> temp > à-trier > does-coffee-make-you-fat-and-anxious-what-i-ve-learned

Does Coffee make you Fat and Anxious?

What I've Learned - 2020-09-28

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Here's the script with a link to a PDF with the sources used for this video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42271867

I decided to make this video after finally realizing that I feel better without caffeine when I stayed off coffee for several weeks. I noticed I was less anxious, less worried about smaller things and had a significant reduction in appetite.
One thing I try to stress here is that just because caffeine apparently gave *me* these different issues, you might not have them yourself. There is tons of individual variation in how caffeine affects people. 

For business inquiries: Joseph.Everett.Wil@gmail.com

What I've Learned - 2020-10-02

A couple people commented that coffee / caffeine suppresses their hunger rather than increase it like I was saying in the video. Actually, I agree with this. Actually when I was drinking coffee, I would set my intermittent fasting schedule to where the appetite suppressant "boost" of coffee would make it easier to get through those last 90 minutes of fasting. Yes, caffeine / coffee suppresses appetite at least temporarily.

However, in my experience (as stressed in the video, different people react very differently to caffeine and coffee), what seemed to be happening was that my normal appetite when coffee wore off was higher than usual. Though I did experience the appetite suppressant effect right after I drank it. At least for me, coffee isn't a free anti-lunch. While I do get a temporary appetite suppressant boost, the downside is that I have to pay for that with interest at a later point with a bigger appetite.

quantum computing - 2022-01-19

Can you please make a video about microdosing LSD and psylocybin

Joy Winfree - 2022-01-21

All models know this.

Joy Winfree - 2022-01-21

@Maenad correct

Evan Jones - 2022-02-14

You mentioned not liking coffee without milk. I've noticed hunger when i drink coffee with milk, specifically almond milk. I think this experience is caused by a blood sugar spike.

Orbital Jellyfish - 2022-03-02

Coffee doesn’t make me hungry at any stage of IF but carbonated water sure seems to.

Ken MacAllister - 2021-04-09

I thought I had an anxiety disorder 20 years ago. I suffered from panic attacks, rage, difficulty sleeping, difficulty waking up, migraines, and itchy rashes on my legs. I weaned myself off coffee, and over the next two weeks ALL of my symptoms disappeared- it literally changed my life.

Magic Merls - 2021-12-21

@josef it makes adhd worse when you consume it regularly and too little of it. Also if you use it occasionally it makes ADHD better (calmer, more focused) but the comedowns hit you harder. And once you are using caffeine often enough you will feel worse all the time. TLDR coffee can help ADHD but is far inferior to the prescription drugs you get for it. If you use it too often you'll feel worse. If you drink regularly but too little you'll also feel worse. If you think you could have adhd try one of your sisters pills and if it makes you calmer go see a therapist.

Oh Jeh - 2022-01-25

@josef I was a kid (still not in 1st grade) way before ADHA (as we know it today) and all the drugs that are given for it were around.... My mom went to the Dr. with me and told him she's going bonkers-"My daughters not sleeping and she just never EVER stops. Help me!".
He told her to give me a little bit of coffee. Mom looked at him like he was also bonkers. But, she gave me coffee. She said I dropped (to sleep) like a stone.
She told me this as a teenager.
Take this as just a little anecdote from someone that also has what is now known as ADHA.

Mitsu - San - 2022-03-27

You might wanna take some thiamine aka vitamin B1 bcz coffee deplete this key nutrient which is amazing for your mental health and tolerability of stress! :))

Antonio - 2022-04-17

its usually ok when one combines it well with nutrient intake..and ofc enough exercise...

Kevin Sanson - 2022-05-05

@Christal Wong well at least you could drink it once a day for me I just had to drop it completely cuz it was messing with my anxiety so much and I did notice a significant change when I stopped drinking coffee specifically consuming caffeine still crave it but the effects of not having caffeiness way worth going through all this the having a cup of coffee

Izuku Midoriya - 2021-02-16

Honestly, I feel less hungry when I drink coffee

Katarina A - 2021-11-25

I do when it’s black coffee

Peter Kropotkin - 2021-12-03

@Mark Baumgartner not necessarily, even plain black coffee with nothing in it makes me hungry because it messes with my cortisol levels

Evan Jones - 2022-02-13

me too! I've noticed that when some people talk about "coffee" they assume you're putting sugar, cream, or milk in it but it's obviously the sugar in the milk that puts your blood-sugar on a roller coaster and makes you hungry, not the coffee.

It might somehow be exacerbated by the caffeine, no idea, but coffee to me has always been an appetite suppressant and I drink it black.

Ferd The Terd - 2022-02-26

Your coffees are probably 1000 calories

Marcia Loraine Lewis - 2022-03-20

For now....

David Mordaunt - 2021-06-23

As a published researcher and PhD in the biotech, I agree with your findings:
+ Short-term coffee is an appetite suppressant and has a positive effect on anxiety. (BTW Smoking also decreases appetite, yet there are major negatives associated with smoking.)
+ Long-term adaption to coffee (and caffeine in general) has the opposite effect increasing adenosine neuro-receptors, evidence does point to coffee/caffeinated sodas as a major factor in global obesity.

Coffees AND caffeinated sodas (even diet) everyday are too much caffeine. Most of us need to modify our behavior. For 2 months, try substituting decaf coffee on a daily basis, with a double shot of real coffee once a week. Save your caffeine to peak performance for a race, important meeting or deadline.

Craig Slitzer - 2021-12-19

Sideline, I've been kinda surprised at how many people thought I was lying when I mentioned appetite suppression was a side effect of smoking tobacco. I thought it was a well known side effect. There was even a lady teaching classes in drug rehab who looked at me like I was crazy when I said it. I think if anyone should be educated about that topic, it should be have been her.

Alex - 2022-01-17

@Craig Slitzer Indeed it does, and just like people report with coffee/caffeine, when that appetite suppression wears off you're looking at an even bigger appetite when it wears off. So you're either chainsmoking or you're gonna end up eating more anyways. The takeaway is to not use tobacco for appetite suppression 😂

Alex - 2022-01-17

Also, in response to the original comment, could it not be possible for "coffee" being associated to obesity be partly explained because of how much junk and sugar people put on coffee nowadays? I mean half of all Starbucks "coffee" is pretty much a coffee-flavored milkshake

José Viu - 2022-01-26

i like coffe cycling becouse when i eventually have it get a real high, no other drug puts me in such a great mood

Alex Wilder - 2022-03-08

I found switching to a real double shot after some weeks of only decaf really put the effects for me in harsh perspective and made me want to quit.

Forever A - 2021-02-01

I love breathing in the aroma of coffee way more than actually drinking it

Anton Boludo - 2021-06-14

@Adam Guy Same with me.

lebueon - 2021-10-11

I relate

Kevin - 2021-10-20

Used to be me until I developed an acquired taste to black coffee

Tootie Not too fruitie - 2021-10-21

Sometimes I think coffee smells better than it tastes ❗💥

Miguel mejia - 2022-03-22

it's the funk

CMSdoc - 2020-09-28

Honestly... The only reason I drink coffee is for the glorious bowel movements that come with it 😅

qwertzuiop - 2022-04-11

Try drinking 2 glasses of water after waking up and don‘t eat till you went to the toilet. Maybe it‘s not because of the coffee, but because of drinking in a sober state.

Daniel Anderson - 2022-05-01

@Andrew Malcolm It's literally just the hot water. You can boil water, add honey to it, and you'll get the exact same result.

Kevin Sanson - 2022-05-05

Yeah but now I've seen an alternative which is hot water that actually helps a lot more and it doesn't give you that pain from the acidic levels of the coffee because you're drinking on an empty stomach.

Daniel Anderson - 2022-05-05

@Kevin Sanson bro I literally just said that.

TomTheTruckdriver - 2022-05-09

Hear hear!

Jessica Gomez - 2021-04-30

If you suffer from anxiety consider quitting caffeine or switching to decaffeinated drinks. It makes a huge difference.

SaHaRaSquad - 2021-05-10

I have anxiety and depression, and while coffee does seem to elevate my anxiety a bit, at least I don't feel like sitting in a black abyss of death, so what the hell.

Jennifer.777 - 2021-05-20

I totally get and for the most part agree with what you're saying. For me who has had anxiety since I was a kid the underlying mental illness would be affected by large amounts of caffeine but not by a standard or smaller portion. I've been on meds for anxiety and that basically knocked it totally out. Regardless of how much caffeine I have during the day it doesn't affect my mental health now even in larger quantities. It just gives me energy. Now getting acclimated to the medication OMG talk about jittery. Coffee never did that to me lol. Guess it's all about how people work isn't that weird? Without the meds if I had more than one caffeinated drink I did notice a more anxious day but with them it really doesn't matter. I dunno I'm Hella grateful for the meds lol.

Magnulus76 - 2021-09-03

Or just drink green tea, better than going cold turkey and it won't promote anxiety since it contains theanine.

Jim Shock - 2021-10-31

@Magnulus76 theanine ?

Magnulus76 - 2021-10-31

@Jim Shock Yes, it's a compound found in tea in small amounts. It promotes relaxation. Green tea is the best source.

Stephen Laswell - 2021-04-29

Things WIL has changed in my life:
- switched from coffee to tea
- eat more egg
- maybe worry less about meat than food waste
- got a kitchen safe for my phone and another for video games
- started doing the wim hof method and still do
- tried several low carb diets and still aim to avoid processed sugar and fructose
Keep it up!

Milan 1994 - 2020-10-12

I sleep much better without caffeine. Better sleep = more energy = no need for caffeine

YAHOOISNOTG - 2021-10-02

@Nomi Harrara its called withdrawals, they typically last 1-2 weeks depending how long and how much coffee youve been drinking

YAHOOISNOTG - 2021-10-02

@Thor Boe Rasmussen nope, theres studies that show that even drinking coffee as soon as you wake up still affects your sleep quality

Definitely not Napoleon - 2021-10-08

So you take caffeine to not need caffeine.

Korra the Australian Shepherd - 2021-10-27

@Thor Boe Rasmussen it's ahalf life average of about 5.7hrs, meaning 100mg consumed at 6am, ay 12pm you still have approx 50mg in the bloodstream

Karl Hungus - 2022-02-10

Yo are supposed to be naturally energetic if you are healthy. You use your energy levels as a barometer for your health; caffeine obscures this. It took me over 4 months to get over withdrawal from caffeine. Then it took me another 3 months to discover that my continual lethargy was lifted by consuming far more potassium than I had in years. I started eating way more fruit. Then I had energy like I was caffeinated that lasted all day and still slept well at night.

Tree Frog101 - 2021-06-07

Giving up coffee was the best thing I ever did for my anxiety and my intestines. Too about 2.5months to fully detox. Worth it

Adskdhkkkkgfghjj - 2021-09-17

@mahi mahi i replaced coffee with either green tea or black tea(with milk) whenever I got the urge to drink coffee.
You don't have to necessarily drink those but look for a tasty alternative that you like!
That way you don't have to interrupt your routine and it's easier to quit.

(After 6 months of no coffee) I do occasionally drink a cappuccino like once a month if I want to, but now I can enjoy it, instead of gobbling my daily 9 cups like an addict.
The best way to quit is to not be too strict with yourself! If you gave in, it's okay!

Sukaena & Cornelius - 2021-09-22

Yeah, I quit caffeine and nicotine at the same time. I’m far more mentally productive and less stressed, I did it after my wife had a panic attack after a coffee date, she rarely has coffee, she started having a panic attack while she was driving, we had pretty strong coffee from star bucks, something called a flat white which has about 300mg of caffeine. I did have some matcha green tea a couples months after i quit, and wow i felt like I was a wizard.

Tree Frog101 - 2021-09-22

10months later, I drink one cup every once in a while. I noticed that if I stay under 100mg per day, I don't get withdrawls. I have swapped my coffee for no sugar, hot cocoa in the morning. Much less caffeine. Definitely a heathier choice than I had before.

Mitsu - San - 2022-03-27

Might get some Thiamine aka Vitamin b1 bcz coffee deplete this key nutrient! :))

DeFi Mafia - 2020-09-28

My appetite is the opposite. When I’m drinking a lot of coffee I often forget to eat because I’m not hungry at all.

Christal Wong - 2021-06-29

Lucky you! When I drink coffee, it is very acidic to my body. I tend to get extremely hungry.

optimity - 2021-08-22

@Jesper Andersen if it's black, it doesn't break your fast

J W - 2021-09-30

Same unless all I've eaten is carbs, then the caffeine causes a massive blood sugar drop later on that leaves me scrambling to eat. I avoid this by simply not eating only carbs in the morning anymore.

Ferd The Terd - 2022-02-26

Your coffees are probably 1000 calories

ilovebunnies20 - 2022-03-05

If I have only 1 cup a day, I get RAVENOUS. But when I drink coffee all day, all I do is snack on things.

Takeshi Young - 2021-09-27

I love coffee! Pairing coffee with L-theanine can help reduce anxiety. But overall I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

Sea Flower - 2021-10-03

Yes, great tip. That's what I used to do before switching to decaf.

TheSavageFrog - 2021-11-23

Thanks for talking about L-theanine. I wasn't aware of this supplement.

Ferd The Terd - 2022-02-26

Or don't take either and eat proper nutrients and proteins..

Joey B - 2020-12-20

Like your content a lot and appreciate all the research! Having said that i feel like questioning some of your personal conclusions when returning to drinking coffee seeing as you are talking about drinking 3 café lattes in the morning. Who knows how big the impact of 3 giant glasses of milk in the morning is? Maybe that is causing your symptoms (it also indicates that at that time you were not fasting, how would that effect impact of coffee?)

Raya Al Hajri - 2021-12-09

And that butter coffee he is always talking about

stross - 2021-09-25

I had been doing long self experiments with coffee for years and for a long time determined that coffee was the cause of my anxiety and jitteriness. However, the more I dove into the effects of sugar and insulin, I realized that my body does amazingly on lattes with heavy cream and no sugar. No jitters, neck pain or anxiety. Sugar and even plain whole milk with less fat than heavy cream due to it's lactose content was the cause of my anxiety and jitteriness. I've found that sugar in any form, even high carb meals was causing my anxiety. Now that I'm on a ketovare diet high in saturated fat and animal protein, I've never felt better in my life mentally and physically.

Connor Lafferry - 2021-10-05

So you can drink coffee now with high fat and no sugar?

stross - 2021-10-05

@Connor Lafferry correct

oldman - 2022-01-01

But the sugar is the best part 🥲

Smiley - 2021-11-01

I quit coffee for 6 weeks a while back. After a few days, I noticed my fingers had more sensitivity, like I had increased awareness from the perspective of my hands. It sounds weird but it somehow made me feel more… alive.

JH - 2021-11-04

I often go through periods of quitting coffee followed by gradual relapse(it's nice to have a warm drink in the hand). But more recently I've been doing daily crawling exercises and have noticed that my reaction to coffee seems to be different, both more dissatisfied with its taste, and less of an obvious reaction, so I am cutting down once again. While I've always done exercise, the contralateral movement in crawling is said to be highly stimulating to the nervous system and can improve your coordination and athleticism(The Bioneer has a great video on crawling that discusses this in some detail), which suggests that it would hit all the adenosine receptors mentioned in this video and push up their fitness, changing the cycle of caffeine response. I've also noticed that loud sounds in the city sound louder. My hypothesis is patchy, but it seems like the change in exercise is actually improving my senses, and also how I respond to coffee. But it also makes sense the other way around with your hand sensitivity - no blockage of the receptors means better senses.

Smiley - 2021-11-04

@JH - Interesting, I'll look up the topic of crawling for exercise.

Justin Thorne - 2020-09-28

Great video as always. Definitely anecdotal, but I find I eat less when caffeinated and it actually suppresses my hunger

Chris - 2020-10-01

You know what else suppresses your hunger? Insulin sensitivity. How do you be less insulin resistant? Eat less sugar. This way, you not only become less hungry, but you also lose weight. Less ghrelin appears to be produced.

Now, how do I eat less sugar, lose weight, and also decrease my production of insulin and ghrelin while feeling satiated? Eat more fat and protein, but not too much at once when you first start, as this may cause temporary pains in the stomach as well as nausea. Eggs, seafood, animals in general, and other meat. Include more vegetables, or even snack on them with a low-carbohydrate (and low-sugar) dip such as ranch. This is much healthier than something like chips. Popcorn is much healthier than chips as well. Go for the low-carb alternatives always.

Areez, Muhammad - 2020-10-01

@Brian Skep He did not state in the video that l-theanine acts against the side-effect of coffee, namely the blocking of adenosine.

Ana Teal - 2020-10-01

Eitan Ben Dor mine as well, I do decaf but it works the same for fasting. I so love working out in the fasted state.

Mitchell Rouse - 2022-02-28

He's referring to people who drink coffee all the time, not just once in a while. He said three cups a day.

djlowtek - 2022-05-12

Stimulants do that

Sarah Berry - 2021-04-07

As an adult whose never been into coffee, I'm very grateful that I never had that addiction after hearing how people struggle with it, and struggle to quit it. Quitting sugar was hard enough haha, glad I don't struggle with coffee too.

Muaru - 2021-05-26

@Sarah Berry Well honestly I can't say much about that, it sounds like a healthy lifestyle to me and if it works for you and you're happy, then all the power to you. But for the people who do enjoy coffee, that's okay too.

Sarah Berry - 2021-05-26

@Muaru true. To each their own 💯% and yeah, I have striven to eliminate all high dopamine addictions in my life that are not beneficial and would recommend everyone do that, because it really does make life more enjoyable when you don't rely on a substance or anything like that for daily function. (Although exercise might be considered that, but it's beneficial to my health so I don't count that) :) YT is my next one to tackle😝

Keith Machi - 2021-09-28

@Sarah Berry i tried coffee once and almost threw up lmao, i hate soda, alcohol, candy and other conventional unhealthy things idk why but my taste buds cant tolerate it lol yay for me

Freedom Freedom - 2021-10-04

Took me 6 years to quit the devils juice aka coffee

Kathie Tee - 2021-02-15

Interesting, in the contrary to what you've experienced, Coffee helps keep my appetite down and cravings at bay, especially when practicing 18/6 fasting or OMAD. Guess coffee does have very different effects for different individuals. Your videos are usually quite fair, but can't help but getting a hint of bias from this one.

Raya Al Hajri - 2021-12-09

His videos are always biased towards whatever he is following atm

Joel P - 2022-01-16

Did you miss the part where he said “everyone processes caffeine differently” like 15 times?

JAR - 2022-01-22

@appa L I'm the same. I've gone a month without my daily coffee, and honestly nothing changed. Now I drink more coffee and I honestly feel fine, I think there are bigger fish to fry than the coffee in my life.

Joel P - 2022-02-11

@Nathan Abeyta The first coffee shop in England was established in 1650 and it was in Italy for several decades before that. It’s been in America since its inception.

Adrienne L - 2021-06-01

I’m 2 weeks caffeine free. I recommend weaning off. I had very mild withdrawal symptoms and no head aches. I was consuming 2-3 Starbucks drinks (the sugary big cups) and switched to tea before quitting. My anxiety and ibs and sleep are significantly better. I’m waking up rested and craving water 🙌🏻

Navi Nathane Charlotte - 2021-07-26

Starbucks drinks (the sugary big cups) > news flash, it was the sugar, not the coffe my dude

Brandon RH - 2021-10-24

@Navi Nathane Charlotte for reals

nativist - 2022-04-23

That's coffee

Evan Jones - 2022-02-13

I think the hunger you mention feeling from coffee is actually from the sugar in the milk, not the caffeine or the coffee. I've definitely noticed the same thing about my appetite but only when I started adding almond milk––it was a significant enough experience that I mentioned it on my weight loss blog a few months ago.

Earlier in the video you also mention that black coffee makes you jittery and nauseous, but adding milk makes this go away, so I'm willing to bet the hunger is from a blood sugar spike from the milk you're putting in it.

Janet Zhang - 2020-10-18

I still remember back in uni when I was assigned a project researching the association between caffeine intake and tachycardia, I was mind blown that the result is in favour of how caffeine intake can reduce the incidence of tachycardia. Well, coffee, caffeine, what a mystery.

nealrutgerskid - 2021-10-25

Yeah.. I have to agree.. after cutting my 2 large cups of coffee a day I started to sleep better. I also had a panic attack and noticed my self becoming more anxious on regular basis. Now my anxiety is under control, weight reduced and satiated most of the day with regular meals. I think I was drinking more coffee when I was hungry( missing breakfast).

-Yttrium- - 2020-11-15

Coffee definitely helped dealing with depression, then again, I'm not at all an anxious person. I can consume any amount without ill effects exept slightly transpiring more. I sort of believed most people would react similar but now I believe I am more unique in my coffee tolerance. I hate to give it up for two weeks but I want to know for certain what the compound does to me.

Mr Dandelion - 2020-10-09

What I have figured out about myself is that I will drink coffee only when I'm relaxed and chill (staying at home basically) and it makes me feel great, I can chug down 3-4 cups on such a day without any side effects. But if there is the tiniest sense of stress, immediate bowel movements it is and hello anxiousness

Vanta Black - 2020-09-29

I think its really weird how different coffee's effect on person to person, for me personally, coffee increased my focus, make me more social, and decrease my appetite

Ryan Siraj - 2020-12-14

i think that's the key to have it in social settings or work because if ur alone after a day of caffeine your mind will create 1000 things and stress you out

Daniel - 2021-01-14

Just to give a counter argument, could that not be because you've drunk it for so long that going without it causes withdrawals and then the 'benefits' of caffeine are attributed to not getting those withdrawals? I say this because I drunk coffee regularly from the age of 8 to 21 and felt terrible quitting it at first but after awhile felt better than ever.

1AnimeChannel - 2021-01-19

@Daniel Your parents let you drink coffee at age of 8? With brain that young it would be surprised you didn't had some issues from it.

kanor cubes - 2021-02-06

That's what it's supposed to do. It also helps with weight loss, Idk what's he gonna talk about I havent watched the vid yet

I Don't Know - 2021-10-27

I started feeling the clinched jaw a year ago and I never had that issue before. I had been a coffee drinker since I was a little child and I'm 25 now. I've been trying to lean off recently and I feel a lot better now than when I started getting off. I had terrible headaches and I couldn't work.

Appleblade - 2021-10-04

I avoided coffee my whole life... then, at 59, I started and wish I could go back and start when I was 20. The increase in morning energy and ability to focus is astounding.

Stavros _GR - 2021-12-01

Really interesting! Tell us more about your experience with coffee

Cher Horowitz - 2021-04-28

This was incredibly thorough and definitely relatable. The other thing that I think really adds to the weight gain component is if you add dairy to your coffee. Thank you for posting this! I think this is the best video I’ve found so far that is super motivating to quit the habit.

Anna Bell - 2021-11-12

Sugar, also. Especially sugar.

Tomoaywassup - 2020-11-25

Interesting, ive drunk coffee my whole life. Once i went on holidays for 6 weeks and noticed i felt and looked better, the dark rings under my eyes vanished and i cant figure out why, possibly sleeping more but also during that time i would have been drinking way less coffee, its worth a try.

Ghabriel Melo Oliveira - 2022-05-15

Coffee makes me alert, relieves pain and helps my digestion.
But I only drink one or three small cups a day.
But before I started treating myself for anxiety, everytime I drank coffee I felt anxious. After getting more mature, learning how to deal with anxiety and meditation, coffee actually made me feel less anxious and improved my mental health.

Dan - 2021-02-09

The bottom line: If you are by default a more letargic, chill and demotivated person, then caffeine can be helpful.
If you are already by default energetic, anxious and worried, then caffeine will only make things worse.

shizuokaBLUES - 2020-10-08

Many of the points you’ve raised here regarding caffeine sensitivity and reaction to stress and sleeplessness are traits I’ve inherited from my mother.
I learned to adjust my caffeine intake simply by blending decaffeinated beans into my regular roast, usually at a 40:60 ratio.

The mornings are much better even with two cups of coffee.

Joaquin Lance - 2022-01-26

my experience has been exactly as you said. I've been off coffee for the last 3 weeks and my anxiety has vanished, I can sleep for 8 hours straight and when I roll out of bed I'm ready to rock n roll! And I don't need to eat as much to feel satisfied, have lost 2-3 kg in weight too

Omar Qunsul - 2020-09-28

I used to be fat and ugly.
But after I quit coffee, I'm only ugly now

Atiya Bodique - 2021-05-29

You're not ugly, but same. I stopped drinking coffee last year and have lost like 10 pounds since then. Granted, that wasn't the only change to my diet that I made at the time. But I immediately lost weight in my face

R S - 2021-06-12

10:21 For years I've been wondering how to achieve the exact same effect with Testostrone (and other chemicals connected to vitality and heighen cognition).
Just like LDN (low-dose Naltrexone) does to opioid receptors.

Elchamuc020 - 2021-09-24

Ha! Same here whenever I asked girls out on a date they said no you are fat and ugly so I stopped drinking coffee and lost weight (with a proper diet and exercise) After that whenever I asked girls out they said I looked ugly sometimes I got the occasional "eww no".

sangwho - 2021-09-28


Noor Hamarsheh - 2021-10-01


Nancy McNafferson - 2021-04-10

I started not drinking coffee every day and my anxiety actually improved. Don’t worry though—there’s no way I’m quitting! ♥️☕️

can we not - 2021-09-29

The best mental health point of my life was the three years I didn't drink any caffeine whatsoever...after starting coffee at 10 years old.

Oatmeal - 2022-01-07

Glad, but that could also be flipped cause and effect

Kevin Sundelin - 2020-11-08

I was planning on doing an essay on this in highschool but I didn't have enough time for it. Glad someone has looked into this, it's really interesting. Would love to see a similar video on Energy drinks. Here's my experience with that:
When I went to highschool I used to drink one can of Monster Energy drink a day. I also bought two on weekends so I could have one for saturday so I had 6 energy drinis every week. I don't know if it made me more anxious but I did notice a significant difference when I started cutting down on it. I drank like this for a few months or so and it made me kinda shakey and I don't think it helped that I was really stressed out from school and was going through a rough breakup at the time so I had a few panic attacks sometimes while hiding away in the school's bathrooms although I can't say for sure if it was worsened by the energy drinks.
Now I usually keep it at none but mostly one a week. I get one every saturday as a little celebration that I've made it through the week and I feel more calm and have an easier time calming myself down if I'm angered by something (I've got anger management issues since I was a kid). I haven't changed too much but I definitely feel more calm and less anxious now that I've cut down on it.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you've made it this far. What have your experiences with energy drinks been like?

Space Absorber 6OO9 - 2020-12-05

Interesting Kevin, Thanks for sharing your experience with Caffeine!

Cali Pigeon - 2021-10-03

Heads up for anyone trying to quit coffee but still needs something to ease the transition/get your morning going: teeccino is a decent tasting alternative that uses chicory and carob and stuff that adds prebiotics and helps you poop. And it’s caffeine free ✌🏻

Johann R. Badion - 2021-04-29

WIL: Coffee makes you fat and anxious

Also WIL: Butter Coffee helps you lose weight.

Issaname - 2021-09-26

😅 science aint black & white folks

Quantum Universe - 2021-09-28


Sakusha Durante - 2021-10-24

Answer: Sodium in Coffee.
You loose sodium when consuming caffeine.

Mitchell Rouse - 2022-02-28

Well butter basically is magic so

Bloodmancer - 2021-06-05

I stopped putting sugar in my coffee recently and i noticed I get the same effects from not drinking coffee in the morning at all. Just putting creamer in my single cup of morning coffee makes me feel a million times better. I'm not really addicted to the caffeine so much as I am the sugar that I've been putting in it.

Bjornarya - 2021-05-28

When I quit smoking , I replaced smoking breaks in office with coffee breaks and noticed significant increase in anxiety. One day I had 2 espresso shots back to back and felt like having a panic attack.

logicOnAbstractions - 2021-09-25

Seems to me that a lot of of downsides of (moderate) coffee consumption comes down to a mixte of tolerance to caffeine (thus increased consumption) and adenosine receptors buildup. Both can be solved with cuts in coffee consumption, it seems to me

Haven't tested this yet, but I plan on doing something like Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday with coffee, other days off caffeine. Then every 6 weeks a full week off.

Marcia Loraine Lewis - 2022-03-20

Video popped up and right on time! I am definitely quitting coffee! Started 2 days ago...thinking I am going to reduce slowly. Well I got my confirmation today! I was down to about 6 ounces and this morning I decided that I just don't want the fast heart rate and anxiety anymore! DONE!! It's not worth it....over the years I just got very sensitive and it's like having a panic attack every day! I experienced EVERYTHING he talked about in the video. Bye coffe! Not gonna miss you!

Brian - 2021-01-16

I feel much clearer and less frazzled mentally when I don’t drink coffee, especially after a longer session of intense focus. But I just love coffee

William Hewitt - 2021-09-24

This guy is great. I fell in love with the channel for showing me iconoclastic views on common societal issues. Now he's showing me the opposite of what I want to hear and I am all for it!

McBlaggart - 2021-12-30

I've experienced the sleep-deprivation antidepressant effect. I used to have severe sleep disturbances. If I spent enough time awake, say about 8-12 hours after I should have been asleep, I'd start having huge euphoric bursts of energy.

For the record, I'm one of those people who're mostly unaffected by caffeine. I pour it down the hatch and feel nothing. If I cant get my morning pot of coffee, nothing happens. No headache, no craving, no withdrawal.
I still drink it because I like the taste, but I sometimes have a vague feeling of guilt, like I'm wasting the stuff.

Slamberdog - 2020-11-01

Thank you for doing this, I'm a fan of your work and i think you're my favorite channel right now on YouTube. About the video, i think we need to know if it is a black coffee or latte (with milk) that has been included in the research paper, i drink black coffee and i haven't got those effects as far as I'm concerned.

Max Schubert - 2020-12-09

I'm watching this on repeat because I'm going through caffeine withdrawal.

Ok - 2021-05-20

Hey Vsauce

2BIT - 2021-05-05

Like you said, caffeine affects everyone differently. However, In my personal experience, when I was working at Starbucks, I gained about 30-50 pounds. I was active, and work kicked my butt because I worked during rush hour but I drank lots of caffeine. In a day, I would have about 8 shots of espresso. This is why I don’t think this information is far fetched

2BIT - 2021-06-29

@mikiii880 lol who said I drank 4 of them a day??

Korra the Australian Shepherd - 2021-10-27

@mikiii880 8 espresso shots during that rush hour days was the original post

Mitsu - San - 2022-04-08

@2BIT are you doing alright now? Take care of yourself!

2BIT - 2022-04-08

@Mitsu - San why thank you kind stranger. Yes I’m doing much better after staying away from coffee. I hope you’re well too! Much love ❤️

Mitsu - San - 2022-04-08

@2BIT Glad hearing that! Hope you do the best! : D Doing alright as well ! Thank you for asking rly kind of you! : D much love ! :)) ♥️

Sunflower Sunshine - 2021-12-07

Great delivery of information! I understand how you came up with that conclusion. But also as you said… every body is different and processes coffee differently!