> chemistry > divers > sodium-mercury-amalgam-nilered

Sodium and Mercury

NileRed - 2018-12-31

Go to https://NordVPN.com/nilered and or use code NILERED to to get 75% off a 3 year plan.  Protect yourself online today!


This is the first official video in my new amalgam series, where I try and combine as many different metals as possible with mercury. 

For this video, I'll be making the sodium amalgam, which is commonly used in chemical reactions. It can also be used as a gateway to other amalgams, even some that are normally very hard to form.

Aluminum and Mercury: https://youtu.be/IrdYueB9pY4
Dissolving Gold in Mercury: https://youtu.be/yAGYGGmUmUw
Sodium vapor lamp footage: https://youtu.be/XOLd44PO_aU

Nile talks about lab safety:  https://youtu.be/ftACSEJ6DZA


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nilered

Merch store (NileRed Pin & Keychain): https://store.dftba.com/collections/nilered

NileRed website (Glassware & Beaker Mugs): https://nile.red


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nile.red
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NileRed2
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BT6UHf

Music in credits (Walker by SORRYSINES): https://soundcloud.com/sorrysines/walker

Danilo Pinheiro Muller - 2018-12-31

NileRed: "working with mercury is almost always a pain, requires waste management and special handling..."
Cody: "in this video we'll mix liquid mercury with Kool Aid and drink it!"

Jon Ryno - 2019-05-25

@Andrew Delashaw Damn man Universities really are becoming kind of a joke.

I first thought that when noticing the community college courses I took had higher academic standards than the handful of universities I've known. I thought it had to do with ensuring athletes flunk out less often, but I'm not sure.

I do know of several local companies who have recently stricken bachelor's degree requirements in favor of 2 year from most of their positions.

EvilPlagueDoctor - 2019-05-25

@Jon Ryno oh yeah, there are always crazy people, but I think that's been the same throughout time it's just the internet that has allowed crazy to get together.

That being said, I do live in a small town in Canada, so I may be spared from more crazy than other places.

pineapple - 2019-10-07

Lenina Lopez
So you’re telling me that we’ve discovered how dangerous some chemicals are, but you want to continue to have it kill people? oH, i’M mR cOoL, i DoN’t FoLlOw SaFeTy ReGuLaTiOnS

Bill A - 2019-10-07

And we'll fart large Mercury + Kool Aid amalgam clouds. That's my kinda channel! xD

Place holder name - 2020-02-21

Lenina Lopez, well the protections are likely absurd in institutions like university because they don’t want to take the chances of you getting harmed and it being on them, then they get sued etc.

Eric MacFadden - 2018-12-31

Imagine having science channels like this on YouTube, and then showcasing “melting lipstick” as a science experiment representing all science channels.

Nothing\ - 2019-02-12

The worst part about channels like that is the provide the illusion of being educational while teaching little or nothing. It can be a dangerous trap for somebody who doesn't know any better. Even a lot of documentaries don't really teach you anything of practical use.

MX3Ghost - 2019-02-12

People: Melting lipstick is not science

The King of Random: Hold my beer

Pseudo Nym - 2019-06-15

@Nothing\ cough*bright side*cough

Łukasz Mariański - 2019-12-31

the worst thing is that a long time ago they (The King of Random) actually had some cool content there, but then it devolved into this bs like most channels on YT

Robbie James - 2020-02-15

@Łukasz Mariański
I know, things like the mini furnace were genuinely fun and inspiring, while not being condescendingly simple or boring.

theshuman100 - 2019-01-01

Gets mercury poisoning.
"This is not ideal"

Daniel Maher - 2020-01-22

This is not okie dokie

‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ - 2018-12-31

Thank NordVPN for supporting so many Niche content creators

soundspark - 2020-01-27

Wonder how many content creators they have helped steal from?

Marek Šťastný - 2020-02-22

Raid: "My true successor"

Water - 2020-04-03


Gargantuan Leviathan - 2020-04-22

Nice name.

Aker Rose C. - 2020-06-19


Loschen in Motion - 2018-12-31

science man mixes poison shiny water with water boom

Redstone_Ghost - 2019-06-12

I thought is was stupid juice and boom butter

shane Krieg - 2019-09-28

What happens if you fuse it like what happens if you put current threw it I had a clock with monkey made of sodium and Mercury it had som time displacement thing in it with earth strap goin to it it still worked without monkey and earth strap I had the feeling it was a set up like big explosion if powers put threw it or turn to liquid and poison the owner the monkey was hunuman monkey king the clock had three keys 2 winding springs and preset destination pritty scary any ideas

Adam Defibaugh - 2020-01-14

Stunning and brave.

BrecKR - 2020-02-03

@блини кот how is this based and redpilled?

блини кот - 2020-02-03

@BrecKR Because this is a Grug meme (I think)

Alice Xylanthrax - 2019-11-16

“So to get things started, I added a few drops of acid.” Me, at every party

bar Ziv - 2019-12-30

was searching for this

Felipe Siqueira - 2020-01-25

that's the rule

J_mac225 - 2019-03-09

I don't know why but i feel sad every time you smash a glass tube.
You always say something like "i was hoping i could just pop it out, but i can't."

That always makes me feel like you're all disappointed. it always comes off as like, "I tried to save my near and dear glass tube. I truly did, but alas, my efforts were futile. I'm sorry, my glass tube, that it has to end in this way. But your contributions will not be forgotten. Your end will not be in vain. you will be a part of something much greater. Hundreds of thousands of people shall see your ultimate sacrifice to science," Mr.Science man says, tears building in his eyes.

And then you give the glass tube a slow death with a hammer, and it takes a few tries, like the glass tube is trying to resist. it just makes me feel like I've lost something. and I feel so silly every time it happens.

Audiocronic - 2019-11-19

Glass Tube: Daddy! Daddy! Why are you doing this? I love you Daddy! Please! Please don’t do this Daddy!

Bhavendra Lal Sharma - 2019-11-24

@Audiocronic Please...no more

TetWeightRat - 2019-12-25

Glass Tube: Dad it hurts! Please stop! Dad.... I love you..

Luis P. - 2020-02-11

time to make 10 liters of fluorine gas in cardboardware

Ninja Baiano - 2020-05-08

@TetWeightRatits better than
" harder daddy!
Make me feel like a common glass ware, i an a dirty dirty wine glass."
Why do you do this nile?

Peter Smythe - 2019-01-17

"There was a thump, and all the sodium instantly disappeared."
Sodium in a nutshell lol.

Isaac Roebuck - 2020-01-06

Nope, it reacts with nutshells too, there's no way you could keep it in one.

Ethereal Forest - 2020-02-26

Isaac Roebuck lmao

Ethan Pund - 2019-12-15

I love how informative you are about absolutely everything you talk about.

William Shreckengost - 2019-01-02

1:22 "But first, let me show you some of my exotic cheese collection."

Gewel ✔ - 2018-12-31

Why didn't you try adding mercury drops onto sodium?

Zivilyn The Wyrd - 2019-01-02

likely because of the amount of heat being let off, you don't want a sodium fire.

Art Design Hobby - 2019-01-03

@Zivilyn The Wyrd I want :D 🔥🚒

Nicholas Vellenga - 2018-12-31

0:14 "It's almost always a bit of a pain because it requires special handling"

proceeds to mix it with another metal that requires special handling

Tim Seidel - 2020-04-12

"Safely" Adding Mercury and Sodium in one :o

Em6er - 2019-03-02

Rip bismuth crystals :(

SpudHead - 2019-01-31

Can you do a video on making (synthesising I guess) ethanol? I know it's far far easier to ferment sugar but a chemical process would be fascinating.

fuck this - 2019-02-06

....takes me back to my alcoholism days

Quick Science - 2020-05-02

Burn ethane

TM Fan - 2018-12-31

NR: the rxn is very exothermic and can burst into flames
Also NR: didn't submerge the flask in cold water bath
Me: excuse me wtf

challox - 2018-12-31

what if shock heating breaks the glass? this is not a danger in this example, but it could be a problem

Robbie James - 2020-02-15

Water + sodium = fire anyway?

Parallel - 2019-01-01

1:39 love me some cheese 😂

burnt potato chip - 2020-05-31

Bruh lmao-

creeper creslyn - 2020-06-01

forbidden cheese

lacedblunt. - 2018-12-31

It look like a mutant indica strain

Horace Gentleman - 2018-12-31


namn - 2019-01-01

DOWNRIGHTDOOM could be the mask or the cosby sweater...

lacedblunt. - 2019-01-01

@namn rather ugly nigga wit flows dats gorgeous

Paul the Average - 2018-12-31

I would like to see NaK mixed with mercury, you just know that has to be fun.

challox - 2018-12-31

I had that idea too! Like!

G. Dewert - 2019-01-03

I usualy don't read the partreon names but DROP TABLE usernames() is pretty funny
(though it shoud be  '); DROP TABLE usernames;-- to work from what i read)

Woe - 2019-11-20

"I have absolutely no ideia what the concentration of sodium is here"
"but I think it's somewhere around 5%"

Trymatic - 2018-12-31

I feel like you’re gonna get elemental fluorine at some point. Cody will probably be first though

Jackson Mccreery - 2019-06-22

@NileRed It's terrifying stuff

Catalin Badalan - 2019-08-05

Q: Does water BURN in a Fluorine gas environment? I can't find a reference for this anywhere.

TaintedMojo - 2019-10-11

Fluorine should scare you

David - 2019-10-19

@Sebastian for good reason, it isnt to be trifled with

Marcia Osullivan - 2019-11-29

@Sebastian ChemicalForce has some

Ecstasy the haxor - 2019-12-31

gets ipvanish add
Nile: "this video is sponsored by nordvpn"

Me: makes my own VPNs because i dont trust VPN providers

Male of Negativity - 2020-02-18

Vpns arent secure no matter what you do,

The government wil probably see it.

Vpns are also shit for public wifi because cmon do you really think its that unprotected...

https://... Makes it secure, really the s works wonders.

There is no hacker 24/7 around the corner Vpns are shit for security.

I would only use them for connecting to another country to bypass censoring or example watch netflix shows out of other countries

Jester Poppy - 2019-03-02

yo what happened to the bismuth video? I was halfway and it said video unavailable.

Guodlca - 2019-01-01

12:50 Nitrogen is less dense than air, with molar mass 28 compared to air average 29. If oxygen and argon are denser than nitrogen and air is mostly these three, nitrogen must be less dense. Even with some water vapor, its still 20% oxygen. Gas density at the same temp and pressure depends only on the molar mass (for ideal gases).

Cracked Emerald's Variety Channel - 2019-01-03

And the mercury was warm so... Yeah

Leo Curious - 2019-01-04

The oxygen doesnt really do much, its the water vapor. He quickly closes the little flask so not much air can get in. Since everything was already pretty dirty you are not going to see any difference.

RipleySawzen - 2019-01-28

@Kuntal Das It just takes a long time for them to mix since the flask has a smaller opening than the rest

RipleySawzen - 2019-01-28

Would CO2 work or does sodium react with that too? It would definitely react less if it did.

rlowens - 2020-02-28

First mistake i have heard here at about 12:50 when he said N2 was denser than air. N2 at 28 g/mole O2 at 32 g/mole so air at 80% N2 and 20% O2 is about 2.8% heavier than N2.

Lance Anthony - 2019-01-01

I love you Nile Red!!!!! I can’t wait to see the 2019 future of your channel!

Vaasref - 2018-12-31

"Without pulling glass along with it"
Well it seems you did anyway.

Arin - 2018-12-31

Na Hg if spoken in Hindi would be interpreted as “don’t poop” 😬😬

umesh83013 - 2019-01-02

Lol yeah

umesh83013 - 2019-01-02

I never saw that

SuperAWaC - 2019-01-03

poo in loo

Angolin - 2019-01-05

If it's Hindi, "Don't poop" is an abbreviation of the phrase, "Use the designated pooping streets."

Asdfgh Zxcvbn - 2019-12-12

What about Hg Na

Jay TheHulk Moeller - 2020-02-03

Did you ever end up doing this series, I'm really interested in the amalgamation of different metals.

Zythis MacMillan - 2020-01-29

"Don't breat-"
Alright boys out comes the gas masks.

GRBTutorials - 2019-11-15

“Mercury is becoming one of my favorite elements” Oh, hello there, Cody2!

Danielle Spargo - 2018-12-31

Grats on your success!
So glad to see you're able to expand your operation, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!

Frame Boi - 2020-02-16

My favorite mercury reaction was the gold foil one. the way the mercury almost eats the gold leaf paper looks so cool!

Chris Casillas - 2019-02-01

Explain lithium being used as medication. Add some chemical reactions too

Stevesonaplane Cookbook - 2018-12-31

Well I'm gonna be seeing those ammonia amalgam clips once a month on /r/chemicalreactiongif.

Majestas Alt - 2019-01-01


Sir Valiant III - 2019-01-03

I’ve watched almost all of your videos and this is absolutely one of my favorites

Liam Williams - 2019-01-01

Jesus, I remember when you had <10K subscribers... you've grown so much since I was in sixth form - well done!

Sorry I couldn't be a patron anymore :(

ShadesSMH - 2019-03-19

"Within the next month"

Linus Pauly - 2018-12-31

"Smashing it a BIT" destroys flask completely

Rhythm Jain - 2018-12-31

Happened with me soo many times it's not even funny.

Matrix29bear - 2018-12-31

3:55 --- I mix the sodium and mercury by pushing it into the mercury with a glass stirrer rod.

Blue Sap - 2018-12-31

Rhythm Jain same here.

Schrader - 2019-01-03

Well, he started out very carefully...

Bill A - 2019-10-07

@Matrix29bear < You mean pushing Sodium under Mercury with furry paws. lol

Mateo de Lima - 2019-02-06

you are incredibly interesting to watch! makes me love chemistry so much more! keep it up!

Arjun Chatterjee - 2019-09-08

16:16 looks like brain MRI is going on!

Michael-John Mushill - 2019-06-28

That ammonia reaction was the coolest thing I have ever seen! Keep up the awesome work!

Cesar Vazquez - 2019-03-05

I don´t know a lot of chemistry but this man videos are just amazing.
This is an interesting channel <3

Nknown - 2018-12-31

Hg? Na...

Jayrin Art - 2019-04-03

He He He

Most Random - 2019-06-04

Omfg best joke.

Potato Boy - 2019-09-02

Nknown Hah.NaBrO

none ? - 2019-11-19


нет. - 2020-01-12

@none ? Cu also means asshole in Portuguese XD

Richard Birdsall - 2019-09-27

I can't believe I end up watching every one of his videos in their entirety when I couldn't stay awake in school courses I paid for haha

Life Is Better When You Relax - 2020-03-13

16:14 OMG! It's alive!

Alex P - 2020-04-03

“Back in the good ol’ days when safety wasn’t important”
Yeah it’s gotta suck that you now have to not kill yourself

Walker Roberts - 2020-02-18

Death: Imma get you Nilered
Nilered: I'm wearing a pretty good fume hood
Death: Drat!

PsychoSoldier - 2020-05-09


Shut Down Deart - 2018-12-31


Reckless Roges - 2019-01-01

I agree, (but I still prefer "crazy-in-love-with-science Uncle Codyslab).

Bill A - 2019-10-07

All these guys have "good chemistry" ;D

Nautilus Guitars - 2018-12-31

It makes me happy to see that you've been able to expand and make a living from this! Keep up the good work!