> temp > à-trier > why-high-ldl-cholesterol-is-not-an-issue-and-why-you-need-it-and-why-triglicerides-level-is-one-of-the-best-marker-for-metabolism-health-dave-feldman

Why we Need "Bad" LDL Cholesterol | Dave Feldman Pt 2

What I've Learned - 2019-03-06

Part 2 of my interview with Dave Feldman about his Lipid Energy Model. Part 1 is here: https://youtu.be/NVNdpCZWWZE

Check out Dave's work at www.cholesterolcode.com
Twitter - @DaveKeto
Youtube Channel - https://bit.ly/2VydPa8

*Uploading the rest of the interview now, check back in a couple minutes. 

*Shot in October of 2018 at Low Carb Houston. 

[More on Joseph/WIL]
▲Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WILearned
▲Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeverettlearned
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Dave Feldman - 2019-03-05

I'm excited to see Part 2 up -- we really managed to cover a lot of ground here. Like he says at the end, I too would have enjoyed geeking out quite a bit longer.

Mello.B33 - 2019-03-08

@Turi Johnson correct, he is referring to the bulletproof coffee craze.

Lubricanttechnology - 2019-03-14

Yes, thank you for the great interview Dave

Anonymous Panacea - 2019-03-21

Hey does anyone know which "What I've Learned" vids mentions the Pacu fish of South America, eating a fruit and sugar diet for the summer and fasting the extra weight off during winter. I swear I've heard hin mention it in a vid, but I can't find it. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you!

Starry Night - 2019-06-03

+Dave Feldman, Hi dear Dave- Thanks for all your work. Transcribing all this info., and will visit your site in preparation to fight to get my 86 yr. old mother Off of Statins. Battle will be with conventional medicine, Cardiologist / GP's. See the deterioration before my eyes, with no other chronic disease other than 10+ yrs. on Statin drugs for NO Prior Cardia Event, other than a Stent. Absurd. May be too late. CHALLENGE WILL BE: How to Safely Ween-off the cholesterol-lowering drug.  
Fortunately do see holistic nutrients as a gentler way to keep arteries clear. Any other Advise would be WELCOME!!

Arun LSK - 2019-06-03

@Sir Bang-a-Lot No :)

Po - 2019-03-03

Not gonna lie, this is absolutely one of the best channel on Youtube.
Great video (as always)!

Lalady Warriors - 2019-03-19

Yeah so rich

Anonymous Panacea - 2019-03-21

Hey does anyone know which "What I've Learned" vids mentions the Pacu fish of South America, eating a fruit and sugar diet for the summer and fasting the extra weight off during winter. I swear I've heard hin mention it in a vid, but I can't find it. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you!

Christian Navarro - 2019-06-04

Mashed Potato I concur

Christian Navarro - 2019-06-04

In my experience my journey has been manifesting much of what this fellow is talking about. I’ve been using my life as an experimental medium to better understand Lipoprotein and hormonal function. The low carbohydrate fuel adaptations have been challenging traditional views on wellness. I do feel that quite possibly engineers may have a better deductive reasoning of understanding health function than the contrived narrative of current state of our medical field. Anecdotally my numbers have been mystifying my medical professionals; furthermore, as identifying as a “hyper-responder” phenotype I feel the key to our health research ought to lean in the direction of questioning what we don’t understand rather than establishing what we know to be cemented as absolute truth. I’ve experienced much dismissive rhetoric to my regimen. Experientially I’ve felt I have had best self since adopting aspects of metabolic mitochondrial therapy with an emphatic strive for balancing hormones and slowing the aging process. My hope is that we take honest approach to how we address our public about the science we are now learning.

iop erty - 2019-10-26

Thus is probably the worst video of theirs that I have seen

Juan B. Cisneros - 2019-03-06

I think we need more and more engineer-minded people to take care of medicine

Gerbeck S. - 2019-05-17

I'm an engineer and find it funny that people find this channel useful. Lots of conjectures and hand waving stats with no to questionable references. Very little actual hard science.

iop erty - 2019-10-26

What would you know about medicine

HVYContent - 2020-01-11

Gerbeck S. Exactly

16000 48366 - 2020-06-21

Stop discriminating against White and Asian men in colleges then :)

Juan B. Cisneros - 2020-06-21

16000 48366 True. But why are you writing that here?😂

Gittl G. - 2019-03-06

Well, that won't sell Statins. Get that information off the internet!!!! NOW!

ACE ABDUL.M.A - 2019-03-07


Gittl G. - 2019-03-08

@tatsu masa It was a drug too dangerous for the Japanese. Their Pharma industry could not justify using it as medicine. So they sold it to AMERICA, the land of the free!!!

tatsu masa - 2019-03-08

@Gittl G.
Well, it's been sold over here also since we invented.

Gittl G. - 2019-05-20

big pHARMa won't recoil from any tactic to sell their toxins even if scientists warn them of the danger.

doggnap - 2019-09-08

Statins are worth billions, they wont go away any time soon.

The Servermonitor - 2019-03-06

Lipitor and other cholesterol drugs are essentially toxic- by slowing/stopping the liver which creates cholesterol. Of course the pharmas get away with murder to make bucks.

ACE ABDUL.M.A - 2019-03-07

Its a sad sad world we live in

Leonardo Fernandes - 2019-03-08

I've started to binge watch your videos, and they are great! I have 2 suggestions to make: You should try to summarize your videos at the end, so we can remember things better. It also would be great if you could add timestamps on the video description, with the talked topics, like you did on other videos.

oceanblue - 2019-06-25

Great ideas!

H. - 2019-04-05

This guy is really inspiring. I Wish I was smart enough to understand every bit of this talk.

QuirkyQuillify - 2019-03-07

I'm Asian and I tried just eating meat (carnivore), but I can't do it. I feel heavy and sluggish and indigestive. Since you live in Japan, could you try researching the best diet for different ethic groups, especially Asians? Thanks a lot!

A Bhatia - 2019-11-17

Best thing to do is use a meal tracker like chronometer, where you put in what you eat and it will tell you what you nutrients you are getting and how much. From there you can get private blood tests and keep a diary of how you feel. Out of all that data make decisions on what's working and what isn't, your body is unique don't expect it to exist easily in the literature. As a pay off once you've found that balance you can write a book and share your data for a profit.

HVYContent - 2020-01-11

Scooterpie666 so there are no Guatemalans who have eaten all meat? Or English or German people who've done well eating multiple forms of vegetation? Blanket Statement at its best. Send a link to the data

Tammy LaRonde - 2020-02-20

Any change of diet should be done gradually or you kind of, for lack of better words, shock the system. Did you ease into the diet or just jump into it?

Jason Majere - 2020-06-28

As European ancestry, I have to have a lot of potassium....which is hard to get on a more keto diet. Mostly eat a lot of potatoes. As Asian think you could get away with less potassium as rice basically doesn't have much. And I feel like potassium also has to with height, old Japanese warriors looked like the were 12 yr old boys now. But I'm sure they could F you up.

Brave Conq - 2020-09-30

@Metaorange Having a piece of candy can screw up your blood sugar for days.

Eve Lynn - 2019-03-03

The outlets that could promote this information are owned by advertisers. The scientists and researchers who could study this material are owned by corporate labs or at Universities which are funded by corporations or the state which is lobbied by large corporations. If someone independent comes along, they will just get negatively labeled by these outlets and they will circle the wagons. There is nothing to sell or consume. If you want to recover from what they want you to buy, then you simply need to consume less of it. This is a message that would be suicide to large corporations that have their fingers into production/manufacturing, government regulation/legislation, professional and mainstream publications/media, schools and universities, non-profits, etc.

sifting tru the shit - 2019-03-07

@bbq seitan they also own the pharma companies so if they keep pushing a vegan diet that also stop us from eating animals then it's only a matter of time before everyone of has cancer or diabetes what a second......

Pedro Johnston - 2019-03-07

I rekon they would literally benifit if LDL cholesterol was found to be harmless under whichever conditions. The crusade against "large corporations" is actually becoming so dogmatic it will eventually backfire, when people realize 90% of the criticism is actually completely unfounded, and the 10% that really matters gets lost in the noise.

Eve Lynn - 2019-03-08

@Dawn E - It seems like the world consists of circles of influence and we should be wary when they intersect.

Eve Lynn - 2019-03-08

@Pedro - When something important gets out, you'll see a massive uptick in the noise (bots). They basically go around searching for keywords (seek) and chime in with something so hot button, it derails conversations by getting people emotional (destroy). It's hard to think critically when we are emotional.

Gary Purvis - 2020-02-08

They are doing just that to William Davis MD, watched a lying hit piece by CBS news last week, it was totally pathetic obviously paid for by the wheat and grain industry because they are losing millions of dollars in revenue but stand to lose billions

Lozzatron - 2019-04-06

I'm finding ya boi Dave's metaphors the opposite of illustrative, I'm following what he's saying until he adds in a metaphor and then I'm like "wait what?"

Htrac - 2020-10-03

I found his analogies helpful, but I think I have the same kind of mind as him.

John Anderson - 2019-03-04

If you and Dave talked for 20 minutes about bunions, I'd watch it.

Philip Ghezelbash - 2019-03-06

It’s crazy people think what we’ve been eating for our entire evolutionary history is the culprit behind modern diet induced disease. 🤦‍♂️

Domingo Rios - 2019-05-25

@Mörri back in the day is only a couple hundred years back not long in the context of evolution

Domingo Rios - 2019-05-25

@How I See The World lol you literally just sourced a video source a study

How I See The World - 2019-05-25

@Domingo Rios the entire video is all study's loooooool

manictiger - 2019-07-13

@conservative intellectual
Yeah okay. Tell that to the mammoths.

blue222blue - 2020-05-22

Most of our biological adaptations are for plants not meat. We ate a lot of leaves, some fruits, and few bugs for millions of years.

Luke Schneider - 2019-03-06

It makes big Pharma money on statins.. That's why it's villified.. High cholesterol diet, with low simple carbs equals.. Health and longevity.. (with exercise and sun... Of course.. 😜)

jumpjet777 - 2019-03-07

Sun? ......... that's me buggered, I'm in Scotland ;)

GIT GUD - 2019-03-07

@jumpjet777 I live in England so I'm fucked too lol. Take a vitamin D supplement

TheFakeJew - 2019-03-04

You should interview Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

Suzanne Rath - 2020-10-08

I started a ketogenic diet + intermittent fasting and the weight is literally melting off.

Eve Lynn - 2019-03-03

Is there a place we can view the tests? I'm interested in Blood Pressure and hormonal data among other markers.

joshua DSOUZA - 2019-03-06

Eve Lynn nope because it’s all bullshit personal anecdotes

TheCompleteGuitarist - 2019-03-06

Dave Feldman has a website called the cholesterolcode. Not sure if he publishes his data, but he has shown his data in some of his other talks where he illustrates how he learnt about all this.

Human Being - 2019-03-07

John Bergman has some great youtube videos on Blood Pressure! Dr. Marisa Snyder has a book on Essential oils for hormones that is excellent!

Umar Shevchenko - 2019-03-22

Go to Dr.Berg's channel you won't be disappointed

Daan Overbekking - 2019-03-07

this guy looks waaaay too much like Serpentza (china vlogger)

Yokkabai - 2019-03-08

Fascinating and definitely over my head a bit.

Regardless, Engineers are cool. Disclaimer: I am an engineer too. :^)

It really makes me want to take the “Zero Cholesterol” cooking oil I have in my kitchen and throw it down the drain.

Digit - 2019-03-28

Do it.

Colonizer: Plant or animal that inhabits an area - 2019-05-03

Embrace the dark side.

Songo - 2019-03-06

Is this why I see so many old people at Long John Silvers :)

Scott Apache - 2019-03-06

Interesting. From what I found it is not all LDL that is bad, it is Type-B LDL that can oxidize in damaged arteries and form a plaque. I will have to check out this guy's channel to see if he gets into the different LDLs.

Tyra Bjurman - 2019-03-03

Why is this unlisted?

Livin That Life - 2019-03-05

likely to only be for peeps who came from pt 1, e.g. those who wanna go deeper

Arekiffle - 2019-03-06

Title could cause controversy so he probably only wants people who actually want to see it to see. Or he was testing how many of his viewers actually read the description and wanted more info

Boris Berlin - 2019-03-06

Because it's secret knowledge going against the fat-is-the-big-enemy-out-to-destroy-you collective brainwashing! LOL

William T - 2019-03-08

even though it's unlisted, the youtube algorithim still recommended it :)

H. - 2019-04-05

it's a too strong redpill, not for everyone

Alchemist-A - 2019-03-07

For a guy who "follows the data", he provided no evidence /data to support his claim that endocytosis of LDL-C increases as the need for cellular repair increases. Historically, most attractive speculations end up proven wrong.

alesis100 - 2019-06-23

@Owen Gray yes that makes sense. Finally it all comes down to statins.

Kitty - 2019-08-03

@Owen Gray Oh dear, thank you. Finally a comment that actually makes sense in this comment section.

ss8140 - 2019-08-22

Owen Gray Oxidised LDL is what is atherogenic. And what does the oxidising? Inflammation, perhaps significantly by oscillating and high blood sugar levels, brought about by the standard American diet. So why are you talking about statins and not a ketogenic diet that normalises insulin?

Fr33zy159 - 2019-09-07

@Owen Gray But we know two key facts about cholesterol and OXLDL as well, the first being that ingested cholesterol rarely results in much if any intake of that cholesterol into the body. It is synthesized internally based on our diets. Second, it is processed and inflammatory intake and habits like smoking that lead to an overreaction of our immunoresponse that cause oxidation of these LDLs. I agree, sometimes statins are the only option, especially to limit some damage caused by existing heart disease, but lets not play coy here, we both know statins are vastly over-prescribed in doses far too large.

WoWzX9 - 2020-10-06

@Owen Gray You think you know how it works but you don't. Because if you did, thousands of people that have prevented heart disease with ketogenci and carnivorous diets would simply not exist. When anecdotal evidence becomes n>10.000 and more it starts to get more merit.

Mel - 2019-05-22

anyone else get that paul rudd vibe from his eyes

Christian Stef - 2019-04-10

What happened to you bro, no videos lately?? Hope all going well !

Marcos Macagno Pirosanto - 2019-05-03

Dude please upload more videos, miss u

brian eamer - 2020-03-04

Every time I hear Dave I am amazed at the logic that comes out of his mouth and the clear and entertaining way he does it. Great channel by the way always listen to your stuff. One of the channels one can trust to be balanced and informative.

john coppola - 2020-05-17

My man, I love your vids and I watch em all so I mean this with sincerity, in conversation you could benefit by trying not to say mhm and the like when someone is speaking to you. You’re very smart, people won’t be as open to your intelligence when you do that, its a psychological thing. Keep making these great videos!

gothops - 2019-03-07

I like Dave Feldman. I think he's a real swell guy!

Maxim Agapoff - 2019-03-06

Where’s my Simpson insert?😌

Traian calancea - 2019-03-07

Well, anecdotally we have really high ketones in the blood after 4-5 days of fasting (higher than in any nutritional ketosis type diet). So it's strange to think that we wouldn't use that amount ketones when fasting.

Lisa Cicone - 2019-03-04

When he did the Keto diet did he also incorporate intermittent fasting?

I love idiot vegans - 2019-03-06

Lisa Cicone
I don't think he did. He said in some interviews that he cannot do fasting because he feels weird when he tried it. He is not even doing the restrictive keto diet macro because his proteins are higher.

David - 2019-03-07

Dave makes some great observations and does an awesome job of exercising truly admirable objectivity from 15:15 onwards. Not that he didn't beforehand, but I found that stretch particularly insightful. People go bonkers for high ketone levels - I'm on a ketogenic diet, so I'm amenable to that enthusiasm - but efficient energy management marked by blood lipids seems, by his engineering logic, to be a much more salient concern in a diet-agnostic way. I'd love to see this train of thought considered and emulated by a faaaaar wider swath of the research community.

JohnGum - 2019-03-07

I like the way Dave talks
And his glowing ears

shibaak - 2019-12-08


LBC Santiago - 2019-09-11

When I was lend, my Drs. went crazy about warning me of my high cholesterol and not eating anything on this long list of foods which I was only eating sparingly. When because, of my husband having most of the things regularly in his diet, I added them regularly to mine; The Drs. congratulate me on finally having my cholesterol down. ¿? ¿?

Shirokuma - 2019-05-11

I would love to have all your movies converted as podcasts. Then I could more often listen to your content and absorb the knowledge.

ni jac - 2019-03-13

Can you do a video on the effects of things like thc and caffeine on your body when fasting/intermittent fasting/eating a ketogenic diet??!! Specifically long fasting

Ucchi - 2020-08-06

3:35 same thing could be said about a lot of things. Unfortunately there is a threshold of effect for LDL and this over time translates to athero and later an MI in the future. Cumulative exposure of apoB containing lipoproteins being retained in the intima is the etiology.

QuirkyTurtle - 2019-03-04

His twitter is @DaveKeto
NOT @DaveFeldman


Interesting 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Matthew Alloy - 2019-03-03

Excellent information 🙂👍!!! Dave Feldman Rocks

Psychicoutlaw Chanel - 2019-03-06

This was good info but I really miss the ones with you only and yr great editing. Leave the long interviews to Mike Mutzel of High Intensity Health lol. Thx!!

Trevor S. - 2019-10-12

Im seeing a paleohuman fight(not the diet)in the chat, I would like to add my 2 cents. We were hunter gatherers from since earlier species of human existed. So that means that our meals must have consisted of meat. A lot of it. As well as fruit. When humans settled down in mesopotamia(and other earlier civilizations) they did it for crops not for no reason. Animal packs moved in herds and we had to track them. So until very recently this was normal, and it wasnt until crops came about that we could mass produce fruits and vegetables(imagine planting an apple seed...and waiting for the tree to grow). We grew slimmer figures, and jaw size shrank. Guts shrank because cooked meat is easy to digest(look at the gut of a neanderthal). I believe in the video more, but as he said tests need to be done. The inuit people of the arctic and north siberia have crazy diets... discovered ways to keep warm in arctic conditions and have a diet of only fish and blubber, when most people couldnt handle that. Our bodies will adapt to its environment I say

Clint Squires - 2019-03-07

These were amazing, so informative 👌

Javier Pupo - 2019-03-29

I'd love to see a video about PTSD, trauma, and obsessive thinking.

Enrique Rivas - 2019-05-13

The average “dieter” in a nutshell

Luis Española - 2019-09-17

When you and Dave talk about "low triglycerides," how much are we talking about? Is 70mg/dL considered "low"?

Tamas Soos - 2019-03-10

Love your content! Thank you for these videos, you made me healthier! PS: Would you consider making a video on Red Light Therapy? It's sound woo-woo and I don't know what to believe, but many people who I follow talk about it.

JOHN PERRY - 2019-03-07

Finally some indications and theory as to why bad ldl might be good for you and an indicator of health and not the opposite. Well done and well presented!

Nature Boy - 2019-03-07

All of our "knowledge" regarding the heart and cholesterol comes from his highly questionable 7 country study!
The study where he falsified the data, and did not present the rest of the countries in the study. He studied 22 countries and only presented 7!
The 7 that fit his hypothesis which he knew through this study, was wrong.
Saturated fat has no correlation with heart disease!

M85 - 2019-03-08

Not true.

Starry Night - 2019-06-03

+Nature Boy, Excellent summation on this absurdity historically.

Роман Лисенко - 2019-03-21

When are you goin to do research about influence of weed on our brain?

N BOR - 2019-10-28

Hey What I've Learned, will you discuss more controversial health topics?
Some to explore are: what happens in the long run when you use natural alternatives and/or non-chemical to drugs whenever it makes sense?
Acupuncture instead of anestetic drugs (i.e. benzos) (has been done even at open heart operations);
Tea tree oil and other anti-inflammatory essential oils instead of corticosteroids;
Having massages instead of acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen whenever possible