> biologie > terpenes-the-most-common-language-in-the-world

Terpenes: The Most Common Language in the World

SciShow - 2017-07-23

The most popular language on earth isn’t spoken, it’s smelled. Those smells are made up of terpenes, a multipurpose class of chemical compounds.

Hosted by: Olivia Gordon
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Master Therion - 2017-07-23

If a terpene smells unpleasant, is that... foul language?

Netser Ivry - 2017-07-24

Master Therion +

snowdaysrule2 - 2017-07-24


Jezmit Singh - 2017-07-25


thomas budianto - 2017-07-25


xWood4000 - 2017-08-01


Smeetheens - 2017-07-23

But is it taught on Duolingo?

Guy Numbers - 2017-07-23

Nice profile pic m8

Gumardee coins and banknotes - 2017-07-24

Mandarin, No.

Mira Jain - 2017-07-24

i literally just came here from duo

Smeetheens - 2017-07-24

+Lemuel Ogabang The correct form would be Los animales hablan.
+Guy Numbers It's from Donkey Ollie, a religious show about not touching little girls.
How did I get the most upvoted comment? Am I actually that cool?

Guy Numbers - 2017-07-24

oh, i know donkey ollie ;)

60 Second Success - 2017-07-23

Rumor has it, that if you put your ear to the side of a pyramid and listen closely, you can actually hear a pheromone.

Austin Pinheiro - 2017-07-23

took me a while...................................................

60 Second Success - 2017-07-23

I appreciate it, Bryan!

Austin Thompson - 2017-07-24

took me a second but, audibly say ahhhh haha

antiisocial - 2017-07-24


BigBen Hebdomadarius - 2017-07-24

If we made recordings and sold them, it would be a pyramid scheme. Just sayin.

DontMockMySmock - 2017-07-23

Pretty loose definition of "language" there, SciShow. . . .

Vasectomy Fail - 2017-07-23

i live in a legal weed state, i hear the word "terpenes" or "terps" almost 5 times a day.

stand - 2017-07-24

Lucky you, I live in belarus and I think it will never be legal to smoke weed here, because people in power are just too stupid to realize the potential I guess. And because of alcohol lobby probably. And that's sad I have to say…

Justin Cronkright - 2017-07-25

You smell it probably hundreds or thousands of times a day too.

Diphyllum - 2017-07-25

Amazing how drug culture teaches people about science

Vau Gr - 2017-07-25

Michael Vippermane meth chefs are real scientists lol

Diphyllum - 2017-07-25

Some are, some aren't. Lot of talented chemists making psychedelics though

coc0s - 2017-07-23

I just ate a burrito so I'm communicating with hydrogen sulfide.

Christina - 2017-07-23

coc0s I just ate some hotdogs, so I hear ya loud and clear.

xenophontiacicidationarionism - 2017-07-24

I just ate nine so I'm seven

Kutlwano Sesing - 2017-07-23

The most common language on the internet is troll

Software Man - 2017-07-23

and thats not a bad thing

Phish N' Chimps - 2017-07-23

get triggered much?

King Peppy - 2017-07-23

Flatulence 104, teh unseen translation.

Cracked Emerald - 2017-07-24

Kutlwano Sesing it esnt u stoop, et es lulkat

spindash64 - 2017-08-11

I'm pretty sure it's actually sarcasm.
Which is kind of the same thing in a different form and scale...

TheWhatifPalace - 2017-07-24

Anyone else hears it as herpes?
Only me? Well.

TheBlueHairedPear - 2017-07-23

Rumour has it, YouTube comments used to be original...

GiggitySam Entz - 2017-07-23

Terpeeenes ! Yaaay ! They're so cool ! So elegantly varied by their subtle chemical differences !

DickButt - 2017-07-23

GiggitySam Entz try hard

thevisionary2007 - 2017-07-24

Man: Yeah... smell dat? Assume the position!"
Woman: What a pig!

impermissa - 2017-07-24

4:17 oranisms lol

areamusicale - 2017-07-25

2:55 was that a joke: "what is the bacteria trying to say to the fun guy?"

From Scratch Aunty Bindy - 2017-07-27

Wondering if this is one of the reason why companion planting based gardens can be so successful rather than mono culture based. Love this episode Scishow Crew - Thank you!

ChaosPotato - 2017-07-24

You guys should take it easy on the colored text xD
Also, I'm happy to see Olivia's settling in nicely!

merloon - 2017-07-24

"Load terpedo tubes 2 & 3. Fire terpedoes!"

Sul Sul - 2017-07-23

isn't it weird how the first commenters never say first?

Billy However - 2017-07-23


culturaLag - 2017-07-23

Fascinating stuff, now wondering how ants smell to a bear..

rubbers3 - 2017-07-24

"Assume a mating stance" is my new pickup line

Dr Gutowski - 2017-07-24

"What did the bacteria say to the fungus" sounds like the start of a joke to me

Paul Paulson - 2017-07-23

There is a language more popular than smell: sound!

Daniel Enriquez - 2017-07-24

0:17 ayeee dab 🔥👌

MrMegaPussyPlayer - 2017-07-24

3:55 probably the bacteria say "hahaha" ... because they answer to a really fun guy ...
(don't kill me for that pun)

Robert Beacham - 2017-07-24

4:14 Spelling mistake "Oranisms"

Lydia Kolibar - 2017-07-23

Awwwe but I want to have conversations with my house plant! My basil always releases a ton of its sweet smell when I water it, I like to think it's thanking me.

Christina - 2017-07-23

Sky Tower That's adorable.

SQUID / ILLAC - 2017-07-23

If I was early, I'd come before the video was released...

Cameo Shadowness - 2017-07-23

Squidillac Finally someone who know what "early" means!

Bugbears and Wormwood - 2017-07-23

I used to have that problem..

I still do, but I used to too

Ronaldo - 2017-07-23

Squidillac you do know that early has multiple meaning right.

SQUID / ILLAC - 2017-07-24

ADP VLJ it depends on what 'early' is relative to.

BigBen Hebdomadarius - 2017-07-24

Squidillac Come with your relatives. "Incest is best!"

Christopher Ellis - 2017-07-24

20:17 is clock time,
2017, (two thousand and seventeen ) is the year.

Redline - 2017-07-23

2:27 wait.. SOS didn't mean save yourselves?!

Drew B. - 2017-07-23

SOS was always a 'we're in distress, please help' signal. The signal ...- - -... was chosen as the distress signal in Germany and adopted internationally as a unique signal. Since 'SOS' is generally easier to say and corresponds to the pattern, that's what people started calling it instead of 'distress signal'. Then folks attributed stuff like Save Our Ship to the letters.

Redline - 2017-07-24

it was a joke.. that i i thought it meant save yourselves and someone would say SOS i would just run and leave the person .

Margo Davies - 2017-07-24

"So we will need a while to know what bacteria wants to say to fungai" god damn it

Syko - 2017-07-25

Yep so when you mow the grass the grass is screaming "save yourselves!" as you cut them in half which is what you smell.

weehawk - 2017-07-24

Great work as always, Olivia! You're the best!

Kaela Olsen - 2017-07-24

Thank you Scishow! Loved the video and LOVE this channel! Please don't stop!

Deepak Mishra - 2017-07-29

Her nose ring reminds me of "mike lu and aag on the island"

Landon Baty - 2017-07-24

Do a part 2 about the terpenes found naturally in cannabis!

Nmethyltransferase - 2017-11-10

Why does ketamine work (whereas memantine fails) for depression?

ELWest1000 - 2017-07-25

Rohan and Gondor, hahahaha.

This was kind of cool; I never knew this before. I could have used some terpenes to keep that hornworm off my tomato plant before he ate half of it!

Ricardo Pesenti - 2017-07-30

I do terpene analysis in the lab. love it because of the nice smells^^

Holly Targaryen - 2017-07-23

💕 this x

Liz Gichora - 2017-07-23

Thank you!

butts - 2017-07-24

Oh yeah sure i am fluent in interpretive dance

CrankyPants - 2017-07-24

Very interesting stuff. Good job, as always, Olivia.

[ D_wang ] - 2017-07-23

My favorite language to use

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Carson Arthur - 2017-07-26

Settings>0.5/ 4:53 /

Spider Survivor - 2017-07-24

I really dig your look today, Olivia! Its what I wish my wardrobe was: buttoned up but ready to dig in up to the forearm :D

Tyler Hanley - 2017-07-25

4:10 "most oranisms"

needpit1 - 2017-07-25

I love how Olivia explain things. I think i have a crush on her...

_elevenseggowaffles_ - 2017-07-23

Last time I was this early, England wasn't a city...

NWRIBronco6 - 2017-07-24

+Dorvuzak Uzn, +Crimson Ender should both do a little more research because +Glorval MacGlorvas is right(ish) - the Celts ranged widely throughout Europe, from the Black Sea to modern France (the Romans referred to the French and Northern Italian Celts as Gauls). They ALSO migrated into England/Ireland, displacing earlier populations (think Druids). They did not "control" all of Europe, though (nobody did, or has) - the Angles and Saxons alluded to above are great examples of Germanic tribes from Central / Northern Europe. North of them were lots of Nordic tribes (so many people seemed to migrate from this area southward that it's been described by ancient historians as a 'womb of nations'). And to the east were Slavic peoples, as well as nomadic tribes from central Asia (think Scythians, Cimmerians, Huns, Mongols).

As for OP, that was a fun little reference to learn. :)

_elevenseggowaffles_ - 2017-07-24

+budmeister I didn't know that! Cool fact! :D

Minhao Lee - 2017-07-24

Amazing123456 last time i was this early, math was still related to science

Matty - 2017-07-24

Amazing123456 it still isn't lol

Jordan s - 2017-07-24

last time i was this early the girlfriend kicked me out of house

TimeAndChance - 2017-07-24

Rohan and Gondor kingdoms have life without turpenes. I heard it first on cc. Wonder if it was news to Tolkien? :-D

Sion - 2017-07-24

It's like those aliens that comunicate with smells in the No Mans Sky game :D