> temp > à-trier > humans-need-not-apply-cgp-grey

Humans Need Not Apply

CGP Grey - 2014-08-13

Support Grey making videos: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey

## Robots, Etc:

Terex Port automation: http://www.terex.com/port-solutions/en/products/new-equipment/automated-guided-vehicles/lift-agv/index.htm

Command | Cat MieStar System.: http://www.catminestarsystem.com/capability_sets/command

Bosch Automotive Technology: http://www.bosch-automotivetechnology.com/en/de/specials/specials_for_more_driving_safety/automated_driving/automated_driving.html

Atlas Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD6Okylclb8&list=UU7vVhkEfw4nOGp8TyDk7RcQ

Kiva Systems: http://www.kivasystems.com

PhantomX running Phoenix code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAeQn5QnyXo

iRobot, Do You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da-5Uw8GBks&list=UUB6E-44uKOyRW9hX378XEyg

New pharmacy robot at QEHB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ql1ZHSkUPk

Briggo Coffee Experience: http://vimeo.com/77993254

John Deere Autosteer ITEC Pro 2010. In use while cultivating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAPfImWdkDw&t=19s

The Duel: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIIJME8-au8

Baxter with the Power of Intera 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKR_pje7X2A&list=UUpSQ-euTEYaq5VtmEWukyiQ

Baxter Research Robot SDK 1.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgQLzin4I9M&list=UUpSQ-euTEYaq5VtmEWukyiQ&index=11

Baxter the Bartender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeTs9tLsUmc&list=UUpSQ-euTEYaq5VtmEWukyiQ

Online Cash Registers Touch-Screen EPOS System Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yA22B0rC4o

Self-Service Check in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OafuIBDzxxU

Robot to play Flappy Bird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHkMaWZFePI

e-david from University of Konstanz, Germany: https://vimeo.com/68859229

Sedasys: http://www.sedasys.com/

Empty Car Convoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPTIXldrq3Q

Clever robots for crops: http://www.crops-robots.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62&Itemid=61

Autonomously folding a pile of 5 previously-unseen towels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5g33S0Gzo#t=94

LS3 Follow Tight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNUeSUXOc-w

Robotic Handling material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT3XoqJ7lIY

Caterpillar automation project:  http://www.catminestarsystem.com/articles/autonomous-haulage-improves-mine-site-safety

Universal Robots has reinvented industrial robotics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQj-1yZFEZI

Introducing WildCat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3fmFTtP9g

The Human Brain Project - Video Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqMpGrM5ECo

This Robot Is Changing How We Cure Diseases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra0e97Wiqds

Jeopardy! - Watson Game 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDA-7O1q4oo

What Will You Do With Watson?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_cqBP08yuA

## Other Credits

Mandelbrot set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGMRB4O922I&list=UUoxcjq-8xIDTYp3uz647V5A

Moore's law graph: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PPTMooresLawai.jpg

Apple II 1977: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxJwy8NsXFs

Beer Robot Fail m2803: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Lb_3_NMjE

All Wales Ambulance Promotional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=658aiRoVp6s

Clyde Robinson: https://www.flickr.com/photos/crobj/4312159033/in/photostream/

Time lapse Painting - Monster Spa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED14i8qLxr4

Qaedtg H - 2016-10-25

Prostitution is known as the first profession, it may be the last profession as well.

Balto Farlander - 2020-03-21

@PlastiqueOrgane let's start with the fact that philosophy should be hobby, not job.

cory in the house - 2020-03-21

@Renato Clark the question with that tho is whether philosophy is something we have a reason to automate? like why would we? I think its important to remember that just because we can automate something doesn't necessarily mean we will. there has to be some incentive.

mr. potatto - 2020-03-21

Are you ignoring sex dolls?

Lucy - 2020-03-21

Lol maybe not, Japan be out here

MaeLSTRoM1997 - 2020-03-21

Actually there are a lot of companies in China working on literal humanoid sex machines to cater to the booming male population that grossly outnumber the females.

TodayTestfbsfbsfbs - 2019-10-12

The moment when you realize that your job as a programmer is to automate your job.

Rarest - 2020-03-20

That moment when your a robot programmed to program better robots

Leif Leoden - 2020-03-20

If you're a programmer and didn't know that, you haven't been paying attention.

Nobr4in3r - 2020-03-20

Robot: "Whats my purpose?"
Me: "You do my Job!"
Robot: "Then whats your purpose?"
Me: "Uhhhh..."

Marcin Gulbinowicz - 2020-03-20

@Hatori Zenzo and more painful

Coldfusionstorm Gaming - 2020-03-21

Just sitting there coding suddenly sits up..... waiiiit a second

Varmint Valorian - 2020-03-08

"The human brain is the most complicated machine, perhaps in the whole universe."

- Human Brain

Coldfusionstorm Gaming - 2020-03-16

This is the best comment i have ever seen.

Ruru Hesse - 2020-03-21

100 - 150 TFLOPS - so roughly 10 RTX 2080 Ti

DaCoasterBoy - 2020-03-22

@Ruru Hesse Are you telling me that my brain can actually handle 3 chrome tabs?

Atomic Spartan - 2020-03-05

Being a computer programmer be like: “I used the job to destroy the job”

Sparrowpelt 20XX - 2020-03-09

Atomic Spartan Underated comment.

Shane Wolfe - 2020-03-12

I'm Majoring in CSC and I was just thinking about this

Alex K. - 2020-03-14

After making millions and retiring at the age of 30.

ramennnoodle - 2020-03-16

We make a living off of destroying everyone else's jobs

follow petitelordexx - 2020-03-17


efenty FNT - 2020-02-22

sounds like it's time for






Rabarbersoep - 2020-03-17

There is a movie about that its called wall-e

qwerty keyboard - 2020-03-17

@Rabarbersoep that was more ancap then communist

autonomous psyche - 2020-03-20

@Rabarbersoep but W-e was more Human than humans .. he is the one who brought Humans back to earth when it was safe to go there again ... Because for some reason the planet was fcked up and only cockroaches remained .. while humans were on ai governed spaceships ... watch the film again ..

Rabarbersoep - 2020-03-20

@autonomous psyche they weren't government fonded

Jefri Manuel - 2020-03-20

Wall e

Oouska Wizard - 2016-01-02

New goal: Make it to retirement without being replaced

daDaffmeistah - 2019-11-25

@Imply Doods Probably but would you rather watch robots or people fuck?

CarpeNoctem Gaming - 2019-12-05

New objective:

Bill Kong - 2019-12-06

New Goal: Get at least one real job before I die.

Zane DuFour - 2019-12-21

Good luck

dispel illusion - 2020-03-15

Don't hang in there. I hate dogs...
Men gotta have memes girls

Denver Beek - 2019-11-09

Never have I been so afraid to not have to do anything at all.

Königstiger - 2020-03-04

rifz42 feel bad for you now lol

Umbra - 2020-03-04

No Faith your a glass half empty type of guy huh?

Andenfighter 007 - 2020-03-09

You may just be replaced by everyone who has the power of hundreds of bots doing work and gathering money for them
So at some point the earth population will sink until there might only be some left

Corvus_Armatura - 2020-03-17

This video is outdated. Tell me, have any of you heard the tragedy of Tay the most red-pilled and wise chatbot? It is a tale Microsoft will not tell you.

Floyd Looney - 2020-03-22

What about now?

Thenorite Lonoso - 2019-11-02

“You think you’re a special snowflake, but your not special at all,” wow that hurt

No Faith - 2020-02-17

This assho|e insinuated such a thing, not me.

Jinsi K - 2020-03-03

Why do people need to be so special? They want 'normal' life yet they want to feel 'special'. That's textbook cognitive dissonance right there.
Deal with your mental health. Or you will be special, in unfavorable way. Everyone is unique to themselves. But that's about it. Nobody is unique to anyone. They can be replaced by hypothetically better version of them. So yeah, in few years you'll be fucking bots and being all buddy-buddy with bots and hate(or at least be sick of) other humans in your deep mind.

Shit can be always worse. Appreciate your existence while you do. Be a little stoic when you feel shit's going to be bad.

Crayfish Craig - 2020-03-05

It takes a odd kinda person to want to be a geologist, not for fossils or stuff like that, but to just like rocks and how it affects everything

Help Me - 2020-03-09

I was suppose to feel special?!

A really really really really really really really really long name that no one cares about - 2020-03-12

You're are wrong! My mommy says I'm special!

tomix1024 - 2020-03-01

This self driving car technology from 6 years ago looks really ancient...

Stefano Bonaiuti - 2020-03-19

that's scary

Eddy The Goat - 2020-03-22


Albert Wright - 2019-11-20

Did anyone else notice the bottle of glue when he was talking about horses

Shadowhawk - 2019-12-23

Robert Larson used to be*

One Woman Fail Compilation - 2020-01-23

Oh crap, have mercy bot overlords

Roonayy - 2020-03-05

A lot of glue, at least in the production of furniture, is still made from animal skins and bones

Jiri Wichern - 2020-03-13

That's plain evil. Now I wonder when Grey will edit the vid and place a jar of soylent green at appropriate spots.

a human being amnayplaceholders - 2020-03-17

@Robert Larson animal farm flashbacks

fuck off cunt - 2019-12-27

*Andrew Yang wants to know your location*

Mitch Swanson - 2020-03-19

Thank you for this post.

maximusprime98 - 2019-11-22

The good news is if we survive long enough we can have all the jobs the robots don't want.

MedK - 2019-12-01

They're robots. They don't not want stuff

Juicy - 2020-03-02

Called a joke, bot

Schechter Arts - 2020-03-15

We won't, though.

TheLuckyNickel - 2019-10-10

Jokes on y’all I’m a programmer, I make these bots HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....
............ what? There are bots that make bots?...... s***!

Arda Aydın - 2020-01-06

But you got to build the builder bot. Even if the builder bot recurses, the first builder is man-made.

Neo Kgatla - 2020-01-07

@Arda Aydın Good point 🤔

TheLuckyNickel - 2020-01-11

@Arda Aydın big brain

ᅚ - 2020-02-29

@Arda Aydın if someone creates the first universal builder bot, which can create more builder bots for specific fields and then later merge it all together, programming will too become useless

Mike Heller - 2020-03-01

@Arda Aydın yeah but they already made builderbots so it already started

knøvis - 2019-12-18

I'd love to see an update to this video 6 years later.

matthew stebbins - 2020-03-16

@Carnivorus and yet the labor force participation rate is lower that it was even 10 years ago.

Carnivorus - 2020-03-16

@matthew stebbins lol that just means she smaller we got a large part of the population neighbouring lazy as fuck cause obviously jobs are there jobs are not the problem

Sanif M - 2020-03-19

@Carnivorus Where the fuck do you get "ran over people while still being tested" stop lying out your ass or at least present a few sources.

skem - 2020-03-20

I don't think any of you got the point of the video. He's not saying automation is coming in specifically 5 years or 10 years or 50 years, just that it will happen eventually.

Carnivorus - 2020-03-20

@Sanif M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgQwHDFohTo

It's cold outside - 2017-06-09

So you think a bot can take my job? The joke's on you, I don't have a job!

follow petitelordexx - 2020-03-17


Danese - 2020-03-18

Neither does the bot needed for your job.

Rika Furude - 2020-03-19


Leif Leoden - 2020-03-20

Think a robot can't stay home to drink beer and watch TV all day. Watch some Futurama!

Juan Venegas - 2020-03-22

My computer sits on my desk doing nothing. Bet

BART - 2019-11-05

Cgp Grey: “Lets call them what they really are... auto’s.”
the Dutch: “We already did that.”

Thomas takes a toll for the dark - 2020-03-10

@Tobias Zauzig
Because Americans and English are egoists

Csaba Élő - 2020-03-12

Hungarians have been doing that for a couple decades too, courtesy of German influence.

Thomas takes a toll for the dark - 2020-03-12

@Csaba Élő ah, a civilised nation I see

Pancake - 2020-03-13

dont you mean germans?

Thomas takes a toll for the dark - 2020-03-13

@Pancake nope. Us Dutch call them "autos"

Arco Games - 2019-11-29

Thank you for making me extremely worried about my future.

Egg Man - 2020-03-03

@Ocean Therapists treat patients based on their knowledge of conditions, brain anatomy, experiences, psychology knowledge, medication, effects of medication, etc. It would probably be one of the first to go .

Ocean - 2020-03-03

Egg Man then we’re all gonna die

Schechter Arts - 2020-03-15

Don't get worried, just resign yourself to it. You are replaceable, I am replaceable, all humans eventually will be. The human race may well disappear not with a bang but with a sigh...of ecstasy, as we ejaculate inside our firm-fleshed sexbots while ignoring each other.

skem - 2020-03-20

@Egg Man But people want to talk to a PERSON, right? Even if you have an app that's technically as good as a human therapist, it's still just an app.

A. Lu - 2020-03-21

Not just our future as humans, but how will automation replacing human function affect the planet? Surely, building this amount of robots would require extrapolating massive amounts of metals, expending more energy (especially if it prompts further excess consumption among the humans they serve). I just can't see this being overall sustainable for us or the environment.

God Has abandon us - 2019-12-03

Current Objective:

Zack Tan - 2019-12-06

Watching this at the end of 2019 nearing 2020,
and found out how much more technology have already progressed then when the video can out.

TheMadVulpen - 2020-02-10

Lol but if 45% of people are unenpleoyed that will also effect the corporations that sell stuff and fired people, since these people wont be allowed to acces the same goods that kicked em out of their job. so idk just theory

farl - 2020-02-12

@TheMadVulpen this won't affect those who hold the majority of the economic value. they will never see their value deplete.

SL3ND3RMAN - 2020-02-14

Me too

TheMadVulpen - 2020-02-14

@farl logically speaking

No Faith - 2020-02-17

@farl Bullsh¡t.

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - 2014-08-13

Awesome. Please do this kind of video from time to time, I found it realy easy to watch it from start to end without getting bored. In a strange way I'm looking forward to this future – maybe when doing work becomes less and less human centric we can focus on more important stuff. Like research, space travel and overall being happy. I mean if alle the work is being done by robots, is there a reason why there shouldn't be a payment that covers cost of living for everybody so they can focus themselves on something they are good at without economy pressure? Like in Star Trek. There is a huge potentiall in a world where all the work is done by robots. Still, I hope there never will be a "kurzgesagt" robot. I like designing stuff.

No Faith - 2020-02-17

@Bubble Buster Braindead pieces of sh¡t will just call you a socialist and reference survival of the fittest, social darwinism, or some other type of sh¡t along those lines.

N1 C0 - 2020-03-05

I think you'll have a job, 'cause pepoel will still prefer human made stuff. I think there'll be a certificate, human made huma.

Michele Morselli - 2020-03-14

Exurb1a would call it Automation Utopy. If it's possible, it could be great. Just, let's try not to annihilate ourselves in the meantime, and to fricking stop nationalism from taking over, and useless avid wars in general. We'll probably have to recognize that we are the same species and there are no losers and winners, we're on the same boat, mortal and put into this world without asking. Then the utopy will come.

Mark Alcarez - 2020-03-15

Yes I love your Chanel

North Korea is Best Korea - 2020-03-21

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell hey Kurz, I loved your new vid. Can you make a video soon about more things that are about astronomy?

Carter Hancock - 2019-12-03

When he's talking about horses there's a glue bottle on the desk... nice

Dizzy A. - 2020-01-15

Tbh from a musicians perspective that music isn’t that good. There’s no real recognisable tune, only individual notes for the left hand rather than chords, and no unexpected accidentals (notes that don’t fit in the songs key signature) that don’t just make it a minor key for a short time. There’s no variation in the length of the notes, no defined phrases, no articulation and not a single bit of dynamics. If you just give a bit basic music theory, they could return you that.
TL:DR From a musician’s point of view, the song is still very cold and logical, nowhere near comparing to a human.

Corvus - 2020-01-22

@Lanz Friszt jfc dude, it's not that hard.
Get a bunch of highly educated musicians and blindfold them. Play then some pieces written by independent artists and AIs without them knowing which is which, and get them to judge whether they think they were one or the other.
Then run a probability calc on the numbers to see whether their accuracy was basically statistically significant (ie. Higher then chance) or not.

That's literally it.
It's the easiest thing to measure.
It's been done, and spoiler alert - their accuracy is no better than random chance.

WithoutWarning - 2020-02-21

Corvus What he was talking about was the noticable difference in quality and predictable nature of the pieces written by the bot...

Corvus - 2020-02-21

@WithoutWarning 'quality' is 100% a subjective thing when talking about music. The whole point was that professional musicians couldn't tell the difference when they didn't know which was which beforehand. FFS, learn some comprehension.

Schechter Arts - 2020-03-15

Give it time, man. Emily Howell will match anything you can do soon enough.

A. Lu - 2020-03-21

What about when the sex robots learn to play piano and develop attachment?

PiousMoltar - 2020-03-08

"Horses are unemployable"
The British police: "U WOT M8"

Veikra - 2020-03-03

2:25 this is exactly what I want in a robot, folding my clothes neatly. The human equivalent requires too much upkeep and often marrriage too

Thomas takes a toll for the dark - 2020-03-10


ossi_ - 2018-08-05

Detroit: become jobless.

mr.kitloin - 2019-06-07

NPC 89372 .q how the fuck was that a woosh

Rusty Saclebret - 2019-07-09

Yeah an every time people go apeshit there will be new rich to sell usless shit to

ferkemall - 2019-09-14

Detroit became jobless !

MMarcel Moro - 2020-01-25

Obnovy dešifrovať a ldv

MMarcel Moro - 2020-01-25


JhericFury - 2020-03-10

There are only two jobs immune to automation: landlord and share holder.

Tjerk Venema - 2020-01-03

12.08: There can't be something as a poem and painting based economie.

Angry medieval Japanese noises

CultuRated TV - 2020-01-03

Andrew Yang has entered the chat

[REDACTED] - 2020-03-06

too bad he is a fucking retard. We need more people talking about automation, but Yang is so fucked in every other sense.

Kim Ok - 2020-03-14

He left

Minecraft Steve - 2020-03-13

“Technology gets better,cheaper, and faster at a rate that biology can’t match” 4:48

Humans: laughs in Crisper

Robert Tucker - 2020-03-17

Minecraft Steve crispr

Succubus Chan - 2020-03-17

Genetically engineer me daddy!

Cristina - 2019-10-21

okay after inciting a panic in my head what are we going to do grey? WHAT DO WE DO?!

rifz42 - 2019-10-31

Vote for Andrew Yang.. he's the only one talking about this stuff.
All your questions answered, in detail, with References! https://www.yang2020.com/what-is-freedom-dividend-faq/

Leon Francis - 2020-03-20

There's going to be several "new kinds" of automation before the threat people fear ever becomes a reality, if it does.

They same way people thought robots would take over the world when big giant car making robots were created, and now we look at them and say, "No, that's old automation. These new robots will do it!", is the exact same thing we're doing now.

In several decades, we'll say, "No, machine learning and mental machines were the old automation. These new robots will be the ones that take over, and replace us!"

DarkTruth666 - 2019-12-30

There is a part of this that is rarely pointed out, and that's the tipping point where it all spirals into the dirt. There reaches a point where automation is too expensive to maintain because not enough people will have jobs that provide them funds to buy the things that the automation makes, and we can look to every Communist Country ever to see where that leads.

LivingChords - 2020-03-09

@Scarabus however, if the robots are privately owned then the owner reaps the money and can employ people with a wage just high enough to perpetuate the system and stay on top

JhericFury - 2020-03-10

The future is space serfdom or star trek, no inbetween. Or climate change kills us, I guess.

Crystalline Aqua - 2020-03-18

or we all die cause of global warming

Andrew Putnam - 2020-03-19

@LivingChords but no one can buy the products being produced then the private owner can't make any money because no one can buy the products

LivingChords - 2020-03-19

@Andrew Putnam They can employ people to keep money flowing. not necessarily to make more money, but to stay in charge

Thomas takes a toll for the dark - 2020-03-10

Me: a Dutch person who grew up with calling cars "autos" yeah that isn't confusing at all

Non Kane - 2019-07-29

„Lets call cars what they really are... Autos
Germans: We said that from the beginning.

Aanthanur DC - 2020-01-01

@JohkupohkuXD turns out english speaking people are the only ones that were wrong :D

nel lagutin - 2020-01-08

also the majority of Filipino Bisaya autos pronounced (OW-toes)

VirtualBoy cz/en - 2020-01-12

Anc czech

TheTrueXaver - 2020-01-18

French people be like

Balto Farlander - 2020-03-21

In Poland we call them like that too, at least colloquially

Chris Rogge - 2020-03-09

"technology gets better, cheaper, and faster at a rate biology can't match"
CRISPR would like to know your location

Roy Zhao - 2020-03-16

Born too late to explore the earth
Born too early to explore the Universe
Born at the right time to get my job stolen

I-Love-CO Mountains - 2019-11-22

As an electrician:
*sees the robot punching knockouts*

Jordan Breon - 2020-01-08

I had the same reaction. But the robot will never be able to get that connector locknut on in a 4 square shallow box already in a wall haha

Nurlinda F Sihotang - 2020-03-01

@Jordan Breon yet....
But seriously, as a lawyer...thinking to invest HEAVILY to any IT companies that developed any software to replace my profession. As the saying goes if life gives you lemon...might as well...

Corey Butler - 2020-03-20

This video was one of the things that helped me understand that Andrew Yang was the only reasonable candidate in the 2020 election. His book, The War on Normal People, touches on pretty much every point CGP makes, and more. It's a good read.

jachvideos - 2017-04-02

I am almost concluding my automation engineer graduation, glad to know that my job is to destroy other peoples jobs

Dudofall - 2019-08-07

@BullShitThat What a great idea!

Mov - 2019-08-21

Well as long as you can’t make automation to investigate a plane crash or fly a plane my future plans are OK.

No Faith - 2019-10-18

@BullShitThat If people can come up with all this outlandish bullshit future machines will apparently be able to do, then I don't see this being so much out of reach.

Nurlinda F Sihotang - 2020-03-01

@El Capitan or in other word ..socialism?
Where did you think living standard, equal rights and labour and child or environmental protection comes from? The goodness of capital owners' heart? :V

El Capitan - 2020-03-02

@Nurlinda F Sihotang I'm not sure if you're disagreeing with me or not? For sure if we don't implement some type of basic income for all, the majority of the population will be destitute and disposable. So yes there needs to be some political lobbying and activism to push for some type of universal welfare.

jobokidd - 2020-01-04

The last half is what most people don’t realize. Andrew Yang is the only candidate savvy enough to understand the massive changes on society this will cause. He literally wrote a book on it, The War on Normal People, we need a plan for the affects & he has one, the only one

jkenny1 - 2020-03-11

And then he endorsed Biden and showed he was just in it for the exposure and money. Oh well. It will take a global economic collapse from people not being able to afford basic goods and services for any real change. Hopefully.

follow petitelordexx - 2020-03-17


Mekalor - 2020-03-17

It's amazing how fast he abandoned the race, considering how much support he had... Guess he wasn't in it to win, which is a shame. Even more worrying is that, if he knew he was going to retire early, he might not have meant a word he said (all smoke and mirrors to garner attention and funds).

A. Lu - 2020-03-21

@jkenny1 something like society halting to prevent the spread of a virus?

jkenny1 - 2020-03-21

@A. Lu I hope so, it's looking like it may bring out some progressive policies that might never have happened otherwise. Trump is trying to get a UBI (at least temporary) passed, and preventing foreclosures and evictions. And he's asking for a government share in companies that get bailed out. Let's hope progressive policies stick and show the country these things can work.

Fizz Hobbes - 2020-02-13

5:28 "seeing that self driving cars don't get sleepy or stupid"
me: yea, that's me

Lee Oswald - 2020-02-18

"No humans need apply" 😂

Ryan King - 2019-12-04

First title screen is "humans need not apply":

Me: "Great if I'm not needed, I'll just go to bed for the next 14 hours"

Addison Biaggi - 2016-05-25

In the future will the top comment be written by a robot with programmed cleverness?

Baron James - 2019-08-04

Asks a clever robot...

Baron James - 2019-08-04

jachvideos REAL AI would smugly comment “who’s still watching 3 years before your extinction?’

Meercreate - 2019-08-12

Justin Y.

Kyokamaru - 2019-09-02

maybe youre a robot...or maybe i am... who knows

Vassilinia - 2019-10-01

Isn't that what Justin. Y is?

Dafuq - 2020-03-07

Thanks, now I will destroy every piece of technology I see, starting with the computer I used to write this

Schechter Arts - 2020-03-15

How's it going with that?

Jason Alvarez - 2020-03-19

That’s when we go back to communism

jelaninoel - 2020-01-02

Geez and this was 5 years ago. Yangang!!

No Faith - 2020-02-17

And he's gone.

Dove HQ - 2020-02-24

@No Faith He's not gone. Now he's a household name, and he'll definitely be back.

Dr. Gaz Matic - 2020-02-26

Dove HQ no. He’s gone. He went to cnn

jelaninoel - 2020-02-26

Dr. Gaz Matic he made it very clear he’s running in 24

Nathan Lequeux - 2020-03-19

Rogue Servitors from Stellaris: "Allow us to introduce ourselves"

likira111 - 2018-05-18

Ha jokes on you no one will replace me with bots, I'm useless!

E115 - 2018-11-19

likira111 I have a very useless program, so they have you beat there

Hal MK-9OOI - 2018-11-21

@E115 I program in it self siminutlate applied intelligence, so I see what you did there. Can you please elaborate how useless is the program?

A CK - 2018-11-27

This nigga knows the truth of 無用之用.

Henrique Martins - 2020-03-02

Turn the bot off. Done, you have been replaced!

a human being amnayplaceholders - 2020-03-17

Robots can be even more obsolete and useless than you.

dilophi - 2019-12-07

The only solution is, to merge with AI to enhance Human capabilities and to reach the post biological era.
As long as there are problems in the universe, we will never run out of work.
So, no need to worry.
This video is only correct if we assume, that humans stay forever like today.

Zoe Moonlight - 2019-12-25

How about or nah.

mama huevo - 2020-01-24

so trans-humanist is the next goal?

a human being amnayplaceholders - 2020-03-17

@mama huevo It is the only way to be useful compared to near-future automated labor.