olympicfan2 - 2015-06-12
This video is about how to make caesium metal effectively and cheap. If you are interested in reading the whole manual, visit my article on "http://illumina-chemie.de/" - http://illumina-chemie.de/caesium-%28work-in-progress%29-t3804.html
Wow, you really cool!
I'm a fan of chemical, come from China.
I also made a lot of chemical elements of the samples, including rubidium and cesium.
Into your website and saw you hair, but it is a pity that I don't understand the content.
I hope we can make friends
835728099 中國人?
Actually caesium is not that hard to get hold of and samples are insanely overpriced!
I mostly do PGMs processing and especially love iridium metal as it's astonishingly beautiful and so much resistant!I really admire how it's actually behaves when melted:it's the only refractory element that doesn't even tarnish and even it's sponge doesn't lose any fraction of it's weight when melted under open air which shows it's formidable characteristics!
You made quite a long brake... I think you should post videos regulary, since you do some pretty cool stuff!
Great job!
Could you do this with just a normal, glass distillation apparatus?
The glass would melt at the temperature required to distill Cesium, a steel/iron container must be used.
why does caesium reacts with water.why does it cause explosion.please answer my question i am curious ?
can you get it as a vapor cell
Aha! Deutscher Wissenschaftler! Ich mag dein Video. -Deutscher Physiker TUD
how about you tell us how to mine cesium in nature or make it out of old electronics.
bist du zufällig deutsch?;)
+Alles GamerTV Jup.
wo kriegst du cäsiumchlorid her (möglichst billig)
Ich habe es bei Ebay bekommen. 250g für c.a 60€.
ok danke
may you make a cesium vapor for sale
for sale
Real life MacGyver.
is cesium salt toxic? i mean if you lick CsCl, what happens?
It's definitely safe... well, you probably won't die if you picked it. Caesium Chloride is marketed as a treatment for cancer, so how bad could it be?
I've licked it before, it has a similar taste to Potassium Chloride. KCl tastes a little more potent than NaCl and CsCl is even more so.
thanks. u are a brave man, and still alive :)
To what ratio do you mix the CsCl and the Li, if I use 10g of CsCl how much Li do I need. Thanks
0.52 g but its better to use an excess like 0.8 gramms
kanbst du das selbe mit einer Tonspur auf deutsch machen..
Sind die deutsch?
Let's drop it in a lake
not much would happen actually, for the scale of a lake
You mention that the items used here can be gotten from a hardware store... How/where did you get the Argon gas from?
You can get argon at most hardware stores as well. It´s used as MIG gas for welding. N2 etc. can also be used.
@olympicfan2 thanks! So MIG is usually argon mixed with CO2 ... will the high reaction temperature not cause issues with interference from the CO2 or N2 if used??
well, mig gas is actually without co2, MAG is metal active gas and contains small amounts of co2. but the protective gas isn´t for the distillaton but further for the sealing process of the ampoule.
woher bekommt man Argon
In fast jedem Baumarkt, in der Schweißabteilung :)
Woher hast du das Lithium? (Ich schreibe mal auf Deutsch,gehe davon aus dass du deutscher Bist:D)
Aus Energizer - Batterien... :)
olympicfan2 Okay,Danke! Wieviele musstest du etwa öffnen?
Gute Frage. Ich glaube pro Batterie waren es etwas unter 1 g Li. Genau weiß ichs nicht mehr. Aber ich hatte mehrere Ampullen angefertigt (bestimmt 15g Cs insgesamt) und habe nicht mehr als 4 geöffnet. Was ist denn aus deinem Acetylenbrenner geworden? :D
olympicfan2 Das ganze ist etwas verstaubt und die Heisskleberdichtung war auch nicht so ganz das wahre. Hab gerade nicht so Lust auf den :/ arbeite momentan auch an einer Methode cäsium herzustellen :) sowie einem Multifunktionalen kampfhandschuh :D
so german
Does this method work for making Barium metal ? ( Barium chloride + Lithium metal )
Just decompose barium nitride.If you want Barium metal.
How I make barium nitride tell me please!!!
@unusual chemist IONIZING HYDROGEN how i make barium nitride ??
Dhanushka Prasad I am really sorry but you can make Ba metal from Barium azide(BaN6) not Barium nitride(Ba3N2).kindly reply.sorry for the inconvenience.
@unusual chemist IONIZING HYDROGEN Its ok thank you
I was wondering if instead of Argon you could use Nitrogen instead?
@DOlz Yes
@olympicfan2 Thank you
+DOlz actuallly lithium would react with the lithium to create lithium nitride
+Mikey Unovapix Yes, but this is not important in this procedure. The Li is cold when the apparatus is flushed at first, so the amount of nitride formed is not disturbing the process. When the distillation takes place, the small amount of remaining nitrogen under vacuum also doesn´t harm neither the cs nor the Li. When flushed again at the end, the hot Li reacts with the N2 in a greater amount (when it´s still hot), yes. However, there is no disadvantage when this happenes at the end cause all of the Cs is already cold and distilled over and also well protected by the N2. B.t.w. I can tell you by my own experience that it works. I tried it many times as described in the link of the video description. ;-)
Argon is wilding gas its completely NOT flammable it used for mig welding to as shelding gas.
Have you considered using an oxygen getter like NaK to firstly bubble the Ar through? I’m sure that welding gas is not 100% pure in my experience and you may get a nearly silver metal. Also why did you not distill directly after evacuating and with the pump on? The heating required would be far less.
Concidering that the apparatus is not completely air tight, I prefered to leave the pump on. It would have been possible to distill with Ar inside. But I think to disitill in a vacuum is the best option. Why do you think less heating would be required when the pump is turned off?
olympicfan2 no I meant with the pump on. As we know vacuum reduces the Cs Boiling point and requirement for heating is less. I will probably end doing another Cs video but will be using vacuum and Ca metal as the reluctant this time.
AllChemystery - 2016-11-11
well done!