> cosmo-astro > physique-des-astres > 2012-venus-transit-thunderf00t

Something you see ONCE in a Hundred years!

Thunderf00t - 2012-08-25

The last Venus transit till 2117 and who knows what the world will look like when that happens!

This is footage both in the visible and H-alpha wavelength of the Venus transit of 5th June 2012.  I watched it from near the power substation for the Keck Observatory, about one vertical mile below the summit (although I was still at an altitude of ~ 10 000 ft, ~ 2miles).

This whole trip was put together at incredibly short notice.  Indeed this was my first attempt at solar timelapse and my first attempt to use the H-Alpha telescope to do it.  Knowing nothing about such things, it's usually my reckoning that it takes about 3 attempts to get good at this sort of thing.  If I had know more about H-alpha telescopes, I would have certainly spent more on one.  The solar scope I got cost about 1000 bux (in europe where i was at the time), but if I had really known what I was doing I should have probably spent 2-3x that amount.  However even if I had known that, it was not clear I would be able to buy such a telescope in time, and even if I could, when I travelled to Hawaii, virtually ALL of my weight allowance was tied up in equipment (plus a change of underwear).  Even at that, I borrowed a tracking mount from a local and very well equipped astronomer friend (MANY thanks Chris) without which this simply wouldnt have been possible.  I've got to say that given the constraints that I had (inexperience, lack of proper kit, lack of transport ability lack of time etc etc) I'm actually very happy with the way this turned out.  I know of people who had far more (and much better) kit than me there who came away with very disappointing results, mostly due to the dust and wind!  I've had a blog mostly finished on this for some time now.  Hopefully will get it finished in fairly short order after this.

Oddly enough though, for me one of the most golden moments of the transit required only a piece of baader film and a naked eye.  So using the film to safely look at the sun, you could easily see Venus as a black spot on the Sun, and in that moment, it became very easy to perceive (the movement was so slow you could not directly see it) the dynamic movmement of the solar system.  The rotation of the Earth as the sun dipped towards the horizon, and Venus orbiting the Sun, as it slowly drifted across the solar face.

I should also add a big thanks T and D for helping out with this trip, and particularly in taking me snorkling (first time in my life... and with good reason, Im a bad swimmer).  It was there that we came across the turtles which was a moment that really stuck with me.

Also a big wave to L and A for shitz n giggles in the near equatorial sun! -Wearing a bikini has never been so much fun :-)

Programs used Celestia (Free and brilliant, if only a little fiddly to use, DL it now!)

and of course googleearth (also v. powerful and mostly free)

The Q - 2016-03-08

2117? I was born in 1999. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

Balance WoD - 2016-12-30

Chaotic Gaming same age huh...
my family often live for about 90+ for my mom's family and uuh quite early for my father's side (they also had some weird mutations as well so uuh yeah)

I think I can make it. my immune system is nice,we will have good tech later on. so yeah I think I can make it... just hope I can regenerate my eyes beforehand :p

ak k - 2018-07-06

Simply go to Mars or Moon man. Or just go anywhere in space where you can see Venus crossing Sun.
Millennial are just plain DUMB

Jerry C - 2019-12-23

Actually, it will be very easy for you since we recently made some major anti-aging and reverse aging breakthroughs. In fact, mine will probably be the last generation to die. Why? Because 30-50 years from now everyone will be able to turn back the clock and live as a 28-year-old forever. I assume it will take them 30 years to get the treatments worked out so that they are safe and government approved.

Edgar Walk - 2019-12-25

Good luck!

Miles Patterson - 2019-12-27

@Jerry C So you are basically saying I am screwed at 60. Me mudder told me there'd be days like this. The scary part for you, i said the exact same thing in my 20s, during the 70s/80s. Good luck though!

Marcus Aldridge - 2016-02-02

I fear that Venus will be renamed due to Feminist being Offended by it being a Woman.

My3dviews - 2016-11-05

@*****  Plus, Venus is really hot too.  :-)

My3dviews - 2016-11-05

@*****  So, don't get too close or you could get burned.  :-)

My3dviews - 2016-11-05

@*****   Best to stay far from them too.  LOL

Andre Gon - 2018-05-21

Ah yes, Vepus.
The manliest name in existence.

Filthy acts at a reasonable price - 2019-02-05

WRONG! Obviously it is Venup, GET IT RIGHT!

Aldion Sylkaj - 2016-03-20

Well, Igonrance does tis to you; 18 and still learning of astronomy i did not know any of this will happen, and now I am sad that it is 16 and i am 4 years late.

gorrilaboy22 - 2016-04-07

+Aldion Sylkaj When I was still in primary I saw a huge comet screaming through the evening sky. You jell bro? You're only about 10 years late or something.

Aldion Sylkaj - 2016-04-07


gorrilaboy22 - 2016-05-07

sounds interesting, might take a look at the sky lols

Peter B - 2019-12-24

Happy 21st Aldion! We are always late or early for something, I'm over 40 years older than you and there is a lot that I have missed. Best to concentrate on what we are right on time for...

Keith Murphy - 2016-01-25

I was more familiar with your feminist videos, and enjoyed them immensely, but your science videos are just plain awesome. More please!!!

Serpens - 2015-04-20

I feel lucky that I was able to watch it from Louisville, Kentucky utilizing a very nice telescope and solar filter from a parking lot in the middle of the city.

Desertphile - 2012-08-25

"Something you see ONCE in a Hundred years!" Thunderf00t apologizing when he's been an ass?

Toool - 2019-12-29

"Something you see ONCE in a Hundred years!"

Thunderf00t being proven wrong. I swear I've never seen it myself.

DΞVAN - 2014-07-09

I'd say you should make more vids like this and less about feminism/religion, but we both know what gets the views and interest of more people. 

Matthew Barker - 2014-09-22

Science can wait, forces at work trying to undermine science and a specific group of researchers (males) are constantly threatening human progress.

InfinityDz - 2015-03-09

People are attracted to his feminism videos because they don't require too much thinking and concentration, and people like drama. I guess that tells a lot about the social behavior of homo-sapiens

Carlos E R Pimentel - 2015-11-01

+jakegibson He does feminist and religion videos so people like us can have a voice on that matter. In the beginning no one would argument back those crazy people.

David Griffiths - 2015-11-10

+jakegibson especially when he's doing it to right wrongs, not just for views. yes a shame more people dont want to learn stuff. Maybe once weve got rid of the spaghetti monster :)

WyreWizard - 2014-03-03

Thunderf00t, I bet that was a tremendous gift you gave yourself, seeing that little once in a lifetime opportunity.  Having the chance to gaze at a rare event that shows the workings of our little solar neighborhood.

Nuker 9000 - 2015-11-05

0:50 space Illuminati

Edgar Walk - 2019-12-25

I remember that day clearly, it was the only cloudy day of the week.

EvilSearchEngine - 2015-01-18

Tf, you know that you keep exploding my brain, right?  Ty.

Great Value Bleach - 2017-04-07

0:35 greatest elongation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2LegHumanist - 2012-08-25

"Something you see ONCE in a Hundred years" - I thought it was going to be Intellectual Honesty on Freethought Blogs. I guess that's an ever rarer event.

Harald Lindohf - 2016-06-04

The day that this happened I woke up early and took my dad and a friend with me to go and see it with my telescope. When we arrived at the lookout point we could only conclude that it was too cloudy. How unfortunate! Guess I'll have to wait till 2117.

iconforu2c - 2016-05-30

I have to say that was outstanding. What was that (home made) cover over the lens?

charlie singer - 2013-05-21

I remember when this was happening, thought it was cool and went about my business. Seeing your enthusiasm and absorbing your explanation really brings this to life. Absolutely amazing especially now that I have wandered in to the opportunity to hang out on YouTube with some very smart people. Thanks for sharing this it's definitely something special.

LeeviON - 2012-08-28

AMAZING! I love your videos. I wish I would've had the chance to do that :(

Heretikus - 2012-08-26

wow! that was so fascinating! I would have loved to have know that was happening so I could experience it. thanks for the vid Thunder. That was pretty awesome!

fnersch - 2019-12-29

I really enjoyed the 2012 transit as I had been patiently awaiting the event since childhood. My great grandfather saw one in the late 19th century. I will miss the next one for sure. I turn 167 that year!

Blz Ahz - 2017-05-03

Think about the nostalgia trip you're going to have if you somehow got to see it in 2117.

AnneSQF - 2012-08-25

I've been looking forward to this. It's really great :)

The Atomic Zombie - 2012-08-27

3:36 nonoonononoono, please, please, PLEASE put a cover on that lens

jjames1916 - 2012-08-25

That is an incredible setup for capturing the transit! Thank you for such a good and informative vid.

Parabola - 2016-12-29

Thank you for this inspiration!!!

Knights&Darths - 2012-08-26

Amazing, Thunderf00t :) thanks a lot

roberto alvarez - 2016-01-23

Great work, thanks for share

Saganist420 - 2012-08-26

3:10 omg it's heisenberg

ExtrackterYT - 2012-08-27

Haha, that was actually funny. I hope that it was that way intentionally :)

al m - 2013-07-09

that was amazing, thanks Thunderf00t!!!

Victor Moregore - 2012-08-26

I wish I was that smart. Amazing video. I tried my best with what I had when I tracked Jupiter's moons over a year, but that was only from my back garden. This was an incredible personal achievement, great job.

CDRaccoon - 2012-08-25

Im always in awe when watching videos relating to astronomy

P McClain - 2012-09-02

He lost me on " on the fifth of June..."

8comet - 2016-07-29

Wow, great video, i will have to watch it a few times, thank-you !

george boole - 2012-10-04

Thanks for giving me the chance to see that. It was beautiful.

asello1 - 2012-08-27

Great video, loved it :) More scientific stuff!

Dr. Rich - 2016-02-06

Thank you for this :-)

Alex The Pretty Good - 2012-08-26

See ... this is the good kind of science video's I've learned to love from you T-F00t. So much better than that mysogenistic sh!tstorm you kicked up two months ago.

Biddibrus - 2012-08-25

Congrats Thunderfoot, Good thing it wasn´t a cloudy day :)

managarm1349 - 2012-08-29

frikking awesome, thanks for that!

Iron Golem - 2012-08-26

I made a very crude setup that let me watch the transit. 4:37 I felt it too, TF.

Lesardah - 2012-08-25

Beautiful contribution as always, TFoot. Cheers from S. Florida :)

littlehedonist - 2012-08-25

I've been looking forward to this video. Thanks for putting it up!

Johnny Rekall - 2016-04-07

Damn i just missed it!

Tom OfNorthCal - 2012-08-26

Thanks for documenting the Venus transit. Your editing looks great, too.

Molochkai - 2016-12-19

Flat earthers will "love" this >:)

Rolands J - 2016-12-27

indeed :D, flat earthers will love this all around the world :D.

Nikolas - 2017-03-10

flat earthers all around the globe lol

Flinch Fu - 2016-05-03

Hey, Thunderf00t, help the flatEarthers prove flat Earth... they need your help! xD xD xD xD xD

ItsCiwi - 2012-08-26

"the volcanic dust gets everywhere" then turns to reveal an open camera lens just sitting there! Seeing that lens like that hurt my insides :D Great video though, thanks TF!

Susky97 - 2012-08-25

Great video... I really enjoyed that. Keep up the good work, Thunderf00t!

Mykey McK - 2016-02-06

Video gave me that feeling of how Incredibly small we are in this universe. Space is mind blowing and amazing.

Nogodsor King - 2014-05-18

the universe is more amazing than what bronze age desert dwellers could have ever imagined and it shows in their deity.
compare the god of the bible to what the universe shows us and you'll see that  a monster like couldn't even dream of making something so wonderful

Russell Gordon - 2015-01-18

So your saying something so complicated, and marvelous, and beautiful was just made on accident? I'm sorry, but i don't buy it. As a Christian, i especially marvel at the greatness of everything.

CallMeCass - 2015-02-25

@Russell Gordon
Yes, we are saying it was an "accident"... kinda. If the universe distriptuted matter differantly, we would still see simmular formations. Different solar systems, different galaxys, different plannets, different starts, everything. But there still would be solar systems, galaxys, planets and stars. The way the universe is, is an "accident", but we would still call it beautiful, but, it would look diferently.

InfinityDz - 2015-03-09

Actually, since I used to believe that "God was the Universe", I have to say some of these beliefs still add up. The universe IS harsh and cruel, and the only way to escape that is to study it, to completely abandon your presumptions when evidence points to the contrary (in other words, when the universe "says" something, you just have to accept it), and only when you study it can you benefit from it (only when you worship god can you benefit from it)
The Universe just like the abrahamic god, can be incredibly cruel and incredibly beautiful (though I have to admit, the abrahamic god is rarely even decent).
I'm an atheist, but if I had to argue for the abrahamic god, I might go with that.

The Baby Eating Bishop Of Bath And Wells. - 2018-08-09

Russell Gordon just say it. "I don't understand the process, and I'm unwilling to learn about them or help increase our understanding even further, to use the scientific method to build upon humanities work in the last 200 years that has took us to where we are today" it's much easier to say "it's so infinitely complex" that a deity invented by goat herders did it. By all means have your religion I'd never take it from you, but at least admit it's logically incorrect and scientifically baseless.

I suppose we are just all different! But in that beauty I see the processes that makes it all work, hell I've spent my life learning about it. I find awe in those natural processes, no genocidal god could ever hope to surpass that for me.