> philo > causal-loop-vsauce3

Causal Loop

Vsauce3 - 2016-10-05

Watch Timeless Mondays 10/9c on NBC: https://youtu.be/C6AiokEd4NU

This video was sponsored by Timeless. Creative direction and opinions are my own. 

My twitter: http://twitter.com/jakerawr
My instagram: http://instagr.am/jakerawr
Vsauce3 facebook: http://facebook.com/vsauce3

System Behavior and Causal Loop Diagrams:

Time Travel: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief


Written, directed, hosted and edited by Jake Roper

Cinematography and VFX by Eric Langlay 

Sound Design by Jay Pellizzi

Josh Salisbury 

Special thanks to RED Digital Cinema, DJI, Timeless, and Hannah Canetti 

***Vsauce LInks***

Vsauce1: http://youtube.com/vsauce1
Vsauce2: http://youtube.com/vsauce2
DONG: http://youtube.com/DONG

PylonBuffering - 2016-10-05

has nobody noticed that you can see jake from the future on the balcony watching himself at 0:30?

Nolen G - 2019-10-17

Am I the only one who no idea what any of you are talking about?

Azryx The Folf/Azry Gaming - 2020-02-12

I noticed it.

Anselmo Werneck - 2020-02-14

I've seen on the second time.

Ayo Olu - 2020-02-19

Damn. Good eyes!

Radiated Leader - 2020-02-20

That's part of the idea

Blarghenschnarf - 2016-10-22

Who else thought the title said "Casual loop" before he said "causal loop"?

Sam Pound - 2019-11-11


Ch Fam - 2019-11-26


SuperMegaChonk - 2019-12-22

not me lol

Amalia Krecik - 2020-01-04

Yes xtxdtyxty

NOMASAN - 2020-02-19

yo dude... fellow kid!

that's a very casual loop

MikeyATF - 2016-11-19

This video is put together so well!

Just Temmie - 2019-05-24


KSR3 - 2019-06-15

@random_dude he is fake

MasterTofu - 2019-06-21

@KSR3 he's real.

Galv140577 - 2019-12-07

I've been having difficulty seeing the future to win the lottery because of the causal loop that it opens up when I see it. The problem is that the future itself is drastically altered by the observer. If you've ever heard of 'the butterfly effect' you'll know that the slightest change in the present moment can result in vast changes later on. I've had instances where I've seen the future winning combination but when the numbers are drawn in the timeline that results from me seeing the winning combination, I find that it is now in another timeline that I deviated from by seeing that only as an alternative future in this timeline. Make sense?
So far I've found that my best results are where my subconscious comes into play. If I am only subconsciously aware of the future winning combination then I have a chance to stay in the correct timelime, but when the draw takes place and I find out the winning numbers the most I get is an overwhelming sense of deja vu, while consciously being unaware of what numbers to pick up until that moment when I become consciously aware of them, so I consciously get it wrong as though I'm sabotaging my own success in order to guarantee my own success, so there is the paradox. What should I do?

Lucy - 2020-03-17


Imp - 2016-12-26

Jake on the balcony near the end said," let's get out of here before bathroom make comes," and the reason bathroom jake was in the bathroom was because of the just came in jake, and just came in jake saw the walking out the door jake, but also saw the laying on ground jake, meaning there were 5 jakes at one point

Steven Ledezma - 2019-06-15

This comment was made 2 years ago and I think it's a little suspicious that the first reply was 2 months ago and the most recent reply was 3 weeks ago

GamingWithScience - 2019-07-13

@Steven Ledezma now it's one day ago

M.A. R - 2019-09-17

Just Temmie
I guess you could call it... jake-ception?
(Off-key kazoo does that Wah-Wah-Waahhh in the background)
I’ll show myself out.

Mathew Lennon - 2019-10-18

Aren’t there always 5 jakes?

EJYTNT - 2020-01-15

Yes that is what a causal loop is

Zach Theodosiou - 2016-12-30

If only they had a 10 hour version of this video

Jamble Wambledork - 2019-12-30

If only

Pi is the best - 2020-02-20

Another Mediocre User from this quote, you’re telling me not to use r/woosh because it can be misused, which means don’t use anything. Also, if I say “that’s not what that joke meant,” you could use the exact same argument. And that’s what r/woosh is. A subreddit based on misunderstood jokes.

There is no argument here.

Radiated Leader - 2020-02-20

@Another Mediocre User it's got 4 "o"s

Radiated Leader - 2020-02-20

@Pi is the best it's got 4 "o"s

Pi is the best - 2020-02-21

Radiated Leader it’s simply less convenient to type those extra few characters when you have to go somewhere, which I was at the time

Spooky Miller - 2016-10-13

Who else read it as casual loop

Meeta Verma - 2018-08-30

here ;__;

sennadudinkgames - 2019-04-15

my face

Nolen G - 2019-10-17

I thought it was that lol

Hiiruss - 2019-10-21

And who else thought the comment was saying "read" and not read (past tense)

BenB_Thebest - 2020-01-01

I only noticed cause u said it!

Anzwertree - 2016-11-21

I have come to bargain.

Danny Esparza - 2018-09-29

Shoots strange and kills him

Jevil The Clown -_- - 2018-12-17

What do you want to bargain about

Gabriela Cisneros - 2019-01-25


Rufus Sundaram - 2019-05-24

Dormammu! Dormammu! Dormammu!

Just Temmie - 2019-05-24

Dormamu, I've come to bargain. 😀

JayThe Jiyū - 2016-10-21

you should do a video on the "butterfly effect"

AquatiBrick - 2017-06-30

If one simple comment eventually caused an entire video... butterfly effect :D

Tim Consemulder - 2018-08-26

Well whatever happens, "life... Uhh... finds a way."

621tan - 2016-12-16

...then, when did Jake wrote the word, "LOOP" on his arm?

CanalOssoDuroDeRoer - 2018-05-23

621tan in the first time that the loop started

idiot's funhouse - 2018-08-12

By washing the mistake off it solidified it's existence.

Dawn Bidwell - 2019-08-06

Before the video

Joker Mafia - 2019-08-07

never that's what is called a The Bootstrap Paradox same as the loop thing

Roy Klein - 2020-03-14

It doesn't matter where you stop the loop to question it because it's completely self containing. the loop contains the word LOOP and it doesn't need an explanation. Explanations are all already within the loop. If the loop needs your understanding or explanation to exist, then it is just a single moment in a larger loop, in which the word loop is your attempt to bring understanding and reason to an otherwise loop devoid of those things. I hope it makes sense.

Jonathan Decker - 2018-01-21

"Ask yourself, if you're watching this video are you also in a loop?" no jake i dont want to have a paradoxical crisis

IABI TV - 2020-03-01

I want to believe I am. I just respawn everytime I die, but for some reason they give me a different body

Wyntryx - 2020-03-21

no because im pretty sure i didnt beat my meat to bnha hentai before watching this video last time.

im sorry that joke was so bad

Edward - 2016-11-21

In the beginning it sounds like the music is saying, "Jag har en enkrona" which means "I have a swedish crown". Strange...

Random Guy - 2019-02-24

i heard "nam jag har en gajkum" nam and gaykum aren't swedish words btw.

Ruler World - 2019-02-28

@John J. Rambo it is, but you spelled it wrong lol

Physics Dude - 2019-02-28

I Also thought that :)

john hudson - 2019-03-04

Thought it was Wardruna.

Monica Holmer - 2019-08-09

No it's "jag Has ingen kupong"

angel oakley - 2016-12-19

For too long I have thought...that this video...was titled "Casual Loop"....

God save me...

Arrow Skye - 2017-12-22

Wait. You mean to tell me that it’s not titled that?


Jordan - 2018-08-28

Yeah, me too, haha!

Luke Ayres - 2016-11-09

So, a causal loop happens because it happens.

Poirot's Mustache - 2016-11-11

Or, more accurately, because it already happened.

spaciousflame7007 - 2019-09-08

@Poirot's Mustache Actually, it happens because it's going to happen

Jack Stuhley - 2019-11-23

A fourth-dimensional natural occurrence.

averageteencuber - 2016-12-13

Admit it, you read it as Casual Loop, didn't you?

JimmyRnj - 2018-10-26

Nope, I read it as causal loop as in causality.

Joseph Stalin - 2019-01-22

sadly yee..

Quintessential - 2019-12-08

It's not?!

Amalia Krecik - 2020-01-04

Alot of us have

Crocidile Animo - 2020-01-20

Oh, it’s a cAUsal loop!

WinterPyro - 2017-02-03

I learn more from all of the Vsauce people than school

;) - 2019-08-28

You can if you empliment many new subjects to all schools and i bet a lot of students will hate you for giving them more things to read and memorize.

Soft Waffle - 2018-12-14

Jake is obsessed by the idea of making his own film.

Xebbz - 2019-03-27

This explains nostalgia. Remembering a time but not remembering how you remembered it.

Ch Fam - 2019-11-26

sebastian Moreno you mean deja vu

Bron Solo - 2016-12-29

so they have this, and infinity squared... why release the same video twice?

Ryder Swoveland - 2017-01-10

one is ur future this one is the past jake

The247Official - 2017-01-11

If we cant remember future why we cant remember where that loop started......is it future ?

Norman Mai - 2017-01-15

cuz that was the loop

DarkGlaceon - 2017-12-19

Bronson Fife for fun

Big Dad Beef Sticks - 2019-06-04

The videos teach you different things. As visually cool these videos are, their core function is to teach you a topic.

WinterPyro - 2017-10-17

The real question is, how would you enter a loop?

antelmo rocha - 2019-04-20

WinterPyro LSD

PrinceOfPeace - 2019-09-11

@antelmo rocha that's what actually gave me w vision of the future and it leads to death and I am rebirthed in a loop but I'm in a loop because the thought that I was even in one and try to change it. LSD does it

Kiet Quan Tuan - 2019-10-15

through time travel

trash leviathan - 2016-11-07

in this loop he never writes the word loop on his arm, so did that happen before the loop

bloodtv_ - 2017-11-02

Yellowjakkit official yes

Vasili Paul - 2020-02-09

Who says he wrote this out of loop? Maybe, everytime he wakes up, he loses his memories, but his body stays current? After all, he tries to update the message for future loops.

Tattered Lurker - 2017-10-23

VSAUCE as if Virtual Science Analytics Using Evidence

NotSoProish Animations - 2019-06-14

Virtual Science Analytics Using cool Evidence

Alex Mckinnon - 2020-02-17

Convincing* evidence.

Luca Facchinetti - 2020-02-19

@Alex Mckinnon how about credited evidence?

Alex Mckinnon - 2020-02-19

Even better

MiniatureRobot - 2017-07-17

Why would a person go through a wormhole knowing hes in a loop.

Half'n Whole - 2019-02-10

Going though that wormhole was the cause of his existence
If he had never gone through the wormhole he would never exist in the first place

Vasili Paul - 2020-02-09

What if the wormhole is the loop?

Magical-Sweater - 2016-11-10

Ok, my head hurts now. Thanks Jake.

Yrok24 - 2018-08-16

Go get your own profile picture.

Despacito47 - 2018-11-02

Yrok24 “go get your own profile picture” - a guy with a fortnite skin profile picture”

Pierre Luc - 2018-02-04

I seen this video before...

Monica Holmer - 2019-08-09

Same here.

Taeuna Æolyn - 2018-09-22

Another dilemma:
He can't show himself to his past self walking in the house, because if he did, it wouldn't make sense, cause the future hasn't happped yet to his past self.
Or will he just see himself from the future?

Louis Buteau - 2017-06-27

0:01 You'll name your origins, you'll name your origins, you'll name your origins ...


Jonathan Dirks - 2016-10-05

0:42 Shouts HELLO, 1:33 Throws rocks.
3:01 Hears HELLO 4:01 Hears rocks.


Gerrit De Groot - 2016-10-05

he did for the overal video. but not necessarily for that particular instance.

kyle eggleston - 2016-10-05

Between 0:42 and 1:33 there is a time gap where he goes from the hill side to the stairs leading up to the house. Which could have skipped 10 or so seconds. So that leaves the first part at 51 + 10 or so seconds (61 seconds). The second part had the VCR rewind/fast forward, which relived 20 seconds of the past. So the second part is 60 - 20 (40 seconds). Still 11 seconds off. GJ Jonathan!

Jordan - 2016-10-05

Lol :D

Papa Grande - 2016-10-06

+Justin Flores And I see this comment 11 hours ago

Attie Davis - 2017-08-08

Good eye

JustSomeCringyKid - 2016-12-23

when I realized I misread causal as casual

Juan Sebastian Rueda - 2016-11-06

So basically the freedom of choice you mentioned not being freedom of choice at all because whatever you choose was meant for you to choose it and if you try to choose differently that was actually meant to happen in the beginning as well, so you were meant to choose not to choose what you thought you'd choose.... my brain hurts

Macie Patton - 2016-12-30

I had to come back to this video after the recent 10 hour loop was uploaded, and i thought i was crazy for remembering it

Gorilla No Baka - 2017-12-17

I fell asleep on his 10 hour loop and woke up to his loop again... Good stuff... Mindfucky stuff . He's amazing as a creator.

BroHamManRaging - 2016-11-12

this doesnt make sense how was there two of you if its one of you going in a wormhole because for this to work time travel wont make sense. For this to make the least bit sense there would need to be two of him and the wormhole just teleports him outside and causing him to forget. This video is a parodox and i hate it.

Forge Ahead - 2016-11-12

Yeah, it doesn't make any sense how he saw himself outside when he was inside the house.

Anomalous Orbit - 2016-11-12

BroHamManRaging as he described it, the wormhole moved I'm through space and TIME. He could have only gone back 9 minutes, so there isn't two, but multiple of him. if I'm correct, one about every 30 seconds.

Anomalous Orbit - 2016-11-12

I was wrong. it's one every 2 and a quarter minutes.

Ori Levy - 2016-11-19

maybe in 5000 years we create the big bang and start everything again

Bruno Walker - 2016-11-20

Better not, instead we should create a new type of human specie, perfect, free of delusions like religion and.. wait, of course, a lot of people already thought on that

Coocoollama64 - 2018-11-13

"illusions like 'religion'?"

JBroZ Tv - 2019-07-15

I get what you're trying to say.
That multiple loops started multiple loops. But I want to how the loop started. The first Time the universe started. No other loop before it. Something had to be slightly different the first time around right?

Efra [EMX] - 2019-03-26

What about aging?

Since it's the same Jake continuing the loop he should age right?

Adam Hummadi - 2016-12-24

Literally all Undertale Fans: OMG FINALLY AN UNDERTALE REFRENCE!!

Semi Ender - 2017-02-28

Do more of these style intros please! They're amazing!!

Scott Shaffer - 2017-02-28

Yes please! They're amazing!!

A Zilophone - 2017-04-25

don't forget that no matter what, if you go BACK in time, you'll create a loop

A Zilophone - 2017-04-25

and if you go forward in time you'll ultimately delete the amount of time you travelled thru, also creating fake memories that the people that you meet will tell you and Will never say that it's false leaving you with a false sense of relativity.

Thomas Layman - 2018-04-03

This video is one of my favorites I'll be honest... I'm surprised this isn't the most viewed video on your channel because it's actually so well done and clever

Collin Johnson - 2016-11-14

8:10 That drone shot is beautiful.

Jonah Skates - 2019-05-18

It sounds like there saying "I'm your Whorey Gekume" 😂😂

Ch Fam - 2019-11-26

Dripz Skate extra to me it sounds like gengo morey morey.

confuzzled sociopath - 2016-10-13

thanks for the existential crisis that lasted 2 hours

Chaos Br1ng3r - 2016-11-03

how do you know it was only 2 hours?

Blake Smith - 2016-12-09

Temporal hallucinations are definitely a thing.

Bladelikeaknife - 2017-12-12

Hello past people

LuckaSCS - 2018-02-06

Wasn’t it 10h long?

Kieran Tyler - 2018-06-02

Blade Williams don't you mean future? Because I am from the future responding to something the past you had put.

Ben Powell - 2019-03-01

I like how at the beginning of the video, you can actually see someone on the balcony when Jake wakes up.

Noelia Arroyo - 2017-01-17

6:10 thanks for the existential crisis Jake

Narnia145 - 2016-10-27

"Mental time travel or MTT"

le me singing Death By Glamour violently in the background

Lyric Music - 2018-10-22

Who else thought of Mettaton when he said MTT

GamingPsycho - 2016-10-05

This production though

Qasid Bhatti - 2016-10-06

@Metawield English is my native language. I know how to spell, "though". I jokingly tried to correct the word to the internet slang version which is, "tho". Actually I think maybe it's just a British internet slang thing and since you're not from Britain (correct me if I'm wrong), that's why you don't get the joke.

Nadeem - 2016-10-06

hehe, 420 likes

GamingPsycho - 2016-10-06


shift click - 2017-11-02

Who is the best?

idk idk - 2017-11-09

Qasid Bhatti it isn’t a “British internet thing” internet is worldwide...

My Gaming Studios - 2020-03-17

The first 20 seconds looks like when you die in GTA san andreas

PandaXclone2 - 2016-11-19

What we need here is alternate timelines. That'll fix everything.

Aqua Sama - 2018-08-09

This video Makes me Dizzy from the Infinity Squared i watched the whole thing and this is just making my head hurt

Sydney Haney - 2017-02-09

"are you in a time loop?"
no i'm having an existential crisis

Osiris Paradox - 2016-10-23

Waiting for the 1 Hour long version