> chemistry > divers > pyrolyse > pyrolyis-reactor-update-2-glue-problem-fixed-hazel-chem

pyrolyis reactor update 2 (glue problem fixed)

Hazel Chem - 2020-07-30

Hello you all 
this video again is a short update on the pyrolysis reactor. 
because I am very busy there I have very little time to spare for YouTube but I will give my best for you guys :D 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hazelchem/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hazelchem

Hazel Chem - 2020-07-30

Hello you all
At first I want to thank you all for helping me out with the glue problem I encountered. For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about I will give you a quick recap.
I ran into the problem that the glue I was using to connect metal pipes to the lids of my fraction collection vessels could not withstand the high temperatures… so I asked you all for help and (NAME) recommended to me that I use a two component glue so that was exactly what I did.
And as you can see it worked wonderfully. I have now run two tests with this two component glue and it seems like it is the right glue for the task. I want to thank you all for giving me that much support and advise.
Because I am planning on making a bigger and better fractionating unit it will be some time until I get back to the reactor but until than enjoy my newly build rotational evaporator system with me … so se you all on the next one
If you like to support my work you can do so via patreon the link is in the video description

So have fun and do not kill yourself

Machiel van Rheenen - 2021-02-07

Hi. Very exited by your videos.
I was wondering; how long does the process take? What yield do you get?
Also the burning of the gas unused seems wastefull(I know nothing of this so excuse me if this sounds rude). Could you perhaps heat a stirling engine with this extracting/generating electricity from this at the same time?
Just stabbing in the dark, but as I said; this is really quite wonderful and exiting!
Thank you.

Tanner Stolte - 2021-02-25

Could you, in theory, use a vacuum chamber as your combustion chamber? Load it with material, purge all the air, and then flood the chamber with CO2 from a tank for max saturation? One like this with some modifications to the lid / piping on top could do it. http://bit.ly/3pU3Yu2

Nicolás Rodriguez - 2020-09-03

A bit late but you can also use automotive grade high temperature silicone, commonly known as "gasket maker" (mega grey for example)

Avery Nisbet - 2021-03-10

Could you do a video on feed stock selection? example would be avoid polystyrene because it produces styrene.
Also what distillates occur at what temperature? What would be the best feed stock for say a 100liter reactor with a built in distillation tower with production targeting diesel fuel?

Tyler Bush - 2021-03-10

I love your videos and information in them. I’m wanting to do this same thing is there a way I can get in contact with you? I’m wanting to make biodiesel to be used with my farm operation

Avery Nisbet - 2021-03-10

Biodiesel is a very different process. It's much easier and safer. 1. Dry the oil. 2. Measure ph of oil. 3. Heat oil to temp just below evaporating temp of alcohol to be used(ethonol or methonol). 4. Mix base with alcohol to be used based on ph of oil. 5. Mix alcohol mixture with oil and agitate. 6. Wait for biodiesel to separate from glycerin. If water is present in the oil or alcohol you will also have made soap.

Adam Gutierrez - 2020-07-31

Great work Hazel Chem. I recently found your channel and your content is high quality and unique. Keep up the great work friend!

Hazel Chem - 2020-08-26

Thank you! Will do!

mfg hazelChem

science_and_anonymous - 2020-07-30

Glad to see it worked!!!

Vendetta Industries - 2021-03-09

The two component glue is a great idea but a permanent idea is to have someone Scan a mockup of the Lid with a Nozzle added to the design that doesn't need glue to accept the Hose and clamps. . It just needs to be 3D printed in Bulk and Monetized for sale in wholesale Retail. I do happen to know those Plastic Lids are 3D printable HDPE type plastic. They can even be color sorted, cleaned, and then shredded, then dried and extruded in to new 3D filament. Ah I will do it later. 😆🤑

Hazel Chem - 2021-03-10

good idea but... does not work already tried... they are not gas tight plus the plastic does not withstand the high temperature.

mfg hazelChem

Danielle Spargo - 2020-07-31

excited for more vids!!

R Johnson - 2020-07-30

Nice to see you back, dude!

Rob P - 2021-02-27

Damn if you get this functioning efficiently and get a bulletproof patent you will be all over the future Forbes rich list.


GREAT VIDEO...................Glad you found your solution

niccatipay - 2020-07-30

Imagine the shops in town using these. Not the best fuel, but it is something else than chocked up pipes.

Riley Paterson - 2021-02-15

could also try brazing a metal lid

kul fitta - 2020-07-31

Damn you have a nice vacuum pump there! What’s the price and what’s their fabric? Soooo quiet!

Hazel Chem - 2020-07-31

well it was sponsored to me by heidolph so i don´t know how much it is

mfg hazelChem

kul fitta - 2020-07-31

Hazel Chem wow! I think this is atleast ~1000 usd, just fore the vacumpump, is ther any name on this? Is the vacuum gauge/regulator on the rotary evaporators or separate and sit on the hose to the vacuum pump? Look freeking nice this set! Wow🤩

All about all - 2021-11-23

Pidilite araldite is good option

Voyt-C - 2020-07-30


Adi Olteanu - 2020-12-18

😂😂😂😂 Dude with the rotary evaporator you can extract some cbd oil 🧠🧠🧠