> temp > à-trier > climate-the-amazon-is-a-giant-water-conveyer-belt-its-okay-to-be-smart

The Largest River On Earth Is In The Sky

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2018-10-23

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What’s the largest river on Earth? If you said “the Amazon”… you’re only half right. Scientists have discovered an even bigger river in South America, and it’s in the sky above the Amazon rainforest. Turns out, this sky river is the reason there’s a rainforest at all…


Dr. Scot T. Martin, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering and Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University.

Dr. Antonio Donato Nobre, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil.  Centro de Ciência do Sistema Terrestre

TED Talk: “The Magic of the Amazon, a river that flows invisibly all around us.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01jYiXbpnoE 

“The Future Climate of Amazon.” Scientific Assessment Report.  Articulación Regional Amazônica (2014). Sao Jose dos Campos – SP Edition ARA, CCST-INPE e INPA

Andreae et al. “Biogeochemical cycling of carbon, water, energy, trace gases, and aerosols in Amazonia: The LBA‐EUSTACH experiments.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2002). https://doi.org/10.1029/2001JD000524

Dettinger, M. D., Ralph, F. M., Das, T., Neiman, P. J., & Cayan, D. R. (2011). Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California. Water, 3(2), 445-478.

Pöhlker, C., Wiedemann, K. T., Sinha, B., Shiraiwa, M., Gunthe, S. S., Smith, M., ... & Elbert, W. (2012). Biogenic potassium salt particles as seeds for secondary organic aerosol in the Amazon. Science, 337(6098), 1075-1078.

Ter Steege, H., Pitman, N. C., Sabatier, D., Baraloto, C., Salomão, R. P., Guevara, J. E., ... & Monteagudo, A. (2013). Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora. Science, 342(6156), 1243092.


Twitter: @DrJoeHanson   @okaytobesmart 
Instagram: @DrJoeHanson
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It’s Okay To Be Smart
PO Box 303356
Austin, TX  78703 


It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Director: Joe Nicolosi
Writer: Sarah Keartes 
Creative Director: David Schulte
Editor/animator: Sara Roma
Producers: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox

Produced by PBS Digital Studios
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com

Simon Finaly - 2018-10-23

next video: the biggest cloud is in the ocean

H.M. Tipu Sultan - 2019-03-23


s dude - 2019-06-05

ENDER⌚EINSTEIN⌚ you're over analyzing this thing

Sylveon :3 - 2019-09-30

Old man groaning
Me: o-0

Alabode - 2019-11-22

The moon goes swimming in the ocean during the day time.

naefin prod - 2020-01-05

The most leaves are on a valcano

Sayittomyface Idareyou - 2019-08-29

This is why the Amazon is so important to the Earth

Kirito Lomboy - 2019-08-30

Yeah😉but now is burning😭😭😭😭

Blanche Konieczka - 2020-02-23


Blue Beetle - 2020-05-22

Which blessings of your Lord will you deny?

Blanche Konieczka - 2020-05-23

@Blue Beetle none willingly.

INERT - 2018-10-24

You said hello to the smart people, meaning you did not greet me.
I demand you say, "Hello, idiots" as well next time.

David Voss - 2019-07-30

Being "smart" is more than your genetics and education, it's also about what you're choosing right now, such as watching this video instead of the Kardashians.

Zephdo TV - 2019-08-13


Zephdo TV - 2019-08-13

this is species-ist. they should say hello animals as well

Not My Fault - 2019-10-20

This comment makes you smart, so.ooo....

KingPyaro musicvybz - 2019-11-16


chairmanofrussia - 2018-10-28

“I haven’t lost my mind. I promise.”
That’s what they all say.

Pratyush Dam - 2018-10-25

aaaaand we are destroying it a breakneck pace. its like we WANT to go extinct.

Master Therion - 2018-10-23

A river in the sky? Let me get my tackle box and an airplane. I love... Fly Fishing.

TheMatron'sMilitia - 2019-02-03

Why do you think it's okay to stab fish in the face?

Pramienjager - 2019-02-05


Jeremy Salazar - 2019-02-15

@United Detinu unicursal hexagram

Tiffany Valencia - 2019-07-30

That comment was so
👍😎🖒 I subbed to your channel even tho you didn't upload any vids

peety 63 - 2019-11-16


Muthanna Hussein - 2019-08-23

Who is here after the Amazon fires

FACTZ OVERDOSE - 2019-09-27

@Guilherme Lopes
One week later and it's still burning, now I've given up hopes on it. This is it, I don't have any faith in humanity or any humans (except Elon Musk). I don't think the fires will stop, the government of Brazil actually wants the forest to burn. Tbh, we deserve it.

Cenia Candra - 2019-10-04

Im here when indonesian forest fires

peety 63 - 2019-11-16

Me...so so sad.😪

TheMatron'sMilitia - 2019-12-15

It happens every year, it's intentional, and it is by and large to grow corn and soy animal feed to be shipped all over the world, as well as make pasture. Please go vegan

Megan T - 2020-01-24

@FACTZ OVERDOSE You're an idiot and the forest is absolutely fine.

Justin O'Brien - 2018-10-23

Lemme know when you find a lake up there, I wanna go skydiving.

Pat Smith - 2019-09-01

According to God and the bible.....there's water up there. Read Genesis 1

CL Melonshark - 2019-09-04

@Pat Smith not anymore there's a blanke- wait wrong comment

CL Melonshark - 2019-09-04

@Pat Smith well yes, if you mean water, but no, if you mean liquid water

Pat Smith - 2019-09-05


Naseeha Sahar Ansari - 2020-03-01

That’s way too smart. Good.

Amzo - 2019-05-21

If you were my science teacher, I'd be a different person today, Joe. 😶

All you need to know about - 2020-05-02

You can still be

Bart Simpson - 2019-08-21

And it's now burning :(

Mohamed Isapedo - 2019-09-28

No it’s not.. stop listening to the msm cause it’s all bullshit..

Bernardo Ramos - 2019-10-31

RAIN FOREST DO NOT BURN. Down trees exposed and dry may burn, NOT living forest ones. Turn OFF your TV and find better information sources. Conservative ones. Those so called "progressive" ARE LYING TO YOU.

Andy the gamer - 2019-12-19

@Bernardo Ramos YES.

Tanyathon - 2020-01-26

it's burning tho

anastasia christina - 2018-10-23

Me, looking up to the sky: the fish look so beautiful tonight

anastasia christina - 2018-10-23

@Christel Headington and thus, starfish were born.

Oppressor Mk1 - 2018-10-23

@anastasia christina sky + fish = skish

Royle Hun - 2019-02-23

@Oppressor Mk1 skish means sex in turcic co7ntries

Marcos Orduno - 2019-03-03

Oh god sky sharks is that how sharktornado started

Taras Berestyuk - 2019-05-10

ha. ha, HA.

Christopher Roberts - 2018-10-24

Soooo, plant a jungle in Australia and fix climate change. 🤣🤣

Danny M. Roque - 2018-10-23

Meanwhile the new Brazilian president want to chop it all down in the name of progress...

Fergutor - 2018-10-25

Well if true, that sucks.

P. Boscardin - 2018-11-09


Fernando N - 2019-01-10

no, it's not true, thats a lie

Fernando Lopes - 2019-02-15

It's not true! Fake news.

cassiano paulo - 2019-02-27

Stop lying

Stephen Suggs - 2019-08-22

Watching this again as the Amazon continues to burn for two weeks and counting.

Giovanni Sena - 2019-09-12

Just to clarify: although 20% of the oxygen of the world is produced there, most of it is also consumed there as well. Most of the oxygen today is actually created by plankton in the ocean (which doesn’t descresse the importance of the rain forest to the world, obviously).

jamepearson - 2020-04-14

Giovanni Sena Thank u

Guilherme Dias - 2020-04-21

Yeah but those trees keep carbon fixed into their wood, more carbon from CO² fixed means more O² released, so in a way the amazon forest is vital to keep the levels of CO² down

Giovanni Sena - 2020-04-21

Guilherme Fernandes Dias Canalli I don’t see the relationship between more CO2 being fixed meaning more O2 being released but yeah, certainly.. burning the woods would causa a catastrophic CO2 release into the atmosphere, so it’s super important they stay there intact. 👍🏻

princess A - 2020-05-09

there simply isn’t enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for trees to photosynthesis into an entire fifth of the planet's oxygen.
For every batch of carbon dioxide molecules trees pull out of the air, they push a comparable number of oxygen molecules back out. Given that the atmosphere contains less than half a percent of carbon dioxide, but 21 percent oxygen, it’s not possible for the Amazon to generate that much oxygen...
But this also means it would consume more carbon dioxide concentrated in the atmosphere that in turn would reduce global warming .. so it definitely makes sense to say that carbon concentration is maintained due to plants..

Leandro Monteiro - 2018-10-24

Unfortunetly they are putting down all this beauty right now.

Joslyn Marqs - 2018-10-28

Is there any petition to prevent them frm doing so? If there is could u post the link? Thnks

Lilichca Khairoutdinova - 2018-11-18

"Hey smart people"

Hey, I am here too you know...

El Sea - 2020-02-25

I had this same thought once...and made the mistake of saying it out loud...wow...my associates convinced me to keep my observations to myself...🙈

Lucas PC - 2018-10-24

So sad that my country, Brazil, the one with 60% of the Amazon, basically dont care at all about it. No laws to help it, no investiment, the deforestation just increase... Yeah, Amazon is getting smaller each day.

Mr. Sahab - 2018-10-27

I think a system this important should be everyone's responsibility. All countries should pitch in to support the conservation and protection of these systems. We can't expect Brazil alone to take care of something for everyone when they have so many other problems. Forests produce the most valuable resource for us, but the way the financial system works, it's not in the best interest of caretakers to keep it that way.

Mr. Sahab - 2018-10-28

Of course it does, but we should not simply leave it to them to deal with it, it's something we all use and must protect equally. In an ideal world, it would be an internationally conserved place where no one nation can have a say in whether it's "okay" to destroy a little. But we do not live in an ideal world. Brazil itself is dealing with corruption and instability. We should collectively incentivize them to protect the rainforest so it is, at the very least, a bit easier for them to do it, compared to now. The whole world's gone crazy, seems like it's a norm to prefer short-term economic gain over a livable planet.

Rokuro - 2018-11-01

The world is actually ruled not by idiots, but by psychopaths who own 90% of all money. Still, psychopaths are extremely evil and insane people. They feel little joy in general. What makes them happy above all else is to bring misery to others. if we want to bring a change, we may need to eradicate all psychopaths or make sure, that they are not able to procreate, as psychopathy is inheritable.

Clarence Balmeo - 2019-08-30

The amazon is burning because of humans

anastasia christina - 2018-10-23

Time for another fact to randomly tell other people about all thanks to Joe

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2018-10-23

Happy to help

Magaly Gomez - 2019-11-10

Who’s joe?😏

Annonimoose Q - 2019-12-10

Time traveler: travels to when this video was made hey is this before or after the f-
Amazon farmer: before
Time traveler:😶

Chris P Bacon - 2018-10-24

I wanna live in that sky river so I can get away from those damn seagulls

Mariana - 2018-10-24

Meanwhile in Brazil we have a future minister of the environment who says "there is space for legal deforestation in the Amazon".
You can thank us for your death later

Qwecy - 2019-05-28

He's thinking of money he can make
He could care less about the planet

Spurkey - 2018-10-23


Green Sapling - 2018-10-24

Once I was joking around with my friends about conspiracies*cough*shape of earth*cough* and then I said "Do you know that we actually live underwater? The sky is full of water therefore we live underwater!"
And turns out this channel makes video similar to that.

Akil Wallace - 2019-07-30

You: tropical storm
Me, an intellectual: the world's largest puddle

Tiffany Valencia - 2019-07-30

I take it you're an artist whose canvas "sees the trees through the forest view"

briantravelman - 2019-03-25

"The largest river on earth is in the sky"

So it's not on earth

lili huang - 2019-10-28

briantravelman Bruh the SKY is on earth.

Allu - 2018-10-26

Yep river in the sky...

Also did you know that mountains are liquid

Ernest Choy - 2018-10-23

The rain "seeds" the forest, the forest "seeds" the rain.

CIA - 2018-10-27

Its truly a 69

PewPewDragon - 2018-11-01

Thus infinite power as we know it

Fer - 2018-11-14

Like snail sex, one seeds the other or the other seeds the one.

A Muse - 2019-10-23

I seed the backseats of uber rides. ;)

A Muse - 2019-10-23

@Hero Slippy the man, always the man.

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2019-09-13

CORRECTION: I am guilty in this video (as many have been) of spreading the incorrect factoid that the Amazon rainforest create 20% of the world's oxygen. This is not right for a few reasons: The Amazon rainforest does 10-20% of land photosynthesis, but when you factor in the amount of photosynthesis done by ocean phytoplankton, the Amazon is only about 6% of all photosynthesis on Earth… not to mention that the Amazon basin uses pretty much all of the oxygen it creates through decomposition and other processes. So we don't breathe much of any Amazon oxygen! I wish YouTube let us upload corrected videos.

We interviewed a source for this video that didn't make the above distinction clear, but hopefully now you won't make the same mistake I did!

Robert Soares Jr - 2019-09-14

Hi, I'm a Biology teacher here in Brazil. One of the greatest discussions that we'd been having is about of the "possible effect" of the Amazon in the control of temperature in the South East region of Brazil, where almost 40% or population live. Well simple idea to keep exploring this subject is if could discuss the effects of the Climatic control and the effects of fire in the microregion of the South America. We had a strong effect of some african winds and antartic air currents in the South East (which is probably the true reason why the south of our continent is so wet).

Kapil Sethia - 2020-05-09

why tf it's not pinned comment? Don't miss inform your viewers. Cross check your source and don't rely on one source.

Vishnu Vardhan Reddy - 2018-10-27

If anyone found this video interesting, then do watch NAT-GEO's series 'ONE STRANGE ROCK' S01E01 which shows this in REALITY.

Xeuron - 2019-10-11

Nice is it free online

Lew Shadow - 2020-05-04

So when you say that in order to create rain in needed to cling on something like chemicals

What if there is too much pollution on the air??

fariq fatah - 2019-09-07

1:27 imagine use imperials, now covert 20000000000 lbs of water to feet cubic

Christel Headington - 2018-10-23

So, on the other side of the coin,deserts are dry,'cause they've got no trees,and got no trees 'cause they're dry.

efre85 - 2019-07-30

Note that Europe is already experiencing more events of dry and heat at higher latitudes due to the extension of the downward branch of the Hadley cell. This is due to the global warming leasing to the weakness of the polar front (connected with the jet stream) in turn due to a weakness of the equator-pole temperature gradient. Bear in mind that the Hadley cell cannot grow much because of the rotation velocity of our planet that implies a conservation of the angular momentum leading air to sink at around 30 degrees. To say: don't expect to have the Sahara displaced in south of Europe, but an extension of the Hadley cell is already happening

SexyDogeMyMan YEEET - 2019-08-01

Its called rainshadow

Nishanth Salahudeen - 2019-08-04

@efre85 consider asked. :)

Gerard Sanford - 2019-08-14

You are very observant but if these are not the causes of the described effect then the question is what is the cause? Why would the trees be there? Why would the mountains be where they be🤔? Why do trees make what we breathe? Why do we make what they breathe? Why do seedlings twist as they emerge? Why do the tallest trees grow in the valley? What actually determines the structure of our DNA? Am I my DNA? Can I find out exactly who I am for a reasonable fee to 23 and me? The answer to all of these questions is the same except for the last two where the answer is no. If any are interested in the and then they should ask the Universe and it will appear as they believe and the reasoning for this is also found in the answer that they will receive if they look as they believe.
We always choose who we will be out of necessity. If we do not choose then how can we be? I hope that you have begun to see what it is I say to thee. 🤗 ✌ and 💞

dailyHD yolo - 2019-08-27

@Gurisa Yudistira now it's out of hand

zzz - 2018-10-24

Um, you know? It's created by God, that's why it's so perfect and aligned <3.

Mark i Mark - 2019-07-29

You look so much like Johnny Knoxville “Not on drugs”, it is hard for me to take you seriously. You sound very intelligent though. It’s me, not you. Lol

Vikram Kumar - 2019-02-02

Wow😅 I just loved this content. We can create awareness about planting trees by using these videos. Nice work.

dailyHD yolo - 2019-08-27

Now it's set on fire👿

Exotic Ants - 2019-10-01

Did you know: Planting trees won't save the Earth anymore. It's too late.

Tanzo Limbu - 2019-02-06

3:28 hearing the scary breathing in the background gave me chills

Évariste Galois - 2018-10-23

I wonder what kind of other worldly drugs someone has to take in order to start seeing rivers in the sky ...

M D - 2018-11-06


Sandaaa The LeakGang Mod - 2019-02-02

@It's Okay To Be Smart -\_("/)_/-

TheMatron'sMilitia - 2019-02-03

Probably the ones that mimic serotonin and tune the crystal antenna that is your brain to pick up different frequencies of the conciousness broadcast.

Darsh - 2019-03-30

You just have to look High enough to spot it*

sweetenqr。 - 2019-03-30

@Me AndMeToo Cannabis >:( Trudeau is truly being dumb with this.

Yunes Kobaree - 2020-02-05

Now, you're beginning to see! I wish I could tell you about all the cool things! It would blow your mind. 🤯🥳🤙💝

Lisa Schuster - 2018-10-29

Thank you so much for sharing all of this!
We need to protect this amazing ecosystem.

Fabian Cross - 2018-10-25

This type of stuff should be teached in schools, really amazing honestly!

Ultimate Fluff - 2019-09-13

I guess the Earth is experiencing heartburn since the Amazon is on fire.

Angelo Belleza - 2018-10-24

2:26 I thought it was the thinking emoji

Tim May - 2019-09-20

Some science channel say that the algae bloomed in the ocean
Are the main producer of oxygen on earth.
And the tree in the Amazon used up most of the oxygen
That its produce.
Is this info. Correct ?

Raya Koth - 2019-02-18

2:38 so that last time I was walking home in the rain, I was also tainted by specks of dust, salt and other impurities? (proceeds to scrape the exposed areas)

Sarah Bast - 2018-10-24

Gah! That blew my mind! Also, it's neat to think of this air river flowing East to West and the Amazon flowing
West to East.

A M - 2018-10-23

Humans are distorting the Amazons 20-25% it’s gone. That is more than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres lost every year! People knows that trees are really important but it’s convenient for rich people they don’t care about the future the only care about money. 😔 Cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Richard Richardson - 2019-01-30

@Squeaky Deeds Done Soap Clean he didn't forget ..he didn't know or care. The us is full of folks like this and it will be the demise of us all

Mr. Rice - 2019-02-08

Yeah they dont care about future and more about furniture

James - 2019-02-28

At a rate of 78 million acres lost every year the Amazon which is 2,124,000 square miles would take a little over 17 years to be completely destroyed. 78 million acres is roughly 121000 square miles. I actually found the website (which you failed to site) that you copy and paste from. Their math is off. A square mile has 640 acres. At a rate of 150 acres every minute that is 1 square mile in about 4 minutes. 78 million acres divided by 640 (which will convert to miles) is 121,875 square miles a year. The site you copy and pasted on said it is about 20,000 miles a year. So either they lied about the 78 million acres per year to make it seem like a way bigger deal than it actually is (which I think 20,000 square miles a year is still bad and we should preserve the rainforest). Or they under represented by 500%.


This isnt even a verified website. Anyone could have put this rubbish together and called it fact. Check your sources please false information leads to climate change deniers and flat earthers. Dont give them another reason to say climate change isnt real.

swampy - 2019-06-23

Nice lines for a beauty pageant.

swampy - 2019-06-23

Are you doing anything?

Carlos Rubio-Valdéz - 2018-10-24

Thanks, I love even more my job, planting trees.

NSD CLAN - 2018-10-24

I’m from florida, i wouldn’t mind less rain 😂