> chemistry > divers-inorganiques > make-pure-mno2 > make-manganese-dioxide-mnso4-khso5-approach-nurdrage

Make Manganese Dioxide (MnSO4 + KHSO5 approach)

NurdRage - 2011-12-01

In this video we make Manganese dioxide (MnO2)

Dissolve 10g of manganese sulfate (MnSO4) in 30mL water and 25g of potassium peroxymonosulfate (KHSO5, also called oxone) in 100mL of water. Combine the two solutions and the Manganese dioxide will preciptate directly out.

Filter it off, wash it out and let it dry.

Manganese dioxide can be used for making potassium permanganate, making manganese dioxide electrodes, and as an oxidant for some reactions.


Another great video:-)

BrotherBloat - 2011-12-02

thank you so much for continuing the best chemistry series on-line!

Mia Mama - 2018-01-09

I like it how the mno2 was synthesized on 11/11/11

Infinitymaster - 2011-12-03

I always kind of like the synthesis videos, because whenever I've attempted some reactions in the past, my reactants are always way too muddled with carbon and whatnot for the reaction to go as smoothly as I'd like. Seeing your pure synthesis, but primarily seeing it in an easy format, makes my job easier, and greatly decreases my chances of failing. Thanks.

SuperSlimeBoy - 2012-04-17

Nurdrage, you are my inspiration for chemistry. Thank you. I have started to make a home lab and recently ordered four hundred dollars worth of lab supplies. I love your videos, but could you make a few videos on things you can do without hard to get supplies? Also, if anything, please make a video on how to purify household hydrogen peroxide without distillation apparatus, as i have none. Thank you for your time.

KingOfChaos213 - 2011-12-02

Good informative video as always, i look forward to the next.

thebestofall007 - 2017-02-20

Would simply heating manganese metal on a hot plate set to the highest temperature so it oxidizes make MnO2?

iSOisoleucine - 2011-12-03

Liked... even before the video started. As an AP Chemist, I love your work. Keep it up.

Bryan Cortes - 2014-07-13

Glad you're back, almighty master.

Priyadarshi Raj - 2011-12-02

Well, I made my MnO2 from reducing KMnO4 with Glucose. I think it was of good quality ;)

masamunesword - 2011-12-03

I have to say, I really love your labels. Does the QR code go to the MSDS?

Henrik Stordahl - 2011-12-02

Another fine video! Keep it up :)

TheTarrMan - 2011-12-03

@NurdRage I hope I have this new layout figured out by then. Keep up the awesome videos.

MrSuednym - 2011-12-12

What kinds of reactions would you do with MnO2?

Computer Games - 2011-12-03

SUPER excited for the K synthesis video :) even though i won't personally be doing it..

NohbdyThere - 2011-12-03

@Rannyfash I don't know, my first experience with explosives was Nitrogen Triiodide. Then I went on to Nitroglycerine. Never had a bad experience. My worst was when I made black powder and managed to numb my hand for a few minutes when the card board tube went off just after I threw it, instead of in the pond I was throwing it at.

meemeekoeX - 2011-12-02

i love coming here to nerd out on chemical reactions:D

Caleb Welte - 2011-12-02

@NurdRage That's why I enjoy your videos, your maturity and respect for Science is un-matched on youtube.

endimion17 - 2011-12-02

I see you've employed the code idea. :)

2szymi - 2011-12-02

is it similiar to decomposition of KMnO4 with H2O2?

NurdRage - 2012-04-21

Go for it :)

KingOfChaos213 - 2012-04-16

You can make some nice cave paintings with it, or paint it onto your body as war paint maybe even use as a glaze for some pottery before kiln firing. about as much i know.

bloodkaiser360 - 2011-12-03

I really love your channel. Chemistry facinates me alot. Im in my last year of highschool and Im planning on starting with a bachelor degree on chemistry. After that Im not sure what I should study next. I want a job that involves alot of experimenting and being inside a lab. Any tips please?

Sizzlik - 2011-12-02

I like your vids even if im not into chemistry..so on this vid one question pops up..what is this stuff for? What can you use it for?

tGhIeNrGmEiRte - 2013-07-20

isn't it possible to just heat the KMnO4?

سيف الله المسلول - 2013-01-09

Hello NurdRage, I find your videos very informative and interesting. How do you make your sulfuric acid? Or maybe you just buy it ready? Please help me I want to learn how to make sulfuric acid because it is the king of chemicals and from it I can make almost all other chemicals. Thanks in advance: ;)

gta4rulzu - 2011-12-02

I never really noticed how interesting chemistry was but, this kind of blows me away

NurdRage - 2011-12-05

@stonent if you're hellbent on getting it, you can screen capture the image into photoshop, fix the cylindrical aberration, and apply contrast enhancement to improve the quality. But i'll save you trouble, it says exactly what you can read on the label. The code is to help our computer inventorying system track what we have in stock and helps us recreate the labels should they get damaged.

Unknown - 2011-12-02

@NurdRage i haven seen all ur videos yet, so i dont know if u have done the MnO2 + H2O2 = O2 experiment, but if u haven't, you really should make one, cuz (i think) its one of the funest experiments after electrolisys :D

linuxwhite - 2011-12-02

@NurdRage Although you've shown burning Jacob and Edward, as well ways to start a fire without matches

Homer Simpson - 2012-11-02


Laboratory of Liptakov - 2017-04-06

Is possible use instead KHSO5 for example (NH4)2S2O8 - ammonium persulfate ? Thanks.......:-)

MYtastePT - 2011-12-02

well i started to have chemestry at school this year and in my opinion these videos make me get more interessed :), which is good to my school grades XD

ScienceTry - 2011-12-05

@Nurdrage Respected Nurdrage, Is KHSO5 a strong enough oxidizing agent to use for turning alcohols into carboxylic acids?

Pepper Nickel - 2011-12-02

Pretty cool, I'll have to give this a try over winter break. What can this be used for?

007bistromath - 2012-01-31

@NurdRage You should embed a link to the wiki article for each substance as well, just in case somebody forgets what it's for. :p

rumi morrison - 2013-08-03

im just going into fershman year and have NO IDEA what im watching but i cant stop watching it

Jacky Ly - 2011-12-09

After all this work of getting high purity MnO2. What will you do with it now :)? As you said previously, you needed some high purity MnO2 to perform certain experiment while using low grade doesn't work.

BackYard Cheapskate - 2016-04-02

Is there a way to create molybdenum dioxide?

sticksquash - 2011-12-04

@NurdRage So uhh... when will we have videos demonstrating the synthesization of various cannabinoids and psychedelics? Yeah... sorry I could contribute nothing of worth. However, someone told me how to synthesize capsazepine, but... I don't have the resources of an amateur chemist. :(

Nebonit - 2011-12-02

Is there anything fun/interesting or something at all you can do with a chunk of zinc? (obtained from an anode in a boat I serviced)

Pap9 - 2011-12-02

@NurdRage do u use the q codes to manage ur supplies? its interesting. also.. do vids more often:)

frostykyogre - 2011-12-13

In what amounts is the sulfuric acid produced in this reaction? Could it be extracted so as to kill two birds with one stone?

Soenarto - 2020-10-29

hello, I want to ask, I have tried to make manganese dioxide by electrolysis. I'm confused, when should I stop the process, do I have to do it until the manganese sulfate solution turns black?
I hope the master is willing to provide an explanation ...

bla287 - 2011-12-02

@rogantu There are several substances which fit that description, examples: copper(II) oxide (decomposes into O2 and Cu2O at high temp), manganese(IV) oxide (turns into the (III) oxide and later into the (II,III) oxide), silver(I) oxide (becomes elementary Ag) ... basically all oxides of metals in high oxidation state will give off O2 when heated.

Ninjasuperk - 2011-12-05

@NurdRage Hello! I'm a big fan of your site! and I wonder... if you can make a episode with reactions to produce Ozone... not for repair the Ozone layer of course... just for fun. greetings from Peru! =)

Darwyn - 2013-04-30

Could you do a demo of how to make manganese sulfate from manganese carbonate could one use pool bisulfate?

Dri0m - 2011-12-02

can we make MnO2 from KMnO4 + H2O2 ?

Hassan Ahmad - 2013-09-17

I love your videos

kicsiqki - 2011-12-02

How can you test the purity of MnO2?