> chemistry > agents-halogénés > sulfur-chlorides > sulfur-dichloride-synthesis-james-cambell

Sulfur dichloride synthesis

James Cambell - 2017-12-11

Synthesis of sulfur dichloride by passing chlorine over molten sulfur

Alexandre Silva - 2018-10-18

Please, can you describe the process you are using

Doctor Purple - 2019-04-17

Do you want me to explain what he's doing?

Philip Samaraev - 2021-01-29

@Doctor Purple yes

Doctor Purple - 2021-01-29

He is generating chlorine gas on the right hand side by dripping hydrochloric acid from a syringe into a bottle of pool chlorine powder (I assume it's calcium hypochlorite but other things could work just as well) this releases chlorine gas which travels through the large glass tube wrapped in heating wire, the wire is hooked up to a current supply and that keeps the glass tube hot enough, the tube is filled with elemental sulfur and as the chlorine gas passes over the hot sulfur it reacts to form sulfur chlorides which collect in the left hand side bottle