> temp > à-trier > why-high-ldl-cholesterol-is-not-an-issue-when-fasting-levels-of-triglicerides-and-hdl-levels-are-good-dave-feldman

"Healthy" LDL Cholesterol on the Prison Food Diet | Dave Feldman

What I've Learned - 2019-03-03

Dave Feldman explains the Lipid Energy Model - if you're not already familiar with his work, this may totally change your understanding of the "bad" LDL cholesterol. 

Check out Dave's work at www.cholesterolcode.com
Twitter - @DaveKeto
Youtube Channel - https://bit.ly/2VydPa8

PART 2 of the interview - https://youtu.be/rui6NC4jnDk

*Shot in October of 2018 at Low Carb Houston. 

[More on Joseph/WIL]
▲Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WILearned
▲Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeverettlearned
▲IG: https://www.instagram.com/jeverett.whativelearned/


Dave Feldman - 2019-03-03

I had such a fantastic time chatting in this interview about cholesterol, the lipid energy model, and the implication on risk. I've always been such an enormous fan of this channel and am very proud to have a small contribution to share on it.

Victor Alan - 2019-08-24

Hello Dave, Could you share the studies (either the name or the link) you found about low Tyg but high HDL and LDL and no low cardiovascular disease? I'd be grateful if you do that. :)

Andrea Falconiero - 2019-10-01

@x drowssap Of course -- that was the entire point of the experiment: to change the energy substrate from fat to carbohydrate (in the form of wonder bread), while keeping the protein content roughly stable in the form of lean processed meat. If he switched to a processed-meat-only diet, this would be the first step on the path to "rabbit starvation" (high-protein, low fat, low carb). In the short term, it would be almost equivalent to fasting: bodily fat reserves would be drawn down, and that fat would enter circulation packaged in HDL and LDL. Both of these numbers would go up on such a diet. However, since he appears to be carrying limited fat reserves, his health would begin to suffer fairly quickly eating like that (although probably not within a week).

x drowssap - 2019-10-20

@Andrea Falconiero while initially LDL and HDL would go up on a diet with only lean meat, due to the need to transport the fat broken down from his fat reserves, wouldn't that eventually be followed by a very huge dip in both HDL and LDL as the transport of fat would grind to a halt?

Andrea Falconiero - 2019-10-20

@x drowssap Once the body runs out of fat, true starvation would begin and the body would start breaking down skeletal muscle into glucose (plus a fair amount of metabolic waste) just to maintain life. If a high-caloric protein only diet was ingested, the same would occur, more or less (protein poisoning, aka "rabbit starvation"), except that there would probably be more liver damage. Either way, I agree that this ought to result in a drop in both HDL and LDL. It's probably not an experiment you want to do, though!

Midnight - 2020-02-26

Dave Feldman ^^^ Sorry I forgot to tag you in my earlier comment.

MineCrusher - 2019-03-03

You should dive into the topic "What stuff do we put on our skin and which of those chemicals should be be putting on it?" (shampoo, suncreme, coloured clothes ...). Might be an interesting idea and definitely has potential to go deeeep B-}

Max Que - 2019-03-04

He doesn't just go willy-nilly on topics that are pure speculation, he needs science based evidence before he can formulate his videos. This channel wouldn't work without the science...

marge - 2019-03-12

Your skin is an amazing organ that you need to feed the same way you feed yourself. Lard lotions, buttermilk soaps, castor oil and fatty oils like olive and coconut. Simple ingredients the way nature intended. I find a bunch of great skin and hair care on Etsy. Big soap and lotion companies use alcohol to keep you buying more because it dries your skin faster!

Enrique Rivas - 2019-05-13

Any topical appliance on the skin destroys the acid mantle and disfigures your face. Just water and minimal wet toilet paper in caveman regime style.

Carol Hudson - 2019-07-05

I use pure Sunlight bars of soap for all my body cleaning. I also use face cloths made for babies out of Gauze to be really gentle on my skin. I then add coconut oil to keep my skin soft and moisturised. I occasionally use Aloe vera gel on my face to soothe it if I've been out in the sun too long.

ΑγαΡy - 2019-11-21

If you cannot eat it don’t put it on your skin. Use coconut oil, olive oil,almond oil. Anything else is toxic. For your shampoo try chick pea flour.

Blaine Fiasco - 2019-03-03

All of these people he’s interviewed have the pleasure of having seen His real face

SouthpawJab - 2019-03-04

So jealous

sam - 2019-03-04

whats that on his twitter, not his real face? Or are you really saying as in 'real' 'real life'

Blaine Fiasco - 2019-03-04

Sam 123 derp, I didn’t even know about that. Thanks

tdreamgmail - 2019-03-06

He's a handsome bugger, that would distract from the validity of the research.

Larry Vasquez - 2019-03-07

I believe you can see his face on mouth breather video.

some guy - 2019-03-03

Wonder bread has left the chat

Jack O' Lantern - 2019-03-04


Psilocybe Cubensis - 2019-03-05

Whole grain/wheat?

NihilisticEntropy - 2020-01-27

DON'T! You'll summon... Him.

Vincent Conti - 2020-08-18

@Psilocybe Cubensis no. The worst garbage. I grew up on it!!!!

Vincent Conti - 2020-08-18

I grew up on that sh*t!!!

ChildOL - 2019-03-03

Simply blaming cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming blood for someone bleeding to death.

Sokrates - 2019-03-04

In order the major risk factors are fasting glucose, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. If you get the first 2 right, the third is not that relevant. If you dont, cholesterol is very relevant, which applies to most americans.

Psilocybe Cubensis - 2019-03-05

@ChildOL, people with low, aka normal cholesterol levels do not develop CHD, and any progression of CHD is halted following cessation of dietary cholesterol and saturated/trans fats. Sucrose helps progress CHD, but does not on its own cause it.

joshua DSOUZA - 2019-03-05

NewCurryofthepast actually the calcifies plaques are better to have more stable its thensoft plaques that are more prone to rupture

Truthseeker - 2019-03-05

Xero absolutely not true ,do your research.

Sokrates - 2019-03-05

@ChildOL LDL is directly linked to the formation of foam cells, which form the majority of plaques volume. This is why statins work without treating the underlying metabolic condition (like metformin would do). They directly decrease the synthesis of cholesterol and thus its transport in LDL -particles. Lower LDL particles, smaller foam cells (even if there were endothelial dysfunction).

Decreased or slower foam cell formation is linked to less obstruction and fewer plaque ruptures.

kickn-aDead-cat - 2019-04-06

So if I want to keep my doctor from freaking out about high LDL I should just eat white bread turkey sandwiches for a week before I have a blood test.

Tokero - 2020-08-14

I mean, yeah, I guess

Марко Јакшић - 2019-03-03

among the best channels on YT.

Justin setting - 2019-05-20

Nah this guy is a fraud. He want to cause boubt and confusion. Their aim is for futility. They would advocate veganism if he wasnt a money hungry person

Wilson Sanabia - 2019-08-27

@Justin setting he would advocate veganism if he was insane, like the YouTube channels that do it

N.W.A /IceCube - 2020-02-01

@Justin setting u have proof for what you saying, the guy on video is talking with scientific facts, what about u ?

A L - 2019-04-22

2 years ago... I had fatty liver. I cut sugar out and liver is fine now.

v1sq - 2019-03-03

The way he talks is unnervingly calm and precise

Crushonius - 2019-03-04

nope that is just the effect that low carb has on a human you are calm and collected
because you are not spiking on sugar rushes like vegans do

J D - 2019-03-04

Like Sam Harris 🤣

justin fwibber - 2019-03-06

That's one sign of a psychopath. Or is it sociopath?

Robert Mik - 2019-03-08

He is propably on keto

thecrow48154 - 2019-05-13

I think hes fasting he sounds concentrated and thats how i felt and talked when i fasted for 3 days

Matthew Cooper - 2019-03-07

Over 77k views on a 16 minute interview regarding LDL, HDL, triglycerides, etc.. This channel is amazing. You've changed my life for the better, and it gives me hope that so many other people agree.

FlyingFree333 - 2019-03-03

I lost 35 pounds and reversed my pre-diabetic status on a 3 month ketogenic diet. All confirmed by my doctor and blood tests.

kickn-aDead-cat - 2019-04-06

FlyingFree333 Same here

nino nikki - 2019-04-23

Same here within 4 months. But you may need to see if your body is inflamed, as one of the reasons for insulin resistance is caused by high levels of inflammation in the body.

Mohammad Shafiullah - 2019-05-20

I also reverse my diabetic and lose weight eating keto-Carnivore diet.

Laura Manville - 2019-07-20

@nino nikki - Inflammation is caused by wheat, aka gluten. Cut out ALL gluten, it is gone. Wheat was genetically modified in the 1950's. Not something that most people know. I only know because I bought a book and did a little research before going gluten free. I did it because it stabilizes your blood sugar. It's difficult, not impossible. I also discovered I am very intolerant to gluten. So, after I quit it, I lost 10 pounds. When I was exposed to it, I started having weird symptoms. Added it up, figured out I'm intolerant after talking to my doc.

I used to weight nearly 240 lbs. Now weight 170. Sounds like a lot on a woman, but I have a whole lot of muscle. Size 12-ish. I am wearing 14's, but they are too big. Doc says I need to lose 20 more lbs. It's all around my tummy. I was diabetic, took regular insulin + sliding scale before meals, AND Metformin, AND Amaryl (a med that restarts your pancreas). My sugar was crazy high when I was diagnosed in 2009. Anyway, not only am I not diabetic now, I've swung in the other direction, have LOW blood sugar now!! I'm back to where I started, lol!

Felipe Gonzalez - 2020-02-27

The keto diet is just a vacation from your metabolic syndrome, the underlying disease is still there. A low saturated fat and low refined carbs is the best long term solution.

Sonia Flores - 2019-03-05

Wonder bread and processed meat was my stable lunch for 24 years. I thought I was ok cuz it was only 350 calories. I felt awful all the time

Janoy Cresva - 2019-03-03

I've learned more from your channel alone than pretty much any other resource. Thank you.

I made you read this - 2019-03-04

I've learned more about the human body in here than 4 years uni on food technology

Dakota Barnes - 2019-03-04

Although, keep in mind WIL does want others to research on their own; he did a video on it a while ago.

Karol Nowak - 2019-03-04

Blaming the cholesterol for arteriosclerosis is like blaming the fire fighters to block the roads because there is too much fires around (fires -inflammation).

Michael Plemel - 2019-04-05


Ben Steele - 2019-05-23

@Michael Plemel - Cholesterol forming plaques is essentially a scab covering damage in an attempt to heal. Would you blame the scab for the wound caused by a knife? Hopefully not. It is inflammation causing the damage, not the cholesterol.

TB1M1 - 2020-01-19

High cholesterol ( if you dont eat vegetable oil or milk products that tend to lower it) is a rough marker for inflammation.

trashu kun - 2019-03-03

I always get so excited when you upload. \o/

Physicality - 2019-03-06

As a scientist, I can appreciate that Dave actively calls out for more research on this interesting topic. It shows that, despite what he personally believes, he is still open to evidence that might either corroborate his theory or suggest the opposite. That´s the kind of open-mindedness that is absolutely necessary when evaluating evidence. Although it´s too early to form any strong conclusions, the observations are definitely interesting. I would like to see and discuss such studies myself!

Evan Pandell - 2019-03-04

Dave stayed in my AirBnB. Super interesting guy and I had a fun time discussing cholesterol with him. Keep up the great work 👍🏼

Marina Litisky - 2019-03-05

Evan P how lucky you are !

CrucifiedBreadGaming - 2019-04-07

I appreciate your videos, but could you link the papers you referenced?

Simona Sylvain - 2019-03-03

Nomination for Best Boat Metaphor ⭐️ 🚣‍♀️

Just Call Me Bookworm - 2019-03-04

5:55 I'm not sure which studies Feldman was looking at, but RCTs on HDL have proven that increasing HDL doesn't decrease heart disease risk. Mendelian Randomization studies have only confirmed this.

Trigs are a bit more complicated. In the HDL RCTs, trigs also dropped. Again, no reduction in risk. But in one mendelian randomization study, higher trigs did show increased risk.

On the other hand, there's also Ornish's trial. The Ornish diet group had increased trigs and decreased HDL at one year and yet showed a decrease in the blockage of their arteries. The control group had a reduction in trigs (with no change in HDL or LDL) at one year and had an increase in blockage.

I get the sense that Feldman is probably only looking at 1 or 2 observational studies.

A L - 2019-04-22

question... mendelian study shows increased risk... what is an increased risk? it's something that has not happened right?

Just Call Me Bookworm - 2019-04-22

@A L "what is an increased risk?"

By 'increased risk,' I mean that there is an increased risk of dying of heart disease.

When I said, "But in one mendelian randomization study, higher trigs did show increased risk," what I meant is that in a study where people had genetically elevated trigs, there was a higher than average death from heart disease in this group. The deaths did happen by the time that the study ended.

Not that everyone died. Just that more of them died than those with lower trigs. Thus, a 'higher risk.'

At any rate, having low trigs with high LDL doesn't 'cancel out' the risk. That's not how risk factors work. High LDL still means high risk. It's just not as high risk as someone with BOTH high trigs AND high LDL.

TB1M1 - 2020-01-19

The low carb people like to talk about TG/HDL ratio. But unfortunately you cannot take this result in isolation as it completely ignores TC/HDL.

Nantz Stein - 2019-03-03

STRESS Vs Oxidative stress

Adarsh - 2019-03-05


Nantz Stein - 2019-03-05


Nicholas L - 2019-03-06


a corner full of books - 2019-03-06


Joph ASL - 2019-03-12


Brittany Donovan - 2019-03-03

The best content on YouTube

Ibrahim Ismail - 2019-03-03


Piero Campilii - 2019-03-06

Man, you should do an explanation video of this video 😂 ...still confusing

siemniak - 2019-03-14

What is confusing?

Thabiso Mbuyazi - 2019-11-17

😂 exactly so many concepts to grasp

ΑγαΡy - 2019-11-21

Check out dr Jason Fung the obesity code.

Ginger's Keto In The UK - 2019-03-03

I was watching just today a lecture by Prof Tim Noakes on Cholesterol and the studies that turned out to actually show how lower cholesterol in people (so a lower fat diet) actually was associated with higher mortality, but it is the kind of thing that needed to be put under the rug... I'll link the studies in a second as soon as I find them again
EDIT: Linked as follows, happy to provide more

Analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73). BMJ, 353. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27071971
Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of cardiovascular disease: The women’s health initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial. JAMA, 295(6): 655-666. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16467234
Evidence from randomised controlled trials did not support the introduction of dietary fat guidelines in 1977 and 1983: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Heart, 2(1). http://openheart.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000196
Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): A prospective cohort study. The Lancet, 390(10107): 2050-2062. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(17)32252-3/abstract

TB1M1 - 2019-03-04

the studies are cherry picked. In the Norwegian Hunt2 study 3 out of 4 points align with MRFIT and Framingham while the low end has been artificially adjusted to increase statin prescriptions

TB1M1 - 2019-03-04

@dan sukker Tim Russet is an example.

TB1M1 - 2019-04-10

@D Is Thank you! It amazes me that MD's and PhD's present these studies without reading the fine print and bias even in the first paragraph lol. It's corrupt. There are about 10 major studies from 1950 to 2000 millions of people all say the same thing. Yet the Norgewian study says the opposite. Low carb people use that one a lot!!

Mohammad Shafiullah - 2019-05-20

Do the complete oposite of what the doctors say and 90% of the time you will be fine.

TB1M1 - 2020-01-19

Tell that to the Okinawins their cholestoerol is 100-120mg/dl

Not Me - 2019-03-03

This one is kind of confusing, what point was he making about the results of his prison diet?

deon harris - 2019-03-03

i am saying the same thing

Gloria Mary Haywood - 2019-03-03

@Alien On a Bike Yep, in other words if he were only going by his LDL cholesterol numbers,... he would be lulled into a very false sense of security!!😉

mikedfelix - 2019-03-08

What to eat then?

Mariyan Traykov - 2019-03-17

@mikedfelix Not refined carbs or processed vegetable oils.

James Patterson - 2019-03-03

Am I the only one stunned that his numbers changed so dramatically over 7 days? I had a PA who wanted to put me on statins after results of a single blood test.

jstar1000 - 2019-03-04

that's because they get kickbacks or credits from the drug companies. All they want to do is put you on meds. I hate doctors they are all pretty much quacks and drug dealers.

Gloria Mary Haywood - 2019-03-04

@jp1264 As long as your triglerides were coming in on the low side that's ALL you gotta know! Don't worry your brain about high LDL. It's the ratio that Counts. Sounds like you are doing great with healthy weight loss. Trust in the knowledge you've accumulated and Hell No,...Never fill that toxic statin script!!!😉

jurejo - 2019-03-04

No, I have being working in care field for more then 15 years & there is a lot that can be done for our health natural way. Some people just can't be bothered to help themselves & think that pills will sort everything out. They usually create more problems than they solve. Good quality food, water, herbs, a few supplements, some fasting, good night's sleep, removing toxins from our homes & from our bodies, stress management & some exercise make a huge difference to quality of our lives & our health.

TheGreennblue - 2019-03-05

my chol/hdlc ratio is 4.0 do anyone know if that is bad?

TR P - 2019-03-05

By PA do you mean Drug Dealer? If I’m bleeding out I’ll go find a trauma doctor, other than that, I don’t need their drugs.

Nayuk2010 - 2019-03-04

Thank you for what you do. I am one of those "hyper-responders" high LDL, okay HDL and low triglycerides. Finding your channel has been one of the most fortunate events in my life. If it weren't for the content here I might have given up and just went with drugs. I know it's not for certain but at least there is a lot of room for doubt the mainstream science. Many Thanks! I have benefited greatly from your channel.

Incognitus - 2020-10-09

Is it relevant what the results on one person are? This one person can have specific genetic predispositions or health conditions..
There is a reason scienetific experiments are done on groups of persons..
Other than that I appreciate the quality content.

Just Call Me Bookworm - 2019-03-04

11:40 This is a well known phenomenon. It is referred to as reverse causation.

11:51 Feldman notes here that this generally occurs in people 50+ years old.

That same trend is found in the Norwegian HUNT 2 study that was shown earlier. There are specific reasons for this. It is at around that age that people begin to die of cancer or w/e else. Having cancer has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels.

The reason for this is likely because they lose their appetite. One of my elderly aunties ate less and less before she died. When you eat less of everything, this includes less saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.

Those that are healthier (like not having cancer), will have higher cholesterol than these other people dying of cancer. This is because they aren't losing their appetite from being deathly ill.

In other words, it isn't that cholesterol is protective. It's just a co-association with a healthy appetite and lack of deadly disease.

You low-carb guys ought to have a more balanced reading of the literature. You're going to destroy your health at the rate y'all are going.

Lux Horizon Productions - 2019-11-16

I'll keep you updated on results while doing keto and carnivore to see if it'll destroy me by 2040. I'll be 50 by then.

See you in 21 years.

edit: This isn't sarcasm.

Anthony - 2019-03-03

Can't we just listen to your voice all day?

H. - 2019-04-09

0:27 what is that on the second and third plate?

conservative intellectual - 2019-03-04

Hmmmm but what about excerise? He's not telling us everything

Vivian Loney - 2019-05-11

Or how many calories he consumed, his blood pressure, and weight during this time? Many variables at play here

SamuraiBatgirl - 2019-10-17

He goes into much more detail in some lectures he gives. He also has his own website.

Nantz Stein - 2019-03-03

NEXT PLS : Biomarkers in Genome science.

Lightzpy - 2019-03-04

Exome and Genome effects on nutritional density

Nantz Stein - 2019-03-04

@Lightzpy I love it, or; effects of early wake-up on genes and nutrition !

Suzanne Rath - 2020-10-08

I started a ketogenic diet + intermittent fasting and the weight is literally melting off.

the Serpent Shaman - 2019-03-04

Allergy season is in full swing and I'm feeling fine thanks to KETO. Hay fever used to kill me.

NoFrameHell - 2019-10-09

Yeah, i had some problems breathing during high intensity exercises due to swollen adenoid glands and after cutting all carbs from my diet, i've never felt better! Couldn't believe carbs were that inflammatory before testing it myself.
These videos are a gold mine of nicely introductory content to seek your own health betterment.

nino nikki - 2019-04-23

Dave has glowing ears.😂
Awesome interview, btw. I was totally tuned in.

IW Nunn - 2019-03-03

Dave does an amazing job explaining ldl cholesterol.

Jeanne DiGennaro - 2020-09-19

Such an important discussion I fit into the phenotype he mentions in part2: low carb, high ldl, low triglycerides and low blood pressure

Logan West - 2019-03-04

You’re videos are top tier & much needed. They’ve helped me look at the fat v sugar debate objectively, where I might have not due to the overwhelming amount of info “demonizing” fat. Thank you & I hope you keep up the excellent videos!

Almond Flour - 2019-04-11

That building has such a nice light on it. it reminds me of waking up from a nap and walking out from the freezing house into the sun outside in the summer

MrQcomber - 2019-03-05

So how to maintain "low" trigycerides ?

Tokero - 2020-08-14

Cut carbs and seed oils

Caveman Elitist - 2019-03-05

can you do a video on baldness?

Liokay - 2019-03-05

topic idea: protein powder and supplements
would love to see what you come up with!:)

H. - 2019-04-09

2:28 are those pills vitamins?

Drake Santiago - 2019-03-04

Dave Feldman, within his brief foray into the subject of lipids from his day job as a software engineer, has put to shame many lipidologists and cardiologists. The fact that he has demonstrated how LDL can oscillate wildly, depending on abrupt changes in dietary composition, highlights that one can hardly look at a lipid panel in isolation, and from there infer long term health risks. Yet, this is precisely what a lot of doctors do, and the result is billions of dollars spent on cholesterol lowering medication, which might not even be protective, and could have harmful side effects as well. As the late Stephen Hawking so wisely said: " The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge." When our medical community preoccupies itself with nearly meaningless LDL numbers, and insists that this the best barometer for cardiac health, it is perpetuating this illusion of knowledge.

M 27 - 2019-03-03

I recently lost over 20 kg(45 lb) within 6 montha after cutting soda and candy out of my diet completely. I also started eating more meat and vegetables.

krix004 - 2019-03-11

if you want to become better. focus on eating enough fat. since me and a few friends started to eat on average 50-+100g of butter daily, everything is better. mentally, physically, energetically life is much better.

i run since 2 years on 12-16h daily fasting, eating raw eggs + 50g butter + tspn of honey and cinnamon, mixed with a blender and gulped down. in the afternoon maybe some fruit, if local and seasonal, but for sure some meat with butter or only butter and a bit honey.

two years of improved sleep, strenghtening, healing, detoxing and feeling wonderfull every day behind me.

taste is a trap. life on sugar is not worth it.

krix004 - 2019-03-11

high five! raw eggs, butter, some heat treated meat, and some dairy, mostly fermented, too. best 2 years and overal health condition of my life.

M 27 - 2019-03-16

@Brutal_Wizerd Way too much. At multiple litres a week and maybe 2 kg a week.

ΑγαΡy - 2019-11-21

jurejo explain stones. How may stones to lbs.

ΑγαΡy - 2019-11-21

krix004 check out Butter Bob Griggs. Butter makes your pants fall off.

mindlesstube - 2019-06-22

This went over my head. R they saying low tri's is what I want?

BrainPower - 2019-08-03

basically yes

Br Ch - 2020-01-02

You want low TRIG and high HDL. If u do, then LDL doesn't matter.

WigBoy NazBaller - 2019-03-04

Great interview! As always super informative, and left me with newfound knowledge. I don’t know if you read many of these comments (and I don’t know how to contact you) but I’d love it if you made a video addressing testosterone, and maybe unpack why modern people’s T levels are at historical lows.

Thumbs this up so WIL sees it!!!

Joeyblannn - 2019-03-04

Can we have a video on how you research about the things you want to learn about? your videos are seriously life changing and having the same perspective on learning and finding out about things as you would immensely help all of us. That would be an amazing video as well. Have a great day!!

James Agwe - 2019-03-03

Still better than school lunches

Hajskhd Haidjdb - 2019-03-03

Literally is school lunches