> politique > dépression > the-toxic-e-waste-trade-killing-pakistan-s-poorest

The Toxic E-Waste Trade Killing Pakistan's Poorest

Journeyman Pictures - 2016-07-11

The E-Waste Curse: The deadly effect of dumping E-waste in Pakistan

Pakistan has become an illegal dumping ground for some of the 50 million tons of e-waste created each year. Karachi's poor earn a living from the toxic detritus, but the vicious cycle of consumption could prove fatal.

In Pakistan, the massive arrival of electronic waste has created an informal substance economy that feeds 150,000 people. The country's poor salvage what they can from the cast-offs of the electronic revolution: copper, steel, brass. Nassir is one who has cashed in on the opportunities found in old cables and hard-drives. "It’s a good business. I have more and more work", he says. Yet workers pay the price for a few grams of copper; 4 million people die every year because of electronic waste and recycling workers have the lowest life expectancy in Pakistan. In his recycling shop, Akhbar earns 2€ on a good day. It feeds his family of six, but his health has suffered. "This job is dangerous. It’s very toxic". And the toxic legacy is far-reaching - "It’s a catastrophe...especially for the children", warns Saba, an activist for the WWF. "They will continue to live here and be poisoned, it’s dangerous for them and it’s dangerous for the next generations". In our relentlessly consumerist world, can the global poor be saved from the toxic trade in e-waste?

For similar stories, see: 
Pakistanis Are Pinning Their Economic Hopes on Upcoming Elections
Ordinary Pakistanis Live Under the Thumb of the Taliban
Is Pakistan Protecting The Taliban?

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Komputar - 2017-07-15

The subtitles are misleading when locals are answering questions.

Jon Ross - 2018-12-17

@Timmy Dirtyrat Because they are pretending the locals are saying something they are not... Make sense?

Timmy Dirtyrat - 2018-12-17

+Jon Ross How do you know it's not just unintentional shitty translation?

Razaullah K. Durrani - 2018-12-21

@Timmy Dirtyrat If you can understand Urdu, it's seems pretty obvious that it's not unintentional. Not only have meanings of sentences been changed but the translation often ignores something they said completely or adds a complete sentence that they never said.

Timmy Dirtyrat - 2018-12-21

+Razaullah K. Durrani What are they really saying?

Chris Smith - 2018-12-26

We have to put our trash somewhere. I think Pakistan is the best place to put it. It's the most useless place on the planet and the people are of no value to human kind.

Abu Dharr - 2018-12-19

Very poor translation and purposely mistranslated to make it even more coarse and dramatic.. For example at 11.00 the man say 'here people work and here is the place where people get their sustenance from..' the translator says..'this is where people work and people die'.

random bastid - 2019-09-05

@47 doesn't look exaggerated! Third world country government It is sad though! Governments fault! Really sad!

47 - 2019-09-05

@Nadine Blake Open your eyes and look at the bigger picture Nad. And FYI I haven't actually put my 'story' out there per se, so there's no substance to your assertion.

Electronial - 2019-11-02


Roah Nosh - 2019-12-16

Abu Dharr: blah blah

10:05 Am I a Joke To You?

Larry Smith - 2020-01-11

Not our problem..

nipi tiri - 2018-12-23

Meanwhile eco friendly companies like Apple are doing whatever they can so that repair shops cant repair their products and you need to buy a new one.

This is why we need right to repair acts.

William Brasky - 2020-01-17

Pretty much all went downhill fast after JFK was taken

LaFonteCheVi - 2020-01-23

Apple is not at all eco friendly.

Bruce Levine - 2020-01-30

Bill gates wipes his ass with hundred dollar bills while children die from cancer cleaning his waste .it would not hurt him to help 3rd world human beings

That Flippin Guy - 2020-03-02

Apple is the WORST for our environment.

Ar - 2020-03-09

@Bruce Levine Bill gates "how many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life?"

Quraishy - 2018-12-11

Worse translation i have ever seen. Probably worse then the pollution itself

travpoet - 2019-03-23

@Imad Wow. Okay, I now don't trust this documentary.

random bastid - 2019-09-05

@warnpassion Hahahaha,, SLOBS the lot of them!!

Mickey McGowan - 2020-01-30

@Syed Hateem it's short and too the point. They cut the things that aren't as straightforward as other thing is. I'd like to see u direct something like this... actually not being sarcastic. Imagine havin to expose yourself to that air just for the interviews tho

mpolanetz - 2020-03-12

That is the worst comment ever. If you don't get the drift of what is going on, without being told precisely, word by word, then it just shows how you don't have common sense !. You do not need to have any translation to see the conditions these poor people are living and if you had common sense would know that these condition are extremely bad for your health and your life expectancy would not be long. It is always the old and children who suffer. As you seem to be told This is how the multi million/Billion companies get their profits by slave labour, which you can say it is, would you work for that amount of money

David - 2020-03-17

Thank you for warning the rest of us who would never have known!

HeavyProfessor - 2019-01-21

Not even on the same level as Ghana e-waste heaps

Lynx0 - 2018-04-11

Damn, the comment section is more toxic than the scrap recycling place in Karachi

Alaric Visigoth - 2019-01-01

@Melvinthedeathless .Melvinthedeathless Go meditate to Budda. He will save you from being misunderstood.

Robert Brown - 2019-11-05


Robert Brown - 2019-11-05

@Raul Epure Islamic countries are not big on educating the masses..Not one woman in the entire video.India is light years ahead.Oooops a old woman appeared..Islam is a stoneage religion..Proof elitists run the show

Robert Brown - 2019-11-05

@DikoMan Well said..

Robert Brown - 2019-11-05

@Brian Bey long read but I did...then it dawned on me."I will not waste my life anymore being curious about nonsence..I care about me and myself..Shithole Pakistan.Shithole 100%

ꉣꏹꉣꉣꏹꋪꁏꋊꀤ - 2018-10-23

They know the risks, they just do it to live, there's no other options damnit

UFCKO’s - 2019-12-31

Arthas93 troll

Larry Smith - 2020-01-11

They should be farming..not stealing..

J Daman - 2020-01-19


That Flippin Guy - 2020-03-02

The only option is to throw your trash into the river???
The only option is to pollute the entire city?? Screw everyone else, as long as you got your 20 cents right?!?

star cruiser - 2020-03-18

@Jerry C it is not a matter of being beyond what food can support. Food is not a limited resource. You can produce more if you have the knowlage land and capital. You can buy from the americans if you have the money. They are reduced to doing this because they are a low productivity society.

dangerous dave - 2018-11-23

locals said something and subtitles are changing the meaning to make them look even bad.

mohamed gurhan - 2019-05-21

banned shut up pig 🐷🐷infidel don't worry about us

bluntman305 - 2018-12-19

0:08 looks like a clip from star wars when the jawas were scrapping droids

Flaniganskywalker - 2020-03-21

I noticed the well fed goat just chilling with a bin of fresh greens.

Ged Voz - 2018-04-29

Think twice when you throw away your computers with personal data in hard drives :D

Mataviejitas 13 - 2018-10-15

0:38 LOL, that GTA 5 cover in the background😆

dzulsffril - 2018-12-15

23:30 “ internally displaced person “ lol

Matang BenteKwatroOras - 2020-03-21

26:36 they have similarities with panda figure!..😂

DanIEL SatIEN - 2018-12-15

wow, e-waste is money if you know to handle it.....

P - 2018-12-18

Costs of operating component-extraction recycling facilities make it unprofitable in countries which have laws for health, safety, and pollution. That's why it's done in third world poverty.

Osman Yousaf - 2016-12-05

This comment section actually beats the documentary on exposing and displaying human decadence.

Jack O'Shran - 2018-12-19

@MrChadwke I don't know what an "Oxy" actually is, although if it's something you know about it is probably for trailer trash like yourself. BTW ... When you click like on your own comment EVERYBODY can tell you did it, you retarded little man.

Sub-urban Art-ist - 2019-01-03

well, you are perhaps born in Asia, but you are commenting from your comfortable chair in some well developed country. ASSHOLE.

mac mittens - 2019-06-06

Osman Yousaf STFU dirt ball

UFCKO’s - 2019-12-31

Osman Yousaf think about what you said

Larry Smith - 2020-01-11

Ignorante foreigner...

Jack - 2018-12-22

I'm Canadian and lived with 8 punjabi's while going to school. They treat the communal parts of the house like trash, just leaving garbage around anywhere, pissing on the toilet seat, leaving rotten food in the kitchen, throwing trash in the hallways. Yet they keep their bedrooms spotless.
It looks just india/pakistan. They don't care about how nasty the outside is, their mentality is it isn't their home/living space they don't need to look after it.

mac mittens - 2019-06-06

Jack the Asian world are dirty ppl ..none wash hands after they sht'

Bethel Abba - 2019-06-07

@showcase /// I will be very politically incorrect here and say that you are both shameless and irredeemable as is your entire lot/// --- Oh look at who is NOW being racist and hateful.... you've just lumped everyone in the West into a single catagory and denied them any foreseeable future... just because YOU don't like them... or Sir Clogg.

So isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? Looks like you got shot by your own gun.

Ali Ali - 2019-09-11

yeah jack i live in us and ive seen these so called sikh with their turbans and shit they are infested with lice all over their bodies! a have never seen dirty people on earth like them!! i dated one sikh woman her name is jasminder kaur,hahaaaaa it was disaster bloody hell disaster!!!!!!!! when she undress then took off her knicker oooh jesus she was full of pubic hairs long enough to her toes!! with plenty of white lice flowing from her hairy pussy!! disgusting and it made me puke because she smelled like rotten cat and rats!! duuh how can any human being fuck a lady who is dirty more than a smelly pig??? fucking hell !! i kicked her arse and throw her her out of my hotel room!! fucking jasminder or pussysmellyminder or arseminder or navinder or sukhvinder or shit vinder¬! you sikh are all shitvinder and jasminder kaur pal sukshitvinder arse ass licker in hounslow and southall madha choodh!

Donald Trump☑️ - 2020-03-09

Jeeze, so much ignorance and hate in these comments. You people need serious help.

velly jatt - 2020-03-09

@Ali Ali hey son dont worry your mother and sisters are also suffering from same lice problem . Lots of love from your daddy 😘

showcase - 2018-12-27

This documentary is not wholly objective. And the comments section here is fair evidence of the utter ignorance of the average westerner when it comes to our affairs.

Skyfall - 2018-11-17

24:08 the poor girl coughing brought tears in my eyes. I mean this is same in India China Bangladesh and other asian countries. No law no awareness by government. People suffering in sheer ignorance or lack of better jobs to survive.

NC_29 North - 2018-12-21

He said thanks for the data and we will call you soon for virus removal.

nunyer beeznaz - 2018-09-04

Pound it with a hammer,soak it with used battery acid,then rinse into public drinking supply. What could go wrong ???

RekeBear - 2019-08-13

So, that's why my cup of Tea drink tastes like shit. :D

Larry Smith - 2020-01-11

Hahaha ..👍

m.youtube.com - 2018-12-17

So-called 'slave law' fuels opposition

Daniel Singerline - 2018-12-18

Yeah they’re calling my house from one of those computers telling me that they are the IRS

Hindustani bhau - 2019-06-16

Pakistani scammers are chutiyas

The Earth History’s Confusing. - 2019-07-10

That’s a really putrid insulting comment that’s not necessary. Don’t be so mean!!!.

zoranhome - 2020-01-05


Larry Smith - 2020-01-11

You are a good dude..

Dan Rowe - 2020-02-19

I always play along with them for as long as possible and waste their time. Then I start asking them questions about why the IRS only hires employees with Indian accents. They are usually dumbfounded like they don’t even know they have accents. Then the cuss at me and I have a good laugh. Free entertainment.

Deus Vult. - 2018-12-19

You cant buy trash, throw it into your own well and then blame the original trash owner for your poisoned well.

Public Health Safety Co. - 2019-01-31

If I bribe your politician to dump that shit near your house, then don't complain.
The original trash owner don't wanna accept it at all.

computername - 2018-12-13

The self-driving electric car will add another product to the piles. Oh boy, it feels so good to save the planet..

Cristian Micu - 2018-12-31

with 10 dollars a family like theirs 10-15 including kids can live one month
just try to live one day a 4 member family in the west with 10 dollars

economic realities of food prices

Pickle Rick - 2018-12-17

E-Waste just like plastic isn't the problem IF there were facilities to properly recycle them AND those were used instead of dumping the waste into the ocean or onto poor countries who can't process it.
Of course E-Waste is stacking up by the rate these people process it by hand. One european recycling facility probably processes as much waste per day as 10.000 pakistanis by hand in a week.

massivereader - 2018-12-26

@jarrod1937 The usb ports, power jacks, on and off switches and batteries don't necessarily need to be user repairable, but repairs of such easily damaged components need to be easily performed by competent local technicians. To do so, the products have to have cases that can be opened without destroying them. I would wager over 60% of consumer products such as cell phones, tablets, e-readers that fail are because of these simple mechanical components. If you can't turn on or recharge your item, what good is it? Cutting open the case to do the repair makes it a suboptimal solution for consumers, from a price perspective especially since accessing a replacement casing from the manufacturer is usually impossible. Again, these items if not the circuit boards need to be serviceable by any competent technician. It would easily double the service life of all these items. The best kind of recycling is repair and continued use of a still function piece of equipment.

Scott Norman Rosenthal - 2019-01-27

@bikingcat Tesla supported AC, Edison DC. Look it up.

bikingcat - 2019-01-27

@Scott Norman Rosenthal Uhm, did I state otherwise?

mrrichard57000 - 2019-02-25

So why is the waste going up there?

bikingcat - 2019-02-26

@mrrichard57000 Because it is a scam. As the OP said a European recycling center does 10000x; yeah by burning it!

Cylais - 2018-12-17

23:30 3 euros on medicine. That moment u realize u just wasted 25 euros on MacDonald's nuggets.

Patrickfrswk - 2019-01-04

6:47 everything was nicely stacked 😭

Ice Karma - 2018-12-19

4:26 I swear that sounds exactly like ICQ's startup foghorn sound.

Harley Gough - 2018-09-12

17:15 Intro to 'Sleepwalk' :D

EL EVO - 2018-12-17

2:33 My Favorite Part of this video :o)

EnergyxPower - 2018-12-15

Globalist at their best....keeping countries poor, illiterate and in confusion

Cliff Davis - 2019-06-18

EnergyxPower its terrible.

WIZARDWERX - 2017-05-25

call Microsoft support

Aden - 2018-03-27

if you call, you will get someone in India...Pakistan and India don't like each other.

Steph Bell - 2018-11-07

Obviously there too poor for contraception you have to remember in these countries they have a different way of life the women obey their husband's and if they don't use condoms then obviously the women and up with multiple children plus your son's look after the family when you get too old to work. Sad really. When it's easily avoidable

The High Pineapple - 2018-12-18

@Varun reddy Yeah, you're clueless.

RPS Corp - 2018-12-21

If you call support for anything in pakistan, your unqualified neighbor just may pick up.

Jack Sheet - 2018-12-28

Yeah i call Microsoft support... i call it crap!!

Philadelphia Collins - 2019-02-25

0:38 Well at least they got GTA V!

Fazal Fariz - 2018-12-19

2:33 l😆❤️

Bilal Raja - 2018-12-13

They can easily make a nuclear reactor to power up the city for years and years to come

Tom - 2018-10-21

2:33 that Goat 🐐 tho

Andrew Khaigou Mate - 2018-12-31

Oh shit, I was too distracted by what he said "PS2 keyboard" nice one

boogeyman - 2018-04-14

Nothing can be solved, without solving corruption.

jode - 2018-09-15

And destroying islam

Joe Rowland - 2018-12-16

cant solve the problem of corruption without first tackling greed

Jae Lynn - 2018-12-17

@jode I think there are some groups within Islam that are NOT so evil, like in Saudi Arabia. Then again, I'm no expert. I personally think that ALL religion is damaging to girls/women. It's used to oppress women and empower men, we need to empower more women.

Jae Lynn - 2018-12-17

@Joe Rowland They go hand in hand.

Richard Sandwell - 2018-12-18

And the world is full of bent corrupt bastards.

jutubaeh - 2018-12-21

0:40 gta redlite ^ ^

letz häve ´´immies´´ and emi$ ^^

hjemis - 2018-10-02

Dude I was able to see my Dell there!

eatmyshorts s - 2020-01-13

Nassir: I have more and more work, but cant take care of my teeth

Olivier Lopez Ch - 2018-12-20

17:32 who would throw away that PSX :(

Mickey McGowan - 2020-01-30

2:25 I have subtitles on auto generate english... "johar cheese coloured addict RK" ... kind of wanna keep them on now

James Prime - 2018-12-13

After watching this, I appreciate my job much, much more now. As well as my life.

DAILY TIPS - 2019-10-14

Good for you ,God bless you

DAILY TIPS - 2019-10-14

Earlier or later it would affect you in whatever country you are in

Mattguy - 2018-11-12

12:53 He's talking about how toxic the metals in the environment are, and I can think of is "Holy shit, I want one of those things in my playground"

David Palacka - 2018-10-12

4:25 ICQ

M.Waqar-Ali UNITEPAK - 2018-12-30

😍😍😍Hmm Great Love THIS MARKET GREAT VIDEO 😍😍😍😊

Jakartarl - 2018-12-13

23:58 that poor child is sleeping on the floor

Camilo Castillo - 2018-10-20

This makes me hurt when i hear that people have to live like this