> meca > systèmes-mécaniques > how-dangerous-is-a-penny-dropped-from-a-skyscraper-veritasium

How Dangerous is a Penny Dropped From a Skyscraper?

Veritasium - 2022-10-01

This video is sponsored by Brilliant. You can get started for free, or the first 200 people to sign up via https://brilliant.org/veritasium get 20% off a yearly subscription. Check out Adam Savage's video: https://youtu.be/h_zytOcMwys

A massive thanks to Adam Savage and the whole Tested Crew – especially Kristen Lomasney, Ryan Kiser, and Joey Fameli. Thank you so much for coming out to the desert with us, and for inviting us to your cave! Check out the video we made with them on their channel – https://youtu.be/h_zytOcMwys

Another huge thanks to iFly Ontario for letting us shoot in your amazing windtunnel. Special thanks to Diana Rios, Treasa Telle, Michelle Brumley for having us and Anthony Jones, Torrell Henderson and Nate Roth for being great instructors. iFly run STEM education trips, where you can experience terminal velocity first hand  – https://www.iflyworld.com/programs/stem-field-trips/

Thanks to Inland Empire Film Services and the San Bernardino County Film Office for portions of the video shot in the County of San Bernardino.

The raindrop video is from Alistair McClymont’s gorgeous artwork “Raindrop” – ​​https://alistairmcclymont.com/artwork/raindrop/

Video of the raindrop breaking apart is from the coolest paper i’ve read in a while –  Villermaux, E., & Bossa, B. (2009). Single-drop fragmentation determines size distribution of raindrops. Nature physics, 5(9), 697-702. – https://ve42.co/Villermaux

Altair. (2019). Digital Debunking: Could a Penny Dropped Off the Top of the Empire State Building Actually Kill You? - https://ve42.co/Altair2019 

Braeunig, R.A. Atmosphere Properties. - https://ve42.co/AtmosProp

The Guardian. (2014). Brutal winter weather brings new challenge: ice falling from skyscrapers - https://ve42.co/WTCicicle

NASA. (2018). The Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather Drop - https://ve42.co/NASAmoondrop

Red Bull Stratos - https://ve42.co/RBStratos

Quealy, K., Sanger-KatzIn, M. (2015). In Other Countries, You’re as Likely to Be Killed by a Falling Object as by a Gun. New York Times. - https://ve42.co/NYTFallingObject

National Safety Council. (2022). Struck by Objects. - https://ve42.co/NSCStruck

Williams, A. (2019). What are your chances of being killed by hail in the US? - https://ve42.co/Williams2019

NewScientist. (2021). Can bullets fired upwards cause injuries when they return to earth? - https://ve42.co/CelebratoryGunFire

Chambers, J. (2020). Meet the Flechette – the Deadliest Weapon of World War I? - https://ve42.co/Flechette

Wikipedia. Lazy Dog (bomb). - https://ve42.co/LazyDog 

Gläser, N., Kneubuehl, B. P., Zuber, S., Axmann, S., Ketterer, T., Thali, M. J., & Bolliger, S. A. (2011). Biomechanical examination of blunt trauma due to baseball bat blows to the head. Journal of Forensic Biomechanics, 2 - https://ve42.co/Glaser2011

Yoganandan, N., Pintar, F. A., SANCES JR, A. N. T. H. O. N. Y., Walsh, P. R., Ewing, C. L., Thomas, D. J., & Snyder, R. G. (1995). Biomechanics of skull fracture. Journal of neurotrauma, 12(4), 659-668.

New York Times. (2014). Falling Tape Measure Kills Man at Jersey City Construction Site - The New York Times - https://ve42.co/NYTTapeMeasure

IMDb. (2006). "MythBusters" Bullets Fired Up (TV Episode). - https://ve42.co/MBgunfire 

Special thanks to: Elliot MIller, Louis Lebbos, RayJ Johnson, Brian Busbee, Jerome Barakos M.D., Amadeo Bee, TTST, Balkrishna Heroor, Chris LaClair, John H. Austin, Jr., OnlineBookClub.org, Matthew Gonzalez, Eric Sexton, john kiehl, Nathan Lanza, Diffbot, Gnare, Dave Kircher, Burt Humburg, Blake Byers, Dumky, Evgeny Skvortsov, Meekay, Bill Linder, Paul Peijzel, Josh Hibschman, Mac Malkawi, Michael Schneider, jim buckmaster, Juan Benet, Robert Blum, Sunil Nagaraj, Richard Sundvall, Lee Redden, Stephen Wilcox, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Michael Krugman, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Sam Lutfi, Ron Neal

Written by Petr Lebedev, Derek Muller, and Emily Zhang
Filmed by Derek Muller, Trenton Oliver, Petr Lebedev, Emily Zhang, Raquel Nuno and Eddie Lopez
Animation by Ivy Tello, Mike Radjabov, Fabio Albertelli, and Jakub Misiek
Edited by Trenton Oliver and Derek Muller
FPV Drone Pilots: Sammie Saing and Josh Ewalt
Slow Motion Camera: Shawn Sanders and Anthony Corrales
Phantom slow motion camera & lenses provided by Panny Hire L.A
Helicopter Pilots: Rick Shuster and Cliff Fleming
Helicopter Safety Officer: Ryan Hosking
Production Assistants: Roman Bacvic and Eddie Lopez
Research Assistant: Katie Barnshaw
Additional video/photos supplied by Pond5 and Getty Images
Music from Epidemic Sound
Thumbnail by Ignat Berbeci
Produced by Derek Muller, Petr Lebedev, and Emily Zhang

@decreasing_entropy3003 - 2022-10-01

As a Physics undergrad, this video scared me because for the first time, we saw that air resistance isn't negligible.

@mayankbisht7691 - 2022-10-01

If you are an engineer, air resistance becomes a pain unless you can assume it to be constant in certain cases

@decreasing_entropy3003 - 2022-10-01

@@mayankbisht7691 I stay light years away from engineering, so I barely have a clue. Every time I see the mention of air resistance, I happily ignore it. Both experimental and theoretical Physics is great, but engineering goes right above my head!😅

@VemorrFrantik - 2022-10-01

Take a deep breath and assume its a spherical cow.

@justchilling4816 - 2022-10-01

@@MrT------5743 He was making a joke, dingus

@lorddoge8410 - 2022-10-01

@@decreasing_entropy3003 Man, I'm doing first year physics at the moment and I'm struggling. So excited to not have to do it, this is why I'm a chem major hahah

@tested - 2022-10-01

This was SO fun. Can't wait to collaborate again!

@jeanvaljean6234 - 2022-10-01

are you the real one

@TurbineResearch - 2022-10-01

This was too cool ! Please do more collaborations like this !

@hatsurrin - 2022-10-01

This video was just as fun to watch!

@fish00p - 2022-10-01

You do it without the helmet

@lklmmedia4715 - 2022-10-01

Huge Fan Adam, awesome as a fellow Engineer to see you are always still passionate about everything you do!

@26magicman26 - 2022-12-01

A penny won't hurt, but if you drop a quarter, its 25 times more deadly. The math adds up bro 🤔

@j4xxonl - 2022-12-04


@sammylacks4937 - 2022-12-05

Quarters have greater sectional density and higher ballistic
coefficient .

@dougsmith28 - 2022-12-05

@@sammylacks4937 plus they’re ridged!

@2303batman - 2022-12-06

If this was a joke then I totally understood it immediately 😂

@wombat5252 - 2022-12-06

@@sammylacks4937 How about half dollar coins? 🤣

@jeffl1460 - 2022-12-04

History will show in the future that these ancient coins were left in the desert during the times of having significant change. I wonder if they will be able to make cents of it all.

@lyncatalonia1823 - 2022-12-09


@lyncatalonia1823 - 2022-12-09

I will be the remembrance from Derek from the past of his descendants..LMAO

@mider-spanman5577 - 2022-12-12

Nice double entendre!

@RammusTF - 2022-12-16

I see what you did there 👀

@Florragonis - 2023-02-26

Funny puns!

@robinday8200 - 2022-10-25

As a skydiver I have jumped in the rain and it hurts as you fall onto the rain. People used to joke it was because the cartoon raindrop was pointy at the top. The reality is, you're falling at 200kph and the rain is 20kph so the rain is hitting you at 180kph!

@---------______ - 2022-10-29

Yeah, as a biker/motorcyclist, even at 60kph, they start to hurt but not enough to leave you a bruise

@yutudelickzolonskyyballs7146 - 2022-10-29

My shower shoot out 1000kmph water

@MuhammadRaihan269 - 2022-10-29

@@---------______ damn thats true

@yaroslavromanyuk5669 - 2022-10-29

@@yutudelickzolonskyyballs7146 Two guys who were digging a metro tunnel using hydro excavation decided to take a shower. The water jet torn one of them to pieces, the other one went to prison for involuntary manslaughter.

@IStMl - 2022-10-29

@@yaroslavromanyuk5669 Darwin at work

@dizzylimme - 2022-11-01

Imagine being an archeologist in the future and coming across hundreds of extremely rare and valuable ancient coins in the middle of a desert with no explanation

@tomsheets6399 - 2022-11-01

..not to mention the strange pen-shaped objects made from ever-lasting plastic

@freedomfighter1861 - 2022-11-01

Except they won’t be worth anything their nkt even copper because the government stole all the money from We the people unlike when we find coins now their gold and sliver

@scgamesonline7771 - 2022-11-01

@@tomsheets6399 what? This joke is flying right over my head

@jubeaumont6305 - 2022-11-01

​@@scgamesonline7771 it was the second thing they twazzed out of the chopper ( I didn't get it either, cos I commented too soon )

@philtookgrenadesforme7785 - 2022-11-01

An African Swallow brought them there obviously.

@Robodude212 - 2022-12-19

Could you "stabilize" the penny's rotation by spinning it with the edge (like rolling a penny across the table, but down a skyscraper)? That would minimize the surface area and increase terminal velocity

@govardan8392 - 2023-01-08


@anderivative - 2023-03-18

The barrel of a gun is "rifled" to spin the bullet which does what youre saying. Get a good spin on it and it should continue cutting thru the air until it runs out of spin juice

@Robodude212 - 2023-03-18

@@anderivative that's what I was thinking too, rifling stabilization. I'm just wondering if there'll be a Magnus effect on it, adding a horizontal component to the velocity and potentially affecting terminal velocity. It's probably also going to depend on how much you spin it, which makes it harder to test

@jazzochannel - 2023-04-18

Just rolling would not be enough. You'd have to spin it up to 6000 or more RPM imho. Bullets leave a gun spinning at more the 100,000 RPM.

@tannhauser5399 - 2023-08-28

@Robodude212 - if you are curious....

New Scientist had article about falling bullets... which can hit the ground speed greater than 61m per second (bullets traveling between 46-61m/s penetrate skin). Faster than this, and they will penetrate skull.

See injuries after celebratory gunfire in some places (Puerto Rico for example had 19 injuries in 2003, on New Year's Eve, and one person died; it was the same in places like Maryland, Ohio, Texas). All in all, mostly it is not fatal.

It was quite interesting article, from 2021. A while back The Guardian also had an interesting article about it. And there is of course Myth Busters, which had program about it, back in 2009.

@timmartin997 - 2023-07-07

All of my science teachers through all of my years in school were not nearly as cool as you guys in explaining this in the way that you just did and I thank you.

@Gymantis - 2024-01-08

All of your science teachers didn't have funding to procure a helicopter and they didn't have admissions permission to execute these kinds of experiments in order to hold your curiosity.

@Rohityourface - 2024-03-07

You need this much detail to learn the most basic stuff? American school system in a nutshell lmfao

@levicodm1961 - 2024-03-17

​@@Rohityourface no but seeing is beileving i think i am not from america but i hated physics because most of the time you cant see what you are taught

@samo4866 - 2022-10-04

You know you've reached a specific level of YouTuber when you have a mythbuster on your show. This brought back so many memories from my teens.

@Svensk7119 - 2022-10-07

Despite the fact that I disagree with many of Mythbusters' "totally busted" conclusions....
Agreed. First-rate.

@mikaa2004 - 2022-10-08

Oh man those old summer holidays. When all i did was watch tv and hangout with friends. Life has changed so much now

@anarbatzoriganar - 2022-10-08

vsauce has been up there for so long. should check their collab out if u havent yet

@orion10x10 - 2022-10-09

@@anarbatzoriganar If only Alan Pan could join that group

@SagaciousBoothe - 2022-10-10

You know you're getting old when you watched myth Buster's in your teen years

@RaphaelKepinski - 2022-10-01

It's moving to see Adam in this. I grew up with Mythbusters and he hasn't lost any of his verve and enthusiasm.

@b.s.6728 - 2022-10-01

Agreed. I felt like a kid watching Mythbusters again, and then noticed he's aged, then noticed I have too

@NoticerOfficial - 2022-10-01

Savage always loved the camera

@steelbluesleepR - 2022-10-02

You should watch his channel Adam Savage's Tested, then! It's mostly him making things, but he always has that same child like enthusiasm, and it's incredibly fun to watch, even if he's just making a wooden box.

@Breaking_Chad - 2022-10-02

You really should check out his channel, "Adam Savage's Tested"

@tylerolejnicak5481 - 2022-10-02

He's done some cool stuff with Vsauce and of course has his own channel. Check him out, he's never lost his enthusiasm for testing, building and learning.

@DreamwalkerFilms - 2022-12-25

I miss Adam Savage man. The guy was such an icon of my teenage years. His energy is so infectious. Really happy to see this little cameo from him.

@BandannaBreadClipsOld - 2024-03-09

search "tested" he runs that

@freedomofmusic2112 - 2023-03-14

This was awesome! I'm in physics this semester, it's so cool seeing such a thorough explanation and demonstration of everything we just learned in our first unit 🙂

@genkill81 - 2022-10-19

My heart goes out to the interns that had to pick up all those pennies lol

@karolakkolo123 - 2022-10-19

They could have just brought a huge magnet and just make it into a roomba that picks up the pennies lol

@derangstgarten1447 - 2022-10-19

Please don't drop a penny off a sky scraper, it isn't worth it

@karolakkolo123 - 2022-10-19

@@derangstgarten1447 you can always drop a zimbabwian million dollar coin, probably lower losses than dropping a penny

@ModernGentleman - 2022-10-20

@@karolakkolo123 pennies don't stick to a magnet. They are made of mostly zinc which is nonferrous.

@chitlitlah - 2022-10-20

@@ModernGentleman Unless they were using pennies from the 1940s. Maybe that was a bucket of pennies they recovered from the wreckage of the USS Bismarck.

@jaysonl - 2022-10-01

Thank you for including David Scott saying "How about that?" at the end after he drops the hammer and the feather on the Moon. That's my favorite part of the whole thing.

@Chris-hx3om - 2022-10-02

As that clip was playing I realised it's another nail in the coffin of moon landing deniers. You can't make that happen on a sound stage!

@csn583 - 2022-10-02

@@Chris-hx3om Well... NASA does have (at least these days) gigantic autoclaves that could create a vacuum. You'd have to slow the footage down to simulate lower gravity of course. Sorry, had to play dummy's advocate! 😅

@Chris-hx3om - 2022-10-02

@@csn583 Fair call.

@moos5221 - 2022-10-02

@@Chris-hx3om yeah, NASA surely didn't have access to rubber strings that would be able to pull the feather to the ground at the same speed as the hammer is falling. absolutely impossible.

@brunoais - 2022-10-02

@@moos5221 Yeah but they have access to vacuum chambers :(

@cliftonwk - 2023-08-24

My first time viewing your content, I love the scientific explanations! So few people explain in detail how our world works, great job

@Shockedbywater - 2023-06-13

1:36 It is cool seeing Adam go immediately into professional mode. It's like a switch flips and he is going over exactly how the shoot will go.

@rodrigomotta1257 - 2022-10-21

Thousands of years from now, people will be wondering why the hell there are so many extremely old buried pennies in such a specific and random area

@raccoon6072 - 2022-10-29

"They were probably worshiping a god"

@primepap - 2022-10-29

@@raccoon6072 this is so incredibly true that it’s funny

@turntsnaco824 - 2022-10-29

@@primepap Yeah. They would literally never imagine the actual scenario - that it was an experiment completely unrelated to the location they were in. Really makes you wonder how many ancient discoveries we've misinterpreted simply because we didn't have the necessary context.

@Iluveyuu - 2022-10-29

@@turntsnaco824 this is some deep thinking ngl

@MJ-ig3fo - 2022-10-31

Earth won't be around in thousands of years

@TurbineResearch - 2022-10-01

It makes me so happy to see Adam doing a myth busters type episode again!

@craigmchenry1477 - 2022-10-01


@unreachablesecretary - 2022-10-01

Right? Brings back so many memories!!

@gileee - 2022-10-02

It's literally recreating a MythBusters episode since they already busted this myth in one of the earlier seasons.

@uncensoredcornishgirl87l16 - 2023-04-24

The way he made sure his ballocks were protected had me cracked up. These were entertaining to watch tbf.

@nesargent - 2022-12-07

Even more amazing is how many times this has already been done and put on YouTube or TV is some manner.

@ststudios12345 - 2022-12-07

Dont watch it then...

@PomadaGaming - 2023-01-24

hadn’t seen it. This video is so much more than that,too

@JadeMythriil - 2022-10-01

Mythbusters may have ended but the spirit of mythbusters lives on in channels like this and many others that have been inspired to think, question, and experiment everything they find.

@fabian999ification - 2022-10-02

Savage's enthusiasm for science is always very inspiring.

@InfiniteMonkeysSA - 2022-10-02

"The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down." - Adam Savage

@portillamail - 2022-10-03

AKA putrid breath

@tracruz - 2022-10-04

If only he understood how to properly run the “plane on a conveyer belt” experiment 🤡

@Lolabonezz - 2022-12-07

seeing the rain in the wind tunnel was so beautiful i literally cried wow

@Giggles56 - 2024-04-07

I love this channel. Makes science more interesting and easier to comprehend. Thank you

@VezWay007 - 2022-10-05

0:45 "if you ignore air resistance"

spoken like a true physicist

@Toraxa - 2022-10-01

A myth, Adam Savage, dropping things from a helicopter in the desert, and a "busted" call. We even got a ballistics gel dummy! This is totally MythBusters. Awesome video!

@SuperLifestream - 2022-10-02

Season 2 episode 4 of mythbusters. They already did this shooting pennies at terminal velocity

@theherk - 2022-10-02

No Jamie Hyneman though.

@Call_Upon_YAH - 2022-10-02

Jesus Christ died for our sins, rose from the dead, and gives salvation to everyone who has faith in him. True faith in Jesus will have you bear good fruit and drastically change for the better! Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness.

God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! For these three are one.

As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him.

Anyone who claims to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.

@Call_Upon_YAH - 2022-10-02

When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE!
Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals!

The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil.
I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God.

@brazil3207 - 2022-10-09

DEBUNKING BIGBANG:  if the bigbang was real the 2nd planet's orbit would be normal and sat turns ring particles should've moved too fast for ANY gravity to pull them towards the planet. And thats not even taking into account the bigbangs hot temprature which shoulda vaporized anything. also there is too little antimatter in universe. if bigbang was real 99.999999999999999999999% of our universe should Not exist because antimatter destroys matter when it make contact with matter. the bang wouldve made much of it touch matter. so we see far less stars n stuff bc the so called bigbang wouldve destroyed nearly all of it. remember this comment if you truly wanna know if God is Real or not. read ALL of it, and hopefully know that JESUS CHRIST is the true God. screenshot it or keep this comment somewhere to read later. this should prove that Jesus is Real. JESUS CHRIST will Not make you take any mark, and He will punish the tyrannical ANTI Christ. The ANTI Christ will get a terrible wound, but cure himself to reinforce his deception to decieve the non-Christians and the lukewarm Christians. (look up lukewarm Christians on Christian websites and/or the Bible.) the AC will be world famous and very popular. he will make people take a mark on r hand or forhead. there will be a severe punishment for not taking it. The ANTI-Christ is a control freak, the opposite of Jesus Christ. Jesus uses His power for GOOD, NOT EVIL. This is BIBLE PROPHECY. Dont trust the false god, his goal is to get people into the lake of fire. he  will go there too, despite all the FALSE MIRACLES HE WILL DO! Repent of your sins to Jesus Christ before its too late, you could die today!

@barrylafleur8526 - 2024-03-29

As an airlift bombardment aircraft maintenance specialist in the USAF, I had a run-in with a slightly intoxicated loudmouth, which I soon found out was my new commander. Soon after, I was in his office getting my butt chewed for crossing a line without my hard hat in our hangar. He told me a penny thrown off the Empire State Building would go right through the human body. I corrected him. As a result of this episode, I was accused of having no military bearing and sentenced to three months on a military drill team. It was by far my favorite punishment I have ever had to endure.

Air resistance becomes work on a bicycle at ten miles an hour. You can ride forever at ten mph without wind or hills.
Twenty MPH is too fast to maintain for long if you are not in shape. If you go as fast as possible from the start, you will get gassed at twenty-five.
If you can draft a city bus or large vehicle, you can cruise at 25-35 for long distances.
A 35 MPH penny will only hurt somebody if it hits them right in the eye.

The rotor wash would go far beyond removing air resistance (drafting), forcing the pennies to go much faster than they would under ordinary circumstances.

@luismijangos7844 - 2023-03-14

Amazing video and I love the colab. I'm a big fan of Mythbusters. I think that in 17:50 there's a little mistake. Drag force also affects a bullet in its horizontal motion so its speed will not be the same one that it has when it was fired (don't get me wrong, it's still lethal, but not like a direct shot). Also the bullets fired by a gun have a lot of spin, so by the Conservation of Angular Momentum they tend to maintain their orientation much longer.

@AMorphicTool - 2022-10-02

Its sometimes funny when you ask visitors to a site to wear bump caps/hard hats. They always look at you like "You for real?" Yes. Yes we are. I have had to work under people working at height and the amount of headaches I've been saved from by wearing a bump cap, is insane. Bolts, washers, tools. All it takes is for one guy to fumble one thing, which is easily done, and smack your day is ruined. Great content as always.

@chrismarkovich9430 - 2022-10-03


@allanshpeley4284 - 2022-10-04

@@chrismarkovich9430 Shhh

@MattH-wg7ou - 2022-10-04

Hah Im gonna call helmets "bump caps" from now on 😆

@OrcinusDrake - 2022-10-04

Not even items falling, even just walking into things.

@smurfnation8578 - 2022-10-04

That bolded "smack" just messed me up, i turned my phone to look at it from so many angles and some of the other words started looking bolded, i was questioning life just by looking at it for some reason

@Verlisify - 2022-10-01

A lot of people these days didn't grow up with Mythbusters so I love the idea of revisiting the kinds of myths and rumors that were tested

@N8Dulcimer - 2022-10-01

I would be so stoked if they made a reboot just revisiting different approaches to myths that were fun to cover.

@zachmoyer1849 - 2022-10-01

or they should release MythBusters on YouTube I'm sure its made more than enough

@Verlisify - 2022-10-01

@@zachmoyer1849 Not how show rights work...

@zachmoyer1849 - 2022-10-01

@@Verlisify its up its just behind a paywall not every kid can afford to get past but yes I'm well aware of how milking show rights works

@Verlisify - 2022-10-01

@@zachmoyer1849 Its not milking to produce content then want to make sustained royalties and compensation off of it to produce future content

@ishansinha9602 - 2023-06-27

3:48 He placed the hat at a very precise location 😂

@DarkD112 - 2022-10-29

This is actually a relief for me. When I was young, I was on the 9th floor of an apartment building and I saw this woman lying in the amenities on a beach chair type thing. I dropped an ice cube and tried to aim for her. I missed, but I've felt guilty about that ever since. I don't know what I was thinking that day. Just one of those spur of the moment horrible ideas you regret as soon as you do it.

@avosmash2121 - 2022-10-29

Years ago I had at my grandmothers apartment a cheap battery operated plastic music box that played annoying 8bit music that broke and wouldnt shut up. It drove me batty and I hurled it off the 13th story terrace to the ground below to watch it shatter which was very satisfying. But it enraged my mom who said I could have killed someone. I doubted what she said but never knew for sure and always felt a bit guilty for that. It was a tiny and very light toy music box, like the size of a large box of matches, and it was the kind of thing you could destroy by just stepping on it hard enough with a shoe, so I doubt it would have likely KILLED anybody. But it probably would have been painful, especially if you were looking up when it hit you on the face.

@jameseeboy - 2022-10-29

Damn, bro just admitted to attempted murder

@fidelostorga4550 - 2022-10-29

@@BoredFr_88 it is people believe that dropping something small from up high can kill someone...

@VeilQuest - 2022-10-29

I was thirteen, on the fourth floor of our apartment. I threw a cup of water out of the window for a goof, just because. A guy happened to be walking by and got splashed. He thought it was... something else. Worse. My step father happened to be on the downstairs balcony and got an earful from the guy. Never laughed so hard. Ah the joys of youth.

@tylerwells8640 - 2022-10-30

Lol I was dropping gummy bears from the 12th floor At the people In the chairs below. Worst part i was on a trip with my FRIENDS family not even mine

@richardjones38 - 2022-10-01

Derek and Adam, please do more stuff like this together. Best of both worlds. I miss Mythbusters!

@esecallum - 2022-10-01

ego caused cancellation

@glenngriffon8032 - 2022-10-01

We all myth the missbusters.

@esecallum - 2022-10-01

As you can likely guess, the show cuts to Adam and Jamie going up the Empire State Building with a handful of cats. The rest is pretty indescribable, but we think you can imagine it does not end well for the cats. From what we can tell, no one actually made it to the end of the episode, everyone left the theater to get sick in the hallway rather than continue to watch.

When Discovery got wind of this, they immediately halted production of the show and would soon cancel it permanently, claiming the show had ‘run its course.’ Unfortunately, we now know the terrible truth.

@painkiller6630 - 2022-10-02

I make better music 🎵🙁
I have the best album 🔥🎶

@mnxs - 2022-10-24

@@esecallum lol wtf. Tell me, what is it that makes ppl like you make up BS like that to spew all over the internet?

@nuk3snip3r - 2023-07-25

I love that I clicked on this and thought "No one has ever shown this better than Adam Savage. Let's see what you got." And then I see that you got Adam Savage. Bravo.

@timmartin997 - 2023-07-07

All of my science teacher's through all of my years in school were not nearly as cool as you guys and explaining this in the way that you just did and I thank you.

@youtubersingingmoments4402 - 2022-10-01

Adam savage has managed to infiltrate everyone's channels from the Corridor Crew to Vsauce to now Veritasium (and more I'm sure I'm not privy to). What a cool guy.

@GTAVictor9128 - 2022-10-01

He also made a cameo appearance in The Expanse, dying while testing the myth: "Can you land on the surface of Venus?"

@_DrinkMoreWater_ - 2022-10-01

Which vsauce video? Haven't seen it and want to check it out

@ianyboo - 2022-10-01

If Adam makes it into an Isaac Arthur episode my life will be complete lol

@SolarShado - 2022-10-01

@@ianyboo I'm struggling to think of an appropriate topic, but that would be a cool crossover

@28th_St_Air - 2022-10-01

I know you didn’t mean it in a negative way, but “grace” seems like a more appropriate word to use instead of “infiltrate”. 😊

@Lancelot707 - 2022-10-01

3:48 Always use hat for protection

@b.calvinsaul1909 - 2023-02-02

So good to see Adam in his natural element!

@allisonhebron3311 - 2023-06-22

I love the history on the Flechette. I have never heard of that before.

@MrNabows - 2022-10-06

You see Derek is a great creator when he shows you what you want to see at the beginning of the video knowing he WILL retain his audience till the end!

@MadScientist267 - 2022-10-08

Speak for yourself 🙄

@JorgetePanete - 2022-10-08


@shayorshayorshayor - 2022-10-11

Shaaat up

@diablo.the.cheater - 2022-10-12

@@MadScientist267 No, he speaks for the trees.

@marioss2167 - 2022-10-15

That's the exact opposite of what they did in the original MythBusters lmao
A bunch of talking and planning and then just five minutes of the actual experiment.

@nokia1100000 - 2022-10-01

at 3:38 this hat is the most important thing ever

@kisaragi-hiu - 2023-01-22

16:44 Oh, that's the context of this clip. Quite neat that you were able to test these two things in the same trip

@angelag5708 - 2022-12-27

I remember when Adam built that penny rig, I can't believe he still has it. ❤️

@bricks_mortar - 2022-10-01

So happy you used skydiving as an exemple of air resistance. It’s such an integral part of what we need to account for when doing formations, based on different body types and formation speed.

@mayankshirali1158 - 2022-10-02

very true

@ibsn87 - 2022-10-02

Do skinny short people have to wear loose suits to match larger other divers? Do you get to the ground and discuss who needs to add more drag?

I’ve never once thought about this. I have often finish an underwater drive, and say I need more weight (lead) next time. Same same but totally different principle!

@hhhhh22Beans - 2022-10-02

@@ibsn87 yes. Sometimes the lighter jumper will even wear a weight belt around their waist

@ibsn87 - 2022-10-03

@@hhhhh22Beans I thought you were taking the piss for a minute then I googled it. This had never once crossed my mind when watching formation flights, there you go, learning something new every day!

@bricks_mortar - 2022-10-05

@@ibsn87 Suits with different fabrics, looser fit or tight fit, weight belts... There's a couple methods we use to match up to the same fall speed without forcing the body position too much.

@mackenzie1845 - 2022-10-16

I think the biggest actual danger in this scenario would clearly be someone dropping their phone off the Empire State Building lol. I'm assuming that is heavy enough to actually injure you, rather than a pen or penny.

@wagahagwa6978 - 2022-10-19

when i was on there
i get really scared holding my phone near that long drop because i don't wanna kill someone lol

@MohamIsMe - 2022-10-19

I mean at least the phone wouldn't be as damaged lol

@onikin - 2022-10-19

40-60 joules or so, I'd guess. Hard to know its drag coefficient and all that fluttering. Just under enough to crack a skull, but if unlucky and all that force hits you with the corner of the phone, then enough force on the point to do serious damage.

@mikie431 - 2022-10-19

Dropping a payphone off the Empire State Building would most definitely hurt someone assuming that the covariance properties remained unchanged throughout it's journey to the sidewalk below. Especially if this profound event happened during a warm month like July when the air is less dense.

@chrits3396 - 2022-10-19

Maybe If it was a Nokia then I would be worried.

@DirtyyJerz - 2023-09-20

I love how at first it's a nice controlled drop with no momentum imparted, and by the end adam is just screaming THREE TWO ONE and throwing them down as hard as he can

@chancemeyers8502 - 2023-01-24

Its crazy and great man. I was just talking about wanting to see you two do something together cause Ive always nicknamed Veratsium Youtubes Mythbuster lol. But yall are great together, Id love to see another.

@ESOdanny - 2022-11-01

We not going to talk about Adam absolutely YEETING the pennies out of the helicopter at him XD

@SadisticKillerXx - 2022-11-01

I noticed that too xd

@joeystewart7090 - 2022-11-01

Love your Skyrim vids bro

@jameswoeste275 - 2022-11-02


@Wafaloo - 2022-11-02


@americandingo1109 - 2022-11-02

@@Wafaloo launching, throwing, chucking, hurling

@matrixphijr - 2022-10-18

Derek: Could a ballpoint pen actually be lethal?
Adam the Savage: It’s worth trying…

@T1Oracle - 2022-10-29

John Wick: You called?

@buttchunksofdoomd4939 - 2022-10-29

@@T1Oracle Morpheus: You Ready?
Neo: What?

@sutirthjha515 - 2022-10-31

ik it's a joke but it will likely start rotating and ur more likely to be hit by the longer side than the nib.

@michaelheberger3075 - 2023-08-29

In my college physics text book in the chapter on terminal velocity there was a cartoon image of a skydiver falling next to a mouse with no parachute. Because the mouse has so little mass it's terminal velocity would be so slow it not only would survive the impact with the ground but it would most likely walk away unscathed.
Now there's an experiment I'd like to see these guys do.