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5 Things That Make You a Mosquito Magnet

SciShow - 2019-06-16

Every summer it seems like there’s that one person who always gets a lot of mosquito bites. But what makes people mosquito magnets?  

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Hosted by: Hank Green

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SciShow - 2019-06-17

Go to http://Brilliant.org/SciShow to try out Brilliant’s Daily Challenges. The first 200 subscribers get 20% off an annual Premium subscription.

jess Kitteh - 2020-05-18

Idk ive been Some crazy parties where the person drank so much the mosquito died imminently with its sucker thingy still stuck in the persons arm

Nutter On Butter - 2020-05-23

Me and my friend were partying left the window open a mosquito bit him while we were sleeping he ended up going to the doctor for not feeling good and he has Malaria and he hasn’t left the country and we live in the middle of Illinois

Top Lobster - 2020-06-24

Being super attractive to mosquitoes and other little pesky bastards, I've always been the one in the group who got bitten the most. I've found two perfect protections:
1. Tiger Balm. Literally no bites when I'd usually be covered in dozens.
2. My ex. Somehow she attracted more biters, and as a result, I was spared 90% of the bites.

All that other stuff about reflective colors and what not doesn't do anything, my skin is extremely white, yet it doesn't repel them at all.

C.L. Stewart - 2020-07-13

Since alcohol thins blood, it takes less work for mossies to suck up the blood than normal!

jess Kitteh - 2020-07-13

@C.L. Stewart next time one bites you squeeze or flex your muscle they will explode

Ken O - 2019-07-02

So dark clothes attract mosquitoes, and
bright clothes attract bees and wasps, but
no clothes means more surface available for bites and stings.

notachannle - 2020-08-29

wear see-thru mesh

beaniebooluvs - 2020-08-30

Wear light gray and be fully covered and boom

assassinbro 29 - 2020-09-02


Mischief Catcher - 2020-11-19

U never safe

José Rojas - 2020-11-23

Have you considered, gray?

Sofía Villarreal - 2019-07-07

"the people were drinking beer, not the mosquitoes". Thanks for clarifying that, Hank.

norman leach - 2020-08-03

@Happy_Healthy_Jenny yeah...cocked-roaches

Bernadette Boyle - 2020-08-13

Happy_Healthy_Jenny I don’t care how much they love it it’s mine! 😁

Happy_Healthy_Jenny - 2020-08-13

Bernadette Boyle 😂😂

Korey Williams - 2020-10-20

I hear beer attracts slugs in gardens

Steve White - 2020-11-21

How does one drink mosquitoes

Tiffany Briley - 2019-07-06

I have no idea my blood type but pretty sure it's IB tasty.

Jan Wiget - 2020-09-12

Less Ismore See what u did there, ‘abbynormal’ love that movie!

Deidre D.S.SENSE Smith - 2020-09-13


Star5 - 2020-09-23


Jeanette Rios - 2020-10-28

Mines is blood type O I’m not sure if it’s negative or positive though

Benny Jr. - 2020-11-20

Dang... that's good bro...

AmbuBadger - 2020-07-08

1- Put out sugar water dispensary
2- Mosquitoes become insulin-resistant
3- Mosquitoes have no access to healthcare, thus they cannot treat their condition with insulin and die


AmbuBadger - 2020-08-22

@Sagar Shrestha Oh, sorry, I think something for lost in translation! My original comment was an observation about the modern obesity epidemic and lack of socialized healthcare.

Mashiho'd PotatoeTM - 2020-08-30

@AmbuBadger Meh, still a good way to kill mosquitoes though :)

Robert Elessar - 2020-09-06

I'm in!

argella1300 - 2020-12-06

I’ve also seen alka-seltzer tablet traps that work really well

Arthas Menethil - 2020-12-26

I prefer leaving tiny land mines on my deck and then baiting them with some sugar scattered nearby

AJ0127 - 2019-06-17

Me: steps 1cm outside

Mosquitoes: Its free real estate

A King - 2019-09-06

All you can eat buffet!!!

L T - 2020-05-26

I dont even have to step out! They come in....

K K - 2020-05-27

@Rose they like light colors so rip us brown people

Matthew Lindsey - 2020-06-08

damned if you do and damned if you don't

Mister Kaos - 2020-06-18

Deet: Allow me to introduce myself!

Nick - 2019-06-20

I'm crack for Mosquitoes. I think it's payback for not having any other kind of allergies...

Queen D - 2020-07-08

Me too!

StarStealingLily - 2020-07-13

My allergy is mosquitos 😅

Jimin Daddy - 2020-07-15

omg yesss

Camille Cirrus - 2020-08-17

That's unfair! Im also a mosquito magnet but have several different awful allergies!

Infinite Adam - 2020-08-22

Mee to, I think its my sweat, I work hard so lots of lactic acid, if I leave a sweaty shirt on the back porch it gets swarmed, I think if I camp I will leave sweaty clothing far away...

minh anh ngyuen - 2019-06-28

when he say offer a different snack, i thought it meant hang out with more mosquitoes magnet friend so they attack them rather me.

Manj J - 2019-06-29

I'd totally do that😂😂

Nick Capozzoli thicc - 2020-07-04

What does minhwinn mean

Tony Midyett - 2020-08-03

"You don't have to be faster than the bear. You only have to be faster than your slowest friend."

Deanna G Conn - 2020-09-14

LOL, very funny!!!

Blue - 2019-07-23

Everybody: Breaths
Mosquitos: 👀

DmedZWN - 2019-07-11

" Mosquitoes like dark colored things "
Welp I guess us African / Brown people will be getting munched by mosquitoes forever then SMH! 🙄

Barbara Khan - 2020-07-15

Im sure he meant dark colored clothing.... smfh

2 Goats in a Trench Coat - 2020-07-17

@Kari Kling maybe they're attracted to the dark skinned people from afar, but some of them accidentally land on you on the way to their destination. Have you asked your dark skinned friends whether they're getting bitten as much as you? (weird sentence to type 😂)

Leogalassi75 - 2020-07-22

@Kari Kling Friend, I always had the same impression! Just to exemplify, when I'm with my father I get all the bites, but when I'm with my wife, she does. On the other hand, when walking in a farm, my father attracts all the ticks. Go figure!

Barbara Khan - 2020-09-08

From what I read and saw, they're attracted to dark colored clothing, not necessarily dark skin....I live in a senior apartment and they bite us no matter what the color of our skin

FoxGamer_XD :3 - 2020-10-02

Meh when I rub my skin some of those eraser remaining looking things come out and my skin becomes whiter.

Jaded and Empty - 2019-06-18

I've found that directing a fan at my face while I slept made it way more difficult for mosquitos to locate me even if they were in the room. (And even if they do, good luck fighting that air current, you little spawns of satan.)

Fox Dylan - 2020-06-27

Don’t some Asian cultures think that a fan going in your room while you sleep will kill you, maybe Koreans, I can’t remember? Any Koreans here know about this?

Derick : X - 2020-07-21


Loretta Scott - 2020-08-12


Troy Grant - 2020-09-18

@Dave Price stiff neck and stuff....no direct fan for me

FoxGamer_XD :3 - 2020-10-02

Blood sucking garlic hating stupid bloody obnoxious devil satan’s servants to get blood for satan to drink!

G C - 2019-07-06

I never knew mosquitoes were racists. Thanks for the info Hank!

Thunder Life - 2020-08-15

We must make laws to prevent this disparity.

Thunder Life - 2020-08-15

@#ash Baker we should make people with more melanin stay outside in the sun longer.

BladeWaywardSon - 2020-04-30

Me: a goth alchoholic... "stop breathing" sure!
"Also don't wear black or drink"
Me: ya lost me there.

gerald frost - 2020-06-30

teathed !

Dindrane W. - 2020-06-30

@gerald frost Awww! :)

Dream Weaver - 2020-09-22

Ha haaaa youre funny

Cachorrinho Jogador - 2020-09-24

You should rethink your life really hard.

Cookey Monster - 2020-09-29

Goths stay indoors. Just close your windows

Tharso Moreira - 2019-06-27

In Brazil, everyday is mosquito season.

I Hate Myself - 2020-08-12

In Brazil, everyday is drug-related murder season

Tharso Moreira - 2020-08-12

@I Hate Myself And Big Agro-related murder season too

Loretta Scott - 2020-08-12

That Sucks!

kjl3080 - 2020-08-29

Tharso Moreira rust in peeeeeeeaceee

Cachorrinho Jogador - 2020-09-24

@I Hate Myself gæ

PhantomStrider - 2019-06-21

I recommend insect repellent with deet in it. Seems to keep me from getting bit out on forest runs.

Ikree R - 2020-05-11

Having tried every repellant on the market, Ben's (orange bottle) is the only one that works for me. Most don't even slow them down.

kindlin - 2020-07-18

Isn't deet really bad for you? cancer and all that? Most repellants advertise deet-free.

GreenGorgeousness - 2020-08-08

@kindlin deet is pretty bad for every other creature, make sure it's dry for 10-15 minutes before interacting with animals/plants.

a marketing - 2020-12-29

Nope, deet does not work if you are a natural mosquito attractor. Unfortunately some of us are just irresistible to mosquitoes.

slug of eternal pain - 2019-07-08

Welcome to Arizona where the impenetrable heat wall protects you from the dirty flying needles

Threw The Looking Glass - 2020-07-14

lemon wr still have. them only for spring and monsoon if its not to.hott.. tucson was 115 last week

funny hunny - 2020-07-18

Mosquitos can't afford to live in Los Angeles. I've been here 30 years and I've never been stung. Vacation to New Mexico and I'm dissected by them.

senator558 - 2020-07-18

funny hunny They must all be in Long Beach. I just got back from visiting there and I was bitten numerous times.

funny hunny - 2020-07-18

@senator558 Thanks for the warning. I'll stay in Redondo.

Chris Jones - 2020-09-10

Rainy season they come out. Also water collected and stagnant in any containers gives them a spawning area. There are a few things to try. Sticky coils, citronella but roll leaves on skin to extract oil on your skin. Essential oils diluted and put not a spray bottle. ( use an alcohol to mix with your oil as oil and water don’t mix.) Neem oil is good and blue mouthwash in a spray bottle all act as deterrents. Read directions on Neem. Also if you live near irrigation in Arizona you may have ticks as well as mosquitoes. Some folks swear by Avon Skin So Soft but others say it doesn’t work for them. Swallows and bats are both said to eat thousands of mosquitoes each season.

imcaii _ - 2020-02-18

me: i'm ready to be a mosquito repellant and do none of these things
number 1: breathing
me: uh

Mr.T 123 - 2019-06-19

Finally, YouTube recommended something useful and interesting.

Jayati Bhattacharyya - 2019-07-13

You have not been using YouTube right! I am addicted to YT. Please help me stop.

Trae Watkins - 2020-07-08

I always found that if I was coated in smoke from the BBQ or campfire, the skeeters would leave me alone :)

sharon07430 - 2020-07-18

I get bitten thru clothes in bright sun. The only thing that keeps them away is smoky fire.

Annie Xia - 2019-06-16

Me lying on my bed itching my 8 bites because I have no self control: "I might have to stop breathing."

Hobi Hope - 2020-06-14

Annie Xia Another thing that might help is if you get something hot and place it against the bite for 10 seconds! I usually boil some water, put a spoon in the water, then put the spoon against my skin. The direct heat helps break down the chemical bonds in the mosquito venom, which makes the bites less itchy!

Rusty Wells - 2020-06-19

@Marshagail great idea, novocaine is good for all kinds of things. I wonder if cutting up a lidocaine patch into little squares would work.

Hope Rules - 2020-07-09

45,000iu of vitE oil applied to each bite-just try it
edit: if you can find it, get 54,000iu-even better

HappyBeezerStudios - by Lord_Mogul - 2020-09-13

Or heat up a spoon, the heat should break down the enzymes the mosquito injects to stop you from feeling the needle.
I'm already at the point where I don't notice them anymore. The first one each year is always a monster swelling, but as time goes on, they become less and less annoying.

Mikio Hirata - 2020-09-15

I'm the same. I think some of us are more sensitive to bug bites and we develop some
kind of allergic reactions which make itching/inflammations get worse.

Kate Harrop - 2020-06-14

Since my husband had been taking garlic oil pills to lower his cholesterol levels, the mosquitoes leave him alone. What are your thoughts on this?

Sanna B - 2020-07-09

@SpockBoy Just buy any B - vitamin complex pill containing all 8 B vitamins. Just make sure it is a brand that is legal. I don't know what brands you have in your country.

SpockBoy - 2020-07-09

@Sanna B Thanks : )

Stellar V - 2020-07-21

Tea tree oil also repels them and deer flies

Sharon Lou - 2020-09-02

I heard that people with O-Positive blood are more apt to be mosquito magnets. I know they sure love chomping on me. Avons Skin So Soft Lotion does help.

Samuel Woolwine IV - 2020-10-08

Garlic repels bloodsuckers

K. Moreno - 2020-06-14

Offer them a different snack...
me: oh no, is he going to say sacrifice our friends???

Jk_ Speed - 2020-11-06

If thats the case its a sacrifice im willing to make vote red guyes he been sus

Bröther May I Have Some Lööps - 2020-06-10

10:30 "People were cooler after drinking" You heard it here, folks, scientifically proven. Don't do school, stay in drugs.

Cachorrinho Jogador - 2020-09-24

Rex Torres - 2020-07-08

"Obviously I was joking about, like, not breathing..."

starts breathing again... wheeew!

Elizabeth Torres - 2019-07-12

So wear light colored clothing, no alcohol and decreased the amount of sugar intake? 🤔

Dan Hammond - 2020-04-22

Not happening

marinex65 - 2019-07-07

“Here are five things you can do to lessen your appeal...
1. Breathing”

Jack Snyder - 2020-07-03

Genocide the the misquotes, I don't care, I don't wanna hear about the butterfly affects, just do it.

Gabriel Fraser - 2020-07-07

Misquotes are just the worst, I can't handle it when edgy 14 year olds butcher brilliant Nietzsche quotes.

Emily Norris - 2020-07-13

They serve as food to many many animals and they help with human population control

Adrian Faulkner - 2020-07-23

Id sign off it

Camryn Jean - 2020-07-24

I believe there is a "What if" video on what might happen if we get rid of mosquitoes and the effects have pretty minimal impact on everything else

HappyBeezerStudios - by Lord_Mogul - 2020-09-13

Who worries about nuclear when you have coal :D

Serendip - 2019-06-20

Ooh, so they target me because of how I dress, or because I'm drinking. I suddenly become a more attractive target to these pests?

Silly Wizard - 2019-06-17

I eat raw garlic to discourage bloodsuckers; works against ticks, mosquitos, vampires...
However, ineffective against lawyers.

ElvenSpellmaker - 2020-07-05


Dee Mueller - 2020-07-08

I know growing up had issues as a kid. But as a teen I lived on garlic-y foods. I also had to take high amounts of vitamins and antibiotics for my horrid acne. I had no issues with mosquito buzzing near or being bit. Boyfriends on the other hand were being bit like crazy. They would remark about me not having any light upon my skin but there would be several on his hand, arm, etc as we held hands. It could have been the garlic, the high dose vit c, chlorophyll, b6 and 12 or maybe it was just all tanning oil, ban de Soleil gelee, mink hair spray, jovan musk oil or maybe all the deets and asbestos in the family home that we carried in our clothes not to mention all the FORMALDEHYDE/ FLUOROCARBON that was in EVERYTHING! Just no clue but I can say for certain when I started having blood sugar issues because I would have bees chase me on the daily without perfume or powder on and wearing dark clothes. I had allergy issues and couldn't wear so many things. Had to use vinegar to wash my clothes, no scented deodorant or antiperspirant, had to shampoo with tea tree- no conditioner just cold water rinses and yet the bees would continually chase and light on my skin. I can't find that balance again. The garlic foods run blood pressure up, the garlic tabs with smell will run off everyone, the garlic tabs without smell don't work. Now both bees and mosquitoes love me and I can't find a way to balance it. Skin so soft oil/sprays do help work mosquitoes but there again is it the oily part or the other ingredients that is masking me?

Pete Mavus - 2020-07-11

@Shallan Davar, Painter of Souls LOL

Pete Mavus - 2020-07-11

@Marie Justice LOL funny!

Emily Norris - 2020-07-13


Alt Gonçalves - 2020-04-19

Fun fact. I'm watching this from Manaus, I'm the middle of the Amazon in the middle of the night while being feasted upon by those suckers. I've had Malaria twice and as a living mosquito magnet can confirm the information

Matcha - 2020-06-21

Get a mosquito tent dude. Or anti mosquito clothes covers; https://www.amazon.com/DiDaDi-Mosquito-Netting-Ultra-fine-Protecting/dp/B07FMV76GB/ref=sr_1_12?crid=AGE306NDHUY5&dchild=1&keywords=mosquito+net+clothing&qid=1592716339&sprefix=misquito+%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-12

Bed tent; https://www.amazon.com/SansBug-1-Person-Free-Standing-Pop-Up-Mosquito-Net/dp/B003BWF9WI/ref=sr_1_26?dchild=1&keywords=mosquito+net+tent&qid=1592716478&sr=8-26

Large tent; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0033990PG/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0033990PG&pd_rd_w=p40NW&pf_rd_p=48d372c1-f7e1-4b8b-9d02-4bd86f5158c5&pd_rd_wg=uU0EI&pf_rd_r=01H95YVN96J4TGS35TTM&pd_rd_r=a37ed5b7-83b3-4f0c-8010-434fa524f506&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyMFFDVjdTRkM4MVJDJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDQzNzQ3MURJNDFVQ05QQUZRRCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjM2OTg4MjZERU8yRU1QRjNSJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

Natural repellent; https://www.amazon.com/Protector-Mosquito-Insect-Repellent-Spray/dp/B086Z9NC8J/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=misquito+repelant+cedar&qid=1592716913&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-9

I also recommend cedar, lemon grass, and eucalyptus essential oils. You can put some in a spray bottle with water and spray yourself or your room.
You should also make sure your home is sealed from the outdoors. Never open windows without mesh screens and use caution when entering or leaving your home. If possible make a screened porch that you can enter from, so you have to go in one door, then another.

Screened porch example; https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=jcl62R7J&id=CA59D43EF577C25B5E911C10BFE6A5AD43696211&thid=OIP.jcl62R7Jhln_tQUqWvUyxQHaFb&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbolt-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fa5feeaa93f3acd6dfe12986173c63e85%2FOgden-screened-porch-with-hip-roof-and-Eze-Breeze-Porch-windows.jpg&exph=1025&expw=1400&q=screened+porch&simid=608053895774273796&ck=B3DCD72172343C18A6EE1D47A3F1F373&selectedindex=3&ajaxhist=0&first=1&scenario=ImageBasicHover&vt=0

Screened widow example;

Or just move up north to the U.S or Canada, we only have mosquitoes from May thru September here, and there are usually less in May/September. Even in summer you can go to the Beach or semi-woodsy areas with out getting bitten much. Only trade off is the place is a freezer from October to March. April is just wet.

Sandy Mac - 2020-07-14

@Matcha That is all such great info! Thank you for taking the time to include all the links. I'm very grateful for your kindness. God bless you!

Calvin Nelson - 2020-07-06

"In fact, on average, people were cooler after drinking"

There's the proof kids. Drinking alcohol makes you cooler haha 😄

Hi - 2020-07-09

hahahahahahaha alcoholism

mervviscious - 2019-06-26

I wish I could help your channel, but I'm living on the edge so to speak at this moment. But i love your channel and have for years. You can trust your information and you deliver it an interesting way.. Thank you for informing us....

Matthew Harris-Levesque - 2019-06-28

8:43 - See. My tinfoil hat DOES protect me from...

Patrick Milewski - 2019-06-16

Me: exist
Mosquito: it's free real estate.

El Tercero - 2019-06-17

What did the mosquitoe say to the vampire?

You suck old man

Jascha Bull - 2019-06-17

I'd have thought the lice would be saying that.


dead meme


@El Tercero ??????

TheInglip - 2019-06-17

(ツ)_/¯ that's how mosquito works

Miranda Jones - 2019-07-30

I must have a mosquito illness... Those things eat me alive even when I wear deet...nothing keeps them away😭

Ashwini Khede - 2020-07-08

At my place, mosquitoes don't come at day time or even when light is on so I could lay-a-smack-down to them , instead just when I turn the lights out, they come Outta nowhere make my sleep more miserable

QueenofSilence101 - 2020-12-02

They know...

Amy Carter - 2019-06-22

10:49 It does NOT apply to ALL alcoholic beverages. It also will vary depending on other food and liquids ingested at the time. If you're one of those liquor chasers (x liquor plus soda/water/whatever), the effect will be lesser.
One thing to note is that beer, and some hard liquors have a stronger effect than wine and a select few hard liquors do.
Oh, I should note this: If you smell like burning wood, mosquitoes will not bother you. At all. You know that whole "Where there's smoke, there's fire" quote? As you'd expect, most insects hate fire. The warmth, they don't mind, but anything that smells of an inferno, they'll stay away from. It's true that some insects will go towards fire for the warmth, but not into it. They're not stupid, like how Disney tried to make lemmings look by throwing them off a cliff, but with careful, tasteless editing, make it look like they were jumping over it. Assholes.
I've spent good amounts of time near high levels of heat and open flames; after my skin absorbs the smells of it, there is no bug that would wanna be near me. Unfortunately, it also affected other things. Like my tarantula, whom I've missed a lot lately.

daring calendar - 2019-07-02

My mum always said that mosquitoes really like sweet and sugary blood.

As a sweet-tooth I was struggling

Kuchi Kopi - 2019-08-26

this is 100% true, I can attest

Becky Anderson - 2020-06-12

Just add alot more garlic i eat a ton and never get bit .

beth S - 2020-07-02

I hardly ever get bitten since going keto.

Wrennie - 2020-09-30

i eat a ton of garlic and still get bit like crazy :(

a marketing - 2020-12-29

My brother loved sweets and would constantly eat them, but I don't have a sweet tooth at all.

I get bit and he doesn't. It's body chemistry, some of us are just super attractive to mosquitos. I can eat garlic, wear the right clothes, be covered in insect repellant, AND surrounded by drunk people with NO insect repellent on. I am the only one getting bit. Those mosquitoes will die to get a taste of me.

Rob G - 2019-06-17

1. CO2 in your breath
2. Sweat
3. Mosquito borne diseases
4. Dark coloured clothes
5. Drinking alcohol

Mark Lester Prince - 2019-09-22


YaBoi James - 2019-09-26

u deserve the world

Unholyspirit - 2020-02-07

And sugar

Dileep M - 2020-07-13

I was searching for this comment..😁👍

r - 2020-07-15

Looking for this

Liz Medsker - 2019-06-20

"on average, people were cooler after drinking."

Well, yeah. Always.

John Jamison - 2020-05-02

I've always thought mosquitoes like dark clothes since it's easier for them to blend in with.

The Lemony Bard - 2019-07-03

Great, bees love light colors and mosquitoes love dark colors. Perfect.

Krisandra Skinner - 2019-07-08

I've been using a tip I got on UTube-vicks vapor rub. A little does the trick. Haven't had a tick either. Put it on my dogs when they go out. Can't hurt!

Emoglobin - 2019-06-16

5 Things That Make You a Mosquito Magnet
Me: "Oh, good, once I watch this video I'll be able to keep mosquitoes away by avoiding these things"
#1. Breathing
Me: "Heck"

Cocain from Jesus - 2019-06-17

Or you use a CO² and lactic acid smelling Mosquito Trap. :D You can buy it already in Germany. It works and has a patent. Sometimes we do research to. :D (a fan holds them in the trap, till they dry to death! The fan is not that strong to catch bees or something. Secures areas up to 500 m² with one trap. Works on tiger mosquito to!)

Lee Nux - 2019-06-17

@J Luftig what you can do is thinking about how overpopulate the earth is ... how the food distribution is ... how money distribution is ...

do you prefer 10 unhappy and unhealthy peoples or 1 happy and healthy person ??

and you can also think about mental illness and stop sex .... to risky ...

Rhyannon Ashford - 2019-06-17

If it helps, mosquitoes like hot, languid breaths. If you take smaller breaths or breathe out in a "cold" way (out through the nose or quick exhalations through the lips) they don't like it as much. Or buy an electric racket. There is no greater pleasure than swatting then with the power of Thor.

mvmlego1212 - 2019-06-17

@Steven Utter -- I wasn't planning on this turning into a thread about abortion, but here we go...

First, a fetus that is produced by two humans is a human, not a potential human. From the time that the parents' gametes' DNA combine, the new organism's genetic code remains stable. Its species doesn't change at birth, the formation of the brain, or whenever. I understand that doesn't establish that a human fetus is a person but if that's what you meant, then it's what you should have said.

Second, you don't know what his charitable habits are, and they're not relevant to the subject of abortion, anyhow. The post-birth analogue of abortion is infanticide or child abandonment, not not-giving-to-charity.

Third, your assumptions about his religious beliefs are both incorrect and irrelevant. Not only does the guy have blatantly anti-religious videos in his playlists,* but the pro-life position doesn't rely on religious arguments. The basic argument goes like this:

P1) It's immoral and unconstitutional to kill an innocent person.
P2) A human fetus is an innocent person.
C1) It's immoral and unconstitutional to kill a human fetus.

Try addressing the argument.

*e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmEScIUcvz0&list=PLS4MDxRFO_OXigJKg1VQ3EdL2P5cNR_7k&index=83

cadet jones - 2019-06-17

@mvmlego1212 delet this

thepiyow - 2019-07-02

7:14 Thank you! Yes, I was wondering!

Tinmann - 2019-07-08


Scientists: let's give some kids malaria to see if mosquitos bite them more

Jennifer Tavera - 2019-10-23


Killua Zoldyck - 2020-07-21

"mosquitoes like dark colored clothes and objects"
And what if I'm black...

The_Catman - 2019-06-19

Wait, they like black, blue, and red , but they don't like >600nm wavelengths (aka red ) ?
Do they like red or not?

Janet Weiss - 2020-05-04

@ThatFunkyOpossum à11

IYAAYAS - 2020-05-07

@Swathi DeLeela wow! A real answer and I'm only 9 months late to read it. Thanks for continuing the original question.

beyondwhatisknown - 2020-07-06

I know, right? That's exactly what I was thinking. Lack of internal consistency...

Murof Rumford - 2020-07-11

Multiple online sources state that red is approx. 625–740 nm.

Snowflake The Cat - 2020-08-03

They like Blood,

Not red.

Origami and Cats - 2020-04-20

Is lactic acid corrosive? I wear the paint off my keyboard and my favorite 45 degree line on my paper cutter. I am also a mosquito magnet.

boB E - 2019-07-08

Proof that mosquitos have beer goggles.