> temp > à-trier > spin-1-2-resonance-illustation

Spin resonance

Kim Georg Lind Pedersen - 2016-06-27

Let us talk about... spin resonance. Here we show spin 1/2 precession around constant and precessing magnetic fields, interpret the result in co-rotating frame and investigate the resonance condition graphically.

Akshay Sunil Bhadage - 2018-03-12

Great video...awesome work...thank you :)

twomaos - 2020-08-05

This is great. Thanks!

Natjimo - 2020-09-11

This is really nice.
how did you make this ?

Tongzhou Ji - 2020-03-25

wonderful slides...really useful

Demidrol - 2020-08-17


Pepsimaximo1 - 2020-11-15

youre the greatest

Luis Da Vinci - 2020-06-08

Nice animation