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The Map of Physics

Domain of Science - 2016-11-28

Everything we know about physics - and a few things we don't - in a simple map.

If you are interested in buying a print you can buy it as a poster here: 
North America: https://store.dftba.com/products/map-of-physics-poster
Everywhere else: http://www.redbubble.com/people/dominicwalliman/works/24105984-the-map-of-physics?asc=u&p=poster&rel=carousel
French version: https://www.redbubble.com/people/dominicwalliman/works/40572607-the-map-of-physics-french-version?asc=u
Spanish Version: https://www.redbubble.com/people/dominicwalliman/works/40572642-the-map-of-physics-spanish-version?asc=u

Or on a load of other objects: http://www.redbubble.com/people/dominicwalliman/works/24105984-the-map-of-physics?asc=u

Also you can download a digital version here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/95869671@N08/30976775430/in/dateposted-public/

I made the music, which you can find on my Soundcloud if you'd like to get lost in some cosmic jam. https://soundcloud.com/dominicwalliman

Errata and clarifications.

I endeavour to be as accurate as possible in my videos, but I am human and definitely don’t know everything, so there are sometimes mistakes. Also, due to the nature of my videos, there are bound to be oversimplifications. Some of these are intentional because I don’t have time to go into full detail, but sometimes they are unintentional and here is where I clear them up.

1. “Isaac Newton invented calculus.” Actually there is controversy over who invented calculus first Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz. Regardless of who it was I have used Leibniz’s mathematical notation here and so he definitely deserves credit. I did’t know about all this so thanks to those who pointed it out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz%E2%80%93Newton_calculus_controversy
2. “Maxwell derived the laws of electromagnetism.” This is a simplification as Maxwell’s work was built on the backs of other scientists like Hans Christian Ørsted, André-Marie Ampère and Michael Faraday who discovered induction and saw that electricity and magnetism were part of the same thing. But it was Maxwell who worked out all the maths and brought electricity and magnetism together into a unified theory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetism#History_of_the_theory
3. “Entropy is a measure of order and disorder”. This is also a simplification and this does a good job of explaining it better https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy
4. Einstein and Quantum physics: I made it sound like quantum physics was built by people other than Einstein, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Einstein got a Nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect which was a key result to show the particle-like nature of light. Funnily enough he never got a nobel prize for his work on Relativity!

Also, if you enjoyed this video, you will probably like my science books, available in all good books shops around the work and is printed in 16 languages. Links are below or just search for Professor Astro Cat. They are fun children's books aimed at the age range 7-12. But they are also a hit with adults who want good explanations of science. The books have won awards and the app won a Webby.

Frontiers of Space: http://nobrow.net/shop/professor-astro-cats-frontiers-of-space/
Atomic Adventure: http://nobrow.net/shop/professor-astro-cats-atomic-adventure/
Intergalactic Activity Book: http://nobrow.net/shop/professor-astro-cats-intergalactic-activity-book/
Solar System App: http://www.minilabstudios.com/apps/professor-astro-cats-solar-system/

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Astir01 - 2018-01-05

1900; Physics Prof: "It´s no use studying physics any more. We have discovered everything."
Student: "WTF!"
2000; Prof: "It´s no use studying physics any more. We do not know what we don´t know and we have no clue how to find out."
Student: "WTF!"

Pranav Tripathi - 2020-02-05

That's the beauty of science I guess and that's what gives me hope.

TheFallen - 2020-03-11

Humanity's thinking is absurd. I would have never thought like that...

Pranav Tripathi - 2020-03-11

@TheFallen after seeing the mistakes our predecessors made, it's an obvious observation. There are things that we don't know that we don't know and there are things that we know that we don't know.

Harshabardhan Singh - 2020-03-12

Physic isn't for everyone....

Pranav Tripathi - 2020-03-12

@Nightvid Cole that's sad Af, if our scientists had better funding maybe we could expect some awesome breakthroughs, such as maybe nuclear fusion

cheesyvin - 2019-08-28

1900 physicists :"We've discovered everything there is to physics boys!"
Albert Einstein :"I'm about to end these people's whole career."

3 Tudo Games - 2019-10-12

Classical Physical can be classified in modern and classical
Classical 0 - 1900
Modern 1900 - .....

KW 12 - 2019-10-12

Physicists never said nothing like that in the 1900’s.

Lasse Pedersen - 2019-10-23

Please stop.

Pete - 2019-12-12

Except Einstein set physics back by over 100 years with his fuzzy haired crackpot nonsense.

Banks - 2020-02-08

cheesyvin you could say that Einstein is more open minded than other scientists

Ryan Wilson - 2019-12-29

"He also invented calculus, "
Sad Leibniz noises

LA-소갈비 - 2019-12-31

The two came up with similar things at the same time. Unfortunately, Newton was more powerful then.

Captain Saom - 2020-01-07


Illyrian - 2020-02-27

In German speaking countries Leibniz is credited for Calculus, not Newton.

Pawan Kumar - 2020-03-21

Good thing is , the notation we use for integration is leibniz one and not the newton's. So we are using Leibniz integration.

Radiumbreon - 2019-11-30

“Maxwell discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism.”

May I introduce you to Michael Faraday.

Nothin Good Happening, Want To Move on - 2020-02-06

Electro Magnetic Induction Is Real Lit

bomberathans - 2020-02-27

Yes and his original lab is still tact, still left as it was. The machine with the copper loop is still there. He wrapped metal around a copper loop from both ends I believe. Faraday is the man alright.

TheLegendKiller337 - 2020-03-04

Actually it was oersted

Valeshka axb - 2020-03-15

@Pranav Tripathi that's not something easy tho

GameWorldRS - 2018-09-28

My boi Einstein just one day kinda creates an entire new field of physics that changes everything...Holly shit

cleaningduster - 2019-03-22

james wasda no hubble saw that the universe was expanding through redshift

ShiP wReCk - 2019-03-22

@cleaningduster Humble observed it. Einstein's math confirmed it.

lauren is borin - 2019-04-13

james wasda Hubble proved Einstein’s theory

ShiP wReCk - 2019-04-14

@lauren is borin One of his theories yes. Experimentally proved vs mathematically proved.
Einstein proved it mathematically.
Hubble proved it experimentally.

Alexander Loughran - 2019-05-12

UFCMania155 Einstein did far more than just special relativity, besides he did credit Poicaré for his work, however Poincaré did not sufficiently describe and explain what went on the way Einstein did. Like all science since the beginning of mankind he built on others work

Aaron Paul Dy Lusanta - 2019-05-31

I'm watching these videos just to get away from my degree program for a while, which is Philosophy, never expected that the video will redirect everything back to philosophy

a nonymus - 2020-01-26

P I L O S O P A U L can u enlighten me by telling where are you studying philosophy (exactly...like continent , country, state , city everything) plzzzzz it's my humble request. Can u spare time for me...........plzzzzz.

HHOO PPLLAA - 2020-02-11

@Spencer Rydman I thought science would only build upon science theory, and besides that, philosophy and science are distinct from each other because of differences like philosophy not doing any experiments, but you can say I'm wrong if you know better

Spencer Rydman - 2020-02-11

HHOO PPLLAA you can’t have science without philosophy, because philosophy is where we derive formal and informal logic from, and these are necessary for scientific practice.

HHOO PPLLAA - 2020-02-11

@Spencer Rydman I thought that was all within science theory?

Natalia Petito - 2018-09-26

"Physicists are not quitters" just what i needed to hear to keep me motivated. Thanks! (Great job by the way, and nice drawings/animations/whatever they are)

floffz owo - 2020-01-31

Not a single soul in the universe:

Highschool physics: friction is fiction

Michael Pisciarino - 2019-04-07

0:29 Classical Physics
Issac Newton
+ Laws of Motion
+ Law of Universal Gravitation
+ Calculus
+ Optics (Microscope 🔬 , Telescope 🔭 , Camera 📷 )

1:38 Waves
2:00 Electromagnetism (James Clerk Maxwell)
2:24 Classical Mechanics
2:38 Fluid Mechanics
2:58 Chaos Theory
3:09 Thermodynamics
Entropy- Measure of Order and Disorder

3:23 ** Energy **

3:34 Eternalism (Pre-Determined)

Strange Things
3:56 Orbit of Mercury

4:20 Relativity
4:25 Special Relativity (The Speed of Light is constant for all observers)
General Relativity: Spacetime. Masses bend Space and Time

5:04 Quantam Physics
- The Atom
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Nuclear Physics (Fission And Fusion)
- Particle Physics
The Standard Model
- Quantum Field Theory
(Does not include gravity)

Chasm of Ignorance

The Future
- String Theory or Quantam Gravity
- Dark Energy/Dark Matter

7:05 Philosophy
+ Nature of Reality?
+ Free Will?
+ Why is it the way it is?
+ Can we know everything?

Channel 3: Astrophysics and Quantum Physics - 2019-08-01

You sir, are a Hero

Emynodupeus Dupeusnoemy - 2019-08-29

❤️ Precise, exhaustive, organised.

RAPTOR - 2019-09-16

You are jesus

alexia c. - 2019-09-20

thanks man

Жуков Дмитрий - 2019-11-30

Wait a second... Is it really... The map of the map of physics!?

Kertox - 2019-11-10

Shows a big ass map of everything we know about physics and the universe
"All of our physics only describes 5% of the universe and everything else is a mystery"

Jesus Saez - 2019-12-01

Assuming it's 5% is assuming that we don't know 95% but as we don't know what we don't know, we have no idea, that 5% could very well be 0.000001% for all we know LOL

TV V.V - 2019-05-21

one day,... theory of everything will come :'D

Harsh Raj Always free - 2019-12-05

@ThatAstronomy_Girl string theory boooo

Mehmet Erkan Aktürk - 2020-01-08

I believe that its impossible to be fully sure about everything. Since we arent 100% sure why things exist, there is still a probability that all of this is a lie but we think it makes sense for unknown reasons, we cant 100% prove or disprove them. Or maybe we just know 0.0000001% of physics and the universe will die till we find it. Or maybe its physically impossible for a physical being to know everything.
Conclusion: we arent really sure of anything, science just increases the chance of something being true, doesnt make it 100%. But i cant confirm that, nobody can confirm anything.

Thats kinda depressing

Harsh Raj Always free - 2020-01-08

@Mehmet Erkan Aktürk the last milestone Mystery of the universe will be

Why it makes sense ?

tututuims ieijebdo - 2020-02-15

The theory of everything might not even be a theory at all

Porter Colville - 2019-09-05

Classical physics feels so safe and comfortable to me but the other two seem so foreign and scary. As a high school physics student this was helpful in highlighting the topics that I feel less comfortable with.

Dario Verna - 2018-12-23

"Do we have free will if we're just made of... physics?"

Lelrond - 2019-10-16

@Vishal Mishra
Particles don't exhibit free will. All we know is that quantum objects exhibit wave properties and their position can thus not be defined until they collapse into particles when measured. Note one thing: Quantum objects.
Our brain isn't a quantum object, it's way too large for that. And the components of our brain being quantum objects still doesn't mean you choose what you do.
I would like you to get a little introspective here, it's not possible to break the illusion of free will another way.

When did you decide to be you?

As a human, you always have preferences. You prefer pleasure over pain, or chocolate ice cream over strawberry ice cream. And this is a claim I make: You CANNOT act in disaccordance with your preferences, as long as you are thinking logically. If you think you find an instance where that doesn't apply, then please go ahead and put it into words, I'm sure it can be cleared up. What also follows is that, when put in the exact same situation, you will ALWAYS pick the same option according to your preferences.
And you don't choose your preferences. You don't even choose the thoughts you are having while reading this, the thoughts that'll lead you to either answer or not. A classic joke is about how, if you are told not to think about something, you can't really choose to do that, alá "This is a cure-all, but you mustn't think about pink fluffy unicorns even once while having it in your mouth for 5 minutes, or it won't work!"

I see that the "quantum explanation" for free will is very compelling. But it is a case of false equivalency. Just because in the quantum realm and in the psychology of humans we talk about tendencies and probabilities, doesn't mean the reason why we do is the same.
Quantum objects can and will never be measured according to the laws of classical mechanics. That just doesn't work.
But theoretically, it'd be possible to create a conclusive picture of all neural impulses that ever occured in a human brain and then simulate the same brain on a supercomputer. We just don't have the amount of information necessary yet.

STUPID HACKS - 2019-10-29

That part is dumb.

Blair T. Longley - 2019-12-07

There is irreducible uncertainty of measurement, which amounts to practical "free will," in the sense that human beings can never have perfect mental models of the world, and hence, can never perfectly predict the consequences of their actions. I do not think that people can have actual "free will" in the sense of ever being able to create energy out of nothing, nor destroy energy to nothing. But nevertheless, since human beings can not measure that flow of energy with an endlessly adequate accuracy, they are required to always act on the basis of insufficient information, as well as with insufficient power.

Robert Lihou - 2020-01-22

69th like. Was this predestined??

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2016-12-24

Nice video. Though, I think the "Chasm of Ignorance" and "The Future" should cover over 99% of the map.

GodOfMaddness - 2019-04-19

It might. Maybe he’s just showing us what makes sense to us. The chasm of ignorance may be larger or smaller than we think currently

The Dacer - 2019-04-21

Emm i know someone who alr3ady found all those hole of physics

Emynodupeus Dupeusnoemy - 2019-08-29

If we're still alive

Karanvir Singh - 2019-11-18

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky the map is super zoomed in

Argon Wheatbelly - 2019-12-03

Ignorant can be taught. Fear happens. But Chosen Ignorance after asking to be shown the Light of Truth is plain stupid.

Corona Virus Respecter - 2019-08-23

Physicists laughing at philosophy is like psychiatrists laughing at psychology. Favoring a mechanistic answer doesn’t make the answer more true.

R A Z A N - 2019-12-13

Clown World
Listen I agree that philosophy is important and arguably the first scientist Aristotle was a philosopher and we do have a field philosophy of science where Karl popper is respected but philosophy as a whole is not as well respected as science is, because it doesn’t guarantee any truth value to us like science does. Plus science has applications in the real world.

darkarify - 2019-12-14

@R A Z A N Philosophy is not respected, because it's not understood, It's important to recognize the role mother of all sciences plays in the analysis of the natural world and the fundamental questions that made scientists figure out new ways to inquiry knowledge, and also the importance of the ideas developed by philosophy like ethics, politics, epistemology, etc. that models our social world; so isn't truth that it has no applications in the real world.

R A Z A N - 2019-12-14


Pendragon - 2020-02-09

I am a researcher in physics and I know of no physicists who have any disrespect for philosophy

tututuims ieijebdo - 2020-02-15

@Дмитрий Мальгин but philosophy allowed for the logic to be condensed into an indescribable and almost achievable goal.

dhiraj choudhary - 2019-06-04

"physicists are not quitters" I loved that line😘😘

Great video, please keep making such videos.

Astigmatisme - 2019-12-01

you know it's asian-tier difficult when fluid mechanic is easier than chaos theory

Soleil DeMarcian - 2019-05-22

I LOVE THE BIG PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS YOU POSED!!! Those are very important and they’re my motivation and inspiration. Don’t you want to know what is actually going on in the reality you exist in?

Demon Thr - 2019-05-27

Soleil DeMarcian thank you for emphasizing “actually” lots of people don’t understand how concrete and defining mathematics are. Some people flat out deny math and the things it proves and it’s pathetic really, that people think they’re so smart they claim facts aren’t real.

THAT ONE GUY - 2019-07-21

Well said

thechoppychapgirl - 2019-06-01

Digging that snazzy beat which kicks in when you first mention Einstein

Jackson McAvoy - 2019-12-07

"He also invented Calculus... which has been used over the centuries to DERIVE new physics."

what? who? - 2019-05-23

Walliman:About optics
Newton is blah blah blah
"The great Ibn Al_Haytham" :
I'm a joke to you?

momo mama - 2019-06-04

Map of medecine (differents types of medecine and domains within) would be incredible!😊

Shooketh Guy - 2018-08-26

Please do another science maps. Please!
- physics
- maths
- biology
- chemistry
- computer science
- material science
- astronomy
- geology/earth science
- economy
- sociology
- history
- geography

Shiro - 2020-01-27

@Jean-Loïc De Jaeger it's ironic tho cause geography is sometimes considered the mother of all sciences due to its links and influences on a range of other scientific fields

JoJo LeTyran - 2020-01-29

Geography might be kind of easy

Leon Grden - 2020-02-08

@Madeleine McCann my teachers told me that history is a science because it uses scientific methods

Sayrain - 2020-02-08

Geography would just be a map though

dominic stewart-guido - 2020-02-25


Ayad Alhilo - 2019-06-21

7:37 "Those are the big (philosophical) questions. Ones which we may or may never answer, but there is no reason to give up trying. After all, physicists are not quitters".

Roger C - 2019-09-13

I wasn't sure if I should keep watching after 5:46, but a sick guitar solo started playing in the background and I knew I had to finish the video.

Rosanna Desole - 2019-06-02

Thank you very much for the lesson told in a simple way, and for the subtitles in Italian, very well thank you.👍👏👏👏👏👏

Josh Richardson - 2019-05-04

Thank you for bringing the cloud of philosophy in your wonderful map. Quite a lot of science (including plenty of physics) is predicated on our beliefs about knowledge and meaning. Beliefs which when left uninterrogated can seriously bite us in the arse.

Rashed Khoory - 2019-05-15

Josh Richardson and here comes the TOK part of the curriculum

SGN_ _047 - 2017-12-24

Map of philosophy!!!!????

GanyX Plays - 2019-06-15

there is no map... your thoughts can be the map and just you being woke and realising and analyzing the world fulfills the map... it can be what you want

The Immigrant Farmer - 2019-06-25

Smoke some pot and that'd be it

*-YOUR and YOU'RE are 2 different words-* - 2019-06-27

@User Name infinity

Lucas Batista - 2019-07-12

It's kinda impossible isn't it? Like you could literally go on and on with infinite philosophy topics

Emynodupeus Dupeusnoemy - 2019-08-29

@Caleb Mahlen Thank you, May check

Omar Alaboud - 2019-09-06

This.. this is the best thing I've ever seen on YouTube concerning physics.. you nailed it man.. you nailed it😢

Jack's Thoughts - 2019-08-03

1900 PHYSICISTS: now we know everything
ALBERT EINSTEIN: general relativity

Pete - 2019-12-12

Except relativity is just a bunch of bullshit.

Memeboys - 2019-01-04

Папаня физик

Surfeur Fou - 2018-09-28

I got the map for my birthday and it’s on my office now, so happy, really nice Job !
Leo from Bordeaux (France)
Merci :)

Biman H. Saikia - 2017-12-21

Physicist are not quiters.....the best line in the video....hats off for you and your work man... Keep it up...

Biman H. Saikia - 2018-02-05

warun parker oo..great he also came in Haward university I thank ...that's even more cool as be cracked partition ...after failing in prime...and that's ganna say he's awesome...

Biman H. Saikia - 2018-02-05

warun parker you said you're a computer scientist ...as a student I'm very excited to know about how you came in that line....

Biman H. Saikia - 2018-02-06

warun parker ...hey what's up man....

The Vitruvian Man - 2018-05-31

Biman H. Saikia Physicists are blocked because they have no consciousness awakened. They only look at things intellectually.

Jonathan Herrera - 2018-06-29

No physicist aren’t quitters but we sure are lazy! Look at Dirac equations with bra-kets lol

Tom Motto - 2019-02-09

Love the animation style ( it lends humor to the presentation: always a good thing! )

ray ray - 2019-08-21

Your eyes are beautiful 😍

Shacquore Crosby - 2018-11-11

I am the only wondering how does he know all this stuff

Måns Spång - 2019-02-28


Sarim Mehmood - 2019-05-11

@Måns Spång nah he is an actual physicist

Ramon III Tuble - 2019-06-01

uhhh research>? heard of it???

floffz owo - 2020-02-07

I’ve been coming back to this video for several times now - it’s so concise and wholesome! Physics is just such a great and diverse science AND it tells you so many things about reality.
+ we should watch this 100% in physics class

Navin Kumar - 2019-10-14

"I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happenin' at the same time"

Denise - - 2019-12-29

the animations are amazing though :')

Urahara - 2018-10-19

Map of engineering

Валентина Иванова - 2019-04-14

Это ФИЗИКА! !!!

Kirsten - 2019-07-05

Carl Ortiç engineering is much more than purely applied math, I assure you. my specific field, chemical engineering, applies properties of math along with physics and chemistry... sure math is a basis for these topics but they each have their own ideas and concepts along with them which creates much more complex issues to deal with.

Tratbag D - 2019-10-09

@Carl Ortiç Engineering is just applied physics would have been a more accurate statement, relatively speaking. Pure math is very different than applied math. Pure math is as far from engineering as can be.

Tratbag D - 2019-10-09

@barutaji most of the stuff you mentioned is just...applied maths. As someone who have studied both engineering and mathematics and had my significant share of physics, I hate to break it to you but engineering is just applied sciences with a business mentality for the most part. Anything technical that you study in engineering is a dumbed down version of what that should be in the respective science.

barutaji - 2019-10-09

​@Tratbag D If you consider statistics and numerical methods as applied math (which it is) then, yeah it is applied maths.
By definition engineering is applied science, in contrast to pure science. But if the distinction exists it is because it is meaningful and useful. Engineering is physics applied in the sense that no one expects to discover a new law of nature studying technology... you learn how nature works with physics and use it to build technology with engineering. But engineering is not physics applied in the sense that you need years of research and refinement to build technology, to a point where a physicist would have basically no clue about how it works except from some vague basic principles. We could argue that medicine is just biology applied, and biology is just chemistry applied, which is again just physics applied and then at the end we get nowhere.
From the physics point of view it is challenging to find the analytical solution for the heat diffusion on a plate with a circular hole in the middle, while engineers have to estimate the heat diffusion on a working engine with complex geometry and complex chemistry. From the physics point of view it is challenging to predict how two sphere falling in a Newtonian fluid interact and how it affects the drag force applied upon them, while the engineer have to estimate the head loss on the process of cutting and cleaning a petroleum well, which involves thousands of particles colliding in a non-Newtonian fluid. Both approaches are useful in their respective fields, and saying that engineering is XX applied is misleading about how it actually works. There is a reason for why the industry doesn't hire physicists (with exceptions, of course), but hire engineers. If "applied stuff" were all there is to it, the physicist could easily just "deduce engineering" on the fly, right? Since it is just a dumbed down version of physics.
Did you ever worked in a situation without analytical solution? Actually if you move an inch away from the toy models one studies in physics you stumble with them every single time, in which case you basically have to throw away all your formulas and build an empirical formula relating the things you can measure and using all those beautiful arbitrary constants with 6 decimal places which only works on that specific situation.
So to sum up, engineering is a combination of analytical solutions of toy models, numerical solutions of less toyish models with some PDEs, many assumptions, lots of mumble jumble that would make a physicist cry for how arbitrary it is but that at the end just works so whatever, a lot of dumbed down theory of physics and chemistry, a lot of computer science, a lot of customized experiments, and a lot of phenomenological explanations, all of this applied in a specific and crafty way that is useful to make things work. Ah, and a business mentality, yeah. So engineering is just "applied all-of-this".
Heck, most physicist I know don't even know what rheology means, since it is not part of their regular curriculum and continuum mechanics is not as emphasized as general mechanics.

Bouthaina Zitan - 2019-05-22

Im proud that I've studied almost all of that.
Edit : Actually a little bit of all that in 2 years..

mina tarakemeh - 2019-06-24

Really?this year I will go to university, i love physics but i'm not sure that i want to study physics or not...sometimes i think i'm not good at physics enough

Neptune Atlas - 2019-07-04

@mina tarakemeh Just practice alot and stay engrossed in it

ᛞᚨᛝᛁᛞᛖ PSQ - 2019-07-09

I am Italian and i have studied Physics in High School for about 5 years.
Next year i’ll be continuing to study physics in college, it’s just the best.

Hans Bolliger - 2018-11-28

Thank you for this fantastic map: The whole physic on one paper A4 „quer“! WOW!

Abhi Jith - 2019-09-07

This is the bad thing in this video.

Marco B - 2019-06-04


Luis Murillo - 2019-11-23

it is

Alienn Alien - 2020-02-14

Him: I hope you enjoyed.
Of course i am🥺😭😍
This was the best video ever on youtube okey bye.

Admax Advertising - 2017-09-02

like for quantum physics.

Eribus Venrah - 2019-04-16

Even quantum physicists themselves occasionally find the workings of the particles they study to be “alien.” That’s why they study them.

19 Manjeets - 2019-05-16

hyper but it's not. Quantum physics describes our world. It is so cool and fascinating to know that our own universe works on a small scale. Micro interactions between particles seem insignificant, but when you have trillions of those particles you get visible matter. Not to mention how quantum physics is perplexing in a way that when you think about it this branch is completely new, it doesn't obey the physics we new prior to the wave particle duality discovery. In fact in quantum physics you have particles called bosons who aren't acted upon by forces but are force carriers. Quantum physics can be linked to spectroscopy. We use spectroscopy to identify gases and what not. The only way to know which gas it is, is using quantum physics. You would have to use electron configuration calculation which gets into Paul's exclusion principle and Colombs law. It is amazing how quantum physics can be applied to our world. Yes it is foreign to us, but does that make that the worst branch in physics? No, no it doesn't .

Your Death - 2019-06-22

@Aryan Kumar isn't that quantum mechanics

Aryan Kumar - 2019-06-22

@Your Death Yes it is, it is kinda an example of quantum superposition(more like a joke😜)

Your Death - 2019-06-22

@Aryan Kumar Yeah I got the joke part. Thanks for clarifying

lefenec - 2020-01-29

"ThE EarTH iS fLaT" smh

oh hai mark - 2020-02-20

this made me remember how much i love physics. thank you!

Ian Luna - 2020-03-18

I've been trying to draw the map but once I got Chaos theory I was like 😑 yeah Im not drawing that

Erika Hoffmann - 2019-07-21

“Just...why?” I love that part. 😂