> chemistry > solvants-extractions > diethyl-ether > diethyl-ether-synthesis-chemx

Diethyl Ether Synthesis

ChemX - 2017-02-17

Today we synthesize Diethyl Ether, a very common and useful organic solvent. I will use it in a Grignard reaction in an upcoming video.

For further referece, check out the following videos:
NileRed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z2oE8-uthU
myst32YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytdO3YzXNkQ

Thanks for watching!

Envision Official. - 2019-05-04

Thank you so much for helping me out with this, now I can finish making LSD.

Loren Fulghum - 2020-12-19

@R Johnson not to mention at LEAST a few thousand dollars worth of gear and glassware.

Edward Science Innovations - 2020-12-20


comando1911 - 2021-02-18

Yes cuz someone who plays video games all day would actually be able to find mass quantities of ergot infected rye, or lysergic acid I dont even remotely believe you.

comando1911 - 2021-02-18

@Loren Fulghum en not nessicarly true I've set up a fairly decent lab for under 500

Loren Fulghum - 2021-02-18

@comando1911 yes but are you making LSD in it?

PbN3 2 - 2019-11-26

Love the music @ the end!😎 Not enough chemists jam to metal

Edy Smetsers - 2017-11-05

Great video mate.first time i found your channel but its one of the best i ve seen.verry good explenations and shots.i love it.KEEP UP THE GREATH VIDEOS

Kiltmaster - 2020-06-13

150 degrees celsius?
But wouldn't that mean that the water in the acid and the ethanol will all evaporate long before you even reach that temperature? Is this experiment performed at greater than atmospheric pressure?

Racky Tiwari - 2021-01-12

What is the use of sulphuric acid here

Libor Tinka - 2018-06-25

Can you please explain how you wash the sand with acid? I assume the concentration of the acid does not matter much as long as it eats out all the ions from the sand, right? So maybe using 1% HCl, then wash with distilled water few times and measure pH of the said water to check for neutral?

Libor Tinka - 2018-09-08

Okay I found simply washing it few times with something like 0.1M HCl and then few times with demi water, then checking pH is good enough. We simply want to remove ions that would steer the reaction in an unwanted way. But ether has been successfully made in early mid ages with much simpler apparati, it's not such a big deal...

Hazel Chem - 2020-04-27

immer schön wenn ein man einen Chemiker findet der metal hört :D

mach weiter so !

mfg hazelChem

Pszny Klefedron Boży - 2018-08-03

Are you from Poland ?

Werner Hiemer - 2019-04-24

Sounds german.

Walter Sobchak - 2018-01-20

Suckback is bad Mmmmmkay!!

Timothy Morrison - 2017-02-17

ChemX you could have also stabilised your Diethyl Ether by using some BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), which acts a free radical scavenger preventing peroxide formation. You only need to add in the ppm range (mg scale) for it be effective and it doesn't affect the polarity of the solvent too much as well.

ChemX - 2017-02-23

If I had access to it, I could certainly use it, but since I am a hobby chemist I don't really have access to "specialty" chemicals. Thanks for the tip nonetheless :)

MrHeroPants - 2017-02-21

Is it possible to recycle the sulfuric acid by distilling of the water?
Of course it wouldn't be as clean as it was, but for the purpose of another ether synthesis it could do its job, doesn't it?

By the way great video! I hope you keep it up because I like your channel very much :)
And be careful with Ether ;) it's vapour preassure is high enough to kick out and destroy glass stoppers easily ^^

ChemX - 2017-02-23

I never really thought about it, but I guess you could reuse the acid. With a good heating mantle it is even possible to distill off the sulfuric acid itself.
Purity isn't really critical for this reaction, since it is quite messy itself, so I use the cheapest, technical grade sulfuric acid I can find. I don't think it's worth recycling, but if you want to you could of course give it a try :)

Yeah ether really is a dangerous chemical. I bought a respirator after this, because the vapour pressure is just too high and there were ether fumes everywhere.

jared garden - 2017-07-15

MrHeroPants - if you don't want to distill the sulfuric acid but still want to purify it, you could add hydrogen peroxide to the blackened conc sulfuric acid, this will form H2SO5 otherwise known as Caro's acid or Piranha solution, which will oxidize any organic contaminants to CO2.
As you add the peroxide you will see a bit of bubbling and the solution will begin to clear. DO NOT add too much H2O2 and DO NOT add the H2O2 to hot acid.
To decompose the piranha you can simply heat the solution, above 55*C H2SO5 will decompose to H2SO4 and O2, you can then heat further to concentrate the acid.

Jean Pierre Daviau - 2017-09-13

You have a link to your respirator specification, or type, or description?