> philo > minutephysics-thebigpicture

Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards? (Big Picture Ep. 1/5)

minutephysics - 2016-09-29

Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/316646/the-big-picture-by-sean-carroll/

Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2

Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html

AMAZING Interactive Entropy explainer by Aatish Bhatia: http://aatishb.github.io/entropy/

This video is about why entropy gives rise to the arrow of time, and also how the initial low-entropy condition of the universe is responsible for the fact that we experience time right now, and how ultimately it will lead to the high-entropy heat death of the universe.


David Wallace on entropy of gravitating systems:

Sean Carroll: The Big Picture
(more great articles about entropy, etc on his blog http://preposterousuniverse.com)

Julian Barbour et al on entropic time simulation: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/arrow-time

Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder

MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 
And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics
And twitter - @minutephysics

Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!

Created by Henry Reich

AskNickFilms - 2016-09-29

Nothing like a MinutePhysics video to give me an existential crisis

devie lee - 2017-05-19

AskNickFilms try vesitarium. 😂

Cannizzaro - 2017-06-16

AskNickFilms i

GD Drumming - 2017-07-04

devie lee or vox and ted ed and

BlokenArrow - 2017-07-14

AskNickFilms q

Chris Young - 2016-10-06

"but how did this universe with a specific, low entropy state come into existence?" suddenly, a creationist appeared

Antonio Gonzalez - 2016-10-01

Who are you, and what have you done to Henry?!?!?

Renan M.G. - 2016-10-01

most important question

DC430 - 2016-10-02

His name is Sean M. Carroll, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist prof from Caltech. He works on cosmology, field theory, gravitation, and quantum mechanics. He has a bunch of excellent lectures available on youtube, on topics like the Higgs boson, dark energy and dark matter. He's the real deal, I'm excited to see him collaborate with minutephysics :) .

Antonio Gonzalez - 2016-10-02

@DC430 Thank you

Francisco Corrales Morales - 2016-10-17

I know I'm a nerd when I can tell any of this guys (in any channel) just by their voice....

OmG π - 2019-08-07

This made me laugh so hard! (Though I did know his name)

Cypekjam - 2016-10-04

0:42 actually as far as i know, you cant say that it will never unmix beacuse there are always matchematical chances that it would :D

Sun Hey - 2019-09-12

True. Science makes possible.

james Corduroy - 2016-10-01

Aren't we just defining the direction of time based on our definition of direction. What if time isn't going in any direction

iambiggus - 2017-08-19

Time in our Universe most definitely has a direction. It's the measurement of the state of our Universe as it moves from a point of low entropy (Big Bang) to high entropy (current state), following the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, as the video says. This direction, from low to high entropy, is what is called the Arrow Of Time. Anyone who states that time has no direction is not grasping the full concept.

Casey Chapone - 2017-10-29

Algorithmic Process “the past is far behind us, and the future doesn’t exist.” -clock man

RAVI mistry - 2018-06-05

Time is just the displacement of matter in space. If there is no displacement in space there is no time. Time does not have any direction. We mortals thinks that way.

Varun Vaijnath - 2019-04-01

If time didn't have a direction,the big bang wouldn't have ever happened

Moartem S - 2019-04-07

Stop insinuation fantasy facts and create falsifyable model which supports your claims. All other models have time as just another direction.

ImmaterialDigression - 2016-09-29

"Eventually all the stars will burn out and blackholes will evaporate and we will be left with emptiness in all directions" Yeah this is a real mood booster :D

Crystal Lava - 2016-10-01

I still don't think the universe is like soap where bubbles come out. If you want a bubble you will have to make or shape it yourself.

Philosophical Mind - 2016-10-01

why would time disappear if matter would disappear?

gerard oosterwegel - 2016-10-01

You've probably heard of Einstein. He discovered 'spacetime'. Which means space and time is connected inherently

BlueTomato97 - 2016-10-03

666th like

Casey Chapone - 2017-10-29

ImmaterialDigression I’ve thought a lot about that even before I watched this video

Ben Molko - 2016-10-02

Time isn't a line, it is a circle. That is why clocks are round.-Caboose

Aidid Rashed Efat - 2017-09-08

Time has no shape it is we who reshape the time to make the use of it easily.

Dhruv kachela369 - 2017-12-16

It's just mechanical adjustment

Gayatri Mandhane - 2018-11-29

And the end points of circle are managed by god

IABI TV - 2020-02-23

Is your surname truly Molko? Because I only know one person with this surname... that's all

notstarboard - 2016-09-30

I highly recommend The Last Question by Isaac Asimov if any of you haven't read it. It deals with the heat death of the universe and humanity's struggle to find a way around the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. It's about a 15 minute read and it's free online.

Vedush Malik - 2017-02-20

Thank you for the recommendation. Thoroughly enjoyed it!! :D

godkino - 2017-02-23

My literature teacher last semester was all about sci-fi and existential crises so she had us read The Last Question. It got me fucked up on some wierd kinda way and I loved it.

Ma D. Monk - 2017-09-27

notstarboard thx for sharing dude! Awesome!

kab kab - 2017-10-13

Ha! I saw a presentation of that in my high school planetarium back in 1976. I forgot about until you mentioned it 😀😀😀😀 THANKS!!!

Podemos URSS - 2018-03-06

It's a great story.

Anirudh Sivakumar - 2016-10-01

Ahh reminds me of the short story " The Last Question" by Asimov.
A recommended read

Dominic Ng - 2017-05-17

so if I'm a mixed coffee and milk , I can live forever?

Cody'sLab - 2016-09-29

Scary thought: If time decided to backwards for a few days we would never notice.

Xian - 2018-01-02

But... What if you could feel, but only react to it subconsciously.. so inside you'll have an internal hardcore anxiety attack while witnessing time... Uncontrollably backwards. Can you imagine the amount of confusion and PTSD for what just happened once time was controllable again? Now THAT'S a scary thought.

Matthew Alexander - 2018-01-05

It wouldn't matter if it did "decide" to move backwards for a bit; the past events already occurred as they did, and would play out the same way, leading us back to the point we started at. Nothing would change.

Connor Mcnally - 2018-02-04

Entropy can be cyclic.

Farran Khawaja - 2019-07-28

@Hubert Applebaum Vsauce michael here

Bill Green - 2020-02-20

This burned my brain

Chaitanya - 2016-09-30

Finally..!!!! a new vid from minute physics...
Nice to see ya making videos again..

Hemanth Pattem - 2016-09-30

Yes, I understood that. Really, I did. Trust me. I got it.

drzl & lzrd - 2016-09-30

What happened to your voice?

drzl & lzrd - 2016-09-30

Oh that's why

Gabriel Franciosi - 2016-10-02


Kyle Li - 2016-09-30

What if the big bang was an experiment that some super-creature dropped during his 5th grade science experiment.

Tyler Galbraith - 2016-10-04

"Time is a ruler to measure the day, it doesn't go backwards only one way"

That's why.

christian babis - 2019-07-21


IABI TV - 2020-02-23

But can quantum computer reverse the universe from inside out?

VWLZ - 2016-09-30

I fell in love with science (ages ago).

RancidMarshmallow - 2016-10-01

this was cool.

and also incredibly depressing.
so I know I'm watching an astrophysics video.

Lizbeth Duskstar - 2016-10-01

Everything was going well until "Then the big bang happened"...

Houdini111 - 2016-09-29

I hate entropy. I hate that the universe will end.

Joseph Marsh - 2016-11-04

@Jason Muniz​ you wouldn't want to, even if you could. It's like saying I hate that I need oxygen. I think I'm going to defy my mitochondria and stop breathing. We exist because of entopy. Slowing, stopping or reversing it is like trying to purge all the O2 you have breathed.

christian babis - 2019-07-21


christian babis - 2019-07-21

And i hate time. I want to find a way to make that shit goes backward.

christian babis - 2019-07-21

SoftserveSodium I don't care about that, the only thing i care is how can i reverse this fucking time.

IABI TV - 2020-02-23

@christian babis Make sure your descendants remember your quest in reversing entropy

Emma della Terra del Vento - 2016-10-02


Nixinova - 2016-10-18

youve oficially killed my brain. thanks.

Acheron River - 2016-10-03

Antimater moves backwards in time.

Nameless Nick97 - 2016-10-01

1:27 MY EYES!!!

Waltham1892 - 2016-09-29

...backwards flowing is time if knowing of way no have We

Autumn Koch - 2016-09-30

but wut if time flowed up? or down...


Seafalcon0007 - 2016-09-30

...siht ekil ti depyt uoy rehtar d'I

King_Noah_ - 2016-10-02

!nur ,seispyg yps I esruN

Autumn Koch - 2016-10-02

@ King_Noah_ r u OKAY m8?! XD

King_Noah_ - 2016-10-03

@One Dude !epoN

Dennis Davis - 2016-10-02

I just finished reading Sean's book, I loved it!

barebone2 - 2016-10-03

Don't watch this video you'll have an existential crisis.

quirencia tala - 2019-03-07

0:15 but time symmetry tends to break, as could be seen in fundamental particals such as quarks which are bound by strong nuclear force, for ex- two different quarks can switch places with each other however the time taken by each particle switching places is different, hence time symmetry do tend to break down (but not s-p-t symmetry). By this, we can differentiate between past and future, so there "can" be a distinction in time under certain circumstances in microscopic world. Just my two cents.
Edit - Pardon my grammatical errors, if any. English isn't my native language. Thank you. :)

Michael Pisciarino - 2019-03-18

0:30 Entropy
1:21 The Big Bang
1:57 Expansion ——> Burnout

Biagio Distefano - 2016-10-06

3:13 Sounds like 42 to me.

Incognito Journalist - 2016-11-20

0:05 Guys, Schroedinger's cat is in almost every video.

Ivin3690 - 2016-09-30

amazing stuff. I can't even imagine what two futures mean in option 1

ericjane747 - 2016-09-30

This was a real treat! Thanks Henry! Thanks Sean! Mark Twain once said "I would have wrote you a shorter letter but I did not have time". Mr. Clemens would love Minute Physics!

Jeremy J. - 2016-09-30

"Oi, JOHNSON... why are you asleep at work?"
"Boss, you should be thankful! By not expending energy and thus increasing entropy, I´m doing my very best to stave off the heat death of the Universe! I´m basically a super hero."

Agasthya Rana - 2016-09-30

Thank you! I had been really confused about this topic for a while!

:-I - 2016-11-05

thank you for this video I've been watching some flat earth videos and they killed 50% of my brain cells

Winy T - 2017-01-02

2:27 when we drink too much

Hanno - 2018-01-23

Entropy increases with time, therefore time increases with entropy sounds like a weird circular argument to make.

Caio Fabio - 2016-09-30

I love the reflection about time, please be a long series of videos!

Szabó Tamás - 2016-10-01

Loved the guys voice. Also the content was awesome too :)

Christian Surma - 2016-10-01

I found this incredibly informative thank you.

Devon Lindley - 2016-10-01

Thank you for blowing my mind. :) I love science!

grant50 - 2016-10-03

I thought I recognized that voice!

Oliver - 2016-09-30

So you're saying time can/ will run out when it reaches equilibrium?

Gary Malarkey - 2016-10-02

Covalence Dust No, time doesn't necessarily "keep ticking." Equilibrium means nothing is changing, and if nothing is changing then time has effectively stopped. Time isn't "ticking" at that point because there is nothing left that can tick.

Charlie Soesbergen - 2016-10-20

time isn't relevant to a dead species anyway, in the eyes of humanity when we are extinct time will not exist because we are under the assumption that there is no other conscious life in the universe

MrCoffis - 2017-11-28

In an equilibrium, time still flows and low entropic states are still possible but they are not probable. But if time is infinite...then the unprobable becomes a definite.

Al Castill - 2018-02-05

Well, by the time the universe ends, in theory of becoming very dark and cold. Does time stops then? What keeps the universe cold as it expands? How do we know that 14 billions years ago was the big bang, maybe the time during that hot big bang , the time expands faster? Maybe the big bang could be a lot longer or shorter?

Jaydien Parks - 2019-01-30

@Gary Malarkey eventually rare reductions in entropy will happen and create a new big bang the second law is statistical rather than deterministic

Jewbrillian - 2016-09-30

These are the videos that blow my mind! I love it!

Who is John Galt? - 2016-09-29

how do we know that time isn't flowing backwards already

Patrick - Trader de Opções - 2018-03-04

RP its just that in the line you say "you have no memory of "this has already happened"" got me thinking about that..

Tesseract A - 2018-03-04

"Time" is an illusion based on the summation of infinitesimal causality.

Also, perception of time is relative to those within it. "Backwards" is a definition based upon relative terms. We are "moving forwards" in time relative to ourselves.

Rhejdirogth Groatvhe - 2018-05-15

xApemanx time doesn't flow or move or change at all. You can observe it (more accurately the effect of it) by anticipating - and recollecting..

Martin Begley - 2018-05-31

You've just fried my brain. Are big bangs cyclical? is there a contractive phase? If so, we should drop the prefix "big"

Navjot Allachauria - 2018-06-20

It doesn't matter in which direction the time had started. For example if it started in backward direction then we would call that direction 'forward direction'. I mean forward and backward is only our perspective.

Avinash Tyagi - 2016-10-16

Since the concept of entropy and the "direction of time" require observation and experience via consciousness, it shows that the universe and time are constructs of consciousness. They can never be separated from our consciousness.

Evafamia Langstodir - 2016-10-08

1:24 and i was ready to sing tbbt theme ....

Carlos Garcia - 2016-10-01

i loved this video but I wish I could find something that tells about entropy at even a more basic level.
Thanks for sharing 😊

tony mathew - 2016-10-01

one question🙋: define time