> chemistry > divers-inorganiques > making-the-pharaoh-s-serpent-nilered

Making the Pharaoh's Serpent

NileRed - 2014-03-24

Warning: This experiments requires the handling of dangerous and volatile chemicals. It must only be carried out in a fumehood or outdoors.

All chemicals must be disposed of properly. Everything will be contaminated with mercury/mercury salts. NOTHING CAN GO DOWN THE DRAIN OR IN THE GARBAGE. Only carry out this experiment if you can dispose of the chemicals and combustion products properly.

Every step of this synthesis deals with dangerous or toxic materials. Gloves, safety glasses and a lab coat are mandatory.

Here is a video to show you how volatile elemental mercury is. It lets off a lot of vapor and breathing this must be avoided. 

Nile talks about lab safety:  https://youtu.be/ftACSEJ6DZA


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nilered

Youtube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/c/nilered/join

NileRed Merch Store (NileRed Pin & Keychain): https://store.dftba.com/collections/nilered

NileRed Website (Glassware & Beaker Mugs): https://nile.red


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nile.red
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NileRed2
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BT6UHf

Fantoonstic - 2018-08-03

mercury AND cyanide?! this snake is deadlier than an actual black mamba!

telexgenetrix - 2020-04-10

@master shooter64 Kobe Bryant

Who you looking at? abs - 2020-07-12

master shooter64 Professional NBA Basketball Player, Kobe Bryant, Nicknamed “Black Mamba” Died in a Helicopter Crash

WaxingRadiance - 2021-01-01

And CO2, Saint Greta will be paying this guy a visit.

Alice Enigma - 2021-01-19

Potassium thiocyanate is not cyanide

Beelzebub - 2021-01-23

@master shooter64 a type of beef pretty good id rate it 7/10

David Monroy - 2016-11-08

I can imagine the first scientist to discovered this must of shit his pants thinking he invented a portal to another dimension.

Floyd Dobbler - 2021-01-20

@Hard dick & Bubblegum What's so funny dumbfuck?

naik naik - 2021-01-20

@Floyd Dobbler good point
edit: holy shit are you alright dude

Floyd Dobbler - 2021-01-20

@naik naik Yeah dude, I'm alright. I'm doing way better than your braindead ass no doubt about that...😆

Martina B. Elesterio - 2021-01-22

Friedrich Wöhler discovered it

ActualZyra - 2021-02-07

@Floyd Dobbler Calm down holy shit

Rino M - 2015-12-05

this is litterally what got people hanged a few hundred years ago

meep uwu - 2020-12-18

@Mir0v0i you're welcome

weEVIL - 2020-12-27

@PhantomPh1re holy shit dude that's not why we have separation of church and state like on a historical fact you are just wrong also many of the most well-known scientists and inventors in European history were Christians... the church didn't burn them as witches... they were devout believers

Math Desm - 2020-12-27

@Rino M I hope you finally have stopped weed or are in a state where you can have a steady legal supply.

siberian stuntman - 2020-12-28

Battle of the fedoras over here

Tragik Times - 2020-12-29

@Rino M Wow, you sounded like a cringy teenager with asperger's.

Mateusz Nowak - 2015-12-03

Tutorial: How to summon Cthulu

RICK ROLLED{TRUTH} - 2019-02-28

those that remember buying them fireworks at flee markets and lighting it in the house and parents didn't care smh wow

Sponge man - 2019-05-25


RedstoneBear7 _ - 2019-09-04

Carefree by Kevin Macleod plays.

Scott Wales - 2020-01-08

Step two: sit on top of the beaker for sexual Congress with the eldritch god

The Duolingo Bird - 2020-01-26


Pedro Amaral - 2017-08-31

these chemicals videos are like porn, some of them you just have to skip to the action part

• Ayanna • Iwl • - 2021-01-08


Rastaman193 - 2021-01-15

@mushy spoken like a man whos only ever had his mom cook for him

mushy - 2021-01-15

@Rastaman193 spoken like someone projecting. Don't @ me loser. Also tell your mom you love her

Саня НЕвпорядке - 2021-01-23

this one is Scat

Tim Cox - 2021-03-24


Avid Writer - 2016-03-14

If you told me you found a portal that aliens used as a toilet I might believe you...

Barry the Tone - 2019-10-07

Animorphs much?

Vlad Gataullin - 2020-06-16


The Horizon - 2020-12-26

cursed pastry

Bro Dawg - 2020-12-27

The no no cookie dough

Marco Gonzales - 2020-12-28

Kinda looks like a banana ngl

SasDaGreat - 2021-01-17

Horizon on the oldest Nilered video
What will he do

Jajastacha - 2021-01-20


Lavender314 - 2021-01-26

Plot twist: The horizon actually duped to make pharaoh serpent

Der Leonator - 2015-12-17

The most awesome moment is, when the "snake" breaks and the burning end forms these little branches

Gellert_TV - 2020-04-16

@mohawk yes we can

OrangeVevo bwuuh - 2020-04-27

@Gellert_TV it's 4 o's

Ianis - 2020-05-25


oh no - 2020-06-11

@mohawk woooosh.

Craig Burnham - 2020-06-23

Yeah it is

Jess the Dragoon - 2014-11-04

In short, solid smoke.

Nathan Kirby - 2018-03-06

Solid snake get it

CRIANDO - 2018-04-02

A Weapon to surpass metal gear

ArkadiBolschek - 2018-08-03

Unholy smoke.

Tethloach1 - 2018-10-07

it looked like poop, or magic snake rising from another dimension.

Myst1c - 2018-12-04


Charlie Edgelord - 2016-07-09

next up : How to make crystal meth

eu euu - 2021-01-11

@Charlie Edgelord awww thank you, have a wonderful week 🤗

Rastaman193 - 2021-01-15

@Charlie Edgelord 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣

Rastaman193 - 2021-01-15

@Zach Villarreal lol you talk like someone who's done plenty of meth

Zach Villarreal - 2021-01-16

@Rastaman193 or understands basic chemistry.

Charlie Edgelord - 2021-01-17

@eu euu ok I'm planning for a wedding now.

Zazaaji - 2020-05-22

Did you ever think you'd have 1.5 million subscribers by 2020, and become one of the most (if not the most) respected chemistry video makers on Youtube?
I know you'll never see this comment, but you deserve it all. Your videos simply are great, even for non chemists.

SamuFinland - 2015-10-26

I wonder what that would look like in zero gravity..?

Creature Of Nature - 2017-12-22


Dr Dublo - 2018-08-09

How would he get in space

Charles Hudson - 2018-09-12


Sushiirull - 2019-06-03

@Sheeple Shaker "fairly tail" looooool you wanna make the claim that gravity is a "fairytale" when you can't even spell it right

Scott Mantooth - 2021-01-01

this would be way, way too dangerous to be attempted in zero G given the confined space required...you don't want to the last thing you hear in space to be "oops"

WhatAreYouBuyen - 2015-08-08

it looks like a dragon coming through a portal

Hello - 2016-01-30

+WhatAreYouBuyen it looks like shit

Mr.BoNeLeSs - 2016-02-06

+WhatAreYouBuyen yeah

SUB0sandwich - 2018-08-18

WhatAreYouBuyen what the fuck kinda dragons you looking at???

Max OP - 2020-03-26

Bigfan bro !

Davidaw - 2020-05-06

dragon maid prediction??

Jason Forbes - 2014-12-08

Next time use a transmutation circle for your alchemy.

GoldenFox - 2019-03-10

You use transmutation circles you scrub, the no longer need of one only cost a arm and leg lol

portalkey - 2019-03-17

@Natalie Lau too soon... 😂

E.L.M. Tree - 2019-11-27

I was not expecting a reference here

Κωνσταντίνος Αντεμισαρης - 2020-09-21


Just a guy who got lost in the recommendations - 2020-11-09

And make a human dog hybrid

Camille Leung - 2020-02-29

imagine exploring an egyptian tomb and this starts coming out of the ground

BrassB0nes - 2016-03-09

Time for my daily sacrifice to chin chin...

unpopular. - 2016-07-14

ey b0ss
can i habe de sacrifice pls

The Timelords - 2017-02-16

Can i habe da pussi pls?

Alcoholic Tom - 2017-08-30

BrassB0nes I hope that mighty lord chin chin accepted your sacrifice...

Carpet Bomb - 2017-10-02

Imaginary Fox he may take your chromosomes

DFDalton1962 - 2017-08-25

"The results were more entertaining but the cleanup was much more difficult."

This is one of the fundamental truths of human existence.

Alex Wammery - 2020-12-24

its like taking a poo

Dan Morgan - 2016-02-14

Way too toxic of an experiment to mess with.

Jouska - 2019-05-12

I blame college for giving us literally carcinogenic and sterility inducing items to make stuff and still not this cool stuff

NEY Industries - 2020-01-25

Not too toxic.
Potassium thiocyanate's LD50 is 854 mg/kg – which means you'll have to eat a lot of it, 100 grams to die. You can even lick the lab spoon an you'll survive. :)
Mercury... Well, don't spill it at your home and you'll be OK.
The end product... Eeeeeh. Dilute it and dump over some forest by small portions. :)

Daniel Wolfe - 2020-05-09


Fineapple - 2020-07-03

Daniel Wolfe dude don’t do it.

Scott Mantooth - 2021-01-01

ya think?

Poonam Sharma - 2018-10-13

In dangerous exps his voice totally changes in a serious mood. In safe exps he explains very cheerfully.

مسافر عكس الأمواج - 2020-07-02

Yes anyone will be anxious when doing these experiments.

Pickle Zim - 2020-02-28

Chemistry: How to summon a demon straight from hell


ok Zim

Maria - 2020-12-16

😂👏 exactly

Mr.天海 - 2016-10-20

It's easy to see how ancient peoples could have been bamboozled by this "sorcery."

Scarlet wings - 2020-02-28

Mr.天海 Right before they were all killed with mercury poisoning

Malala Lalala - 2020-03-06

@greenaum You don;t know that. Most history isn't recorded

greenaum - 2020-03-06

@Malala Lalala okay, "there is no evidence or reason to believe it pre-dates 18 something".

The same way we've no reason to suspect the jet liner pre-dates the 1950s.

Malala Lalala - 2020-03-06

@greenaum Not even close to the same

Yukorai - 2020-04-24

greenaum thats not a good comparison. One had so many recordings that it existed during and not before that time. While chemicals can be destroyed naturally over a lot of time. There was no proof of planes or any form of a plane existing before the Wrights created the first one, while for example “I” made this (just making up a date here) in 1689 in secret then disposed of the evidence or the evidence was slowly diluted and destroyed there would be no proof of it happening.
Any form of jet would still have the shell of a jet if it predates 1950s because metal doesn’t wear off as quickly

DD556 762 - 2020-02-27

I remember a firework called snakes similar to this.

Francois Rossouw - 2020-05-21

You mean like the South park episode

0% Liberal - 2020-12-29

Me too!

Phillip McFree - 2021-01-29

I set them off just last year. Do they use a different make-up or are they dangerous?

thijsjong - 2016-02-02

Can you summon Chtulu for us?

gb24741 - 2017-08-30

wrong spelling

gb24741 - 2017-08-30

wrong spelling

gb24741 - 2017-08-30

right spelling ftw

Pointless gimmicky username - 2017-09-04

Did you watch the video? That's exactly what he did.

Sadrien - 2019-02-27

To summon Cthulu you must use 6 piles of sugar and baking soda arranged in a hexagon on top of sand drenched in lighter fluid instead of mercury.

Mew - 2015-12-21

"All chemicals must be disposed properly." I can imagine someone doing this and flushing it down the toilet. xD

gorillaau - 2019-02-23

If people were able to freely get the raw chemicals, I'm sure some people would do just that.

VincentM - 2019-04-20

@gorillaau Well...Internet is a thing

Pyrrehraus - 2020-02-29

well, can't be worse than a friend of mine who nicked a block of sodium from the lab and tried to flush it down a toilet

Definitely not Yuri bezmenov - 2020-10-26

@Pyrrehraus cleaning blockage 101

Owiko7 - 2016-03-12

I feel as if this could be used in a horror movie, where a body would have a lump of this in the neck area and the reaction would look as if their spine was mutating and pushing their head off of the body...

Bunny - 2018-04-12

Owiko7 aesthetically speaking yes but practically....please leave this world

Mik3 Pif - 2018-11-02

go watch the thing.

Ho Lam YIU - 2018-11-12

Possibly use it on the body of a dummy, or film it and use computer graphics to edit onto the video?

Aphex_ Acid[141.98] - 2020-03-11

Watch The Fly

Sickage - 2020-09-15

What you are describing there is what is known as the Flood parasite...

to quote the Gravemind from Halo 3:
“...headstones pushed aside...corpses shift and offer room, a fate you must abide!”

InSomnia DrEvil - 2015-11-14

9:50 looked like '90s CGI ;DDD

TheBiocide - 2014-11-08

Can you imagine going wayyy back in time and showing this to people?
"I will now summon a tentacled demon straight from the depths of hell!!!!!"

Stephen Pike - 2019-03-11

@lee Roberts You were talking about present day technology not some fictional sci-fi TV tech....Even so...It still wouldn't work....for a multitude of reasons. Time travel or no.

Michael Newman - 2019-07-05

@Citizen of Nowhere worse would be you pre download videos and even bring a portable charger but then realize you forgot a solar/hand crank charger.

eertikrux - 2020-01-01

Dr stone be like

GangrenousGandalf - 2020-12-27


Scott Mantooth - 2021-01-01

@GangrenousGandalf you'll need a permit for that sort of recreational activity...filled out in triplicate and notarized...and a consent form from the alleged individual accused to be in league with the dark forces of the demonic veil...to prevent possible liability misunderstandings

Alithia - 2016-12-12

For those less chemistry-inclined and with no access to mercury or proper disposal, something similar can be done with baking soda, sugar, and lighter fluid. No boiling or toxic gasses necessary.

Big Chooch - 2017-12-09

Alithia or even better, just use gasoline and a lit match. Be sure to lean in close, as the reaction is small.

Sadrien - 2019-02-27

You will die of carbon monoxide poisoning if in an enclosed space though.

M. Tahjul reyhan - 2019-03-31

@Sadrien isn't it carbon monoxide?

Sadrien - 2019-03-31

@M. Tahjul reyhan sry yes.

Scott Mantooth - 2021-01-01

i'll just put this down on the list of activities to absolutely never attempt what so ever...seeing how much i like my lungs and other bits attached to them

terarion - 2021-01-13

that era of youtube where you could put the recipies of life threathning experiments and having no problem (when now even for devil toothpaste your video can get demonetized or even just removed

Bolt The Panther - 2020-12-30

And this is where a legend was born

oui oui - 2020-09-15

looks like a really unhealthy poop

Sincere milk of the word - 2016-03-21

Too toxic to even mess with.

Nicholas Tosoni - 2015-09-14

"Many fathoms beneath the sea, at his home of R'lyeh, Cthulhu drops a very big deuce."

grovermatic - 2021-02-03

Hey, bro... in six years you're gonna make a knife out of bismuth and everyone's gonna love it!

Valentin Rafael - 2016-05-09

It looks like the table is shitting. Nice video. Subscribed.

Jimmy - 2015-09-19

This is also what happens when you combine the DNA of a tree with that of an earthworm and then plant the freakish hybrid seed.

NoOneOfConsequence - 2016-02-13

+terminator360tm it's just a glitch, calm down. We will fix it in the next revision.

Erin Chassereau - 2018-02-14

"But snakes and sparklers are my favorite..."

stavik96 - 2015-09-17

9:20 It's a tentacle coming to kidnap you from another dimension!

siberian stuntman - 2020-12-27

And he created a snake to show the Pharoah his power before the Nile turned red

Xxcoмpacт_ѕlayerxX - 2019-11-11

I would love to call these the "Reverse toilet"

heather haze - 2018-01-15

9:15 i love how it looks like an evil tree from a fairy tale or something!

actually sun tzu - 2016-04-26

Ominous latin chanting appears

Evert van Ingen - 2015-09-16

10:00 it was in de-focus the whole time?!

Sardaukar - 2016-01-12

Daily Zen: ..so you are not part of the solution you are part of the precipitate..

Josh Zook - 2016-03-11

+savcob Finally! A good comment came out of this video!

KingOfKaiju05 - 2016-03-24

It looks like a snake coming out of hell

joseph jackson - 2018-10-18

What shenron looks like coming out of the dragon balls in slow motion

Jonathan jin - 2020-07-17

here i go, imma bingewatch this man's entire channel

OmgSoEpic PlayzRoblox - 2020-10-02

Where the legend started.

Schiff7y - 2020-10-12

Nah he deleted his first videos

OmgSoEpic PlayzRoblox - 2020-10-16

@Schiff7y started popularity

Schiff7y - 2020-10-17

Not that either

MarbleSwan666 - 2018-06-09

This needs to fight the aluminum mercury tower!

Josh Ingram - 2020-10-11

What if they team up