> temp > à-trier > make-dimethyl-dioxane-nurdrage

Make Dimethyl Dioxane

NurdRage - 2018-07-07

In this video we make dimethyl dioxane from propylene glycol based antifreeze.

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aga - 2018-07-07

Yep, this is why Chemists always need a Bigger Lab - to store the stuff they spent hours making and can't bear to dispose of the product ;)

Chemical Engineer - 2018-07-07

@Nurd Rage Secondary ethers, which dimethyl dioxane is, are much more prone to forming explosive peroxides. Some, like diisopropyl ether peroxides are known to be explosive even when wet. You should keep an eye more often on your DM dioxane bottle, especially if the sodium gets depleted.
Other than that, great video.

monster2slayer - 2018-07-07

Chemical Engineer much more prone than what? Primary ethers? From what i know the stability of the carbon cation determines the likelyhood of the formation of peroxides. That means primary>secondary>tertiary. Or is my faint memory from school failing me?
I can work with primary ethers all day long as long as i dont expose them to sunlight or oxygen for too long.

Chemical Engineer - 2018-07-07

Primary ethers. Although "more prone" may not be the best term for it, I'd say "generates more sensitive peroxides" would be a more accurate description. Diisopropyl ether is considered to form explosive levels of peroxides without concentration, and can explode without warning at high enough concentrations, and most info about its safety suggests to be tested for peroxides every 3 months as opposed to diethyl ether (primary ether) which is to be tested every 12 months. Though I'm not sure if DM dioxane would be as sensitive, since there's very little info about its hazards. Unlike di-iPr ether, DM dioxane is probably not as used in chemistry due to its sensitivity to acids, as opposed to explosive hazard.

hassaization - 2018-07-08

explosives? Now i'm interested haha

Pharph - 2018-07-10

Not the good kind of explosive, but the bad kind. The kind that happens after an unknown amount of time (weeks, months, years) and can destroy your nearby chemical stockpile as a BEST case scenario (not hurting anyone)

MrStiruam - 2018-07-15

monster2slayer it depends on the relative stability of the radical formed alpha to the oxygen. So it goes secondary > primary and not possible with tertiary.

hockingham - 2018-07-07

Damn I got all excited for a second, thought it said 'Dimethyl tryptamine'.
Can that be your next vid please?

Rustyer266 - 2018-10-09

i would be interested in him making that

Tyresio12 - 2018-07-07

May I ask you a couple questions?
1. Is it possible for you to establish water solubility in your DMDO?
2. Can ethers be stored with magnesium to prevent peroxides formation?
3. Can DMDO extract tetrachloroaurate ions like DIPE? Or, if not directly, their complexes with rhodamine B/methylene blue?
Really appreciate your work, hope you'll see my comment.

Tyresio12 - 2018-07-08

I feel omitted :( NR did the second round of replies to comments and I wasn't lucky enough to receive one. Notice me, senpai!!

Soumalya Pramanik - 2018-07-16

Tyresio12 Haha, I know how you feel!

//LostProxy Nevermore/ / - 2018-07-24


jon hu - 2018-07-07

Thank you for listening to your subscribers and posting this. It would have been a shame to have the footage and not use it

Justus Felix - 2018-07-07

Please make a video: How to use vacuum filters.

jared garden - 2018-07-08

Get your vacuum line some water and some baking soda and then set up your glassware for vacuum filtration.
put 20g or so of baking soda in 200mls of water and then add it to the filter.
Then turn on your vacuum source, once on you can attach it to the vacuum takeoff adapter.
Once your are satisfied with the filtration and little to no more liquid can be pulled from the filter cake, remove the vacuum line from the takeoff adapter, (do not turn off vacuum before disconnecting the line from the apparatus).
This is less an issue with vacuum filtration as it is with vacuum distillation set ups because a vacuum filtration set up is still open to the atmosphere enough to create a much lower vacuum than that of a distillation set up.
You want to get into the habit of pressurizing a depressurized system slowly, I do this by carefully and slowly taking off the vacuum line in a controlled manner.
Alternatively it is advised to attach a stopcock system to your vacuum line that can be opened to the atmosphere that way you can slowly introduce pressure into the system.

ElAshtonio - 2018-07-08

+jared garden A good way to do controlled depressurisation is to close the tap, disconnect the vacuum tubing and then place a piece of filter paper onto the nozzle followed by slowly opening the tap up; the filter paper will eventually gracefully fall off!

Logan Thompson - 2018-07-08

surplusdriller1 please leave

Al A - 2018-10-01

I just come to watch the magnetic stirrer bar.

Blim The Toolman - 2019-01-23

surplusdriller1 shows how much you know, you call him names instead of explaining to him. Moron... that's not what the YouTube chemist community needs. Comments in these type of videos are for scientific questions/discussion/memes not hate!

Abram Roesner - 2018-07-07

I would super appreciate a series on the basics of organic chemistry labs, I know you're insanely overqualified but I'd love to watch it

LoL-O-Mat 1000 - 2018-07-07

Another unique contribution. Still waiting for a perborate oxidation of oximes into nitro groups, though...

bruce campbell - 2018-07-09

Pwopelyne gwycol

Soumalya Pramanik - 2018-07-16


Holden Saaring - 2019-02-04

How about using it as an alternative solvent for a Grignard reaction? I'd guesstimate good coordination properties with Mg ions.

arthroxon nö - 2018-07-08

Maybe add some more atoms and watch the reaction in the sodium reaction

Amos Singleton - 2018-07-07

Yesssssss. Been waiting for a new upload for ages!

Pharph - 2018-07-10

It randomly occurred to me that a useful video for amateur chemists would be one on efficient, accessible waste management.

bormisha - 2018-09-08

Just pour it down the drain in your kitchen! (kidding)

bormisha - 2018-09-08

I once disposed of paint-containing organic solvent by slowly burning it in a jar with a wick. It was a nice and slow process, until all the solvent was gone.

T P - 2018-07-10

I just found out that your VidMe channel is down, where can I view your more supidly dangerous experiments now?

Alexander Alekhine - 2018-07-12

It would be very interesting to see a video on the chemical traits of iridium.

Judoguy 12 - 2018-07-22

Where do you get video ideas I am just beginning and am wondering how to find cool experements

Kerstin - 2018-07-07

Great video! I love watching this

Pietro Tettamanti - 2018-07-07

YES! Finally!!

TacticalBBQSauce - 2018-07-08

I have no use for it, but I wish I had all that glassware, I think lab glass is so cool

Surajit Basak - 2018-07-24

Can you make a video using nepthalene or moth balls.. m really finding out what can we do with it.. specially at home or for amature chemistry

Logan Young - 2018-07-07

How about Hoffman degradation

ClickThisToSubscribe - 2018-07-11

Have you tried polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the solvent for sodium production?

GiggitySam Entz - 2018-07-11

Try to extract stuff with it ! :D

Šega - 2018-07-07

50th :D

Logan Young - 2018-07-07

I like how you use otc chemicals really cool

nattsurfaren - 2018-07-09

How would you make sulfuric acid using this:

Pt121212 - 2018-07-18

Does adding nitrogen to hexane with some methyl groups synthesize dmt? please let me know, very important. It should work under high pressure with a catalyst.

ClickThisToSubscribe - 2018-07-19

How the fuck would that even work?

padathir - 2018-07-08

Isn't it risky to leave reactions running unattended for days?

NurdRage - 2018-07-08


Loftgyre - 2018-07-08

You can get USP food grade PG from farm supply stores for around $20.00 USD per gallon.

Crytek1337 - 2018-09-28

DMT? :3

user21XXL - 2018-07-07

Is it good for grignard reactions?

François Bergmans - 2018-07-07

I think you can use it but diethyl ether or THF are more convenient. Strongly polarized ethers tend to speed the formation of Grignard reagents so there's no much point in making this product for that purpose.

Brad Lewis - 2018-07-08

Dioxane itself causes a disproportionation reaction with Gringards, producing a chelated MgCl2 and dialkylmagnesium. The MgR2 can then be used for reactions.

T P - 2018-07-10

Maybe if you want a slow reaction for some reason. Does it make sense to create grignards in situ?

The TeeTwo - 2018-07-07

We're early, bois.

Accipiter Nisus - 2018-07-23

Hey man i need your help .How to remove trace of nitric acid from home made nitrates.Mean left over acid in barium nitrate solution.Can i just boil BaNO3 solution and evaporate remain acid??

Goodwine Carlos - 2018-07-08

It's cool that you mention the properties and similarities with other products.

mauricio notari - 2018-07-07

Is it anyway to separate magnesium hydroxide from sodium metal?

Yoshiro Matsuki - 2018-07-12

can you make laughing gass please ...

Jr Nazon - 2018-07-08

Was there other ways you could use before distillation to remove the water to speed up the process?

Houmam kitet - 2018-07-07

great video keep up the good work

JakesOnline - 2018-07-07

Make a video on cleaning lab equipment

GiggitySam Entz - 2018-07-11

I mean your process is not the hardest to scale up, I reckon it's got potential !

Martel DuVigneaud - 2018-07-10

I have ~1 gallon (less now) of propylene glycol for experimenting with sodium polyacrylate to make non-toxic freezer packs. I have some very interesting data (at least it's interesting to me!)

RUSCHIMIK Канал о химии - 2018-07-08

Интересное видео,успехов вам в дальнейшем.Лайк ставлю.

Kaushik Adhikari - 2018-07-07

You're a nurd ?

BIGGS - 2018-07-08

your videos are fascinating i really enjoy them

Rakin Kazi - 2018-07-07

How are your Lab Notes coming along?

trustthewater - 2018-07-08

You can get propylene glycol by the gallon from farm and fleet supply stores for $20-30. Used for ketosis treatments in cattle.

Veldrin VelVelkin - 2018-07-07

Perhaps something could be bonded onto the methyl groups to increase boiling point?

François Bergmans - 2018-07-07

You need a longer or more complex glycol to make a heavier ether. Propylene glycol is already hard to find, the new starting material would be too expensive I think. And trying to change the dimethyl dioxane after formation isn't easy either.

Quintinohthree - 2018-07-07

François Bergmans Isn't butanediol relatively easily obtainable? That could be converted to tetramethyldioxane using the same method. I don't think other vicinal diols are easy to come by.

Caliph of Alabama - 2018-07-08

Or just get 1,2-butanediol and make diethyl dioxane

MrStiruam - 2018-07-15

Or use something that has already been used as a solvent... Like say diglyme.

henri - 2018-07-08

I thought we were making meth. Meh.

charles dortch - 2018-07-07

A birthday gift of a great video

Milvydas Galgatavičius - 2018-12-08

How to make mercury from mercury oxide?

NurdRage - 2018-12-09
