> chemistry > métaux-alcalins > nurd-rage-lab-notes-making-sodium-metal > lab-notes-terpin-hydrate-failures-urushibara-nickel-failure-and-additional-sodium-work-nurdrage

Lab Notes: Terpin Hydrate failures, Urushibara Nickel failure, and Additional Sodium Work - Oct 28th

NurdRage - 2018-10-28

In these lab notes we attempt terpin hydrate, urushibara nickel and explore sodium production with super-stoichiometric sodium hydroxide.

Related Videos: 
"Hydrogenation: transform liquid oil into solid fat" by applied science: https://youtu.be/oqdDWA9-DSY

"Making Margarine: Edible Chem" by Nilered: https://youtu.be/drIm8_1CvjQ

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Glassware generously provided by http://www.alchemylabsupply.com/
Use the discount code "nurdrage" for a 5% discount.

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#sodium #nickel

Rakin Kazi - 2018-10-28

If you do get banned, we will riot.

wolvenar - 2018-10-30

@Gary Card And your point? How do you not see that if the EU succeeds, the effects will be worldwide. It is rather nonsensical to think that it won't have repercussions for the entire world when Google changes the algorithm to meet the EU law

Brian Reddeman - 2018-11-03

Meanwhile as the rioting is completely ignored Youtube will continue along as if nothing happened. :/

Maggie P - 2018-12-06

@wolvenar That's not what he said.

J H - 2019-06-05

I never got to see any of chemplayers videos :-( anyone have any of them cached or know him under a new channel?

J H - 2019-10-05

@kieran O'dea Agreed! I got into these chemistry videos on YouTube after ChemPlayer got banned, so I kept seeing comments or even references in videos about ChemPlayer, which was very irritating!
However, it looks like someone re-uploaded a bunch of ChemPlayer videos to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsJHe4uMbquncMpe1PiLa2A

Theres a cool site that has a lot of the videos from chemistry oriented YT channels that are getting targeted and deleted, it's http://www.perpetualarchive.ca/, but it looks like it was created after the original ChemPlayer channel was deleted :-(

Harold Lloyd - 2018-10-28

I don't understand why they can't just put your "questionable" videos behind an 18+ disclaimer instead of giving you a strike. There are plenty of other videos about questionable stuff not even close to educational given that treatment.

The Chemical Workshop - 2018-10-28

@Rob Kline everything could be used to kill...
And to kill someone you dont need a tutorial, not to mind if a terrorist would follow the NaCN he would prob die
Natural selection...

AlucardPawpad ClownWorld - 2018-10-28

Censorship - the revenge of the infants.

Canaan - 2018-10-28

Not only that but yeah sodium cyanide is poisonous but it's not like you can't buy plenty of over-the-counter things that are equally poisonous or worse so it's not like he's teaching people how to make something way more dangerous than anything they could legally get their hands on

Mark Zockerzwerg - 2018-10-29

@Canaan You can easily produce toxic HCN Gas with Cyanide.

Maggie P - 2018-12-06

@Mark Zockerzwerg I don't know what method he used to make the Sodium salt, but you don't have to make a gas to make the salt.
If you're dumb enough to accidentally make the gas, you shouldn't be messing with it.

Mary Udomah - 2018-10-28

YouTube is an embarrassment when it comes to strikes. Yeesh, man.

Asmodeus Mictian - 2018-10-28

@TheFissionchips I just love pseudo-intellectualists. They sound so smart, until you tease out what they said...then it's just more conspiracaaaaaaaaahhhhhh theories and racism. Boring, tired subject matter hardly worth thinking about. At least they finally got rid of Alex...so that's a step forward for mankind.

TheFissionchips - 2018-10-29

faking a SINagogue shooting isn't going to earn you any sympathy either. False Flag Fail Army = MOSSAD.

TheFissionchips - 2018-10-29

Asmodeus - a demon from the TALMUD!!! lmao
Fuck off, lampshade.

TheFissionchips - 2018-10-29

I do love your recently made SOCK PUPPET channel. 2 subs - no vids. Playlists created in the last 2 weeks. I bet it was you or your mother who flagged Nurd's video.

Mary Udomah - 2018-10-29

Can everyone not talk about this on my comment? Go argue somewhere else.

NurdRage - 2018-10-28

I get this nagging feeling i'm forgetting something but can't quite put my finger on it... oh well, probably nothing important.

Santiago Leiva - 2018-11-07

Have you tried hexadecanol as a catalyst? It looks easy to get

Theodore Jackson - 2018-11-11

@macgyver15147 So let's see, either nurdrage has been hoodwinking us this whole time, or you've made a mistake. Wonder which is more likely?

What did you try doing anyway that led to explosive results? Saying something involving nitric acid exploded is a little vague.

JS 2K - 2018-11-12

Have you considered joining Floatplane as an alternative to YouTube?

ללא כותרת - 2019-02-17

Hello, NurdRage! Will this Urushibara nickel dehydrogenate the tetralin to form naphthalene? I want to start experimenting with dehydration trying sulfur, selenium and pyroforic nickel.

Paul the Average - 2019-04-28

@NurdRage Do you think it would be viable to make terpin hydrate by hydrating limonene? Extracting limonene is quite easy but how about the hydration step? I´ve read that it should be possible. I´d try myself but I won´t have access to my lab for a few months.

Brian Streufert - 2018-10-28

1. Fight it
2. These Lab Notes videos are great. Really love them.
3. Good luck on the new job!!! :-D

Kevin Byrne - 2018-10-29

<Sigh> YouTube is full of people playing with explosives, but they're afraid of a standard laboratory reagent.

Irregular Fluctuation - 2018-10-28

You should fight this. Yes the video might be dangerous but it's educational and to go and make something from your video would be the fult of the person who attempted it. In that video you took all the precautions necessary to not put your self in too much danger. Plus not being able to recuperate the lost revenue is pouring salt into a wound.

Gary Card - 2018-10-29

Exactly. He's exploring NaCN synthesis (and with safety in mind) purely for the love of chemistry. Not because he intends to slip a teaspoon of the reaction end product in the tea of his nagging aunty!

Gary Card - 2018-10-29

@PatrioticCanadian97 It is only a poison if used in such a manner. To a chemist, it is just another chemical species with its own unique chemistry and possibilities for use in inorganic and organic synthesis. Keep it well away from the mouth, skin, avoid inhaling it (treat it with respect, understand its hazards and use safety protocols), and you'll come to no harm. If one is daft enough to taste their syntheses, then they deserve the outcome (in the case of NaCN, it's 'lights out').

GglSux - 2018-10-29

I must say that I find it initially slightly amusing but ultimately rather tragic to see how some people "reach" in their attempts to miss the obvious difference in risks between an (albeit educational) Y.T.Channel showing the procedure to produce a toxic substance to showing an innocuous procedure or product.
And statements of the ilk "You can potentially possibly kill/hurt someone with [insert innocuous product here] ...if You... [insert malicious intent and or overly laborious or stupid behaviour].... are childish in their simple mindedness.
Please just consider these two possible scenarios
1) Someone "poisoned" their old diabetic aunt with a "sugar laden cake", and it was then revealed that they had seen the "recipe" on a Y.T Video
2) Someone "poisoned" their old aunt with a toxic chemical, and it was then reviled that they had seen the "recipe" on a Y.T Video
Now do You possibly think that there would be some difference in the reaction and possibly repercussions for the creator and YT, between those two cases ?
If not then can only say please grow up or wake up, for Your own sake.
I just find it's so tiresome to listen to and read the never ending "whining outrage" from people who simply lack the ability to see the difference between their naive idealistic ideas that "everybody should be free to do anything anywhere anytime, and it's only on them if something goes wrong".
This is NOT how the real world works !!! Anywhere, Ever.... And simply reading a couple of Y.T. comment threads should frankly speaking make it overly clear to anyone with "half a brain" why that would never work.
Best regards

Steevo69 - 2018-10-30

Is it more or less dangerous than kids running across the street, gun videos, the gore videos on youtube, or crazy russian hacker guy? Life is dangerous, and sometimes, just sometimes if people do dumb things it will teach them, or {cyanate ?} the gene pool.

Wade Hutchinson - 2018-10-30

"Right to know", in the context of United States workplace and community environmental law, is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which they may be exposed in their daily living.

cwtrain - 2018-10-28

"You might be thinking we can use dioxane to recover the sodium droplets from the slurry..."

Nope. Sure wasn't. But I appreciate your faith.

Ellie Thompson - 2018-10-28

You should appeal the strike and action taken against you. You do put disclaimers and warnings in your videos before you do the procedure, after you explain the basics of what your making. So, you should be able to fight this action taken against you as it's not fair.

Alex Potts - 2018-10-28

The fundamental problem is that the strikes are largely automated, and if the case is elevated to an actual human, that human is unlikely to be an expert on the video's subject matter, and hence unlikely to make an informed judgement.

Ellie Thompson - 2018-10-28

But also, of a human evaluated the contents of the video, they will see that there is a disclaimer/warning saying not to reproduce what was done unless you have had proper training to do the type of procedure, and even then it's not advised to do it.

Eolann Kitteringham - 2018-10-28

@Ellie Thompson I think the problem in this case is the step by step instructions he provided to make dangerous chemicals. That one was particularly dangerous and a hazard

Fakas Crip - 2018-11-04

Eolann Kitteringham however he did put the warning so there’s no reason it should have been taken down. Knowledge should not be censored.

ShadowKitten - 2018-10-28

If I were you, I'd start uploading videos unsafe for YouTube, as well as other videos that got sacked a looong time ago, to other platforms.

TM Fan - 2018-10-28

@Alex Potts This is the neoliberalism in action, when a private company has more power than governments and the governments are unable to control them.

ShadowKitten - 2018-10-28

This is why patreon exists...

Swed neck - 2018-10-28

@Alex Potts I don't understand this argument, if he uploads videos to that platform, then we will just go there to watch them..

Alex Potts - 2018-10-28

@TM Fan In fairness to western governments, tech companies are an exceedingly tricky case for policymaking. You can't break them up because they are natural monopolies; you can't nationalise them because their services are not confined to any one nation. Regulation is probably the best solution, but it remains very difficult because the amount of data these companies carry is just mind-bogglingly vast. It's tricky for anyone to regulate, let alone a domestic government that has a thousand other priorities.

Alex Potts - 2018-10-28

@Swed neck I discovered Nurdrage through a "recommended for you" thumbnail on YouTube. I wouldn't have discovered him if his videos had been hidden away on some internet backwater. Think how many people would miss out on ever discovering NR if he disappeared off YouTube in the future.

victor lam - 2018-10-28

You should do what CodysLab did, and create a backup channel in case anything happens

macgyver15147 - 2018-11-04

CodysLab will show you his results good or bad. This fraud will use a commercially purchased products to substitute the ones made on film for the sake of a good vid. Just try reproducing any of them. You may end up in the ER or just have a disappointing result.

wolvenar - 2018-11-04

Um, well I have many times. Eventually I get close to replicating the results. I'll admit failing more than enough though, mostly because I can't replicate the conditions for lack of proper equipment or patience. Not sure where he's been cheating.

Theodore Jackson - 2018-11-11

@macgyver15147 Still making accusations without any proof? Starting to get a feeling you do this often.

macgyver15147 - 2018-11-11

@Theodore Jackson Instant proof try one of the experiments and follow the directions to the letter. FAILED. WEAK at best... Commercially purchased end chemicals are substituted for the vid. Don't try to call me out. I am not an idiot

Theodore Jackson - 2018-11-11

@macgyver15147 I'm not calling you an idiot, I'm just saying it's a lot more likely that you made a mistake than it is that all these videos are faked.

Which one did you try and what went we wrong, maybe we can figure out what went wrong.

bakonfreek - 2018-10-28

casually makes redundant NR backups again

Swift Geek - 2018-10-31

I will try to make it into a riddle in an attempt to make this comment appear: xz7i11waybackXC9wk

Gary Host - 2018-10-28

NileRed and NerdRage.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ;) it's ok I won't say anything

lynxloco - 2018-10-28

You should upload the removed/restricted videos elsewhere.

Robert Szasz - 2018-10-28

Could you add a small amount of magnesium at the end of a run to coalesce the sodium?

Adam Wiess - 2018-10-28

Have you ever tried trioxane in place of dioxane for the sodium purification/coalescence step?

bno112300 - 2018-10-28

Have you considered putting high-bitrate versions (what you upload to youtube) of these videos into a torrent or something? So people can still get a copy of them if you channel gets shut down.
I say torrent, because paying to host all of them online would probably be expensive if they're rarely downloaded.

Alan S - 2018-10-29

12:13 "You'll be deported to America" :D

T P - 2018-10-28

Can You please upload your deleted videos to somewhere else on the Internet?

Do RC - 2018-10-29

I love how they call it "community" guidelines. It advertiser guidelines....

Minecraft Player - 2018-10-28

1) whats the new job?
2) you said your sodium project is your last great project - are you quitting soon?
3) do you have a backup of your videos available anywhere or should we start downloading?
4) any chance on making shorter videos on quick demonstrations or syntheses like the urushibara nickel?

Maggie P - 2018-10-28

If you don't have the patience to watch his "long" videos, maybe you should see a doctor about it? Or get a new hobby?

xuNsh1ne - 2018-10-28

@Maggie P I guess he prefers playing Minecraft.

Minecraft Player - 2018-10-28

Maggie P i suggested that because the shorter videos would be easier to make

Maggie P - 2018-10-29

Minecraft Player Producing condensed material takes more work than otherwise.
Ask a writer.

Castron - 2018-10-28

Wouldn't it be possible to wash your Urushibara nickel precursor with dilute H2SO4 to get the zinc oxide out similar to how you described washing your zinc metal?

WoLpH - 2018-11-22

@nurdrage: please start a 2nd channel for us to switch to if the need arises. I'm sure most of us will immediately subscribe :)

SinBae - 2018-10-28

You should make some hydric acid, one of the most poisonous substance on Earth :D

Kevin Martin - 2018-10-29

That sodium cyanide video showed up on my recommendations about a week ago. It is probably not a coincidence that this occurred when it was deemed a strike against your account.

Lain Lycoris - 2018-10-28

I hope you can finish before YouTube drops the gavel on any more vids. Great work so far!

Be Rainbowed - 2019-08-07

I can imagine an awesome thermite display using the sodium mini bbs. Some metal that coyld be useful but hard to come by perhaps?

edgeeffect - 2018-10-28

I think this is one of the most educational series I've ever seen. Great work.

Gautam Rao - 2019-08-22

Make more chemistry lesson videos with experiments,plz. This might help me in my chem exams! Thank you...

The Crude Lab - 2018-10-28

Do a "draw my Life" episode for a change and let us learn more of your back story.

Wade Hutchinson - 2018-10-30

"Right to know", in the context of United States workplace and community environmental law, is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which they may be exposed in their daily living.

Sylvain Munaut - 2018-10-28

Do you upload your videos to a "backup" platform ? (so they stay available)

SuperAWaC - 2018-10-29

can't wait to make my own hydrogenated tea tree oil so i can spread it on my morning bagel

SpyTeam Satan - 2018-11-01

In way over my head on a project and I have a question about removing specific Ions from a solution, and I don't even know where to look to find an answer.
IF ANYONE could point me at something to read to work on my issue, much appreciated... Description follows:

I wanted to make some Mono-ammonium Phosphate crystals for a project. I bought 25 pounds of "100% soluble" fertilizer. Between my recrystallizations and filterings I am sure I have introduced zinc, chrome and a little bit of iron ions into the solution. Its now affecting the crystal formation and I need to fix it... like how do I purify that?

Contamination is the fault of being cheap, the original product was slightly contaminated with something that clogged a paper coffee filter, the color suggested an iron oxide complex. I used a basic sieve to support a paper filter and after a few quick filters the "stainless" was stripped to black iron. I Guessed at this point that stainless was a zinc coat on a really cheap (dollar tree) product.
The chrome contamination is the fault of immersion heaters. MAP made the immersion heater look like it was cruddy aluminum, it appears to selectively steal the chrome from the actual stainless. (5 seconds in borax and the immersion heater rusted)
The solution is just slightly orange (not red brown, orange), I suspect that's chrome not iron, which I will test for later, the point is HELP can I fix this simply or should I have paid 15X or more for lab grade stuff to get to optically clear MAP.

Independent Policy - 2018-10-30

Hey Nurdrage, I may be able to send you some samples of catalyst used in hydrocracking and ethylene production/purification.

Winters Tablet - 2018-10-28

Could you "cook" down the sodium particles to bring them together?

The Terrible Animator - 2018-10-28

Of course, you add a little butter, let it sit for around 5 minutes, then add some salt and a dash of olive oil to give it some flavor. Filter through a funnel and store it in a vial.

dousu ketoby - 2018-11-03

I've been watching you since 10 years ago. You being banned would be the most obsurd thing on YouTube. Do you have a website with all your videos?

Turn Left - 2018-10-28

We love and miss you brother!

mark p - 2020-03-11

You should be able to use heat to make the reaction for terpin happen. Just an idea... Easy enough.

dol- -lod - 2018-11-30

Congratulations on your new job :)

psygn0sis - 2018-10-29

I hope you're saving your old videos and mirror uploading your new ones... just in case.

Lukas Wursthorn - 2018-10-28

Glad to hear you got a new job. Hope you like it! Feels like you been looking for a while, i remember the videos with rather pessimistic comments on your job search

Alexis Vézina - 2018-10-29

Youtube actually suggested you on the front page!

Petko Tzvetkov - 2018-10-29

Great video again! Please do some more work on the Urushibara nickel as it is the most important amateur chemist;s hydrogenation reagent.Thanks for your work!

Kowboy USA - 2018-10-28

Been subbed for years. This channel will be sorely missed.

Daniel Mallett - 2018-10-28

Congrats on the new job!

scowell - 2018-10-28

Congrats on the new job!

Utsuho Reiuji - 2018-10-28

21 mins ago!!!!

R3Pents - 2018-11-03

i hope you can get on float plane club!

Anthony - 2018-10-30

what's your new job? Congrats on that!