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How Tall Can Mountains Get?

SciShow - 2019-09-17

The Himalayas are well known for containing the highest elevations on Earth, but can they get higher or is there something putting a stop to their lofty pursuits?

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Hosted by: Michael Aranda

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SciShow - 2019-09-17

Go to http://Brilliant.org/SciShow to try out Brilliant’s Daily Challenges. The first 200 subscribers get 20% off an annual Premium subscription.

AFishBicycle - 2019-09-17

So there never can be a mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you babe.

sumit ahlawat - 2019-09-18

Can we get a video on space time?

Iron Man - 2019-09-18

Everest is in Nepal not india

Kyle Shepherd - 2019-09-21

Man...is it me or did that feel super fast and didn’t really answer the question?

Could you elaborate more on the max height? And what about mountains on other planet, like the tallest one in the solar system, Olympus Mons? Do the rules apply to extra terrestrial mountains?

i am MAD - 2019-09-17

256 Blocks of course... every kid knows that

Cezar Catalin - 2019-09-18

You could go beyond 256 block limit by using retextured shulkers (entities) as blocks. Also, you could go below the 0 block limit with this method. This is in vanilla.

There is a mod I remember that allows you to have millions of blocks up and down by using cubic chunks.

THE POWERFUL - 2019-09-18

@zakiducky Same

Guro Jubal - 2019-09-18

Youre a genius

Matt Jasa - 2019-09-18

No way that game scares me! I dug through the world and fell into white nothingness.. I thought it was the way to victory but it only led to my doom 😭

Charles Johnson - 2019-09-22

Glad to see some intellectual discussion on this site

Danklord1986 - 2019-09-17

Glacial Buzzsaw, what a great name for a heavy metal band.

self discarded king of ruin 72 - 2019-09-18

Norwegian metal

michael blacktree - 2019-09-18

My thoughts exactly!

Ya boi Marshadoo - 2019-09-18

Mountains get big cause they have no natural predators. That's why mount Everest is a chonky boi

Bidisha Dey - 2019-09-18

There is. It’s called ‘time’.

Robert T - 2019-09-18

Bidisha Dey . What exactly does time do to mountains? I think you are thinking of predators of a different name.

JustYourAverageFluff - 2019-09-27


Angela Roquemore - 2019-11-06

@Robert T Time wears it down...duh... .

coryman125 - 2019-09-18

I love videos about crustal thickening. They're very uplifting

TheGroovyJones - 2019-09-18

I dig it.

Vininn126 - 2019-09-18

Can't we just get muscle Hank to push/pull the mountains higher?

Shogun - 2019-09-17

It's always a good day when Micheal is presenting.

Daniel Burke - 2019-09-17

Depends on how big the mole hill was that the mountain was made from

Charles appalachia - 2019-09-18

@goodfella21f I know a few people that can.

Anand - 2019-09-19

Charles appalachia especially common in Appalachia. If I didn't know the area I wouldn't believe it.

I'm Averywhere - 2019-09-17

They can get as tall as the Mountain Mama of West Virginia

정지호 - 2019-09-18

Almost heaven, west virginia

Arif Hossain - 2019-09-18

Almost heaven...

Micah Philson - 2019-09-18

I don't know, I'm much taller than my mom, and even my dad by a few inches. Children can outgrow their mamas.

sdfkjgh - 2019-09-18

정지호: https://youtu.be/0VSRMRh8fEs?t=2m26s

Twinrehz - 2019-09-25


Aubreygirl1115 - 2019-09-18

Y=256, duh. That’s the build limit fam

mojor struś - 2019-09-18


Cezar Catalin - 2019-09-18

Tall worlds mod:

Am I a joke to you ?

LBurhenn - 2019-09-17

Well it's 7,000 steps to High Hrothgar, plus the tip of the Throat of the World is a bit higher up. Much easier to get to by dragon.

Ken Fulton {Baby Elder} - 2019-09-17

Why can't you play hide and seek with mountains?

Because they are always peaking ⛰

Christel Headington - 2019-09-17

I knew that.

TheCimbrianBull - 2019-09-17

ROFL! 🤣 😂 😅

Bill DeCat - 2019-09-17

Thanks everyone, he'll be here all week and don't forget to try the veal.

marcusmvpgoat 123 - 2019-09-17

@Abdullah Ansari ikr

I- - 2019-09-18


moony thejedi - 2019-09-17

what glacial buzzsaw already disliked this delightful video

Cezar Catalin - 2019-09-18

s. spain
I think gravity gets the final say though...

Iain Ballas - 2019-09-17

You know, I had sat down for some rest and relaxation and asked myself "Gee, how high can you stack rocks?"
The more you know.

Cathy b - 2019-09-17

Thanks. I never thought about that : mountain so heavy that it can block the tectonic plaques. The trempoline image made it so clear and logical.
I really like your channel and all the other PBS programs. 😊
I always learn new things.

Limi V - 2019-09-18

It's tectonic plates. Plaque is the icky stuff on your teeth you brush off every day [I hope]

Cathy b - 2019-09-18

@Limi V
You're right. I'm french and I used the french word. 😁
Tectonic plate in french is plaque tectonique. ...

francisco osorio - 2019-09-17

Ice: Ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from gettin to you babe

0 - 2019-09-18

Unless you're Snoop Dogg, then you're too damn high.

John Crocker - 2019-09-18

Thanks for the reminder tho.

John Opalko - 2019-09-18

I read the title as, "How Tall Are Mountain Goats?" which indicated to me that it was time to shut off the computer and go to bed.

uday raj - 2019-09-18

It depends in how much that damn squirrel shakes the core

Agent Washingtub - 2019-09-18

So could you say that Mount Everest is the most 𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘵ing of all mountains?

TartTooth - 2019-09-17

Idk, name your future kid Mountain and find out.

jackson kye - 2019-09-18

5 foot 11 inches

ᛋᛒᛖ‍ᚱᚫᛞᚻᛏ - 2019-09-18

In that case "The Montain" (Hafthor Bjornson) is 6'9" so that must be the limit.

jackson kye - 2019-09-18

@ᛋᛒᛖ‍ᚱᚫᛞᚻᛏ actually jokes aside I have an uncle who is 7"2 so you can go higher.

ᛋᛒᛖ‍ᚱᚫᛞᚻᛏ - 2019-09-18

@jackson kye that's tall but don't count unless he's named mountain

Miles Huff - 2019-09-18

I think OP is joking about "Mountain" getting high on drugs, not about him/her being tall.

villen - 2019-09-17

I feel like this guy didn't know any of this until he was handed the script

Surabhi Kumari - 2019-09-17

" Gravity pulls things down. "

Why teachers don't understand this ?

Patrick McCurry - 2019-09-17

Gravity doesn't so much pull things down as down itself is defined by gravity.

Metamétodo - 2019-09-18

@Gringocolombian 3 I need a list of things explained just like this. Avoiding the most details possible and with the most stupid and ridiculous use of words.

OmicronChan - 2019-09-18

@Metamétodo Just missing a few commas

Metamétodo - 2019-09-18

@OmicronChan thanks for the reminder, I'm not very good at that. I usually think in these big confusing chunks and I'm not good at synthesizing them, especially when writing. English not being my first language probably doesn't help either.

Najeeb Choudhury - 2019-09-18

@Gringocolombian 3 take a joke without being an intellectual smartass

Mello Magnum - 2019-09-18

0:17 almost thought you said "Throat of the World" - had me excited there for a second

Gelgamath _ - 2019-09-17

"Physics just aren't on our side"

BigSocks - 2019-09-18

That was more interesting than expected. Thanks for the excellent research, and presentation, as usual!! :)

Aaron Valle - 2019-09-17

Gla-cee-al Buzzz-SaWWwH

Deadringer - 2019-09-18

Aaron Valle that’s what i’m going to call my band

Aaron Valle - 2019-09-18

@Deadringer Hahaha it will be an honor buddy, what type of band?

I Collect Stories - 2019-09-17

3:39 "Physics ... aren't" singular??🙃🙃 Ditto for maths, right? 🙃😜

Michael Sbarra - 2019-09-19

Just commenting to say that while I was fast scrolling through my YouTube recommended list I thought it read “How tall can Mountain Goats”

Mj - 2019-09-24

We all know Mount Everest is the highest mountain. What’s this video about.

Chris Palace - 2019-09-17

"I hate being bipolar, it's awesome."

ronkirk50 - 2019-09-18

I've always been interested in Geology and the forces that formed our planet. Thanks for this insight.

sdfkjgh - 2019-09-18

0:41 For all my Great British Baking Show fans out there, we're well aware of crustal shortening.

Jone Chong - 2019-09-18

I couldn't concentrate after "Crustal Shortening". I keep thinking of baking a delicious pie!

Christopher Noel - 2019-09-20

In a way, it's like how cathedrals can only reach so high before they need to be supported by buttress after buttress, linked with flying buttresses. The areas surrounding the massive mountain are deformed due to the downward pressure of the mountain.

6KOMOD - 2019-09-18

I have heard inside Mt Everest they sell every thing at 30% off

Aaron - 2019-09-18

Answer: pretty damn tall.

bsmrk89 - 2019-09-18

It just heals the soul to hear Michael's soothing satin voice

Y.L. Coe-Tour - 2019-09-18

Crustal shortening? Joey Tribiani: " In the chestal area..."

RnathanF - 2019-09-18

I want this guy to take a deep breath and fully engage his voice prior to recording a video. I'm constantly losing track of what he's saying due to him running out of air.

Dee B - 2019-09-18

A question i never thought of.

Adam - 2019-09-18

Orogeny would be a great episode of Crash Course: Geology, if only we had that.

Irene Deneb - 2019-09-18

It has always intrigued me to wonder how tall the absolute tallest mountain in the history of our planet was. Maybe there have been a few anomalous giants that were a bit taller than Everest is.

DaKermitFrog - 2019-09-18

Ahh! I missed your face! Welcome back :D

Perun42 - 2019-09-18

And as always, thank you for interesting video :)

Melrick - 2019-09-18

the "Bends an Sag" words.. bended
anyone else noticed?

LeatherNeck 1833 - 2019-09-18

There is also wind and weather erosion that comes into play, too.

james hall - 2019-09-23

So I 4 min video saying we dont know really how tall a mountain can get lol

Marx The Enigma - 2019-09-17

Pretty darn tall. Look at the behemoths on Popstar. Though these are probably artificially created.

Tamara Epps - 2019-09-18

This video would have been great with some graphics to explain, rather than just words on a screen (especially as you already have CC for those who need it).

Christos Bakolas - 2019-09-18

I wonder how many takes needed to keep a straight face on this video about earth hardons.