> temp > à-trier > explosive-mixture-of-p4-and-kclo3-allchemystery

Mixing P4 and KClO3 is a Bad idea!

AllChemystery - 2019-06-15

some time ago i got hold of some stinking Carbon Disulfide. there was only only thing i could think of to do with it.......

go away - 2019-06-16

The sound in the video doesn’t represent how loud it really is.

Yeeter Man - 2019-10-28

dontlikemath -.- ” do not try this at home ”

Science 007 - 2019-06-15

You're crazy I love it!!

Darian Ballard - 2019-06-16

fun stuff

Pure Energy ! - 2019-06-15

Nearly like Nitrogen triiodide 😬

happy guy - 2020-01-12

Maybe a little scarier considering NI3 doesn't contain a component that slowly heats up in air...

AllChemystery - 2020-06-27

Energy Tests far more energetic! It’s like a supercharged flash mix. Can only imagine if I had used Aluminium in it... which I really wish I’d thought of!

KR - 2020-08-15

@AllChemystery please revisit this with Dark Aluminum, sulpher and Zinc, I'm always so dang curious what would happen if you mixed a bunch of these compounds together in ways they should never ever ever be put together. I've always wanted to watch someone mix a bunch of different type of flash powder together with some black powder. Just to see what would happen in a controlled environment with someone who knows exactly what they are doing and can do it safe so no one goes an dies or hurts themselves trying it at home. Watching this makes me want to see what reaction you could get if you mixed a bunch of the ingredients in all the different explosives together and then add this to the top and get far away imcase it reacts violently

Mr G - 2019-06-15

Keep up the good work and be safe ;)

happy guy - 2020-01-12

I can imagine that each of those little explosions at the end sounded like gunshots and firecrackers

Chemistry of Questionable Quality - 2021-01-04

I'll file this under, "stuff I never want to work with". Thank you for doing it so we don't have to!

user255 - 2019-06-15

Hah! Kinda unpredictable stuff!

Islam Mekk - 2020-02-11

Hi , I want to know How silver mercury turns into red mercury

Aussie Chemist - 2019-06-16

Glad to see you back and made a project out of them. 😳 I have been so busy with uni haven’t even given a thought about the stuff you gave me.

Doğuşcan Dönmez - 2019-06-15

Red phosphorus and potassium chlorate mixture is used in chinese made banger toys (revolver kind of banging toy guns) I used to play with them a lot when I was a child and my passion about exploding toys made me a chemist today.

Doğuşcan Dönmez - 2019-06-15

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i0J-G8tGHPA/maxresdefault.jpg these ones

Clint Pmk - 2019-06-16

Fucking awesome. All the almost micro piles exploding with enough force to be visible. What agreat demonstration of the power of chemistry

Mr Vương 89 - 2020-06-27

Oh my god

rocky rock - 2020-08-19

2:52-what is the white stuff?
2:56-what is in those flasks?

happy guy - 2019-08-01

Lol I'm guessing that tree was cursed for a while with bits of occasionally exploding chlorate crystals

acepilot1 - 2020-06-25

You can’t have fun with chemistry without being safe, or at least not for long

WAT - 2020-07-29

dissolved wp was used in self igniting incendiary & smoke grenades in ww2

Abdelhak Ouinharoune - 2019-06-15

OH MY GOD THE LEGENED IS BACK, can you MAYBE try synthesizing nitrites using the lead reduction method ? i've been wanting to make some azides but can't get sodium nitrite easily

go away - 2019-06-16

Whatever you do, don’t forget that azides can kill you very quickly in very small amounts, they are responsible for a lot of deaths

Abdelhak Ouinharoune - 2019-06-16

@go away that is true yeah for sure

xX_Immortal_kid_Xx - 2019-06-15

yellow chem bad

K0ester - 2020-10-29

Was out in my lab screwing around with different pyro mixes and whatnot. Now I know what mixing these two do, super sensitive mix. And just a littke bit ago, i had woken up from a nap, went back out to my lab and stared playing around. Put a little scoop or red p and chlorate into a littke bowl and started mixing, well at that moment i forgot what the two did because it blew up in my hands while mixing. Threw the bowl across the room, gave me a good ear ringing and scared the shit out of me. Ooooops

Pure Energy ! - 2019-06-16

Can you help me with a question? I will make silver azide to use in my Detonators, but I want to know if silver azide hydrolyzes in cold water or not?
I know it's photosensitive !

AllChemystery - 2019-06-16

No. It’s fine. You just need to get the stochiometry right or the Acidic nature of the nitrate can cause HN3 to form - bad news. Just start small. And filter quickly washing well. It’s photosensitivity should not affect its performance much as I’ve tested it bu long UV exposure and it seemed explosive enough still. It’s awful sensitive though. But in my opinion one of the better azides.

AllChemystery - 2019-06-16

Energetics Tests it’s also extremely static sensitive though so beware of cold dry conditions. It’s been known to snap at static you can’t even see.

Pure Energy ! - 2019-06-16

@AllChemystery Thank you very much !

pyro Chris - 2020-12-26

Thats some crazy shit though.

Blue Vortex - 2019-10-11

This really is a pimped up version of the Armstrongs mixture and my hats off to you for attempting it!

Was that phosphorus pentoxide fumes just before the explosions happened?

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2019-06-17

Mixing P4 and KClO3 is a good idea.... Result is explosive telescopic stick....!

CRAZY PYRO - 2020-08-25


pyro Chris - 2020-12-26

Howvome you dont talk. I cant read that fast. So I have no idea wtf is going on.

AllChemystery - 2020-12-26

I don’t want to identify myself by my accent lol.. you can always pause it!

Kung Fu Pyro - 2019-09-20

The problem here is that you have to complete saturate the KCLO3 with your P4 solution and wait for the reaction, It will go boom, you just have to wait. Remember this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1MVoE7KgcY

Kekistani Armorer - 2019-06-15

Imagine how a copper plate would have been shaped after that.

Enrique Gijon - 2019-06-16

MUY buenas tardes , vieron ustedes la pelicula la jungla de cristal?,el explosivo binario que eran dos liquidos?,pues se me ocurre uno parecido mmhahaha XD

محمد عبدالله - 2020-04-21

its used in miltary somke shells red phosphorus
and white in phosphorus thermite bomb very deadly

SAV OİE - 2020-04-22

ESSELAMUN ALEYKUM you can browse my channel bro