> temp > à-trier > rock-to-iron-cody-slab

Rock to Iron

Cody'sLab - 2017-09-18

I extract metallic iron from the ground using some chemistry and a new induction heater. At some point I'll get around to turning the pig iron into steel and making something from it.
More on the generator that My dad rebuilt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGL6hp8DSVg
Help me buy new crucibles by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab

George Ioannou - 2017-09-18

Somebody send this video to primative technology so he can upgrade to iron tools

RAP64 - 2020-01-08

Achievement GET: Accquire Hardware

raptorlantube - 2020-01-10

Lord SlippyCat earth obviously

I don't want a channel I'm just commenting - 2020-01-12

I just watched "primative skills" do this video. He melted everything. Lol. He made a furnace, and a bellows. Then he broke the furnace when he was done. :) I'd like to see a collab with primitive skills and htme.

Xiphosura - 2020-01-18

Guess what he just did!

Pietro Tettamanti - 2020-04-03

@Anirudh Navin
No it can't. You need to get to 800°C to reduce iron oxide to iron, and 1200°C to melt it and separate it from the slag. He could reduce the iron, but there's no way of melting it outside of a blast furnace. He could get the iron sponge and keep hammering it for weeks and weeks to get some useable metal, but it would still be quite crappy (that's how they used to do it before the middle ages)

Sieverts - 2018-09-29

Just another day in Cody’s Minecraft Server...

嬌糖 - 2019-10-04

@Pootis Man
Advancement made!
Hot Topic

Pakob Poos - 2019-10-09

a.k.a. Utah haha

_ SethSeta - 2019-10-12

Minecraft with Terrafirmacraft mod

Diamond Brony - 2019-10-15


Wishing weezy - 2020-01-13


TheReaverOfDarkness - 2019-01-17

In today's episode, Cody mixes together coke, lime, and soda.

Sweet Memories - 2019-10-05

@ThatPix whos joe mama?

ThatPix - 2019-10-05

Sweet Memories joe mama

Caleb Houston - 2020-01-16

@The Average Joe What does it do?

NB - 2020-04-03

@ThatPix whos that

ThatPix - 2020-04-03

Why the fuck did I say that

Hanako Fukui - 2019-05-12

1:12 "But I'm sorta lazy..."

That is the biggest lie I have ever heard.

TheNightOwl565 - 2019-07-14

"I'd prefer not to spend all day crushing rocks" another lie

SIGSEGV - 2019-09-22

Lazy like a fox

NOMAD - 2020-01-15

Yea in this video alone he basically revels in his laziness by getting out there in the hills, bending down over and over again, picking up abunch of rocks, sifting out the iron while explaining everything as a teacher would and then editing a video out of all the video footage he recorded I mean gah... so lazy.
I'd rather watch rocks get crushed.
2 thumbs down!

Markus Nordgård - 2019-01-15

Damn how smart was the guy who did this the first time

Pp Poo poo - 2020-02-14

@Busta Rogers jesus dude, you're so fucking butthurt over something that shouldn't matter at all. i can't believe people still believe in 'sjw rhetoric' being an actual thing based on someone just being polite. maybe go get laid and stop being a neckbeard living in this mom's basement.

Alejandro Gonzalez - 2020-02-23

@Clickfann yeah they can but I think at that time there werent many blacksmith women... or maybe there were, I actually have absolutely no idea

Alejandro Gonzalez - 2020-02-23

@حيدرة التغلبي maybe at that time it was very uncommon for women to participate in this type of activities but women HAVE made inmense scientific discoveries and its very ignorant to say they havent. Maria Goeppert for example.

Pietro Tettamanti - 2020-04-03

@حيدرة التغلبي

Aeroscience - 2020-04-13

Of course they’re outliers. so are the men. You, however, are just as dumb as the average حيدرة التغلبي

Augusto Lanzini - 2019-10-13

Achievement get:

“Acquire hardware”

Katsura kotarou - 2019-10-17

a man of culture i see

Kishan B - 2019-06-18

Finally, now you can mine gold, redstone, diamond and emeralds

Flashlight - 2019-06-28

@hans meier lmao I thought you were the top commenter because you both have default pink icons

Doodleboy - 2019-08-11

what about lapis

Kishan B - 2019-08-11

@Doodleboy you can mine that with a stone pickaxe.

Doodleboy - 2019-08-11

@Kishan B oh

CYANIXE - 2019-09-17

@Doodleboy lol i like when you said oh fells like u died inside lolllll

Xanth Soliz - 2019-04-09

Me: (trying to sleep at 3am)

Cody: let clone dinosaurs from the DNA found in gasoline in my house!!

Philippe Santini - 2019-07-17


evan danendra - 2019-07-23


Doctor Duct tape - 2019-08-16

This is amazingly funny. Lol

Yeti. - 2020-01-11

Gasoline isn't made of the dinasours...

Thorsten Elvers - 2020-01-14

@Yeti. partially could be. although its mostly former plantmatter and plancton i think

Dunebug - 2018-12-22

Cody: this cake taste like dirt
Cody's mom: I wonder why...

Bad Goy - 2017-12-06

Cody, Primitive Technology, and Demo Ranch are the apocalypse dream team

Lil dick gang wya - 2019-07-26

@Ninjaslash52 _ Yeah I guess your right if we talk about just the clothes off their back

weebles - 2019-08-31


bernardakoito - 2019-11-06

add Alex Steele in the group

Ishzark Klyon - 2020-01-03

The 4 horsemen of the zombie apocalypse: Cody's Lab, Primitive Technology, Demo Ranch and kiwami japan

Jack stn - 2020-03-15


Osw719 - 2019-06-11

If Civilization falls one day, we can rebuild it with Cody´s help.

Nothing Personal Kid - 2018-04-15

Man, anything sticks to Neodymium magnets these days.

Moist-Mike - 2019-01-13

Ferrous metals are so slutty.

MaeLSTRoM1997 - 2019-08-04

Back in my days...

Subhasis Biswas - 2019-12-16

@MaeLSTRoM1997 ok boomer

The Crazy Institute - 2020-01-01

@Subhasis Biswas eh

Enbrat - 2020-01-05

Nothing Personal Kid damn I hate those NaCl people, they’re so salty!

salah deen Mikhaldi - 2019-10-12

Cody's lab is just Netflix adaption of Dr Stone

Cherry boy - 2020-01-01

Bit unrealistic because this is actually good

Barack Obama - 2020-01-04

nah Netflix would find some way to mess it up, given their current record of adaptations

Cherry boy - 2020-01-04

@Barack Obama what I said

Barack Obama - 2020-01-04

@Cherry boy ok

NapalmSticks - 2019-03-20

he goes full southern accent the instant he picks up that pan

Sweet Memories - 2019-10-05

cody: hi everyone, we're near the wahter

cody with pan: hie everywun we're near woeter

Anthony Cassola - 2018-09-18

The power of chemistry is awesome, all you had to do was dig and crush some specific materials that are easy to find and mix, then heat it up and BAM! IRON!

Giovanni Tovar - 2019-07-05

yxhwxh G 🤣🤣🤣. Not even close

BubblewrapHighway - 2019-07-09

@10madcap THAT'S what that legend is all about. Pulling iron out of rock to smith swords.

Beede Bawng - 2019-07-29

Easy to say easy after the hard work of figuring it all out has been done.

Chinese Boxing Style Kanye - 2019-10-26

@Evi1M4chine u can use normal fire its just inefficient mostly time wise.

Ishzark Klyon - 2020-01-03

@10madcap oh, you're comparing history with a book written by some guy. You're either a creationist, a conspiracy theorist, a troll or any combination of the 3

BRO INFORMATION - 2018-08-16

2:30 cat: "oh yehh he gona feed me, oh wait no.."

Chinese Boxing Style Kanye - 2019-10-26


Bupsi - 2018-06-21

Me: Hey mom, can I use your sifter?
Mom: why?
Me: because I need some iron for a school project
Mom: sure

Andrew Salazar - 2019-09-22

that sounds just like a "i told you" voice hahaha

stani iliev - 2017-09-18

Cody says that iron ore isn't brown. But it's brown in Minecraft. I am conflicted about who to trust.

RED Engineer - 2018-11-18

The "diamonds" you are referring to are emeralds. Also, the copper pre you are referring to is iron ore.

Harden from Downtown - 2018-12-30

@[CYXXYC] u love minecraft

Iridocyclitis Xembzy - 2019-08-24

Rik Thunder we don’t have copper

weebles - 2019-08-31

It depends on what iron ore you're using, like Limonite, hematite or magnetite, which is what Cody used.

Official RedSlimeCraft - 2019-09-07

Rik Thunder actually, copper ore is somewhat shiny yellow

Sentinel - 2019-12-08

"But first we need to find some iron ore"

Me, a minecraft veteran: say no more

Hannah Southerland - 2018-05-16

This was amazing!! I knew, intellectually, that iron was mined from the ground, but actually seeing it happen before my eyes was amazing! Holy shit! This was so cool! Thank you so much!

Shea Lee - 2020-02-29

Bruhs built like a god damn train. He took AP chemistry instead of Varsity Football lmao

David Burroughs - 2020-03-30

"I've got my mom's flour sifter here ...." lmao, I used to get in sooo much trouble giving my mom's kitchen implements practical application in my experiments.

Please Don’t - 2019-08-11

Bruh all u need is a stone pick, a furnace to smelt, and the will to succeed

Mr Crispy the alton towers guy - 2019-08-15


Pootis Man - 2019-08-12

Advancement Made!
Acquired Hardware

Say Hoe Lee - 2018-07-21

I got really worried when he bring his magnet close to the iron anvil, might lose a finger

The Revolting Pleb - 2018-12-20

My question is how human beings primitively started using iron to make stronger tools. I'm assuming they didn't have magnets.

Nixon Rexzile - 2018-12-29

what do you say that, they always knew north was some form of magnet you know that right?

Suq Madiq - 2019-01-02

The first bits of iron that we fooled around with were from meteorites. Those date back to 5000 bc.

We aren't really sure how and when discovered smelting it, but it was likely by random chance, just like every other discovery back then. Somebody probably noticed a bloom in their furnace after burning a specific kind of rock.

Ovishek Shome - 2019-08-05

Meteorites provide excellent quality metals., bcz they have Nickel on it with Iron.
Some cavemen might have had lit fire all night & the next morning there was shiny iron.

John Kupa - 2020-03-05

lol....that could be true...ahahahahaha yay..

warbog6 - 2019-07-23

Cody: "So we get it all WET"
Me: Noice

toilet paper - 2019-07-05

Oh. Its Cody's lab. I'm about to learn something.

Kopie - 2019-05-05

Tried this, made tnt instead, now I'm ded.

dvrk 158 - 2019-01-14

I'm studying this stuff in school and my teacher showed us your video. (for the chemical reaction formula)

Crimsonpatty - 2019-04-01

My god i wonder how much money on power was spent just for that tiny blob xD

MeTube Galvez - 2019-04-26

don't worry, he made much more in the monetization of the video

702 Knife & Tool Trevor Markwell - 2019-05-05

I will make you a deal on that anvil that is rusting away.

Ci 21 - 2019-05-29

702 Knife & Tool Trevor Markwell It is a cast iron anvil, very poor quality. This is obvious as you can easily see the weld line on the top side of the horn.

Eat Your Cereal - 2018-05-22

Oh no! I wasn't recording, I'll try again. Well played XD

crashpal - 2019-11-07

"i Am iron Man"

Andrei Brănescu - 2017-10-30

I love the way Cody measures the quantities: "Err.. about that much.."

Dimitris Michalopoulos - 2019-01-14

@10madcap at least metric is consistent

Just1Guy Metalworks - 2019-02-24

The ol' eyeball-o-meter. Works every time! 😆

fish - 2019-04-05

@Project Management CW Yes, the system that also crashed a satellite worth millions into mars. That system.

fish - 2019-04-05

@10madcap Yes, only an idiot would appreciate consistency. And what you said is not true. The modern day definition of a meter is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second. You know what the modern definition of a foot is? A decimal fraction of a meter.

Charles Michaels - 2019-12-02

@Project Management CW
Lunar Landing Hoax?

grovermatic - 2019-11-18

6:15 Dayton Ohio, baby! Delco Park is my favorite place to walk my dog. :-)

texasRoofDoctor - 2020-01-03

"....magnet is stuck to the anvil...."
Great video and humor at the end.

Kali gomen - 2018-06-25


Codemancer LXII - 2019-09-03

now use lightning storm, a javelin, and cooper wire to make a strong magnet

Thomas - 2019-09-21

Ohayou sekai Good Morning World!

supersmashsam - 2017-09-18

Using iron tools to extract iron, how *iron*ic !

Gri5in - 2019-01-03


Sean Valkenberg - 2019-01-05

Get out.

MAV - 2019-01-09

@Scronyx except he doesn't coz that's not irony

Elite Logen - 2019-02-05

supersmashsam it’s not iron tools it’s steel tools

Constable Benton Fraser - 2019-03-11

Iron ic
Now that is genius comedy

Jivy - 2019-10-20

Find me when turn and rock into gold completely negating alchemy’s number one rule of the law of equivalent exchange.

ex0duzz - 2020-01-10

@4:33 that pestle and mortar wasn't doing anything to the limestone, it was bouncing off without even leaving a scratch.. Lol

Delicious - 2019-11-29

"Got our cooling water spilling out... so let's turn it on!" Aight seems right to me

Kiến Văn Nguyễn - 2019-08-23

Minecraft : A cobblestone can make another more beautiful rock
Cody : Wait thats illegal

Nemo Bondt - 2017-09-18

I also like hard rock and heavy metal

Desuxis - 2017-09-18

nemo bondt c mamó :v

eli quinn - 2017-09-18

Ya like jazz ?

Skop Craft - 2017-09-19

I like post-rock but yea

John Fraire - 2017-09-21


Ha ha- get it? Because the term 'punk' is both a derogative phrase denotating a person, typically adolescent, that is considered worthless, as well as a group of music coming from rock originating loosely in the 70's and made popular in the early 80's. Coined by the music critic Dave Marsh...

Ishzark Klyon - 2020-01-03

@Desuxis sema mut

Will Survive - 2019-04-05

"i'm just gonna get a couple of these chunks"....picks up 4. ooookaaaay. lol.

Onio Saiyan - 2018-12-06

He's rockin' the "Tom Scott" look.

Quanchy Plimp - 2018-10-14

always interesting Cody, just one small, tiny correction fyi; the T in 'pestle' is silent ;)

Николай Захаренков - 2019-01-12

Oh my god, this video is just awesome, isn`t it? I wish there was more content like this on the Youtbe. Thank you, It was very nice