, Alex Simonides, Felix Weis, Christopher Mutchler, Ryan Tripicchio, Derek Bonner, Mikko, Orbit_Junkie, Paul Alom, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Julien Dubois, Derek Jackson, Ron Bowes, Nicholas Welna, Bear, David Palomares, Freddi Hørlyck, John Rogers, Peter Lomax, ShiroiYami, Tristan Watts-Willis, chrysilis, Drago175, Emil, Esteban Santana Santana, Rhys Parry, Veronica Peshterianu, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Elizabeth Keathley, Birdstryke

## Music

Microscopic by Gas, free download from http://www.microscopics.co.uk

David Rees: http://www.davidreesmusic.com

CGP Grey - 2021-03-26

The director's commentary https://www.patreon.com/posts/directors-for-49649449

Pat Just Pat - 2022-06-16

Did you address how you butchered the math by saying that Mars is 14 light minutes away, when the sun is just 8 light minutes away?

Ricky Ray - 2022-06-22

This is similar to an old video, I saw in school, called "The Power of 10".

Hondo - 2022-07-15

So this is a jojo reference

Daniel Hogue - 2022-07-29

Can I get a science to English translation

Crab - 2021-03-26

So what you're saying is.. this perfectly-shaped rectangle... is the bestangle?

Dayhel - 2022-09-10


Sideways Hoodie - 2022-09-24


Jose Otero - 2022-10-03


Hexagon is the best gun or Bestangle

Baby Kurama - 2022-10-04

@TheBigNCat but not the bestangle

daboss man - 2022-10-11


juan cuello espinosa - 2022-08-13

I always find it interesting that there are more subdivisions down than we have doublings up. the planck length is at 226, where the observable universe ends at 184

Timar Batis - 2022-09-13

@Zanorok You realize startings twice as big would only shift the number by 1?

Alabastine - 2022-09-14

Wouldn't it be funny if the unobservable universe ends at 226 subdivisions.

And then we integer overflow into the Planck length.

Gustavo Santiago - 2022-09-19

@Tj H I mean at this point you would be tearing subatomic particles apart. Can we even still call that a sheet of paper?

zoopzoooom - 2022-10-04

@Will Postill and thanks for all the fish.🐬🤖

Kody Parsons - 2022-10-05

@Zanorok it’s based off the golden ratio. the sheet of paper folds represent that

Lunch Break - 2022-08-05

I find it fascinating how this channel can turn an ordinary piece of paper into an existential crisis for so many people

TheSaltyBeard - 2022-08-13

If you think about it, this is evidence that we may live in a simulation.

In 3d re dering we only render what is necessary. We don't fill the inside of a 3d object with data points to make it an object. We just use triangles to construct its shell.

TheSaltyBeard - 2022-08-13

That is to say: the illusion of matter when most of what is being interacted with is nothing.

Michiel van Grinsven - 2022-08-14

Why would this make you feel empty? It inspires me with awe.

Michiel van Grinsven - 2022-08-14

@TheSaltyBeard How is this evidence of a simulation? All those particles in a nucleus interact with each in a combinatory way. This ensures any calculation using less particles than the original situation is also slower, because it can't sustain the same level of complexity. Although the speed doesn't matter for a simulation hypothesis using a Zenonian argument (Achilles and the Tortoise), the nucleus itself still counts like a multi-dimensional polyhedron; a multi-particled system. So even though matter looks empty it most certainly doesn't model with the complexity of nothing. Just because we use triangles in simulations, and nature uses triangles in real-life; doesn't make real-life a simulation.

Patfre - 2022-07-05

Fun fact: if you divide the longer part of the paper by the shorter part it will give you the square root of 2

Triton - 2022-07-25

I love this mans videos, he takes the most simple topic and makes it into literal documentary

LGR - 2021-03-26

...so I'm honestly impressed metric paper folds in half to the same ratio.

Cyan_Oxy - 2022-09-04

@Melesniannon I mean they probably went from there. They used the golden ratio to make a 1m² sheet and divived it until it was a useful size.

music4live91 - 2022-09-06

@Søren Hougaard Rasmussen Yes, that's exactly what they said in the video. Even though I am used to working with A4 because it is the European (standardized), I am so impressed by this video and agree so much with all the stunning here in the comments. 🙂

Bescot Dude - 2022-09-15

@Damian Pulido it seems like the golden ratio

geecen - 2022-09-16

I think everyone knows about this except Americans who don't use metric paper.

Mikołaj Wojtas - 2022-09-23

@Damian Pulido fun fact; the Golden Ratio is present in both of those.

Jackson Ritchie - 2022-09-20

I don’t think I’ll be able to look at a sheet of paper again without having an existential, gut-wrenching reality check

Ruth Stewart - 2022-08-18

I wasn’t aware I was about to go on an existential journey guided by a piece of paper but there it is…

Bloody Kenshiro - 2022-08-31

All hail A4, all hail the metric system!
Seriously though. I don't know if this video is meant to be poetic or an existentialist piece, but I love it, for sure.

___ - 2022-06-18

Metric everything lore: literal universes within a sheet of paper
Meanwhile the US:

Metabloxer - 2022-09-03

An atom is smaller than one football field!

MALIK 7IC - 2022-09-08


I didn't ask for that - 2022-09-17

@Metabloxer no way bro

Alex K - 2022-09-20

@Metabloxer yeah but is it smaller than a football field divided by 15000 kings feet minus 17 freedom eagles?

Sandy Gottfried - 2022-04-04

Normal people: "Hey, could you hand me a sheet of paper?"
CGP Grey: ​contemplates life, existence, and nothingness​

ZipKickGo - 2022-08-22

Normal people : continues to hold hand out as CGP Grey deepens further into monologue

Elemental Gaming - 2022-09-05


The Taco Kingdom - 2022-10-01

I just wanted to know about some paper bro

949 0867 - 2022-10-12

and everything.

949 0867 - 2022-10-12

@TOLSTOI Agreed. At it's most indivisible, there is energy occupying space. Perhaps the energy is far less dense in some area, but it's there nonetheless. (If you dispute this, look up quantum foam.)

Ian Jossic - 2022-08-10

What I liked most about this is that a) I learned that A0 paper exists, b) it is a satisfying, perfect 1m^2

Joshua Sweetvale - 2022-07-04

3:50 When I learned about the Planck length in high school physics, I went "Heeey, wait a mi- Oh no."
And the teacher quickly shushed me.
Yeah, life is but a dream.

ConfusedQuark - 2022-05-06

I like this video bc while it gives me a bit of existential dread, it also helps center me when I'm working on difficult or stressful projects. Helps you find where you are.

Lost Stylus - 2022-08-21

This video is very powerful for understanding everything we are as far as scaling goes, but also just goes to show how our own scale, where we live and observe, is really the most important to us because it fits us. The rest of this stuff we know exists, but will never truly observe or understand, at least for a very long time. The things on our scale are explained with our communication, using the senses that are tuned for this level of understanding. Look what we’ve done with the scale we’ve been given, the scale we are bound to. We have limits, but do we really know where they are? The limits haven’t stopped our own expansion of understanding, and unlike a lot of other levels, our scale is full of life, compared to the vast nothingness on both ends. If nothing matters on both ends where nothing happens, I wanna stay where things do happen and I can bring myself to comprehend, but I think that’s more easily said, and I’m probably pretty ignorant compared to what things could be but I just wanna say to those who are having existential crises that it’s not a concern and will never be a concern, in our lifetime. And if it is we can cross that bridge when we get to it.

Derin Edala - 2021-04-02

Me, an Australian who grew up with this kind of paper: yeah our paper system is the best, I know exactly what this video is going to be about.
CGP: The organs of the bee...
Me: Whelp, I was wrong.

Tyrde Retyus - 2021-11-07

Well, when you are young, you think everything makes sense once you learn about it. And then, you learn about America.

Questo - 2022-01-19

Everyone but Americans use it 😂

David Lang - 2022-07-04

@whatthefox standardized by German government agency DIN which was adopted by the Common Market the predecessor of the EU.

AkteNö - 2022-09-13

Who invented it?

In Germany even its weigh and thickness is defined by a norm

Monipulator3216 - 2022-06-04

I love order of magnitude videos that give comparisons like this. Existential crises are fun. 😀

Nishant Aggarwal - 2022-09-14

In today's episode of "that useful information you didn't know where to get"
I was looking for paper dimensions for printer setting for my business(printing on A4 would waste paper in my field)
But this half fold thing simplifies things so much.

Matt Smith - 2022-06-01

This was amazing and I love the former presentation you took. We don't think about it but it's amazing to see the similarities between the infinitely small and the infinitely huge

Autogen // Drone Atlas - 2022-05-28

As a fan of Gas (Mat Jarvis) and yourself, I was pleasantly surprised in the best way possible that this was a spin on his "Microscopic" music video using paper sizing as a metric for the biggest and smallest known stuff in our universe 👌

PikaNinjaBros - 2022-02-18

"You can only fold a sheet of paper in half 6 times. No more than that."
CGP Grey: ...and now we're at the Planck length.

Sylvia Rusty FæThey - 2022-08-15

@Mariano Amato Practical mathematicians? You mean like accountants, astronauts, engineers, bankers, astrophysicists, and statistical researchers?

Advanced mathematics is useful to many jobs where theres very clear practical use of their skills.

Adv Maths is why you have a phone and a sturdy house and roads and bridges that last. Without Adv Maths it was quite common to build shoddy bridges that caused massive fatalities bcuz they didnt know all the things they needed to know to calculate the correct methods to avoid such catastrophe.

Adv Maths is why skyscrapers and rockets exist. Adv Maths is why bicycles can stay upright when unridden as long as theyre moving. Adv Maths is how humanity has clawed its way out of the dark caves of the past.

Honeysauce - 2022-08-16

But wasn't there a guy who did it 12 times

Ragini - 2022-09-13

@Shockblade if it doesnt have its ratio anymore, you didnt fold in half like the op comment said

Dad - 2022-09-29

@zypity it’s impossible for a sheet of paper to be the smaller than even an atom, since it’s made of atoms. It’s like making a human smaller than a cell.

zypity - 2022-09-29

@Dad congratulations on discovering the practical limitations. Please contact the Nobel society to gather your prize.

Clockwork Ninja - 2022-06-17

Perhaps there's a reason we can only fold a sheet of A4 paper 7 times.

Sofia Emerick - 2022-05-26

Thank you for the nightly existential crisis. Every night I watch one of your videos to give myself just enough nightmares to ensure I wake up in the morning with my heart already racing!

Etay Elkayam Landau - 2022-06-18

I was expecting an innocent video about A4 paper and then you made me question my own existence. A nice way to start my Saturday morning :))

EdgyShooter - 2022-07-15

Genuinely didn't know that the A paper system was also metric, that's neat!

Moj1989 - 2021-03-27

"Hey Grey, look at this sheet of paper for a second."
Grey: (transcends reality)

Styx - 2021-09-22

He has achieved the Psijic endeavour

Richard - 2021-10-25

Yeah, I'd have loved to be there when grey got the idea for this video.

Mary Noble-Tolla - 2021-11-17

Paper:ummmmmmm whaaa?

tver - 2022-04-18

You could call it a scientific paper..

raspberry tea - 2022-06-10

@Altrantis BIRD

Karls Junior - 2022-08-05

This stands as one of my favourite videos to expose people to, especially since I'm currently studying atomic/quantum physics, and have finised my bachelor studies of astrophysics.

My hat is off to you, talented sir

ImSo Average - 2022-10-13

I thought the expanding of the universe was the fastest "thing" recorded.

Pop Tato - 2022-07-16

A4 is an amazing measurement to accurately scale the distance of stars, planets, moons, asteroids and everything else.

Jonis Houser - 2022-05-28

I feel amazing and am brought to tears at this marvelous measure of magnitude. Truthfully, it is so very awe inspiring that we live in a complex yet empty still universe and to glimpse into the perfection of it all with such clever mundane way should most certainly be recognized as a joy.

4dri1 - 2021-04-08

Came for cool paper facts.

Left with existential dread.

Ali Abu Shamma - 2022-06-24

so true

Jermain 20000 - 2022-07-07

@Edvards Auziņš now that's just false yes in the grand scheme of things we don't matter but we can help make ourselves matter and be happy cause there are no do overs as far as we're aware

Joshua Meneguite - 2022-07-10

@Some guy named Zwie if I live only once and I get to experience things only once, then I want to experience the nothingness of life/existence throughout it.

Leif Maelstrom - 2022-07-11


Drew Taylor - 2022-07-27


nnitro - 2022-06-06

Man, what an innocent video about Metric Paper! I sure hope this does not turn out to be existential!

Thadeu Pinto - 2022-06-16

Ahh yes... I remember when I would cover the universe with paper or making a paper so small I can't even touch it.

Roberto Frias - 2022-09-15

I never thought of things like communication between satillites and servers er whatnot to be flashes of light. it would be sorta cool to see that in a different spectrum how a satillite shoots beams of might at earth

tans117 - 2022-08-15

From micro to macro isn't life just fascinating enough to describe with just a typical metric sheet of paper?

Thonatmo - 2021-04-13

If you didnt have an existential crisis in the first half, don't worry, CgpGrey got you in the second half

Eric B - 2022-02-20

And the overall existential crisis is the same ratio as its constituents!

Ender's Orbit - 2022-03-05

i just was like 'wow we are made of quantum pixels, that is heavily trippy'

Marcus757fu gaming - 2022-03-06

None got me mr non mathematical genius

Drago _ - 2022-03-07

I didn’t have an existential crisis ever in the video

SheepPirate - 2022-03-20

@Grab the Crucifix Band damn dude i don’t care

Heather Delihlah - 2022-10-12

Simple concept, beautiful execution, great job, grey

sebastion_gg - 2022-07-04

this man basically just explained what a perfectly shaped piece of paper could grow into

Thygrrr - 2022-06-16

I love this, but you could have listed it as A1028 instead if A4/2^10 and so on. :D The paper transcends all.

I like how all reality is printed on A232 paper, therefore.

Oswald Long - 2022-08-14

Excellent! A (micro/macro)-cosmic view of the Universe. Classically and wonderfully done.

91thewatcher23 - 2021-03-30

Grey 10 years ago: "So this is why we should get rid of pennies"
Grey now: "After studying a sheet of paper, I've been reminded that everything is nothing, everything we've ever known and loved is all foggy shapes in the ethereal."

Windows XP memes and stuff lol - 2021-04-02

Until you realize that there is stuff in the nothingness

Dragrath1 - 2021-04-02

@Windows XP memes and stuff lol Yep "Nothing" is really just everything encoded within the quantum field oscillations the seething quantum vacuum fluctuations

István Szikra - 2021-04-02

"After studying a sheet of paper, I've been reminded that everything is"...
mostly nothing, and everything you've ever known and loved will die

Matthew J Kelton - 2021-04-03

I'd call it evolution!

meme meee - 2021-04-03

I still think we should get rid of pennies, but now with a side of existential crisis.

Ozz Bozz - 2022-07-02

Goes from talking about dimensions of paper and it's uses to contemplating life and understanding that our corpses will be strewn into atoms before some photons from the unobservable universe reaches us. Also, was anyone else strangely calmed by the plank length things?

Stev wing Chang Chong - 2022-07-14

I honestly got so sad watching this
Not mater what we do or what we achieve or discover
Nothing matters
We are just a speck on a infinitely big canvas
We’re just nothing

aspiringwayfarer - 2022-08-11

this is not where i thought this video would go. amazing and breathtaking. thank you.

Lachlan Landreth - 2022-09-11

I like how he now uses paper as a scale for when he zooms in or out

Veritasium - 2021-03-26

I mean you think it takes a second for light to reach the moon...

Saheila Anarzee - 2021-10-01

how can we be sure that it takes one second, or that one second... is even one second as you travel along that route, at whatever speed you are moving

Baloo - 2021-10-10

@HoboGrifter he has a video about the metrics of all of youtube, I'm pretty sure he watches more than those two channels..

The Local Necromancer - 2021-10-12

@DrabberFrog watch me ruin 333 likes on your comment

not as disgustingly perfect, but still cool nonetheless

Kitty Girl - 2022-03-20

@Max ???

Maya - 2022-08-02

@Max Yeah the space mice at it already

Thomas Moser - 2022-07-14

Beautifully made, great animation to reference the dimensions at least a little, you went quite deep there... .... i'll get my coat.

Curtis Burns - 2022-07-18

I was confused, angry, and upset when I moved to Canada from Australia and learned they didn't use the A sizing system for paper.

Meatball G - 2022-07-21

This just put a bizarre point into my head. Despite how insignificant we like to say we are in the grand scheme of the universe, by orders of magnitude, the Planck length is smaller to us than we are to the universe