> chemistry > organiques-simples > nitrite-d-alkyle > isopropyl-nitrite > isopropyl-nitrite-doug-s-lab

Isopropyl Nitrite

Doug's Lab - 2015-03-15

In this video, I examine some properties of isopropyl nitrite.

Robocop2015 - 2016-02-13

Homemade poppers. :)

Полиграфович - 2016-03-02

I love when I accidentally explode myself to death

BaddaBigBoom - 2019-07-14

Lie detector!

Frank Roberts - 2019-10-10

2:00. "And then the sodium nitrite is slowly added." FOOMP!

manamedia - 2020-09-13


Wade Hutchinson - 2016-01-09

also known as "locker room"

Jake Rabbets - 2016-08-02

Poppers :D

nen ben - 2016-08-16

making people loose sense the beginning of time

ap xpandy - 2016-05-14

I must have been a chemist in a past life - I found that really interesting! Great presentation - thanks!

Noah Winslow - 2016-04-25

Edit at 9:03 :D I forget to take the stopper out of my sep funnel all of the time too hahaha

joe estes - 2017-01-06

Great video!

HboskO - 2015-12-28

@ 0:40 why are those sticks throwing a kid?

Alexis - 2017-04-17

TheCaptainLulz Jô

Angel All Love - 2017-09-28

Genuine lol

Andrew Dorsey - 2017-10-14


Dennis W - 2019-09-09


bruh moment - 2019-10-21

i thought someone was karatekicking another person!

Andrew Villalobos - 2020-07-28

How dilute can the whole reaction be?

GEZZA1 - 2015-10-26

hi, thanks for good vids. Just wondered if your square tunnel, leading to the external wall fan, is just as effective as a fume hood??

David C. - 2019-01-19

Hello awesome work...wondering if you can show the whole process of ammonia to nitric acid

ZodaChem - 2018-10-17

Using HCl in place of sulfuric acid, don't you take the risk of chlorinated compound as impurity in the final nitrite ?

Erik Persson - 2017-04-02

Hey mate, love the channel! Just want to ask you about that grease you tested the stuff on. Whats the name of that product and is it easily available? Where can I get that grease? It seems like the ultimate grease! :-D

ScienceWithJames - 2017-11-18

Erik Persson Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease

StarkDelusions - 2015-03-15

wow Doug is back :)

Doug's Lab - 2015-03-17


Exe Csrss - 2020-06-08

But doug has gone again.

GGRET HAVEALL - 2020-09-26

@Exe Csrss a cartel position came up.

Yooga Doo - 2016-03-03


Yooga Doo - 2016-03-03


Lorenzo Lafayette Quadri - 2020-08-13

Vacuum grease can be easily cleaned with cyclohexane but if you like the cheesy smell of popper, who am I to judge?

nen ben - 2016-08-16

how to make poppers/head cleaner at home

Sean Walton - 2016-04-30

Can you use regular hardware HCl?

Spooky Wizard - 2019-09-09


Anthony Kernich - 2016-10-05

saturated sodium chloride is also called Brine - you should prepare a solution and store it in a jar, so you don't have to keep preparing it all the time when required

Si da sci guy inc - 2019-01-29

What can you use it for Doug?

tek413 - 2020-10-04

Cleaning and synthesizing compounds or disco

Henry Mcfadzean - 2016-06-21

because nitrous acid reacts with hydrochloric acid to make nitrosyl chloride

Yooga Doo - 2016-03-03


Misael Flores - 2016-11-03

which one the acic?

LithiumLeopard - 2017-05-10

Hydrochloric acid is more acidic than sodium nitrite in the presence of water and once reacted, they form nitrous acid.

ciscothelight - 2020-09-06

What happens when you sniff final product ? :)

tek413 - 2020-10-04

Pops and drops

Ryan Bell - 2016-04-03

Hey Doug, thx for the awesome videos, I've been learning a lot, though in future could you please begin with a few uses of what it is your making? This is great stuff but I'd love to know more about what they do or could be used for, even if it's trivial. THX!!

dusty rhodes - 2021-01-10

You are hired!

notgood38 - 2016-08-13

Surprised you are making something like... this

nen ben - 2016-08-16

how to make poppers at home

Andrew Villalobos - 2020-08-22

Sodium azide :)

i Prakash - 2021-01-01

Hey there..
I'm wondering if anyone has yet asked the most obvious question.. Does this procedure make a pure enough isopropyl nitrite that is safe for use for its desired pharmacological action?

John ` - 2016-12-18

You need USP grade SN to make consistently good ester nitrites. Once opened it needs to be protected from O2. If the SN isn't good, the reaction temp will spike and you will have all sorts of horrid impurities making it impossible to preserve. You need to absolutely keep the reaction temperature as close to 32F as possible.....a range of 25 to 35F might suffice. Keep in mind that when you mix SN in water, it sucks up heat fast. You need to factor in this temperature change. The temp can drop 10F in a heart beat. If the temperature is too low, the yield will be scant and you will gets tons of thick precipitate.

taha jaafar - 2020-09-20


GGRET HAVEALL - 2020-09-26

@taha jaafar Na......

Nicholas Hutchison - 2016-07-18

Where do you get sodium nitrite? Does the food-grade stuff (99%+) work?

Si da sci guy inc - 2019-01-29

Heat sodium nitrate to remove one of the O atoms... NaNO3 + heat gives NaNO2 + 1/2 O2

Jon Ross - 2020-06-27

@Si da sci guy inc not true AT ALL! Dont listen to this guy people.

Paola Pavarotti - 2016-12-26

Con I use potassium nitrite?

James Parker - 2020-12-27

yes, any nitrite salt should work. just make sure it isn't contaminated with nitrates

Engdroid Yu - 2015-12-31

can use phosphorus acid instead sulfur acid?

Buck Starchaser - 2020-11-25

Will this unstick stuck glass connections that have petrified vacuum grease on them?

Matt Herriot - 2021-02-05

I have seen Isopropyl Nitrite dissolve steel, epoxy, silicone caulk, magnets and everything BUT glass. The only problem with removing vacuum grease from a seal is having a container big enough to immerse the seal in the liquid. The stuff evaporates so fast it might be near impossible to apply it to the seal long enough without resorting to immersion. Might be possible to wrap a paper towel around the seal and wet it with the nitrite and the wrap with Saran wrap to slow evaporation.

Buck Starchaser - 2021-02-05

@Matt Herriot That certainly sounds like it would need a hardcore, ignition-proof fume hood to go with it. From the description of this stuff, it sounds like it will make your butthole fall off if you smell it, and you're saying it evaporates agressively.

Jon Dodge - 2019-03-28

Did you put sodium nitrite solution in freezer also

ElGatoLoco698 - 2016-04-17

Isopropyl nitrite? Sounds explosive. This stuff blow up?

Diego - 2019-07-31

Isopropyl is the primary cause of degenerative eye site

Hamdi - 2015-12-08

Why didn't you extract it using an organic solvent?

LithiumLeopard - 2017-05-10

The organic solvent would contaminate it.

Kenjoneslee - 2020-05-25

You can use 15mls 70% rubbing alcohol and 10 mls muriatic plus 7 grams food grade SN. No need to prechill this amount or add more water. But do use an ice bath to perform the reaction. Neutralize on baking soda and it's good to go.

MrDelvoye - 2016-12-13

can we replace sodium nitrite by potassium nitrite

LithiumLeopard - 2017-05-10

Yes, but you will need to use different stoichiometric amounts.

Henry Mcfadzean - 2016-06-21

doesn't it make nitrosyl chloride which then adds the nitroso group on to the isopropyl alcohol?

LBP - 2020-08-17

How does this produce nitrite and not nitrate? Sodium nitrate and hydrochloric acid making nitrous acid?? That sounds odd

pancho valer - 2020-03-05

So, guys.
I have some questions.

1) Do I have to use technical grade NaNO3 ?
2) I do not have HCL 30% I do have H2SO4 98%. How much i will have to dilute my H2SO4 to make it match the diluted HCL
3)Wich temperature do you recomend to freeze the Sol 1 (NaNO3 + IPA) and the Acid in Item 2
4)The H2SO4 will react with the NaNO3 and form HNO3 therefore react with the IPA forming Isopropil Nitrate (which difference with the 30% HCL or a 30% H2SO4)
5) people often recomend an additive to prevent acid degradation i have heard about sodium carbonate, please recomend.

@John John

seven sleven - 2016-03-17

I was wondering if you could help me, Im using a good grade sodium nitrite and a battery acid electrolyte and its giving me a product that is clear and not yellow. is this correct? what % of sulphuric acid should I use?

DagasNeedle - 2016-05-19

The tint in Doug's solution was due to a dissolved amount of nitrogen oxides a colorless solution might mean a more pure sample

John ` - 2016-05-23

+seven sleven I have read to use from 50 to 60% sulpuric. You can use muriatic 32%, which doesn't need diluted. All the poppers I've made are various shades of yellow. Smell it...it should be potent and smell sweet. The sodium nitrite goes bad over time and will make it harder and harder to get a good smelling, potent popper.

John ` - 2016-12-18

If the starting alcohol smells better than the finished ester, then something went wrong. The ester should smell better than the base alcohol, absolutely no unfresh, bitter, unpleasant odor.

Kenjoneslee - 2016-09-04

High grade nitrite esters were widely available when Joe Miller, founder of RUSH, was still alive. But in 2010, after he died, the nitrite esters available OTC all became instant garbage. And 6 years later, they are still garbage. Hence, they MUST not be easy to make.

Andrew Villalobos - 2020-08-22

I tried this and either my alcohol was weak or the acid was too strong. Make sure to not overdo the acid addition. Maybe check the pH every once in a while. Using Doug's measurements I actually got a runaway from the nitrite decomposing after it got too acidic. I had a scrubber in place so it's not a big deal but still. I tried again and it happened again but instead of adding more acid like last time I immediately separated it and washed it as fast as I could. It worked after that haha.

John ` - 2016-12-18

Amyl nitrite should smell fresh like camphor or have a medicinal scent.
Butyl nitrite should smell fresh and VERY sweet like a thick candy liquor.
Isobutyl nitrite should smell fresh and like peppermint or wintergreen.

Any odor that isn't like these....or any "off" odor of any kind means there are impurities that are not good.

pancho valer - 2020-03-05

i have made a commentary question, would you be so kind to answer and exchange tips?

Andrew Villalobos - 2020-07-27

No gases are evolved during the addition of ispropyl alcohol right? If I make this I'll use a 3 necked RBF with a pressure equalizing addition funnel and a thermometer. Since it's a closed system I'll be able to minimize any vapors very well.