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Map of Computer Science

Domain of Science - 2017-09-06

The field of computer science summarised. Learn more at this video's sponsor https://brilliant.org/dos

Computer science is the subject that studies what computers can do and investigates the best ways you can solve the problems of the world with them. It is a huge field overlapping pure mathematics, engineering and many other scientific disciplines. In this video I summarise as much of the subject as I can and show how the areas are related to each other.

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A couple of notes on this video:
1. Some people have commented that I should have included computer security alongside hacking, and I completely agree, that was an oversight on my part. Apologies to all the computer security professionals, and thanks for all the hard work!
2. I also failed to mention interpreters alongside compilers in the complier section. Again, I’m kicking myself because of course this is an important concept for people to hear about. Also the layers of languages being compiled to other languages is overly convoluted, in practice it is more simple than this. I guess I should have picked one simple example.
3. NP-complete problems are possible to solve, they just become very difficult to solve very quickly as they get bigger. When I said NP-complete and then "impossible to solve", I meant that the large NP-complete problems that industry is interested in solving were thought to be practically impossible to solve.

And free downloadable versions of this and the other posters here. If you want to print them out for educational purposes please do! https://www.flickr.com/photos/95869671@N08/

Thanks so much to my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy my videos and would like to help me make more this is the best way and I appreciate it very much. https://www.patreon.com/domainofscience

I also write a series of children’s science books call Professor Astro Cat, these links are to the publisher, but they are available in all good bookshops around the world in 18 languages and counting:
Frontiers of Space (age 7+): http://nobrow.net/shop/professor-astro-cats-frontiers-of-space/
Atomic Adventure (age 7+): http://nobrow.net/shop/professor-astro-cats-atomic-adventure/
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Solar System App: http://www.minilabstudios.com/apps/professor-astro-cats-solar-system/
And the new Professor Astro Cat App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/galactic-genius-with-astro-cat/id1212841840?mt=8

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Domain of Science - 2017-09-12

Hey thanks for all the comments! Yes I agree that I should have added in computer security alongside hacking. It is a huge and important field so I regret leaving it off. And I should also have mentioned interpreters along with compilers as this is an important concept, especially having coded a fair amount of python I have no excuses. I added a couple of notes in the video description.

Thanks for pointing these omissions out, and thanks for all the words of encouragement as well. I was trying something new with the graphic design on this one, trying to match the look to the subject matter and I think it worked out well.

KISHORE YSN - 2019-08-31

Also consider making a video on civil engineering, that would be so helpful for everyone.

lostpianist - 2020-02-02

Along with Fpga there are asic chips. Also cryptography is a big important topic I think was missed. :)

水球潘 - 2020-02-05

Software engineering part's explanation is a little bit superficial, actually it does cover a lot of Hard problems involving humans, analysis, design, build, and test, and can almost form another video.

Mohamed Mohammed - 2020-02-08

Can you do a map of computer engineering only. Thanks.

Engineer 314 - 2020-03-12

Domain of Science actually, I dont really mind the fact that you left those out. First of all, even though CS students should learn the Bash shell, the CS way of looking at Linux is different than that of IT, where cybersecurity is more prevalent. Ive also met people who work in Cybersecurity who look at C++ programming as very different than what they do.
As far as interpreters go, as long as you’ve brought up abstraction, you’re fine for me. Similar thing for Finite-State Machines and compilers.

Thom K - 2017-09-08

The more I learn, the more I feel I don't know anything at all

LA-소갈비 - 2020-01-21

That means you're doing well, gaining knowledge.

asdf - 2020-02-09

I just stopped bothering learning sometime ago. Most of learning in our field is totally pointless. There are things of value to learn in this life. Getting married, having kids, being a man, taking care of your family. Most of what we are watching here is totally tedious bullshit that is not even relevant to our daily jobs.

Peter Schmidlin - 2020-03-06

Llew Vallis it‘s actually the opposit: the less I learn the more I feel I know everything...

CCervido - 2020-03-08

Completely normal!

CCervido - 2020-03-08

@Tomahawks360 Once you realize it 2) is no option any longer!

ChuppaChuck - 2018-03-02

C++ is not compiled to C anymore. It used to be in the early stages of it's development. Now it's compiled straight into assembly.

Vertigo - 2019-12-09

1.7 GCC Compilation Process. https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/gcc_make.html

Rasmus Källqvist - 2020-02-05

@Rasmus Assembly and machine language are exactly the same thing

Andrew C - 2020-02-11

@Domain of Science Bjarne was on a low budget back in the early days of C++. He just did a hack for his friends to use, like nothing serious. It was only when he invited others to work on his code that it took off. It's a lot of work to write a c compiler from scratch, so it was a bodge.

UberOcelot - 2020-02-16

@Max Burns Normally the JVM bytecode get's jitted into native code as the JVM warms up.

Andry Tafa - 2020-03-16

@Hopson ayy hopson my G

Just Jake - 2018-08-28

Me: just graduated with CS degree
Friends & Family: So what do you want to do?
Me: Uhhh... let me show you this video

LA-소갈비 - 2020-01-21

I'm guessing that they also asked you to fix their computers.

Ryan Arief - 2020-01-22

@LA-소갈비 thats what i want to reply to his comment

Emenai - 2020-01-23

My fridge doesnt working. Can you fix it ?

LA-소갈비 - 2020-01-28

@Emenai LoL

Cneq - 2020-03-08

will def use this video in the future lmao

John Faria - 2019-01-22

“Hacking” is a small part of the much bigger concept of cyber security

John Wig - 2019-08-13


John Wig - 2019-08-13

@Silver X dont take words from someone who made a playlist called programmer music lmaooooo

ProOtriix ™ - 2019-08-26

Douwe Huysmans did you not get enough attention from your parents or what exactly is wrong with you?

tututuims ieijebdo - 2019-09-22

@StealthyMonk hacking is not the pinical of coding holy shit.

[InXA] Invader - 2020-01-29

@Douwe Huysmans Hacking is apart of cybersecurity... In fact it's a pretty large fucking part of it...

Hamza Bhf - 2018-05-26

Map of programming languages
Who is whit me?

Денис - 2020-02-04

@Winston Mcgee you that not all PLs are based on Turing machines, don't you?

Moises Diaz - 2020-02-14

@Nicholas C. True

amanuel davinchi - 2020-02-27

@sam sam there is never billion programmers....and yes i am one of those guys

sam sam - 2020-02-27

@amanuel davinchi
programming languages not programmers

amanuel davinchi - 2020-02-28

@sam sam SAM SAM SAM Programmers create Programming languages

Giant Runt - 2019-12-08

This color scheme is the most beautiful ever. Dark blue, Neon blue, neon pink, dark purple.... Just beautiful.

MK-19 MEME launcher - 2020-02-12

How I like my IDE

DiamondTurtle - 2019-07-14

"making it as efficient and as little bugs as possible"

you obviously have not seen how I code sir.

Magzhan - 2019-08-31

Do you love programming and math? I love both and i also love physics. But physics will be my hobby.

Metalcape - 2019-09-25

"If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in"

Abt code - 2020-02-06

@Metalcape nice quote bro
But i feel it's copied

The Sebâs - 2020-02-07

@Abt code that's why it's quoted

Moises Diaz - 2020-02-14

@Metalcape oh someone who understand my Programing style

Sunny shah - 2018-11-10

As a Computer Science student, this was so fun to watch. I got to see a bird's eye view of the vast and ever growing field of Computer Science.
Thank You for making this video.

Sunny shah - 2019-06-18

I studied in Los Angeles, i just graduated last month with primary focus on Software Engineering and minor in Mathematics.

All Alone - 2019-06-21

Sunny shah do you feel like the math minor was worth it Without grad school? I’m currently CS major with data science minor and I heard people recommend taking excessive maths for research purposes or grad level

DOUDA BAFA - 2019-06-21

@Sunny shah aah ok i ll see tnx

Himanshu Sehra - 2019-10-23

@Sunny shah woah dude you must be rich that you doing your computer science in LA😏

Cayman Cheng - 2019-12-06

I wish there was YouTube and this video when I start to learn these things in my college time. 😭

Omar Saif - 2019-11-12

The Turing machine reminds me of protein synthesis.

Rian - 2019-11-15

How about protein computer in the future

omar saif - 2019-11-22

@Rian lmao

Enes Faruk BALLI - 2019-12-06

@omar saif "Bio computers use systems of biologically derived molecules—such as DNA and proteins—to perform computational calculations involving storing, retrieving, and processing data."


Paul Oketch - 2019-12-18

Everything is connected.

exurb1a - 2017-09-07

Absolutely wonderful.

Joker pandroidc - 2019-12-28

Seriously! I just watched a video from your channel 12 minutes ago!

Cujas - 2020-01-12

why aren’t you verified though

Belinda Luxton - 2020-02-03

You're amazing

스테파니 Stephanie 조셉 - 2020-02-03

Omg you changed your profile pic 😢😲

Shamika Amayantha - 2020-02-08

Yo Bro you're amazing ♥️

Dan - 2019-06-19

I will never unhear the way he said “scheduler” 4:18

Saurav Karmakar - 2019-06-22

S K dueler

Harun Guven - 2019-07-05

this guy must be from england then

Imperial Watch - 2019-09-24


Jack - 2019-10-10

Janos Zakarias you mean the british way?

Geckopower - 2019-10-22

British people call it a shedule... ew

Jalen Andrew - 2019-01-27

Map of Engineering?

TiaTia Seetal - 2019-05-30

First year of computer science, had my heart set on a cyber security major but looking over at this map my eyes have been completely OPENED and beginning to look more over into computational physics and quantum computers.Thank You!

Dan - 2019-10-16

My computer engineering degree covered almost every topic in this video, except from quantum computing. My favourite class was programming pragmatics, where I made my own programming language at the exam in 6 hours. In addition, we also had basic STEM classes such as physics and mathematics.

Chiang Liz - 2020-02-05

@Dan The intensity of your class is really impressive! Can you share more info such as class topics about the courses you take in your apartment ?

Dan - 2020-02-06

@Chiang Liz Thanks! Yeah sure. If I were to look back it would go something like this:

Semester 1:
intensive course in Python, followed by classes such as mathematics (calculus and algebra mostly) and physics (Mostly classical mechanics, electrical & a little chemistry), philosophy and then a class in circuits, boolean algebra, automata theory, and electrical components (mostly done with Arduino).

Semester 2:
More mathematics and physics (mostly same topics as in semester 1, but this time we dive deeper). As well as a classes in data structures, algorithms (these two covered everything from Big O notation till more advanced algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm which would be needed to be programmed in C++) and object oriented programming. Heavy focus on C++ and it's features; such as no garbage collection, pointers, etc.

Semester 3:
More mathematics and statistics (everything from Taylor series, Fourier- and Laplace transforms till linear regression with machine learning). Also; classes in networking, programming languages and operating systems. Instead of focusing on how to program we're taught how all programming languages (everything from OOP till functional) work at their fundement. We're then given labs to program clients and servers with different programming languages and operating systems throughout the semester. In operating systems we look towards different algorithms and data structures used to make OS's (scheduling, mutex, monitors, dining philosophers problem, etc.). In regards to networking we followed the whole hybrid model.

Semester 4:
Finally a semester without mathematics. In this semester we learn how to organize ourself when software engineering and build big projects with proper diagrams (UML etc.), unit testing, version control, working methods (SCRUM, Agile, etc.), etc. As well as go into web development, with both front-end, back-end and databases. You're at this point just been told you can choose any programming language (Python, C++, Java, OCaml, mathlab, Perl, php, C#, F#... it doesn't matter) or technologies from this point on in the degree. As long as it's no cheating (can't just include a math library and use that etc.). We are just learning the theory in the class and expected to be good programmers at this point.

Semester 5:
Discrete mathematics (abstract algebra, graph theory, cryptography mostly) with an exam on the theory and a home in exam in programming your own cryptosystem (AES, RSA, etc.). As well as computer security (almost an introduction to anything from the AES cryptosystem to phishing). Along with a chosen semester-long project in IoT (have to be accepted by the professors) and have to include both mechanical and electrical engineering students. Lastly I also had game development (also a chosen semester-long project), but this class also introduced the psychological aspects of games.

Semester 6:
Modeling and simulating real-time events with both mathematics and physics. This is a semester-long project as well (have to be accepted by the professors though). You learn the theory about simulating and modeling on campus and at home are expected to work on the project. Lastly, I had the bachelor thesis which was a project done for an accepted corporation (the Uni has to accept the task from the corporation).

Chiang Liz - 2020-02-07

@Dan WOW! Your apartment deeply covers many aspects ! I'm currently transfering into CS field and it seems like I have more than just a lot to catch up on! Thanks for your thorough go through! Hope your project go well!

Ekron b - 2020-02-08

Lmao it just made me kinda nervous cause I didn’t know where to go now lol

Dakota Jones - 2019-11-18

"Or Tomato Theory."


Skorp - 2019-11-13

That moment when you feel like a badass because you knew a little something about every topic he mentioned :D

Great video and great map! Thank you

Mohit K - 2019-09-02

I want to learn them all but I've one life :'(

Concryeete - Roberto Robov - 2019-09-05

Damn me too, everything related to computers is fascinating, but we can only really choose a few from many branches to master in.

Navaghar Kiran - 2019-09-28

A guy in the India have mastered every thing in computer.. Now he is AI field.. U have 80 years u can learn anything in those time.

denzoned - 2019-09-29

You can learn the basics of the upper half of the graph just with a bachelor degree, so it doesn't seem impossible to me

Chu Kim - 2018-12-25

I did not see any music credits for the video in the description. And the track is f-ing awesome.

jjjey - 2019-11-19

Chu Kim yeah, and it pisses me off that this guy did not credit the music creators

Noor - 2020-02-25

@jjjey I think that he made the track

EnderCrypt - 2019-06-18

8:35 oof, you used the wrong term for hacking..

DevinDTV - 2018-08-06

4:17 "shedjulah"

rodbot - 2020-02-07


张天阳 - 2019-12-03

8:05 I told you a lie.

Ship On Sarkar - 2018-11-25

Someone asked me the other day what are you studying? I said, just learning to use 1s and 0s in different ways. Great video anyways

Huzaifa Patel - 2017-12-05

Background music?

Eric Wang - 2018-11-18

I would like to know as well.

shoaib akhtar - 2019-01-18


Gaurav verma - 2019-04-21

It's soothing isn't it?

amanuel davinchi - 2019-08-17

Ambient Musics works too

Bharat Terang - 2019-07-17

Can you make video on "The map of Electrical Engineering"?

James G - 2019-10-08

Or how about just engineering?

Manan Tank - 2018-05-30

how have i never heard of this channel, this is a gold mine
thank you for your hardwork

rf4life - 2020-03-21

1:03 Quantum Turing machines can't solve undecidable problems. They can, however, solve certain problems (like integer factorization) faster than regular TM's.

þøħ€ - 2018-06-04

8:35 misinformation, that's cracking.

Thomas Irmer - 2017-09-10

6:01 - "Building good software is an art form"

Have my like for that! -- a software dev

Devendra Yadav - 2019-06-14

Thomas Irmer grugfhtfghc

Eric Xu - 2019-06-20

@Devendra Yadav hvijlhkljiukl

pouria b - 2020-03-22

And most of these fields have come to scene in about a decade ago... I can't imagine the map in like 50 years later!!!

Piesho Nais - 2018-12-18

Science is knowledge. Engineering is a process that works with knowledge. Technology is the outcome.

Rtatzs - 2020-03-19

After showing this to my friends
Them: OK but can you fix my computer?


The PineApple - 2018-09-02

When you have a primitive understanding of all the sub topics - feelsgoodman

Passionate Gamers - 2019-11-19

Even in 2019 your voice and music choice made me lost in that. What an explanation.

Raven D - 2019-10-26

Excellent video, I enjoyed everything and the music sent me right to sleep 😂

David Badillo - 2019-01-27

Fascinating stuff! Thank you for working so hard on this, DoS!

Shika - 2019-07-23

Thank you so much !! I enjoyed it and i’m so happy with the Arabic sub💜😻😩thanks a lot for this amazing video

pete boyce - 2019-06-11

Your map presentations ...AWESOME ! Thank you .

Dimitri Porturas - 2018-02-06

I love the music. It sounds so creepy. In a good way of that makes sense

Alex Smith - 2018-05-06

I love your videos dude, keep up the great work! This might be my new favorite channel on the internet! :D

Yōshanai - 2020-02-11

In the ending, when he says "Maybe someday, we'll all be computers." I honestly think we're already computers, to an extent.

MinionNoMore - 2017-09-27

Map of Philosophy, please!

benzo - 2019-11-15

kim jong trump
Boring? Sure. Stupid? Maybe some things in the modern day. But there’s nothing complicated about philosophy unless you don’t want to have another perspective in life. Some of the most prolific mathematicians and scientists were known philosophers, so I’d say it’s pretty useful in creating great minds. I don’t like philosophy as a career but it’s silly to dismiss it like that.

Imperial Chimpanzee - 2019-11-25

@Slayer Phoenix no. Psychology is closer to a science today than it was back then. Ignorant fool

Slayer Phoenix - 2019-12-12

​@Imperial Chimpanzee ?? I'm saying exactly that it is closer to a science which is why everyone in the field is now retarded. Nobody has credible statements in the field unless backed by idiotic studies, or base their theories off of blindly followed nutjobs and the fanatics that chase their theories.

LA-소갈비 - 2020-01-21

I've always seen hate against science but rarely hate against philosophy. Glad to know that not everyone thinks philosophy is the solution to everything.

אור פאר - 2020-02-22

@Shah Riar bro philosophy is the core science to every field you know of it as of today. philosophy is the one true science of the world.

Nayckron - 2020-03-17

8:10 I got you GlaDos

barbapapa plouf - 2019-06-17

These maps are just awesome!!! Thank you so much!

YOUNESSE BAYOUD - 2020-02-09

thank you for this beautiful map dude, have a great day and good luck for anyone who reads this :)

fierza yamuiz - 2019-06-15

The background music and his calm voice makes me feel so weird

shubham sharma - 2020-02-09


Rayan Fernandes - 2019-10-13

you re awsome.... i love how u explain and represent the technologies

gdrgsgdgdfsfgrgdfh - 2019-07-18

This video have a average of all my academic program, amazing job!

Josh Ramos - 2020-02-09

This is amazing. Thank you!

Roy Lee - 2018-11-27

the BGM bring some mystery feeling

Klosterhasi - 2019-11-09

optimisation - league of legends

definetly not talking about the client lmao

TheGreatslyfer - 2019-11-12

one of the biggest if not biggest gaming companies in the world lul