> temp > à-trier > jailbreaking-super-mario-world-to-install-a-hex-editor-mod-loader-sethbling

Jailbreaking Super Mario World to Install a Hex Editor & Mod Loader

SethBling - 2017-05-29

Cooper Harasyn found a Super Mario World save corruption glitch, and we worked together to create a jailbreak that works on real, unmodified cartridges and Super Nintendos.
Livestream Archive: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/147924402
Livestream Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ji2p3p2qB3hEcQw84ZIiq3P5z61YfU2GCjC69mRSiNs/edit?usp=sharing
Flappy Bird Code Injection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB6eY73sLV0
Credits Warp Easy Setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH1jvznymiI
Bizhawk SRAM File: https://sethbling.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Downloads/Bizhawk+Scripts/SMWJailbreak.SaveRAM
Jailbreak Manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bVZFGK_aYFyIlFsj-IZr9DLV57DaiGskBO0u--dGhT8/edit?usp=sharing
Cooper’s YouTube: http://youtube.com/cooprocks123e
Cooper’s Twitch: http://twitch.tv/cooprocks123e

DxRed - 2017-05-29

SMW is now a development platform for the insane

tin2001 - 2017-05-30

I for one am going to hold off from taking up SMW until they release an IDE with IntelliSense.

CertifiedDoc - 2017-05-30

SethBling is my kind of crazy.

Mega - 2017-06-01

DxRed This is BEYOND ACE.

Patrick s - 2017-06-15

Better than brainfuck at least.

Communist Lad - 2018-09-23


Logix - 2017-05-29

Go into gamemode 3 so we can see the armor stands

HalfRedCat RU котоplayer - 2019-07-13

Write /gamemode 2 <paste your friend name there> to troll him(her)

Milk Baby - 2019-07-26

@Svízel přítula you missed the joke

AnaqiTube TV - 2019-07-26

@The Diamond Gamer cause he normally plays Minecraft and him using armour stands is a meme and those stuff are about Minecraft unless you don't know minecraft or much about minecraft

The Diamond Gamer - 2019-07-26

@AnaqiTube TV I know that he uses armor stands A LOT but i don't get the j o k e

ElectriX - 2019-08-28

Yeah Mike!!! No, this is Patrick!

Erez Rotem - 2017-05-29

Hello sethbling here
Today I cured cancer using a biological simulator built in in a mario kart mod, emulated in minecraft.

Erez Rotem - 2017-05-30


Erez Rotem - 2017-05-30


GybiBite - 2017-05-30

Bero256 Which in turn in ran in VBox inside the Game cube on the PS2 while running roblox using 4 GiB of RAM for your Minecraft server

Thomas Youssef - 2017-05-31

When you think you're a Nerd, and you see a sethbling video.

saltyboi - 2017-12-28

Erez Rotem 10/10 impression

Daniel - 2017-05-29

Seth is reaching levels of technical enlightenment that shouldn't even be possible...

Appa - 2017-11-15

Ricardo Vazquez this is pretty simple though, it just edits ram data

Francisco Russo - 2018-02-17

"pretty simple"

TheBaldr - 2018-04-20

It reminds me of the programmer who started Roller Coaster Tycoon, he only knew machine code language, so that is what he programmed the game in.

iiIsBlu - 2019-04-16

This isn't his final form yet

inxane有害な - 2019-04-30

terry davis v2?

Polocatfan - 2017-05-29

Oh hey now we can make mods that nintendo won't take down.

MewtwoStruckBack - 2017-06-10

Doesn't mean they won't try, or at least start taking down videos showing a how-to...

Joe drexler - 2017-10-29


SapphireFlame - 2017-11-02

"But Project M did get taken down!" After their own legal advice was a recommendation to do so, in addition to simply a desire to work on other things.

Crimison_Light - 2019-06-16



Plexit - 2019-06-25

@Crimison_Light YO WHAT THE F-

Jaeman109 - 2017-05-29

Error Code 002-0102:This device's access to online services has been restricted by Nintendo.Reason: Unauthorized Software has been run on this system.

SvenDaHacker64 - 2017-05-31

follow snes .guide and do NESClassicWareHax

Extra Deluxe - 2017-10-31

Good thing I don't have a "SatellaView"...

Sir Cadet - 2017-11-05

Jaeman109 they cannot do that actually

ChrisGamez - 2018-06-03

420 likes XD

Gaming 6000 - 2019-09-27

Sir Cadet r/woooosh

ItsTimaiFool - 2017-05-29

Next challenge: Install a text editor and C compiler in the game cartridge.

DerProGamer2000 - 2017-06-20

n64? what does this have to do with the nintendo 64?

Patrick s - 2017-06-20

DerProGamer2000 Oups. Happens ;)

jeepercreepers9 - 2017-11-01

He can probably do the text editor

WarpSpeedSCP - 2018-03-12

no, we need to run skyrim on it first.

Telnobynoyator _ - 2019-09-01


Square Play'n - 2017-05-29

What's also really interesting is that now that you have access to the RAM, you can also edit other games via the same procedure as was used to copy the data from the first cardridge onto the second. You could write a script that mildly modifies a new game to make that one also editable. Congratz, you just broke every SNES game.

Efe Muratal - 2017-05-31

But you need a glitch like the credits warp on the other game to run the transferred code.

Levi Sullivan - 2017-06-22

Every SNES game that can be forced to run code like this, in that specific section of memory, yes.

Templarfreak - 2018-03-01

It largely depends on what RAM a cartridge uses, but for the most part yes.

Mariann Mariann - 2019-06-12

Only thing that there isn't an ACE glitch in every game.

Kelvin Guerrero - 2019-11-05

Some Weirdo
Cuz he can.

superj1e2z6 - 2017-05-29

And it only took 200 Observer blocks arrange in series to power armor stands standing at proximity to command blocks.

Araiguma Alice Kiruno - 2018-04-10


The Creeper King - 2018-04-17

superj1e2z6 and 97 hours to make

RainbowVideoFX - 2019-04-10

oh you

DeBe - 2017-05-29

You can't ever just let Mario be Mario can you?

guy on the Internet - 2017-05-29

CavFanatic 69th like😆
I'm immature.....

Yeah Mike!!! - 2017-05-29

k y s Then you'll love 4:46

guy on the Internet - 2017-05-29

MCPE ROBOT ayyyyyyyyyyyy

Jane Doe - 2019-07-29

@Yeah Mike!!! Kill him yourself coward

Notime 25 - 2017-05-31

2 years later : Hello Sethbling here, today i reached cosmic knowledge.

ioletsgo - 2019-06-16

sadily, hasnt happened yet.

Kaiman JIG - 2019-10-17

ioletsgo I'm sure he already reached cosmic knowledge, he's just keeping it secret bro.

Kenny - 2017-06-01

SNES: There are your limits,don't ever surpass them
Super Mario World: HA! LIMITS?!

NerdGamer - 2017-05-29

Normal Gerky People=Jailbreak on Idevices
Sethbling:jailbreak on super mario world

GybiBite - 2017-05-29

Oh right I forgot, I run Cyanogen because my device is older

Jason Akers - 2017-05-29

Damn Gerks...

Anonymous Idea - 2017-06-13

+CreeperGuy555 *+Bochs Ios *geeky

DomainD - 2017-06-17

Root on android devices

hazmatAreAa - 2018-01-07

GybiBite Imagine forgetting to wipe dalvik and couldn't get back to recovery

J-J-J-Joule - 2017-05-29

This is basically witchcraft to me

PsychicCirno - 2017-05-29

Nice, now do this for Breath of the Wild

Supervhizor - 2017-05-30

+MLG Cirno It already can

PsychicCirno - 2017-05-30

To everyone taking my comment literally.

Guys it was a joke

DorrieDragon - 2017-05-30

MetaKnightmare23 NOOO!

Psyjinx - 2017-05-30

kiss yourself.

Doritalos - 2017-05-30

Nintendo DCMA coming in 5..4..3..2..

Dallas - 2017-05-30

Next step is to recreate minecraft in SMW so that he can do armor stand creations in minecraft in SMW... bringing it full circle again.

[ RR21 ] - 2017-05-30

NinjaguyKasa and then recreate SMW in minecraft in SMW, PERFECTT

Pat Nat - 2017-05-29

But how many armor stands did it take?

RedCreepers - 2017-08-01

536870912000 armor stands.

Jacob R - 2019-01-05

Armor stand is a power up state

NewSuperMarioBah - 2019-05-27


Blue Parrot - 2019-07-29


Plumjet09 ٰ - 2019-09-17


Flumpy - 2017-05-29

Can't wait to see you hack into ISIS' MySpace account and change it into a Mario kart simulation using code from Pac-man embedded into the save files of Minecraft

juhheli - 2017-05-29

Ok, now team up with the tas team and make this into a tas.

frognik79 - 2017-05-29

Would have been nice 25 years ago.

LittleBig Killer - 2017-05-29

Mod support for games is always fun!

Daniel - 2017-05-29

@DxRed nice meme

Yeah Mike!!! - 2017-05-29

frognik79 ikr

MonkeyMan1242 - 2017-05-31

@Lanlost I think what he meant was he wish he was able to do this 25 years ago.

Reddo Deado - 2017-06-07

But how about the time taken for Scuttlebug raising?

Luis Mediavilla - 2017-05-30

your cartdirdge should be valued at least one thousand dollars

jeepercreepers9 - 2018-02-01

Really? makes jailbroken cartridge WHO WANTS TO BUY ONE?!?

Étoine de Vries - 2017-05-29

Let me make an original joke: Armor Stands

Weebery - 2017-05-29

Étoine de Vries xd jojoke

Rena Kunisaki - 2017-05-30

Parallel universes.

Trevor James Consideracion - 2017-05-30


Mustafa Curgu - 2017-05-30

Scuttlebug jamboree

Officer Fiddle-Diddle's Twin Brother - 2017-12-30


Circl3s - 2017-05-29

Can you add armor stands to SMW now?

Rohan Loveland - 2017-05-30

This is how Skynet begins....

KRATOSLIVES22 ! - 2017-12-31

Rohan Loveland I was having trouble making the connection until I realized...what if someone types up a virus or a video game A.i. script on to nuclear defense systems... that's when I'm like... yeah...skynet.

R Duke - 2018-03-24

The system becomes self aware on August 29th.

Andrew Brandt - 2018-03-26

Your dealing with 90s tech, get real.

GhostGamesGR - 2017-05-29

Your editing has got much better in the years I've been watching. Your channel has grown so much, and these videos make it better! Please do more games like this, because these are very informative and amazing.

Brendan - 2017-05-29

cool! i got the jailbreak to work!
save battery dies

Roddy - 2017-05-29

Can we screw up the entire cartridge data if we do something wrong during the installation??

SethBling - 2017-05-29

No, you can always just delete the save files. ROM is burned into the cartridge, there's no way to modify it.

Zev Feitelson - 2017-05-29

SethBling why did you stop doing Mindcrack?

Roddy - 2017-05-29

SethBling || Oh, I see. That's some interesting stuff there. Great job :)

Minnesota Vi-KINGS - 2017-05-29

Mass copy it to hundreds of cartridges, then sell then on the internet.

RelativelyEdgar - 2017-09-19

gets triggered by you taking out the cartridge while it was on

choco animation - 2017-05-29

Is it now possible to make a 2D Minecraft mod in Super Mario World?

Vincent Rousset - 2017-05-29

choco animation what is that ? terraria ?

Star - 2017-05-30

Vincent Rousset How many fucking times do I have to say this to people. Terraria is nothing like 2D minecraft.

Pascal Tänzer - 2017-05-30

But I get why people assume it: looking from Minecraft (wich is what most people do, cause MC is more popular) people see a 2D world where you can break and place blocks and craft stuff.
But looking from Terraria, it is more about fighting and looting. Most items can only be aqquired through boss drops (well you have to craft them), but most people dont see that, since it is quite deep into the game (you farm and craft your basic gaer). Also housing is often more functional, since you need a LOT of space for NPCs. In MC people tend to focus on estetics.

Vincent Rousset - 2017-05-31

@Oliver Craft i know, i play them both. It was only for the joke, though

fractalgem - 2018-06-02

2:04 reminded me of playing "defend the castle" way back when.

Andrew Brandt - 2018-03-26

Nintendo: We are going to make a game for the Wii U that will allow you to make a Mario game yourself in the style of SMW.

Seth: Pfff Im good, I modfied my original Cart by tweaking the games code with original hardware with glitches.

Nintendo: ????

TL1882 - 2019-08-29

yeah, about that

William B. - 2017-11-19

3:50 "If you press both at the same time, it increments the value very quickly"

TheRealPlasma - 2019-12-25

1987: Windows 1.0 is revolution !
2019: this fricking snes developpement platform

kross kancel 2 - 2017-05-29

do a giveaway for one of the jailbroken cartridges (a new one)

nick limbach - 2017-06-06

or make your own with the emulator

Lince Assassino - 2017-05-29

Seth's channel is reminding me of Tom7's. Several months between uploads, but is always something that blows my mind.

Francisco Russo - 2018-02-17


Ace shinigami - 2017-05-30

now write a basic compiler for smw

Arkadiusz Brzoza - 2019-07-04

Imagine making speedruns with this, and just making every level end instantly

Joel Dowdell - 2017-05-29

Welp. Who needs minecraft. We have mario.

NonTwinBrothers - 2017-06-25

His minecraft skin is mario! you can ever escape

Beny Verezub - 2017-05-30

"Super Mario World Mod Review- Episode 1: Telekinesis Mod"

We need this people

Violet Scourge - 2017-05-30

"Welcome back, Sethbling here."

And you're watching Disney channel.

ninja_035 - 2017-05-30

The things people are able to do with some knowledge is incredible

Tvde1 - 2017-05-30

What's your favorite langage?

Le-Grande - 2019-06-24

Seeing sethbling say it in person made me think "Imposter! who are you? what have you done with the invisible and never seen before sethbling?!"

Sog - 2017-05-29

i somehow was searching through your videos and was wondering if you still uploaded. i watched a video then went back and saw this. what a surprise

Tim Wagner - 2018-04-03

Hey I need help: In my Bizhawk Emulator, every time, when I load up the C-File, with he SaveRam, my overworld freaks completely out, and gets stuck there and if I press the A-Button, it loads the Star Bonus Game and gets stucks there. You can't exit the Level, you can move around and hit blocks, but after you got the powerups, you can't get out. Is it in couse of the ending for the file .smc or whats the cause? It would be very cool, if you could help me D:

Gaming 6000 - 2019-09-27

if videoIsCrazy {
ask(“armor stands?”

Astianatte592 - 2017-05-30

3:55 i like the Thief Mario powerup lol

JakeAndBake - 2018-02-01

This is extremely impressive, thank you for sharing man. I remember watching your Minecraft videos, and this is next level, like e everything you seem to do.