> politique > the-rise-of-sweden-s-far-left-militants

The Rise Of Sweden's Far-Left Militants

VICE News - 2014-05-27

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Ultra-nationalist political parties scored unprecedented victories at the European elections, making the rise of the far-right in Europe impossible to ignore. Many of these groups, some of which are openly neo-Nazi, are gaining strength everywhere.

In Sweden, there's been a sharp rise in political violence in the country, with crimes carried out by radical groups making headlines. However, what's unusual is that one of the most violent extremist organizations in Sweden aligns itself not with Nazism and the far-right, but with anti-fascism and the far-left.

Known as the Revolutionary Front, this group of militant socialists aim to crush fascism by any means necessary. VICE News set out to try and find the Revolutionary Front, and to understand the unlikely rise of the militant far-left in Sweden.

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SUB TO schngstbr ABBONIERT - 2019-05-23

You know it's serious when vice made a video about radical leftists

creepyendy - 2020-02-11

stimmt haha

Caleb T - 2020-02-15

Portland in 2020

TheJewThatCuckedYou - 2020-03-10

@Viola stop feeding the troll he's getting fat

Rts - 2020-03-17

darron pattel I think someone’s having a laugh, you little scamp you. Can’t believe they thought you were being serious

Barry Shitpeas - 2020-03-21

You people are ridiculous lmao, no wonder you only exist in the autistic corners of the internet, you have constructed an entire world view based on nonsense. None of you have studied politics on any formal level and none of you seem to know what 'left' and 'right' mean. Only in these online echochambers can you idiots make your arguments without them being pointed out for the idiocy that they are. For the love of god just google 'left right spectrum' and you will instantly see it doesn't apply. Opposing fascists isn't 'far left.
Google is your friend. You are the laziest examples of pseudo-intellectuals that exist in the modern world. Facepalm.

juu jaa - 2019-11-16

Must be hard to be a police when far left says you're a nazi and far right says you're a communist.

bOREeeeeeeeeee - 2020-03-10

@cabosei vankass commies should join them too

SupercatGaming - 2020-03-11

@Epic Gamer no racist

SuperSwede07 - 2020-03-16

Well that might make you a authoritarian

Demiurge Shadow - 2020-03-20

@fried watersheep i dont see alot of peace.

J EZ - 2020-03-22


Duolingo Owl - 2019-10-08

I would actually pay to see extreme leftist and extreme rightist fight like gladiators.
That must be fun :D

jiggareactmilitant - 2020-03-20

@Victor didnt the us military just lose to a bunch of dudes in robes w/ shitty rifles.

jiggareactmilitant - 2020-03-20

@D'lish Donut There's a million examples of left revolutionary parties crushing the right (often backed by the us). Also the black panther party (marxist-leninist) wreaked havoc in the states. So yes, the left is stronger than you think.

jiggareactmilitant - 2020-03-20

@john magill there are plenty of trans militants in the nda and naxalite armies.

Victor - 2020-03-20

jiggareactmilitant my country has not been in a war in over 200 years, i dont give a fk about ww2 or us..

Victor - 2020-03-20

Chulio are you?


2020: Nazi Europe vs Communist Europe
Switzerland: Its popcorn time

Zürcher - 2020-03-09

It's the same here pretty aggressive between the right and the left

Casimir Alexander - 2020-03-19

THE COMMUNIST CHANNEL Switzerland laundered Nazi monies in WW2, and are one with the Vatican Bank and Rothschilds. Not a “neutral” bystander, but a cloaked villain. Research

Rule Brittania - 2019-08-29

"I'm not racist I just want only one race in Sweden."

One eyed Cantab! - 2020-03-20

Ayryan blue eyed blond high IQ White!✊

Neymil Simpson - 2020-03-20

Anglus Patria bull shit they’ve already killed our children and raped them and still nothing has been done

Base Vegeta - 2020-03-20

@One eyed Cantab! hey man you can believe in what you wanna believe In but it's still racist

alessandro baselli - 2020-03-22

David Parks this is the most retarded comment I’ve read in a long time

alessandro baselli - 2020-03-22

Btw things will kinda change after the corona crisis in Europe . Honestly just destroy the human race with an atomic war once I’m dead . I’m sure we’ll just delete problems such as racism or immigration

Thomas Gallagher - 2020-01-14

@1:50 COMPLETELY fabricated subtitle here. clearly heard "No Pasaran, No No" aka 'you won't pass' - the famous Spanish antifascist slogan

Gott Ist Ein PopStar - 2020-03-13

Sergio Fernandez Yeah, “They” would be more appropriate. I guess those two years of Spanish didn’t do much LOL

Sergio Fernandez - 2020-03-13

@Gott Ist Ein PopStar Already better than my German; Beste Grube

Mexicanista - 2020-03-14

@Mr. Trotsky but they entered either way

Josué Gama - 2020-03-16

Gott Ist Ein PopStar actually it’d mean [they] shall not pass.

GabZonY - 2020-03-22

this is true - to give a bit of credit to vice however, "inga nazister/fascister på våra gator" (no nazis/fascists on our streets) is a very very common slogan used by antifascists in counter protests. my guess to what happened here is that this was shouted just beforehand or after, and they due to language barriers simply didn't realise that what was shouted had changed, so left in the subtitle in that short clip. something they should've probably caught, but eh editorial misses like this are bound to happen from time to time.

ANDREW SWANSON - 2020-01-20

1:17 Volvo abuse should be a crime in Sweden

Aaron Bergman - 2020-02-26

that's an audi tho...

Kengol21 - 2019-09-30

"I dont call me racist
-would you prefer Sweden if there was only 1 race ?

So you are racist dude...

Invitctus Eto - 2020-03-21

That's not really racist I mean if you start saying like for example like some people will say a Mexican does nothing but jump walls that racist but if some people just doesn't want any other race in their country I mean not really racist

DG - 2020-03-21

@Invitctus Eto It is racist. The fact that you don't believe that shows your racism.

Invitctus Eto - 2020-03-21

@DG so I'm racist for saying that this is why you people are just some else these days I swear bending definitions of words it just makes no sense

DG - 2020-03-21

@Invitctus Eto You're racist cause you want to be secluded from all other ethnicities.

alessandro baselli - 2020-03-22

Racism against Islam doesn’t exist because “ Islam “ isn’t a race . Intolerant is the correct word to describe it

Lillol Lul - 2020-01-02

“Are you sure you want your fingerprints on this”

arnaud De Ryck - 2020-01-06

He just said enough right there

pielad pieman? - 2020-01-20

yeah that was stupid asf

Heinz Guderian - 2020-01-01

Dons helmet
checks belt
grabs shotgun

Jumps down into comments section

Freddit _animations - 2020-01-17

@Schlomo Shekelbergtransgenderstein disgusting

Δημήτρης Λυγίρης - 2020-02-26

Heinz Ketchup, calm down

Shahrzade Vahida - 2020-03-04

Why am i in Germany?!

Freddit _animations - 2020-03-04

@Shahrzade Vahida why not

atm 487 - 2020-03-18

@Schlomo Shekelbergtransgenderstein lmao dude your name is literally Schlomo, this is such a /pol/tard tell especially with the soy joke

The Carrot Clarinet - 2019-12-23

Man this comment space is pretty awful

Some Dude-TM - 2020-02-09

@Cookie Bot Keyboard Warriors prefer to seek shelter in the internet.

Diciestsnow 6948 - 2020-02-10

The Carrot Clarinet welcome to the internet

The Carrot Clarinet - 2020-02-10

Racists thinking they're in the majority in anything is really fucking funny. Have fun getting ostracized

Jeff stevens - 2020-02-14

@The Carrot Clarinet Yes, I hope they get in a lot of trouble for there Antisemitism

Yass Zone - 2020-02-22

Worst thing, it's not just your typical "white supremacists" dumbasses, even the ones replying to them and debating them are bad shit crazy and fucking dumb. I need bleach in my eyes to recover from this.

Best Of Trap And one hour music - 2020-03-09

2014: nah.
2020: perfect time for a recommendention

Matthew Ray - 2020-03-10

YouTube is trying to make all the little dicked Republicans happy I guess before their hero gets voted out of office

Best Of Trap And one hour music - 2020-03-11

@Matthew Ray true true

John Wayne - 2020-03-15

This was recommended before you dumb 10 year old.

Paul Dodds - 2020-03-17

@John Wayne Issa joke

Omni Fortuna - 2020-03-17

@Paul Dodds It's an incredibly unoriginal, stupid and unfunny one.

techstyle123 - 2019-12-23

He's right the working class built everything yet they have no say

ComedyPow - 2020-03-10

@Daniel Høyberg U know that Nazi germany was very left. The only right thing in ther agenda was ther national pride the rest was very socialist. Right = Power to the people / Left = Power to the goverment ( like nazi germany )

Zen - 2020-03-12

@ComedyPow good joke

Zen - 2020-03-12

@Skank Hunt42 saving their country so they can exploit foreigners? economic migrants are a natural result of capitalism and to deny that and to think you can just forcibly stop this crisis without removing capitalism makes you fascist

SB Dunk - 2020-03-13

@ComedyPow The issue is that you have constructed your own definition of left and right.
Have a look here for the general understanding of it:

If you now use "authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism" as examples of right-wing, the Nazi party could easily be labelled right-wing.

MillerIndustriesInc - 2020-03-14

@ComedyPow left/right is an economic scale, dumbass. Size of government has no bearing on if your society is left or right. That metric is literally as useful as number of cities or some shit. You can have a communist government that is extremely small and a fascist one that is huge.

Zylsa - 2020-01-01

I'm moving to mars when it's available

K S - 2020-02-23

Far Right Martians may not want you there for not looking too Martian.

kevin juantin - 2020-03-08

@K S agree👍

Jessica - 2020-03-09

Ughhh and live with those alien savages??

Aron - 2020-03-13

@Sugar Plum N Mum Sweetest Ever no one wants to live in denmark dansk jävel

Sugar Plum N Mum Sweetest Ever - 2020-03-14

Aron ... okay, You can just stay in Sweden then. Your kind of person are also not very Common or wanted here ....
Men dom etniska svenska och etniske danska er jätte lik verandra och fungera bra ihop.
Dansker elsker Svenskere og omvendt. Vi vil altid stå sammen.
Men nu er alle grænser i hele Europa jo også ved at lukke helt med henblik på at undgå Quranvirus.
Det må og skal jo afbødes.
Så fra i morgen kl 12:kan du og mange andre jo slet ikke længere komme ind i Danmark.
Danmark mobilisere lige nu både politi og militæret til at stå overalt ved alle vores grænser.
Så grisefester må vente til engang til sommer måske.

Swastik Turan - 2020-01-28

Swedish :-
We need to do a hardcore protest
Also swedish :-
Just yelling 'go to hell' and showing middle finger to make it a hardcore protest

Sam McNeill McKinnell - 2020-02-05

Evidently that counts as extreme there

Sebastian - 2020-02-29

@Sam McNeill McKinnell 😂😂

Zen - 2020-03-12

smashing cars and privat property? pff fucking kids these days back in my days we would have guillotined the bourgies and seized the means of production completely!

Mega Gizios - 2020-02-04

8:13 Someone please tell him that a nazi founded Adidas

Dr. Evil - 2020-03-06


Zen - 2020-03-12

the workers produce the value non the less

Elle navia - 2020-01-09

They should update this was 6 years ago.

R.E. Volt - 2020-02-10

Far left , antifa lowlife scumbags are all dead from OD or AIDS....

WeirdestWolf - 2020-02-13

@Sonny Burnett I don't think he knows that mongoloid is a somewhat racist term for Asian people. He just knows the term mongo which has little relation to someone's race and is just another word for an idiot in Scotland.

Comrade Wildcat - 2020-02-21

There's no update to be made. The far-left is practically extinct in Sweden but the far-right is rising rapidly. They should make an update on that.

Christian Keedle - 2020-03-22

@Comrade Wildcat I'm not so sure about that, last time I heard Sweden was a "socialist utopia" so are there any statistics you can provide?

Comrade Wildcat - 2020-03-22

@Christian Keedle You've heard wrong. Sweden is not socialist and has never been. Here's a report from the Swedish State media built on statistics from Swedish police and secret police that show that there are about double the amount of right-wing extremist members than left-wing extremist members.
Just translate it.
Here's another report that show that Islamist terrorism is decreasing worldwide while right-wing extremist attacks are increasing especially in the west, Sweden included.
Here's an article about a study about right-wing extremism published in 2017 from the Swedish Total Defence Research Institute (part of Swedish military) regarding how right-wing extremism has increased in the past years and how people have been increasingly radicalised.
And then there's the fact that the populist right-wing party the Swedish Democrats whose main issue is immigration is currently one of the biggest parties with equal support as the current ruling party the Social Democrats. The Swedish Democrats is a party that has roots in Swedish Nazism and several members of the party have been proven to be right-wing extremist.

jiggareactmilitant - 2020-03-20

Itt: liberals thinking they are part of the left lmao. Far left is just the actual left.

GabZonY - 2020-03-22

maybe in your little bubble this is true but in most of the actual world and in actual politics liberal ideas are considered to be left of center.

Febopenny Ficari - 2020-03-22

@GabZonY maybe in america in most of europe liberal parties are right wing

GabZonY - 2020-03-22

@Febopenny Ficari it depends on what kind of liberals you're talking about. yes, moderate liberal parties are often considered right of center, but progressive liberal parties left of. what i read this guy as saying was basically that the only real left wing ideals are the radical ones, ie ones that seek to dismantle capitalism or unjust hierarchies in general, which is just false by any definition.

kungfalco - 2020-01-03

SVP has had a closure because of economic crisis and the so called Fair Lefts are unknown to me... And I have lived in this country for 18 years.

Pepito Kawazaki - 2020-01-16

"Helmet on!"
doesn't tie it

Stephen Metcalfe - 2020-03-08

He already had it on as well then took it off and went helmet on before putting it back on

alpoen 707 - 2020-03-14

They look like amateurs to the protest in hong kong

rooster9116 - 2018-12-09

"It's the interest of the working class that comes first."
>Breaks into the house of a working class man and destroys everything.

Palinka Suede - 2019-11-07

@atomic chimichangas because far left is fascist, yes I agree!

atomic chimichangas - 2019-11-07

@Palinka Suede nope because the fascists are fascists and deserved it lol

The Great Stoned Dragon - 2019-11-18

@Mob-wob you people and your copy paste insults are so predictable and retarded most likely like your weak selves that scream about revolution all day but probably don't train eat healthy or work out. Bunch of pussies who just want to be heroes without putting in the work.

The Great Stoned Dragon - 2019-11-18

@atomic chimichangas you both deserve it so get fucked you collectivist pos.

Artur Markowski - 2020-01-16

@Was geht's dich an 😂 i wonder if you know anything about economy....

Elliot Wright - 2020-02-13

Police seem so much more efficient and organised in Sweden

Sebastian - 2020-02-29

@Filon b1tch

Filon - 2020-02-29

@Sebastian woah woah, watch the magic

Maybe - 2020-03-11

oragnised and efficient ? No not really.
But most are still trying to do their job pretty decently and stop people from fighting and getting injured unlike most in USA. Still though, plenty of cases where Swedish police causes unnecessary injuries

Jennix - 2020-03-13

Bro our police kinda sucks.

Maybe - 2020-03-13

@Jennix yup. Least efficient in the entire world almost.

Svante - 2020-01-04

“If thereeee areee too meany I switch to thee knife, very shaarp” hahaha he I a bit crazy

f44. - 2020-02-15

I love this group very based

Martin Myggestik - 2020-01-16

I consider myself far middle.

ThunderousWaffle 11 - 2020-03-13

Martin Myggestik you just blew my mind.

Grey Navigator - 2020-03-13

@Maximilian of course, it's very important to be political, as long as you support our side.

Maximilian - 2020-03-14

@Grey Navigator you either support one side or the other. Inaction supports the status quo

Grey Navigator - 2020-03-14

@Maximilian I suspect we have different ideas of what constitutes inaction.

Izz Fitri - 2020-03-18

At last, a neutral and a sane person on the comment section.

Angry Foreigner - 2016-01-23

Hey, that's awesome. Trashing someone's apartment because they disagree with you is totally gonna get people to vote for the Left Party. You're doing great advertising for socialism there guys, expect Sweden to get on your side in no-time.

If you have to assault someone in order to prove a political point, then you clearly have a shitty point.

MillerIndustriesInc - 2020-03-14

How could you come to the conclusion that they are looking for votes? These people see literal neonazis doing parades protected by the police they pay their hard earned money to and want to do something about it. Some groups hold counter protests, and these people get more rowdy. Same thing happened with American civils rights fight but nah let's just sweep that under the rug and just let our confirmation bias tell us socialism is evil

Freedom of Speech - 2020-03-14

Antifa's Marxist ideology seeks to establish Communism. As sane people has woken up to the lies and unrealistic goals of the Leftist, Antifa are necessary for them to win the political debate. The Left slander, lie and censor their opposition, while Antifa intimidate and use physical violence to force them into submission.

When Communism failed to overthrow Western Civilization Marxism was invented. Marxism was to be a tool to destroy and subvert society to prepare it for a Communist Revolution.

"... The Frankfurt School's studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as "Critical Theory." Critical Theory was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture."

"Critical Theory incorporated sub-theories which themselves were intended to chip away at specific elements of the existing culture, including "matriarchal theory," "androgyny theory," "personality theory," "authority theory," "family theory," "sexuality theory," "racial theory," "legal theory" and "literary theory." Put into practice, these theories were to be used to overthrow the prevailing social order and usher in social revolution based on cultural Marxism."

Communism is basically: No freedom of speech, no guns, no private property or personal privacy, and no legal rights or bill of rights.

www death of communism com
www. 666blacksun .com
https :// jewryexposedblog1 .wordpress .com/
http :// www .kabbalahexposed .com/

Potato Fury - 2020-03-19

@Comrade Bambi
It’s really not though...

NamesNot Joe - 2020-03-20

@Jakob tärnroth It's funny how you didn't provide any sources to justify your claim.

Alexander - 2020-03-22

ändå rätt gött att begå dråp på en neo nazist

Barn Yard - 2020-02-13

Lmao dude throws on a skateboard helmet when the flashbangs went off😂😂

BenJamin - 2019-12-03

1:22 is no one gonna talk about the guy got stabbed twice in the back and was just walking around casually after

BenJamin - 2020-01-27

Drágoz 1994 im not american, im danish

123 - 2020-02-18

Well like 10 minutes after he probarly couldent even stand upp because of the pain in his back.

cowscowscows10 - 2020-03-09

Drágoz 1994 I mean just because ppl don’t train for a race war militia style every day doesn’t mean shit, cuz as far as numbers go, when shit goes down nobody is siding with the nazis lmao, but watch the anti fascists pick up hella recruits right off the bar

Maybe - 2020-03-11

@Drágoz 1994 the swedish people, yet your name is "Drágoz" and these swedes would like to deport you.
Also, disregarding the fact that your statement is false, doesn't 10(left)vs1(right) show that left are more popular, can cooperate and thus be the ones that are called "Swedish people" and not the others

Drágoz 1994 - 2020-03-11

@Maybe Dragoz is a name I got in a game, I'm Swedish. And no the left isn't more popular, just look at the statistics at what people voted for. And you do know that most of the right-wing people don't want to kick out anyone that arent 100% Swedes for example iv got a lot of Yugoslavian friends, where I got Drágoz from and they are all right-wing and a lot of other immigrants and children of immigrant vote right-wing as well. This is not a Swe vs all immigrant problem, this is normal people vs Radical left-wing ideas. And just to point out, you don't have to be 100% Swe to be in the Swedish people category. I was just pointing out how cowardly left-wing people are

vibe checker - 2019-10-12

3:43 anomaly is that you?

Daniel - 2020-02-24

not obese or autistic enough

Zen - 2020-03-12

all the csgo russians probably turned him into a ussr comrade

Arre : - 2020-02-05

Remember its not like this everywhere in sweden

Emil Strandell - 2020-02-10

Arre : the point is just to show that even countries like sweden wich is often portrayed in a very specific light in the media has problems that never are shown

Nabeken - 2020-02-25

@Emil Strandell That applies to all countries and also in the oppisite direction. Dont think you are an expert in national politics If you only watch foreign news

Maybe - 2020-03-11

@Emil Strandell yes. And I agree with it, it really should be shown.
Problem being, now it has turned to only showing the dark sides, even if the better side is 10x bigger. And it's gotten to the point that these are all people from the other side of the world believe in, and think this is commonplace

GIF CANCEL - 2019-05-15

Divided and conquered. Just the way oligarchs like it.

The Great Stoned Dragon - 2019-11-18

@HUNDmiau it certainly won't be your weak cowardly ass complaining on yt now will it?

The Great Stoned Dragon - 2019-11-18

@emily wilkerson i thin you retards should just kill each other off and leave the normal people of the world alone.

The Great Stoned Dragon - 2019-11-18

@T0M0K1TT3N they won't do it because they are too afraid and have no martial prowess to do so

felipe - 2020-02-17

yeah but one side benefits the oligarchs and the other doesn’t.

Demiurge Shadow - 2020-03-20

Somelines are drawn. Some are made by inhrent irreconcilsble differences.

UNION WORLD - 2019-10-19

This is how tyranny starts in some countries

Orson Jaques - 2019-08-16

Sweden, somehow, in the midst of all this - your forests were logged, and the wood made it to Detroit.

ImCoolandRich B - 2019-12-06

As we say in sweden "helt gälet"

Pellept03 - 2020-01-19

As we say in Denmark "typisk svensken"
(On a serious note though, I hope things get better for our brother country in the north)

sandwich protector - 2020-01-24

@Pellept03 we're soon gonna invade both denmark and norway :)

Phoenix_Down - 2020-02-22

@sandwich protector Blatantly not going to soon invade Denmark and Sweden

Sebastian - 2020-02-29

Aldrig hort Det

Augustus Mars - 2020-03-21

Und wir in Deutschland sagen:

No. - 2019-06-10

Who would’ve thought that VICE would make a video about radical leftists?

Must be really serious.

dustin jones - 2020-03-21

laying in the streets they will move when they see a truck coming down the road

i like frogs - 2019-06-19

Its growing because people are fed up with the influx of more and more people ,the so called refuges .

Gilbeto Rodela - 2020-03-19

I get the feeling United States will look like this in near future

Bag Dan - 2020-03-21

Solidarity from Greece comrades

mr man - 2019-05-26

Fun fact. neither the SVP or RF exist anymore. SVP dissolved 2014 while the RF dissolved in 2015

Marek Tužák - 2020-01-01

@FirecrackerOverload You mean Chad.

Grunt 420BlAzEiT - 2020-01-04

Dissolved down to the last atom

Svante - 2020-01-04

MaharlikaAWA no one really, it has become a lot calmer. Tho the NMR has gotten a bit mor Violent.

wolf - 2020-01-07

Nordfront still exist

Von Gädda - 2020-01-15

MaharlikaAWA now we have another organization that is called Nordic front or “Nordfront” in Swedish

Truly Charnock - 2020-01-18

Imagine thinking that any form of targeted extremism is the way to control a vote.

Viktor Andreev - 2019-11-11

It's ironic how we got these people and love balloons

The Mr. Man - 2019-09-24

Anyone gonna mention the SVP opened a whites only eugenics program or not

GuyUWishUWere - 2019-12-14


GuyUWishUWere - 2019-12-14


The Mr. Man - 2019-12-14

@GuyUWishUWere Watch the video.

GuyUWishUWere - 2019-12-14

@The Mr. Man okie-dokey

GuyUWishUWere - 2019-12-14

@The Mr. Man The reporter claims that svp runs a eugenics project but doesn't provide a source. no interview, no videos, nothing. I tried looking it up myself, but I didn't find anything.

TheBestOfSweden - 2019-08-03

Didnt’ know they could use the word ”far-left”

Strijk Spray - 2019-11-17

We've Been here before

Allan Sagahon - 2020-03-14

Two sides of the same coin.

axel karlsson - 2019-07-15

1:32 alingsås bror hahaha gg

Ramiro Burger - 2019-06-14

I’ll back them

Ayman Damer - 2019-08-30