> chemistry > solvants-extractions > chloroform > chloroform-by-the-haloform-reaction-bleach-acetone-doug-s-lab

Chloroform and the Haloform Reaction

Doug's Lab - 2014-08-04

Chloroform is made from sodium hypochlorite and acetone.

aga - 2016-09-03

Always add 1 w% ethanol to stabilise/prevent phosgene build-up if you're going to store it.

ChemLab - 2019-06-06

aga Thansk for the tip

bromiso valum - 2020-02-04

Excellent advise!

thatnonchalantguy - 2019-04-18

i've been running distillations for years and i still find it mesmerizing to watch a vapor front climb

Michael Earl Crowell - 2019-07-06

Confucius predict you spend more time doing distillation.

bromiso valum - 2020-02-04

Same, chemistry is my first love, I can watch a distillation for hours on end, it's hypnotic like staring into a campfire. I lose track of time because I get so absorbed in the beauty of it all. If only I could find a woman who makes me do the same.

gogear131 - 2016-03-08

my go to chemist
doug's lab, cody's lab, nurdrage, and nile red...thanks for making me feel smartz

KaliyaK - 2018-01-08

Chem player?

Hg mercury - 2018-12-13

omg me too

boomboompsh - 2015-01-11

The hypoflourite ion does exist. (hypoflorous acid is in fact the only solid-state stable hypohalous acid) The problem with fluorine lies in the fact that the haloform reaction mechanism reguires a partial positive charge on the halogen, but fluorine is so electronegative that it has a partial negative charge in the oxygen to fluorine bond.

Remavas - 2015-09-22

You really deserve more Subscribers...

TheChemistryShack - 2014-12-24

You would have gotten a much higher yield if you let the liquid in the jugs settle longer. The turbidity in the first 3 liters that you decanted down the drain was due to suspended chloroform, so you lost a lot of chloroform by decanting those down the drain.

mmmhorsesteaks - 2015-12-27

thing is, the water has a large amount of salts in it so the difference in densities is much smaller. This makes the dispersion settle much slower than one might expect. Might be better had he left it overnight or something.

Don't Even Bother - 2016-08-19

The cloudiness when decanting may suggest you didn't let it settle for long enough.

Troy Mc Conroy - 2017-04-07

WARNING! You have to stabilize the Chloroform if you wanna store it for a long time

NungaNunga12 - 2016-01-17

You have a severe lack of subscribers. Maybe see if you can do a collaboration with Cody's Lab or Nile Red, it could help you gain some traction :P Love your channel, keep it up.

J H - 2019-04-21

12:53 thats pretty cool. I really like watching the vapor front creep up and over

Жанибек Бекхожин - 2018-02-15

hypofluoric acid was synthesised at very low temperature, but I don't know about the anion. Thanks for your videod!!!!

Thaddeus Lehman - 2019-11-23

I am a degreed chemist and I love this channel.

Beer - 2019-11-12

Dougs dating "cologne" is super effective ..

Damian Silva - 2015-04-18

Very informative! Finally someone who explains the chemistry behind it all.

Inspironator - 2016-06-06

I like your down to earth style of providing the information. I enjoy watching your videos of chemistry the most. Cheers

Liam Wilson - 2020-06-24

Thank you for helping me prank my whole school they slept for 1 hour

Andrew Villalobos - 2019-12-12

Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to try extracting caffeine from something using chloroform. Caffeine is twice as soluble in chloroform than in dichloromethane. You have a fume hood so the fumes from boiling off shouldn't be an issue.

glasslinger - 2019-12-12

Wow! Now I see why chloroform is so expensive from the lab supply! This was about 40 bucks for that little bit of liquid.

zardiw - 2015-10-28

Best video on this I've seen. No BS. Kudos

bad.rasta - 2020-02-13

could one use calcium hypochlorite for this reaction?

jon hoyles - 2015-11-18

very interesting thanks love your channel and your zhmapper one 2

Andrew Villalobos - 2019-12-12

Also I'm not sure if you already have a video on it, but you should do a video on how to clean your glassware.

renuka revdiwala - 2020-02-26

I like to see some another metal so how can I contact you

P. O'Neill - 2016-07-13

How do I P.M. Dough????

Toxi Core - 2015-09-07

FO^- can't exist to my knowledge because of the electronegativity of fluorine being higher as the electronegativity of oxygen - so you should be correct

Joshua Helgeland - 2020-04-08

How would one synthesize CCl2F2 from Dichloromethane?

Ze Bud - 2019-09-22

Can you make a video on how to make LSD

ali shenawy - 2018-01-23

Its about time and this channel will be huge thank you doug

Jay Carlson - 2019-01-24

Nice vapor line. Liked just for that.. lol

Glimpse Tv - 2018-11-12

So how can I buy some from you I need sleep at night

Michael Earl Crowell - 2019-07-06

Bad idea. It is carcinogenic. That is why they stopped using it for an anesthesia. Better to work to the point of exhaustion. Then no problem going to sleep.

Jake Masters - 2019-03-09

I’ve tried making some chloroform this way but the chloroform that separates out is a dark straw colour, any ideas what’s happening?

Shylock's Legacy - 2020-04-12

Why cant you distill the rest of the water containing the 60 ml soluable chloroform?

Sarkazeoh - 2018-01-03

There are others now, but I think you can compete with them in videos like this.

James Davidson - 2020-03-31

Dead channel?

Жанибек Бекхожин - 2018-02-15

But what about phosgene?!

Gary Carone - 2020-05-18

Doug man, you still with us amongst the living? Haven't heard from ya in a while. Hope you didn't have an unfortunate lab accident. I could see not making YT video esp with YT's rules and algorithms. But man let us know if your still alive!

Paul Frankenstein - 2019-07-10

Great video. What is the ratio of NaOCl and acetone? I want to do it with NaOCl at 14 %.

TRU MAN - 2020-05-25

Getting anything higher than 25% is much more difficult.
You need a dripper to get just 75% concentrate.
You'll need to do it 2 or 3 times as well.

Michael Earl Crowell - 2019-07-06

Try freezing out the CHCl3 from the waste aqueous phase. Freeze until about half frozen. Pour off liquid. Ice should be pure water. Some CHCl3 should be in liquid phase. Phase separate out the CHCl3. Combine aqueous phases. Repeat.
Keep repeating until no more CHCl3 is obtained. Report yield in another YouTube video.

Jack Of All Crap - 2015-08-13

Hi, can you please make a video on the synthesis of benzyl methyl ketone via chloroacetone and benzene? Thanks!

Dimas Terol - 2016-08-13

choloacetone (extremely irritant), benzene (carcinogenic). For a hobbie lab, it's not safe, i think

Michael Earl Crowell - 2019-07-06

This is better made via Grignard reaction with benzyl chloride and acetonitrile . Smells sweet too.

R White - 2017-07-21

can trichloroethane b made from chloroform?

Dmitry - 2020-07-25

You just could use syringe with tube to get all chloroform from the bottom of jags

joe estes - 2018-02-10

Would you add ethanol to help stabilize it or not? Also would keeping it in the refrigerator help it or not?

BackYard Science 2000 - 2020-03-11

Yes, add a small amount of ethanol and storing in a refrigerator is not a bad idea either.

Davide De Rosa - 2019-12-13

Hi! How can you neutralize the chloroform left in the water before discarding it?

Luke Styles - 2020-06-16

Hydrolyse with aqueous NaOH/KOH, either let stand for a while or if you’re in a hurry reflux

Davide De Rosa - 2020-06-16

@Luke Styles what are the byproducts?

Luke Styles - 2020-06-16

Davide De Rosa NaCl/KCl and Formic Acid

Davide De Rosa - 2020-06-16

@Luke Styles thank you. I expected that (via chlorocarbene intermediate) but I couldn't find a source to check.

Edy Wolfe - 2017-10-15

Pool shock easier

Angel All Love - 2019-12-21

The best way i saw to do this, and u can get close to quantitative amounts, even doing all three gallons, was to use a 10 gallon bucket, a whole bag of ice, like store bought bag, pour jnto bucket, then bleach, then your 130ml of acetone or MEK, stirring constantly, another bag of ice nearby, just incase. As u stir it goes cloudy, ice even gets smaller. But it slows the warming after 30 or so minutes, ice cubes are very melted, but still there. Pour in more ice, not necessary to dump whole bag, maybe half a bag. U can leave the area and live life... come back a few hours later, even doing this setup at night, sleeping after temperature rising has plateaued or at least appears to, after 20-30min. Next morning using an oral syringe or turkey baster (jve used nasal suckers for babies to siphon before) suck out the chcl3 and put into amber bottle, store in cool, dark place, capped.

Brian Johnson - 2015-09-10

What did you use the chloroform for?

Giorgos Metalhear - 2016-03-12

+Brian Johnson Don't act like you don't know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

sushma verma - 2018-10-14

Kidnapping kids

Lal bhadur Khandait - 2019-02-16


Richard C - 2019-09-30

doesn't ethanol + hypochlorite also make chloroform?

bromiso valum - 2020-02-04


fla playa - 2020-05-19

Just struck me odd thinking about the nasty carcinogenic tendencies of chloroform. Replace two of the Cl's with Fluorine gives R-22 (Chlorodifluoromethane) which is supposedly harmless. Chloroform is an interesting molecule particularly when oxidized.

ElFranches - 2018-03-27

doug you are the best