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Math vs Physics - Numberphile

Numberphile - 2017-06-28

Robbert Dijkgraaf is a mathematical physicist. Extra footage from this interview: https://youtu.be/FpkvNJCVEUA
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓

Robbert Dijkgraaf website: http://www.robbertdijkgraaf.com

Physics videos by Brady (who makes Numberphile): https://www.youtube.com/sixtysymbols

This video was filmed at the 2017 National Math Festival in Washington DC.

Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile

We are also supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.

Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
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Videos by Brady Haran
Animation in this video by Pete McPartlan

Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile

Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/

Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/

Sign up for (occasional) emails: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9

Numberphile - 2017-06-28

Extra footage from this interview: https://youtu.be/FpkvNJCVEUA

AEIOU UOIEA - 2017-07-06

Is maths related to science?

San Samman - 2017-07-06

AEIOU UOIEA math is physics brah what you doing watching vids alone every thing in the world is math try calculus!

Landree Allen - 2017-07-07

Quantum genometry.

Frank Harwald - 2019-11-22

While you're at it: while not try to interview Stephan Wolfram & Cliff Pickover on these topics, seems that's exactly their field of interest as well.

Raechel GV - 2017-06-28

"This is a knot, and this is not" - I'm sorry what

mtst - 2018-08-07

Mathematicians could understand why English is not a language. German is the future language.

Espressonator - 2019-08-24

I don’t see why this guy seems to be ignorant of any theory model theory your logic and he’s telling us how mathematics have never developed anything more fundamental than geometry…

Espressonator - 2019-08-24

“the future is for quantum mathematicians”?

So was the past...

Has he never heard of John von Neumann?

Constipated Bowels - 2019-08-26

@Kingkumar1999 coz he is unemployed and bored...

Hexanitrobenzene - 2019-09-02

There are no natural languages which are mathematically precise.

Saumya Ranjan - 2017-06-28

I thought mathematicians and physicists are going to fight with armour on. Guess i was wrong

Sophia Cristina - 2019-06-19

They can't show it on youtube, check on liveleak...

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Wet Ass Hair - 2019-08-27

galois did it and he got oOfed and died. he was literally a kid who just hit puberty a few years before he died.

Josny13 - 2019-09-12

If anything they will throw numbers at each other.

Jake Mogg - 2020-02-11

They're two sides of the same coin. Newton invented calculus

Vort3x - 2017-06-28

Why study applied maths, when you can study pure maths and let physicists apply it for you in 100 years ;)

Susuya Juuzou - 2020-01-23

@Kiran Adhikari what u call physics its not really physics you pleb, its nature it self lol.
U cant just Math its inspired by physics as if physics was the existence itself of reality itself wich its not, this is why u are a physisist your logic doesnt work.

Susuya Juuzou - 2020-01-23

@ss00mm11 u wouldnt have the applications without maths you imbecile... <.< omg whats wrong with this comment section... no logic was found.

Kiran Adhikari - 2020-01-23

@Susuya Juuzou You can't even make a proper sentence, idiot sandwich. Your arguments are very weak, cabbage.

Susuya Juuzou - 2020-01-24

@Kiran Adhikari youre not funny kid... and u didnt even present a counter argument.

Dont call other people idiots if u arent ready to present a case.
Now go to bed and let the adults handle this debate.

Having Fun - 2017-06-28

"Anyone who claims to understand quantum theory is either lying or crazy" -Feynman supposedly.

Shambo Saha - 2019-11-06

I had heard it is from Niels Bohr

Ventura Rodríguez Vallejo - 2019-11-06

@H S No. His statement included himself.
I know he had an elephantiasic ego, but in Science he was honest.

Omkar Vaiude - 2019-11-07

Feynman egoistic asshole

H G - 2019-11-21

@H S lol just like Hegelian metaphysics

Information Paradox - 2020-01-17

I was 369th like!...Remembring Nicola tesla!

《N•W》 - 2017-06-28

"They deal with this messy thing called reality."

Mr. H - 2019-08-20

@Google made me do it Sunflower seeds.

BlueRedAndYellow - 2019-12-22

@Mr. H True, and also for the guy above: Numbers is only a tiny fraction of mathematics known, most people associate math with numbers because they didn't came so far to know other math theories.

Mr. H - 2019-12-22

@BlueRedAndYellow numbers is arithmetic. Math is logic. And high mathematics is the logic that describes reality, which can only be proven by observing it. Which is why physics is as essential as pure mathematics

BlueRedAndYellow - 2019-12-22

@Mr. H, Thats partly what I wrote.. and arithmetic is a part of math, so numbers are part of math

Treufuß - 2017-06-28

2:29 "This is a Pen" for a very brief moment I expected him to say next "This is an apple". I need to spent less time on the internet.

Comentários LIXO - 2017-06-30

the book is on the table

Random Mapping - 2017-07-01

Treufuß ii

jip laan - 2017-07-01


Fabio Asaro - 2019-09-23

you won

Swankity Dankity - 2017-06-28

Why does everyone want to establish some sort of hierarchy of science(s)? It's not like Maths > Physics or Physics > Maths.
For a physicist, math just happens to be a tool of the trade, but a mathematician is far more specialized on maths rather than its applications. It's not like a physicist is better than a mathematician or vice versa.

Noah - 2020-01-02

@Stelios Toulis
Epistimology is a prime example of why philosophy is needed to discuss math and not the other way around. Everything math is built on is only available because of what philosophy developed. Philosophy doesn't require math since everything math has done can be contributed to philosophy by extension.

Noah - 2020-01-02

@Dιεγο again, no. physics cannot be talked about except through the measurable. Chemistry is built on physics which is built on math (which is built on philosophy).

Information Paradox - 2020-01-17

Yeah really!...I am too surprised with that!

Alvaro Garcia - 2020-02-02

Why? Because is the hardest one and without maths the other subjects would not exist.

josh - 2017-06-29

Everyone talking about the hierarchy of maths and physics, while I just thought the animations were really pretty. Great job Pete McPartlan :)

djbj1993 - 2017-10-27

Joshua Powell some people read the article, some just look at the pictures :)

NEWKNOWLEDGE - 2018-05-16

Some people think in pictures. Others think that thinking in picture is just for the simple minded folk.

Michael Robb - 2018-08-06

NEWKNOWLEDGE I am a Math guy but want to be multi faceted.


The images help but are not essential.

Sukhraj Sekhon - 2017-06-28

"This one is knot and this one is not" probably could've been phrased better lol

Pablo Griswold - 2017-06-28

s ss Nah

Fergus Maclachlan - 2017-06-28

Couldn't possibly have been phrased better in my opinion.

Amer Hussein - 2017-09-03

he said knoted

Christopher Bertoli - 2017-09-22

It's not what he said. It's what I wish he said, but it's not what he said. He said "this one is knotted, and this one is not".

Easier to grok for the amateurs I guess, but not nearly as wonderful.

Mr Offensington - 2017-12-29

He said knotted so it was phrased better than your version. Also, there was a picture with the words written down. I'm really not sure how else the video could've helped you.

Williemay100 - 2019-11-17

This man appeared in my dreams and gave me a lecture on quantum physics

YoshTG - 2017-06-28

6:57 LUL

Martiddy - Sama - 2017-06-28

Kymate Robbert was like: "Damn it!, It's not what it looks like"

Jules Stuifbergen - 2017-06-29

With nuts

The Neon Pogo Dancer - 2017-06-29


Mr. H - 2019-08-20

Nuts to this.

Josny13 - 2019-09-12


Alan J - 2017-06-28

Physics wins 60% of the time, every time

2k world - 2019-12-03

Poor boy

Adolfo Misiara Lincheta - 2019-12-24

@Bohan Xu You forgot renormalization...

Manny Heffley - 2020-03-05

Instead of partaking in futile supremacist debates why don't you people enrich yourselves in the subjects you are so passionate about?
Thanks, Manny.

iammaxhailme - 2017-06-28

When I went into graduate school (for chemistry), I realized that much of the subject can be reduced to purely mathematical group theory.

kokichi ouma - 2017-12-01

Tell me more. iammaxhailme. Are there any resources of chemistry broken down into math. I am also interested in the reason and properties of tables.

Andrew Golabek - 2017-12-10

most of inorganic chemistry is described with group theory

kokichi ouma - 2017-12-10

Do you know of any books or websites on the topic Andrew Golabek?

Andrew Golabek - 2017-12-10

yes, inorganic chemistry; gary L. Miessler, Fischer, Tarr. Molecular orbital theory, ligand group theory are described using the symmetry correct interactions of orbitals, as linear combinations.

Nicholas McCloskey - 2019-01-31

Agree. Woodward Hoffman rules in Organic are based off molecular symmetry also.

David Lynch - 2017-06-28

When I saw the title I was expecting to see all of Numberphiles mathematicians and Sixty Symbols' physicists battling it out. Not disappointed though

okinweginwhable - 2017-06-29

Go home electron, you're drunk

Alon AP - 2017-06-28

5:07 "How is quantum mechnics used by mathematicians?"

Quatum mchnics.



Shiroyasha - 2018-02-03

You know.. Though that is hilarious, you spelling quantum mechanics wrong the second time is also pretty funny xD

DHtechHD - 2018-02-19




The Bloody Doctor - 2018-02-26

It is a different branch of Physics. I love reading about Quantum Mechnics; it is much more interesting that Quantum Mechanics.

Will Bensen - 2017-06-28

I love Robert Dijkgraaf! I really appreciate the shows he does on DWDD. More videos with him if possible! He is able to explain these incredibly complex things in a light understandable manner. (For non-Dutch people I highly recommend watching his shows.)

Jan Sanono - 2017-06-28

Robert Dijkgraaf!!!

MennoMarkus - 2017-06-28

ik herkende de thumbnail meteen! :)

Sagittarius - 2017-06-28

Soufian 27 idd ik ook

Razsiel - 2017-06-29

That would be DijkSTRA's algorithm

bdbdbd - 2017-06-29

Razsiel that's the point dumbass.
Dijkgraaf like combination of Dijkstra and v/d Graaf (from the generator).

Aleph Null - 2017-06-29

Yeah the joke flew over this one's head.

Christopher Cooke - 2019-04-02

I understand Quantum mechanics, but also I don't...

Lane Thomas - 2019-10-15

Christopher Cooke superposition

Aiman - 2017-06-28

In this video "Physicists are plumbers."
In the extra footage "Physics is like art."

elianna m. - 2017-06-28

Aiman Al-Eryani I can imagine plumbers doing art, but it would be shitty.

Your Waifu Sucks - 2018-01-14

Plumbing is art

EgoLTR - 2017-06-28

Whoo Robbert Dijkgraaf! Our Dutch national treasure. Such a smart and inspiring man :D

Geribaldus Severus - 2017-06-28

EgoLTR he went to my high school

DeSaxofoonVanPeter - 2017-06-28

Vivat haec societas!

Lucas M - 2017-09-12

Ok, ok. We get it.

frumpis bumba - 2017-12-31

Lol, Robert Dickgraph

Penny Lane - 2017-06-28

How do you find all these great communicators, Brady? I mean it's one thing to find smart people but to find smart people who have such beautiful language or can explain things so well? Do you have castings for your channel?

Tobias - 2017-06-29

this guy is a famous dutch mathematical physicist, he has a program on our national television channel and made some very nice lectures on tv. Also he is the Director of the Institute for Advanced Study.

Penny Lane - 2017-06-29

Those programs and lectures.... they don't happen to be in Dutch? Because my Dutch is limited to just speaking English or German and hoping someone will understand me :/

Tobias - 2017-06-29

Penny Lane sadly in dutch, maybe you can find subtitles? his tv program is called the mind of the universe and the lectures are of DWDD

AEIOU UOIEA - 2017-07-06

Is maths related to science?

To Whom It May Concern - 2018-07-01

This was a joke by the way, guys.

Jacob M - 2018-07-05

Ahhh, what a classic meme

Harambe Akbar - 2018-07-23

hawkeye295 math/logic and such are classified as formal science, and sociology/economics and such are social science, and they r all sciences. What u want to say is that math is not a natural science

Steven Edelmann - 2019-09-30

@IQ Reviews Math is not a science as it is not an empirical system that uses the scientific method. Mathematics is deductive, not inductive, and is not limited to experiment. It is SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than science.

A13 - 2019-11-10

الحقيقة مستقلّة و غير مرتبطة بالقدرات الحسيّة.

Soulthym - 2017-06-28

7:13 turn on autogenerated captions to learn what knot theorists really study

A. N. - 2019-04-23

you like nuts?

6ARTy - 2017-06-29

I love how emphatic he is, look at him smiling when talking about the sum of histories. He's probably told this 100 times and it still excites him

Anderson Kurk - 2017-06-29

#40 on trending woo!

Gio T. - 2019-06-28

Ander Son we need people to watch these

Ariana Molina - 2017-07-12

Physics ❤️

Murad Beybalaev - 2017-08-23

Quantum physics is in dire need of demystification.

Victor P. - 2017-06-28

Taken two semsters of quantum, might as well would've been math classes. Also, it is interesting to see physics advances math since it is mostly the other way around, ie, green function, qunatum mechanics, math to physics, and orbital mechanics, calculus, physics to math.

Sam Lederman - 2017-06-29

when you advance math, you are a mathematician, doesn't matter if your job title is physicist

Benjamin Danforth - 2017-06-29

This was an excellent interview, I'd love to hear more about the "sum over all histories" - which I am sure is Feynman's path integral. Maybe another video on this?

Aiden Ocelot - 2017-06-28

This is not. this is a knot.
wait I messed that up

FaRo - 2017-07-01

"What do you do as a job?" - "I'm a not expert." - "Oh, that's a shame."

Claudio Carneiro Prado - 2019-06-04

Absolutely amazing, mesmerizing conversation!

J J - 2019-06-01

7:03 what kind of knot is that??😂😂😂

ZandNothing A - 2017-06-28

Physics and math exist in a superposition ;))

42 scientist - 2017-06-28

-0.08333333333333333333333333333333333333 = -1/12 right ? HOW DARE YOU !!!

42 scientist - 2017-06-28

* not quite equal though

Chimkinnuggers2888 - 2017-06-29

me and my gf have a superposition in bed where when can either be in one or two places at the same time.

Bruce Hartley - 2017-07-05

Take one twelfth.

Blaze Dragon X - 2017-07-10

Grazer Lol! -1/12 reference.

Ashish Shukla - 2017-06-28

is my phone wierd or the animation was ?

Militant Pacifist - 2017-06-29

7:51 The Illuminati knot.

Contest of NERDS - 2017-07-01

I like how everyone is talking like they have degrees in math, physics, chemistry, and biology. I have to assume they must be professionals based on the way they speak with such knowledge of all these subjects.

Louis C - 2019-06-10

I have a degree in mathematics. Just finished writing my last exam in April.

Mr. H - 2019-08-20

I have a degree in physics.

Dmitriy Chernoshey - 2018-11-22


L4Vo5 - 2017-06-28

I love the concept of generalization in general.

aktls123 - 2017-11-13

10:15 "deal with this messy thing called reality" :D

Viorel Vintila - 2019-01-16

"Is math related to science?"

Mark Molenaar - 2017-06-28

Dutch pride 🇳🇱

Joel Melendez - 2017-06-28

Thought the thumbnail was that interactive buddy flash game from my childhood

Misterlegoboy - 2017-06-29

I'm tired of people just saying quantum mechanics is wierd and not explaining anything

Megult - 2019-01-02

Do a physics master if you want to understand, it’s not something you just explain in a 15 minute video, or even a 5 hour one for that matter.

Mr. H - 2019-08-20

It's a weirdy.

Hexanitrobenzene - 2019-09-03

Try Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol 3. They are freely available, look them up.

Steven Edelmann - 2019-09-30

Work through Griffiths

Kp 1 - 2017-06-29

HELLL YEAAA this is trending!! Awesome content, keep it up.

Milos - 2017-06-28

Casio F-91W
My man, I've been wearing it for 3 years already. Best watch ever.

99 bits - 2017-06-28

never been this early on numberphile before :D

James Roden - 2017-06-28

Thank You. As a maths major in university, I've been debating on wither or not to Double major in physics. And this video helped me sort some things out. Thank You so very much!

Bennett Joseph - 2017-08-13

James Roden what did you decide?

John Chalisque Allsup - 2017-09-05

Whether or not you decide to formally study physics, at least have it as hobby and try to develop a physics intuition and use the maths and physics viewpoints to aid each other.