> temp > à-trier > pilot-on-mushrooms-the-nightmare-on-alaska-airlines-flight-2059-mentour-pilot

Pilot on Mushrooms.. The Nightmare on Alaska Airlines flight 2059

Mentour Pilot - 2024-01-06

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Imagine being a pilot, sitting in the cockpit of an airliner at 31 000 feet when suddenly, a colleague you are giving a ride to, surges forward and starts trying to shut down your aircrafts engines! This is exactly what happened to Alaska Airlines flight 2059 and the reason behind it, is what this video is all about. I want to take this time to say that this is an issue that sits very close to my heart and I hope this video will be used to show that ANYONE is susceptible to mental health issues and might require help. We must all work together to fight the stigma surrounding mental health and work towards a safer and more inclusive mental environment, in aviation but also in other sectors. //Petter

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Below you will find the links to videos and sources used in this episode.

Aircraft 3D Model:

‘Is This Hell?’ The Pilot Accused of Trying to Crash a Plane Tells His Story - By Mike Baker Reporting from Portland, Ore. – The New York Times


Decision Considerations - Aerospace Medical Dispositions - Item 47. Psychiatric Conditions - Use of Antidepressant Medications

Germanwings 9525 Final Report – BAE.aero

American Airlines Project Wingman

Analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Medicine: A Narrative Review

Attempted murder charges dropped against pilot who 'tried to cut plane's engines'

FAA announces new pilot mental health committee ahead of NTSB summit

Videos used:

-          Qatar Airways

-          Emirates

-          United
-          Alaska Airlines Pilot Association
-          Delta
-          Southwest
-          Cathay Pacific
-          CBS News

-          KOIN 6
-          KATU News

00:00 - Intro
00:54 - A Normal Day? 
08:28 - 30 Years Ago 
12:07 - A Broken System 
16:11 - Chain of Disaster 
19:22 - Bad Trip 
26:06 - A Call for Change

@MentourPilot - 2024-01-06

If you’re struggling or just want to get help improving, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp 👉🏻
https://betterhelp.com/mentourpilot for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs.

@kurtvanluven9351 - 2024-01-06

I never knew there was that 'mush-room" in the cockpit.

@fb39ca4 - 2024-01-06

How did you post this 51 minutes ago when the video is 11 minutes old? 🤔

@amahlaka - 2024-01-06

Didn't Better Help get into trouble for selling users private data?

@johnmoloney5296 - 2024-01-06

The writing at the bottom of the video screen needs to be bigger Petter, unfortunately we don't all have pilots vision and its difficult to see

@konstantin.v - 2024-01-06

Oh, this is an ad episode. It explains 😊

@DerkDerglass - 2024-01-27

I’ve never felt so sad about an aviation incident story where everyone survives. The message you get across here is very much correct. More needs to be done, changes need to be made.

@shelbygtman - 2024-01-29

I completely concur with your post. This story actually made me cry... Thanks for sharing your comment, I couldn't have said it better...😢

@nevaehhope2008 - 2024-02-03

So true. This is such a terrible story of a man who’s just hurting deeply. Mental health is no joke.

@chockwalden123 - 2024-02-03

I cried

@StolenJoker84 - 2024-02-07

This made me cry too. It’s so heartbreaking to see the kinds of things that people go through because of the negative stigma that mental health has.

@esecallum - 2024-03-18

can i ask why pilots have tunnel vision or wear horse blinkers that they CANNOT see what the other pilot is doing or lack peripheral vision ?

@jolness1 - 2024-01-06

This channel is such a gem. The production value and the knowledge, coupled with Petter’s story telling is all amazing.

@MentourPilot - 2024-01-06

Thank you so much! We work hard to try and give you the absolute best reporting and storytelling we can.

@frenchyeds5739 - 2024-01-06

@@MentourPilot this type of storytelling are absolutly perfect. idk how difficult it is for you to make that for many video but honnestly continue like that !

@Roaviator747 - 2024-01-06

@@MentourPilotYour videos are high quality like this one all the time!

@Roaviator747 - 2024-01-06

@@MentourPilotAlso this new art style theme is amazing!

@jeremyaks69 - 2024-01-06

Wholeheartedly agree!

@k.k.7797 - 2024-03-15

my father was an air force pilot for 14 years until he experienced his first bipolar episode. The severity caused for an immediate suspension from flying (rightfully so, mental health ain’t a joke), but what we didn’t expect is that he would be fully discharged from the air force less than a year before he qualified for his pension. By this point, he had already received his PhD and had become an instructor and professor at the airforce academy, but wasn’t permitted to continue as either. It’s still a sore spot for him over 20 years later, and while the mental health of our pilots should be considered essential to operate an aircraft, my hope for the future is that we find programs or alternative systems for pilots who need help but don’t want to lose their livelihood by doing so. Thank you for this video.

@jonastrex05 - 2024-04-20

The system is fking broke!

@DMS20231 - 2024-04-20

That’s terrible. My dad was 30 years Army.

It’s water under the bridge but I have to wonder if some sort of disability leave could have preserved his ability to clock that 20 years of service. Who knows?

I’m sorry that’s how it turned out.

@redtarget5275 - 2024-04-20

Regulation bad, mmkay?

@lhaaa1059 - 2024-04-21

That ain't rite ! Hope the FAA actually fix this in order to promote truth and professionalism.

@robheb1355 - 2024-04-21

Need for a good lawyer

@blitzfreigabe - 2024-01-23

I was denied medical clearance back in 2015 due to ADHD and shift induced insomnia. Since then, I have been very vocal about needing reform in FAA/ICAO regulations surrounding mental health. Thank you for highlighting these incidents

@randallsmerna384 - 2024-01-28

ADHD is so misunderstood. One key factoid is that when you are in your element you perform ABOVE standard.
Sorry they did that to you.

@Mike_Hunt_-_ - 2024-01-29

I wouldn’t call ADHD a big issue, not a serious mental health issue..it’s very manageable and better without meds.. Adderall is typical prescribed which can cause insomnia along with other issues.. you don’t need shrooms for ADHD.. it’s very common and 90 percent of the time, it’s a misdiagnosis and comes down to lifestyle

@Mike_Hunt_-_ - 2024-01-29

@@randallsmerna384 ADHD is misdiagnosed often, and really not a big deal and very common..there are severe cases, sure.. but overall, come on… most people say they have ADHD so they can be prescribed adderall… try being bi-polar 1 or suffer from schizophrenia.. those are mental health problems.. not adhd

@caeleste42bit52 - 2024-01-29

As someone with ADHD, having spoken to many doctors and psychology professors at my university out of pure interest, I wouldn't even describe ADHD as a mental illness. It is definitely an anomaly, but I think the only reason it is being called an illness, is because people with ADHD don't behave as society expects them to. I am a cybersecurity and digital forensics specialist who studied with having the troubles and benefits of ADHD and I was told on multiple occasions that I am performing above average and see patterns and details others wouldn't even recognise. As other commenters have pointed out already, in the right setting, ADHD isn't an issue, but a huge benefit to all people involved

@antirrhinum - 2024-01-30

@@caeleste42bit52 I'm genuinely glad it doesn't sound like your ADHD causes you major problems, but that definitely isn't always the case, especially in people diagnosed after childhood or people going through meds changes or shortages.

I wasn't diagnosed until I was 23, despite major clear signs throughout my childhood. Having ADHD but no one being aware had major effects on my schooling, but I was intelligent enough to get by until I reached ~16 years old, when suddenly I needed to work to achieve the same success, but had never really learned how. Cue seven years of struggling through school and a highly technical university degree, experiencing intense imposter syndrome and maladaptive behaviours, including self-medication with caffeine (which we later found out was a terrible idea after I was diagnosed with a structural heart defect), until I was diagnosed with depression at 19, later amended to treatment-resistant (also, in retrospect, a very clear sign). I have other problems that contribute, sure, but even after my ADHD diagnosis and starting medication the entirely predictable impacts of my ADHD on my work and motivation can rapidly descend into a destructive spiral of self-recrimination and self-hatred.

It's not ruined my life, I'd never go that far. And sometimes hyperfocus can be a benefit. I try to view having ADHD as an entirely neutral fact in my own life - it certainly isn't a mental illness, but that doesn't mean that its effects on your life can never be seriously deleterious, or trigger mental illnesses all their own. Essentially - I'd try to avoid generalising.

@paulbrasler8751 - 2024-01-06

Petter: as a mental health provider of 25 years and and aviation buff, this was hands down your best video--and that is saying something. Thank you for one of the best descriptions of major depressive disorder I've heard and the human way you examined this terrifying situation. So glad you take the time to make these videos

@MrTaxiRob - 2024-01-07

How common are dissociative episodes like this?

@yannicktherien502 - 2024-01-07

As an experienced airline pilot, I could not agree more. Best clip ever from Petter.

@aftertheheadlines - 2024-01-07

Taking Magic mushrooms while partying with your friends, has zero to do with his mental health. YOU PEOPLE.

@GR8Tmate - 2024-01-07

@@aftertheheadlinesSorry Mate, you didn’t listen. Please RE-watch the episode again, focusing on the events up to and prior to him taking the mushrooms.

@denisf430 - 2024-01-07

@@aftertheheadlinesI think it did. He was clearly depressed at that point and I’m assuming he fell for it when his friends kept insisting and finally gave in thinking it was a brief escape from reality (he wasn’t flying as a pilot until 5 more days so he assumed the effects of the mushrooms would be long gone by then). In his case what the shrooms did was exacerbate his underlying condition.

@Ibbix13 - 2024-01-06

I'm a flight attendant and, even for us, mental health isn't handled well. Studies show flight crew have increased rates of alcoholism and depression. It can be a lonely job. I've lost a close friend and co-worker to suicide. I appreciate so much how gently you handle this complex topic. Mental illness in the US is a very major issue.

@MentourPilot - 2024-01-06

Thank you for sharing.
I hope this video can be used for positive change within the industry at some level.
Take care!

@suemclaughlin8319 - 2024-01-06

Oh Petter— this video is the best I’ve ever watched regarding mental health. My son, who is almost 22, is currently trying to become a pilot. It’s been his dream for years. I’m going to insist he watch this, as well as my husband (his dad). Please keep up the good work. Love from Colorado in the US.

@Stoney3K - 2024-01-06

Which is a real concern since there have already been many incidents which were caused by either substance abuse or sleep deprivation. The problem is that the aviation industry is a very high-risk career, especially with the USA employment laws, so if you show any signs of "underperforming", your career is over. This is a big problem since flight crews are responsible for passenger safety.

@ipostaze2 - 2024-01-06

well.. that kinda helped the stressed flighers over here a lot. knowing that the're sa lot of drunks and mentally unstable peopople flying and attending flights.

@ptsteinbach - 2024-01-06

It’s a real shame that alcohol is one of the few drugs permitted for self-medication….not within certain time limits of flying of course. I always really appreciate the flight attendants and do whatever I can to make their job easier even if it simply means looking them in the eye and saying “thank you” when I deplane.

@bsraider87 - 2024-02-06

My brother (who is a pilot) went to college with him at Univ of North Dakota. He knows him and his family. He was shocked to find out that the bulletin he received in the cockpit mid-flight about potential threats from jumpseat pilots, was about his friend.

When my brother visited me last, he talked to me about this whole incident and you could hear the sadness in his voice. There’s no question he made a mistake, and I hope he makes a comeback, somehow, as an industry speaker. There’s no question the airline industry needs to change. Thank you for telling his story.

@SubvertTheState - 2024-04-21

His friends were trying to help. And his body and mind reacted in a way which happens in like 1/20 (just a guess) cases of Psilocybin doses. A terrifying nightmare followed by deep dread and doom. I can't think of anyone specifically who can be blamed. Mushroom's have improved my life and given me an outlook on life i would never trade, but I did get complacent and took them in a bad state. It was aweful and terrifying, I felt death near me.
Joe's friends should've either not medicated him, or given him a very wide berth, accounting for negative trips and allowing him the space to recover before jumping back into regular life. I don't know, nobody can see the future.

@riverlady982 - 2024-04-23

​@@SubvertTheState I am honestly happy that you have found something that works for you but please think more than twice before you hand something like this to someone who's never had it thinking you're helping. Particularly somebody that you know is going through a hard time or has recently experienced a loss and even might still be grieving. If their first reaction is no my job depends on me not doing this please don't push because things like this can happen despite your best intentions and I can say from experience it's harder to say no twice when we normally wouldn't consider it an option. I am telling you this from first-hand experience and I've never even tried something this strong because the best they've been able to figure out is my stronger reaction to pot is that I am extremely sensitive to the mild hallucinogenic in pot and it is a major hallucinogenic to me. For reference at this point THC CBD all those products are legal in my State and 15 to 20 mg of CBD and I start to get dizzy and it can trigger my fight/flight instinct. A hit of something really mild and I can feel like I'm leaving this planet to fly through space to visit the Aurora Borialus while leaving my body behind and can get hit by terror that my soul won't be able to get back and I'll die. Just a couple of hits of pot and I'm hallucinating often for days anywhere from mild to majorly. I was in tears for this man hearing his story because the more sensory input the more sensory overload it causes people like me and I probably would have had the same snap he did taking something so much weaker. People often think I'm joking or exaggerating but the people that have seen it happen to me know I'm not and even they don't want to see me go through that ever again. You just never know how the person you're giving something to that they've never had is going to react and for some of us it takes 1 to 2 weeks for our brains to get back to normal and not have walls breathing or furniture moving or be seeing shadow cats and shadowspiders around that aren't real. In my case, like I'm sure other people have, my inner monologue can be so busy trying to keep me grounded in reality and figuring out what is real and what isn't that I don't have the time to explain to you what's going wrong or that anything has until after. The first couple of times I had any experience with this I couldn't have told you if I had tried my hardest to explain to you what was going on, I didn't have the words for it. I don't know for sure but I think anybody who's natural or cultivated need in life is to always be in control as much as they can be of their situation has an even worse reaction to these situations and I am one of those people and pilots strike me as those types of people too. There is a thing that can happen psychologically when you constantly have to be able to control your fight and flight instinct and that is the switch can get stuck half on and I think this also contributes to my poor reaction and could to many others. I can imagine that this happens to pilots when they spend so much time with so many lives in their hands and knowing that they are responsible for staying calm and fixing the situation for those people depending on them.

@riverlady982 - 2024-04-23

I don't know how to look this guy up so please tell me that he was sentenced to psychiatric help and not prison?

@bsraider87 - 2024-04-23

Unfortunately he’s been indicted on many dozens of counts of attempted murder. We’ll see what happens.

@annatanneberger1 - 2024-04-27

@@SubvertTheState Those were not friends. Trust me, as someone who grew up through the 60s, and at the mercy of people preaching sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. The bullies who ridiculed and teased people who were afraid of that stuff.

@fran4636 - 2024-04-10

Thank you for this video! I've flown Alaska 2059 to see family and the weekend this took place, we had a large family wedding. Several of the guests were on this flight and others experienced long delays going through security at SeaTac that evening trying to get back to San Francisco. Everyone made it home safely and we're grateful for that!

@abresler - 2024-01-08

You've covered all kinds of accidents, from fatal crashes to runway incursions, down to the minor incidents. And yet this one, that only lasted 90 seconds, didn't kill anyone and didn't even have to do with any fault related to aviation (technical or human), is your best video yet by far. You've moved us all. Congratulations💙

@jamesmcquinn9534 - 2024-01-09

You get the like.... very properly and concisely put... He says in these videos that not only does he talk about things that improve aviation, yet that he hopes we would learn from. I developed anxiety when I was 20 and stopped flying ultralights. 3 generation of flyboys and then there's me, but I am still an enthusiast (who doesn't want the drama from mayday). This channel has taught me a lot; however, this episode felt special. He kept to his theme of humanizing aviation. While he always does a decent to great job humanizing each pilot, you couldn't help but consider the contrary and let it weigh on your emotions.

I wanted to go into emergency or at least clinical work, but medicine is kind of the same in these regards (there are more means of course to getting back to the job but a mental health crisis is more severe than an addiction crisis which they have a path created for and doesn't feel fair it would have to go that far before it goes from "well you have no place to clinical work" to "you need help and there is a way to get back if you work on it".... that's changed my path to medical research. While I can still contribute to science and save lives continuing pushing our knowledge of medicine, my hands have always felt like they were meant to help others and refuse them ever to hurt anyone; only good.

In short I relate to this. I could have flown through medical and specialty school... I love learning, but I took the path of reporting it and that option is nearly lost to me.... So imagine pilots with even more stringent standards; that is a very hard pill you are not allowed to swallow even if a physician says it should help. Like his video, thanks for the comment because you put it best; this was the best video he's made and I have watched all the playlists. Have a great week.

@SonnyKnutson - 2024-01-11

I have to agree. This story was the best one he has done so far. You can really tell his genuine emotions in the storytelling.

@yellowrose0910 - 2024-01-18

I wholeheartedly agree with your praise but must argue I believe the fault is "in aviation". Aviation, by stigmatizing and not acknowledging disease processes it itself exacerbates, is showing the macho and get-there-itis (get the job done) attitudes it claims to eschew, and in doing so increases the danger to its employees and passengers.

@jamesmcquinn9534 - 2024-01-19

@@yellowrose0910 I'm just trying to engage in civil discourse... To be honest, I think he would agree and that you are representing the other side of the coin...
Not only do we need to do better training and filtering people,
but more changes need to be made in the sociology of aviation... You bring up a valid point. I just think mentour pilot would agree

@nolanduncan7358 - 2024-01-24

All I can say is WOW..

@chrisrockett5157 - 2024-01-09

This happened to me. The depression part. I was just arguing with some lady on another channel about this incident. In the military I was a Blackhawk crew chief. I was good at my job, had never had an issue on a flight, and a few real emergency landings in which I was able to follow procedures ultimately with no damage to the aircraft or injury to anyone on board. I was in my early 20s stationed at Ft. hood,. I had been flying for about 3 years, and pretty suddenly I went into this depression. For a while I didn't say anything because when I was flying I was so focused I really couldn't really think about anything else. To make a long story short, I knew that I would be grounded if I saw anybody about it, so I let it go and by the time that I did get help it was so bad that I could not focus long enough to read the page of a book, i was consumed with saness about nothing in particular, and I was having full blown panic attacks and drinking to cope ( not on the job). Eventually my direct supervisor could see that there was something wrong. I was losing weight, and not in a good way, I was sleeping in 2 hour intervals and I just generally looked out of it. He asked me what was wrong, I told him and he said go to this building and talk to somebody. He explained to me that everybody goes through something like this in their military career add some point, a lot of people just don't admit it. So I go to see the doctor and they put me on an antidepressant. Anyone who has been on antidepressants nose that it takes about two or three weeks for them to start working. About a month later I was doing fine and back to my normal self, I felt great until they told me that I could no longer fly on that medication. My point here is that if I had just said nothing to my supervisor I would have been able to fly around with no problem. If I had not taken any medication I would have been fine to fly. The only thing that this medicine did was make it so that I was not depressed and having panic attacks... still I was grounded. The flying public likes to think that these aircrew are superhuman and that their job is amazing. I have worked in aviation both military and commercial. Being away from your family/ support system constantly, being in a plane all the time with the dehydration, lower than normal oxygen levels, swelling of extremities, going through time zones, waking up not knowing the where the F×÷k you even are with minimal manditory rest can make anyone depressed. Oh and when something really bad happens back home and you need to be there asap, that will be the day you're stranded somewhere due to weather or maintenence. The FAA Really needs to get realistic about these things because as you read this there are thousands of depressed pilots crisscrossing the sky's. I have known exactly what this guy did the instant I saw the story. He tried turn on alternative methods to try and fix his depression. Instead of going and getting medication and therapy this man felt so pressured, and became afraid of loosing his livelihood he took another route. Generally after you get somebody on the right medication they are fine. Obviously a doctor needs to sign their medically ready to fly again, Simulator and currency training and flying with a check pilot should be satisfactory. But pretending that this is not going on Is going to lead to another German Wings, or Alaskan situation. In my opinion the FAA has created a system that allows things like this to happen. It's not a problem if you don't tell anybody right?

@VonSaxons - 2024-01-11

I would like to reconfirm to you that speaking up was the right thing.
The misconception here is that " I would have been fine flying without medication... "
It's only a question of time.
As depression worsens, sooner or later, a career-ending incident is going to happen. This one will likely also affect other life's in the negative.

@PMickeyDee - 2024-01-12

You're absolutely right. It's not just aviation that this is an issue in either. It makes sense that there are rules to prevent some in crisis from controlling an aircraft. What doesn't make sense is the knee jerk reaction that happens when someone actually seeks & is receptive to help when they aren't in crisis yet. I'm honestly surprised this sort of thing hasn't happened more often. When people are left without options to get help, self medication and spirals downward are exponentially likely.

@chrisrockett5157 - 2024-01-12

@VonSaxons oh I know that, I was just being sarcastic about the fact that if I had not said anything to anyone I would have been cleared to fly but then when I was working with someone got through what I was going through and felt completely normal and fine again I was grounded because I was on an antidepressant. Incidentally throughout my career I had seen a few times where they approved crew chiefs to fly on painkillers.

@dizzy60527 - 2024-01-13

Cheers, my brother. 🫡

@RabbidTribble - 2024-01-13

Totally agree. My cousin is an airline pilot and former military, and he has talked about this kind of problem before. His brother is a surgeon, and they also have a similar issue in the medical field! Scary to think about. The way we think about mental illness HAS to change.

@SteveDawgNZ - 2024-01-30

This one had me bawling nearly the entire way through. I just feel so sad for Joe, what a nightmare to lose your best friend, get trapped in a bad trip, and then do something that changes the rest of your life so profoundly. Obviously he made a horrible mistake, but we should also have profound empathy for him. And Petter, you handled this complicated topic with such sensitivity. This is a work of art.

@GeekGamer666 - 2024-04-14

Thank you for saying this, because even though most of the comments are positive, there are some who don't seem to understand exactly how awful it must have been for him at that moment.

@nickryan3288 - 2024-04-22

​@@randomguyonyoutube4833 he wasnt flying the plane dude.

@BjerkeRobin - 2024-02-12

The whole "I wouldn't want a depressed pilot flying me" argument is so insidiously counter productive. As you pointed out: if they're too disincentivised to actually admit they're struggling amd seek help... then ANY pilot could be struggling mentally.

The best way to ensure that the people in the cockpit are fit for the task mentally is to ensure that it is easy for them to seek help when they need it. ❤

@Dxplora5000 - 2024-04-27

Your comment is really eye-opening and provocative. You are soooo right. Wow.

@RuminatingWizard - 2024-04-27

The fact remains that we don't want a depressed pilot flying us.

@RuminatingWizard - 2024-04-27

Sure, you can make it easier to get help but they'll get it knowing that it could still end the career. That doesn't change.

@BjerkeRobin - 2024-04-27

​@@RuminatingWizard the point is that you should be able to get help without it affecting your income/job 🤷‍♂️ because if you need help uou need help.

@Dont-Be-Mad-Be-Glad - 2024-01-09

As a military veteran, I can completely relate to the fear of seeking out help with mental health issues and the potential consequences of losing your job. The stigma really needs to go away. We are humans, not faulty pieces of equipment. No one should have the fear of losing their livelihood for admitting they need help. It’s sad, but I’m glad steps are being taken to rectify this issue.

@ElenaAshe - 2024-01-11

What do you think of mandatory DEI hiring of pilots and air traffic controllers?

@richwiebe8084 - 2024-01-11

but in another sense, we are merely faulty pieces of equipment which can be fixed and not eternally broken

@betsyjohnson9699 - 2024-01-11

I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, would you rather a pilot who’s able to treat their symptoms or a pilot who’s completely untreated and unmedicated?

@chrisrockett5157 - 2024-01-12

Did you see my post up above? I was in the military too I was a Blackhawk crew chief. I was in Korea then I went to Fort Hood and when I was in Fort Hood I got depressed. It just kept getting worse to the point where I finally went and got help and that's when they grounded me. Yeah we were definitely being done a disservice in the military. How many of those Suicide Prevention briefings did we have to go to? I mean I don't know what your MOS was I was kind of lucky because an aviation they really don't want you to lie about this stuff, but it's still negatively affected my career. And then I couldn't even imagine like if you're on an infantry unit and you need to go see a shrink how that would go over. Maybe it's better now, I don't know I got out in 2013. But I know that there were plenty of people flying who were going through divorces, problems at home, financial problems that probably should not have been flying. But when I got help and felt better because of some regulation I couldn't fly as an active crew member. But on the ground it was fine for me to work on critical components that just made no sense to me

@REFEREEMOUSE - 2024-01-13

@@ElenaAshewhat does that have to do with anything? Are you saying that the requirements which are standard across the board are putting Americans and other travelers safety in question? Have you contacted the authorities? Do you even fly on airplanes, present not past?

@dreiistein - 2024-01-08

The whole episode being a comic is really creative. The idea at 26:27 of the “different scenario” changing the panels of the comic and the whole storyline… this is just crazy good editing.

@MikkoRantalainen - 2024-01-09

Props to the artist that create the comic panels. Or if it was AI, props to the prompter because getting that even results with current AI is really hard.

@beans197 - 2024-01-09

@@MikkoRantalainenits most definitely ai

@MikkoRantalainen - 2024-01-09

@@beans197 I agree that it was AI assisted at minimum but getting all those frames from AI with prompting only would still seem really hard. As a result, I would guess it was more like "apply this style to these drawings".

@Cadolyst - 2024-01-09

Definitely was AI; a few of them have one too many fingers. Conflicted about it as an artist, but the writing of the video and the production quality is amazing! I hope they get the budget to hire an artist for this sometime in the future, though I understand why they hesitate to

@MJ-lk9zf - 2024-01-10

It really doesn't matter if it is AI or not because you have to "ask the right questions" to get this kind of visual consistency anyway.

@CuscooK - 2024-01-31

Getting to know the whole story makes all the difference. This production enforces the position of seeking and acting on the origin of the problems rather than focusing in punishing one person and leaving the problem unsolved just to surface once again after a while. Although far from perfect, the aviation is the field where I notice this kind of mindset the most. Congratulations to the team at Mentor Pilot for the spectacular production, clear message and beautiful illustrations.

@SoulDevoured - 2024-04-19

Yeah it would have been so easy to say "well he took drugs" and left it at that. I'm glad Joe spoke up too.

@annatanneberger1 - 2024-04-27

Great. So let's re-instate all the pilots that had been grounded for a heart murmur.
When depression goes untreated it might result in a suicide. Alone. They do not randomly kill other people. Trust me. I've lived with suicidal thoughts all my life. I'm almost 70 now. It is when depression had been "treated" and the treatment had been stopped that these random mass murders occur.

Everybody experiences tragedy and heartbreak and divorce. Take it for granted there will be pilots flying who are deeply depressed, but stoically carrying on with their work. I feel very safe in their hands. I will not feel safe in the hands of a pilot who had been "treated."

@reedbanaszak2661 - 2024-04-27

So you mean to say you would rather trust someone who is completely and purposefully ignoring this mental (and most likely also physical) health, as opposed to someone who's actively seeking to better themselves? Most people find 'salvation', which I use entirely secularly, when they face intense suffering or struggle and then actually do something about it. This seems awfully narrow minded. It's not just pilots... It could be the nurse assistant you get when you end up in a long term care facility, or the police officer that becomes so sick they treat innocent people like wanted felons. It doesn't matter the profession, whether it's those who society not only trusts the most, but also whogives them rights because they've dedicated their lives to being experts in their fields, it's proven these professions result in the most issues with depression/other treatable illnesses.

Go look up the statistics on ketamine, it's not a hallucinogen like mushrooms, it's more a drug used for anesthesia/surgery, to put someone out. But it actually has been proven to almost force the brain to make new neural connections, called neuroplasticity. In patients who are actively planning ending their lives or in patients with treatment resistant depression (who's only other option is electroshock therapy), ketamine has been over 80% effective in treating these patients, vs less than 5% (excluding electroshock). And it's even more effective for traditional patients. It is already becoming the first line treatment, and the average patient is now able to cure depression without ever taking a traditional antidepressant. Plus it's extreme effectiveness in chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety... Most anything. It allows the brain to reconcile things that the cognitive or subconscious mind cannot, and is similar to spiritual experiences where they gain experience/knowledge that they cannot put into words.

Sorry to be long-winded, but some of the biggest meals in psychiatry are happening today, in the last 3 or less years. Some of the evidence shows success rates comparable to saying they found a pancreatic cancer treatment have over an 90% cure rate. Even curing alcoholism, which medicine has NEVER even claimed to be able to do... It's the only illness that the medical community as well as court systems refers to an outside source, being the 12 step community, because they admit they have no true treatment with any success.

@annatanneberger1 - 2024-04-27

@@reedbanaszak2661 Nobody suffering from depression can possibly <<"completely and purposefully ignore this....." If you think depression can be IGNORED, you've never experienced it, lucky you.

You can numb it with drugs and alcohol, but when the effects wear off the black dog is there to greet you. You can go for approved medical treatment, which leaves you numb and disassociated from the pain (and your life and experience and all feelings appear as distant reports). I don't know anybody who ever came back from that. They are told that it is a life-long condition and they will be taking drugs forever like someone being treated for diabetes or blood pressure issues. If they can't live with that numbness, they stop the drugs - and it seems that is when the craziness pops up. The mass murder.

There is no growth without pain. No pain without growth. You can try to cheat the process, but it catches up with you. If you endure it stoically, you will survive and be stronger in the broken places.

What you lack is not some chemical, but wisdom. Nobody is born with wisdom. It is acquired. If you're lucky you have parents or a mentor during your formative years. If you were unlucky, you have to acquire the wisdom yourself - associate with people you admire and learn from them and read - not religious texts (which I always found very confusing) but the great philosophers. And if you are too tired - there are youtube channels, like The Academy of Ideas, where you can learn great isights from the ancient philosophers.

@SoulDevoured - 2024-04-27

@@reedbanaszak2661 mate this was a weird place to copy paste this comment. Especially when your first sentence is accusatory and set the tone for the whole thing.

Maybe you're using too much special k.

Anyways yeah the research coming out on ketamine and psilocybin in mental illness is really exciting. But like... It's not going to be a cure all. Calm down. Different people are gonna have different needs and different people are not going to be able to take this medication.

The exciting part of these treatments is the new options for those who won't work best with other treatments. They're not exciting because they are going have profound success rates with no risks or drawbacks.

@aaronwilliams1249 - 2024-01-26

The detail and compassion you show is unmatched.

@patriciaramsey5294 - 2024-01-06

Thank you Peter for the way you shared this story. You did not paint Joe as a villain but as a hurting individual. Thank you for understanding Joe in such a meaningful way

@anthonykearney608 - 2024-01-06

I agree. Joe needs help. He's not a villain in any way. I hope now he is getting the help he needs

@seekingthelovethatgodmeans7648 - 2024-01-06

@@anthonykearney608 Maybe he could study flight medicine as well. He'd surely have a lot of valuable things to say.

@Colaholiker - 2024-01-06

I wanted to write the same thing, but now I'll just resort to fully agreeing with you. I personally stay away from drugs, I hardly ever drink alcohol - my worst guilty pleasure is coffee. But it is terrifying to me to see how much just taking something once can change who someone is for several days in such a tremendous way.

And the system really seems to be broken - I much rather have someone in the cockpit who may have mental issues but is well-medicated and therefore as stable as the next person than someone who just tries to fight it out of fear of the consequences and then all of a sudden breaks down and causes a lot of harm.

@thomasneal9291 - 2024-01-07

@@Colaholiker that is a VERY rare response. like one in a million rare. There was simply no way to predict his mind would react that way.

@insertnamehere8121 - 2024-01-07

" I agree. Joe needs help. He's not a villain in any way "
Within his state he tried to execute 80+ people, you think a serial killer with ' mental health issues ' is a vile criminal that should be removed from society if they "erase" 4 people.
THIS is what happens when you cant THINK through a situation, but instead just feel your way through it.

@byronhenry6518 - 2024-01-10

I’m a recovering alcoholic who is an airline pilot.

I’m grateful that there was a program for me to get the help I needed. I’ve submitted all of my paperwork to the FAA and will hear back soon.

I haven’t flown an airplane in over a year though. I was EXTREMELY lucky to be offered a position in my airlines training department, as a ground instructor.

If that hadn’t been the case, I’m not sure what I would’ve done.

Im fortunate that I’m dealing with my problems early on in my career, before being married with kids.

If these problems had appeared later in my life, or if there wasn’t a path to recovery while maintaining my career, there’s no way I would’ve sought professional help.

The system needs to be improved.

In any case, whether you’re a pilot or not, get help before it’s too late. No career is worth your own health and life. I’m happy to be sober and looking forward to getting back in the air.

@ElyseLucile - 2024-01-11

I'm so happy to hear about this program. We have a similar one in nursing. It's a long slog with lots of monitoring, but so worth it when the payoff is saving your career. All the best!

@cassia1797 - 2024-01-18

All the very best to you! Hope things get easier and easier with time, and one day you get flying again if that’s what you want and the right thing.

@theclausenvlogs - 2024-02-02

God be with you 🙏🏽 ❤

@destroyerinazuma96 - 2024-02-11

While I never had major depression, as soon as I once sensed the slightest tinge of an urge to self-harm, I decided to seek help early. Indeed, the sooner, the better. I feel like I dodged a major bullet. In addition to the mental problems stigma, imho there should also be more awareness about "mild" problems not being an excuse not to seek help, and it should be stressed out more that seeking help isn't for "chickens" or for the "weak willed", that the BRAVE move is to seek help. Seeking help IS the mature and responsible choice. Hope you get better, wish you the best!

@luciasaunders9736 - 2024-02-13

I have a huge respect for you for having a courage and humility.

@sharonkerrigan6566 - 2024-01-23

The way you provide a complete, compassionate and objective view of the back story, and not just “he suffered from depression and had used psychedelics” is what makes this one of your best videos and also does his story justice. 👍🏼 Well done.

@samj.4248 - 2024-04-20

Beautifully animated. Also a wise and non-onesided approach to psychedelic mushrooms. Pure class and well-thought out, thank you.

@Manniefield - 2024-01-07

I’m a Firefighter who works near PDX. I have a passion for those suffering mental health issues, and try my hardest to help those in need while on calls. The way you so eloquently painted Joe’s life, mental health struggles and subsequent manic episode was nothing short of astounding. Thank you for showing the humanity behind such a stigmatizing subject. I’ve noticed that most major mental health events are a result of stigma and lack of seeking professional care. As a passenger, I’m very happy to see changes in the industry as a result of this. I also commend you on highlighting the importance of early treatment, and effects of harsh of industry rules regarding seeking help. Thank you for approaching this topic with genuine compassion, and I can tell you truly want to see a change in your profession for the better. Everyone deserves to be happy, everyone deserves to feel worthy, and everyone deserves to feel supported by those around them.

@maximilian672 - 2024-01-07

This. I've read some comments now, along the lines of "he's a crazy person and should never be allowed to work in aviation again". Maybe his condition is curable, maybe not - that is not for the public to decide, but for professionals (due to the importance, maybe a board of independent professionals, idk what the best way of approaching this would be - again, something for professionals to decide upon). If we continue the stigma, we'll just see such situations pop up again and again. Stigmatizing mental or physical health issues has never helped anyone. Certainly not the affected, but quite definitely also not the public.

@joeblow1711 - 2024-01-07

Well said

@user-qr6xg7ic7s - 2024-01-07

I had a panic attack once working late in the office one evening during and thought it might be my heart. I called 911 and told them I didn't know whether it was panic or my heart and didn't want to trouble them. They came and were very compassionate and knelt down to talk to me while I sat in my chair. No castigation at all. Just their presence helped reduce the panic.

@AxiomsMedia - 2024-01-07

As a paramedic who has been in EMS for 8 years I have to agree with what you say. He hit the nail on the head with this video for sure. Keep safe out there as well.

@AlanMydland-fq2vs - 2024-01-07

nice to have u at your job thank you

@whocoulditbe1090 - 2024-01-07

The most beautifully told story on the Mentour Pilot channel yet. So careful, balanced and respectful.

@frankieboyofficial - 2024-01-07

And really highlighting the chain of causation along with the next steps

@stephenwolfram356 - 2024-01-09

Uhh no, he was allowed to leave the cockpit freely and the cabin crew was not informed of his actions. Really fucking stupid and reckless, endangering the passengers for a SECOND time after the initial incident.

@kevinvoorheis1990 - 2024-02-09

Airline pilot here...thanks for reporting on this.
Under the current system, pilots unfortunately must choose between getting needed medical care and making a living. The FAA's arcane processes and outdated regulations do not allow both. This has formed a culture where thousands of pilots forego needed treatment so that their ability to support their family isn't removed. Pilots are not machines. We are humans who deal with the same stressors that everyone else faces, whether that be a death in the family, marital challenges, or the responsibilities of being a pilot. We deserve to get treatment and make a living like anybody else.

@anthonycook6613 - 2024-02-06

That was amazing, Petter. I'm a big fan of all your videos, but in this one you really stepped up and tackled a very difficult issue with clarity and sensitivity. I couldn't be more impressed.

@MinneapolisRaven - 2024-01-06

As a pilot, I love your channel; this is the first episode that made me cry.
I'm astounded by the beautiful graphics, the care and kindness you've shown.

@LorettaMonetta - 2024-01-06

I agree. Mentor Pilot is a voice for sanity and shows also a big kind heart.

@goofykl9 - 2024-01-07

Ditto on that.

@MoosesValley - 2024-01-07

Yes 100%, it made me cry as well, glad all ended well and a way up and forward is being found.

@CAHSR2020 - 2024-01-07

Thank the AI program for replicating the graphics from human sources.

@rcplaneprojectsandmore9499 - 2024-01-07

@@CAHSR2020where’s your proof that AI was used? Huh?

@funkynurse7368 - 2024-01-06

I have watched your videos for years and this is the first that has not only welled tears in my eyes but has compelled me to comment for the first time.
This story is absolutely heartbreaking, and you have told it with the utmost respect, sensitivity and compassion.
The video production is quality and the addition of graphic art to assist in conveying Joe’s personal story has yet again brought your storytelling to another level.
Thank you bringing awareness to pilot mental health. Clearly Joe’s story is already initiating awareness and potential changes within the industry. Although he will likely never fly again, perhaps his entire purpose in becoming a pilot was to put future mechanisms in motion - truly changing the industry for the better. ❤ Thank you Petter.

@MentourPilot - 2024-01-06

Thank you for your wonderful comment! 💕💕

@revenge0lobster - 2024-01-06

Your final sentiment about Joe’s purpose is a beautiful one. Thank you for sharing.

@rachmunshine9474 - 2024-01-06

I just started watching, but I did read the info box and have an idea what’s going on or about to be on here. I just wanted to tell you that that’s a very interesting and positive way to look at it as far as the pilot himself and his future flying or lack there of not meaning he still wasn’t maybe put there for a reason since I believe, I heard something about this, and they all survived I think. I don’t think I gave spoilers since I’m not sure. 😂❤

@supervolant - 2024-01-06


@mschwage - 2024-01-06

I would have said what you said, except you already said it. Right on.

@AverageMax13 - 2024-02-15

This is so heart breaking. The unfathomable line hit so hard. This video was excellently made in a way that breeds compassion instead of blame.

@user-il2dw6gj3m - 2024-04-25

Your compassion and balanced view is so refreshing, thank you Petter.

@victorskwrxsti7899 - 2024-01-08

This video was uploaded on the day I attended a friend's memorial service who lost his battle against mental health. As an aviation enthusiast who wanted to be a pilot and someone who experiences off and on depressions, this video hit me way harder than I thought.

I pray for Joe, his family, his friends, and everyone on AS2059 will have peace in their mind.

@RoloTomasie - 2024-01-09

Hey Victor, I'm sorry you lost your friend. I lost a great friend unexpectedly and know how hard that is. Take care.

@hannahp1108 - 2024-01-09

I'm really sorry for your loss. You are not alone.

@charlesjoubert7429 - 2024-01-09

I am so sorry Victor. I also wanted to be a pilot when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I never pursued it after that.

@gigi9301 - 2024-01-09

My deepest condolences and please make sure to take care of yourself; at least the holidays are over (My grumpy opinion), and spring will be here soon

@DystopianOverture - 2024-03-27

My thoughts are with you. I am very sorry for your loss. Take care <3

@Momentvm - 2024-01-06

You have outdone yourself, Peter, with this video. All of your productions are of the utmost quality, but this one... I'm speechless.
The awareness of the issue is very much needed and you did it in a very heartwarming manner. Thanks

@wilsjane - 2024-01-07

A situation such as highlighted in this video, did nit develop overnight and the magic mushrooms were just the final straw.
When people such as pilots feel that things are starting to get on top of them, they should feel totally free to reduce their workload without repercussions, unless their work is being obviously affected. They could even report that they were suffering from a nasty lingering virus, which since the body always tries to protect itself may be true.
Self diagnosis, followed by rest and or reduced workload both mental and physical can prevent mental trauma, long before it needs to be cured. This situation often affects doctors with a heavy workload.
We have a long way to go in understanding mental trauma fully, but this video is a good starting point. Particularly since it is not judgemental.

@PetrosDimitriouE - 2024-04-19

This is probably your first video that made me truly cry. I hope and wish that the necessary changes happen in the industry for the sake of all the pilots as well as their passengers. Thanks for highlighting this very very touching and strong example of what can go seriously wrong to someone.

@PrincessPoohs - 2024-04-22

Out of all the videos that I’ve seen on this excellent channel, I think this is probably your best and most important. Thank you so much for the sensitivity and clarity and empathy from which you approached this story. You should be so proud of the work you do ❤

@rohdecostello4767 - 2024-01-06

Damn man. Your points about mental health and stricter rules was so powerful. You seem like a really thoughtful and forward thinking guy. We need more people like you in positions of power.

@frankieswiderski6397 - 2024-01-06

Man I just don't have the words to describe how amazing this video was...as a Flight Attendant for over 23 years I've never understood the stigma of Pilots not beeing able to take anti-depressants ect...Like you said after all Pilots are human...this video was very eye opening...easily should receive recognition for how well this video was done! Thank You!

@sehr56 - 2024-01-07

You are right on the money in your observations!

@dann5480 - 2024-01-07

Might as well allow weed. I have heard it helps people cope. 🤡

@Vicus_of_Utrecht - 2024-01-07

Because SSRI literally are the cause of public violence. Look at all the media propaganda that overstates mass shootings cases (the ones they care to agendize) the mf is on SSRI {and "previously known" to the FBI everytime 🤔}.
And the big airlines know this.

Postscript- My attack on SSRIs is NOT an attack on mental illness so go fvck off with trying that sophistry.

@broca246 - 2024-01-07

SSRIs have horrible potential side effects. It’s a catch 22 tbh. Thiis was a terribly sad story.

@The_ZeroLine - 2024-01-07

As a FA of 24 years, I approve this message.

@harmonyinmyhead91 - 2024-04-20

Today is the birthday of a good friend of mine who sadly we lost to depression. Your video made me realize again, how difficult life with depression in our society still is, and how we have to do more to support people struggling with it. Amazing video, thank you!

@recordclassicalmusic - 2024-04-24

The music and animations were really top notch on this one!
You keep taking things to the next level every year! Thank you!

@abhisheka5891 - 2024-01-07

This is the one of those rare episodes where Petter is giving instruction to FAA and entire aviation industry being a Pilot, rather than FAA instructing to an Airlines/Aircraft manufacturers. And he (being a experienced Pilot and trainer) has all the right to do so in this matter. Kudos to mentor Pilot team for such a wonderful video.

@BRAIRCO - 2024-01-09


@RoloTomasie - 2024-01-09

@@BRAIRCO There's nothing funny about this.

@R160A - 2024-01-09

I found myself getting unexpectedly emotional with this episode. I really empathize with Joe, especially in how remorseful he was after accepting the reality of what he had done in his mental state.

@TheRealAgaBrady - 2024-04-20

This video has a strong title, but has sooo much compassion in it.
Incredible analysis of facts, but also such a human approach.

Suuuch a good video!

@n9zmn - 2024-04-22

Thanks for the sensitive handling of a difficult topic.

@moldovancrisis5482 - 2024-01-07

It's incredible how fast the pilots in control reacted and kudos to the incapacitated one for reacting well in his moments of clarity to minimize the danger he presented after. Very tragic situation but extremely well handled.

@johannageisel5390 - 2024-01-08

Yes, exactly.

@RichieRouge206 - 2024-01-09

As a graphic designer, the storyboard and depictions of the poor guys mental health was astounding. It is literally like the brain exploding and this brought the whole message across. This is one of your beat videos yet - so well told, sympathetic to both parties and a real eye opener to the plight of genuine mental health problems. Thank you

@miciamiaomiao - 2024-01-11

I bet it was done using AI... 🙄

@Chickendees789 - 2024-01-11

@@miciamiaomiaodoesn’t matter the video is still good sure less impressive but it just makes this video better

@haiwatigere6202 - 2024-01-14

His poor mental health was caused by mushrooms. The rest is speculation

@Tuokool - 2024-01-16

​@miciamiaomiao of course, completely. AI had him walking the wrong way down the isle though, when he came out of the cockpit. AI images all seem generic now, just like AI voices.

@laurelbeach4529 - 2024-01-17

@@haiwatigere6202 Not really, as the pilot has spoken about his struggles.

@zet0korp - 2024-04-20

Wonderful episode. Your take on the events is as compassionate as it is constructive. Well done.

@marcschouten3527 - 2024-04-22

Hands down my favourite episode you have made. Well done

@BreandanAnraoi - 2024-01-06

As an aviation lover with mental health issues, thank you for making this.

@haiwatigere6202 - 2024-01-06

Serious question - does taking mushrooms sit alright with you.
Mushrooms are the problem here!

@Historybuffm8 - 2024-01-06

@@haiwatigere6202I doubt that’s the issue here. It’s covering the stigma in aviation and mental health

@thomasneal9291 - 2024-01-07

@@haiwatigere6202 no, they are not. In fact, having a long lasting reaction to psilocybin is VERY rare, like one in a million rare. much more likely to have a permanent adverse reaction to aspirin FFS.

@erinhaury5773 - 2024-01-07

​@@haiwatigere6202 The problem is less the mushrooms than the fact he took them while in a poor mental state. No one dealing with mental illness should be taking hallucinogens, as the likelihood of having a bad trip is so high because you're already not in a good place. A positive state of mind and having a safe, controlled space is the best way to avoid this.

To me, the problem here was the group of friends that talked him into taking them. As full grown adults, they should have known better. He was clearly not doing well AND he was a pilot. Offering him drugs of any kind was a terrible idea. Better education could have let them avoid this situation altogether.

Also, he really should have been able to seek proper treatment. The way the FAA deals (or fails to deal) with the mental health of pilots needs to change. He should never have had to struggle the way he did.

@barbarawilcox182 - 2024-01-07

No, he should not have taken an illegal and unregulated substance about which he knew nothing.

Though mushrooms are being studied for depression, the doses used in these studies are MUCH smaller than recreational amounts, just as Petter said in his video.

Nobody is defending Joe's use of mushrooms.

Instead we wish he could have gotten genuine medical advice and treatment without risking jeopardizing his career under current FAA regs. That's the problem Petter pinpoints so well.

@SteveLowe65 - 2024-01-06

My wife, a therapist, really resonated with this episode. She works primarily with first responders, some of whom are pilots. Those clients absolutely refuse to entertain the idea of medication. Even LEO and FF clients are reticent because of the stigma and how their careers can be affected.

@ohsweetmystery - 2024-01-06

Selfishness is rampant in our society. Anyone with any mental health problems should voluntarily quit being a professional pilot.

@MrTmm97 - 2024-01-06

@@ohsweetmystery you completely missed the point of this video. Please watch it again with an open mind.

@MCasterAnd - 2024-01-06

@@ohsweetmystery That's an extremely easy thing to say, and an extremely difficult thing to do.

@veganbutcherhackepeter - 2024-01-06

​​@@ohsweetmystery You are a very ignorant and narrow minded person. Your bus or taxi driver might also suffer from mental health issues. Same goes for your doctor. Or your children's teacher. Or, just about in fact 10-15% of all people that you'll ever come across. Almost all of it can be treated. So fork right off.

@FNLNFNLN - 2024-01-06

@@ohsweetmystery While we're on the subject of selfishness, are you willing to accept an increase in taxes or prices to pay for retraining/financial support at a comparable level to their wages for anyone who has to quit their jobs due to mental health issues?

@ukeclam - 2024-04-26

your best video yet! thanks for being so sensitive to mental health issues!

@countylineexotics6433 - 2024-01-23

This video is so needed, I hope FAA and the community considers your words as we evolve in aviation. Thank you, thank you so much for bringing this topic to light. 💖

@rustynuts4426 - 2024-01-07

Best episode yet, by ANY flight narrator channel. This one deserves an award.

@steveshadforth8792 - 2024-01-07

Makes green dot seem amateurish

@RussCucina - 2024-01-08

Should seriously win an award, on YouTube or any medium. Really extraordinary.