> temp > à-trier > high-speed-footage-of-sparks-and-taylor-cones-thunderf00t

Slow Mo Guys n ElectroBOOMs Sparks: BOOST-ed!

Thunderf00t - 2022-11-30

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Slo-Mo n Electroboom vid:

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@ElectroBOOM - 2022-12-01

Wow! Awesome shots! It is interesting that you can elongate the arc duration. I wonder if that would slow down the propagation of discharges in a Marx generator, or slowing it down would actually make the generator not to work at all. For us, all discharge gaps pretty much went off at the same time. Which means the action is extremely fast in nano second range. So despite how much I loved to capture the sequence, we are not fast enough! Maybe we can observe it on scope though...

@GegoXaren - 2022-12-01

This needs a pin!

@leonidasi6170 - 2022-12-02

I read this in Mehdi’s voice

@ableite - 2022-12-02

Elongate.... no pun intended right??? Lol

@matteopascoli - 2022-12-02

A Marx generator is for uniting masses?

@It-b-Blair - 2022-12-02

What about Beyond the Press channel with their epic slow motion setup? 100 phantoms in a ring that are programmed to sequentially take photos and those are then sequenced to form the highest resolution, slowest video rate ever. They’d probably be down to collaborate!

@befalcon9498 - 2022-11-30

Nice to see a non busting video and a science video. I was worried when i saw a video with the slow mo guys i was worried they did something wrong

@darkguardian1314 - 2022-11-30

Or anything with Elon Musk on it..."On the good ship..."😆

@Xenon255 - 2022-11-30

And ElectroBOOM too.

@BlackOmegaVirus - 2022-11-30

Lol - me too ❤

@NzarTofiq - 2022-11-30

When I saw the thumbnail I was like "omg, this is gonna be interesting, wait let me get the popcorn"

@creatrixZBD - 2022-11-30

I like the “boost-ed” trick with the thumbnail. Sucked me in too

@PizzaPowerXYZ - 2022-12-01

Seeing electroboom, the slo mo guys, and thudnerfoot in one video is a blessing

@sadev101 - 2022-12-01

yeah i loved thudnerfoot's video a lot

@ashvienis - 2023-11-26

for a second I ve thought electro boom was victim of Busted

@justice5150 - 2022-11-30

Every time Electroboom has been summoned to this channel, he is met with a zoomed-in shot of Phil either holding or talking about a polyethylene cup. I love it.

@justice5150 - 2022-11-30

(Last time was when TF busted Vertasium.)

@Pooopers - 2022-12-01


@EdwardTriesToScience - 2022-12-01

polyethene is correct term for polyethylene in british english

@EdwardTriesToScience - 2022-12-01

can also be polythene

@RipTheJackR - 2022-12-01

IUPAC name - polyethene
Why do this to yourself?

@awesomefacepalm - 2022-11-30

We need more BOOSTED videos

@TheAgamemnon911 - 2022-12-01

Yeah. But Busted is way easier to produce. :D

@Reth_Hard - 2022-12-01

No this stuff is not interesting!
All we need is the usual Elon Musk videos made with always the same loops of the Tesla robot dance, Elizabeth Holmes and Star Trek memes!

@YounesLayachi - 2022-12-01


@ilovefunnyamv2nd - 2022-12-01

@@Reth_Hard Forget Elon, I want to hear more about free water from air!

@freze994 - 2022-12-02

I see TF as an scientific channel, the busting videos is one way you can do infotainment, with the big plus of exposing scams, so it's a double role video, but this new type of video it's also a double role video but no rants, so it's more relaxing to see. Good job ⚡ 🦶 and I hope you continue doing those video, but do not neglect the busting please, people need to know if something it's a scam and why it's a scam.

@kerbain - 2022-11-30

A boosted series is a great idea for more content. All you need to do is think of something no one in the history of man has thought of before every month. :D

@gorak9000 - 2022-12-01

All science works in tiny increments - you don't need to come up with a whole idea that's entirely new, just tack on a tiny increment to something that already exists.

@kerbain - 2022-12-01

@@gorak9000 I agree, I was just being sarcastic :)

@lindumenzidludlu2213 - 2022-12-02

🤣🤣🤣Good one

@Arrowed_Sparrow - 2022-12-01

I definitely need some more boost-ed videos in my life.

@OutsiderLabs - 2022-11-30

Almost thought these guys were being busted! Good vid, glad they actually make sense!

@billyhatcher643 - 2022-11-30

had me fooled for a second too

@pittypatterputzzler5311 - 2022-11-30

I hope them two people have a tea and biscuits together.

@iloveg25 - 2022-11-30

Hehe but it's BOOST-ED this time, of course you can roast ElectroBoom for the sheer danger he puts himself in, but he knows, and he roasted himself for that too XD

@patriciofuster1683 - 2022-11-30

@@iloveg25 literally

@nunyabisnass1141 - 2022-11-30

@@iloveg25 yeah you're not going to catch me willingly taking a 20k arc... ome i habe a heart condition, and two, we had a plastic slide as kids that would shot 3 inch arcs when tried to get off at the botton, so math says it was more than 10k volts.

@MadGoat - 2022-11-30

Finally a non-melon-husk video... Keep them coming.

@alexisjuillard4816 - 2022-11-30

Don't agree, i still have to understand what phils views on musk are, his videos up to now were pretty ambiguous

@xiaoka - 2022-11-30

Wait a sec, does he not like Elon?

@oakridgereview1359 - 2022-11-30

For fuckin real though lol

@Billy_Rizzle - 2022-11-30

@@xiaoka of course Phil doesn't like Elon Musk. Elon has never paid rent for living in Phil's head, which was to be expected as Elon also avoids paying taxes & for all of twitter.

@gigemruss - 2022-11-30

Agree and disagree. All for debunking his science. Social and business issues I don't really care about.

@stevenstark-com - 2022-12-01

Thunder foot, showing viewers examples of how real science is done, by example, is one of the most valuable things that YouTube could be used for. Period. Thank you so much!

@lemonhead179 - 2022-11-30

Love your Busted! series, would absolutely love a positive Boosted! one as well :)

@crocodile2006 - 2022-12-02

Maybe he could do one on the Tesla Semi he said would never be released and would never work... as Pepsi are now driving them around. Oops.

@Trevor21230 - 2022-12-05

So, I work at a food safety lab, and sometimes we get soy lecithin samples. Let me tell you, that stuff forms super thin, yellowish threads that are very responsive to static charges; I've seen them do that crazy flying around thing just from the variability of the static charge buildup between two different sides of a small plastic bucket--not even enough to shock your finger. I can't even imagine what they would do with thousands of volts, but I would love to see it!

@el3ctr1csix22 - 2022-12-08

Same here in the plastics industry. Keep them granules flying!

@DylanODonnell - 2022-11-30

BOOSTED .. I like this positive charge Phil .. great video.

@SomeRandomDevOpsGuy - 2022-12-01

I see what you did there! Nice.

@Alexandra-Rex - 2022-11-30

Man, when I first saw this thumbnail and title, I did read it as busted, and my heart dropped a bit. Happy to see it was not a busted video about The Slow Mo Guys and ElectroBOOM.

@justice5150 - 2022-11-30

Same, it was one of the wildest swings of emotions haha going from heart drop to utter excitement.

@rburk121 - 2022-11-30

Since every f00t video since he got his hi-speed camera "Musk stupid but watch me film this slow mo!!!!"
Love it.

@Meatball2022 - 2022-11-30

Nice! I fully expected you to tear them to shreds for something. Nice to see the props for fellow creators shown here.

@rimmersbryggeri - 2022-11-30

Credit where credit s due?

@yipperdeyip - 2022-12-02

Yeah I was about to be livid for him dissing Mehdi, but this is cool!
About time this channel made non pessimistic content

@Shanjaq - 2022-11-30

19:21 that droplet took off like the lunar lander!

@iPsychlops - 2022-12-10

I love your "busted" videos, but I really like this format too! I think what makes it better than regular reaction videos (and this largely applies to your whole channel) is that you do science demonstrations which really show what's going on, and helps your viewers to better understand whichever phenomenon you're covering. Love your videos!

@smurfystef - 2022-12-02

real scientists don't get enough attention, well done as usual Thunderf00t

@justice5150 - 2022-11-30

We need a proper electroboom and TF collab

@UncleB0ris - 2022-11-30

I've been a fan for years, and I'm always fascinated by the experiments and stuff you post showing how cool science is. If only we all could have had a lab teacher like you.

@ExperimentLife - 2022-12-01

forget the teach! I just want my own lab!!

@The-Cat - 2022-12-01

@@ExperimentLife I just turned my bedroom into a lab 4 months ago so I could do some experiments... I had my ex gf come over.... for... research...

i might not be the father of the "positive" results

@domisPL_01 - 2022-12-01

in my country (Poland) the problem is that teachers earn around ~600 EUR per month - so most people choose other professions.

@The-Cat - 2022-12-01

@@domisPL_01 Or they go to other EU country to become a teacher.

Come to Belgium we're hiring lots of teachers and nurses !!!!!!!!!! They're urgently needed that's why.

So if you know anyone that wants to be a teacher but wants higher pay feel free to direct them to your fellow EU-member Belgium. <3 That's the great benefit of being EU member. Work and live anywhere easily!

@domisPL_01 - 2022-12-01

@@The-Cat yeah, but many have have families and friends here - so they dont want to leave them.

@Admiral_Dunt - 2022-11-30

So cool seeing an idea that was broached over 50 years ago finally able to be studied now

@rrrrroope - 2022-12-01

It's nice to see Phil having fun and not pissed off at dumb stuff every once in a while. Really cool video as usual!

@jeffshackleford3152 - 2023-06-01

He is quite interesting.

If I walked into a science class and saw that hair coupled with his mandles, I would know I was in for a good time.

@Aikisbest - 2023-08-17


@Robstrap - 2022-11-30

That ElectroBOOM guy is the real deal, dude seriously knows his stuff

@Puchuchi747 - 2022-11-30

So he shocks himself on purpose. I'm convinced! (For the shock value.)

....I'll just leave.

@michaelmoorrees3585 - 2022-11-30

That's ElectroBOOM ! That's his gimmick, to attract viewers. But he's a real engineer, with solid understanding of circuit theory. And another part of zapping himself is self-depreciation, so he shows, that he's just a humble guy, and doesn't want to be worshipped.

@kind2rethink - 2022-11-30

@@Puchuchi747 yep

@Hypagon - 2022-11-30

@@michaelmoorrees3585 Or he just enjoys the pain 💀

@ikannunaplays - 2022-11-30

@@michaelmoorrees3585 It also shows the importance of safety when working with electricity, it's his visual aid in how easily bad and possibly fatal things can get

@YounesLayachi - 2022-11-30

This is the science education I subscribed for !

@Games_and_Music - 2022-11-30

Boosted indeed, very nice to see that "bubble wire" going nuts in slow motion.
Those jettisoned waterdrops made me think of some plasma gun, you could probably shoot plasma with that mechanism.
Although when shot from a traditional barrell, they'll probably turn into plasma smoke circles.
Then again, with enough voltage behind it, they might shoot off very quickly, but i have no idea how effective they'd be.

@brolohalflemming7042 - 2022-11-30

This is the problem with science vs SF. With SF, one can take liberties, with science, it generally spoils the fun. Kind of like SF weapons shooting plasma bolts and those having recoil and kinetic impact, which implies mass, which is rather hard to do with a small bolt or ball of plasma. On the other hand, I propose the taser water pistol. So TF says the droplets fly off the cone very fast. Like how fast, and how much mass? But they're also charged. So all you need to do is create a Taylor Cone projector that fires a stream of charged droplets towards your target, then crank it up to 11 and fire a spark along the charged path. Wires and darts not required. Now I'm wondering if the Taylor Cone principle would work with other liquids. Like molten lead. Then you could spray someone with hot lead!

@Games_and_Music - 2022-12-01

@@brolohalflemming7042 Yeah, i started along the lines of the droplets having a charge, but then figured that the volume of water droplets might hinder the momentum and/or charge they can carry.
So i thought then we might as well go for electricity and plasma, but i'm not sure why i mentioned barrels, probably because i said plasma "gun", idk.

Molten lead, hm, maybe that'll revolutionize the chip manufacturing, imagine the rapid soldering, although.. free floating electricity might be the worst example for chips.

Maybe some oily substance might work better than water, because water streams obviously break apart into droplets, which would make it harder to get some electricity through it, while oil stays more uniform.
But yeah, that is more of a really short range effectiveness.
Then again... if you take the soapy water, which would also stay a bit more uniform than regular water, you might get that crazy bubble wire effect but the size of a living room, depending on the charge and bubbly stuff generated.
Just wear something that prevents electrocuting yourself.

But thinking about it now, i picture an exposed spherical tip of a gun, that is covered with a thin film of plasma similar to those round plasma lamps, although i have no idea how the plasma gets there without the sealed chamber.
And sparking the plasma with the use of a trigger like a taser sending streams of plasma towards something.
But yeah, then i still wonder about the effectiveness, as the balls of plasma might extinguish within a second upon landing on something.
Maybe if they up the frequency so high that it'll be like a laser beam.

Although, now i'm thinking that i'm basically describing some plasma cutter.
Yeah... i am stoned.

@Blurns - 2022-12-01

Tesla's death ray / particle gun worked the same way, by using megavolts of electrostatic repulsion to shoot hair-thin droplets of mercy at supersonic speeds.

@brolohalflemming7042 - 2022-12-01

@@Blurns Don't go giving Elon any more ideas. I guess the Taylor Cone solution would probably have much the same effect as sputter deposition, but with the complexity of cone management. Could be handy for painting a target, but less effective if they just reject the charges.

@Blurns - 2022-12-01

@@brolohalflemming7042 Eh, the way Tesla described it the giant Van De Graaff generators powering ones made big enough to shoot-down aircraft would still be firing streams finer than a human hair. But it's also possible the mercury conducted electricity between the ground and the aircraft like a giant lightning rod, lighting-up like a fluorescent tube.

For something hand-held, something like a railgun would probably be more efficient.

@pdrg - 2022-11-30

I love these researchy kinds of videos, I feel like I'm seeing the world in a whole new way

@porteal8986 - 2022-11-30

you should do more boosted videos, I like the positivity

@Thepiecat - 2022-11-30

>And you see how the drops sort of elongate as they come through this powerful electric field


>Elon Gate

Oh boy

@sumofalln00bs10 - 2022-11-30

Oh no we can't escape him, we musk escape him somehow.

@hailsagan8886 - 2022-12-01

Musk is a megalomaniacal sociopathic narcissist. Only person on earth more so is T***p

@DLinton - 2022-11-30

I wouldn't have thought droplets would elongate like that in the field.
Super cool!

@justice5150 - 2022-11-30

I don't even know what to say, I'm just so happy seeing Electroboom's name in TF's title!

@TheAussieRepairGuy - 2022-11-30

A low-stress video is nice for a change - thankyou.

@romz1 - 2022-11-30

You captured some really cool footage in this! More slow science stuff please

@crane.2333 - 2022-11-30

Putting the Thunder in Thunderf00t

@nathan87 - 2022-11-30

Umm I hate to break it to you but this one was about lightning ><

@coryman125 - 2022-11-30

Very cool video! Really feels like a lot of interesting discoveries will be made in this field in the near future, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it

@bumbleweaver7571 - 2022-12-01

"Torturer of Water Droplets" - best bottom of email signature title collection

@TyMoore95503 - 2022-12-01

Thank you for one of your very best videos! Absolutely fascinating how the soapy drops develop those whiskers. And the behaviour of the non-soapy drops is mesmorizing and surprisingly beautiful. I really can't help but imagine that the "droplet model" of radioactive decay operates much the same way, only trillions of times smaller and faster. The way the small droplet accelerates away from the intermediate droplet which wonders away for a bit then comes back, then moves away again...
Really cool. Well done on the photography...that can't have been easy!

@DLinton - 2022-11-30

The wisps coming off are pretty cool too. *Patiently awaits the explanation

@artificercreator - 2023-05-22

Amazing! This world could use more of those genius collabs.

@kieronparr3403 - 2022-12-01

I had a lightning bolt hit my street right in front of me last week. It was crazy. The thunder was immediate and you could feel the static in the air

@YounesLayachi - 2022-11-30

So you're telling me water droplets in a thunder cloud behave a bit like fissile nuclei in a chain reaction ? Shooting each other with very fast charged projectiles 🤩

@danielmorton1606 - 2022-12-01

Chain reaction or cascade is all you need to describe it, and I don't this experiment says that. Remember this is occuring at air breakdown potentials. A cascade interaction is likely somehow.

@TheMrRHEO - 2022-12-01

Love the boosted series, Phil!

@matthewnardin7304 - 2022-12-01

The soap droplets remind me of the dish of bb's in oil with high voltage "self assembling" into wires. Not sure if that is even remotely related but it was the first thing I thought of.

@danielmorton1606 - 2022-12-01

It is very related! Same underlying reasons.

@OverNine9ousend - 2022-11-30

Nice boosting thunder!!

@thequantaleaper - 2022-11-30

They can sync high-speed cameras in such a way, recording simultaneously, to capture millions of frames a second. It's been used to show the progression of light as it falls over surfaces.

@whatelseison8970 - 2022-12-01

Pretty sure that's how they were able to capture the super-hi-speed shots of nuclear weapons tests also.

@johnnypopstar - 2022-12-01

Oooh, like bullet-time but with high speed cameras, that's a flippin' cool idea.

Ok, Patreon team assemble, we need to bump our contributions so TF can buy 100 more of those cameras 😂

@apertureonline9566 - 2022-11-30

This was a great video, so full of information

@dom_mld - 2022-11-30

Video has been up for 10 minutes and its 24 minutes long... How did you watch it all?

@InnuendoXP - 2022-11-30

@@dom_mld 2.5x playback speed.

Or they were talking about the original vid.

@brapamaldi7666 - 2022-11-30

@@dom_mld you dont understand how patreon and donating to content providers works?

@LokiScarletWasHere - 2022-12-01

I thought this was gonna be a stylized title for "busted", and you were gonna have a gripe with their vid.
And instead, you LITERALLY boosted the visibility of the spark for observation. I love it.

@extrastuff9463 - 2022-11-30

Was kinda surprised to see the thumbnail, figured it would be a busted like video and electroboom is usually puts a lot of effort into trying to get things right.
But this was a nice surprise, learned a few new things and mysteries. I suppose I'll go watch some pretty sparks on the video that inspired this one next?

@MolkoKillStyle - 2022-12-01

Damn that whole sequence starting at 20:30 is really interesting ! I never knew water could react like that

@rickarmstrong4704 - 2022-12-08

Water is more Radical than You could ever imagine, first it keeps most everything on this Planet alive that property on its own is amazing enough, follow the word trpe it in the youtube search window and watch some of the other things there is to learn about Water! Cheers!!! Rick

@MolkoKillStyle - 2022-12-08

@@rickarmstrong4704 Thanks i'll check this out

@nghermit4922 - 2022-11-30

Damn that is just beautiful, just incredible to get to see the unseen! Yes, fly a drone into a storm and spray bubble fluid behind you!