> temp > à-trier > can-you-float-a-liquid-on-a-gas-cody-slab

Can You Float a Liquid on a Gas?

Cody'sLab - 2017-07-15

I seal some super heavy xenon in a tube to find out. 
Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab

Porter Christenson - 2017-07-15

Imagine the stuff Cody would do with an infinite amount of money

firestar 9990 - 2019-12-10

@jpgo5000 0

PhoenixUltraMotive - 2019-12-15

Make more magic vodka

brain - less - 2020-02-12

making a real life flying skateboard (better than ever) would be the next vid

Adam Colbert - 2020-02-15

I was just wondering, what's his job to afford all this? Like genuinely wondering.

Meme Lord - 2020-02-24

He would eat plutonium

Andrew Chapman - 2017-08-18

Pure alcohol and water, floating on a gas?

Congratulations, you've made magic vodka.

brain - less - 2020-02-12

ak47 shots with vodka yes

NamesNot Joe - 2020-02-20

Came straight from the rivers of Chernobyl

brain - less - 2020-02-20

@NamesNot Joe thats not funny :/

сталин - 2020-02-23

☭сука блять Да Здравствует РОССИЯ

Andrew Aronson - 2020-03-17

shut up, andrew

Riddim Dubstep - 2018-07-18

Gets the most unreactive gas you can possibly get.
Makes it react with almost everything he tries. haha

Vincent Robinette - 2019-09-10

@greenaum Very true. Also, note that Hydrogen in that state, is highly ferromagnetic, which contributes to Jupiter's super strong magnetic field.

carultch - 2019-09-12

@Murad Beybalaev Xenon's family of gasses is the most unreactive in generally, in terms of chemistry, but Xenon itself was the first one that chemists had been able to get to react as an exception to the rule. Xenon is the most chemically reactive of the inert gas family, as long as you exclude Radon, which we haven't been able to test yet.

BO CHEN - 2020-01-11

timothy chan how mature to call out the immaturity of a joke

321 gamer 123 gamer - 2020-01-17

@Thomas yup

shooty tooty gun with big magazine - 2020-03-07

is anyone gonna talk about why a Riddim Dubstep label is commenting on a Cody's Lab video

Tomoko Kuroki - 2017-09-01

I always thought Xenon didnt react with anything.
But it's ok. I'm normally inert but become clingy when under a lot of pressure, too.

Fashy Dream Girl - 2019-03-20


Alexander Di Mario - 2019-03-23

Xenon, even if is a noble gas, could react due to its hybridation proprieties caused by the low gaps between its farest orbital. Hybridating, xenon can form some chemical bonds. I know, it's strange but it works!

big man - 2019-03-24

my name's xenon its really weird watching this video and reading the comments😂

Intrer 1 - 2019-10-25

Your profile picture really compliments your comment

321 gamer 123 gamer - 2020-01-17

Helium is more unreactive

Danny Huffman - 2019-10-26

Cody: handles mercury without gloves

Also Cody: wears gloves while using his phone

TheRedKnight - 2017-07-15

Can a liquid float on a gas?

Google: No. There are no liquids that have a lower density than a gas.

Cody: Hold my beer.

Fashy Dream Girl - 2019-11-21

Hold my Guinness*

Reece Shaney - 2019-11-21

Can a liquid on a gas

google no

Cody: hold my laughing gas

Bill Kong - 2019-12-03

Float my beer

joe dankson - 2019-12-06

Hold my frobscottle*

user 101 - 2020-02-15

Hold my gas

atrumluminarium - 2019-01-21

So you're telling me... That the BFG was an alcoholic?

Ícaro De Carvalho - 2019-11-05

Of course. How other way could it kill so many demons in one shot?

sayitwithme - 2019-11-11

Big fucking giant

Jake Painter - 2019-12-13

Only BFG I know of is the Big Fuckin Gun from DOOM.

I ScopeUrMum - 2019-12-29

Big fat guy

Coleman Binyon - 2020-03-20

and you wonder why he was big

Justin - 2018-08-18

1300 dollars!! And you just inhaled it a video ago lmao.. breathing is getting more expensive every day

terry boyer - 2019-02-04

And I thought oxygen bars were crazy.

Ian Lehman - 2019-12-16

That's just inflation for ya'

BoomBlockGaming - 2020-03-20

@Ian Lehman ba dum pstt

Christopher Fowler - 2019-05-16

Here's an interesting question:
Since pressure increases the deeper into the ocean you are could you theoretical have an atmosphere of xenon gas under the ocean?

Nathanael McCooeye - 2019-10-29

@DragonSheep I would've thought the density would also increase though. Interesting.

Nico77 - 2019-11-29

Xenon will disolve into the watet

DJ Mangouste - 2019-12-22

That could be an interesting thing when you think about planets like Jupiter or Saturn :)

James Freedman - 2019-12-25

@Nathanael McCooeye it would
If you went deep enough you would dude from pressure

Truls Henriksson - 2020-03-20

New idea for worldbuilding: a planet with an ultra-dense layer of gas underneath an ocean

Dead organisms sink to the bottom of the ocean and fall into the middle of the planet where the gas is

Some Guy - 2017-08-26

So could you potentially swim in ultra-pressurized gas?

Sean Parkes - 2019-12-30

Yeah but you'd die from the pressure

Stimulants i like - 2020-01-07

Mark Nelson assuming you wont obviously.. fucking nerd

gimme yo lunch money - 2020-02-16

I guess you’ll be ultra-dead

screwtus because yes - 2020-03-19

wear an innertube filled with helium and go for a swim in literally anything more dense than earths atmosphere

Jim Panse - 2020-03-21

That's what a colony on jupiter would look like: massive pressure vessels floating on extremely dense gas, and any new arrivals would have to go through several pressure chambers so they can transition into a survivable atmosphere where they can step out of their craft.

Istafa Sajid - 2019-05-22

Plot twist: He was holding the camera upside down.

Vonmjollnir - 2019-11-17


Ice 487 - 2019-04-03

"Xenon reacts with water to make ice."

Xenon is offically "cool" in my book.

Fucking grass - 2019-09-29

You misused both italics and quotation marks. I hope you’re proud.

Buck Dog - 2019-10-11

Fucking grass Shut up. No one cares.

Achilles Cam Anayiotos - 2019-10-21

@Buck Dog, no u

Fucking grass - 2019-10-21

@Buck Dog Lol, I care. If you can speak your mind, then so do I.

Buck Dog - 2019-10-21

Fucking grass That’s not even correct. He didn’t misuse quotation marks, he surrounded a quote with them, and italics and bold text are used to make something clear or emphasize on the internet. You’re real fun at a party.

TheNaturalnuke - 2017-08-17

"Huh, well that's weird."

- the start of every great science experiment

Vonmjollnir - 2019-11-17

Also the Chernobyl Technicians

Nova* - 2018-01-24

U gonna see if u can catch a dream next

NovaStorm93 - 2018-12-10

those are a bit harder to come by, u see. Always chasing them.

a human being amnayplaceholders - 2020-03-19

@NovaStorm93 One can log the neuronal activities of a dreaming person.

Chris Morrison - 2017-08-01

Cody is the type of guy to spend $1300 on a can of air and uses a phone that has a cracked screen

Actually Haruto - 2019-06-19

Excuse me its not just air my friend. Its xenon.

ya boi - 2019-07-02

@İlhami Aslansoy and then had to remove it because it got infected

Capital_ Ash_ - 2019-07-23

My favourite type of guy

Exaupbring - 2019-08-13

He keeps it cracked so he can fix it once he finished growing solid sheet of diamond.

Herbert Miller - 2019-12-01

And a mismatched pair of gloves.

Cnf 60 - 2017-10-11

Funniest thing ever...even funnier that it worked...(not criticising Cody, but just looking at this, it's so weird) "I can't get my damn noble gasses to stop reacting...I know, I'll mix them with one of the most reactive compounds out there, that will fix it!"

rapalo89 - 2019-01-19

And it did!

Westy - 2019-02-19

Fight fire with fire. It worked

bzqp2 - 2017-09-12

explodes a glass-shrapnel bomb
has cuts all over his throat in the next scene

Tan Tan - 2018-09-29

Hooked on phonics dude. Try it.

Jonas Kircher - 2019-03-20

Well, he was never known to be the best at workplace safety. The angle at which he held the tube made his helmet useless since the shield goes out in front and doesn't cover you from something coming from below your chin. It has to be difficult to film and do experiments alone, which is probably why this happened, on the other hand he had plenty of accidents of camera.

Yakui - 2019-03-21

Welcome to Codys Lab. A place where we drink cyanide, inhale xenon, and have absolutely no qualms about handling mercury with our bare hands.

Burn Victim Yoda - 2019-04-06

I'm more worried about Cody handling butter than any dangerous chemicals.

Skyett - 2019-12-01

@Burn Victim Yoda
Making Diamonds from Butter

Lank Asif - 2018-08-15

14:11 Cody blows up, but not for the first time.

The DBZ_KING7 - 2018-11-19

He also swore, which is something he hasn't done. As far as i know that is.

PhoenixUltraMotive - 2019-12-15

@The DBZ_KING7 I didn't here any swearing. What do you mean?

The DBZ_KING7 - 2019-12-15

@PhoenixUltraMotive   At the time I watched, it sounded like he muttered "oh fuck" under his breath. Now that I have gone back, it seems he didn't finish saying fuck. It may be that he caught himself before saying it, or he was just groaning as he moved

Brertt - 2018-05-28

Imagine soda making you fart instead of burp

Batatinha com lepra - 2019-11-24

If you literally plug your anus, your body will, potentially, vomit poop

I don't recommend trying it though

firestar 9990 - 2019-12-10

@Nevin Hair no

firestar 9990 - 2019-12-10

@Nevin Hair moan

Jacques Dancause - 2019-12-12

@Atavy i dont think that's how it works, poop is processed past intestines, it can't come back up

Atavy - 2019-12-12

@Jacques Dancause We only know if we find someone who tries it. Any mad lads with 4k cameras here?

Darkness - 2017-07-15

*uses a noble gas in the experiment so that it doesn't react
*noble gas reacts with everything

Rekolo - 2017-09-06

You guys have no idea what the definition of a chemical reaction is.. What we saw was a physical reaction


Reiki oxygen dissolved in water. Replace dissolved in with reacts with and you got yourself so water

Richard Vanwinkle - 2017-11-20

Collin Thompson Then they would be 10x the dumbass not 2x. Dumbass lol

PvtRyan96 - 2017-11-27

Xenon does react to certain substances though. It's weird. It can even form a compound with gold of all things (which is also notoriously nonreactive).

The only noble gas that as of now has no even-theoretical compounds is neon.

2 hakuhodo33 - 2019-12-25

@Long Nguyen Yeah,like XePtF6

Orga Itsuka - 2019-08-23

6:49 "it's half full"
Now we know for sure Cody's an optimist.

L-Series - 2017-10-20

Buys 1300$ xenon gas, needs a new 80$ iphone screen

Sean h - 2017-12-17

EbkTillTheDay Needs? If he's got a cracked screen in the first place he probably doesn't need to replace it to be broken again.

Anarchy The Fox - 2018-01-22

Uhm.. That's a 10 dollar tempered glass phone screen, he could easily peel it off with a knife and put in a new one, it's a protective cover you numb-nut

Braedyn Vest - 2018-04-27

EbkTillTheDay it’s part of the case

Nabeel K.T - 2018-12-13

T-series must die

AnarchistMetalhead - 2018-12-21

he"s the type of guy that should get an Xcover phone
i bash mine against a table everytime i tell someone i chose it because it"s robust, and over a hundred people later it has no signs of rough handling

101m4n - 2019-02-03

Fun fact: Xenon is like, the perfect anaesthetic. We'd use it all the time if it weren't so frigging expensive.
Don't know why my brain decided to hold on to that fact but not my mothers birthday, but hey ho.

85moosepoop - 2019-07-18

Huh?? For real? Why is that? And (by anesthetic) do you mean like what they could use to put somebody under for an operation!?? Could you please elaborate on that sir?

Aditya Manam - 2019-07-21

@85moosepoop It is an anaesthetic that can be used for surgery. It's very near to an ideal anaesthetic-very less reactivity (not metabolized, doesn't affect physiological functions), doesn't really react with the anaesthetic circuit, doesn't dissolve in the blood very easily (means that the anaesthetic effect wears off very quickly), and is not an irritant to the lungs or respiratory tract. It is terribly expensive so it's not used in common practise.

hh77 - 2019-12-28

So if you're about to go through an operation, and still want to show off with your wealth, try xenon.

Nickie Shadowfax Brooklyn - 2018-08-06

Capillary effect ruined a lot. Saved on gas, though.

Kahandran - 2017-07-16

This is why cable television is dying, because people like Cody are going on the internet and uploading videos with substance instead of shows with heaps of fluff that and nothing of substance.

Arvetis - 2017-07-21

Hm, yeah, I wonder which "Hitler was secretly an alien" special is playing on History Channel right now

John L Bales - 2017-07-21

Kahandran Thank you Cody, for enriching our minds. All the best to you. And thank you Kahandran, for your eloquent review. All the best to you as well.

Matt J - 2017-07-21

Kahandran Tv is dying because there's so many ads it's ridiculous.

Username - 2017-07-21

We've been saying this for years, Kahandran. This is has been true for years. I haven't had cable TV for years, it's not worth the time.

Kevin Miedema - 2017-07-29

yeah r.i.p history channel and discovery channel

Ben Grieme - 2019-06-28

"I kind of wish I would have dyed it green.."

internally "Wait. I'm Cody. I can do that."

user.equalto.Null - 2017-12-30

Damn, Xenon is way more interesting than the "Gas Station signs" that is always cited for noble gases.

Lenolalo - 2018-09-03

But can it run Crysis?

[JKF Gaming] - 2019-09-28

@Lenolalo wow, the fact you liked your own irrelevant joke is funny

Jasen Nikolov - 2019-03-23

So the giant was drinking toxically-pure Vodka, "carbonated" with Xenon gas.
Judging by that, he was probably also wearing 24K gold grills, diamond rings and was eating caviar for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Flac - 2019-10-14

Nico Nicolae
yo mama yo mama yo mama

Nico Nicolae - 2019-10-14

Flaccid Pancake *Your Mama, your Mama, your Mama.

Flac - 2019-10-16

Nico Nicolae
Boi im really bouta get cho pickel cheen ass bwah

Nico Nicolae - 2019-10-17

Flaccid Pancake *Boy, i’m really about to get your pickle chin ass brah

DrDesten - 2019-10-28

That concludes it

spiderdude2099 - 2019-04-11

Get you a man who is as excited to see you each day as Cody is when he discovers he's made a clathrate. True love

강남훈 - 2019-08-20

1:19 “Now Xenon is one of the densest gases that are non reactive”

Keep that in mind as everything reacts throughout the video

Jake - 2017-08-12

2:22, in the top left of Cody's phone, you see "retour" this is French for 'back,' or 'return.' Does Cody have his phone's language set to French?

Noel Goetowski - 2019-06-29

maybe he downloaded it while on a trip to canada

PnutButtrCrepes - 2019-07-18

On saura jamais.

Loud Mouth - 2019-07-23


Azure Griffin - 2019-11-10

@Loud Mouth who is?

Gary Shannon - 2020-01-23

It was an app made between himself and AvE to discuss how it chooches.

Dániel Deák - 2019-02-23

Cody's lab.
The only channel that can make one of the most unreactive Element react.

Richard's World Traveler - 2017-11-13

Good thing you have Patreon supporters and YouTube money. So you can buy a $1,300 bottle of Xeon to play with. LOL

carter rives - 2018-12-23

Richard's World Traveler Xeon is a type of processor made by Intel. This is xenon.

MilesPrower1992 - 2019-01-12

@Sir Skobbles no it's Cody's computer CPU

Stix - 2019-02-09


Duff Smith - 2019-03-23

I did it for Grant Thompson (disabled ad blocker for this site) but Cody's the best @Luiz Felipe. Then I checked and noticed it was enabled again just now, so I disabled again. And thanks to this original commenter I now know what patreon is and jumped onto that too.

85moosepoop - 2019-07-18

@Sir Skobbles lol! Sounds about right to me! 😄

jbjunior2001 - 2017-07-15

this is why I like watching Cody's lab he would rather spend $1,300 on gas instead of 200$ on new screen I see you Cody I see you😎😎😎

Luiz Santos - 2017-07-16

molak34 there's blood on his heavy leather gloves! Lol

J - 2017-07-16

"You're probably wondering why my hands are so white, don't worry about that they're just acid burns"

Mihail Colun - 2017-07-16

Most of all i like the way he thinks and his universal knowledge, i would like to know what he does every day to maintain his cognitive abilities

cfan1270 - 2017-07-16

As long as you're curious, you'll always expand on your current knowledge tank. Never be complacent of where you're at because you can always improve!

2 - 2017-07-24

I mean, it's just a phone, as long as the screen works it's not that big of a deal...

AlexMeow bleufeline - 2018-04-29

"It's a clathrate!"
I literally just learned this word yesterday while I was translating a Thoisoi2 video about Thallium lol

SFS-Cronix - 2019-09-15

Conclusion: It is possible but you're just carrying a bomb and when opened will blast you 10 meters back.

J H - 2019-07-06

Seal it in a solid block if acrylic!.. And sell them! Should easily recoup your xenon gas $

Wyatt Blaine - 2019-08-30

6:49 I say it's half empty Cody

Castiel Novak - 2019-10-19

Short Answer: Yes
Long answer: Only in a sealed environment

ranibro - 2019-11-22

Imagine being on a planet where stones stats going towards the sky instead of the ground.

1000 subscribers No videos - 2017-08-25

I learn more than science at school

Dead Meme - 2018-03-09

school chemistry sucks.... You learn only basic shit, no fun reactions or actuall usefull stuff. If you want to be someone like NileRed or NurdRage, you gotta find a way to learn it yourself.

lizardman - 2018-10-05

I'm lucky then my teacher does cool experiments at the end of the period

jmkbartsch - 2017-08-06

Liquid floating on a gas? Me: Clouds?

DoctorDrizzle - 2018-08-23

Clouds are suspended in opposition to the charge of earth.

mumblernumber - 2018-12-03

John Bread yo why be so rude

Hanchock Elias - 2018-12-23

John Bread do people go around saying mean things on the internet

John Bread - 2018-12-27

@Hanchock Elias I am sorry sometimes the edgy 14 year old in me comes out

85moosepoop - 2019-07-18

@carolyn mmitchell LMFAO!!!

AlternateMusicAddict - 2017-07-15

"Let's take this out carefully so it doesnt explode in my hand." flicks it 30 seconds later

Guru - 2017-07-15

Tapping it could totally make it blow.

Source: Dropping a closed can of soda, and making a massive mess.

This is a joke, for anyone who couldn't tell.

Xenodeath - 2017-07-15

Heruhcane Dean a Rupert's Drop is not an air pressure difference more that the rapid cooling of the glass causes the exterior to harden while the interior stays molten, as the interior cools and hardens becoming more dense the interior pulls in on the incompressible exterior and causes an enormous increase in pressure inside of it such that it becomes extremely strong and also brittle.

LE MARLEAU - 2017-07-16


Runagate - 2017-07-25

LE MARLEAU Shut the hell up you ape

ChadSnake - 2017-07-26

RustredRaven Rude

Carolyn Nance - 2019-07-22

1:17 “Extrebitably”

Jimmy Shakway - 2017-10-16

since you figured out you should scale it up to the bigger tube so the surface tension wont interfere with the movement of the liquid

Oh Gees - 2020-01-14

“Be back in a moment.... IT’S A CLATHRATE!”

I swear, I love this man

Hitch - 2018-07-24

Bubbles sinking to the bottom, reminds me of Guinness beer !

nobody - 2018-12-03

Penguins to make the white float down

Friendly Neighborhood Plague Doctor - 2018-04-27

When he said BFG I immediately thought of Doom...

MrStr4fe - 2019-07-15

I love how excited that "ITS A CLATHRATE!" was :D Adorable

bladesteel - 2019-07-28

Maan I am so happy this channel was in my recomendations, high quality content 👌