> temp > à-trier > building-a-fire-death-machine-using-soviet-military-tech-the-hfvttc-styropyro

Building a fire death machine using soviet military tech

styropyro - 2020-08-07

What started as a simple desire for a better arc lighter got carried away and I ended up making the scariest device I've ever built.

In this video I tested a plasma lighter and attempted some modifications to it. I tried hooking it up to a voltage multiplier as well as raising the input voltage, but my results weren't that impressive. So, I turned to the sketchiest schematic I've ever come across, the "HFVTTC".

The HFVTTC is a circuit that operates sort of like a Tesla coil, but considerably more scary and with a flame like output. There is very little on this circuit in English, so it felt like a wild goose chase trying to figure out how they work and how to build one. Thankfully, the YouTubers Zilipoper and Teslista555 had well documented videos detailing their builds of the circuit, and I relied heavily on those clips to figure out how to bring my circuit to an operating state. I would like to give a big thank you to them. Be sure to check out their channels as they have a BUNCH of cool high voltage vids!!
Zilipoper: https://www.youtube.com/user/zilipoper
Teslista555: https://www.youtube.com/user/teslista555/

Furthermore, I'd like to thank Vidduley for providing key information on this type of circuit. I was ripping my hair out trying to find English literature on this circuit, but it turns out most of the documentation is in the Russian language. A big thank you to him for this as well as the other info I've used from him in past videos!
Vidduley: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnSqwyD8RmO-nX1EF_UJXaw

I built my torch circuit using the soviet GU-5B triode vacuum tube that I scored on eBay, and I used a bunch of soviet surplus doorknob capacitors in the build as well. The PSU transformer was a used pull from an old flashlamp pumped laser, and I built the PSU voltage doubler using chains of 10A10 diodes potted in wax.

The output electrodes turned out to be both tricky and interesting in this project. As the device melted through copper, steel and many other materials, it was hard finding something that wouldn't turn to a puddle on the output, but luckily graphite held up well enough for fairly long term use. I then added salts like cesium and lithium chlorides to the electrodes, as well as metals like magnesium and zinc. 

It was a very fun project, but also quite involved. The RF emissions had to be shielded so I built a large copper Faraday cage for the project. This took a bunch of time, but it's worth not being hunted down by local hams in the area. 

Social media sillyness:
shorts channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/styropyroshorts 
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/styropyro
backup channel and b-side videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz-3epzOdIyu-aXdeUaVP1A
discord: https://discord.gg/hVZMcWT

Biggie Cheese - 2020-08-04

Imagine just casually setting your whole desk on fire with no worries at all

John Slugger - 2022-07-18

Strontium carbonate would have made a deep red.

Vibe - 2022-08-26

u play pavlov?

Rastaman193 - 2022-08-26

@Zenthros Rion that's not how youtube works lmao

hhhhhh - 2022-08-30

well he does have "pyro" in his name

Leon Lindsey - 2022-10-07


Sinister Rites of Xano-Humaira - 2022-04-10

I cannot decide for the life of me whether this guy falls under “chaotic neutral” or “chaotic evil”

LowGun - 2022-09-16

Hes not evil, be he could definitely accidentally kill us all with a black hole sum day

Kai A - 2022-09-22

He is chaotic good he hasn’t used this to kill anyone lol

Super Trooper - 2022-09-28

chaotic is definitely a given

Grayson Maxwell - 2022-09-29

Chaotic genius is probably the right one

Ya Homie Voldra - 2022-10-03

True chaotic

Testknight - 2022-05-11

i love how the title sounds like complete clickbait but styro goes the extra mile with making the device alongside good jokes and editing

Lord Felidae - 2022-09-07

It sounds like clickbait.
Then he reveals he undersold it.

The First Trillionaire - 2022-09-28

@Lord Felidae severely

sNazy 777 - 2022-04-23

This guy is the definition of a mad scientist.

Edit: After watching slightly more of the video ..... This guy is a flipping nutter!!

Ryan Kendall - 2022-06-08

I'm genuinely curious how much your electricity bill is at the end of a project like this

Mr Techie - 2022-08-28

@7ev truth. Also has a nuclear submarine tied up at the pier.

7ev - 2022-08-28

@Mr Techie Now, now. You ARE kidding, aren't you?

For the profit - 2022-09-04

@7ev no joke

Lord Felidae - 2022-09-07

@7ev with this guy?
Who knows~!

squidweirdo - 2022-09-12

@For the profit uranium bill is pretty high though

Mike Morzinski - 2021-10-13

the fact that there is a channel dealing with high voltage that scared syropyro is terrifying

Johannis Georg - 2022-09-19

@pineapple ‎ Russian mad scientists be like: "safety measures?! hah, Western pussies!"

Peter Hansen - 2022-09-26

Electro boom

Karma Does More - 2022-09-28

@The Emerald Men Official funny enough a microwave with more chernobyl becomes a death ray, as an unshielded microwave is just a "very slow cancer death ray"

Silicon - 2022-10-04

@JJPizzaDelivery thats just wrong. It warms you up on the inside to a point where youre cooked, but its not a death ray by any means. Nor can it cause cancer.

Simon Bauer - 2022-10-05

@River Nickels i dont think that scares him...the lack of safetey does for shure

Fuzz Puppy - 2022-05-27

As one of those "local hams" I am extremely thankful for your consideration and construction of the faraday cage. I'd almost like to see how many times a 5 kilowatt, 10mhz transmission circles the globe though...

nari lutra - 2022-10-01


8plus2isNOT11 - 2022-09-26

i love how how he says "dont try this at home!", and then proceeds to give you every single thing he used, where he found them, and where you can buy them. and in some occasions, even how to use them.

I3L4CK SkILLZz - 2022-06-10

Your channel is very unique in my opinion. It combines technical stuff with a lot of fun and jokes. I wish you the best and hopefully this will grow into something bigger with more budget for more crazy projects.

Quinn Puffer - 2022-08-28

Styro saying you know more than him about deadly electronics is essentially the same as receiving a Nobel prize

ThePoliticalMechanic - 2021-10-07

I love how he says he's going to make some " upgrades" then proceeds to build a war crime in his backyard

Coola Diamond - 2022-08-09

@eugenia mauro
not much difference. just add another 100 dollars at max.

God Yeeter - 2022-08-26

I am a war crime

heckermen - 2022-08-29


‎‎ً e‮ - 2022-10-07

@eugenia mauro He doesn't have electrical bills, he directly powers everything from a home nuclear reactor.

Justin Davis - 2022-10-24

Of course on YouTube we have to get a thousand people correcting this claim such geniuses they are

Senator Armstong - 2022-09-03

I love how nice and happy his voice sounds, the cuts to something insanely loud or an explosion.

Davis Peterson - 2022-04-16

the only guess I've got for how the magnesium produced that red color is that it was causing atmospheric oxygen to dissociate into monoatomic radicals. I've seen videos of monoatomic oxygen that produced a similar red color, and it would also explain why the less intense arcs from the multi ribbon magnesium electrode didn't produce the same effect.

Victory First - 2022-05-23

The lightning attractor is an easy thing to make. Just use a model rocket "Cherokee D" with minimum D size engine. Wind think wire around the base on a spool that is grounded to earth. Use pneumatic controllers ignitor to keep you safe from lightning and you got a winner. Worked for me forty years ago. Can work today for sure. Nice video you PYRO !!!!

Logan Brao - 2022-05-15

I can not even begin to comprehend this man’s electricity bill

Tim P - 2020-08-09

Him in 2050: So I made this mini black hole from this old abandoned Ukrainian nuclear reactor I found on eBay!

Joanna Stoeva - 2022-10-15


Mr mobile - 2022-10-22


Big S “triple S” - 2022-10-24


Eribz 10 - 2022-10-26

"Please don't try this at home"

DefenderZuhayr - 2022-10-30

Pretty Cool Rightt?

auxiliary-character - 2022-04-09

Wow, I had never heard of a lightning rocket before. I wonder if that could be used to capture a lightning strike, and convert it to usable electricity?

Psychemist - 2022-08-25

Fantastic! Cool to see a quick-n-dirty hunt that found graphite as the most suitable open-air electrode. Great explanation for why alkali ions make for large flames.

Check the emission spectra! Magnesium multi-color is because it has a busier emission spectrum compared to the alkali ions, with more visible light energy gaps. At the end of the multi-prong run, the red flickering above the green is the same emission line as with the previous vivid-red demonstration. ** The upgraded monopole arc emitter is quite a lovely - if chaotic - tool to explore higher-than-reasonable band gaps! **

The reason most flames have a characteristic color with a metal salt is because the (reasonable) flame temperature excites electrons across the same, consistent region of band gaps, limited by the flame's plain-chemical power density in equilibrium against heat dissipation. Same for other color-burning compounds as in pyrotechnics. But, the Arc blows all of that away with a boat-load of kelvins, and thus reaches elemental band gaps that you normally would only see in a star. Bravo!

I highly recommend using this device with a graphite electrode soaked in bismuth salts. The lanthanides look promising as well, Promethium thru gadolinium would likely all be pretty. There is an even busier emission, which should promote an even more glorious rainbow than magnesium.

Devin Robinson - 2022-06-03

Really great work! I am always impressed with every video and try to learn something, which is typically inevitable with your projects! I find it funny how you considered electricity somewhat of a foreign domain, I do to admittedly, but you have a genuine mastery that I can really appreciate. I work in automation and programming for a large aerospace company, and am a pilot so I have skin in the game, but I have always been a massive Tesla fan and to see you work safely with this power and thoroughly understand the physics just blows my mind! I am envious of your intellect in a positive way, please always be safe and keep up the fantastic content. I mean it, golf clap and Kudos for pushing through these very deadly projects with confidence and success! Godspeed my friend!

John Cashwell - 2022-04-10

Impressive! Didn't know about the microwave transformers being the #1 electronic toy to NOT mess with if you don't know what your doing. Great vid!

moofiche - 2020-09-12

never let this man torture someone
"sir, he isn't talking"
" that can be fixed by raising the voltage "

Coaxill - 2020-10-15

Imagine using a lazer to bore holes in someone's skull. Each time before it reaches their brain, you reposition the laser and continue.
You could also complete a circuit between their legs, which if done correctly I think would cause a huge amount of energy to discharge into their genitals. I think most people would talk after the threat of having their pp melted.

Ben C - 2022-01-21

@Coaxill ok now I can't unsee that image lmao

Sirus - 2022-06-18

No, he would be like. "I'm bored so imma make a Soviet Death Machine. Maybe it will give him an electro magnetic wake up."

jjcoola998 - 2022-08-25

“Break out the Chinese beauty lasers”

MyarmsRgone - 2022-08-30

I'm scared of him

Ryan Flinn - 2022-03-17

I never knew vacuum tubes came that size! I've only ever used tubes in guitar amps

Mr Techie - 2022-08-28

Clearly, you need a bigger guitar!

Ryan Flinn - 2022-08-28

@Mr Techie hahaha apparently

Macro 144p - 2022-06-03

I think part of the reason tungsten melted so easily is (ignoring the size of the filament) because of the extremely resistance of tungsten. I believe that it is actually the least conductive metal. And with the amount of electricity flowing through that thing, the resistance could probably melt it even without the high temperature plasma.

alexandre katsumy - 2022-09-21

I think the explanation for the emission of different colors from the known ones when these same leaves are traditionally burned is due to the fact that their arc lighter supplies a much greater amount of energy to the atoms of different elements. this fact causes the free electrons of these elements to move a greater number of layers, and when they return to their original layers, they emit a different spectrum of light from the conventional ones, because it is a more energized spectrum of light ( with a wave with higher frequency)

Phoenix of the Stars - 2022-02-24

So many of the things he says unironically that could absolutely kill him makes me think that if you placed him on an alignment chart, he would be the definition of chaotic neutral.

Kahavave - 2020-08-15

"Zilipoper, whose videos actually scare me"

That is probably the single greatest endorsement you could have ever given that man.

Some Random Ducc - 2020-08-15


TEAser - 2020-08-22

Those guys grew in size rather quickly hahaha

NotAnymore - 2022-09-09

Dude I love all of your videos especially the ones about making lasers stronger. I would love directions on how to do that.

Rob B - 2022-10-15

I have liked watching your videos for quite a while. Now, I normally don't watch a video longer than 8 minutes, because I simply don't want to invest that much time in one video. But I sat and watched this entire video without skipping ahead. So, that's how much I enjoyed it. Keep doing stuff.

J - 2022-08-28

12:22 That almost looks like the light form a low pressure sodium bulb, really cool. Although, I don't think we should be replacing our street lamps with this quite yet.

Thomas Vogel - 2022-10-08

Hi, you just discovered how traditional electrodes for a plasma beam cinema projector are made. As i was very young i worked in one of the last factories producing them. Aprox. 30 to 40 cm long graphite sticks, hollow, filled with some special mixture to produce bright white light, electrolytic plated with copper. - would be perfect for you!

Jon Wolynies - 2021-09-08

I love how the HFVT “TC” drawing has notes like “touch = die”

Mihael64 - 2022-03-03

@HadronGames863 okay this legit made me burst out in laughter

Michael LeBlanc - 2022-03-13

the note that got me was, "primary LC tuning is for plebs."

Monsterbaby's Channel - 2022-04-04

@HadronGames863 🤣🤣🤣🤣 my son taught me that. Lol
I think they taught him it in preschool or something. Idk, I just remember he was the first person I heard say that. Lol

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭SynexiaSaturnDs • 727 years ago - 2022-06-04

@HadronGames863 LMAO

Schröďɘŕš Ċɓt - 2022-08-17

@Monsterbaby's Channel he's self taught in his bio

lemmebeFrank - 2022-03-02

I would be overjoyed to see you do a video on plasma-trail lightning rockets.

luke murphy - 2022-03-12

I know this is a bit old but you could have used tungsten electrodes from tig welders you can usually buy replacements as new welders can destroy them

sxndwich - 2022-04-16

Thanks to technology connections I was able to predict the color of the sodium. something something old street lights are sodium lamps and thats the same color they give off. crazy when the puzzle pieces fit together like that

TheArmyGuy123 - 2022-06-02

This seems to be soo strong I feel like if you found materials that could handel and output it's energy you could make the brightest light or lazer ever. Maybe a carbon light bulb or Lazer. Maybe it would be brighter than the sun if it could harness the energy.

Benjamin Scherrey - 2020-08-07

First time I've ever encountered reverse click-bait title on YouTube. I really just expected a fun little portable way to light things on fire and get some plasma sparking and a few minutes later we're pushing the limits of a full Faraday cage and melting everything in sight! Talk about understated! Haha inspiring stuff!

RiversCuomo_ - 2020-08-07

Welcome to StyroPyro

Username0662 - 2020-08-07

The place, of no click-bait

Nate Spurgat - 2022-04-05

Do you have any way of doing spectrometry on the output light? I can’t think of the spectra but if you went through like Magnesium, Oxygen and Nitrogen you might find something

YAKUMO RAN - 2022-09-13

At the time he put in the tapes with magnesium, it reminded a lot of an electric arc leaking during a fault in a distribution line breaker, typical greenish white arc smoking. Cesium chloride reminded the color of 4000k metal halide lamp...

The red color of lithium I have already seen during a short circuit of 13,800 volts, it is not known why the 35mm² aluminum wires glow in that color.

AquaFreak 🧡🍂 - 2022-05-22

It would be awesome if you can make a tube amplifier out of one of your big tubes ❤️

Michael Hemric - 2022-09-25

You should try a tungsten bit for a tig welder and i am sure you already know the angle of the point is gonna determine the arc path you can get them all the way to an 8th of an inch pretty easy

Stephen Cech - 2021-07-30

Growing up, this guy's parants must have gone through hell lol He's a bloody genius, incredibly humble (the shoutouts to the other channels was awesome) and highly entertaining. Super awesome channel man!

Tomos Halsey - 2022-01-23

Dudes like a chemist electrical engineer laser nut.

Hoverboard2525 - 2022-02-28

@Billy Severt not much, he's not using a lot of power, just a lot of voltage.

Mijc Osis - 2022-05-18

@Hoverboard2525 yeah, nah. Normally maybe but this one is a ton of juice, 5kW

Hoverboard2525 - 2022-06-09

@Carl Coyoteleg no wire can handle that amount of voltage, and a laser that high power would just instantly overheat

Potato Fish - 2022-07-11

"Ma, he's building a death laser... AGAIN" - theoretical sibling.

Dirk Hunstock - 2022-08-24

10:46 Tungsten does not burn because of the high temperature (It surely is not above 3000°C), it reacts with oxygen and nitrogen at elevated temperatures (about 1000°C).

Rigged_Election_2020 - 2022-09-04

Dude while replacing a ECU in a jetski a couple days ago. I noticed that there are some sort of rocks, or rock salt in the plastic & rubberized ECU box. In the old box the rocks were pushing its way through the rubber side, & made a donut shape where u can see the “rocks”protruding. In the new box you can feel the rocks if you push a little bit. Seems strange huh? wondering what would they pack essentially the Brain of the vehicle in that substance, maybe it keeps things very cool to stop from overheating. anyway I just wondered what rock this would be. They are like 600 dollars.. Im thinking of tearing it apart & learning how to fix them. but the problem would be finding a good way for testing them afterwards as well.. Bad ECU on 4 stroke causes the flooding of gas into the engine that ends up in the old reservoir,, & your oil will smell like gas.. So testing them will cause gas in your oil if its still bad, so I would have to test it at end of oil change, so if i will have to change it anyway if it happened & wasn't fixed right.. Its great to see your videos & mind at work.. You would have been a great scientist in the CCCP times making dangerous stuff for stalin or something lol

Brian Littleforest - 2022-02-22

Nice vid. Weld supply stores sell tungsten electrodes in all sorts of sizes - 3/32,1/4 etc. About 6 inches long. Might be of some use to you in the future.

Chris Harper - 2022-02-24

Can you imagine having this guy as your high school science teacher? 😁

1ndeed - 2021-03-02

styropyro shows incredible restraint by not moving into an active volcano and becoming a supervillain

the nugget - 2022-06-11

@Lerma Bean (Please Call Me Lemur)...

kristopher - 2022-07-22

Who told you he hasn't done it alrady. Have you heard of PYRO

Snowey - 2022-07-29

he doesn't need an active volcano because he would probably create a tesla coil that shoots arcs aut of the volcano

the nugget - 2022-07-29

@OsamaBin imagine the amount of shit he can Put ON the black market

OsamaBin - 2022-07-30

@the nugget he probably is selling stuff on the black market😂

Andrew - 2022-10-27

It would be really amazing to get some high speed slo mo guys like shots of some of these electrical phenomenons

Attaxalotl - 2022-05-01

The fact that one of your concerns is "it takes a while to get 3rd degree burns from this thing" is incredble

NFG_Racing - 2022-04-18

The first run of that thing was absolutely terrifying and so beautiful

Azeric the Traveller - 2022-04-13

I’m not an electrician and this rig scares me. It just produces such a huge flame from it, and the sound is crazy.