> informatique > app > cryptocurrencies > ever-wonder-how-bitcoin-and-other-cryptocurrencies-actually-work-3blue1brown

But how does bitcoin actually work?

3Blue1Brown - 2017-07-07

The math behind cryptocurrencies.
Home page: https://www.3blue1brown.com/
Brought to you by you: http://3b1b.co/btc-thanks
And by Protocol Labs: https://protocol.ai/join/

Some people have asked if this channel accepts contributions in cryptocurrency form.  As a matter of fact, it does:

2^256 video: https://youtu.be/S9JGmA5_unY

Music by Vincent Rubinetti: https://soundcloud.com/vincerubinetti/heartbeat

Here are a few other resources I'd recommend:

Original Bitcoin paper: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

Block explorer: https://blockexplorer.com/

Blog post by Michael Nielsen: https://goo.gl/BW1RV3
(This is particularly good for understanding the details of what transactions look like, which is something this video did not cover)

Video by CuriousInventor: https://youtu.be/Lx9zgZCMqXE

Video by Anders Brownworth: https://youtu.be/_160oMzblY8

Ethereum white paper: https://goo.gl/XXZddT

Animations largely made using manim, a scrappy open source python library.  https://github.com/3b1b/manim

If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that it's not the most well-documented tool, and has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind.

Music by Vincent Rubinetti.
Download the music on Bandcamp:

Stream the music on Spotify:

If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then "add subtitles/cc".  I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people.

3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate.  And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe, and click the bell to receive notifications (if you're into that).

If you are new to this channel and want to see more, a good place to start is this playlist: http://3b1b.co/recommended

Various social media stuffs:
Website: https://www.3blue1brown.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/3Blue1Brown
Patreon: https://patreon.com/3blue1brown
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3blue1brown
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/3Blue1Brown

Jae Pil Choi - 2018-10-25

It is a miracle that I can watch this free. No way I could have known any knowledge at this level without actually paying someone more than $10. The value you're creating is in-valuable.

kim Winston - 2020-03-09

Hi Fellas! Cryptocurrency Trading is the Forex (Foreign Exchange) of
cryptocurrencies. This means, you are able to trade bitcoin and altcoins
normally for USD, GBP and EUR. Cryptocurrency Trading is an alternative way to
get involved in the Crypto-World. It doesn’t require mining hardware nor
investing in bitcoin hyips or bitcoin cloud mining which is said to have a high
level of risk involved. Crypto trading is now seen as a good opportunity to
make good money. Many coins quadruple their value in less than a week when a
good strategy is implemented. I have been trading it for close to 2 years now
and I've made about 120K due to the fact that I invested wisely and now my husband
have also joined the Crypto-World with me. yall reach webghost33 on telegram

GGR TheMostGodless - 2020-03-14

Should be, but it is NOT free... as long as I know something valuable and someone is willing to pay me to learn it, why shouldn't I charge for it. Now, if I know something valuable and NO ONE is willing to pay me, I can either keep it to myself or put it out there for people to see and learn and perhaps appreciate it.

Token claimchnn - 2020-03-20

you NEED CRYPTO clothes-->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBpQO7hDCI

Beatrice Palmer - 2020-03-20

You are paying for it, with ad time

WORLD-TECH/IT - 2020-03-20

yes, that is why we all like his videos

Frostbittenwinds - 2019-07-24

It must be so tough to break down such smart things to the level that us internet scrubs can understand

sample brand account - 2020-03-19

i second that

MrBauchnabbel - 2018-12-04

"To call it astronomicly large would be giving way too much credit to astonomy."
My new favourite quote :)

Black Cat - 2019-12-31

@A_WILD_ABRA appeared You ruined everything.

Sheenyl Hassan - 2020-01-12

Has potential to be a good insult...

Audrey Flemming - 2020-02-16

I lost about 210,000 to a promising company who have been maliciously projected to be the new Big thing, a Mining company I lost my saving to. I am only grateful I found Welch who assured he could help me recover my entire funds and so far I have recovers literally all of my funds through Eric Welch. I strongly suggest that everyone not to utilize this chance to recover stolen assets from scammers and fraudsters online or offline... talk to > Binaryreap3r AT gmail com > I always adviseeople keep records because every document is useful during recovery.

NerdyJock - 2020-03-13

As a trained astronomer, I found this hilarious

ItzARubix - Hollow Knight and Math - 2020-03-15

Make this ur status on AoPS.com

Arushi Goyal - 2019-08-20

I am a person who never writes comments on videos. But after watching this, I simply had no other option than to appreciate the quality of this video. Everything about this video is incredible, the research done and the way of explaining. I am definitely sharing this video with everyone I know and becoming a regular at this channel!

1 - 2019-12-01

قمت بعمل صائب

ffggddss - 2020-03-15

This is indeed one of the topmost-quality channels on YT. IMO, Grant Sanderson is amazingly knowledgeable & communicative – a dynamite combination.


Bhavya Jain - 2017-07-07

3blue1brown is greatly underrated

-System-_ Error#&! - 2019-10-19

​@hülye ló ​ hülye ló Welp, tbh, it doesn't even take a "research" to figure it out. I mean, common, LinkEX mentioned it in literally this EXACT tred just a few comments above. So all it takes is ONE. f*cking. single. scroll., and knowing how to read f*cking letters.. Sadly, some peaple are too stupid for that, and instead they start answering posts without reading a tred, nor even simply turning their brain on and thinking before saying.

Nicholas Aulger - 2020-02-03

To call him astronomically underrated would be giving a lot of credit to astronomy

Gaurav Nimrani - 2020-03-14

are you that iit bhu guy

Token claimchnn - 2020-03-20

you NEED CRYPTO clothes-->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBpQO7hDCI

Utkarsh Mishra - 2019-01-25

Waiting for 3Blue1Crown , i bet itll be better than G.O.T

Brady Postma - 2020-02-12

"You should see me in a crown!"
- Lorde 3Blue1Crown

rzl dzl - 2020-03-09


Alex Corduban - 2020-03-16


Patrick Bryan - 2019-05-14

Satoshi is a genius......This explanation of his genius, is genius. Subscribed half way through it....

user name taken - 2019-12-02

Funny how all these idiots in here seem to know what "Satoshi" did when in reality no one even knows who or what he is. Even if it is a "he" or a single person. So many self proclaimed "Crypto Experts" running around. Truth is 99% of you don't know fuck all what you're talking about.

user name taken - 2019-12-02

@Yurivel STFU, you have no idea what you're talking about. Babbling idiot.

Олег Пулемётное Туловище - 2019-12-09

@user name taken can you provide some learning materials for learning more about this?

Yasien Gojek - 2020-01-29

That is why Satoshi is not one single person :) Blockchain is new miracle to kill central bank.

Token claimchnn - 2020-03-20

you NEED CRYPTO clothes-->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBpQO7hDCI

Kapin - 2018-08-20

Imagine having to actually do this in real life on a ledger...
"Okay, so I'll just do some super complex maths... "
* Five hours later *
"Right, now to write down this super long very specific and vital number... "
* One hour later *
"Now to verify the transactions... using super complex maths... "
* Five days later *
"Okay, now to check I ran the numbers right-"

R. M. Tosh - 2019-05-03

...except that finding one of those special numbers by hand would take millions of years

lare290 - 2019-08-06

@R. M. Tosh I mean, if the blockchain was implemented for calculation by hand, the hashes would definitely be shorter.

KuraIthys - 2019-08-10

Yep. Can't do that of course in a world where computers (or even handheld calculators) exist though.

If you make the blockchain calculable by hand, it's going to be trivial to crack with a computer. (unless you can find something that is difficult for a computer to process or which is difficult to code a routine for.)

Sebastian Grygiel - 2019-09-15

If someone wants to try it for real, you can use a website like this: https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/rsa-encryption-decryption
- generate your keys
- all exchange public keys
- safekeeper creates google form linked to a spreadsheet for ledger line submissions, shares in read only mode
To transfer LD:
- think of a random number or word, make sure you haven't used it to do the same transaction before, could use sequential ids or date
- encrypt a message with your private key "10/10/2020 send 500 ld to bob" - you are free to add any text there (could just leave a signed note with 0 transfer)
- fill out the form with these fields: your random word, your name, your encrypted message
You also could have unencrypted fields for the amount and recipient, so you can see it at first glance without decrypting the message having verified it earlier.
To verify a transaction:
Spreadsheet line contains: "10/10/2020", "Alice", "10/10/2020 sending 500ld to Bob", 500ld, Bob
- take the encrypted message from the spreadsheet and decrypt it using the public key belonging to Alice (trusted from exchange)
- if you are able to decrypt the message using Alice's public key, it must come from her - make sure the ID/date at the beginning of decrypted message matches the ID in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet should have a formula to check for re-use of IDs, marking transactions invalid.
- if you cannot verify it, you can submit a new entry describing the situation, with plaintext obscenities instead of encrypted message

Moorma - 2019-12-15

@Kapin Maintaining a ledger is actually easier in real life. The only reason this comes across as complex is due to the cryptography involved to prevent people from cheating by fabricating data. How do people think banks balance out at the end of the day? A bank has a ledger (balance sheet) of all money incoming and outgoing. Other banks have ledgers too of all money incoming and outgoing, which some of the transactions will cross over to another bank's ledger due to their interaction.

If a bank conducts an audit, its ledger should balance out.

Scenario 1: If the ledger doesn't balance out, that means there was an error input by an employee or money was lost/stolen. At that point, the bank must tally everything. If any physical money was involved from the vault, the vault must be recounted. If the ledger is still short, they'll start the whole process all over again and recount. Eventually an investigation is opened to find out what happened to the money.

Scenario 2: If the ledger does balance out, that means there were no errors and all monetary transactions were accounted for. What if a ledger balances out, but only because an employee stole $100 from a vault and wrote down that the $100 was accounted for? This malicious activity can't be hidden for very long because eventually that employee will have to transfer the contents of a vault over to a new owner and it will turn up short, revealing that $100 went missing under the employee's watch.

Scenario 3: An entire bank is corrupt, constantly forging ledgers and fabricating financial documentation in order to get everything to balance out after pocketing the stolen money. This malicious activity can't be hidden for very long because any banks perceived to be involved in malicious activities can be audited by an independent third party and occasionally are subject to an independent audit by a third party regardless of whether or not they were suspected of malicious activities.

Prior to centralized banking through the creation of the Federal Reserve, individuals bank themselves audited one another. Discrepancies between each bank's ledger through cross-examination, and any discrepancy between an individual bank's ledger and financial documentation(s) identified cheaters. Because of decentralized banking, banks could police each other to prevent cheaters. Post decentralized banking, the entity that audits and polices each bank is the Federal Reserve, which also handles the production of money in the United States. The U.S. treasury is supposed to handle the production of U.S. currency, but what happens instead is the Federal Reserve loans money to the U.S. Treasury who then prints physical U.S. currency. The U.S. Treasury pays back that loan (plus interest) to the Federal Reserve, causing the U.S. Government (or American people) to be placed in perpetual debt. For example, if you start out with 0 dollars and I loan you $1 at 10% interest, you would have to pay me back $1 and 10 cents. However, in order for you to pay back that 10 cents interest, you need me to loan you another $1 at 10% interest, so you again have to pay 10 cents on.

The question, since decentralized banking caused banks to police each other by randomly auditing one another and now centralized banking enables the Federal Reserve as the de facto entity to fulfill this role, what entity audits the Federal Reserve to guarantee it doesn't turn corrupt and begin creative accounting? The answer is no one. There is no entity. Now you know why the Federal Reserve, established in 1913, for over 100 years, has never been audited. An audit would unveil all the malicious activities going on in the U.S. banking industry and what's happening with that interest the U.S. Treasury (or American people) are forced to pay.

Anyways, the Achilles' Heel for cryptocurrency (something decentralized) other than it being dependent on the Internet (something centralized) is quantum computing. Once developed, a quantum computer would be able to mine any block and would take over the entire blockchain.

Paxton Faz - 2019-07-11

By far the best explanation of blockchain I've ever seen.

Harsh Shankar - 2017-07-07

please make a video on transforms (laplace ,fourier,z- transforms) as these will help many engineering students.Many people take it for granted very little is known about its physical meaning,there are subjects in engineering based on transforms like signals and systems, signal processing, control theory your vedios will surely make a difference in understanding these subjects.

John Milner - 2019-11-24

All you need to know/https://www.digistore24.com/redir/223831/JMilner/

Tushar Bansal - 2019-12-13

Seems you are an ECE guy

DENNIS KAY - 2020-01-02

If you want to make money from bitcoin mining and master it, checkout storjmines .com. You can start with as low as $10. I just received over $85,000 payment from storjmines. com. Check it out

kim Winston - 2020-03-09

Hi Fellas! Cryptocurrency Trading is the Forex (Foreign Exchange) of
cryptocurrencies. This means, you are able to trade bitcoin and altcoins
normally for USD, GBP and EUR. Cryptocurrency Trading is an alternative way to
get involved in the Crypto-World. It doesn’t require mining hardware nor
investing in bitcoin hyips or bitcoin cloud mining which is said to have a high
level of risk involved. Crypto trading is now seen as a good opportunity to
make good money. Many coins quadruple their value in less than a week when a
good strategy is implemented. I have been trading it for close to 2 years now
and I've made about 120K due to the fact that I invested wisely and now my husband
have also joined the Crypto-World with me. yall reach webghost33 on telegram

WORLD-TECH/IT - 2020-03-20

You got it

Declan Raphael - 2019-05-30

Hey, Thanks for the content ! Saved me a lot of time for the research. In 26 mins i got basically to know crypto without
reading the news one by one. Thankss

_ Beferrr - 2019-07-20

@Patrick Jos " just 1btc " is like $10,000 now

_ Beferrr - 2019-07-20

@Patrick Jos ALSO both of these accounts above me are private without any trace of human being using it so I wouldn't trust whoever that mf is in the slightest. Unless you actually want to get scammed

_ Beferrr - 2019-07-20

All 3 of them*

_ Beferrr - 2019-07-20

Oh shit this whole comment is a fucking scheme Holy fuck

*Steel Beam* - 2019-09-01

Dang... 26 minutes??? I've been listening to this in full attention for 26 minutes?? This channel is amazing..

Josny13 - 2020-03-17

3:08 Wait, I've spent more than I received, therefore I need to put MORE money in the pot? You wot?
The others who have received more than they have spent, get to receive more. $___$

Arsel Muginov - 2019-06-16

The best explanation of cryptocurrency I've seen. I finally understood it! Sharing this on Twitter, you deserve it 👍

Jessie Hayden - 2019-09-02

is this sarcasm? lol

Kadour Yassin - 2019-09-01

This explanation feels clear, but I couldnt understand it

the unboxer - 2019-11-01

Yeah bro i agree

Fabio Pilnik - 2019-11-17

One idea is that blocks of data are "light" but can be made heavy by proof-of-work. By chaining heavy blocks together the structure becomes too heavy to move. Does this make it easier or more confusing?

Izeah Thompson - 2020-02-10

Fabio Pilnik more confusing

totaltotalmonkey - 2020-03-20

You need 50% of the network to move the heavy chained block?

@Kadour - The ideas are fairly complex so you may to pause and think about each concept individually then together. It may help to try to articulate what you don't understand specifically.

Eli Atkinson - 2018-02-19

This is one of the clearest explanations I’ve ever heard of anything ever. Thank you

Kadour Yassin - 2019-09-01

It's clear but I couldn't understand it

test - 2019-12-18

It's a shame people don't trade knowledge in such a comprehensible way more often.

dahui58 - 2019-07-16

Oh wow, I was still quite unsure on the concept until your example at 20:00 were you explained why someone couldn't put a transaction in without the consensus of the other network members, then I got it straight away. Amazing video!

PianoDreams - 2019-07-29

I wish I'd seen this back in 2009. I'd have bought a whole tonne of them.

Pantsik Grifoi - 2019-08-10

I had tried to understand how crypto-coins work before, but never had become that clear as this explanation here! Excelent work!

Nico Cyso - 2020-03-18

0:58 there is that one Dogecoin and Doge is meme Lmao..

tocov - 2017-12-11

What an amazing video.
This is the first time, after many tries, that I understand how cryptocurrency works. It makes much much more sense to me now. Thank you for this.

Alex Ilves - 2018-11-18

Yeah, but I have a phone app that decodes sha256 in one seconf

Entrepreneur Silas - 2018-11-19

I mine bitcoins. You need to start mining bit coins too. Click on this link for more information. https://bitclubnetwork.com/sgatambe/signup.html

Anklejbiter - 2019-01-20

same here man!

Ownage Zizou - 2019-03-02

I disagree. He skipped a lot of details

John Milner - 2019-11-24

This will break it down to the lowest common denominator/https://www.digistore24.com/redir/223831/JMilner/

Laura - 2020-03-16


ItsDrike - 2020-01-15

Thank you, I now finally fully understand how the blockchain and proof of work works, I knew they were there and I knew something about them, but now I feel like I really understand it.

Deepak Vyravana - 2020-01-25

1. So a node broadcast a transaction.

2. Miners listen to it and find the POW( the special number) to add to the transaction so that the hash for that transaction starts with certain pattern which has been agreed upon by those participants in the network.

3. Then the miner converts that transaction to a block and adds it to the chain and distribute.

Is my understanding correct or not.

Nerd Colours - 2020-03-20

Omg this channel is so good at explaining I never understood what blockchain were until this

Zach K - 2018-09-02

14:37 - How special is that special number really... I must have access to your hash function! XD

john smith - 2020-01-06

here's how it works: money goes in.
bogdanoffs take money.

Bruno Ferreira - 2019-07-09

Excellent work! This is, by far, the best video about blockchain i've seen on youtube.

Baballevincent - 2018-07-19

Oh my god I’ve never watched such a great explanation about crypto currency, thank you so much

Nate Sky - 2019-09-07

13:26 the input is "Challenge"

konsta phiney - 2020-03-17

It's 2 months since i started my trade with him and all i share is testimonies this man is just trying to help Allah bless you Mr Nasser Mustafa

Patricia Francisco - 2020-03-17

Binary options trader; Are you looking for where to invest your bitcoin, USD? Want to invest and get your profit paid out easily to your account or bitcoin wallet? Then look no more, Mr Nasser Mustafa is here to help you achieve those dreams and help you do this with reduced risk or no risk. No hidden charges. Everyone wants an extra income, if it's coming from a guaranteed source then why not? Binary / Forex is here to stay Investment of @ 300 earn you $ 3,500 $ 400 earn you $ 4,500 $ 500 earn you $ 5,500 $ 600 Earns you $ 65,000 The more you invest the higher you earn, Message Mr Nasser on Email; nassermustafa856@gmail. Com to get started!

Ariadna Nicolas - 2020-03-17

Talking about success in trading you have to go through the right path, Mr Nasser Mustafa has shown me that he's one of the best and trustworthy trader you can hope on, he helps me grow my account and makes me good profits for his assistance

Mikko Samu - 2020-03-17

Mr Nasser Mustafa is one genius trader and you'll all go straighten your trading curves for the master trader feel free to email him

Martin Matko - 2020-01-03

I thought we were renting a computers power for internet money. that should by more logical. and transparent.

deus vult - 2019-09-06

best video on the internet that actually explains what's going on. I wonder if you could make some cryptography videos explaining the processes used and why they're so hard to crack.

Bahaa Abudayyak - 2020-03-15

Man you are really great in explaining things, i have been trying to understand how bitcoin works for a long long time and never succeeded.

A huge thank you

Jacob S-H - 2017-07-10

"To call it astronomically large, would be giving way too much credit to astronomy", lol

J M - 2017-12-17

Actually, "astronomically large" is an apt description. 2^256=8^64 < 10^78, which is the estimated lower bound of the number of atoms in the universe. Furthermore, 2^256=16^32 > 10^29, which is roughly the diameter of the observable universe in millimeters.

RoMMeL1337ak47 - 2017-12-19

+Jason Martin 2^256=/=8^64 since 256/3 is not 64 but 85.33333333...

Your "2^256=16^32" is also wrong. since to go from 2 to 16 you need to raise 2 too the power of 4 so you need to divide 256 by 4 to get the new exponent which is 64.

So in short, 2^256=8^(85+1/3)=16^64

TheHorseFormerlyWithoutAName - 2017-12-20

Or just enough?

Abdiel Jeremi - 2018-05-27

I am an astronomy student and I found that sentence otherworldly.

Savio Poulose - 2019-04-07

This video has to be the most comprehensive explainer video on crypto currencies. Your explanation was relatable and as lucid as it can get.
Subscribed right away.
Keep up the good work.

P.S I wish I had professors like him :)

DevDharma - 2019-08-15

I'm mining your channel and it's so rich in knowledge.... Best in the world i have ever heard of about Bitcoin / Block chain.... Thank you sir!

Jason Roos - 2020-02-16

The "Ah ha!" moment 17:21

Methomatik - 2020-03-21

Despite the quick decline from $6,900, Bitcoin is still higher than it was three days ago when it was wallowing in the lows of $5,000. A trend has appeared on Bitmex futures market that shows the bulls are still in control meaning bitcoin is still bullish, has corrected and once solidifying the $6,500 resistance bitcoin will rise well over $7,000. This is an indication to buy more at the current low and consider trading to increase that portfolio. I did this during the last big dip when I bought an additional 5 btc which I traded with Nathan Trueman’s signals and within a couple of weeks, my trading portfolio grew from about 5 btc to over 10 and his accuracy is just outstanding. Nathan is a true leader in his rights and I think more like him have to emerge to assist the ever-growing population of crypto enthusiasts. Nathan can be reached via WhatsApp (+44) 7723984457 or Telegram (@nathantrueman) for inquiries or assistance

Yesenia Zuniga - 2020-03-21

Nathan is a huge breakthrough in the crypto world, great and massive awareness should be created because we all can win in crypto

Melinda Travis - 2020-03-21

Respect should be put on his name because he is a great man

Michi1303 - 2020-03-21

Nathan is just the best. His analysis are top notch and i have made very impressive improvement since i started copying his trade alerts

Mariyah Parks - 2020-03-21

One of the best traders i have ever made acquaintance with

mgabbert66 - 2020-03-21

I have heard a lot from colleagues about Mr Nathan and now here. Time to see for myself

Kolos - 2017-07-09

I mean, that is an instant subscription from me. I've seen only one video, But I can already tell that author really does his research, knows his subject. Animation is minimalistic yet informative, filled with fun with easy to understand examples. Narration is smooth and friendly. Overall, that's what makes a great educational channel on Youtube. Very well done sir, I am sure You're gonna hit 1m sub till the end of this year!

Fernando Rodriguez - 2017-12-05

Kolos he didn’t hit one million but all of that is true.

Pablo Sosa Lizama - 2017-12-27

Hope this channel reaches that amount of subscribes. Even if not, it is definitely amazing in content and form, and shows in a very clear way how "real" math works (which, as we"ve seen here, has many technological applications).

ana - 2019-12-09

The more I learn the more I feel like I don't know anything at all

Calvinsky Malbert - 2019-12-19

thats normal

Brandon Spicer - 2019-12-23

That's how you know you're really learning ;)

Ivan Mou - 2020-03-06

Always entertain the fact that no matter how much you think you know, you really don't know that much. Unless you're a PhD at a specific field.

Ali Hassan - 2019-07-08

Gods Of every Example:
Alice & Bob

Rich Simpson - 2019-08-14

Awesome that’s the first time someone has explained this tech in words I can understand. Thank you.

Arton Smith - 2019-04-30

Thank you so much for putting this up, so very understanding video. Now i understand why Mr Donald Anderson strongly recommended your channel to me, keep up the good works

Tory K.B - 2019-04-30

@Arton Smith wow, this is amazing, seeing a lot of good reviews on bitcoin mining. now i so regret wasting all my money on stock trading

Arton Smith - 2019-05-01

@Tory K.B So sorry for your loss, contact Mr Donald Anderson on 4donaldanderson4@gmalI,com for a change

Powell us org - 2019-05-11

It`s really difficult to see someone such as wise and understanding as Mr Donald with his amazing strategy i earn more than £15,000 monthly
From day one when i started mining with his pool i knew it was my end of worries?

shannon drena - 2019-05-15

@Arton Smith plug talk man

Susan Vila - 2019-05-18


Barbara Silva - 2018-07-21

Wow, i’m about to enter a graduation in maths and well this is awesome
Please do more like that ^-^

BTC Moon Boy - 2019-04-28

Wow! This is the best explanation video that I have ever seen. Now I truly understand how it works. Thank you so much!

Frizen Yeh - 2019-09-11

Don't let this make you forget the fact that Mr Krabs sold Spongebobs soul for 62 cents

Sistine Fibel - 2018-10-22

5:42 are you talking about RSA encryption?It sure resembles me of it.

ultrakatiz - 2017-07-07

... And this is how Alice and Bob broke up.

Kaleb Bruwer - 2017-11-04

ICOs are usually pyramid schemes. Especially if someone advertises it in a youtube comment section along with links that will give "bonuses". Also, an actual miner will completely destroy a phone so there is no point in draining your battery for mining.

alphydan - 2017-11-10

Because of Eve?

AllInTest - 2018-01-15

Peercoin is 8$ wtf

geekPanther - 2019-07-13

Best Explanation In The World. I Wish You Could Be My Professor.

lawrence wei - 2019-07-20

23:00 the best infinite sum ever.

Shibasis Patel - 2018-12-19

I truly can't explain the amount of respect I have for you! I am maintaining a list of incredible persons who helped me in some point of my life for free and you are on the top of that list. I will surely contribute some amount, once I start earning. God bless you! Keep making awesome videos! Love from India.