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Keep Going

The School of Life - 2015-03-23

A big reason we give up on projects is the perfectionist belief that it all has to be right on day one. That’s nonsense: we just have to keep faith, work one day at a time – and we’ll get there. Please subscribe here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/all/

Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com

Produced in collaboration with Zach Mathias
http://www.youtube.com/user/ZachMG #TheSchoolOfLife

Bronson - 2015-03-23

"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow"

Main - 2016-02-25

+Bronson Problem is that many people take critizim as discourage. Including me

Main - 2016-02-25

+Bronson replied to a 11 month old comment lol

greenlaw - 2016-05-07

+Bronson Gracias

yo news - 2017-05-13

Failing sucks man :(

Alice Lee - 2019-01-13

Can you tell plato to speak to my father? Lol.

Mir Rubain - 2016-11-19

1. "Forgive yourself of the horror of the first rounds."
2. "Work without hope or despair."
3. "...and eventually one day, your talent will catch up with your taste."

Jack Borden - 2015-10-15

"Do a little bit every day."

There ya go.

Julius Eddy - 2016-08-08

I laughed when he compared himself to the critter.
A little too familiar.

Samescape - 2016-05-09

"Work without hope or despair "

Vermillionsweets - 2016-09-05

favorite line

Petite CherieCocoEnRose - 2018-01-25

moi aussi/:)/:(

- The1trueharf - - 2019-08-15

No hope😹😹😹😹 What...

swaydy - 2020-03-13

@- The1trueharf - because if you didn't achieve what you're hoping you will despair very easily but without hope it will be okay to make mistakes

seamorgh21 - 2016-12-10

If I persist long enough, I will win.

I will persist. I will win.

Cristina Navarrete - 2018-01-18

or you won´t, depend on your age and gold, lol

Clarisa Quintero M - 2018-03-08

It's Ok if you don't win. The action of actually doing and persisting is already a win.

Seth Woodard - 2015-03-23

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
~Sir Winston Churchill

Stephen Lewis - 2015-03-27

I love you guys and I love these videos. They are like a warm blanket on a chilly night. Please keep making these gems!

Bahareh .Karami - 2015-04-17

You said it well, it is indeed like a warm blanket.

Nick Adams - 2015-12-06

+The School of Life Follow your own advice! Keep Going! You guys rock!

Nick Adams - 2015-12-06

+The School of Life Follow your own advice! Keep Going! You guys rock!

I don't think that - 2017-10-23

why is this not British accent

Silverburstnelson - 2018-06-07

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

DaniFromnStyle - 2015-03-23

this almost made me cry!

Hephaes C - 2015-03-24

Me too

Alex Carby - 2015-03-25


Selena - 2018-01-14

i cried at the end omg

Bash Yre - 2018-11-06

@Selena I cried too...

Federico Ciceri - 2019-10-17

Where are you people in real life? I wanna meet you

Elvis L - 2015-03-23

These video clips are literally my breath of fresh air, one of the few things i truly enjoy in my life. 

Jack Borden - 2015-10-15

This is such an important video.

Lua Veli - 2016-04-24

Thank you very much for this very humbling lesson! Shakespeare says:

"Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
Where most it promises; and oft it hits
Where hope is coldest, and despair more fits."

Working without hope or despair, but with faith in a noble cause is the best we can do really. Gandhi also reminds us of this valuable insight:

 “It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your
action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

Chris Gray - 2016-09-26

Great comment :D

Lua Veli - 2016-09-26

Hello Chrissy. Thanks a lot for reading. All the best!

Chris Gray - 2016-09-26

@Lua Veli You're welcome, it was lovely to be reminded of those quotes.

dothedeed - 2017-10-09

I love stumbling across your comments. If you have a blog or some other work I'd love to read it.

Inaamul Hassan Jaffer - 2018-12-12

Lua Veli I’m going through a tough clinical year, full of hopes, hoping for no regrets! You’re words really help me keep perspective, thank you!

oomar rajabally - 2015-10-05

ive been watching this everyday for a month now and it actually helped significantly. thank you :)

Josh Yates - 2016-11-16

One day at a time

EarlGrey - 2015-03-23

There is another important thing. While you keep working on your project (whatever it may be) for months and months, years and years, you have to remember to take a break now and then, take a step back and take a good and honest look at what you're doing. Sometimes our projects evolve into something we didn't really want to do in the first place and is no longer aligned with that vision we had at the start. If that's the case it's okay to give up and start fresh. Never finish because you feel like you have to. Forced success that doesn't holds no meaning is worse that "failure" sometimes ;)

Jimmy Moody - 2016-02-01

This video felt like the verbal version of drinking a hot chocolate on a winter's night, Just bliss.

Pizza Receptacle - 2016-04-26

Well you succeeded. My eyes are watery.

Isha Bhattacharya - 2016-06-14

I like this person's voice.

SimplyMayaB - 2015-04-01

Lovely. Simple, elegant, uplifting video :)

vkt - 2015-10-23

i belive a big THANK YOU would be in order

Thomas Headley - 2016-09-21

Work without hope or despair?

Kryptonite - 2016-10-08

expectation of greatness or failure

Thomas Headley - 2017-03-08

The temporary despair of error is offset by the hope of success.

Jorge Rocha - 2016-05-06

Amazing soundtrack! it reminded me of Last Of Us and Amores Perros from Gustavo Santaolalla

Nidhi Kamath - 2019-05-24

hahaha I was thinking the same

An Ambient Cyborg - 2019-06-03

"All in all, you're just another (Lego) brick in the wall..."

MÓNICA ANDRADE - 2016-11-26

So... try for that book a fourth time?... No despair or hope... I'll try.

Crimson Lust - 2016-12-04

Honestly its more important to learn to be okay with that uncertainty. We're all uncertain. Regardless of how amazing the product is.

MÓNICA ANDRADE - 2016-12-18

@dsfrogs I do write a lot of those.

Lua Veli - 2017-01-07

Hello Monica! I think it would help you immensely, if you could listen to Elisabeth Gilbert's Magic Lessons podcast. The Episode Nr. 207 would be great to start with. Here I copied the information for you:
"This week on Magic Lessons, Elizabeth Gilbert advises Britta, a
former lawyer-turned- writer in Amsterdam struggling to make progress on
her second book. After success with her first novel, Britta made
several failed attempts to start her second. She can’t find the flow and
fears she has lost the the joy in writing. Liz calls up her friend, the
prolific writer and novelist Neil Gaiman, for more guidance on Britta’s
case.Special Guest: Neil Gaiman writes fiction, comic books, graphic
novels, journalism, audio theater, and films. His works include The
Sandman, American Gods, and the children’s novel and animated film
Coraline. His new book, a collection of essays about artists, myths, and
memories, is called A View from the Cheap Seats."

Best wishes for 2017!

MÓNICA ANDRADE - 2017-01-07

Thank you very much. I will totally look into it.

CombraStudios - 2017-12-05

You ARE the book

Shreyansh Panchal - 2018-12-23

When he said "Your taste is well ahead of your abilities"
I felt that.

rgrocc - 2015-03-29

here's something new: "It's not our dreams themselves that motivates us to reach for them, It is believing that they're within our reach"

Steven Sugianto - 2015-06-10

Thank you so much, school of life! I really needed this one :D

olts - 2015-03-23

This made my morning ^_^ I'm in college and I keep doubting my abilities and passion, so this was really helpful. Thank you :)

Anna Skazko - 2015-03-23

Such a nice, touching video! Thank you or a great work!

Chantale Pellerin - 2016-11-09

What's the soundtrack?

Ar Cahyadi Indra - 2015-03-23

thanks. we need more of this subtle reminder.

Katie Sama - 2017-11-05

I feel called out on so many levels. Something I really needed to hear tho.

Syahmi Salleh - 2017-12-29

who in their sound mind would ever dislike something like this?!!

Huỳnh Minh Duy - 2016-10-25

This fit me so well, thanks a lot , I was lost :' )

NerdSync - 2015-03-24

I have already watched this video at least a dozen times. Wonderful!

Different - 2016-11-27

"Work without hope or despair." That's what I'll do from now :)

zyerra walton - 2015-03-23

This is one of my favorite videos you made so far next to the philosophy ones ☺ so inspirational #keepgoing

Paula Eligado - 2018-01-05

You guys are making a huge impact in my life. A good prayer and Your videos are all I need to get me out of bed and to try my best.

The School of Life - 2018-01-05

Thanks Paula!

princess tolentino - 2017-07-03

I love this so much. I keep going back to this and it always makes ne feel better. Thank you, School of Life!

Lennard - 2016-03-13

i love this vid before i go to bed i watch this one

Napoleonist - 2015-03-23

You made my day, Thank you The School of life :)

Dave Martinez - 2015-03-25

I was searching for this type of message. I can really relate to this. I know that I am this kind of person but I don't know how I can deal with it. Thanks for the video.

Braulio Salcedo - 2015-08-01

I watch this whenever I feel down. It always helps to brighten me up. Thanks :)

Wooden Iron - 2017-01-23

This music reminds me of The Last of Us Theme. Now, on a more serious note: Where's Alain?

Amenophis IV - 2015-03-23

Just wanted to say, thank you.

Dantick09 - 2016-08-29

This video gets me

atwaterpub - 2015-08-02

"Concentrate on the process, not the results." - Mr Atwater

Samah Al Ajjawi - 2015-11-24

OMG! This is me! My work is never like what I have in my mind!!!

Tinka george william - 2019-07-20

Just the kind of video I needed at this time on a Sunday morning at 1:04 am, when I am developing a chat-bot and it has refused to work on my phone :(

Marina Minassian - 2015-03-23

Beautiful storytelling, thanks for the message :)