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Globalization and Trade and Poverty: Crash Course Economics #16

CrashCourse - 2015-11-27

What is globalization? Is globalization a good thing or not. Well, I have an answer that may not surprise you: It's complicated. This week, Jacob and Adriene will argue that globalization is, in aggregate, good. Free trade and globalization tend to provide an overall benefit, and raises average incomes across the globe. The downside is that it isn't good for every individual in the system. In some countries, manufacturing jobs move to places where labor costs are lower. And some countries that receive the influx of jobs aren't prepared to deal with it, from a regulatory standpoint. Anyway, Jacob and Adriene can explain the whole thing to you in 10 minutes.


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Ahmed Naseer - 2020-03-06

Key learning outcomes:

- Poverty line: Minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country.
- Extreme poverty: Severe deprivation of basic needs including, food, safe drinking water, sanitation, health, shelter, education and information.
- UN definition of extreme poverty: People living under <1.25/day (836 mn people as of 2015, down from 1.9 bn in 1950)
- 1 in 7 people still live without electricity.
- Mobile phones are single most transformative technology to the developing world - Jeffrey Sachs
- Leapfrogging - Countries can skip straight to more efficient technology without significant costs
- Hans Rosling (statistician) - 1-2 bn suffer from globalization deficiency.
- Multiplier effect means more
- Paul Krugman, "The Bangladeshi apparel industry is going to consist of what we would consider sweatshops, or it wont exist at all."
- Outsourcing of jobs, exploitation and oppression, is a form of economic colonialism.
- Companies don't follow same rules as developing countries. To tackle this public awareness is growing. e.g. US produces annual publication on list of goods produced by child or forced labor.
- Many experts believe globalization isn't sustainable for the planet because of it's impact on climate change, deforestation and pollution.
- Microcredit, Muhammad Yunus, small loans ($100) enabled people (especially women) to participate in the economy.

Michael Lochlann - 2019-04-27

"I know everything" - Every commenter on every youtube video

Estanislao Molina - 2019-10-16

damn dude, you prdicted nowadays trend (time-traveler exposed)

Rowan Brown - 2020-03-30

Me, an intellectual: “I know nothing.”

MisteriousXeb - 2015-11-28

Please talk about the unsustainability a little longer. Especially when you call it the 'probably biggest problem with globalization'. It's the most interessting aswell in my opinion.

anonymusopina1 - 2017-07-08

It is not complicated Globalism is bank-corporated imperialism. The economy and the market is the new sovereignty which screw up middle class. I don´t know how many careers I need to get a F*** job, but when I finish I eard a new F*** excuse and I have to start a new one.
Countries do not control or regulate the economy for their citizens, but they are corrupted tool of corporations to cut social budget expenses. I moved to different countries seeing how low qualified refugees can stay meanwhile I have to move my butt and start over and over.
I want to go back were to the past when I could keep my job and freaking cut globalists necks. All Europe followed the freaking EU rules and now we are completely F*** in a national debt over 100% GDP.
The last f*** is the CETA. CETA is a copy and paste of TLC . Mexicans hate TLC because again for the middle class is poison reducing their salaries once more.
Globalization is mafia. Make free nations in colonies especialized in one market segment in constant debt with the Banks which commited a global fraud.

GreeDy2795 - 2018-05-23

"Robots destroy mining jobs but create jobs that make robots and making robots is better paying than a mining job" - same is the case with poverty. Always, there are and will be a set of people who are at the bottom. People who can make robots and people who do mining jobs are not the very same people. People who have learned to make robots will survive and who didn't get an opportunity to learn will stay poor

Mr. Hater - 2019-09-20

@CasMullac By the time we have reached a point where earth cant be habitated we will probably have the technology necessary to live in other planets.

Cormac Trigg - 2020-04-10

@RedLeader327 the jury is out on that one. The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis suggests that the continued growth of a capitalist globalist system will eventually lead to environmental improvement thanks to the technological improvement it brings.

Nick in Vietnam - 2016-12-25

I live in Vietnam, I've worked in a sweatshop for years, they don't call them sweatshops here, if a westerner's sweatshop closes down and 1000 people lose their jobs, people start locking the motorbikes in their bedrooms in fear of having them stolen by unemployed people with no income or savings to get by. Workers move from their hometowns to have the opportunity to work at a westerner's sweatshop. They pray for overtime. This is why every time I read an article blaming western companies for labor exploitation I can't help it but laugh.

Nathan C - 2020-01-25

@Moskat Kanze Your right but yall need to make your own companies to do that, and how can you do that without any money to start with, it takes time and progress. If you work at the westerner's companies to earn money save it so you can make your own company.

Peace Guard - 2020-02-24

Yeah, somehow, since the start of neoliberal policies, developed countries escape developing countries with each year. Just check out even the World Bank' GDP per capita PPP data (they're available since 1990 or later, depending on a country). You can see that within this time an average developing nation has a much lower multiplier of their score than top Western nations.

Чоловіча Порада - 2020-03-24

@Robert Jarman I'm living in Ukraine (Eastern Europe) and I want money from the US!
It was a joke.
People in the US want to help somebody in Africa or Asia, but don't want to help people in Europe?

Robert Jarman - 2020-03-24

@Чоловіча Порада People don't usually think of Europe as any place with poverty, the conflicts they think of like the Soviet Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina, that resolved mostly in the 90s when peace was reached, but not prosperity.

Чоловіча Порада - 2020-03-24

@Robert Jarman Oh, my motherland Ukraine is one of poorest countries of Europe.
We, Ukrainians, are talented, but we need elite rulers, the power from the outside, that can fight our corruption and to kick lots of lazy asses in my country.
By the way, we have a real war clashes in Ukraine since 2014.
Why don't you help us, Americans? Why are you afraid of Russia?

Mandy S. Beri - 2015-11-27

Adriene's talking mouth in the quotes pictures is quite creepy.

Extrodniarrre - 2015-12-02

+mandith If you are 4 years old

The Chooser - 2016-05-08

+mandith Your profile picture is a lot more creepier.

bomg da - 2016-08-21

Jacqueline - 2019-01-31

i saw it at 199 and I just had to

Abraham Serafino - 2019-11-04

I came to the comments just to say this.

freesk8 - 2015-11-27

I'm an Austrian type. A free market fan. And this video was pretty well-balanced. Showed both sides, including the sides I disagreed with. Congrats and thanks.

freesk8 - 2015-12-03

+BlackysComments So glad you feel you have enough. Lots of wisdom in that. But your proposal involves trying to force OTHERS to give up some of their property for the poor. You plan to use force. You should feel free to give your own money to the poor, be a good example, and use your prodigious powers of persuasion to get others to give voluntarily. But forcing your neighbors to give to your causes via taxation is not peaceful.

Cleber Tonello - 2017-03-10

"Neoliberalism is the way to go"... Says people from industrialized countries...
Unless technology is shared, there will never be a fair trade.

Lucas Ortengren - 2017-06-27

freesk8 I'm a Keynesian type and I agree.

Quigle- Dorf - 2018-02-19

Globalization is better

Darsh - 2020-02-24

I was hoping someone posted something like this. I like this series because of it's balanced approach, especially being non-partisan (not left/right pushing). And indeed it showed parts I agree with and do not agree with. I like that. Ultimately both sides have to meet in the middle to make the best most balanced answer, or at least our best chance (rather than stalemate and do nothing). Lol.

Daniel - 2015-11-27

Epilepsy warning at 1:12

Tryo707 - 2015-12-01

@Rasgonras Not at all. Epilepsy is an issue with electricity in the brain. I had a pole vaulting accident and have physical damage. 

Tryo707 - 2015-12-01

@William Brown It is one of many, but not required for diagnosis. 

Yusuf Shakir - 2018-01-27

Haha... Too late to warn

Teriko - 2019-07-06

bad render, thats all

Gamer Bouss - 2020-01-11

Thank u but it did not help me

TheFireflyGrave - 2015-11-27

From the tone of this video it feels like they've adapting the old Churchill quote to the issue; 'Globalization is the worst form of trade, except for all the others that have been tried...'

Josh Messer - 2018-03-21

TheFireflyGrave best comment I've ever seen

Ner - 2015-11-27

Can you guys please include the links of websites and such that you discuss in the videos in the description. Such as the one about the US list of child labor products in other countries. Something along the lines of what they do on the VSauce channel. Thanks

Satyam Sharma - 2017-08-18

Citations you mean? Yep that would be great.

Pokoirl YaSe - 2016-09-13

Havin'a bad job in a poor country is better than no job at all

bro ha - 2019-01-15

@Robert Curtis ? China lol first world idiot is here again atleast you can help country progress for example cloth factory in Bangladesh employ million they may not get good wages but they help country move forward by exporting stuff and creating more jobs for doctors etc

Morgan - 2019-09-29

Pokoirl YaSe if you could be more self sufficient like a subsistence farmer would that not better the more factories you have the more corrupt the government would become the more greedy all the entities involved would become less safe drinking water more military spending to suppress your free will think of it like this would you rather live in a rich modern nazi state where the government and fascist interests have more tools and resources to use to harm you or would you rather live in a cabin in the middle of no where away from the state and others drinking water from the ground trapping your own food growing your own this was the argument of one of the largest empires ever the monguls who rejected society

Morgan - 2019-09-29

J.p Brandao it then becomes a argument against society as we know in which our purpose is to serve what we perceive as the betterment of our country or whatever we believe in our given geographic location and social status media and reality I think that if the factories where democratic to an extent and had labor unions then you could argue that they are benefiting the society or if they had a democracy instead of fascism authoritarianism and so on I personally would rather live in a place with clean air where I can hunt or gather my own food if given the choice between conformity to a ruling class like that but if you’re in that situation there’s not enough room for dissidence and it would be considered unruly and unreasonable and you’d have traditions intwined upon you for generations I guess this is why the communist party in China done away with their history pre communism definitely not advocating communism but suggesting reasonable things that in my mind related to why humans accept working conditions like that

Morgan - 2019-09-29

KaiKai when you really think about it the fact if you cannot comform you must be on the street begging for handouts is a really bad thing why not in this large planet of open space do people not have the ability to fish, hunt, grow their own food and have their own water especially with our technological capabilities, living in society is giving up a lot when you think about it your making yourself vulnerable to whatever those deem we must endure why couldn’t we just reject that as a whole as a species unless we are treated fairly

Morgan - 2019-09-29

KaiKai truly moving man I agree it’s a very sad reality I think though what is a formal education anyway why does formally being educated and conformity and comfort really matter to ones ability after all “if you judge a fish By its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it is stupid” Albert Einstein

Peter Miller - 2015-12-03

no mention of land theft? its kind of a major factor here...

Andres Tovar - 2019-03-07

All I got from this video is that nothing is perfect and nothing ever will, we kinda just have to try and do the best job and keep evolving.. life in a nutshell

Rahsaan Footman - 2015-11-27

This time you guys did a good job. Normally, I'd bust your chops, but this time you handled the issue fairly and acknowledged the complexities of the issue.
I'd like to add, that this isn't economic colonization, it's just colonization. Global companies are motivated by the same forces as the Dutch East India Company centuries ago. And back then corp justified their exploitation in the same manner: "That the people being exploited derive some small benefit" For colonial powers of the 17th and 18th century, it was Christianity. Today its work at near slave wages.

Ibnziyad Tariq - 2015-12-01

+Emperor Theodor Tronét just comparing evil to evil, not productive at all.

Rahsaan Footman - 2015-12-03

@Mark Efreet The only three choices in your questions are companies, governments or NGOs. NGO's aren't numberous or productive enough to keep a country or an economy afloat.  That leaves governments. And that is a crap shoot at best.  Many governments can be as corrupt or more so than a corporation. And even the good ones can be destabilized.  But comparative advantage only covers so much. As I said before exploitation is exploitation.  The limited or small advantage a company offers is minuscule to the profit a exploitative corporation extracts out of the people and its land.

BionicKing - 2016-01-15

+Rahsaan Footman "corporations as entities primarily set up to make a profit for their shareholders, such development is at best an unintended consequence"

You do realize that you just described the basic principle of capitalism, right?
Yes, the corporations wouldn't be there if they couldn't make a profit off it. They also wouldn't sell us shoes if they couldn't profit from it. We don't say that selling shoes is an inherently evil act.
It's the exact same principle, except us giving a company money for shoes, the people in under-developed countries give their time/labor for money.

Pastel Nuclear - 2017-03-20

at least they're offering something useful and real instead of any quack religion. global trade isn't a bad thing. it's the fact that not everyone reaps its benefits the bad aspect.

Ike Okereke - 2019-05-19

Its economic colonialism.

Guami Bear - 2015-11-27

Would've been great to have this before my Geo Exam :(

Cameron Schwarz - 2015-12-02

How come you talk about Microcredits about being this awesome amazing thing, when Microcredits are a HIGHLY controversial subject??? You should really make an entire episode dedicated to the pros and cons of microcredits.

SellinDijon - 2016-02-18

that was an incredibly optimistic interpretation of micro finance. Micro credits are now seen as having failed the purpose of alleviating poverty

Martin Fosse - 2015-11-28

Interesting notice: The world map at 2:28 shows Crimea to be a part of Russia, not Ukraine.

Martin Bittencourt - 2015-11-28

+Martin Fosse haha good catch :P I wonder what ukrainers are thinking about that :P

Beastinvader - 2016-03-09

+Martin Fosse Doesn't it also show Ireland as part of the UK?

Robert Jarman - 2017-11-12

If you are going to try to import a T shirt into the Crimea, regardless of whether you think you should or not, you're paying Commonwealth of Independent State tariffs not Ukrainain tariffs.

Rajat Verma - 2020-03-23

+Martin Fosse, Don't worry. The map of Kashmir (between India, Pakistan, and China) is also messed up.

Sir Chow - 2015-11-27

1:11 the image flickers. Anyone have that problem?

alexayh - 2020-04-02

idk if im late or not but it flickers for everyone

Dalym - 2015-11-28

buy fair trade when you can, and try to avoid slave labor linked items like many common chocolates.
Low wages suck, but working for no wage doesn't help anyone out of poverty.

NorthObsidianG - 2015-11-28

CC economics is one of my favorite just after world history but the eye wiggling and lips are still a little creepy but oh well :D

KidEatingClown - 2015-11-27

Now that both of the hosts have calmed down a little, they're really not too bad. This was a good episode.

Leo D - 2015-11-28

Hans Rosling! I love his videos!

Sara Farah - 2019-04-30

there’s something wrong with an economic model where the top 8 richest people have more wealth than the bottom half. this can’t be the only way

Marcus White - 2020-02-01

Sorry, but the only other way is financial literacy. Most of the world went to public institutions such as school which never taught anything about money so most of the world remains poor due to financial ignorance. So probably learning it would allow a couple poor people at the least turn rich.

Darrell Conwell - 2017-01-10

Smartphones are the answer? lol really!!!!!! I stopped watching there.

Omni - 2019-09-04

ayy my man clifford. he carried me through econ :)

TooNu - 2016-03-14

Awesome, more flicking images. That's amazing for my eyes and brain and asiodhgoashgahsnguiarötuihnioöhasdfhjkajkllllllllllllllllllln

Jerome Euler - 2015-11-27

Great videos , live the channel ,Overall on this youtude channel I like hank more than anyother but your video are also fascinating and informative.Thank you very much for taking the risks of putting up this channel.

Nam Nguyen - 2020-04-09

Would the extreme poverty threshold be increased over time w.r.t. inflation?

Lyssandra Norton - 2015-11-28

Such a good thing to watch on Thanksgiving weekend. Thank you guys!

Sara Farah - 2019-04-30

“poverty isn’t a lack of character it’s a lack of cash” - Rutger Bergman

asgeir alvestad - 2017-01-05

The best way to get people out of extreme poverty/poverty is free education!

DumbDeep - 2017-09-08

Or just affordable ones, Thats the real issue right now.

Kyle Cook - 2016-10-14

This is such a great and informative video! It raised issues such as how economic advancement and environmentalism are related. Thanks Crash Course!

Mohamed Fliss - 2015-12-03

Hello +CrashCourse Team,
thank you for the video! It's very informative!
But can you provide us with some readings to improve our understanding and informations?

scottyjoeful - 2018-06-17

Thank you so much for the list mentioned in the video.

Gonzesse - 2015-11-27


Mia Pet - 2016-12-12

i love economics <3

naomi reinnamah - 2020-03-28

The "microcredit" part got me goosebumps..

Ivan Chagas - 2015-11-27

I think people will look at us in the future like we look to colonization and slavery in the past.
The worst thing is how unattentive we are, right now, to those issues.We see news here and there on TV, but our indifference towards those who live far away is staggering. After all, we are the ones who are the beneficiaries. That's so sad. And I know I contribute to it everyday and I try really hard to avoid it, but it also takes others' efforts to really make some difference.

SweatyTurtle - 2015-11-27

True. "Voting with your wallet " is the best that we can do for now.

jeray2000 - 2015-11-27

+Canyu Believeit (IhateBs) We aren't harming other by supplying them with jobs/food/taking them out of poverty, but we could be doing so much more. That's the problem, we are no where near the potential we could be to helping them. The cost of a car could feed a family in extreme poverty for years.

jeray2000 - 2015-11-28

@***** Not necessarily. Economics are very complicated, that's not a certain outcome. I don't have suggestions for the likelihood of that or other outcomes; like I said, this is complicated, and I have very little understanding what would happen. Hence why I watch Crash Course Economics.

João Mário Abdallah - 2015-11-28

I totally agree with your opinion, we finance this unfair system, moreover I don't think the issue is the capitalism or the globalization, it is all about how we humans make usage and handle the system

Christian Perez - 2015-11-28

I love this video! Good job, guys!

ShWeJaPa - 2019-09-06

3:05, leapfrogging.

Chike Ezebilo - 2015-11-27

Love the show guys.. I'm taking the systems from here to understand the economy in my own country

Chike Ezebilo - 2015-11-28

@Lamprey Milt I don't understand

Hector Gonzalez - 2019-06-13

Im skeptical about how only international gov can solve something like climate change.

mark patterson - 2015-11-27

This is a SUPER OPTIMISTIC view of Globalization... kinda just the tip of the iceberg

Ignacio Benavides - 2015-11-27

+mark patterson Especially the parts about developing countries. Are these guys ever visit Mexico or Colombia? Globalization impact here is a freaking nightmare for people living in rural zones.

Mihai Lung - 2015-11-27

It's almost this is called "Crash Course" and not "Totally definitive 100% comprehensive course on everything that could ever possibly be said on this topic ever".

Vincent Law - 2017-05-14

Sean O'Connor A year late but... Drug related violence exploded in Colombia in the 80s and in the 00s in Mexico due to globalization. Drug related violence is the reason both countries are shitholes, and drug related violence was determined by globalization. If you want I can elaborate more on the connection between globalization and drug related violence.

Vincent Law - 2017-05-14

Sean O'Connor Right, but in those cases, the demand for drugs from the US markets laid out the conditions to turn Mexico and Colombia into shitholes. Of course the blame is ultimately on those peasants that turned into traffickers, but globalization had helped limit their options to that extent. My point is globalization is not the holy grail of progress nor the ultimate force of destruction.

Ella Comerford - 2017-07-05

mark patterson u

Joshua Knight - 2015-11-27

Very interesting and your shows help me learned new things everyday.

Marvin Yancor - 2019-11-08

Thank you for your great information!!!

Gulnar A - 2020-01-29

Watched! amazing!!!!

Errico Malatesta - 2015-11-29

"These jobs pay above average wages". Yeah, relative to that area. Globally they still pay horse shit.

Justin Paul - 2019-04-06

People never ask about the alternative to sweatshops. Trust me: it's WORSE.

Oliver Morland - 2016-06-12

Wow! Thanks! That's a really comprehensive video.

Sam H - 2017-01-28

thanks for the video, discount Mark Cuban and Arianna Huffington!