> temp > à-trier > mother-and-son-trip-together-to-get-rid-of-mutual-guilt-kentucky-ayahuasca-episode-6-vice

Mother and Son Trip Together to Get Rid of Mutual Guilt | Kentucky Ayahuasca Episode 6

VICE - 2020-01-24

Shaman Steve's stepson Nik drinks Ayahuasca and journeys for the first time. A son brings his guilt-racked mother who seeks physical healing.

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Martyn P - 2020-01-24

More of this please Vice ❤

HeWhoHasNoLife - 2020-03-10

@Ilia Sverdlov Not anymore cuzzy bro

Angela Hernandez-Bischof - 2020-05-30

I would like info to experience this. Im a cherokee & I have done Peyote & want to experience ayahuasca

Ajay Raj - 2020-06-02

@VICE mothersecson

Jeremy LaBove - 2020-06-05

@Ilia Sverdlov use a VPN like orbot to get around it

Joshua Land - 2020-06-06

We're exactly is this place

Frieda Livery - 2020-01-26

"All the guilt and all the self-hatred and all the self-loathing in the world ain't going to change one minute of that past, but letting go of all of that shit could definitely change every minute of your future" -Steve Hupp

This is a good quote to remember, I think.

SCORPIObw 1980 - 2020-01-30

I Know it's a good one to remember, FOR SURE! 🙌🖤

SmokeSignals - 2020-01-28

My friend offered two ceremonies to me and put the money up for me knowing about my rough past. I walked in terrified but walked out feeling unified...not with just the world, but with my true self. I let go of everything and decided to reconnect with my mom after being estranged for almost a decade...while it(reconnecting) didn't work out, it brought much needed closure to my life which resulted in unfamiliar happiness that I thought was a farce. I recommend this to anyone that has a heavy past(anyone really because it's all relative)...I never felt so good and 3 years later I still remember the perspectives I learned over that weekend and I'm so thankful for it...I cried for 5 hours the first one and did nothing but smiled the second one and beyond. I saw a beautiful woman covered in eyes that had a whole conversation with me without speaking...if that makes sense. So, if the opportunity falls in your lap you're blessed. What's a new lease on life worth to you?

Kayleigh Kroner - 2020-07-06

Is there a way to contact these people for an appointment? Ive been watching these people do these episodes for a few weeks now and i really do think this would help me out a lot. I too, have an extremely rough past and i feel like this will really enlighten me and relieve me of a lot. Ive been in therapy for the past two years and have made very little progress. I hope to one day actually go to Kentucky and do the ceremony.

StardustXx - 2020-01-25

The young lady that gave custody of her kids to her ex husband is one of the best kind of mothers a child could have. She's brave, smart, and sefless, I wish she hadn't spent so much time beating herself up. No one should ever look down on her for that.

skye st - 2020-01-25

Exactly, you do what is best for your child not yourself. She made the hardest choice, but smartest choice for her baby

Blue Jay - 2020-02-02

In the entire context of having a child a man has zero say cant leave cant tell you to have an abortion legally bound to the mother even if the mother is absolutely shit.

Its just an odd sight.

eurie444 - 2020-01-25

The woman with two children; can I just say, as a child of a dysfunctional mother and a stable father, growing up with my mother after my parents separation, your choice was smart. I wish my mother had let my sister and I live with my father. You’re a smart woman.

Rem - 2020-01-25

This was really well made. I got pretty emotional watching this. I could feel their pain and understand where they were coming from. These people are doing a great thing to let people get over their pain and past trauma by letting it all out in a non-judgemental environment. Ayahuasaca seems to let people let go of their inhibitions and mistrust to really be able to let it all out and overcome your fear of releasing emotions in front of others.

spencerchef - 2020-01-25

“You might puke or shit” lol I love this shaman guy

Austin Martinez - 2020-01-27

Honesty is the best policy lol

Joi Love - 2020-01-28

Austin Martinez which he is not.

Leebo’s Lounge - 2020-01-26

This is some heavy shit man, would love to do this to rid of anxiety and to feel such a powerful hit


i got happy when she was happy for being able to sit criss cross

Atticus Finch - 2020-05-31

Does anyone else feel like these two could really benefit from some kind of traditional training to go along with what they are already doing?

Brianna J - 2020-01-27

29:09 This man is better than my therapist. I listened to him say that over and over

Don Workman - 2020-01-19

Nick’s a good dude. On the right path.

Rem - 2020-01-25

He does seem like a genuinely nice guy. You can tell just by his demeanor and the way he speaks.

The Real Perry The Platypus - 2020-01-26

How are you commenting 6 days ago, this video came out yesterday

Don Workman - 2020-01-26

K.O. It was made public yesterday.

gone_cucuruchu - 2020-02-02

Sweet, gentle, beautiful soul.

TheMrKlassy - 2020-03-04

These are so well made and this may sound weird but I feel I've had somewhat of a spiritual experience watching them.

TheCaymanRasta - 2020-01-25

I would be interested to see how long the pain relief for the mother lasted after this.

Carlos Burgess - 2020-02-11

Im about 99% sure that 86% of her pain was made up and pulled out of her ass just like this statistic. More than likely mental illness is at play here. Ayahuasca may have helped rewire her brain to deal with certain mental obstacles and hurdles but i highly doubt 2 doses of ayahuasca would cure the chronic pain that she claimed to have had for 14 years.

TheCaymanRasta - 2020-02-11

@Carlos Burgess Im 98.76% sure that 67.5% of the 75.4% of words in you statement are 94% incorrect with a Std dev. of 3.4%

A. L. - 2020-02-28

@TheCaymanRasta lmao you're awesome

ninjaturtle205 - 2020-06-06

a lot of physical chronic pain in the body is due to emotional issues

Alivia A - 2020-01-27

Just hearing the responses the shamans give is so powerful to hear when you have similar emotions as these people I'm glad vice is here to show me this

kaylynne br - 2020-03-05

Alivia A same. THAT is why they made a show out of this.

Caulen G - 2020-01-26

"Got about halfway through my cigarette and the bush in front of me started moving and I was like holy shit were in for a ride tonight" 😂😂

Caulen G - 2020-01-26

@ 24:45

Eliah Z - 2019-12-15

How does no one know this exists

rdgloveshouse - 2020-01-25

I think you're the only one

intellectual Indian - 2020-01-26

Cause no one in sane mind wanna take Ayahuasca for multiple times in a year, let alone in a regular basis. It's not a drug, it's truly god's/devils blood.

roflrofl1234rofl - 2020-03-07

@intellectual Indian So what you're saying is all the shamans are insane? Cause I see them drinking this shit on the regular.

Love Shoves - 2020-06-04

@roflrofl1234rofl shamans are required to partake regularly. It's kinda like continuing educational requirements in professional fields.

Fraxii - 2020-06-06

Ayahuasca is extremely known, almost as much as shrooms, its DMT

amanda easley - 2020-01-25

Ugh when she said I don’t even celebrate Mother’s Day. Oh I felt that.

Susan Merriman - 2020-01-26

This should be trialed in all NHS pain clinics, it could help a lot of people with chronic pain and save the NHS a lot. Of money .

Sarah Ann Marie Ramm - 2020-01-28

This is a beautiful place. I've done years of therapy, medication, self medicating..
This just seems like the best answer.

Diesel Reapers - 2020-01-25

I gotta say at first I thought they might be crazy fucks, but watching it I honestly feel good energy from them and that they mean good. I would be interested in trying this myself honestly

Rem - 2020-01-25

@Lorryn SilverSpike Because we haven't seen it yet dip shit. I don't watch TV.

Christian Frederiksen - Skab Din Drøm - 2020-01-26

mother ayahuasca can be very tough and scary, but the spirituel gain and healing you can experience is so much worth it. if you are on the path for becoming your best version please do it. life changing and so beautiful, not a thing to take lightly, but with the right intention and people it can performe miracles :)

TheFutureofYesterday - 2020-01-26

Lorryn SilverSpike Just because you have seen these methods in the past doesn’t mean that everyone else has. (?)

Robyn Ragone - 2020-02-03

Same......I'm super skeptical of EVERYTHING but I weirdly think this fam is legit..🤔🤔🤔

TheSaltyandSad - 2020-02-04

UG Culture noooo that dude is creepy asf??

KingDoms Kingdom1985 - 2020-01-25

I'd love to do this personally, i know I've got a lot of internal demons that change who i am as a person. I wish they had this in Great Britain as I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Sean Fegan - 2020-01-27

@KingDoms Kingdom1985
They have session in London mate. Bristol has a lot of DMT going around too.
If ya order mimosa hostilis root bark, you can make DMT at home really easy

KingDoms Kingdom1985 - 2020-01-27

@Sean Fegan wow, thanks for the info mate. I think I'd prefer to go to the sessions in the capital though personally as i used to be a heavy drug addict and think if i was to learn how to make it then id end up getting high again daily lol.

HighPriestess - 2020-01-28

KingDoms Kingdom1985
You can get the root on Amazon my friend/roommate, has done it twice and I was his sitter. It’s helped him heal even without a shaman. He also did do a lot of research before he did it. I’d suggest you do the same if you can’t get to America or South America (where it originated)

Laura W - 2020-03-04

KingDoms Kingdom1985 come to Holland ;)

Viagens Gringa c Dra. Liz - 2020-05-13

Tons in spain

Thalia Torres - 2020-01-25

Bro Nik drank that at 3min so easily!! He’s so cool..I’d look crazy 🤣

KingDoms Kingdom1985 - 2020-01-25

This is easily one of my favourite VICE series. Good job to everyone involved.

tripical - 2020-01-24

“It’s not a drug it’s medicine” well, isn’t most medicine you take a drug?

Zo3_ Luv - 2020-05-31

I guess its a perspective...how long has man made drugs/rx been around? Indigenous amazonian knowledge on plant medicine has been around for centuries. The difference between plant medicine (nature) and a chemical reproduction of that same plant (rx drug) is the plant medicine was used as a way of you seeing/releasing past trauma through the astral energy the plant carries which is what guides you on the trip. It empowers you to move forward in life through true life changing decisions that you willingly change versus the instant mental gratification of conventional (patented drugs). Drugs are band aids to the issue because the root cause is not addressed or healed. It will bring out all unprocessed emotions to the surface by a physical purging process(vomiting). Rx industry is a billion dollar industry which esentially benefits from ppl being sick so the drugs they produce and profit off from have no comparison to me personally with plant medicine.

Veronica Dubin - 2020-06-01

Yes. And doctors have "practices" and "practice" daily

Kristin Malinowski - 2020-06-07

It’s all about perspective. You’re looking at this a little too literal than what that statement really means. Expand your mind.

tripical - 2020-06-07

Kristin Malinowski I get what it means, just pointing that out. And I think after lsd, psilocybin snd dmt multiple times did a pretty good job expanding my mind 😁

happy guy - 2020-07-07

They're referring to recreational drugs... And there is definitely nothing recreational about Ayahuasca.

Cosmystic Healing&Growth - 2020-01-25

This episode brung me to complete tears

HighPriestess - 2020-01-28

Ayahuasca helped my roommate/good friend. I was his sitter through the process when he did it himself and yes all by himself no shaman.

Envy_Ups - 2020-01-25

Bless! You guys are doing a beautiful thing with your church. Please keep this up. Doesn't have to be on video, just knowing this is being done with such beautiful people. If she calls, answer it. Once you got the message, hang up, and get to work.

Marlon Gomes - 2020-01-24

Whoa! 15 mins into this video. Powerful stuff going on in that Kentucky home/church. Thank you vice for these kinda stories and thank you mother Aya. Thank you universe 🙏...

Warble Durbler - 2020-01-25

It's amazing to see that it really gets results! It's just a shame that we're living through a war on drugs

therealmegore - 2020-01-25

Yes yes and more yes! This family deserves adoration for their selfless choice to help others at all costs. Changing minds by giving love and validation to the wayward ones. Beautiful

Brit bee - 2020-06-10

This is my favorite group of mother earth’s children yet. Great work. 😊

浩李 - 2020-01-26

I'm so happy to see how much help the two mother's received in this episode! Wonderful!

Amanda Smith - 2020-01-25

I wish I could talk to these people that heal others. Maybe even get into becoming a healer.<3 they seem to really care about others.

Seek Flights - 2020-01-27

Amanda Smith you are so woke girl

Tonia Dyce - 2020-01-25

God bless you guys this is amazing! I would love to do this!! 🙏❤

daniel stacey - 2020-01-25

This is real therapy and steve was right he was made to be a shaman.

Mercedes Carbajal - 2020-06-04

This is phenomenal! I would love to try it.

Andy The Dishwasher - 2020-06-05

This show makes me smile so much. I would love to come visit this place sometime. It is an art/science that I have been interested in pursuing for a long time, but I have yet to meet Mother Aya herself despite some experiences with synthetic DMT that were profound, but too brief to process effectively. Thank you for representing Kentucky in this way. It is a beautiful place full of beautiful people.

Samantha Dee - 2021-02-01

Actually this guy and his wife are really insightful, I like them both very much, didn't think I would :) Fascinating series. More of this! :)

Kap00rwith2os - 2020-01-25

This was enlightening, inspirational and beautiful to watch.

Pierre B. - 2020-01-25

This man seems genuinely kind and positive, great person!

Cosmic Socks - 2020-01-25

I have so much love for these beautiful people undergoing this. So much hope for their beautiful, healing, liberating futures!

Caleb Ouellette - 2020-01-25

One of the best things I’ve seen vice put out recently, top notch vice

Olaf is a shark - 2020-01-25

I need this in my life so bad.

Weird One - 2020-02-11

Me too... how can i sign up?

Rhylucid - 2020-06-08

look up DMT extraction tutorials online

Makhi - 2020-01-25

Mindset mindset mindset ‼️ all things stem from one thing Internal peace.

Kat Rabbit - 2020-03-13

This is beautiful, moving, and I think Steve and his wife are fantastic people truly.
But I gotta know who burnt the pancakes?

Claire - 2020-01-24

This has aspects of more traditional therapy (writing down what you don't like about yourself) and they feel good straight after but Where's the follow up? (3 months is fairly short term)

BudduredToast - 2021-03-20

That's a very good point. I took an Aya journey about 4 years ago and the insights and feelings from that have stuck with me all that time. I made a lot of changes because of that trip. But that's just my experience. I'd love to hear other people's stories.

Hailey Evans - 2020-02-29

Is it normal to just sit here and cry watching these? This is incredible. I've watched almost every one of these I could and I bawl my eyes out every time.

Adriana Granadoz - 2020-06-10

Hailey Evans you must be an empath. What's normal? Is being authentic and compassionate normal? Don't worry about comparing yourself to any other human. Soar, be brave and embrace your soft heart. That's a beautiful thing and above all one of the most powerful things. Learn about water having memory and how emotion changes the molecular structure of it. Those positive love vibe tears are a super power in the quantum world. Watch quantum man here in u tube. U are he observer and positive or negative emotion moves the atom and pick the timeline. This crying quantum leaps u to positive time lines. The key is love and all positive emotions.

Alanna Starr ASMR - 2020-07-15

I cry during each one I watch as well. I’m having my first Aya ceremony at the end of this month and seeing these videos is overwhelming in the most beautiful way

RavenQuen - 2020-06-05

Bless these beautiful people for just caring about others so much to take the time and care to be a healing hand in non-judgmental ness and love

IndelibleHD - 2020-01-24

Quality family bonding time. Lol

The Blue Dragon - 2020-01-28

The absolute opposite of playing Monopoly.